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Article Dans Anglais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1535004


ABSTRACT Objective: To identify the salivary metabolites profile of Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) types I, II, IV, and VI patients. Material and Methods: The participants were asked to refrain from eating and drinking for one hour before sampling, performed between 7:30 and 9:00 a.m. Samples were centrifuged at 10.000 × g for 60 min at 4°C, and the supernatants (500µl) were stored at −80°C until NMR analysis. The salivary proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR) spectra were acquired in a 500 MHz spectrometer, and TOCSY experiments were used to confirm and assign metabolites. Data were analyzed descriptively. Results: Differences in salivary metabolites were found among MPS types and the control, such as lactate, propionate, alanine, and N-acetyl sugar. Understanding these metabolite changes may contribute to precision medicine and early detection of mucopolysaccharidosis and its monitoring. Conclusion: The composition of low molecular weight salivary metabolites of mucopolysaccharidosis subjects may present specific features compared to healthy controls.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Salive , Spectroscopie par résonance magnétique/instrumentation , Mucopolysaccharidoses/anatomopathologie , Métabolomique , Spectroscopie par résonance magnétique du proton/instrumentation , Études transversales/méthodes
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 36: e011, 2022. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1355932


Abstract Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) is a heterogeneous group of rare, chronic, progressive and systemic inherited disorders resulting from deficiency or lack of lysosomal enzymes responsible for the degradation of glycosaminoglycans. Products of nitrosative stress have been previously detected in blood and urine samples of patients with MPS. However, it is unclear whether they are present in the saliva of MPS patients and also if they correlate with salivary parameters such as flow and pH. This study compared the salivary levels of NOX (NO2- + NO3-), nitrite (NO2-), protein (albumin), erythrocyte and leukocyte numbers, as well as the salivary flow rate and pH values of samples obtained from 10 MPS patients and 10 healthy subjects. MPS patients exhibited higher salivary levels of NOX and NO2- when compared to healthy subjects (p < 0.05). Albumin was only detected in six saliva samples of MPS patients and, erythrocytes and leukocytes were detected in 60% and 40% of the MPS patients, respectively. In addition, salivary flow rate and pH averages were statistically lower in this group when compared to healthy samples (p < 0.05). Overall, the data indicates that the salivary levels of NO products can be used in combination with other heath indicators to monitor MPS disorders.

J. inborn errors metab. screen ; 9: e20200008, 2021. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154711


Abstract The mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) are a relatively uncommon group of inherited metabolic disorders. MPSs should be suspected in a child with coarse facies, organomegaly, recurrent respiratory tract infections, developmental delay, and hernias. Early diagnosis and treatment can greatly improve the quality of life in these children. In this study we studied 46 MPS patients diagnosed on enzyme and/or DNA testing and we found that the MPS II was the most common type followed by MPS I and MPS IVA. While the mean age of onset of symptoms was 12 months, the mean age at diagnosis was 4.5 years, a significant delay. One of major presenting features was recurrent respiratory problems, more prevalent in MPS II cases. Many patients also had short stature and contractures. Increasing awareness among physicians is of paramount importance for the early diagnosis and optimal treatment and prevention by prenatal testing and counselling.

Belo Horizonte; s.n; 2021. 148 p. ilus, tab.
Thèse Dans Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1392372


