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Femina ; 50(1): 51-60, 2022. ilus
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1358221


Estima-se que 40% das gestações no mundo sejam não planejadas. Em países de baixa renda, complicações no parto são a maior causa de morte entre mulheres de 15 a 19 anos. A disponibilidade de métodos contraceptivos reversíveis é necessária para o adequado planejamento reprodutivo. Entre os métodos reversíveis, os de longa ação (LARCs) são os mais efetivos. Métodos de curta ação (SARCs) são preferenciais para pacientes que desejam gestar a curto prazo e para as quais a gestação não será indesejada. O presente estudo é uma revisão narrativa da literatura, de artigos em inglês e português publicados entre 2009 e 2020, utilizando as bases de dados SciELO, Medline e Embase. O objetivo desta revisão é apresentar os LARCs e SARCs em uma tabela com dados comparativos que auxiliem na tomada de decisão do médico e da paciente e permita estabelecer estratégias para um planejamento familiar adequado.(AU)

It is estimated that 40% of pregnancies in the world are unplanned. In low-income countries, complications in childbirth are the major cause of death among women aged 15 to 19 years. The availability of reversible contraceptive methods is necessary for proper reproductive planning. Among the reversible methods, long-acting reversible contraception (LARCs) is the most effective. Short-acting reversible contraception (SARCs) methods are preferred for patients who wish to become pregnant in the short term and for whom pregnancy will not be undesirable. The present study is a narrative review of the literature, of articles in English and Portuguese published between 2009 and 2020, using the databases SciELO, Medline and Embase. The purpose of this review is to present the LARCs and SARCs in a table with comparative data that assist in the decision making of the doctor and the patient and allow to establish strategies for adequate family planning.(AU)

Humains , Femelle , Grossesse , Méthodes naturelles de planification familiale , Contraception/méthodes , Contraceptifs féminins , Contraception réversible à action prolongée/méthodes , Bases de données bibliographiques , Lévonorgestrel/usage thérapeutique , Association éthinyl oestradiol-norgestrel , Implant pharmaceutique , Détermination de l'admissibilité , Dispositifs intra-utérins , Dispositifs intra-uterins libérant un agent contraceptif
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-114630


Since first introduction of oral contraceptive pills in 1960, with increased women's right of sexual decision, oral contraceptives had been used widely around the globe as a highly effective and safe contraceptive method. The physiological mechanisms of oral contraceptives were a reduced maturation of ovarian follicles and blocked ovulation to fertile women. Also, oral pills induce uterine endometrial decidualization, thickening of cervical mucus, disturbance of intrauterine sperm movement and embryo implantation. However, in addition to providing effective reversible contraception to fertile women, oral contraceptive pills offer various non-contraceptive benefits to numerous conditions. In this review, we summarize the list of currently available oral contraceptive pills in Korea and discuss non-contraceptive indications of oral contraceptives pills.

Femelle , Humains , Grossesse , Glaire cervicale , Contraception , Contraceptifs oraux , Implantation embryonnaire , Corée , Follicule ovarique , Ovulation , Spermatozoïdes , Droits des femmes
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-221493


Since oral contraceptives (OCs) were first introduced in 1960, they have been used as a highly effective contraceptive method for over 50 years. Besides the prevention of pregnancy, they provide various non-contraceptive benefits. Well-known non-contraceptive benefits related to menstruation include reduction of dysmenorrhea and heavy menstrual bleeding. In addition, many women see improvements in acne and symptoms from premenstrual syndrome/premenstrual dysphoric disorder with OC use. In addition, OCs also can be used for the management of endometriosis or polycystic ovarian syndrome, and have also been reported to decrease the risk of ovarian and endometrial cancer. Consequently, many women may choose to use OCs in light of their non-contraceptive benefits. These non-contraceptive benefits can encourage women to select OCs as an useful option for contraception, improving their quality of life, and even providing public health benefits. Therefore, clinicians should be familiar with OCs and able to provide detailed information regarding their non-contraceptive benefits. The purpose of this article is to review the current evidence for the non-contraceptive benefits of OCs.

