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Rev. bras. saúde ocup ; 49: edcinq15, 2024. tab, graf
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529976


Resumo Introdução: processos de alto risco com elevadas taxas de acidentes desafiam a segurança. Por outro lado, sistemas ultrasseguros conquistaram ótimos indicadores. Em ambos, a prevenção parece ter chegado a um limite - em um deles, porque parece impotente para gerar prevenção; no outro, porque foi tão bem-sucedida que parece impossível avançar. Objetivo: evidenciar a contribuição da Ergonomia em prol da segurança, nas situações descritas, suas possibilidades ainda por explorar, entre elas a Ergonomia de concepção na integração homem-máquina (sistemas informatizados). Método: análise comparativa dos achados oriundos de estudos ergonômicos em sistemas de produção com altas taxas de acidentes e sistemas ultrasseguros. Discussão: a análise da atividade dos motofretistas mostrou que existem alternativas de ação ainda não exploradas entre as relações de trabalho desfavoráveis e a percepção de inevitabilidade dos acidentes. Nos sistemas ultrasseguros, o aparente limite pode ser superado com os avanços recentes na análise da ação e cognição situadas e na construção de espaços de debate que permitam o retorno da experiência de campo. Em sistemas informatizados, as práticas de projeto colaborativo, que se valem da experiência dos trabalhadores para alimentar as dinâmicas de aprendizagem e a confiabilidade técnica, são possibilidades ainda pouco praticadas na Engenharia de Segurança.

Abstract Introduction: while high-risk processes with high accident rates challenge safety, High Reliability Organization (HRO) achieve excellent indicators. In both cases, prevention seems to have reached a limit. In the former, because it seems powerless to generate prevention; in the latter, because it has been so successful that it seems impossible to reach greater levels. Objective: to highlight the contribution of Ergonomics to safety in these situations, pointing out unexplored possibilities such as design Ergonomics in man-machine integration (computerized systems). Method: comparative analysis of findings from ergonomic studies on production systems with high accident rates and HRO. Discussion: analysis of the motorcycle freight drivers' activity revealed alternatives yet to be explored between unfavorable work relations and the perceived inevitability of accidents. The apparent limit of HRO can be overcome with recent advances in the analysis of situated action and cognition and by building debate spaces based on field experience. Collaborative design practices, which draw on worker experience to feed learning dynamics and technical reliability, remains a poorly explored possibility in Safety Engineering when it comes to computerized systems.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218406


The visual ability of road users is fundamental to traffic safety. Despite the high burden of traffic crashes and associated mortality in low-income countries such as Nigeria, evidence for an association between vision function and traffic safety outcomes is scarce. Therefore, the aim of this work was to evaluate the visual acuity of commercial motorcyclists operating within the main campus of Abia State University, Uturu. Two hundred operators who had been on the job for at least one year constituted the test population, while staff and students of Abia State University, Uturu, who were sex and aged-matched and who are not commercial motor cyclists constituted the control group. Data were obtained with the aid of a structured questionnaire and clinical examinations were carried out by standard procedures. Results showed that Snellen抯 fraction which is a indicator of visual acuity for the left eye of control and test groups was recorded as 0.98+- 0.30 and 0.88+- 0.35 respectively and for the right eyes 0.99+- 0.10 and 0.87+- 0.50 respectively. Only 38% of test group had normal visual acuity of 6/6 compared to 73% of control. Visual acuity correlated negatively with age for the left (r = - 0.712) and right (r = - 0.740) eyes as well as with length of service for left (r = -0.623 and right (r = - 0.632) eyes of motorcyclist operators. In conclusion, visual acuity was inversely proportional to age and length of service.