Os indivíduos com doenças genéticas raras podem apresentar alterações no sistema nervoso e/ou musculoesquelético, inclusive comprometimento cognitivo, distúrbios neuropsicomotores, más formações craniofaciais e alterações oclusais e dentárias. Posição alterada dos dentes na arcada, alterações na estrutura óssea e na formação dentária, quando associadas a uma dieta cariogênica e a uma escovação deficiente, podem atuar como fatores predisponentes às doenças cárie e gengivite. As Mucopolissacaridoses (MPS) e a Osteogênese Imperfeita (OI) são doenças raras que afetam o desenvolvimento esquelético. Alterações físicas e motoras presentes na maioria dos indivíduos com essas doenças podem aumentar a dificuldade para realização da higiene bucal. Além disso, o desconhecimento de grande parte dos cirurgiões-dentistas em relação às doenças genéticas raras, dificulta muito o acesso dessa parcela da população para atendimento odontológico tanto na rede pública quanto na rede privada. Isso torna esses indivíduos mais vulneráveis aos problemas bucais quando comparados a indivíduos com outras deficiências e à população normotípica. O objetivo da pesquisa foi comparar indivíduos brasileiros com doenças genéticas raras com envolvimento esquelético e indivíduos sem doenças raras em relação à prevalência de problemas bucais. Além disso, objetivou-se sintetizar as modalidades do tratamento ortodôntico e da cirurgia ortognática para correção da má oclusão em indivíduos com OI. Desse modo, a tese conta com a apresentação de dois artigos científicos, sendo um estudo transversal e uma revisão sistemática. O artigo 1 objetivou comparar a prevalência de problemas bucais de indivíduos brasileiros com doenças genéticas raras que afetam o desenvolvimento esquelético e indivíduos sem doenças raras. Foi realizado um estudo transversal, pareado por idade e sexo, com 210 indivíduos [105 com doença genética rara: MPS (n=27) / OI (n=78) e 105 sem doença rara], na faixa etária de dois a 57 anos e os pais/responsáveis. O grupo com doenças raras foi recrutado em ambulatórios médicos de serviços especializados ou de referência em doenças genéticas raras, de cinco estados brasileiros (Ceará, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo). Os indivíduos sem doença rara foram recrutados em outros ambulatórios dos mesmos hospitais. Os grupos foram examinados quanto a má oclusão, anomalias dentárias, cárie dentária e gengivite. Os pais/responsáveis responderam um questionário sobre aspectos individuais, sociodemográficos, comportamentais, história médica e odontológica dos indivíduos com doença rara e sem doença rara. O Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) foi utilizado para identificar possíveis variáveis de confusão. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (CEP) da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (CAAE 01480212.4.0000.5149 [MPS] / CAAE 54755516.4.0000.5149 [OI]). Foi realizada a análise descritiva e modelos de regressão logística binária não-ajustados e ajustados (Odds Ratio, método Conditional Backward, IC95%). A média de idade dos indivíduos examinados foi de 14,2 anos (± 12,3). No modelo final permaneceram as variáveis doença genética rara, cor da pele e renda familiar. Apenas a variável doença genética rara foi associada com os problemas bucais. Indivíduos com doença genética rara apresentaram 12,9 vezes mais chance de ter algum problema bucal (IC95% 3,7- 44,7), em comparação com indivíduos sem doença rara. Concluiu-se que indivíduos com doença genética rara apresentaram maior prevalência de problemas bucais quando comparados a indivíduos sem doença rara. O artigo 2 objetivou sintetizar, por meio de uma revisão sistemática, as modalidades de tratamento ortodôntico, cirurgia ortognática e a combinação de ambos os tratamentos, para a correção de má oclusão em indivíduos com OI. A busca em bases de dados identificou 22 artigos, contabilizando 28 casos clínicos. A má oclusão foi considerada grave em 11 casos, com registros de overjet negativo entre 9 e 26 mm. O tratamento ortodôntico foi realizado em quatro casos, a cirurgia ortognática em cinco e o tratamento ortodôntico associado à cirurgia ortognática em 19 casos. Concluiu-se que o tratamento das más oclusões é viável em indivíduos com OI. Quando devidamente indicado, esse tratamento pode proporcionar resultados estéticos e funcionais satisfatórios e com estabilidade adequada.

Individuals with rare genetic diseases may present changes in the nervous and/or musculoskeletal system, including cognitive impairment, neuropsychomotor disorders, craniofacial malformations, and occlusal and dental changes. Altered tooth position in the arch, changes in bone structure and tooth formation, when associated with a cariogenic diet and poor brushing, can act as predisposing factors for caries and gingivitis. Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) and Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) are rare diseases that affect skeletal development. Physical and motor changes present in most individuals with these diseases can increase the difficulty in performing oral hygiene. In addition, the lack of knowledge of most dentists about rare genetic diseases makes it very difficult for this portion of the population to have access to dental care in both the public and private networks. This makes these individuals more vulnerable to oral problems when compared to individuals with other disabilities and the normotypical population. The aim of the study was to compare Brazilian individuals with rare genetic diseases with skeletal involvement and individuals without rare diseases about the prevalence of oral problems. The other aim was to synthesize the modalities of orthodontic treatment and orthognathic surgery to correct malocclusion in individuals with OI. Thus, the thesis has the presentation of two scientific articles, being a cross- sectional study and a systematic review. Article 1 aimed to compare the prevalence of oral problems in Brazilian individuals with rare genetic diseases that affect skeletal development and individuals without rare diseases. A cross-sectional study, paired by age and sex, was carried out with 210 individuals [105 with rare genetic disease: MPS (n=27) / OI (n=78) and 105 without rare disease], aged from two to 57 years and parents/guardians. The group with rare diseases was recruited from medical clinics of specialized or reference services in rare genetic diseases, in five Brazilian states (Ceará, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo). Individuals without rare diseases were recruited from other outpatient clinics in the same hospitals. The groups were examined for malocclusion, dental anomalies, tooth decay and gingivitis. Parents/guardians answered a questionnaire on the individual, sociodemographic, behavioral, medical and dental history of individuals with rare diseases and without rare diseases. Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) was used to identify possible confounding variables. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (CAAE 01480212.4.0000.5149 [MPS] / CAAE 54755516.4.0000.5149 [OI]). Descriptive analysis and unadjusted and adjusted binary logistic regression models were performed (Odds Ratio, Conditional Backward method, 95%CI). The average age of the individuals examined was 14.2 years (± 12.3). The variables rare genetic disease, skin color and family income remained in the final model. Only the rare genetic disease variable was associated with oral problems. Individuals with a rare genetic disease were 12.9 times more likely to have an oral problem (95%CI 3.7-44.7), compared to individuals without a rare disease. It was concluded that individuals with a rare genetic disease had a higher prevalence of oral problems when compared to individuals without a rare disease. Article 2 aimed to synthesize, through a systematic review, the modalities of orthodontic treatment, orthognathic surgery and the combination of both treatments for the correction of malocclusion in individuals with OI. The search in databases identified 22 articles, accounting for 28 clinical cases. Malocclusion was considered severe in 11 cases, with negative overjet recordings between 9- and 26- mm. Orthodontic treatment was performed in four cases, orthognathic surgery in five, and orthodontic treatment associated with orthognathic surgery in 19 cases. It was concluded that the treatment of malocclusions is feasible in individuals with OI. When properly indicated, this treatment can provide satisfactory aesthetic and functional results and with adequate stability.

