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Neotrop. ichthyol ; 17(1): e170168, 2019. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-990194


Morphological characters of species are essential for assessing the functional structure of a fish assemblage, since differences between them, for example in body shape, are related to many functional and ecological traits (e.g., swimming, search for food, striking and capturing prey, evading predators, spawning). Globally, tidal flats are relevant to fish assemblages by offering feeding, refuge, and reproduction grounds. To analyze the morphofunctional structure of the fish assemblage from a tidal flat on the Brazilian coast, we conducted standardized sampling using nine different fishing gears. The geometric morphometric method was applied to describe the fish shapes and verify the morphological structure of the assemblage. Here, we present the influence/susceptibility of each gear type on the morphological diversity of the fish assemblage. The results indicated that beach seine, otter trawl, marginal encircling gillnet, and fish traps, together, were the most effective gears to represent the maximum morphological variability of fish inhabiting that tidal flat. Moreover, the assemblage showed high morphological redundancy considered as a resistance of the ecosystem for avoiding functional diversity loss, emphasizing the importance of complementary gear use when determining fish assemblages in a conservation context.(AU)

Os caracteres morfológicos das espécies são essenciais para avaliar a estrutura funcional de uma assembleia de peixes, uma vez que as diferenças entre elas são indicativas de distintas características ecológicas. De forma geral, as planícies de maré são importantes para assembleias de peixes por oferecerem áreas para alimentação, refúgio e reprodução. Para analisar a estrutura morfofuncional da assembleia de peixes de uma planície de maré na costa brasileira, realizamos amostragens utilizando nove diferentes artes de pesca. Para descrever as formas dos peixes e verificar a diversidade morfológica da assembleia foi aplicado o método de morfometria geométrica. Aqui, apresentamos a influência/suscetibilidade de cada arte de pesca na composição morfológica da assembleia de peixes, uma vez que a forma do corpo está relacionada a diversos aspectos funcionais e ecológicos (como por exemplo nadar, procurar ativamente por comida, atacar e capturar presas, evadir de predadores, se reproduzir). Os resultados indicaram que o arrasto de praia, o arrasto de fundo, a rede de emalhar marginal e as armadilhas, em conjunto, foram os apetrechos mais efetivos para representar a máxima diversidade morfológica dos peixes que habitam esta planície de maré. Além disso, a assembleia apresentou elevada redundância morfológica, fato que indica resistência deste ecossistema para evitar a perda de diversidade funcional.(AU)

Animaux , Poissons/anatomie et histologie , Morphogenèse , Industrie du Poisson
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 15(4): e170037, 2017. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-895111


Ecomorphological patterns of the fish community were evaluated in the trans-Andean Alvarado River drainage, Colombia. A total of 29 species using 25 ecomorphological indices were analyzed to test how well the ecomorphological patterns are related to the fish assemblage. Although a significant correlation was found (Mantel test) between morphological attributes and trophic guilds, habitat use and distribution across the altitudinal gradient, only the last two were significantly independent of the phylogenetic relationships (partial Mantel test). Regarding the ecomorphological space, two main trends were defined. First, benthic periphytivores and invertivores were characterized by having dorsal or dorsolateral eyes, labial appendages, depressed bodies and well-developed pectoral, ventral and caudal fins, which provide them the ability to stabilize over the substrate and make rapid movements. Second, nektonic detritivore-invertivores and insectivores were found to have laterally compressed bodies, lateral eyes and larger eyes and anal fins. These species use vision during predation, are good continuous swimmers and possess higher maneuverability and stability. These results show that the fish assemblages in the Alvarado River drainage are structured ecomorphologically mainly by habitat and the altitudinal gradient. Therefore, this is evidence of the importance of habitat structure to maintain the functionality of the ecosystem.(AU)

Se evaluaron los patrones ecomorfológicos de la comunidad íctica en la cuenca transandina del Río Alvarado, Colombia. Se analizaron 29 especies empleando 25 índices ecomorfológicos con el fin de evaluar los patrones ecomorfológicos con el ensamblaje de peces. A pesar de que se encontró una correlación significativa (Prueba de Mantel) de los atributos morfológicos con los gremios tróficos, preferencia de hábitat y la distribución de las especies a lo largo del gradiente altitudinal, solamente las dos últimas fueron independientes de la filogenia (Prueba parcial de Mantel). Con relación al espacio ecomorfológico dos patrones fueron identificados. Primero, las especies bentónicas perifitívoras e invertívoras, caracterizadas por ojos dorsales o dorsolaterales, cuerpos deprimidos y aletas desarrolladas, proporcionando la capacidad de estabilizarse sobre el sustrato y realizar movimientos rápidos. Segundo, especies nectónicas detritívoras-invertivoras e insectívoras con cuerpos comprimidos, ojos laterales y mayor área relativa de ojos y aleta anal; estos usan la visión durante la actividad predatoria, con mayor capacidad de maniobrabilidad y estabilización. Estos resultados muestran que el ensamblaje de peces en la cuenca está estructurado principalmente por el uso de hábitat y el gradiente altitudinal, esto podría ser evidencia de la importancia de la estructura del hábitat para garantizar la funcionalidad del ecosistema.(AU)