Ibom Medical Journal15 ; 15(3): 215-222, 2022. tales, figures
Article Dans Anglais | AIM | ID: biblio-1398628


Background: Men's influences are gradually being recognised in pregnancy and delivery care. The study aims to determine the knowledge and attitude of male commercial motorcyclists on pregnancy care and delivery of women. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among married male commercial motorcyclists, operating in Ibadan North Local Government Area selected using a cluster sampling technique. Data was collected using a pre-tested, structured interviewer-administered questionnaire, and analysed using SPSS version 16. Each section was evaluated using rating of a three-point Likert scale with each item scored based on responses ranging from disagree to agree. Results were presented in tables and charts. Results: Four hundred and fifty three male commercial motorcyclists were interviewed. The mean age was 34.2±7.3years, 301 (66.4%) had secondary education, while 390 (86.1%) were in a monogamous marriage. Thirty 30(6.6%) respondents did not know when their wives registered for ANC while majority, 444(98.1%) did not know the duration of their wives' labour. Few respondents 46 (10.2%) recognized vaginal bleeding as a common danger signs in pregnancy while 277 (61.1%) agree that women should have at least four ANC visits before delivery. Many of the respondents 315 (69.6%) had good knowledge, and 304 (67.1%) had positive attitude towards antenatal and delivery care. Conclusion: Educational efforts on maternal health care should also focus on the men to improve their knowledge, attitude and involvement in antenatal and pregnancy.

Humains , Participation des patients , Prestations des soins de santé , Grossesse , Savoir , Soins ambulatoires ,
Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 17(2): 122-135, jul.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1384707


Resumen Cada año cientos de motociclistas mueren en accidentes de tránsito. Una de las causas es la baja percepción del riesgo al conducir, que influye en la aparición de comportamientos riesgosos. El objetivo de este estudio fue adaptar y validar la escala Aversion to Risk Taking Scale (ARTS) en una muestra de motociclistas colombianos, para evaluar el riesgo percibido frente a distintos comportamientos considerados peligrosos en la vía. Participaron 436 motociclistas del Departamento de Nariño (Colombia), con edades entre 18 y 71 años (M= 28.27; DT= 8.68). Se actualizó la escala con dos nuevos ítems (consumo de sustancias psicoactivas y uso del casco); se realizó un ajuste lingüístico, se valoró la consistencia interna, las evidencias de validez de contenido, validez de constructo (análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio) y validez comparada con la Escala de autoeficacia para la conducción. La ARTS presentó óptimas propiedades psicométricas para una estructura unifactorial. Se reconocen óptimos valores de consistencia interna (α= 0.94; ɷ= 0.95). Se evidenció una correlación inversa con la Escala de Autoeficacia para la Conducción, corroborando el constructo. Los resultados sugieren que la ARTS, adaptada y actualizada para Colombia, es una con calidad psicométrica probada; por tanto, es válida y confiable para evaluar la percepción del riesgo en motociclistas colombianos.

Abstract Every year hundreds of motorcyclists die in traffic accidents. One of the causes is the low perception of risk when driving, which influences the appearance of risky behaviors. The objective of this study was to adapt and validate the Aversion to Risk-Taking Scale (ARTS) in a sample of Colombian motorcyclists, to evaluate the perceived risk of different behaviors considered dangerous on the road. A total of 436 motorcyclists from Nariño (Colombia), aged between 18 and 71 years (M = 28.27; SD = 8.68), participated. The scale was updated with two new items (consumption of psychoactive substances and helmet use). A linguistic adjustment was performed; internal consistency and evidence of content validity, construct validity (exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis), and validity compared with the Driving Self‑Efficacy Scale were assessed. The ARTS presented optimal psychometric properties for a unifactorial structure. Optimal internal consistency values are recognized (α = 0.94; ɷ = 0.95). An inverse correlation with the Driving Self-Efficacy Scale was evidenced, corroborating the construct. The results suggest that the ARTS, adapted and updated for Colombia, is a scale with proven psychometric quality; therefore, it is valid and reliable to assess risk perception in Colombian motorcyclists.

Chinese Journal of Traumatology ; (6): 148-154, 2019.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-771618


