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Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 9(2): 31928, 31 ago. 2023.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1452578


This article presents, the vulnerabilities related with regarding access to health services facedby refugee women, of a research project conducted in Portugal between 2020 and 2022 as part of the Masters in Intercultural Relations program at Universidade Aberta. Objective: The overall goal was to gain a better understanding of the psychosocial reality of women who arrived in Portugal as a result of forced migration, focusing on the main difficulties of the migratory and adaptation journey -highlighting vulnerabilities related to health and access to health services at the present article -and the protective factors that facilitated their processes of resilience, adaptation, and social integration. Methodology:The meaningsof the protagonists' experiences were disclosed through nine semi-structured and in-depth interviews with a woman from Iraq, seven from Syria, and one from Libya, which were conducted separately, recorded and transcribed. Following the transcription and translation of the interviews, the content analysis began with the coding and categorization of the obtained data. Results:The investigationuncovered a number of vulnerabilities triggered by the migratory experience and gender belonging, such as prejudice, social isolation, and cultural shock (mostly linked to religion and clothing), which validated the intersectional analysis. The findings highlight a number of obstacles in the host nation, including access to health care, the quality of institutional interactions, and knowledge of the Portuguese language.Conclusions:The current investigation led to theconclusion that there are flawsin Portugal in terms of ensuring full access to health care for forced migrant women, highlighting as major obstacles: a lack of information in languagesother than Portuguese, a lack of offers tolearn and masterthe Portugueselanguage, a lack of knowledge about how health institutions work, and a lack of sensitivity and intercultural skills inhealthcareservices (AU).

Este artigo apresenta as vulnerabilidades relacionadas no acesso aos serviços de saúde sentidas por mulheres refugiadas, de um projeto de investigação realizado em Portugal entre 2020 e 2022 no âmbito do Mestrado em Relações Interculturais da Universidade Aberta. Objetivo:O objetivo geral foi conhecer melhor a realidade psicossocial das mulheres que chegaram a Portugal como resultado da migração forçada, focando as principais dificuldades do percurso migratório e de adaptação,destacando as vulnerabilidades relacionadas com a saúde e acesso aos serviços de saúde, além dos fatores de proteção que facilitaram seus processos de resiliência, adaptação e integração social. Metodologia:Os significados das vivências das protagonistasforam relevados por meio de nove entrevistas semiestruturadas e em profundidade, realizadas individualmente, gravadas e transcritas, com umamulher do Iraque, seteda Síria e umada Líbia. Após transcrição e tradução das entrevistas, a análise de conteúdopartiu da codificação e categorização da informação recolhida.Resultados:A investigação desvelou uma série de vulnerabilidadescausadas pela experiência migratória epertença de gênero,como a discriminação sentida sob a forma de preconceitos, o isolamento social e o choque cultural (sobretudo relacionado com a religião e o vestuário utilizado), o que justificou a análise intersecional. Os resultados revelam umconjuntode desafiosno país de acolhimento, como o acesso à saúde, a qualidade das relações institucionais e o domínio da língua portuguesa.Conclusões: A presente investigação permitiu concluir que existem algumas carências em Portugal no que diz respeito à garantia do pleno acesso aos cuidados de saúde sentidas pelasmulheres migrantes forçadas, destacando-se como principais obstáculos: a falta de informação numa língua que não o português, a falta de domínio da língua portuguesa, o desconhecimento sobre o funcionamento das instituições de saúde e falta de sensibilidade e de competências interculturais nos cuidados de saúde (AU).

Este artículo presenta, las vulnerabilidades relacionadasconen el acceso a los servicios de salud que sienten las mujeres refugiadas, de un proyectorealizado en Portugal entre 2020 y 2022 en el ámbito del Máster en Relaciones Interculturales de la Universidade Aberta.Objetivo: El objetivo fue comprender la realidad psicosocial de las mujeres que llegaron a Portugal como resultado de la migración forzada, centrándose en las principales dificultades del viaje de migración y adaptación, destacandovulnerabilidades relacionadas con la salud y el acceso a los servicios de salud, además de los factores de protección que facilitaron sus procesos de resiliencia, adaptación e integración social. Metodología: Los significados de las experiencias fueron revelados através de nueve entrevistas semiestructuradas y en profundidad, realizadas individualmente, grabadas y transcritas, con una mujer de Irak, siete de Siria y una de Libia. Luego de la transcripción y traducción, se inició el análisis de contenido con la codificación y categorización de la información.Resultados: La investigación reveló vulnerabilidades provocadas por la experiencia migratoria y la pertenencia de género,como la discriminación sentida en forma de prejuicio, el aislamiento social y el choque cultural (principalmente relacionado con la religión y la vestimenta), que justificaron el análisis interseccional.Los resultados revelan desafíos en Portugal,como el acceso a la salud, la calidad de las relaciones institucionales y el dominio de la lengua portuguesa.Conclusiones: La presente investigación llevó a la conclusión de que existen fallas en Portugal en cuanto a garantizar el pleno acceso a la atención de la salud de las refugiadas,destacándose: falta de información en un idioma diferenteal portugués, falta de dominio de la lengua portuguesa, falta de conocimiento sobre el funcionamiento de las instituciones de salud y falta de sensibilidad y habilidades interculturales en la atención de la salud (AU).