Ostéogenèse imparfaite , Mucopolysaccharidoses , Soins dentaires pour personnes handicapées , Maladies rares , Vulnérabilité en Santé
Belo Horizonte; s.n; 2020. 102 p. ilus, tab.
Thèse Dans Portugais | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1151429


As doenças genéticas raras são consideradas eventos patológicos de origem genética de baixa ocorrência e com ampla diversidade de sinais e sintomas. Geralmente, indivíduos acometidos com doenças raras apresentam alterações musculares, esqueléticas e do sistema nervoso central. Muitas manifestações orofaciais são comuns nessa parcela da população, que, na grande maioria das vezes, apresenta dificuldade de acesso ao tratamento odontológico adequado. O conceito de integralidade do cuidado é amplamente discutido tanto nas práticas na área da saúde, quanto nas discussões relacionadas à compreensão do ser humano, de sua condição integral e não parcial. Este estudo objetivou identificar fatores associados ao acesso ao serviço de saúde bucal para indivíduos com doença genética rara e sem doença genética rara. Foi realizado um estudo transversal, pareado por sexo e idade, com 140 indivíduos [70 com doença genética rara - Mucopolissacaridoses (n=29) / Osteogênese Imperfeita (n=41) - e 70 sem doença genética rara] e os pais/responsáveis. A amostra foi selecionada em dois hospitais referência para pacientes com doenças raras em Minas Gerais, sudeste do Brasil. Os pais/responsáveis responderam um questionário sobre aspectos individuais (sexo, idade, cor da pele e escolaridade dos pais/responsáveis) e história médica e odontológica do filho (infecções respiratórias, uso rotineiro de medicamentos, acesso ao serviço de saúde bucal). O tipo de doença rara (MPS ou OI) foi confirmado pelo prontuário médico do paciente. O acesso ao serviço de saúde bucal foi analisado por meio da questão "Seu filho já foi ao dentista?" Os participantes com doença rara e sem doença rara foram examinados quanto à cárie dentária, má oclusão, anomalias dentárias e higiene bucal. Foi construído um modelo teórico por meio de Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) para identificar possíveis variáveis de confusão na associação entre doenças raras e acesso ao serviço de saúde bucal. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Foram realizadas análises de regressão logística condicional não-ajustada e ajustada (p<0,05). A faixa etária dos indivíduos examinados foi de três a 27 anos, com média de idade de 10,3 anos (±6,5). A chance de o indivíduo sem doença genética rara ter acesso ao serviço de saúde bucal foi 5,32 vezes maior (IC95%: 2,35-12,01). Indivíduos sem episódios de infecções das vias aéreas superiores (menos de seis meses) apresentaram 3,16 vezes maior chance de terem acesso ao serviço de saúde bucal (IC95%: 1,45-6,90). Concluiu-se que indivíduos sem doença rara e sem história de infecções das vias aéreas superiores (menos de seis meses) apresentaram maior chance de pertencerem ao grupo de indivíduos com acesso ao serviço de saúde bucal

Rare genetic diseases are considered pathological events of low-occurrence genetic origin and with wide diversity of signs and symptoms. Generally, individuals affected with rare diseases present muscle, skeletal and central nervous system alterations. Many orofacial manifestations are common in this part of the population, that in the vast majority of time it has difficulty accessing adequate dental treatment. The concept of comprehensive care is widely discussed both in health practices, then discussions related to the understanding of the human being, of his integral and non-partial condition. This study aimed to identify factors associated with access to oral health service for individuals with rare genetic disease and without rare genetic disease. A cross-sectional study was conducted, matched by sex and age, with 140 individuals [70 with rare genetic disease - Mucopolysaccharidosis (n=29) / Osteogenesis Imperfect (n=41) - and 70 without rare genetic disease] and parents/guardians. The sample was selected in two reference hospitals for patients with rare diseases in Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. Parents/guardians answered a questionnaire about individual aspects and medical and dental history of the child. Participants with rare disease and without rare disease were examined for dental caries, malocclusion, dental anomalies and oral hygiene. The theoretical model of the Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAG) was used to identify possible confounding variables in the association between rare diseases and access to oral health service. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Federal University of Minas Gerais. Unadjusted and adjusted conditional logistic regression analyzes were performed (p<0.05). The age group of the individuals examined was three to 27 years, with a mean age of 10.3 years (±6.5). The chance of the individual without rare genetic disease belonging to the group with access to oral health service was 5.32 times higher (IC95%: 2.35-12.01). Individuals without episodes of upper airway infections (less than six months) were 3.16 times more likely to be in the group with access to oral health service (IC95%: 1.45-6.90). It was concluded that individuals without rare disease and without history of upper airway infections (< 6 months) were more likely to belong to the group of individuals with access to oral health services.