PURPOSE@#Traffic accidents are one of the main causes of death and disability, causing annual deaths of 1.23 million and tens of millions injured people worldwide. Meanwhile, a significant proportion of the deaths and injuries caused by traffic accidents occur among motorcyclists. According to the world health organization's 2015 report, about 25% of deaths from traffic accidents occur in motorists. In Iran, a significant proportion of deaths and injuries result from traffic accidents among motorcyclists, especially in passages within the cities. According to traffic police, about 25% of deaths and 50% of injuries in traffic accidents of Tehran are reported among motorcyclists. Therefore, due to the importance of this issue, the spatial factors influencing the incidence of motorcycle-related accidents in Tehran were investigated using the geographic information system.@*METHODS@#The present work was a cross-sectional and descriptive analysis study. The data necessary for the study were extracted from Tehran traffic police as well as municipality databases. Zoning maps were used to display the distribution of events. In the analytical investigation, Moran index was used to determine the distribution pattern of the events, while Getis-Ord G * statistics were applied to analyze hot spots. To investigate the role of regional and environmental factors in the frequency of traffic accidents related to motorcyclists in geographic units (Tehran 22 districts), Poisson regression and negative binomial models were used. The geographically weighted regression (GWR) model was used to analyze the relationship between environmental factors and the location of these events. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS, STATA, ARC-GIS and GWR software.@*RESULTS@#The southern and eastern margins of Tehran are the most vulnerable areas in terms of deaths related to traffic accidents of motorcyclists. Highways are considered the location of most traffic accidents which lead to death of motorcyclists. Getis-Ord General G * (p < 0.04) indicates that the distribution of high-risk points is statistically significant. The final model showed that in Tehran, the association of different variables including demographic characteristics, pathways network and type of land use with the number of accidents in geographic units was statistically significant. The spatial distribution of traffic accidents leading to deaths of motorcyclists in the center of Tehran varies considerably with changes in population density, length of highways, volume of traffic, and land use in different parts.@*CONCLUSION@#Most of the traffic accidents leading to deaths of motorcyclists occur in highways. Various environmental variables play a role in determining the distribution pattern of these types of events. Through proper traffic management, controlling environmental risk factors and training people the safety of motorcyclists in Tehran can be improved.

Humains , Accidents de la route , Conduite automobile , Études transversales , Environnement , Systèmes d'information géographique , Géographie , Incidence , Iran , Épidémiologie , Motocyclettes , Analyse de régression , Facteurs de risque , Plaies et blessures , Épidémiologie , Mortalité
Rev. bras. ciênc. saúde ; 23(3): 309-320, 2019. tab.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1046111


Introdução:A motocicleta vem se destacando como o meio de transporte mais envolvido nos acidentes de trânsito, levando a altos índices de morbimortalidade. Objetivo: Caracterizar as vítimas e as lesões decorrentes de trauma por acidente de motocicleta atendidas em um hospital público. Metodologia:Estudo de caráter transversal do tipo descritivo com uma amostra de 53 internos por acidente de motocicleta no Hospital Estadual de Emergência e Trauma Senador Humberto Lucena. Resultados:Constatou-se que o gênero masculino foi o mais recorrente (88,7%), assim como a faixa etária dos 15 aos 35 anos (69,8%), solteiros (52,9%), ativos (77,3%), com segundo grau completo (50,9%) e renda familiar per caput <1 salário mínimo (73,6%). As fraturas (77,4%) e as lesões de superfície externa (69,8%) foram as mais frequentes. Os índices de gravidade das lesões (ISS) mais encontrados foram do tipo leve (79,2%), seguido do moderado (15,1%) e grave (5,7%). A região do corpo mais atingida foi membros/cintura pélvica (43,4%), porém a maior média de gravidade das lesões foi na região de cabeça/pescoço (2,9±1,0). Conclusão: A redução da morbimortalidade de acidentados de motocicleta depende da adoção de medidas preventivas baseadas no perfil das vítimas. (AU)

Introduction: Motorcycles have been highlighted as the most means of transportation involved in traffic accidents, leading to high morbidity and mortality rates. The objective was to characterize the victims and injuries resulting from motorcycle accident trauma treated at a public hospital. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study with a sample of 53 hospitalized patients due to motorcycle accidents at Senator Humberto Lucena State Emergency and Trauma Hospital. Results: It was found that the male gender was the most recurrent (88.7%), as well as the age group from 15 to 35 years (69.8%), single (52.9%), active (77.3%), with high school degree (50 , 9%) and per capita family income of <1 minimum wage (73.6%). Fractures (77.4%) and external surface injuries (69.8%) were the most frequent. The most common injury severity indexes (ISS) were mild (79.2%), followed by moderate (15.1%) and severe (5.7%). The most affected body region was pelvic limbs / waist (43.4%), but the highest mean severity of injuries was in the head / neck region (2.9 ± 1.0). Conclusion: The reduction of motorcycle accident morbidity and mortality depends on the adoption of preventive measures based on the profile of the victims.(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Accidents de la route , Indicateurs de Morbidité et de Mortalité , Conséquences d'un Accident
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2019. 108 p. graf, tab.
Thèse Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1049631