Humains , Femelle , Adulte , Réfugiés , Santé des femmes , Migration humaine , Vulnérabilité sociale , Accessibilité des services de santé , Portugal/épidémiologie , Entretiens comme sujet , Recherche qualitative , Droits de l'homme , Programmes nationaux de santé
Cad. Ibero-Am. Direito Sanit. (Online) ; 12(2): 107-114, abr.-jun.2023.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1435994


Esta resenha tem por objetivo expor tópicos substanciais que compõe a coletânea de artigos elaborada em homenagem à Profa.Dra. Maria Célia Delduque, pesquisadora de grande referência no Brasil e no mundo, em especial no âmbito do Direito Sanitário. O livro contou com a contribuição especialistas nessa área do conhecimento. Sendo o Direito Sanitário grande fio condutor dos trabalhos reunidos nessa obra, os artigos buscam discutir a saúde como um direito social, abordando conceitos e elementos dessa ciência jurídica, que contribuem para a efetividade do direito à saúde como uma garantia fundamental em diversas perspectivas, tanto no panorama nacional como internacional.

This review presents the main topics of the collection of articles written in honor of Professor Dr. Maria Célia Delduque, a researcher recognized in Brazil and worldwide, especially in the field of health law. The book contains contributions from specialists in the field. Since health law is the main subject of the works gathered in this book, the articles discuss health as social law and approach the concepts and elements of this jurisprudence that contribute to the effectiveness of the right to health as a fundamental guarantee in different perspectives, both in the national and international panorama.

El propósito de esta reseña es presentar temas importantes de la colección de artículos dedicados a la Profesora Dra. Maria Célia Delduque, investigadora destacada in Brasil y en todo el mundo, especialmente en el ámbito del Derecho Sanitario. El libro contó con la contribución de especialistas en esta área del conocimiento. Siendo el Derecho de la Salud el hilo conductor de los trabajos reunidos en esta obra, los artículos buscan discutir la salud como derecho social, abordando conceptos y elementos de esta ciencia jurídica, que contribuyen para la efectividad del derecho a la salud como garantía fundamental en diversas perspectivas, tanto a nivel panorama nacional como internacional.

Droit Sanitaire
Rev. Psicol. Saúde ; 13(3): 3-18, jul.-set. 2021. ilus
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1351576


Um desafio para as instituições de ensino superior é a formação pautada nas políticas de saúde, tendo os projetos de extensão colaborado para suprir essas demandas. Neste trabalho, investigou-se a concepção acerca do processo de formação e a humanização em saúde, pela perspectiva de ex-colaboradores de um projeto de extensão multidisciplinar. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo-exploratório, com dados coletados por meio de entrevistas semidirigidas e analisados pela análise de conteúdo categorial. Foram delineadas categorias referentes à formação curricular, autogestão estudantil e aprendizados advindos desta prática. Foram discutidos os currículos e como uma aprendizagem pautada na autonomia, no protagonismo e no lúdico pode desenvolver habilidades singulares e essenciais para o profissional. Percebe-se, ademais, uma mudança nos paradigmas de ensino e atuação em saúde, apontando para a relevância de espaços onde os estudantes possam vivenciar processos que contemplem o âmbito político, social e subjetivo do cuidado.

A challenge for higher education institutions is education based on health policies, with extension projects that collaborate to meet those demands. In this work, the conception about the training process and humanization in health was investigated, from the perspective of former collaborators of a multidisciplinary extension project. This is a qualitative-exploratory study, with data collected through semi-directed interviews and analyzed by the categorical content analysis. Categories were outlined regarding curricular training, student self-management and learning derived from this practice. The curricula were discussed and how learning based on autonomy, protagonism, and play can develop unique and essential skills for the professional. In addition, there is a change in the paradigms of teaching and acting in health, pointing to the relevance of spaces where students can experience processes that contemplate the political, social, and subjective scope of care.

Un desafío para las instituciones de educación superior es la capacitación basada en políticas de salud, como proyectos de extensión, que colaboran para satisfacer estas demandas. En este trabajo, se investigó la concepción sobre el proceso de formación y la humanización en salud, desde la perspectiva de los antiguos colaboradores de un proyecto de extensión multidisciplinar. Este es un estudio cualitativo exploratorio, con datos recopilados a través de entrevistas semidireccionadas y analizados por análisis de contenido categórico. Se describieron las categorías relacionadas con la formación curricular, la autogestión de los estudiantes y el aprendizaje de esta práctica. Se discutieron los planes de estudio y cómo el aprendizaje basado en la autonomía, el protagonismo y el lúdico puede desarrollar habilidades únicas y esenciales para el profesional. Además, hay un cambio en los paradigmas de la enseñanza y la actuación en salud, señalando la relevancia de los espacios donde los estudiantes pueden experimentar procesos que contemplan el alcance político, social y subjetivo de la atención.