Ostéogenèse imparfaite , Soins dentaires , Mucopolysaccharidoses , Soins dentaires pour personnes handicapées , Maladies rares , Services de santé , Accessibilité des services de santé , Études transversales
Acta ortop. bras ; 27(4): 212-215, July-Aug. 2019. tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1010970


ABSTRACT Objective: To measure the functional independence to perform activities of daily living of pediatric patients diagnosed with mucopolysaccharidoses. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out with the population of pediatric patients with a confirmed enzymatic diagnosis of mucopolysaccharidoses, enrolled in the Orthopedics outpatient clinic of a hospital in the State of Bahia. The data were collected between October 2016 and March 2017, based on the documentary analysis of the assessment forms used in the department. The variables of this study comprised sex, age, type of MPS and level of functional independence, measured by the Functional Independence Measure scale. Results: Twenty-six patients participated in the study. These were predominantly male (61.5%), with a mean age of 10 ± 4.5 years, affected by MPS VI (73.1%). In the motor domain, the mean score was 65 (± 19.9 points); the cognitive domain obtained a mean score equal to 28 (± 8.2 points); and the total FIM score was 93 (± 26.5). Conclusion: Impaired functional independence was observed among children and adolescents with mucopolysaccharidoses. Tasks related to dressing, toileting, bathing, problem solving and social interaction were those that required the most assistance and/or supervision. Level of Evidence IV, Case Series.

RESUMO Objetivo: Medir a independência funcional para realização de Atividades de Vida Diária de pacientes pediátricos diagnosticados com mucopolissacaridoses (MPS). Métodos: Estudo transversal, descritivo, realizado com a população de pacientes pediátricos com diagnóstico enzimático confirmado de mucopolissacaridoses, cadastrados no ambulatório de ortopedia de um hospital no Estado da Bahia. Os dados foram coletados entre outubro de 2016 e março de 2017, a partir da análise documental das fichas de avaliação utilizadas no serviço. As variáveis deste estudo compreenderam sexo, idade, tipo de MPS e nível de independência funcional, mensurado pela escala de Medida de Independência Funcional. Resultados: Participaram do estudo 26 pacientes, que eram predominantemente do sexo masculino (61,5%), com média de idade de 10 ± 4,5 anos, acometidos por mucopolissacaridoses VI (73,1%). No domínio motor, a pontuação média foi 65 (± 19,9 pontos); o domínio cognitivo obteve escore médio igual a 28 (± 8,2 pontos); e o escore total da MIF foi 93 (±26,5). Conclusão: Foi observado comprometimento da independência funcional de crianças e adolescentes com mucopolissacaridoses. Tarefas relacionadas ao vestuário, utilização do vaso sanitário, banho, resolução de problemas e interação social foram as que demandaram maior assistência e/ou supervisão. Nível de Evidência IV, Série de Casos.

Rev. CEFAC ; 21(5): e16218, 2019. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041115


ABSTRACT Purpose: to describe the audiological characteristics of patients with mucopolysaccharidosis. Methods: after formulating the research question, three databases were considered for the search (Science Direct, Virtual Health Library and Web of Science); the following descriptors were used: mucopolysaccharidoses, hearing loss, and audiology. Articles were included that were original and complete, presenting audiological evaluation data in patients with mucopolysaccharidosis. Each study was classified according to the degree of recommendation and the level of scientific evidence, based on the criteria established by the Oxford Center for Evidence-based Medicine, and the results obtained from the evaluations were analyzed. Results: of the 499 articles found, eight met the inclusion criteria. Pure tone audiometry and tympanometry were performed in all studies. The incidence of hearing loss in patients with MPS ranged from 54% to 100% of the cases, with conductive hearing loss corresponding to 30% and 58.33%, mixed hearing loss corresponding to 28.5% and 66.66% and sensorineural hearing loss corresponding to less than 14%. None of the studies described the responses of otoacoustic emissions and auditory evoked potentials. Conclusion: the prevalence of hearing loss among individuals with MPS is higher than 54% of the cases, of which conductive and mixed are predominant.

RESUMO Objetivo: descrever as características audiológicas de pacientes com Mucopolissacaridose. Métodos: após formular a pergunta de pesquisa, foram consideradas três bases de dados (Science Direct, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde e Web of Science), sendo utilizados os seguintes descritores: mucopolissacaridoses, perda auditiva, audiologia. Foram incluídos artigos originais e completos, que apresentavam dados de avaliação audiológica em pacientes com mucopolissacaridose. Cada estudo foi classificado de acordo com o grau de recomendação e o nível de evidência científica, baseado nos critérios estabelecidos pela Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine, e foram analisados os resultados obtidos nas avaliações. Resultados: dentre os 499 artigos encontrados, oito contemplaram os critérios de inclusão. A audiometria tonal e a timpanometria foram realizadas em todos os estudos. A incidência de perda auditiva em pacientes com MPS variou entre 54% a 100% dos casos, sendo que as perdas auditivas condutivas corresponderam à 30% e 58,33%, as perdas auditivas mistas corresponderam à 28,5% e 66,66% e as perdas auditivas neurossensoriais corresponderam à menos de 14%. Nenhum dos estudos descreveu as respostas das emissões otoacústicas e dos potenciais evocados auditivos. Conclusão: a prevalência de perda auditiva entre indivíduos com MPS é superior à 54% dos casos, sendo esta predominantemente condutiva e mista.

