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Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 70(5): e20231282, 2024. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558923


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of the implementation of a bundle of interventions through a "Program for Antibiotic Management and Nosocomial Infection Prevention" in the intensive care unit on antibiotic and devices use and healthcare-associated infections. METHODS: This was a quasi-experimental study of consecutive series of cases in periods before and after the establishment of protocols and checklists for the use of antibiotics as well as other measures to prevent healthcare-associated infection as part of a quality improvement program. Antimicrobial consumption was assessed by the defined daily dose. RESULTS: A total of 1,056 and 1,323 admissions in the pre-intervention and post-intervention phases, respectively, were evaluated. The defined daily dose per 100 patient-day decreased from 89±8 to 77±11 (p=0.100), with a decrease in carbapenems, glycopeptides, polymyxins, penicillins, and cephalosporins. The rates of ventilator and central venous catheter use decreased from 52.8 to 44.1% and from 76 to 70%, respectively. The rates of healthcare-associated infection decreased from 19.2 to 15.5%. CONCLUSION: Quality improvement actions focused primarily on antimicrobial management and prevention of healthcare-associated infection are feasible and have the potential to decrease antibiotic use and healthcare-associated infection rates.

Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 60(1): 73-83, jul 2020. tab., ilus.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1452426


La neumonía intrahospitalaria es la segunda infección más frecuente, considerada un problema de salud pública. Su continuidad aumenta como consecuencia de los avances tecnológicos de la medicina. El objetivo del estudio es determinar los factores de riesgo que inciden en el incremento de neumonía intrahospitalaria en pacientes adultos de la Unidad de Cuidados intensivos del Hospital de Especialidades Dr. Abel Gilbert Pontón. El diseño del estudio corresponde a una investigación de tipo cuantitativa, descriptiva de corte transversal, la muestra estuvo conformada por 135 pacientes de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del dicho hospital, la técnica empleada a partir de la observación es la recolección de información utilizando como instrumento una ficha o hoja de recolección de datos obtenidos de las historias clínicas de los pacientes. Los principales resultados muestran un 98% de gérmenes de tipo Gram negativas, siendo los que predominaron las Pseudomonas aeruginosa y Klebsiella pneumoniae, en los Gram positivos el Estaphilococos y Estreptococos. El tiempo de estadía del paciente en la UCI fue de 17 a 21 días y los factores de riesgo que incidieron en el incremento de neumonía intrahospitalaria, fueron la ventilación mecánica, el uso de métodos invasivos, el tratamiento con antibióticos, el tiempo de estancia hospitalaria y la permanencia con los dispositivos invasivos de entubación endotraqueal. Como solución al problema encontrado en la investigación se propone diseñar un protocolo se seguimiento y control, el cual va dirigido a la prevención, disminución de la neumonía nosocomial asociada a los factores de riesgos evaluados en el estudio(AU)

In-hospital pneumonia is the second most frequent infection, considered a public health problem. Its continuity increases as part of the technological advances of medicine. The objective of the study is to determine the factors that influence the increase of in-hospital pneumonia in adult patients of the Intensive Care Unit of the Specialties Hospital Dr. Abel Gilbert Pontoon. The design of the study corresponds to a quantitative, descriptive cross-sectional investigation, the sample consisted of 135 patients from the Intensive Care Unit of the hospital, the technique used from the observation is the collection of information on how use as a tool a data sheet or data collection sheet of patients' medical records. The main results are shown in 98% of the negative grammars types, being those that predominate the Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae, in the Gram positive the Staphylococci and Streptococci. The patient's stay in the ICU was from 17 to 21 days and the risk factors that influenced the increase in in-hospital pneumonia were mechanical ventilation, the use of invasive methods, treatment with antibiotics, length of hospital stay. And the permanence with the invasive devices of endotracheal intubation. As a result of the investigation, it is a monitoring and control protocol, which is aimed at prevention, the reduction of pneumonia and the risk factors evaluated in the study(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Infections à pneumocoques/épidémiologie , Infections à staphylocoques/épidémiologie , Infections à streptocoques/épidémiologie , Pneumonie associée aux soins/épidémiologie , Facteurs de risque , Équateur/épidémiologie
Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 19(1): 80-89, Jan.-Mar. 2019.
Article de Anglais, Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1049850