Rev. Psicol. Saúde ; 13(2): 155-164, abr,-jun. 2021. ilus
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347086


Buscou-se compreender as noções de saúde e intersetorialidade pelos profissionais da Atenção Primária à Saúde e verificar suas implicações no cotidiano. Para tal, desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa qualitativa, ancorada no interacionismo simbólico, em um município de Minas Gerais, entre fevereiro e julho de 2018. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas com 59 profissionais da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde. Os resultados apontam que os profissionais que possuem o conceito ampliado de saúde como objeto de seu trabalho realizam as práticas com outras políticas públicas; já o modelo biomédico reduz a atuação ao tratamento de doenças que restringem a atuação profissional à equipe ou à rede intrassetorial. A intersetorialidade surge como estratégia de cuidado em rede, pois prioriza a integração de diferentes setores para a resolução de problemas comuns. Os resultados apontam para a necessidade de aprofundar a discussão do objeto de trabalho em saúde.

This article aims at understanding the ideas of health and intersectoriality by Primary Health Care employees and verifies their implications. To do so, a qualitative research, supported by symbolic interactionism, was developed in a municipality of Minas Gerais from February to July 2018. Semi-structured interviews with 59 employees of the Municipal Health Department were carried out. The results show that workers who absorb the concept of health expansion spread it to other public policies and/or communities' partnerships. Moreover, the biomedical model limits the performance to curative attention, restricting the employee's performance in their teams or even in intrasectoral network. The idea of intersectoriality emerges as a network care strategy since it prioritizes the integration of several sectors to solve common issues. Thus, this article may contribute to a better understanding of the work in health.

Intentamos comprender las nociones de salud e intersectorialidad de los profesionales de Atención Primaria de Salud y verificar sus implicaciones en la vida diaria. Con este fin, se realizó una investigación cualitativa, anclada en el interaccionismo simbólico, en un municipio de Minas Gerais, entre febrero y julio de 2018. La recopilación de datos se realizó a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas con 59 profesionales de la Secretaría Municipal de Salud. Los resultados indican que los profesionales que tienen el concepto amplio de salud como su objeto de trabajo realizan prácticas con otras políticas públicas; el modelo biomédico, por otro lado, reduce el desempeño para el tratamiento de enfermedades que restringen el desempeño profesional al equipo o la red intrasectorial. La intersectorialidad surge como una estrategia de atención en red, ya que prioriza la integración de diferentes sectores para resolver problemas comunes. Los resultados apuntan a la necesidad de profundizar la discusión del objeto de trabajo en salud.

Rev. Psicol. Saúde ; 12(3): 63-78, set.-dez. 2020. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1155486


O direito à saúde da população LGBT brasileira recebeu maior atenção a partir de 2004. Entretanto a efetivação dessas políticas de Estado se encontra prejudicada, como apontam estudos desenvolvidos na segunda década do século XXI. Esta revisão de literatura entra nesse escopo de pesquisas, partindo do artigo "Homossexualidade e o direito à saúde: um desafio para as políticas públicas de saúde no Brasil", para avaliar o desenvolvimento das políticas públicas em saúde voltadas para a população LGBT brasileira entre 2013 e 2019. As pesquisas por artigos deram-se nas bases de dados Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde - Psicologia Brasil (BVS-Psi), SciELO e PsycINFO. Seis dos 81 artigos encontrados preenchiam os critérios de inclusão. Questionou-se como a socialização dos agentes de saúde em contextos LGBTfóbicos leva a práticas contrárias aos princípios das políticas nacionais voltadas para a proteção dos direitos à população LGBT. Propõe-se fortalecimento das ações educativas voltadas para dissolução de preconceitos.

The Brazilian LGBT population's right to health received more attention as of 2004. However, as studies developed in the last ten years point out, these State policies are still undermined. This literature review enters this research scope considering the article "Homossexualidade e o direito à saúde: um desafio para as políticas públicas de saúde no Brasil" (Homosexuality and the right to health: a challenge for the health public policies in Brazil) to evaluate the changes in the LGBT population's healthcare between 2013 and 2019. We researched in the databases "Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde -Psicologia Brasil" (BVS-Psi), SciELO, and PsycINFO. Out of 81 articles, six of them fulfilled the inclusion criteria. How the socialization of health agents in LGBT-phobic contexts causes their practices to contradict the national policies for the protection of the LGBT population was questioned. The proposal is to strengthen educational actions to mitigate prejudices

El derecho de la población LGBT brasileña a la salud recibió mayor atención el 2004. Sin embargo, según estudios conducidos a partir de 2010, esas políticas estatales aún se ven perjudicadas. Esta revisión de la literatura entra en el ámbito de investigación, considerando el artículo "Homossexualidade e o direito à saúde: um desafio para as políticas públicas de saúde no Brasil" (Homosexualidad y derecho a la salud: un desafío para las políticas públicas de salud en Brasil), para evaluar la atención médica de la población LGBT entre 2013 y 2019. Las búsquedas se realizaron en las bases de datos Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde - Psicologia Brasil (BVS-Psi), SciELO y PsycINFO. Entre 81 artículos, seis cumplían con los criterios de inclusión. Se cuestionó cómo la socialización de los agentes de salud en contextos LGBT-fóbicos hace que sus prácticas contradigan las políticas de protección de los derechos de la población LGBT. Luego, se propone fortalecer acciones educativas para mitigar prejuicios.