Os acidentes de trânsito consistem em um grave problema de saúde pública, principalmente nos países em desenvolvimento. No Brasil, um dos recordistas mundiais nesse tipo de acidente, somente no ano de 2017 o número de mortos por essa causa foi de aproximadamente 35 mil, sendo que por volta de 12 mil eram motociclistas ou passageiros de moto. Dirigir sob efeito de substâncias psicoativas como drogas ilícitas e algumas classes de medicamentos pode aumentar significativamente o risco de ocorrências de acidentes automotivos. Pesquisas mostram que diversos fármacos psicoativos alteram a capacidade motora e cognitiva dos usuários, porém os únicos estudos brasileiros feitos com motociclistas avaliam a prevalência de uso de drogas ilícitas em usuários hospitalizados, não havendo assim trabalhos sobre o uso de outras substâncias psicoativas na população em geral de motociclistas. Visando a importância desse fato, o presente projeto avaliou a prevalência de drogas ilícitas (canabinoides, estimulantes e anfetaminas) e de fármacos psicoativos pertencentes às classes dos anti-histamínicos, relaxantes musculares, benzodiazepínicos e anorexígenos nas amostras de fluido oral de motociclistas na cidade de São Paulo. Para tal, foi desenvolvido um método analítico que utiliza a técnica de cromatografia líquida acoplada à espectrometria de massas. Além do desenvolvimento de um novo método analítico que poderá ser utilizado para o monitoramento de motoristas em geral, foram obtidos dados da prevalência do uso de drogas e medicamentos pelos motociclistas na cidade São Paulo, contribuindo assim para o desenvolvimento de medidas preventivas, políticas públicas e para o esclarecimento sobre os riscos de dirigir sob efeito de substâncias psicoativas

Traffic accidents are a serious public health problem, especially in developing countries. In Brazil, one of the world record holders in this kind of accident, in 2017 the number of death due to this cause was approximately 35 thousand, and nearly 12 thousand were motorcyclists or motorcycle passengers. Driving under the influence of psychoactive substances such as illicit drugs and some prescription drugs can significantly increase the risk of motor vehicle accidents. Researches shows that several psychoactive drugs alter the motor and cognitive capacity of users, but the few studies done in Brazil with motorcyclists evaluate the prevalence of illicit drug use in hospitalized users, thus there is no work on the use of other psychoactive substances in the general population of bikers. Considering the importance of this fact, the present project evaluated the prevalence of illicit drugs (cannabinoids, stimulants, and amphetamines) and psychoactive prescription drugs belonging to the classes of antihistamines, muscle relaxants, benzodiazepines and anorectics in motorcyclist's oral fluid samples in the city of São Paulo. Therefore, an analytical method has been developed using liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. A new analytical method was developed and validated and may be used to monitor drivers in general. Data about drugs prevalence and drug use by motorcyclists in São Paulo city were obtained contributing to the development of preventive measures, public policies and for clarification on the risks of driving under the influence of psychoactive substances

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Motocyclettes/classification , Méthodes Analytiques/analyse , Biobanques , Troubles liés à une substance/prévention et contrôle , Psychoanaleptiques/effets indésirables , Substances illicites/effets indésirables , Études de validation
Rev. méd. Minas Gerais ; 28: [1-8], jan.-dez. 2018.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-967734


