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Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 26(2): 218-226, mayo.-ago. 2013.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-695032


Objetivo: describir las características microscópicas in vivo del plexo nervioso subbasal en córneas de pacientes con queratocono. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal, en el que se analizaron 226 pacientes con queratocono que cumplieron con los criterios establecidos en el periodo comprendido entre enero y noviembre de 2010. Los resultados se compararon con los obtenidos en un grupo de contraste compuesto por 68 sujetos sanos. Se empleó el ConfoScan 4 para el análisis microscópico. Se empleó estadística descriptiva básica, y la comparación de las medias de las variables fue ejecutada mediante ANOVA de un factor. Las comparaciones múltiples de las medias de las variables histológicas de los pacientes con queratocono separado por su severidad, con las del grupo de contraste, fueron ajustadas en la prueba t de Dunnett. Se comprobó la asociación univariada entre variables histológicas entre sí y con la severidad del queratocono mediante el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman. Con el fin de controlar sesgos en la investigación, la correlación de variables se controló por edad. Resultados: la densidad del plexo nervioso subbasal se encontró disminuida significativamente, en el grupo de pacientes con grado III, fue aproximadamente 43 por ciento menor que en el grupo contraste. Se observó una asociación significativa entre la densidad del plexo nervioso subbasal y la severidad del queratocono. Conclusiones: la microarquitectura del plexo nervioso subbasal está alterada en las córneas con queratocono desde estadios iniciales de la enfermedad

Objective: to describe the in vivo microscopic characteristics of the subbasal nervous plexus in the corneas of patients with keratoconus. Methods: an observational, cross-sectional and descriptive study was conducted in 226 patients with keratoconus, who met the set criteria, in the period of January to November 2010. The results were compared with those of a contrast group made up of 68 healthy subjects. The ConfoScan 4 equipment was used for the microscopic analysis. The study used basic summary statistics and comparison of the means of variables using one-way ANOVA. The multiple comparisons of the means of the histological variables in patients with keratoconus, according to their severity, and those of the contrast group, were all adjusted for Dunnet's t test. It was proved that there was univariate association of the histological variables among them and with the severity of keratoconus through Spearman's correlation coefficient. For the purpose of controlling risks in the research, the variable correlation was controlled for age. Results: the density of the sub-basal nervous plexus was found to be significantly reduced, being 43 percent lower in the grade III patients than in the contrast group. There was significant association between the density of the sub-basal nervous plexus and the severity of keratoconus. Conclusions: microarchitecture of the sub-basal nervous plexus is impaired in the corneas with keratoconus since the early stages of the disease

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Cornée/innervation , Kératocône , Études transversales , Épidémiologie Descriptive , Microscopie confocale , Études observationnelles comme sujet
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 26(1): 48-59, ene.-abr. 2013.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-683093


Objetivo: describir los cambios del plexo nervioso subbasal durante un año, posterior a tratamiento con láser excímer y relacionar estos cambios con la magnitud de la ametropía tratada. Métodos: estudio prospectivo y longitudinal en 78 pacientes (151 ojos) que cumplieron con los criterios de selección establecidos. La técnica quirúrgica empleada fue LASIK con microquerátomo pendular. Las imágenes se obtuvieron por microscopia confocal de la córnea con el microscopio ConfoScan 4. El análisis se realizó por métodos de estadística descriptiva. Resultados: en el preoperatorio predominó el plexo nervioso subbasal mayor de 200 mm con interconexiones (87,4 por ciento). A los 7 días posteriores a LASIK no existían pacientes en este grupo, sin embargo, al año de la operación solo 20,5 por ciento de los pacientes tenían estas características. En pacientes con menos de 3 dioptrías tratadas; al año de LASIK, la mayoría se encontraban con plexo nervioso subbasal mayor de 200 mm sin interconexiones (grupo 3) o con interconexiones (grupo 4), 50,5 porciento y 19,4 por ciento respectivamente, sin embargo, pacientes con 6 o más dioptrías tratadas, al año de LASIK se encontraban distribuidos en los 4 grupos de forma similar, incluso, con plexo menor de 200 mm (grupo 2) (38,1 por ciento), es decir, fue más lento el proceso de recuperación del plexo nervioso. Conclusiones: después de un año de LASIK, las fibras del plexo nervioso subbasal no recobran las condiciones preoperatorias y su restablecimiento morfológico se produce de forma más lenta mientras mayor es la magnitud de la ametropía tratada