Rev. Psicol. Saúde ; 12(3): 109-125, set.-dez. 2020. ilus
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1155489


Cartografamos o discurso político em que se articula o trabalho com ações de atenção em saúde. No Brasil, o universo legal da saúde mental que trata do trabalho distingue-se em anterior e posterior à Reforma Psiquiátrica. Antes, juridicamente sustentadas, as atividades de trabalho eram um instrumento de medida da ocupação do tempo livre e de avaliação da eficácia dos tratamentos manicomiais. Após a Reforma, a presença do trabalho como estratégia de atenção é crescente. A produção discursiva legal da saúde mental assumiu diretrizes como a reabilitação psicossocial e a restauração da cidadania, utilizando, como proposta, a (re)inclusão social pelo trabalho. No entanto as políticas trazem uma heterogeneidade conceitual do que se considera trabalho, com poucos esclarecimentos de suas condições concretas, aspectos que dificultam que o trabalho como estratégia de atenção propicie a (re)invenção do sofrimento psíquico intenso.

We map the political discourse in which work is articulated with health care actions. In Brazil, the legal universe of mental health that addresses work is divided in before and after the Psychiatric Reform. Previously, legally supported work activities were an instrument for measuring leisure time occupation and evaluating the effectiveness of asylum treatments. After the Reform, the presence of work as a care strategy has increased. The legal discursive production of mental health has taken on guidelines such as psychosocial rehabilitation and restoration of citizenship, using, as one of the instruments, social (re)inclusion through work. However, policies present a conceptual heterogeneity of what is considered work, with little clarification of its concrete conditions, aspects that make it difficult for work as a care strategy to foster the (re)invention of intense psychic suffering.

Mapeamos el discurso político en el que el trabajo se articula con las acciones de atención médica. En Brasil, el universo legal de la salud mental que se ocupa del trabajo se distingue antes y después de la Reforma Psiquiátrica. Anteriormente, las actividades laborales con apoyo legal eran un instrumento para medir la ocupación del tiempo libre y evaluar la efectividad de los tratamientos de asilo. Después de la Reforma, la presencia del trabajo como estrategia de atención está aumentando. La producción discursiva legal de la salud mental asumió pautas tales como la rehabilitación psicosocial y la restauración de la ciudadanía, utilizando, como uno de los instrumentos, la (re)inclusión social a través del trabajo. Sin embargo, las políticas aportan una heterogeneidad conceptual de lo que se considera trabajo, con poca aclaración de sus condiciones concretas, aspectos que dificultan el trabajo como estrategia de atención para propiciar la (re)invención del intenso sufrimiento psíquico.

RECIIS (Online) ; 14(2): 515-519, abr.-jun. 2020. ilus
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1102937


Em 2018, o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) completou 30 anos de sua criação no Brasil. Embora reúna muitas conquistas nessas três décadas, o SUS hoje enfrenta novos desafios, impostos pela agenda liberal e conservadora em curso no país. Nesse contexto, o documentário O Espírito de 45 (2013), dirigido por Ken Loach, que destaca a criação do Serviço Nacional de Saúde (National Health Service - NHS), no Reino Unido, é um filme salutar. Tendo a cidadania e o bem comum como grandes temas, a obra mostra como é possível, revisitando o passado, despertar o espírito combativo em defesa de uma sociedade mais justa e solidária, que privilegie o bem-estar da população em lugar do lucro e que aponte caminhos para a defesa do SUS, enquanto uma conquista do povo brasileiro.

In 2018, the SUS ­ Sistema Unificado de Saúde (Unified Health System) celebrated the 30th anniversary of its setting up in Brazil. Despite its many achievements in these three decades, nowadays SUS faces new challenges which were imposed by a liberal and conservative agenda ongoing in the country. In this context, the documentary The Spirit of '45 (2013), directed by Ken Loach, which highlights the creation of the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom, is a very important film. Addressing citizenship and the common good as major themes, the movie shows how it is possible by revisiting the past to awaken the combative spirit in favour of a fairer and more solidary society, in order to prioritize the population's wellbeing instead of the profit and to point out ways to defend SUS as an achievement of the Brazilian people.

En 2018, el SUS ­ Sistema Único de Saúde (Sistema Único de Salud) completó 30 años de su creación en Brasil. Aunque haya tenido muchos logros en estas tres décadas, el SUS enfrenta hoy nuevos desafíos, impuestos por la agenda liberal y conservadora en curso en el país. En este contexto, la película documental The Spirit of '45 (2013), en la versión brasileña, O Espírito de 45, de Ken Loach, que destaca la creación del Servicio Nacional de Salud (National Health Service ­ NHS); en el Reino Unido, es un buen ejemplo. Con la ciudadanía y el bien común como temas principales, la producción muestra como es posible, reviviendo el pasado, despertar el espíritu combativo en defensa de una sociedad más justa y solidaria, que privilegie el bienestar de la población en lugar de losbeneficios lucrativos, y señale formas de defender el SUS, como un logro del pueblo brasileño.