INTRODUÇÃO: Inquérito de base populacional realizado em Vespasiano, Minas Gerais, em 2015/2016. Adolescentes e não habilitados para uso de veículos motorizados, representam maior risco para acidentes no trânsito. OBJETIVOS: Analisar o relato de frequência de dirigir moto e carro alguma vez na vida por adolescentes, bem como fatores associados a esse evento. MÉTODOS: Participaram 424 adolescentes com idades entre 11 e 17 anos, selecionados em amostra aleatória. Foram calculadas as frequências do relato de dirigir moto e carro alguma vez na vida associadas às variáveis explicativas bem como odds ratio, e seu intervalo de confiança a 95% Para análise, foi utilizado o software SPSS, versão 19.0. RESULTADOS: 26,4% dos adolescentes relataram ter dirigido moto e 23,6% ter dirigido carro alguma vez na vida. Na faixa etária de 14 a 17 anos observou-se frequência maior de relato de ter dirigido moto (78,6%) e carro (81,0%) comparados à faixa de 11 a 13 anos (21,4% e 19,0% respectivamente. Adolescentes que ingeriram bebida alcoólica alguma vez na vida apresentaram 2,9 vezes mais chance de relatar ter dirigido moto (IC 95% 1,8 - 4,6) e 2,7 vezes mais chance de relatar ter dirigido carro alguma vez na vida (IC 95% 1,7 - 4,3). 13,9% dos adolescentes relataram ter sofrido acidente de trânsito durante a vida, como motorista, passageiro ou pedestre. CONCLUSÕES: Em Vespasiano, 26,4% dos adolescentes estudados relataram ter dirigido moto e 23,6% carro, o que reforça a necessidade de maior reflexão quanto a estratégias preventivas à ocorrência da transgressão da lei de trânsito pelos adolescentes.(AU)

Introduction: Population based survey conducted in Vespasiano City, Minas Gerais State, Brasil, em 2015/2016. Young unlicensed drivers are more likely to adopt several inappropriate behaviors while driving. Objectives: determine and quantify the association between driving motorcycle and car sometime in life and selected explanatory variables. Methods: 424 teenagers aged 11-17 years were selected in a household random sample of census tracts. The frequency driving a motorcycle and/or car was calculated. Associations were quantified through the odds ratio and its 95% confidence interval. For the analysis we used the software SPSS, 19.0 version. Results: 26.4% of adolescents reported driving motorcycle and 23.6% have driven car sometime in life. The age group 14-17 years reported the a higher frequency of driving motorcycle (78.6%) and car (81%) compared to the age group 11 to 13 years (21.4% and 19%, respectively). Teens who used alcohol in their lifetime were 2.9 (CI 95% 1.8 ­ 4.6) times more likely to ride motorcycle and 2.7 (CI 95% 1.7 ­ 4.3) times more likely to drive a car; 13.9% of adolescents reported having suffered a traffic accident during life as a driver, passanger or pedestrian. Conclusions: In Vespasiano, 26.4% of adolescents reported having driven motorcycle and 23.6% have driven car. This result may contribute to discussion and preventive strategies for health and safety actions related to the occurrence of the violation of the traffic law by adolescents.(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Accidents de la route , Comportement de l'adolescent , Santé de l'adolescent , Santé publique , Risque , Véhicules motorisés
Article Dans Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-175662


Background: Commercial motorcyclists in Nigeria are usually males within the reproductive age group and at risk of HIV/AIDS due to sub-optimal information on the cause and prevention as well as defective perception on HIV/AIDs, hence the need for continuous health education among this occupational group. Objective: To determine the effect of health education on knowledge, perception and risky sexual practices on HIV/AIDS among commercial motorcyclist in Osogbo, Osun state. Methods: A cross sectional descriptive survey with an intervention component was conducted in three stages between November, 2007 and June, 2008. One hundred and fifty respondents from both study and control groups were selected using a multi-stage sampling technique and interviewed with a pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire. The post-intervention stage was done 6 months later. Results: At post-intervention, study group (i.e. intervention group) exhibited a greater knowledge on correct methods of prevention and transmission of HIV/AIDS (P<0.05). Similarly, there was significant improvement in their attitudes towards people living with HIV/AIDS among respondents in the study group (P<0.05). In addition, the number of respondents having multi-sexual partners decreased from 24.7% pre-intervention to 14.2% six months post intervention.(P=0.01). Conclusions: This study has shown that health education can be effective in bridging the knowledge gap of HIV/AIDS among commercial motorcyclists. It is therefore recommended that continuous health education programmes on HIV/AIDS by relevant stakeholders be established for this category of occupation.