Femelle , Humains , Grossesse , Acné juvénile , Contraception , Contraceptifs oraux , Dysménorrhée , Tumeurs de l'endomètre , Endométriose , Hémorragie , Lumière , Menstruation , Syndrome des ovaires polykystiques , Santé publique , Qualité de vie
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol ; 76(5): 344-353, 2011. ilus
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-608805


Objetivo: Demostrar la influencia sobre las molestias emocionales y físicas (beneficios no anticonceptivos) experimentadas durante el primer año de uso de un anticonceptivo oral combinado (AOC) que contiene 0,02 mg de etinilestradiol (EE) y 2 mg de acetato de clormadinona (ACM) administrado en un régimen de 24 + 4 días de placebo. Diseño del estudio: Análisis adicional de las sensaciones subjetivas registradas en los diarios de 1665 participantes de un estudio de Fase III multicéntrico, no controlado, de administración múltiple, después de 13 ciclos de EE/ACM en un régimen de administración de 24 + 4 días, publicado previamente. Resultados: Se informó de menor frecuencia de molestias emocionales y físicas en el ciclo de medicación 13 en comparación con los datos en la admisión y en el ciclo 1. La incidencia de ánimo depresivo se redujo en 84,5 por ciento y 72,2 por ciento respectivamente, y la irritabilidad en 87,3 por ciento y 66,0 por ciento. Las cefaleas se redujeron en 75,5 por ciento y 74,7 por ciento, las molestias mamarias en 77,1 por ciento y 66,1 por ciento, y la dismenorrea preexistente en 77,9 por ciento y 67,6 por ciento respectivamente. El abandono prematuro del estudio a causa de las molestias fue marginal, y el perfil del sangrado fue aceptable. Conclusiones: Un AOC de baja dosis que contiene 0,02 mg de EE + 2 mg de ACM, administrado en un régimen de 24 + 4 días, reduce significativamente la mayor parte de las molestias emocionales y físicas que se presentan durante los ciclos espontáneos de las mujeres, y se combina con un adecuado perfil de sangrado.

Objective: To demonstrate the influence on physical and psychological complaints during the first year of intake of the combined oral contraceptive (COC) 0.02 mg ethinylestradiol (EE)/2 mg chlormadinone acetate (CMA), administered in a regimen of 24 days of CMA/EE intake followed by 4 days of placebo intake. Study design: The subjective feelings of non-contraceptive benefits registered in women's diaries of 1,665 subjects participating in a multicentre, uncontrolled, multiadministration, Phase III trial, published elsewhere, were analyzed post-hoc after 13 cycles intake of EE/CMA in a 24 +4 days intake regimen. Results: Emotional complaints were reported less frequently at medication cycle 13 compared with admission and cycle 1. Depressive mood was reduced by 84.5 percent and 72.2 percent, irritability by 87.3 percent and 66.0 percent; physical complaints were also reduced: headaches by 75.5 percent and 74.7 percent, breast discomfort by 77.1 percent and 66.1 percent; pre-existing dysmenorrhea by 77.9 percent and 67.6 percent. Premature termination due to complaints was only marginal, the bleeding profile was accepted. Conclusions: The low-dose COC, 0.02 mg EE/2 mg CMA, administered in a 24 +4 day regimen, reduces significantly most of the emotional and physical complaints occurring during spontaneous cycles of women, combined with an adequate bleeding profile.

Humains , Adolescent , Adulte , Femelle , Chlormadinone/administration et posologie , Contraceptifs oraux combinés/administration et posologie , Cycle menstruel , Éthinyloestradiol/administration et posologie , Céphalée/prévention et contrôle , Relation dose-effet des médicaments , Dépression/prévention et contrôle , Dysménorrhée/prévention et contrôle , Fatigue/prévention et contrôle , Humeur irritable , Hémorragie utérine/prévention et contrôle , Études multicentriques comme sujet , Placebo , Troubles de la menstruation/prévention et contrôle
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