Humains , Organismes d'aide sociale , Système de Santé Unifié , Réforme des soins de santé , Documentaires et films factuels , Programmes nationaux de santé , Brésil , Narration , Couverture Universelle de la Santé , Royaume-Uni , Politique de santé
Saúde Soc ; 29(2): e200081, 2020. tab, graf
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1127360


Resumo Neste artigo discute-se a salvaguarda do direito à saúde, no âmbito de um conjunto de direitos constitucionais, materializados por políticas públicas que organizam o Serviço Nacional de Saúde em Portugal. Diante da degradação dos termos da oferta, frequentes vezes ancorados em uma associação que, de per se, observa o envelhecimento demográfico como condição suficiente para justificar o aumento dos custos em saúde, legitimando assim restrições na oferta. Procedemos a uma revisão da literatura na busca de fatores capazes de validar essa associação, examinando argumentos necessários à compreensão desse processo, debatendo a validade de se perspectivarem custos em saúde utilizando modelos baseados na idade versus modelos preditivos que consideram o tempo até à morte - time-to-death. Adicionalmente, analisa-se a evolução das principais causas de mortalidade em Portugal entre 1990 e 2017 para os grupos 50-59 anos e ≥70 anos, causas de incapacidade, bem como as perspectivas de financiamento público em saúde em percentagem do PIB nos países da Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico até 2030, enquanto se equacionam soluções de adaptação urgente e necessária dos Sistemas de Saúde, de modo a que possam ganhar eficiência sem degradar a performance, contribuindo e investindo em uma também necessária corresponsabilização em saúde do lado da procura.

Abstract This article discusses the safeguarding of the right to health, within the scope of a set of constitutional rights, materialized by public policies that organize the National Health Service in Portugal. Before the degradation of supply terms, frequently based on an association that observes the demographic aging as enough condition to justify the increase in health costs, legitimizing consequent restrictions on the supply. We conduct a literature review to search for factors that validate this association, examining arguments to understand this process; debating the validity of prospecting health costs using age-based models versus predictive models that consider the time to death. Additionally, we analyze the evolution of the main causes of mortality in Portugal between 1990 and 2017 for the groups 50-59 years and ≥70 years, causes of disability, as well as the prospects for public health financing in the percentage of GDP in countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development by 2030, while urgent and necessary solutions for Health Systems are considered, so they can gain efficiency without degrading performance, contributing and investing in a necessary co-responsibility in health on the demand side.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Systèmes de Santé , Vieillissement , Coûts et analyse des coûts , Droit Sanitaire , Financement des soins de santé , Programmes nationaux de santé
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-211100


Background: Axillary Ultrasound is an important tool in assessing regional lymph node status in women who are node negative clinically as many of them will prove to have axillary lymph node involvement on histopathology. The aim of the present study was to establish the role of axillary ultrasound in preoperative assessment of lymph node status in women with carcinoma breast and to correlate the findings of axillary ultrasound with the histopathology of resected axillary nodes.Methods: Forty patients (all women) were included in this study and the preoperative axillary ultrasound was done to know the status of axillary lymph nodes and the findings were correlated with histopathological findings of the resected nodes.Results: The sensitivity of axillary ultrasound was found to be 66.67%, specificity was 87.5%, accuracy 75%, positive predictive value (PPV) of 88.89% and negative predictive value of 63.4%.Conclusions: Axillary ultrasound is very important tool in assessing preoperative axillary lymph node status in patients with carcinoma breast. It is also important in assessment after inadequate axillary dissection and for follow up of non-treated axilla.

Salud colect ; 15: e2214, 2019.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1101889


RESUMEN El artículo busca mostrar el aporte realizado por asistentes sociales, enfermeras y matronas a la exitosa política de salud pública de mediados del siglo XX en Chile, llevada a cabo por el Servicio Nacional de Salud en el marco de un modelo de desarrollo estatista y benefactor. Se han utilizado fuentes documentales de diverso tipo y testimonios de asistentes, enfermeras y matronas entrevistadas para la investigación. Las profesionales, encargadas fundamentalmente de tareas operativas y en contacto directo con la población usuaria del Servicio Nacional de Salud, fueron artífices de la instalación de una verdadera pedagogía sanitaria que cambió el patrón epidemiológico y trastocó la cultura de la población chilena, incidiendo en la valoración del autocuidado y la prevención. Como ejecutoras, sortearon las dificultades inherentes al trabajo burocratizado de los programas sociales pero, a la vez, recibieron gratificaciones diversas de tipo afectivo y altruista, que las hizo sentirse protagonistas de una construcción histórica.