Objective: to describe the changes of the subbasal nerve plexus during a year, after Laser Excimer treatment and to relate these changes with the treated ametropy magnitude. Methods: prospective and longitudinal study carried out in 78 patients (151 eyes) who met the established selection criteria. The surgical technique was LASIK with pendulum microkeratome whereas the confocal microscopy Confoscan 4 served to image capture. The analysis was based on the summary measure methods. Results: the subbasal nerve plexus bigger than 200 mm with interconnections (87.4 percent) prevailed. After 7 days of the surgery, no patient was included in this group; however, one year later, 20.5 percent of the patients presented with these characteristics. Similarly, one year after the operation, most of patients with less than 3 D already treated, had over 200 mm subbasal nervous plexus without interconnections (group 3) or with interconnections (group 4), accounting for 50.5 percent and 19.4 percent respectively; however, those patients having 6 D or more treated ametropy were found to be equally distributed in the 4 groups, even with nerve plexus smaller than 200 mm (group 2) (38.1 percent). This means that the recovery process of the plexus was slower. Conclusions: after one year of LASIK, the subbasal nerve plexus fibers do not recover the preoperative conditions and their morphological re-establishment occurs more slowly as the treated ametropy magnitude is bigger

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Chirurgie de la cornée par laser/effets indésirables , Lasers à excimères/usage thérapeutique , Procédures de chirurgie réfractive/méthodes , Études longitudinales , Études prospectives
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 30(10): 881-886, out. 2010. ilus, tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-567926


The woolly-monkey (Lagothrix lagothricha) is an antropoid belonging to the Atelidae Family which includes the largest neotropical primates. A female cadaver woolly-monkey was fixed in a 10 percent formaldehyde solution and dissected using a stereoscopic magnifying glass and photodocumented. The brachial plexus originated from the spinal nerves C5 to C8 and T1, forming the cranial, medium, and caudal stems, from which derived the peripheral nerves; those nerves had similar origin and innervation area when compared to plexuses from other primates, with the exception of the musculocutaneous nerve that crossed the coracobraquial muscle. Data from studies with brachial plexus from primates allow the access to valuable information regarding the morphology of those animals, and could also assist in the establishment of anatomical parameters among species, which could then contribute to anesthetic procedures and injury treatments.

O macaco-barrigudo (Lagothrix lagothricha) é um antropóide pertencente à Família Atelidae que possui os maiores primatas neotropicais. Um cadáver fêmea de macaco-barrigudo foi fixado com solução de formaldeído a 10 por cento, posteriormente dissecado com o auxílio de lupa estereoscópica e fotodocumentado. O plexo braquial originou-se dos nervos espinhais C5 a C8 e T1, formando os troncos cranial, médio e caudal, dos quais derivaram os nervos periféricos que se assemelharam na origem e no território de inervação com os plexos de outros primatas, com exceção do nervo musculocutâneo que atravessou o músculo coracobraquial. Pesquisas sobre o plexo braquial de primatas fornecem dados que disponibilizam o acesso a informações valiosas sobre a morfologia destes animais e auxiliam no estabelecimento de parâmetros anatômicos entre as espécies, contribuindo também no tratamento de injúrias e procedimentos anestésicos.

Animaux , Nerfs spinaux/anatomie et histologie , Plexus brachial/anatomie et histologie , Plexus brachial/croissance et développement
ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.) ; 23(3): 159-162, jul.-set. 2010.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-562777


BACKGROUND: The gastrointestinal disorders have been associated with morphological alterations in the myenteric nervous plexus. AIM: To evaluate, through morphometric studies, the chronic effects of the subdiaphragmatic trunk vagotomy on the nervous plexus. METHODS: Fifteen male exemplars of Wistar Rattus novergicus weighing about 150g, distributed into three groups, have been used: control (n=5), Sham (n=5) and vagotomized (n=5). The animals were sacrificed after 30 and 90 days post surgery. Fragments of duodenum were fixed in Bouin solution, embedded into paraffin and stained with HE and PAS. Morphometric analysis was performed by a Carl Zeiss KM 450 image system. The following aspects were observed: the density of nervous cells per linear micrometer (µm) (ND); the area of perikarya (µm²) (NA); the number of satellite cells per µm (SCD); and the number of satellite cells per neuron (SC/N). The averages were compared with the help of "software" program Sigma Plus through two way - ANOVA and Tuckey post-test. RESULTS: Denervation increased SC/N (p<0,05) and NA (p<0,05), in a time-dependent denervation way (p<0,05). However ND and SCD, decreased, which significantly with the animal's age (p<0,001). CONCLUSION: Vagotomy altered the myenteric plexus morphology in a time-dependent way.