Objetivo: El objetivo de éste artículo es realizar una revisión sistemática de diversas publicaciones científicas acerca de los factores de riesgo asociados a neumonía nosocomial en pacientes adultos. Métodos: La revisión se realizó a través de la búsqueda electrónica de diversos artículos científicos relacionados con el tema. Se utilizó la pregunta PEO: ¿Existe asociación entre los factores de riesgo y el desarrollo de neumonía nosocomial en pacientes adultos? Las fuentes de búsqueda fueron PubMed y Scielo. Las palabras clave fueron: "nosocomial pneumonia", "hospital - acquired pneumonia" en combinación con "risk factors"; "neumonía nosocomial", "neumonía intrahospitalaria" junto con "factores de riesgo". Se seleccionaron los artículos publicados desde 1 de enero de 2014 hasta 10 de diciembre de 2018. Resultados: De los 101 artículos encontrados se descartó 77 por no cumplir con nuestros criterios de inclusión y exclusión, quedando 24 artículos para ésta revisión. Los factores de riesgo significativos para NN fueron: Edad (OR= 1.742, p=0.000), trastorno de conciencia (HR: 2.0, P < 0,005), ERC (OR: 2.194; P<0.002), EPOC (OR: 3.52; p=0.001), intubación traqueal de urgencia (OR 1.511; P<0.024) y ventilación mecánica (HR: 8.2, P < 0,005), etc. Conclusión: Diversos factores de riesgos intrínsecos y extrínsecos se asocian a la adquisición de neumonía nosocomial en pacientes adultos: Edad, trastorno de conciencia, ERC, EPOC, intubación endotraqueal, ventilación mecánica y otros factores más.

Objective: The objective of this article is to conduct a systematic review of several scientific publications about the risk factors associated with nosocomial pneumonia in adult patients. Methods: The review was conducted through an electronic search of several scientific articles related to this topic. We used the following PEO question: Is there an association between risk factors and the development of nosocomial pneumonia in adult patients? The search sources were PubMed and Scielo. The keywords used to search were: "nosocomial pneumonia", "hospital - acquired pneumonia" in combination with "risk factors"; "neumonía nosocomial", "neumonía intrahospitalaria" together with "factores de riesgo". Articles published from January 1, 2014 to December 10, 2018 were selected. Results: Of the 101 articles found, 77 were discarded for not meeting our inclusion and exclusion criteria, leaving 24 articles for this review. Significant risk factors for NN were: Age (OR= 1,742, p=0,000), consciousness disorder (HR: 2.0, P < 0.005), CKD (OR: 2,194; P<0.002), COPD (OR: 3.52; p=0.001), emergency tracheal intubation (OR 1,511; P<0.024) and mechanical ventilation (HR: 8.2, P < 0.005), etc. Conclusion: Several intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors are associated with the acquisition of nosocomial pneumonia in adult patients: age, consciousness disorder, CKD, COPD, endotracheal intubation, mechanical ventilation and other factors.

Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-177342


Background: To ascertain the bacteriological profile of patients with nosocomial pneumonia in endotracheal cultures and correlation with blood cultures. Methodology: 559 endotracheal aspirates were collected using mucous traps from 180 patients of suspected nosocomial pneumonia patients over 2 years. The samples were processed and a colony count of 104cfu/ml was taken as the cut-off to differentiate between pathogens and colonizers. Identification and sensitivity of bacterial isolates was done with the help of Vitek 2. Blood for culture was processed as per standard techniques. Results & Conclusion: Klebsiella sp.(33%) was the commonest bacteria isolated, followed by Acinetobacter baumanii, Pseudomonas sp., Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. 25% of Acinetobacter spp. and 40% of Pseudomonas spp were pandrug resistant. Mostly non-fermenters were sensitive to Tigecycline and Colistin. Enterobacteriaceae showed highest resistance for Cephalosporins and Cotrimoxazole but were mostly sensitive to Tigecycline. Staphylococcus aureus was uniformly sensitive to Linezolid and Teicoplanin. Blood cultures were positive in 52 (9.3%) patients of which pulmonary origin bacteremia was present in 33 patients while non-pulmonary origin bacteremia was present in 19 patients. The pulmonary care bundle along with rational use of antibiotics will go a long way to improve treatment outcome, patient morbidity and mortality.

Rev. medica electron ; 37(5): 439-451, set.-oct. 2015.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-761923