ABSTRACT The article seeks to show the contribution made by social workers, nurses and midwives to the successful public health policy implemented in the mid-twentieth century in Chile by the National Health Service in the context of a statist and welfare development model. Documentary sources of different types and testimonies of social workers, nurses and midwives who were interviewed for this research were used. These professionals, mainly responsible for operational tasks and in close contact with the users of the National Health Service, were responsible for the establishment of a true health pedagogy that changed the epidemiological pattern and touched the culture of the Chilean population, influencing its estimation of self-care and prevention. As executors of the policy, they avoided the difficulties inherent to the bureaucratized work of social programs, gaining, at the same time, satisfaction at the affective and altruistic level, which made them feel like the protagonists of a historical process.

Humains , Histoire du 20ème siècle , Médecine d'État/histoire , Travailleurs sociaux/enseignement et éducation , Politique de santé/histoire , Profession de sage-femme/enseignement et éducation , Infirmières et infirmiers , Rôle médical , Médecine d'État/organisation et administration , Chili , Charge de travail , Prise de décision , Enseignement infirmier , Politique de santé/législation et jurisprudence , Relations interprofessionnelles , Amérique latine
Chinese Journal of Health Policy ; (12): 27-35, 2017.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-664954


Based on the structural reform approaches of management system and mechanism implemented by the British NHS, this paper systematically introduced governance models and characteristics of NHS Foundation Trusts(FTs)from the four dimensions:perfecting the laws,establishing accountability framework,improving finan-cial management,and operational governance business model.As a public benefit corporation, on the basis of the principle of public-private partnerships(Public-Private-Partnership, PPP), NHS foundation trusts currently intro-duces a number of entrepreneurial practices under the premise of public welfare attribute, and provide goods and services according to entrustment contract and core NHS principles-free medical care,demand-oriented,affordability and so on.With these reform measures being implemented,the legal status and independent decision-making power of NHS Trust Fund Medical Consortium will be remarkably improved,so as the Foundation Trusts will be much more"on their own"and take complete responsibility for ensuring that they are successful.At the same time, with the norms of the provider,s behavior and medical services,and the improvement of competition and regulation mechanism has also greatly promoted a much more diversified and orderly competitive market for medical service providers.

Rev. méd. Chile ; 143(6): 774-786, jun. 2015. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-753518


The most important event in Chilean public health in the XXth Century was the creation of the National Health Service (NHS), in 1952. Systematic public policies for the promotion of health, disease prevention, medical care, and rehabilitation were implemented, while a number of more specific programs were introduced, such as those on infant malnutrition, complementary infant feeding, medical control of pregnant women and healthy infants, infant and adult vaccination, and essential sanitation services. In 1981, a parallel private health care system was introduced in the form of medical care financial institutions, which today cover 15% of the population, as contrasted with the public system, which covers about 80%. From 1952 to 2014, public health care policies made possible a remarkable improvement in Chile s health indexes: downward trends in infant mortality rate (from 117.8 to 7.2 x 1,000 live births), maternal mortality (from 276 to 18.5 x 100,000), undernourished children < 5 years old (from 63% to 0.5%); and upward trends in life expectancy at birth (from 50 to 79,8 years), professional hospital care of births (from 35% to 99.8%), access to drinking water (from 52% to 99%), and access to sanitary sewer (from 21% to 98.9%). This went hand in hand with an improvement in economic and social indexes: per capita income at purchasing power parity increased from US$ 3,827 to US$ 20,894 and poverty decreased from 60% to 14.4% of the population. Related indexes such as illiteracy, average schooling, and years of primary school education, were significantly improved as well. Nevertheless, compared with OECD countries, Chile has a relatively low public investment in health (45.7% of total national investment), a deficit in the number of physicians (1.7 x 1,000 inhabitants) and nurses (4.8 x 1,000), in the number of hospital beds (2.1 x 1,000), and in the availability of generic drugs in the market (30%). Chile and the USA are the two OECD countries with the lowest public investment in health. A generalized dissatisfaction with the current Chilean health care model and the need of the vast majority of the population for timely access to acceptable quality medical care are powerful arguments which point to the need for a universal public health care system. The significant increase in public expenditure on health care which such a system would demand requires a sustainable growth of the Chilean economy.

Adulte , Femelle , Humains , Nourrisson , Grossesse , Prestations des soins de santé , Chili , Prestations des soins de santé/économie , Prestations des soins de santé/organisation et administration , Prestations des soins de santé/statistiques et données numériques , Santé publique , Facteurs socioéconomiques
Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 844-847, 2015.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-470058


Objective To explore ladder and compensation system of nurse-staffing which is suitable for the situation of our country.Methods The ladder management and compensation system to nursestaffing of National Health Service (NHS) in UK were given detailed introduction and analysis through the official documents,references and personal study experiences,and summarize its scientific and referenced aspects.Results NHS has formed a set of mature competency-based ladder system,and linked the ladder system to compensation system,made a relative scientific performance appraisal system,realized the scientific competency matches the level,salary changes along with the level model.Conclusions It provides references and thinking to the in-depth reform of public hospitals in our country,and the development of high quality nursing service,as well as the implementation of nursing ladder management and compensation reform.