J. inborn errors metab. screen ; 6: 170022, 2018. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090953


Abstract The mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) disorders are a group of rare, inherited lysosomal storage disorders. In each of the 11 MPS (sub)types, deficiency in a specific lysosomal enzyme (1 of 11 identified enzymes) leads to accumulation of glycosaminoglycans, resulting in cell, tissue, and multi-organ dysfunction. There is great heterogeneity in the clinical manifestations both between and within each MPS type. Somatic signs and symptoms include short stature, coarse facial features, skeletal and joint abnormalities, cardiorespiratory dysfunction, hepatosplenomegaly, and vision and hearing problems. In addition, patients with MPS I, II, III, and VII can have significant neurological manifestations, including impaired cognitive, language, and speech abilities, behavioral abnormalities, sleep problems, and/or epileptic seizures. Hydrocephalus is a frequent finding in patients with MPS I, II, and VI. Spinal cord compression can develop in almost all MPS disorders. Effective management and development of therapies that target these neurological manifestations warrant a profound understanding of their pathophysiology and progression in the different MPS types and best practices for evaluation and treatment. In order to obtain expert opinion addressing these topics we performed an online survey among an international group of experts with extensive experience in managing and treating MPS disorders. The results of this survey provide important insights into the management of neurological manifestations of MPS in clinical practice and are a valuable addition to current evidence.

J. inborn errors metab. screen ; 6: e180013, 2018. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090962


Abstract As therapies are developed for rare disorders, challenges of early diagnosis become particularly relevant. This article focuses on clinical recognition of mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS), a group of rare genetic diseases related to abnormalities in lysosomal function. As quality of outcomes with current therapies is impacted by timing of intervention, minimizing time to diagnosis is critical. The objective of this study was to characterize how, when, and to whom patients with MPS first present and develop tools to stimulate earlier recognition of MPS. A tripartite approach was used, including a systematic literature review yielding 194 studies, an online physician survey completed by 209 physicians who described

Braz. j. pharm. sci ; 52(4): 693-697, Oct.-Dec. 2016. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-951881


ABSTRACT Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) are a group of inherited metabolic disorders caused by deficiency of enzymes that degrade glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). Urinary excretion of GAGs is a common feature of MPS, and is considered their major biomarker. We aimed to adapt the GAG electrophoresis method to a commercial agarose gel which would be able to separate urinary GAGs in a simpler way with good sensitivity and reproducibility. Urine samples from patients previously diagnosed with MPS I, IV, and VI were used as electrophoretic standards. Samples from patients on enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) were also assessed. Commercial agarose gel electrophoresis was effective, showing proper definition and separation of GAG bands. Detection sensitivity exceeded 0.1 µg and band reproducibility were consistent. GAG bands quantified in urine samples from patients on ERT correlated very strongly (correlation coefficient = 0.98) with total GAG concentrations. This application of gel electrophoresis demonstrates the possibility of monitoring patients with MPS treated with ERT by analyzing separately the GAGs excreted in urine. We suggest this process should be applied to MPS screening as well as to follow-up of patients on treatment.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Mucopolysaccharidoses/diagnostic , Électrophorèse sur gel d'agar , Glycosaminoglycanes/usage thérapeutique , Urine , Électrophorèse/méthodes
J. inborn errors metab. screen ; 4: e160029, 2016. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090890


Abstract The mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) disorders are rare genetic diseases caused by deficiencies in lysosomal enzymes involved in the degradation of glycosaminoglycans, leading to pulmonary, cardiac and neurological dysfunctions, skeletal anomalies, impaired vision, and/or hearing and shortened life spans. Whereas in the past, few individuals with MPS reached adulthood, better diagnosis, multidisciplinary care, and new therapies have led to an increasing number of adult patients with MPS. Therefore, fertility and pregnancy questions in this patient population are becoming more important. Management of fertility issues and pregnancy in patients with MPS is challenging due to the lack of documented cases and a dearth in the literature on this topic. This review presents multidisciplinary expert opinions on managing fertility and pregnancy based on case studies and clinical experience presented at a meeting of MPS specialists held in Berlin, Germany, in April 2015. An overview of the existing literature on this subject is also included.

J. inborn errors metab. screen ; 3: e150006, 2015. graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090863


Abstract The purpose of this communication is to indicate a simple and rapid method with a small volume of urine sample to detect urine glycosaminoglycan (GAG) and serve as a screening procedure for mucopolysaccharidoses (MPSs). Total GAG measurement for patients with MPS disorders is considered to be the first step in diagnosis of those heterogeneous group of lysosomal storage disorders presenting clinical phenotype. In this study, modified 9-dimethylmethylene blue method is used for total GAG measurement. Following GAG quantitation, the procedure described here allows GAG isolation from a very a small volume of urine sample and subjected to high-resolution GAG electrophoresis, which can be easily performed in routine clinical diagnostic laboratories. Glycosaminoglycan precipitation is a modified method based on total GAG concentration in the urine. For optimized isolation of total GAG for electrophoresis, instead of considering the urine creatinine concentration, 300 μg/mL GAG containing urine is considered to be the target concentration for the best precipitation with 1000 μL cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC)/citrate buffer. Glycosaminoglycan concentration-based precipitation of urine with CPC allows the laboratory to be able to work with a small volume of urine sample by keeping the precipitating ratio with CPC constant for samples that contain GAG less than 300 μg/mL. Based on the effect of cold buffer using low voltage, GAGs high-resolution electrophoresis banding patterns described here enable a clear separation of keratan sulfate from chondroitin sulfate as well as dermatan sulfate (DS1 and DS2) and heparan sulfate. By this procedure, GAG patterns are more clear, easily identified, and provide a guide for the enzyme analysis deficient in the MPS disorders.