Introducción: una de las formas de neumonía nosocomial es la neumonía asociada a la ventilación mecánica artificial (VAM). Su incidencia se ha mantenido en los últimos años a pesar de las nuevas medidas terapéuticas aplicadas. Las tasas brutas de mortalidad aún varían de un 30 a un 70 %. Objetivo: describir las características clínicas y epidemiológicas de la neumonía asociada a la ventilación mecánica en la unidad de cuidados intensivos del Hospital Provincial Docente Clínico Quirúrgico Manuel Ascunce Doménech, de febrero de 2012 a febrero de 2014. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, en un universo de 82 pacientes, según criterios diagnósticos establecidos y puntaje de escala clínica de infección pulmonar mayor de seis puntos. Se excluyeron 4 pacientes, por no recibirse los resultados microbiológicos. Se estudiaron las variables de edad, enfermedades asociadas, diagnósticos al ingreso en UCI, factores de riesgo, APACHE II, estadía en UCI, duración de la ventilación, duración del destete, inicio de la neumonía asociada a la ventilación, mortalidad esperada, mortalidad observada y gérmenes aislados en cultivo de secreciones traqueobronquiales; los datos se recogieron por medio de un formulario creado para este fin. Se siguieron los principios éticos de la Declaración de Helsinki. Los datos crudos continuos se presentaron como promedio, rango y desviación estándar y se comprobaron por prueba de T. Los categóricos se expresaron por frecuencias relativas. Se utilizó un nivel de significancia estadística con nivel alfa menor de 0,05. Resultados: el 70,7 % presentó hipertensión arterial, el 43,9 % diabetes mellitus y el 34,1 % cardiopatía isquémica. En relación a los diagnósticos al ingreso, predominó el infarto cerebral, con un 19,5 %; el postoperatorio de cirugía mayor, con un 17,1 %, y la hemorragia intraparenquimatosa, con un 15,9 %. Conclusiones: los pacientes obtuvieron un alto índice de gravedad según APACHE II y mortalidad esperada, requiriendo una prolongada estadía y exposición a la ventilación mecánica. Los gérmenes aislados en los cultivos de aspirado de secreciones traqueobronquiales fueron principalmente bacterias gram negativas del tipo pseudomona aerouginosa, acinetobacter y enterobacter. La estadía en la unidad de cuidados intensivos, la duración de la ventilación y la mortalidad observada fue mayor en los pacientes con neumonía asociada a la ventilación que en el total de ventilados.

Background: One of the kinds of nosocomial pneumonia is pneumonia associated to artificial mechanical ventilation (VAM). Its incidence has been maintained in the last years in spite of the new therapeutic measures applied. The mortality gross rates still range from 30 to 70 %. Aim: describing clinical and epidemiologic characteristics of pneumonia associated to mechanical ventilation in the intensive care unit of the Teaching Provincial Clinico-Surgical Hospital “Manuel Ascunce Domenech”, from February 2012 to February 2014. Materials and Methods: We carried out a descriptive study, in a universe of 82 patients, according to established diagnosis criteria and score of pulmonary infection clinical scale higher than six points. 4 patients were excluded due to no receiving microbiologic results. We studied some variables as age, associated diseases, ICU admission diagnoses, risk factors, APACHE II, ICU stay, time of ventilation, time of weaning, initiation of ventilator associated pneumonia, expected mortality, mortality observed and crop seeds isolated on tracheobronchial secretions. We fallowed the ethical principles of Helsinki´s Declaration. The raw continuous data presented as mean, range and standard deviation, and tested for T test. Categorical variables expressed by relative frequencies. We used a level of statistical significance less than 0.05 alpha level. Outcomes: 70,7 % showed arterial hypertension, 43,9 % diabetes mellitus and 34,1 % ischemic cardiopathy. In relation with diagnosis at admission, cerebral infarct predominated, with 19,5 %, followed by major surgery post-operative, with 17,1 %, and intraparenchymatous hemorrhage, with 15,9 %. Conclusions: Patients were given a high index of severity according to APACHE II and expected mortality, requiring a long staying and exposition to mechanical ventilation. The germs aisled in the aspired trachea bronchial cultures were mainly gram negative bacteria of the Pseudomona aerouginosa, Acinetobacter y Enterobacter kind. Staying in the intensive care unit, ventilation extent and observed mortality were bigger in patients with pneumonia associated to ventilation in the total on ventilated patients.

Rev. chil. infectol ; 30(6): 591-597, dic. 2013. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-701704


Background: Tigecycline is indicated for the treatment of complicated skin infections, soft tissue and intraabdominal infections. Its use could be extended to community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and hospital pneumonia (HN). The objective was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of tigecycline in the treatment of respiratory infections. Methods: systematic review (2012). Databases used were MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, CRD and WOK. We identified clinical trials of adults with respiratory infection, treated with tigecycline. The quality of the studies was assessed using CASPe checklist. Results: We selected four clinical trials of high-moderate quality. Three studies with patients with CAP and a trial with HN patients. In patients with CAP, efficacy of tigecycline (88.6 to 90.6%) was higher than levofloxacin (85.3 to 87.2%). The non inferiority testing was statistically significant (p < 0.001). In the study of patients with HN tigecycline showed an efficiency of 67.9% versus 78.2% for imipenem/cilastatin. Main adverse effects were gastrointestinal. Conclusions: The efficacy of tigecycline is non inferior than levofloxacin in patients with CAP, but less than imipenem in patients with HN. Tigecycline demonstrates noninferiority versus others tested antibiotics, and it shows a good safety profile.