Animaux , Biodiversité , Hydrobiologie , Poissons , Drainage/médecine vétérinaire
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 13(1): 165-178, Jan-Mar/2015. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-744506


We tested the contribution of the phylogenetic and specific components to the ecomorphological structure of stream fish from the upper Paraguai River and upper São Francisco River basins, and identified nodes in the phylogenetic tree at which major ecological shifts occurred. Fish were sampled between June and October of 2008 in 12 streams (six in each basin). In total, 22 species from the upper Paraguai River basin and 12 from the upper São Francisco River were analyzed. The ecomorphological patterns exhibited phylogenetic signal, indicating that the ecomorphological similarity among species is associated with the degree of relatedness. A strong habitat template is most likely to be the primary cause for a high phylogenetic signal. A significant contribution from the specific component was also detected, supporting the idea that the phylogenetic signal occurs in some clades for some traits, but not in others. The major ecological shifts were observed in the basal nodes, suggesting that ecological niche differences appear to accumulate early in the evolutionary history of major clades. This finding reinforces the role of key traits in the diversification of Neotropical fishes. Ecological shifts in recent groups could be related to morphological modifications associated with habitat use.

Examinamos a contribuição dos componentes filogenético e específico para a estrutura ecomorfológica de peixes de riacho das bacias do alto rio Paraguai e do alto rio São Francisco, e identificamos os nós na árvore filogenética onde ocorreram as maiores mudanças ecológicas. Os peixes foram amostrados entre junho e outubro de 2008 em 12 riachos (seis em cada bacia). No total, 22 espécies do alto rio Paraguai foram analisadas e 12 do alto rio São Francisco. O padrão ecomorfológico exibiu sinal filogenético, indicando que a similaridade ecomorfológica entre as espécies está associada com o grau de parentesco. Um forte 'habitat template' é provavelmente a maior causa para o forte sinal filogenético. Foi detectada uma significativa contribuição do componente específico, apoiando a ideia de que o sinal filogenético ocorre em alguns clados para alguns traços, mas não em outros. As maiores mudanças ecológicas foram observadas nos nós basais sugerindo que as diferenças do nicho ecológico em peixes de riacho parecem acumular-se cedo na história evolutiva dos clados e reforça o papel de traços fundamentais na diversificação de peixes Neotropicais. Mudanças ecológicas em grupos recentes podem estar relacionadas com uma modificação morfológica associada ao uso do habitat.

Animaux , Biote/génétique , Poissons/croissance et développement , Phylogenèse
Braz. j. morphol. sci ; 23(3/4): 295-301, July-Dec. 2006. ilus
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-644241


Among the comparative approaches that have been used to understand the patterns of morphologicaldiversification, those related to the detection and evaluation of large-scale evolutionary trends have recentlybeen highlighted. A new method known as the analysis of skewness (ANSKEW) allows partitioning betweenthe passive and driven trends associated with the random occupation of a bounded morphological spaceand a single morphological attractor, respectively. This partitioning provides a better understanding of therelative role of processes that occur at distinct hierarchical levels associated with the macroevolutionarytrends of morphological diversification. In this paper, we used this new approach to understand the patternsof morphological diversification in Erodiscini (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Otidocephalinae) beetles. Whengenera were used as subclades, ANSKEW revealed that 19.9% of the body size variation in the Erodiscini wasattributable to driven trends, i.e., a morphological attractor, whereas 80.1% of the variation was attributableto the occupation of different adaptive zones by distinct subclades (a passive process), with the passivecomponents being significant (based on 5,000 bootstrap samples). This simple approach to partitioningprovided insights into the intrinsic dynamics of body size evolution in this group without the need to considerexplicit phylogenetic structures. Such analyses could provide a starting point for further evaluation of adaptivevariation at multiple hierarchical levels and of the processes underlying the relationship between variationin body size and other ecological, physiological and behavioral aspects.

Animaux , Coléoptères/anatomie et histologie , Coléoptères/physiologie , Variation génétique , Coléoptères , Biodiversité , Insectes , Charançons
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