J. inborn errors metab. screen ; 3: e150001, 2015. tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090869


Abstract The mucopolysaccharidoses (MPSs) are a group of rare genetic diseases caused by a deficiency of specific enzymes involved in catabolism of glycosaminoglycans, which causes multisystem abnormalities. Quality of life (QoL) is directly associated with physical, mental, and psychological well-being and with social relationships, including family and friends. Aims: To evaluate the QoL of caregivers of patients with MPS. Methods: Cross-sectional study using a convenience sampling strategy. The sample comprised mothers of patients with MPS seen at the Medical Genetics Service, Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Brazil. The World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment (WHOQOL-BREF) was used to assess QoL. Results: Eleven mothers of 12 patients with MPS (MPS-I = 1; MPS-II = 3; MPS-III = 3; MPS-IV = 4; and MPS-VI = 1) were included. The average WHOQOL-BREF score was 46.59, with the physical health domain scoring highest and the environmental domain scoring lowest. The lower QoL of mothers of children with MPS-II seems to be related to the worse clinical condition of these children, with more severe symptoms and greater need for help with daily activities as well as with a feeling of responsibility due to the inheritance pattern of the disease.

Article Dans Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-183239


Morquio’s syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder due to deficiency of N-acetylgalactosamine-6 sulfate. Presented here is the case of a 4-year-old girl with complaints of deformity of bilateral lower limbs since 6 months. Examination revealed widely spaced teeth, corneal opacity, pectus carinatum, bilateral genu valgum and flat feet. X-rays of femur showed minimal metaphyseal widening, widened carpal bones and pointing metacarpals and beaking of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. She was diagnosed to be suffering from Morquio’s syndrome. Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) are a rare group of metabolic disorders due to deficiency of enzymes responsible for degradation of glycosaminoglycans. Treatment is mainly symptomatic.

Cad. saúde pública ; 29(supl.1): s45-s58, Nov. 2013. graf, tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-690737


A mucopolissacaridose tipo II (MPS II) é uma doença genética de amplo espectro clínico, caracterizada por deficiência da enzima iduronato-2sulfatase. Revisão sistemática avaliou a eficácia e segurança da terapia de reposição enzimática (TRE) com idursulfase (IDS) na MPS II. As bases de dados PubMed/MEDLINE, Embase, LILACS e Biblioteca Cochrane foram pesquisados até 30 de novembro de 2012. Apenas cinco estudos preencheram os critérios de inclusão (ensaios clínicos randomizados - ECRs, ECRs abertos ou séries de caso prospectivas, incluindo cinco ou mais pacientes e avaliando desfechos relevantes). Metanálise foi realizada para capacidade vital forçada (CVF; valores absolutos e em %) e para a distância percorrida no teste da caminhada dos seis minutos, com mudanças significativas em ambas as variáveis; também foi encontrado risco aumentado de reações leves relacionadas à infusão e de desenvolvimento de anticorpos IgG à IDS. Em face dos dados apresentados neste estudo, conclui-se que a TRE com IDS é segura e tem benefício potencial em MPS II, mas estudos adicionais são necessários.

Mucopolysaccharidosis type II (MPS II) is a genetic disease of broad clinical spectrum, characterized by a deficiency of the enzyme iduronate2-sulfatase. The aim of this study was to assess whether enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) with idursulfase (IDS) for MPS II is effective and safe. PubMed/MEDLINE, Embase, LILACS, and Cochrane Library were searched until November 30, 2012. Only five articles met the inclusion criteria (randomized controlled trials - RCTs, or open-label trials/prospective case series including > 5 patients and evaluating relevant outcomes). A meta-analysis was performed for forced vital capacity (FVC; absolute and %) and for distance walked on the 6-minute walking test (6MWT). There was a statistically significant increase, but not clinically relevant, in both variables; an increased risk for development of mild infusion-related reactions and IgG antibodies to IDS were also found. The data suggest that ERT with IDS is safe and has a potential benefit for MPS II patients, but further studies are required.

La mucopolisacaridosis tipo II (MPS II) es una enfermedad genética de amplio espectro clínico, caracterizada por una deficiencia de la enzima iduronato-2-sulfatasa. El objetivo fue evaluar la seguridad y eficacia de la Terapia de Reemplazo Enzimático (TRE) con idursulfasa (IDS) en la MPS II. En las bases PubMed/MEDLINE, EMBASE, LILACS y Cochrane Library se inició la búsqueda hasta el 30 de noviembre de 2012. Sólo cinco estudios cumplieron los criterios de inclusión (ensayos controlados aleatorios -ECA, o ECA abiertos o series de casos prospectivo incluyendo > 5 pacientes y evaluación de los resultados pertinentes). El metaanálisis se realizó para la capacidad vital forzada (FVC; absoluta y %) y la distancia caminada en 6 minutos, con cambios significativos en ambas variables; el riesgo también se encuentra aumentado por reacciones leves y anticuerpos IgG, relacionados con la infusión con IDS. El TRE con IDS es seguro y tiene un beneficio potencial en la MPS II, pero se necesitan estudios adicionales.