Introducción: Tigeciclina está indicada en el tratamiento de infecciones complicadas de piel, tejidos blandos e intra-abdominales. Su utilización podría extenderse para neumonías adquiridas en la comunidad (NAC) y neumonías hospitalarias (NH). El objetivo ha sido evaluar la eficacia y seguridad de tigeciclina en el tratamiento de infecciones respiratorias. Material y Métodos: Revisión sistemática (2012). Se realizaron búsquedas en MedLine, Embase, Cochrane Library, CRD y WOK. Se localizaron ensayos clínicos de adultos con infección respiratoria, tratados mediante tigeciclina. La calidad de los estudios se valoró mediante los criterios CASPe. Resultados: Se seleccionaron cuatro ensayos clínicos de calidad alta-moderada. Tres estudios incluyeron pacientes con NAC y un estudio a pacientes con NH. En pacientes con NAC la eficacia de tigeciclina (88,6-90,6%) fue no inferior a la de levofloxacina (85,3-87,2%). El "test de no inferioridad" fue estadísticamente significativo (p < 0,001). En el estudio de pacientes con NH, tigeciclina presentó una eficacia de 67,9% frente a 78,2% de imipenem/cilastatina. Los principales efectos adversos fueron gastrointestinales. Conclusiones: la eficacia de tigeciclina es no inferior a la de levofloxacina en pacientes con NAC, pero inferior a imipenem en pacientes con NH. Tigeciclina ha demostrado no inferioridad frente a los otros antimicrobianos testados. Tigeciclina demuestra tener un buen perfil de seguridad.

Adulte , Humains , Antibactériens/usage thérapeutique , Infection croisée/traitement médicamenteux , Minocycline/analogues et dérivés , Pneumopathie infectieuse/traitement médicamenteux , Antibactériens/effets indésirables , Essais cliniques comme sujet , Infections communautaires/traitement médicamenteux , Minocycline/effets indésirables , Minocycline/usage thérapeutique , Infections de l'appareil respiratoire/traitement médicamenteux
Rev. peru. epidemiol. (Online) ; 17(2): 1-6, mayo.-ago. 2013. ilus, tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-706064


Objetivo: Determinar los factores asociados a mortalidad en pacientes con neumon¡a nosocomial en el Hospital Dos de Mayo, Lima-Perú entre el per¡odo enero 2006-diciembre 2010. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte única, retrospectivo, de pacientes con diagnóstico de neumon¡a nosocomial. Los pacientes elegibles para el estudio fueron mayores de 18 años, tiempo de enfermedad y condicón de egreso conocido (alta o fallecido). Para el análisis de supervivencia se utilizó el método de Kaplan-Meier y regresión de Cox. Resultados: Se identificaron 658 pacientes con diagnóstico de neumon¡a nosocomial, el agente causal fue identificado en 173 (26,75%) casos. La edad media fue 58,4ñ19,6 años, fallecieron 238 (36,2%) pacientes, la mediana de supervivencia fue de 16 d¡as. El sexo masculino presentó un hazard ratio (HR) de 1,15 (IC 95%: 0,89 a 1,49). A los 10 y 20 d¡as la tasa de supervivencia fue de 70% y 40% en aquellos pacientes con Klebsiella, 85% y 75% en aquellos con Pseudomonas, y el 70% y 65% en aquellos con Staphylococcus aureus. En el análisis multivariado, se identificaron a la exposición a ventilación mecánica (HR 1,98; IC95% 1,35-2,89), el uso de una sonda nasogástrica (HR 1,33; IC95% 1,01-1,76) y la edad mayor de 65 años (HR 1,96; IC95% 1,51-2,55) como factores asociados a mortalidad, mientras que la resistencia a ceftazidima y amikacina presentó HR 1,45 (IC95% 0,74-2,84). Conclusiones: En la neumon¡a nosocomial, la exposición a ventilación mecánica, sonda nasogástrica y edad mayor de 65 años, se asoció con una menor supervivencia. Esto sugiere la instauración de medidas preventivas en este grupo de riesgo.