Br J Med Med Res ; 2015; 7(2): 124-130
Article Dans Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-180279


Aims: To determine and compare tactile acuity of commercial motorcyclists with that of their age and sex matched controls. Study Design: Cross sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: The study was done in Uturu, a suburban university town in South Eastern Nigeria, from July 2014 to August 2014. Methodology: We determined two point discrimination threshold distances on the right thumbs of two hundred (200) consenting commercial motorcyclists aged between 18 to 60 years and two hundred (200) of their age and sex matched controls. Results: The mean values of two point discrimination threshold distances were 6.03 mm (Standard Deviation = 2.484) and 4.31 mm (Standard Deviation = 2.046) in the test and control subjects respectively (t =7.558; p < .001). There was positive linear association between two point discrimination threshold distance and the age of the subjects, and their duration of operation as commercial motorcyclists (r = .752; p < .001 and r = .770; p < .001), respectively. Duration of service as a commercial motorcycle operator (p < .001), age (p = .004) and impaired sense of fine touch (p < .001) were independent predictors of deficits in tactile acuity. Conclusion: Tactile acuity was impaired in the assessed Nigerian commercial motorcycle operators compared with their controls. Measures of mitigating effects of the occupation on tactile acuity should be explored.

Article Dans Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-153433


Introduction: Motorcycling is a globalized mode of transport patronized by many road users especially in Nigeria. Although, fraught with negative health outcomes. This study sought to access the perceived consequences of substance use on health and safety among commercial motorcyclists in Ibadan, Nigeria. Design and Method: Using a cross-sectional survey design, registered and consenting eighty commercial motorcyclists were recruited. A 39 item, interviewer-administered questionnaire containing motorcyclists’ demographic characteristics, perceived consequence of substance use, behaviour towards substance use and consequences of substance use was used to obtain information. Collected data was analyzed at p≤0.05 of significance. Results: The respondents were mainly within 30-39 years (36.3%); previously traders (42.5%) and have attained secondary school level of education (45.0%). Though, 57.5% of the respondents positively affirmed the ability of an individual under the influence of alcohol to cause accident, 46.3% of them hold the belief that it is good for mood modification and did not affect health negatively (70%). Up to 36.2% of the respondents agreed to have used substances while driving. Enhancement of visibility while driving (51.3%), relaxation (47.5%) and assists in forgetting problems (42.5%) were reasons given by motorcyclists for this. Fifty percent of the motorcyclists have been involved in a fatal accident. There no significant association between educational level and perception about substance use at p=0.258 but association between perception on substance use and age of respondents was significant at p=0.05. The Perception and Behavior of motorcyclists’ Riders were significantly different at p= 0.04. Conclusion: Although, the respondents know that substance use had some negative consequences, yet many still indulged in it even when on duty. Positive behavioural change interventions should be implemented among motorcyclists.

Rev. saúde pública ; 45(5): 949-963, out. 2011. graf
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-601142


O artigo descreve a situação dos acidentes de trânsito no Brasil, desde a implementação do Código de Trânsito Brasileiro de 1998 até o ano de 2010. Foi realizada análise dos principais trabalhos científicos e publicações não acadêmicas nacionais. A revisão de literatura incluiu periódicos indexados, não indexados, relatórios técnicos, busca específica por autores, referências bibliográficas de artigos e contato com pesquisadores. Os principais problemas do trânsito brasileiro identificados foram aumento do número absoluto de mortos e das taxas de mortalidade, ampliação da frota de motocicletas e o uso de álcool. Foram identificados autores influentes e ilhas de produção de conhecimento nas áreas pesquisadas. Os autores apresentam algumas possíveis soluções e sugerem que o poder público não tem assumido a responsabilidade que lhe cabe no controle e redução dos acidentes de trânsito.

The paper describes the situation of road traffic accidents in Brazil since 1998, when a new Brazilian traffic law was approved, up to the year 2010. A review of both academic and non-academic literature was carried out, including journals (both indexed and non-indexed), technical reports, author searches, searches in paper reference lists and direct contact with researchers. The main problems related to road traffic accidents in Brazil identified were the increase in the absolute number of deaths and in the mortality rates, a rapid increase in the number of motorcycles, and drink & driving. Influent authors in the field and centers of expertise were identified. Some potential solutions are presented by the authors, who suggest that the public offices related to traffic regulation and control are not taking suitable measures for control and reduction of road traffic accidents.