Humains , Thérapie enzymatique substitutive/méthodes , Iduronate 2-sulfatase/usage thérapeutique , Mucopolysaccharidose de type II/traitement médicamenteux , Iduronate 2-sulfatase/effets indésirables , Essais contrôlés randomisés comme sujet
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-48741


Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPSs) are a group of inherited heterogenous metabolic disorders, caused by deficiency of an enzyme involved in the degradation of mucopolysaccharides, and thus deposition of mucopolysaccharides in all connective tissue. MPS type III is heparan sulphate storage disorder, especially marked central nervous system involvement. As with all the MPS disorders, this patient with MPS III presents coarse outlook features, such as macrocephaly, macroglossia, prominent mandible, short neck, and unstable atlantoaxial joints, as well as tracheal abnormality. These clinical findings give significant challenges to the anesthesiologist for adequate airway management and tracheal intubation. Recently, a number of new devices have been developed to facilitate intubation. We report an experience of facilitated tracheal intubation using video styletscope (OptiScope PM201(R), Pacific Medical, Seoul, Korea) in a 16 year old male patient with MPS III, who was undergoing inguinal hernia repair.

Humains , Mâle , Prise en charge des voies aériennes , Articulation atlantoaxoïdienne , Système nerveux central , Tissu conjonctif , Glycosaminoglycanes , Hernie inguinale , Intubation , Intubation trachéale , Mégalencéphalie , Macroglossie , Mandibule , Mucopolysaccharidoses , Cou
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 32(4): 602-609, oct.-dic. 2012. mapas, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-669107


Introducción. Las mucopolisacaridosis son enfermedades poco frecuentes de depósito lisosómico de glucosaminoglucanos, con datos variables sobre su incidencia en diferentes países a nivel mundial. En Latinoamérica hay reportes de frecuencias en Brasil, pero en Colombia la información es escasa. Objetivos. Estimar las frecuencias de las mucopolisacaridosis mediante un estudio retrospectivo en los departamentos de Cundinamarca y Boyacá, y estimar la agregación espacial de los casos en estos mismos departamentos. Materiales y métodos. Se revisaron los registros de pacientes de diferentes instituciones de referencia para enfermedades genéticas, así como los registros de nacimientos vivos entre 1998 y 2007. Con base en ellos, se estimaron las frecuencias para cada tipo de mucopolisacaridosis. Se analizó la agregación espacial de los casos utilizando el programa SaTScan™. Resultados. La frecuencia combinada para todas las mucopolisacaridosis fue de 1,98 casos por 100.000 nacidos vivos. La mayor frecuencia fue para la de tipo IV, con 0,68 casos por 100.000 nacidos vivos, mientras que la III fue la menor, con 0,17 casos. Se encontraron tres posibles áreas de agregación espacial para las mucopolisacaridosis I, III y IV. Conclusión. La frecuencia combinada para todas las mucopolisacaridosis se encuentra dentro de los rangos reportados en la literatura científica, siendo la de tipo IV la más frecuente y la de tipo VII la menos frecuente. Aunque los datos aquí reportados podrían corresponder a un subregistro, dadas las dificultades inherentes a la recolección de la información en nuestro país, consideramos que son un estimativo válido de las frecuencias de estas enfermedades.

Introduction. Mucopolysaccharidoses are a group of infrequent disorders caused by the lysosomal deposit of glycosaminoglycans. Its incidence is quite variable among thecountries where it has been documented. In Brazil, disorder frequencies have been reported, but in Colombia information on them is scarce. Objectives. The frequency and spatial aggregations of the mucopolysaccharidoses were estimated by a retrospective study in two central Colombian provinces. Materials and methods. The records of patients and live newborns between 1998-2007 were reviewed from several reference institutions for genetic diseases. From these records, the frequencies for each mucopolysaccharidosis were estimated. The spatial aggregation of the cases was analyzed using the SaTScan software. Results. The combined frequency for all the mucopolysaccharidoses was 1.98 cases per 100,000 live newborns. MPS IV had the highest frequency with 0.68 cases per 100,000 live newborns and MPS III showed a lower frequency of 0.17/100,000. Three spatial aggregation areas were indicated for MPS I, MPS III and MPS IV. Conclusion. The combined frequency for all the mucopolysaccharidoses has been reported, with type IV the most frequent and the type VII in second place. The data herein constitute a record subset and, in spite of the difficulties inherent to the data retrieval in Colombia, they are a valid estimate of the frequencies of these diseases in central Colombia.