Objective: To determine factors associated with mortality in patients with nosocomial pneumonia at the Hospital Dos de Mayo, Lima-Peru between January 2006 to December 2010. Methods: Retrospective cohort study, patients eligible for the study were over 18 years of age, sick time record and known exit condition (discharge or deceased). For survival analysis we used the Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression. Results: We identified 658 patients diagnosed with nosocomial pneumonia, and the causative agent was identified in 173 (26,75%). The mean age was 58,4ñ19,6 years, 238 patientes died (36,2%); median survival time was 16 days. Male sex presented HR=1,15, 95%CI 0.89-1.49. At 10 and 20 days the survival rate was 70% and 40% in those with Klebsiella, 85% and 75% in those with Pseudomonas, and 70% and 65% in those with Staphylococcus aureus. In the multivariate analysis, we identified exposure to mechanical ventilation (HR 1,98; 95%CI 1,35 to 2,89), use of a nasogastric tube (HR 1,33; 95%CI 1,01 to 1,76) and age over 65 years (HR 1,96; (95%CI 1,51 to 2,55) as factors associated with mortality, while resistance to ceftazidime and amikacin present HR 1,45 (95%CI 0,74 -2,84). Conclusions: In nosocomial pneumonia, the exposure to mechanical ventilation, nasogastric tube and age over 65 years, are associated with lower survival. This suggests the introduction of preventive measures in this risk group.

Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Jeune adulte , Infection croisée , Pneumopathie infectieuse/mortalité , Études rétrospectives , Études de cohortes
Rev. mex. enferm. cardiol ; 19(3): 94-98, sept-dic.2011. graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1035430


La prevención de la neumonía asociada a la ventilación mecánica (NAV) radica en la alta morbimortalidad; los factores de riesgo están claramente identificados y existen recomendaciones bien establecidas encaminadas a disminuirla; sin embargo, para el manejo de los circuitos de ventilación mecánica (CVM) no hay un consenso sobre el tiempo que deben permanecer sin cambio. Con los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación se pretende estandarizar la frecuencia de cambio del CVM, teniendo como prioridad la calidad y seguridad en la atención de los pacientes. Objetivo: Establecer la asociación entre la incidencia de NAV y la frecuencia en el cambio de CVM. Metodología: Estudio retrospectivo, correlacional y longitudinal con una intervención, que consistió en modificar la frecuencia del cambio de CVM, de cada 48 horas a cada 7 días, durante el período del 2005 al 2009. La muestra intencionada estuvo constituida por 188 pacientes asistidos con ventilación mecánica que presentaron NAV después de las 48 horas. Las variables de estudio fueron: incidencia de NAV y frecuencia del cambio de CVM. El análisis se realizó en SPSS versión 17.0 con frecuencias, porcentajes y correlación de Spearman, considerando significativo p ‹ 0.05. Resultados: El cambio de CVM se realizó a las 48 horas en 95 casos (50.5%) y a los 7 días en 93 casos (49.5%). La incidencia de NAV con cambio de CVM cada 48 horas estuvo entre 2 y 4.3%; con el cambio cada 7 días entre 2 y 1%, sin ser estadísticamente significativo (rs = 0.093, p = 0.103). Conclusión: Los resultados permitieron confirmar que el tiempo que permanecen sin cambio los CVM no interviene directamente en la presencia de NAV y permitió identificar factores de riesgo que podrían ser analizados para mejorar las prácticas y disminuir la incidencia de NAV en este grupo de pacientes, por lo tanto el CVM se puede cambiar cada 7 días.

The ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) prevention is due to is high morbidity and mortality; the risk factors are clearly identified and there are well established recommendations intended to diminish it. Nonetheless, there has not been a consensus on the mechanical ventilator circuits (MVC) management and on the time that they must be changed. With the results obtained in this investigation it is aimed to standardized the MVC frequency change, having as priority the quality and safety in the patients’ attention. Objective: Establish the relation between VAP incidence and MVC frequency change. Methodology: A retrospective, co relational and longitudinal study with an intervention consisting of modifying MVC frequency change, from every 48 hours to every 7 days, during the period between 2005 and 2009. The deliberate sample was constituted of 188 patients with mechanical ventilation who suffered from VAP after 48 hours. The study variables were: VAP incidence and MVC frequency change. The analysis was carried with SPSS version 17.0 with Spearman correlations, frequencies and percentages, considering significant p ‹ 0.05. Results: The MVC change was performed after 48 hours in 95 cases (50.5%) and after 7 days in 93 cases (49.5%). VAP incidence with MVC change every 48 hours was between 2 and 4.3%; with change every 7 days was between 2 and 1%, without being statistically significant (rs = 0.093, p = 0.103). Conclusion: The results allowed confirming that the time without MVC change has no direct effect on VAP incidence. It also allowed identifying the risk factors that could be analyzed to improve the practice and diminish VAP incidence in this group of patients; as such the MVC can be changed every 7 days.