RACIONAL: As disfunções gastrintestinais têm sido associadas à alterações morfológicas no plexo nervoso mioentérico. OBJETIVO: Avaliar através do estudo morfométrico, os efeitos crônicos da vagotomia troncular subdiafragmática sobre esse plexo nervoso. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 15 exemplares machos de Rattus novergicus da variedade Wistar, com cerca de 150 g, distribuídos nos grupos controle (n=5), Sham (n=5) e vagotomizados (n=5). Os animais foram sacrificados depois de 30 e 90 dias após as operações. Em seguida, fragmentos do duodeno foram fixados em solução de Bouin, incluídos em parafina e corados por HE e PAS. A análise morfométrica foi realizada por meio do sistema de análise de imagem Carl Zeiss KM 450. Foram observados: a densidade de células nervosas por micrômetro linear (µm); a área dos pericários (µm²); o número de células satélites por µm; e o número de células satélites por neurônio. As médias foram comparadas com o auxílio do programa de "software" Sigma Plus através do Two way - ANOVA e do pós-teste de Tukey. RESULTADOS: A desnervação aumentou o número de células satélites por neurônios (p<0,05) e a área média dos pericários (p<0,05), de maneira dependente do tempo de desnervação (p<0,05), mas diminuiu significativamente a densidade de neurônios (p<0,05) e de células satélites (p<0,05) em função da idade (p<0,001). CONCLUSÃO: A vagotomia alterou a morfologia do plexo mioentérico de maneira dependente do tempo.

Animaux , Mâle , Rats , Duodénum/physiopathologie , Plexus myentérique/anatomie et histologie , Vagotomie/effets indésirables , Dénervation autonome , Plexus myentérique/chirurgie , Rat Wistar
Article Dans Vietnamien | WPRIM | ID: wpr-897


Background: Up to now, there are quite number of studies on the origin and role of the nervous apparatus in controlling the kidney. However, in some articles, the authors do not fully highlight the anatomic morphology of renal nervous plexus and providing the rule of structure and distribution of the cell\u2019s components, nerve fibers in the nervous plexus. Objective: A study on the anatomical characteristics of renal nervous plexus of Vietnamese adults. Subject and methods: Based on the anatomical study by macroscopic and microscopic dissection with the micro MBC-2 on nervous plexus of 60 renal pedicles of adults at the age of 18-70 years. Results and Conclusion: The structure of renal nervous plexus is very complex. This plexus is formed by many nerve fibers and pedicles and is widely connected with perirenal nervous tissue. Beside, it has also the close connection between left and right plexus for the guarantee of nervous distribution with bilateral replacement. Thick concentrations of renal nervous plexus is not only at the renal sinus region, but also at the renal hilum, where the distribution of renal arterial branches. There are many nervous ganglion tissues in the renal nervous plexus. These ganglia are smaller than from aortorenal ganglion to intrasinual ganglion.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-568723


Enzyme histochemistry of neurons in the enteric nerve plexus of guinea pigs were studied with light microscope semi-quantitatively and microphotometer quantitatively. The results showed that the neurons differ greatly in A1P (alkaline phosphatase), AcP (acid phosphatase), 5'-Nase (5'-Nucleotidase), TPPase (thiamine pyrophosphatase), NsE (non specific esterase) and ChAT (choline acetyltransferase). There were disparities to a certain extent in reactions of MAO (monoamine oxidase), AP (aminopeptidase) and AChE (acetylcholinesterase) among different segments of gastrointestinal between submucous and myenteric plexus, but all neurons were positive for the enzymes stated above. The neurons in each ganglion were relatively similar in the enzyme activities. There were about 50-66% neurons in the enteric nerve plexus showing strong reaction of ChAT, which may be cholinergic neurons. There were significant differences in enzymatic activities, except NsE, between submucous plexus and myenteric plexus statistically. Submucous plexus showed stronger reactions of AcP and AP than those of myenteric plexus, while myenteric plexus showed stronger reactions of A1P, 5'-Nase, TPPase, MAO, ChAT than those of submucous plexus. The ganglia of intramural plexus in stomach were not well developed as those of intestine, especially the submucous plexus of stomach, in which there were only few scattered neurons, and they showed weaker enzyme activities than those of intestine. The enteric neurons in duodenum and proximal colon showed strongest activities for most enzymes among different segments of intestine. The above results indicate that the enteric neurons exist remarkable differences in metabolism and functional states.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-569047


0.05). This study suggest that unlike other autonomic ganglia, the enteric nerve ganglia may exhibit a relatively high capacity of autonomic regulation and compensatory adaptation, and also provide some histochemical evidences for the transneuronal degeneration changes.

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