Humains , Mucopolysaccharidoses/épidémiologie , Analyse de regroupements , Colombie/épidémiologie , Incidence , Mucopolysaccharidoses/classification , Enregistrements , Études rétrospectives , Centres de soins tertiaires/statistiques et données numériques
Cad. saúde pública ; 28(3): 479-489, mar. 2012. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-616961


O estudo analisa os gastos da judicialização de medicamentos para a mucopolissacaridose (MPS), uma doença rara, de alto custo, fora da política de assistência farmacêutica e com benefício clínico. O levantamento de dados foi realizado nos arquivos de 196 dossiês que determinou que o Ministério da Saúde fornecesse medicamentos no período entre 2006 e 2010, e nos registros administrativos e contábeis do Ministério da Saúde. A análise identifica sujeição do governo brasileiro a monopólios de distribuição de medicamentos e, consequentemente, perda de sua capacidade de administrar compras. Também identifica que a imposição da aquisição imediata e individualizada impede a obtenção de economias de escala com a compra planejada de maiores quantidades de medicamento, e impõe dificuldades logísticas para o controle das quantidades consumidas e estocadas. Conclui-se que a judicialização decorre da ausência de uma política clara do sistema de saúde para doenças raras em geral, e tem como consequência gastos acima do necessário para o tratamento.

This study analyzes expenditures backed by court rulings to ensure the public provision of medicines for treatment of mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS), a rare disease that requires high-cost drugs not covered by the Brazilian government's policy for pharmaceutical care and which have disputed clinical efficacy. The methodology included a review of files from 196 court rulings ordering the Brazilian Ministry of Health to provide the medicines, in addition to Ministry of Health administrative records. According to the analysis, the "judicialization" of the health system subjected the Brazilian government to a monopoly in the distribution of medicines and consequently the loss of its capacity to manage drug purchases. The study also indicates that the imposition of immediate, individualized purchases prevents obtaining economies of scale with planned procurement of larger amounts of the medication, besides causing logistic difficulties in controlling the amounts consumed and stored. In conclusion, litigation results from the lack of a clear policy in the health system for rare diseases in general, thereby leading to excessive expenditures for MPS treatment.

Humains , Coûts des médicaments/législation et jurisprudence , Médicaments essentiels/économie , Politique de santé/législation et jurisprudence , Mucopolysaccharidoses/traitement médicamenteux , Maladies rares/traitement médicamenteux , Brésil , Médicaments essentiels/ressources et distribution , Dépenses de santé/législation et jurisprudence , Accessibilité des services de santé/législation et jurisprudence , Iduronate 2-sulfatase/économie , Iduronate 2-sulfatase/ressources et distribution , /économie , /ressources et distribution , Secteur public , Protéines recombinantes/économie , Protéines recombinantes/ressources et distribution
An. bras. dermatol ; 86(4,supl.1): 178-181, jul,-ago. 2011. ilus
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-604153


Síndrome stiff skin é doença rara, esclerodermiforme, de etiologia desconhecida, caracterizada por endurecimento pétreo da pele, hipertricose leve e limitação da mobilidade articular. Não há tratamento efetivo até o momento. Exercícios e reabilitação são importantes para manter a qualidade de vida do paciente. Os autores apresentam caso de um menino de dois anos de idade com endurecimento cutâneo progressivo desde os oito meses de idade e restrição secundária da mobilidade articular, diagnosticado como Síndrome stiff skin.

Stiff skin syndrome is a rare scleroderma-like disorder of unknown etiology characterized by stone-hard indurations of skin, mild hypertrichosis and limited joint mobility. No effective treatment has yet been found. Exercises and rehabilitative therapy are important in maintaining the patient's quality of life. The authors present a case of a two-year-old boy with progressive skin hardening since he was eightmonth old and secondary restricted joint mobility, diagnosed as Stiff skin syndrome.

Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Humains , Mâle , Sclérodermie diffuse/anatomopathologie , Amplitude articulaire , Syndrome , Sclérodermie diffuse/thérapie , Peau/anatomopathologie
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-630287


Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) are a group of inherited disorders caused by the defi ciency of specifi c lysosomal enzymes involved in glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) degradation. Currently, there are 11 enzyme defi ciencies resulting in seven distinct MPS clinical syndromes and their subtypes. Different MPS syndromes cannot be clearly distinguished clinically due to overlapping signs and symptoms. Measurement of GAGs content in urine and separation of GAGs using high-resolution electrophoresis (HRE) are very useful initial screening tests for isotyping of MPS before specifi c enzyme diagnostics. In this study, we measured total urinary GAGs by a method using dimethylmethylene blue (DMB), and followed by isolation and separation of GAGs using high resolution electrophoresis (HRE) technique. Of 760 urine samples analyzed, 40 have abnormal GAGs HRE patterns. Thirty-fi ve of these 40 cases have elevated urinary GAGs levels as well. These abnormal HRE patterns could be classifi ed into 4 patterns: Pattern A (elevated DS and HS; suggestive of MPS I, II or VII; 16 cases), Pattern B (elevated HS and CS; suggestive of MPS III; 17 cases), and Pattern C (elevated KS and CS; suggestive of MPS IV, 5 cases), and Pattern D (elevated DS; suggestive of MPS VI; 2 cases). Based on the GAGs HRE pattern and a few discriminating clinical signs, we performed selective enzymatic investigation in 16 cases. In all except one case with MPS VII, the enzymatic diagnosis correlated well with the provisional MPS type as suggested by the abnormal HRE pattern. Our results showed that GAGs HRE is a useful, inexpensive and practical fi rst-line screening test when MPS is suspected clinically, and it provides an important guide to further enzymatic studies on a selective basis.

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