Humains , Qualité des soins de santé/normes , Ventilation artificielle/effets indésirables , Recherche sur les services de santé
Rev. chil. infectol ; 28(4): 349-356, ago. 2011. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-603065


Introduction: Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is difficult to diagnose because of the absence of a gold standard. Aim: To evaluate the use of quantitative cultures of endotracheal aspirates for diagnosis of pediatric VAP and to obtain acceptable sensitivity and specificity cutoff points. Patients and Methods: Prospective, analytic study which included patients under 15 years, who were connected to mechanical ventilation at Hospital Luis Calvo Mackenna's intensive care units. They were classified as cases or controls according to NNIS criteria. Results: During a period of 21 months we recruited a total of 43 patients with a mean age of 16 months. We obtained endotracheal aspirated samples to perform quantitative cultures. Most frequently isolated pathogens were Staphylococcus aureus (34,5 percent) and non-fermentative Gram-negative bacilli (24,1 percent). We obtained a sensitivity of 88 percent, specificity of 70 percent, PPV of 82 percent, and NPV of 79 percent for samples greater than 10(6) CFU. Conclusions: Quantitative culture of endotracheal aspirates is a reliable method for diagnosing pediatric VAP when the value is greater than 10(6) CFU.

Introducción: La neumonía asociada a ventilación mecánica (NAVM) presenta una importante dificultad en su diagnóstico ya que no existe un patrón de referencia. Objetivo: Evaluar el uso del recuento cuantitativo de aspirado endotraqueal como método diagnóstico de NAVM en pediatría, obteniendo puntos de cortes con una sensibilidad y especificidad aceptables. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio analítico, prospectivo, que incluyó pacientes bajo 15 años de edad, conectados a ventilación mecánica en unidades de cuidados intensivos del Hospital Luis Calvo Mackenna. Se clasificaron en casos y controles según criterios de NNIS. Resultados: Durante 21 meses se enrolaron 43 pacientes cuya edad promedio fue de 16 meses. Se tomaron muestras de aspirado endotraqueal para cultivos cuantitativos. Los principales microorganismos aislados fueron Staphylococcus aureus (34,5 por ciento) y bacilos gramnegativos no fermentadores (24,1 por ciento). Para las muestras con recuento mayor 10(6) ufc se obtuvo una sensibilidad de 88 por ciento, especificidad de 70 por ciento, VPP de 82 por ciento y VPN de 79 por ciento. Discusión: El cultivo cuantitativo de aspiración endotraqueal constituye un método diagnóstico confiable para NAVM en pediatría cuando se obtienen recuentos mayores a 10(6) ufc.

Adolescent , Enfant , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Femelle , Humains , Nourrisson , Nouveau-né , Mâle , Liquide de lavage bronchoalvéolaire/microbiologie , Pneumopathie infectieuse sous ventilation assistée/diagnostic , Unités de soins intensifs pédiatriques , Valeur prédictive des tests , Études prospectives , Pneumopathie infectieuse sous ventilation assistée/microbiologie , Sensibilité et spécificité
Rev. argent. microbiol ; 43(1): 18-23, ene.-mar. 2011. graf, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-634673


La neumonía nosocomial (NN) se asocia a una elevada morbimortalidad y es la segunda causa de infección intrahospitalaria después de la infección urinaria. El objetivo de este trabajo fue conocer la etiología de la NN en adultos y evaluar el perfil de resistencia a los antimicrobianos de los microorganismos aislados teniendo en cuenta si los pacientes recibieron o no tratamiento antimicrobiano previo. Desde el año 2000 hasta el 2005 se analizaron 430 lavados broncoalveolares provenientes de 430 pacientes adultos con diagnóstico de neumonía internados en la unidad de cuidados intensivos del Hospital de Clínicas "José de San Martín". El 74% (199/ 269 ) de los pacientes con tratamiento previo tuvieron cultivos positivos, mientras que en el grupo sin tratamiento previo esta proporción fue del 83% (134/161) (p = 0,03). Los microorganismos prevalentes fueron Acinetobacter spp., Staphylococcus aureus y Pseudomonas aeruginosa (37,9% ; 21,3% y 20,9% vs. 36,1%; 26,6% y 17,7% en los pacientes con tratamiento previo o sin él, respectivamente; p > 0,05). La resistencia a los antimicrobianos de los citados microorganismos cuando los aislamientos provinieron de pacientes que recibieron antes tratamiento antibiótico fue superior a la encontrada en el grupo de pacientes que no recibió tratamiento previo (p < 0,05), excepto en el caso de la resistencia a la trimetoprima-sulfametoxazol por parte de S. aureus (p = 0,29). En conclusión, el tratamiento antimicrobiano previo no modificó la etiología de la NN, pero sí provocó un aumento global de la resistencia a los antimicrobianos y un menor porcentaje de cultivos positivos.