El articulo describe la situación de los accidentes de tránsito en Brasil, desde la implementación del Código de Transito Brasileño de 1998 hasta el año de 2010. Se realizó análisis de los principales trabajos científicos y publicaciones no académicas nacionales. La revisión de literatura incluyó periódicos indexados, no indexados, informes técnicos, búsqueda especifica por autores, referencias bibliográficas de artículos y contacto con investigadores. Los principales problemas de tránsito brasileño identificados fueron aumento del número absoluto de muertos y de las tasas de mortalidad, ampliación de la flota de motocicletas y el uso de alcohol. Se identificaron autores influyentes e islas de producción de conocimiento en las áreas investigadas. Los autores presentaban algunas posibles soluciones y sugieren que el poder público no ha asumido la responsabilidad que le cabe en el control y reducción de los accidentes de tránsito.

Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Accidents de la route/mortalité , Prévention des accidents , Accidents de la route/économie , Accidents de la route/prévention et contrôle , Accidents de la route/tendances , Consommation d'alcool/mortalité , Conduite automobile/statistiques et données numériques , Cyclisme/traumatismes , Cyclisme/statistiques et données numériques , Brésil , Motocyclettes/statistiques et données numériques , Facteurs de risque , Répartition par sexe , Facteurs temps
Rev. bras. saúde ocup ; 30(111): 41-50, jan.-jun. 2005. ilus, tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-659073


O trabalho dos motociclistas profissionais constitui o foco investigativo do presente estudo, que fornece elementos para subsidiar os atores sociais nas negociações relativas à melhoria das condições de trabalho da categoria. Adotando-se a abordagem teórico-metodológica da escola da ergonomia da atividade, foi possível conhecer os constrangimentos vivenciados e as estratégias construídas pelos motociclistas profissionais em face dos principais fatores socioeconômicos que geram pressão temporal no desenvolvimento da atividade.Os resultados obtidos foram analisados considerando-se o modo de funcionamento das unidades de produção em suas articulações com as instituições da cidade e a rede de serviços que garantem a meta de produzir mais em menor tempo. Finalmente, o estudo permitiu descrever os fatores acidentogênicos, ligando o plano macroeconômico e suas leis de mercado à rede técnico-organizacional que sustenta as unidades produtivas, gerando o comportamento do tempo zero. É nesta encruzilhada que o motociclista profissional elabora as suas estratégias para garantir as metas de produção, a satisfação do cliente e a sua autoproteção, nem sempre bem-sucedida, contra os acidentes no trânsito.

Professional motorcyclists' jobs are the focus of this study that provides elements that may help social actors when they negotiate improvements in working conditions for their professional category. By adopting the methods proposed by the Activity Ergonomics Approach, it was possible to learn the strategies developed by professionals in dealing with time constraint factors. The results were analyzed taking into consideration the working conditions of the production units regarding their association with their town organizations and the network of services that helps reaching the goals of producing more in less time. Finally, the study describes accident-borne factors, associating the macroeconomic level and its market laws to the technical-organizational network that maintains the productive units and generates the time zero behavior. The intersection of these two aspects is the point at which professional motorcyclists must develop strategies to reach production goals, their client satisfaction and their own protection, not always successful, against traffic accidents.

Article Dans Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-137654


A cross sectional study was undertaken in order to determine the crash helmet use behaviors and factors related to such behaviors among motorcyclists and their passengers in Thailand. 3,275 subjects were selected by a multi-stage sampling technique, consisting of 2,403 motorcyclists and 872 passengers. Data were obtained through the well-developed questionnaire. Analysis of data included descriptive (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics Chi-square test. Most subjects were male (62.7%), aged between 15-30 years (58.4%), married (50.1%), finished high school to undergraduate degree (43.6%), employee (37.3%), and had income of 2,001-5,000 baht (37.3%). The knowledge and attitude scores on helmet use and law were in the low level and middle level. The behavioral score was also low. Statistically significant factors attributable to such behavior included age, marital status, education, occupation, motorcycle driver for public passengers, distance of driving, knowledge and attitude towards crash helmet use and law, information on crash helmet law and the experience on motorcycle accident. Although most motorcyclists and their passengers had positive attitude towards the helmet they used them improperly. The law enforcement should be used together with all kids of health education and campaign on awareness of safety drive and properly use of the crash helmet.

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