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine ; (12): 421-429, 2014.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-500591


The National Health Service (NHS) is a term used to describe the publicly funded healthcare delivery system providing quality healthcare services in the United Kingdom. There are several challenges militating against the effective laboratory service delivery in the NHS in England. Biomedical scientists work in healthcare to diagnose disease and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment through the analysis of body fluids and tissue samples from patients. They provide the “engine room” of modern medicine with 70% of diagnosis based on the laboratory results generated by them. This review involved the search of literature for information on working condition of biomedical scientist in the NHS in England. Laboratory service delivery in the NHS in England faces numerous daunting challenges;staffing levels in the last few years have become dangerously low, less remunerated, relatively less experienced and predominantly band 5’s, multidisciplinary rather than specialty based, associated with working more unsocial hours without adequate recovery time, de-banding of staff, high staff turnaround, profit and cost driven rather than quality. These factors has resulted in burn out, low morale, high sickness absences, increased error rate, poor team spirit, diminished productivity and suboptimal laboratory service delivery. There is the urgent need to retract our steps on unpopular policies to ensure that patient care is not compromised by ensuring adequate staffing level and mix, ensuring adequate remuneration of laboratory staff, implementing evidenced-based specialty oriented service, determining the root cause/s for the high staff turnover and implementing corrective action, identifying other potential sources of waste in the system rather than pruning the already dangerously low staffing levels and promoting a quality delivery side by side cost effectiveness.

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine ; (12): 421-429, 2014.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-233315


The National Health Service (NHS) is a term used to describe the publicly funded healthcare delivery system providing quality healthcare services in the United Kingdom. There are several challenges militating against the effective laboratory service delivery in the NHS in England. Biomedical scientists work in healthcare to diagnose disease and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment through the analysis of body fluids and tissue samples from patients. They provide the "engine room" of modern medicine with 70% of diagnosis based on the laboratory results generated by them. This review involved the search of literature for information on working condition of biomedical scientist in the NHS in England. Laboratory service delivery in the NHS in England faces numerous daunting challenges; staffing levels in the last few years have become dangerously low, less remunerated, relatively less experienced and predominantly band 5's, multidisciplinary rather than specialty based, associated with working more unsocial hours without adequate recovery time, de-banding of staff, high staff turnaround, profit and cost driven rather than quality. These factors has resulted in burn out, low morale, high sickness absences, increased error rate, poor team spirit, diminished productivity and suboptimal laboratory service delivery. There is the urgent need to retract our steps on unpopular policies to ensure that patient care is not compromised by ensuring adequate staffing level and mix, ensuring adequate remuneration of laboratory staff, implementing evidenced-based specialty oriented service, determining the root cause/s for the high staff turnover and implementing corrective action, identifying other potential sources of waste in the system rather than pruning the already dangerously low staffing levels and promoting a quality delivery side by side cost effectiveness.

Korean Journal of Medical History ; : 469-511, 2014.
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-70794


Born in Pyongyang in 1914, Choe Ung-sok was a physician who lived through the Japanese colonial era (1910-1945), rule by the United States Army Military Government in Korea (USAMGIK; 1945-1948), and national division (1948). Influenced by socialism and social hygiene/social medicine during his studies in Japan, he played the role of representing the socialist camp in the discussions related to the construction of a heath care system immediately following the Liberation (1945). His key arguments were: first, the nationalization of the medical system and the implementation of nationwide programs to eradicate diseases; second, the provision of free medical services through the expansion of social insurance; third, the reeducation of the medical personnel; fourth, the provision of social sciences education to the medical personnel and the reorganization of medicine into preventive medicine; fifth, the nationalization of pharmaceutics; sixth, the laborers' establishment of autonomous medical organs (affordable clinics, medical consumers' unions through cooperatives); and seventh, the reduction of work hours to 6-8 hours, technical improvement, respite from research, and guarantee of economic life for the medical personnel. Influenced by the medical systems of the Soviet Union and Japan, such arguments stood in opposition to the right wing's plan for the construction of a relatively passive health care system at the time but, in the end, failed to be realized in southern part of Korea under the USAMGIK. Subsequently, he defected to northern part of Korea and came to participate in the task of constructing North Korea's health care system. Choe's life and design for a health care system provide examples through which one can confirm the nature of social hygiene/social medicine both during the Japanese colonial era and before and after the Liberation and the contents of the design related to a health care system as held by the socialist faction. In addition, they show that, immediately after the Liberation, there existed a broad spectrum of imagination and arguments concerning the desirable health care system. Following the division of the Korean Peninsula, South Korea witnessed the instatement of a regime that established anti-communism as the state policy and the strong influence of the United States in politics, economy, and culture. The consequent frustration of Choe's design for a health care system and his defection to North Korea frustrated the creation of a National Heath Service (NHS) in South Korea, reinforced the tendency to view NHS and social insurance as "socialist" or "communist" methods, and led to the restriction of the scope of subsequent discussions related to health care system. In conclusion, the course of Choe's life and thought went beyond the life of an individual during a period in which diverse ideologies collided through the Japanese colonial era, Liberation, and national division and symbolically demonstrates one important path of the process of constructing a health care system on the Korean Peninsula.

Prestations des soins de santé/histoire , République démocratique populaire de Corée , Histoire du 20ème siècle , Médecins/histoire , Politique , République de Corée
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine ; (12): 421-429, 2014.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-951886


The National Health Service (NHS) is a term used to describe the publicly funded healthcare delivery system providing quality healthcare services in the United Kingdom. There are several challenges militating against the effective laboratory service delivery in the NHS in England. Biomedical scientists work in healthcare to diagnose disease and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment through the analysis of body fluids and tissue samples from patients. They provide the "engine room" of modern medicine with 70% of diagnosis based on the laboratory results generated by them. This review involved the search of literature for information on working condition of biomedical scientist in the NHS in England. Laboratory service delivery in the NHS in England faces numerous daunting challenges; staffing levels in the last few years have become dangerously low, less remunerated, relatively less experienced and predominantly band 5's, multidisciplinary rather than specialty based, associated with working more unsocial hours without adequate recovery time, de-banding of staff, high staff turnaround, profit and cost driven rather than quality. These factors has resulted in burn out, low morale, high sickness absences, increased error rate, poor team spirit, diminished productivity and suboptimal laboratory service delivery. There is the urgent need to retract our steps on unpopular policies to ensure that patient care is not compromised by ensuring adequate staffing level and mix, ensuring adequate remuneration of laboratory staff, implementing evidenced-based specialty oriented service, determining the root cause/s for the high staff turnover and implementing corrective action, identifying other potential sources of waste in the system rather than pruning the already dangerously low staffing levels and promoting a quality delivery side by side cost effectiveness.

Chinese Health Economics ; (12): 45-46, 2013.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-441452


Through research of National Health Service Price Items Standard, 2012 Edition ( abbreved as the new version of item standard), to reveal non profit medical institution’s (abbreved as medical institution) thinking of new version of item standard. Through analysis, the new version of item standard reveals to four major policy changes and characteristics, meanwhile, it is believed that the new version of item standard has practicable issues on the implement of item pricing principle and auxiliary operation projects, which are worth to future discuss.

RGO (Porto Alegre) ; 60(1): 27-32, jan.-mar. 2012. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-874566


Objective: To describe the actions of the public dental service in a small town in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. Methods: An historical series study using secondary data obtained from the Outpatient Information System of the National Health Service in Brazil. The study sample consisted of all dental procedures and actions (n= 97.331) and basic medical actions (n= 126.340) performed between 2000 and 2007, as obtained from the Ministry of Health?s official website. Results: The percentage of basic dental actions (44%) was lower than the percentage of actions in the medical area (56%). Direct restorations, ignoring the number of tooth surfaces involved, were the most performed dental procedure (40%). The extractions of deciduous and permanent teeth(including root fragments) ranked second (35%), followed by preventive procedures such as scaling, curettage and crown polishing (11%), plaque control (8%), dental sealing (3%) and direct capping and pulpotomy (3%).Conclusion: Given the data presented, it was possible to suggest that the dental service in this municipality was predominantly curative /restorative, to the exclusion of collective actions, that are not seemingly carried out and/or not recorded.

Objetivo: Descrever as ações odontológicas do serviço público em um município de pequeno porte de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Métodos: Estudo de série histórica com utilização de dados secundários obtidos através do Sistema de Informação Ambulatorial do Sistema Único de Saúde. A amostra do estudo foi composta por todos os procedimentos e ações básicas odontológicas (n=97.331) e ações básicas médicas (n=126.340) realizadas no período de 2000 a 2007 obtidos no site oficial do Ministério da Saúde. Resultados: O percentual de ações básicas odontológicas (44,0%) foi inferior a percentual de ações da área médica (56,0%). As restaurações diretas -independentemente do número de faces dentárias envolvidas - foram o procedimento odontológico mais realizado (40,0%). As exodontias de dentes permanentes e decíduos (incluindo restos radiculares) ocuparam a segunda posição (35,0%), seguidos pelos procedimentos preventivos como a raspagem, curetagem e polimento coronário (11,0%), o controle de placa (8,0%), o selamento dental (3,0%) e o capeamento direto e a pulpotomia (3,0%). Conclusão: Diante os dados apresentados, é possível sugerir que o serviço odontológico desse município predominantemente curativo-restaurador, em detrimento às ações coletivas que parecem não estarem sendo executadas e/ou registradas.

Accessibilité des services de santé , Odontologie , Santé buccodentaire , Système de Santé Unifié , Santé publique
Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion ; : 79-84, 2012.
Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-362857


I participated in the WFAS 2011 International Acupuncture Symposium in Sao Paulo, Brazil, which was the first conference in South America, on the theme of Traditional Medicine and Human Health. I had opportunities in this conference to survey and cover the history, situation and regulamentation of acupuncture in Brazil, in addition to the situation of Japanese Acupuncture taking root in Brazil. Iwould like to report it with some informations from the brazilian authorities.

Détails de la recherche