Nosocomial pneumonia (NP) is associated with high morbimortality, representing the second cause of nosocomial infection after urinary tract infection. The objective of this work was to become acquainted with the etiology of NP and to evaluate the antimicrobial resistance profile of the isolated microorganisms from adult patients with and without previous antimicrobial treatment admitted in the intensive care unit (ICU). From 2000 to 2005, 430 bronchoalveolar lavages from 430 adult patients diagnosed with pneumonia admitted in the ICU were analyzed. Seventy-four percent (199/ 269) of the patients with previous treatment had positive cultures, whereas in the group without previous treatment the percentage was 83% (134/161) (p = 0,03). The main agents in both groups of patients were: Acinetobacter spp. (37.9% vs 36.1%), Staphylococcus aureus (21.3% vs 26.6% ) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (20.9% vs 17.7%), respectively (p > 0,05). The antimicrobial resistance in Acinetobacter spp., P. aeruginosa and S. aureus from previously treated patients was higher than that from patients without previous antimicrobial treatment (p < 0,05), except in the case of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole in S. aureus (p = 0,29). In conclusion, previous antimicrobial treatment did not modify the etiology of NP, but caused an increase in overall antimicrobial resistance and a lower percentage of positive cultures.

Adulte , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Jeune adulte , Antibactériens/usage thérapeutique , Bactéries/isolement et purification , Infection croisée/microbiologie , Multirésistance bactérienne aux médicaments , Pneumopathie bactérienne/microbiologie , Infections à Acinetobacter/traitement médicamenteux , Infections à Acinetobacter/microbiologie , Acinetobacter/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Acinetobacter/isolement et purification , Antibactériens/pharmacologie , Bactéries/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Liquide de lavage bronchoalvéolaire/microbiologie , Infection croisée/traitement médicamenteux , Pneumopathie bactérienne/traitement médicamenteux , Infections à Pseudomonas/traitement médicamenteux , Infections à Pseudomonas/microbiologie , Pseudomonas aeruginosa/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Pseudomonas aeruginosa/isolement et purification , Études rétrospectives , Infections à staphylocoques/traitement médicamenteux , Infections à staphylocoques/microbiologie , Staphylococcus aureus/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Staphylococcus aureus/isolement et purification
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-596330


OBJECTIVE To investigate the transmission of microorganisms by humidifier during oxygen humidification and search an ideal way to prevent it.METHODS Two kinds of humidifier,the unique bionic humidifier and the bubble humidifier,were involved.The humidification material inside the humidifiers were all contaminated with Staphylococcus aureaus,Escherichia coli and Candida albican at 5?105/ml and 2.5?106/ml.Oxygen passed through every contaminated humidifier to the end of oxygen tube which was put in the bottle with 100ml normal saline,lasting 20 minutes,on the 1st,the 2nd,and the 3rd day after the humidifiers being contaminated.The fluid in the bottles,1ml each,were cultured respectively.RESULTS The S.aureaus count of 39.5,52.4,117.3 CFU/ml in 5?105/ml group,83.1,125.2,263.2 CFU/ml in 2.5?106/ml group and E.coli count of 12.9,29.4,37.3 CFU/ml in 5?105/ml group,26.5,55.2,65.2 CFU/ml in 2.5?106/ml group were detected at the end of bubble humidifier on three consecutive day respectively.There were no positive culture of bacteria at the end of bionic humidifier on three consecutive day respectively.The difference of S.aureaus and E.coli count between bubble and bionic humidifier on three consecutive day was significant(P

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-596552


OBJECTIVE To investigate the clinical characteristics,risk factors and preventive measures for nosocomial pneumonia in patients with post-hepatitis liver cirrhosis.METHODS A prospective and retrospective study was carried out to investigate the clinical data of 495 patients with post-hepatitis liver cirrhosis in Department of Infectious Diseases during Jan 1,2005 to Dec 31,2007.RESULTS The incidence rate of the nosocomial pneumonia in post-hepatitis liver cirrhosis patients was 13.50 %.The death rate was 25.40 %,which was obviously higher than 6.8% of patients without no nosocomial infection(?2=23.77,P

Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-158465


BACKGROUND: This is a retrospective, descriptive study, evaluating the observed agreement between 1996 & 2002 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) definitions of nosocomial pneumonia (NP) for medical intensive care unit (MICU) and surgical intensive care unit (SICU) patients. METHODS: A total of 476 adult patients who were over 15 years of age and had been admitted to the MICU & SICU of a university hospital between August 1, 2005 and August 1, 2007 were enrolled. Data were collected from electronic medical records according to the 1996 & 2002 CDC definitions of NP. RESULTS: According to the 1996 CDC definitions of NP, there were a total of 116 NP cases and incidence rate was 11.6 per 1,000 patient-days; when analyzed with the 2002 CDC definitions of NP, 75 cases met the criteria and the incidence rate was 7.5 per 1,000 patient-days. Kappa value measuring agreement between the two definitions was 0.67 (95% confidence interval 0.601-0.706). When 1996 CDC definitions were compared with 2002 CDC definitions, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were 93.3, 88.5, 60.3, and 98.6%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Even though the aforementioned NP criteria had been applied to the same study population, the number of patients that met the definitions changed depending on which criteria had been used. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the differences when making a comparison.

Adulte , Humains , Dossiers médicaux électroniques , Incidence , Soins de réanimation , Unités de soins intensifs , Pneumopathie infectieuse , Études rétrospectives , Sensibilité et spécificité
Chinese Journal of Neuromedicine ; (12): 743-745, 2008.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1032523


Objective To investigate the bacteriological distribution of nosocomial pneumonia induced by acute stroke, and to improve the preventative and therapeutic measures. Methods The clinical data of 192 patients with nosocomial pneumonia induced by acute stroke were analyzed respectively. Results Among the 192 cases, 13 pathogenic microorganisms and 116 strains were cultivated, and the first 4 strains were Escherichia coli, Psendomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella and Staphylococcus aurens. Gram-negative bacteria were sensitive to imipenem, and Gram-positive bacteria were sensitive to vancomycin. Conclusion The main pathogens of nosocomial pneumonia in acute stroke patients may be Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The measures improving the therapeutic outcome of acute stroke include the enhancement of nursing quality, prevention of cross infection in hospital, increasing predictability of the occurrence of pneumonia induced by acute stroke, and the control of pneumonia.

Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-158178


BACKGROUND: Recently, multidrug-resistant (MDR) A. baumannii has been implicated for a significant proportion of nosocominal pneumonia in many intensive care units (ICUs), and its acquisition may increase mortality and the length of stay in the ICU. Aerosolized colistin has been successfully used in patients with cystic fibrosis, but there is a lack of data regarding the use of aerosolized colistin in patients with nosocomial pneumonia. METHODS: We conducted the present study to assess the effectiveness of aerosolized colistin for the treatment of MDR A. baumannii nosocomial pneumonia. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 10 patients who had been hospitalized in the medical ICU and had received aerosolized colistin as a therapy for MDR A. baumannii pneumonia. RESULTS: The mean duration of aerosolized colistin therapy was 12.7+/-2.4 days. Nine (90%) of 10 patients showed a favorable response to the therapy. Follow-up cultures were available for all patients, and the responsible pathogen was completely eradicated. One patient suffered from bronchospasm, which resolved after treatment with nebulized salbutamol. CONCLUSION: Our results corroborate previous reports that aerosolized colistin may be an effective and safe choice for the treatment of nosocomial pneumonia caused by MDR A. baumannii. Larger prospective controlled clinical studies are warranted to validate further the effectiveness and safety of aerosolized colistin therapy.

Humains , Acinetobacter , Acinetobacter baumannii , Salbutamol , Bronchospasme , Colistine , Mucoviscidose , Études de suivi , Unités de soins intensifs , Durée du séjour , Dossiers médicaux , Pneumopathie infectieuse , Études rétrospectives
Chinese Journal of Geriatrics ; (12): 518-520, 2008.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-399979


Objective To investigate the risk factors for nosoeomial pneumonia in elderly stroke patients(aged 60 years and over). Methods The clinical data of 259 patients with nosoeomial pneumonia from Jan 2002 to June 2007 were collected and the risk factors were retrospectively analyzed. Results The morbility rate of nosocomial pneumonia in elderly stroke patients was 41.3%,and the risk factors were aging,Iong hospitalization,unconsciousness,type of stroke,and underlying diseases,smoking,tracheal intubation,tracheotomy,application of respiratory machine (all P>0.05). Conclusions The morbility rate of nosoeomial pneumonia in elderly stroke patients was high,and the risk factors are aging,long hospitalization,unconsciousness,type of stroke,and underlying diseases,smoking,tracheal intubation,tracheotomy,application of respiratory machine.

Rev. bras. ter. intensiva ; 19(4): 428-433, out.-dez. 2007. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-473618


JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O paciente internado em unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI), geralmente apresenta higiene bucal insatisfatória, podendo a região orofaríngea ser colonizada por patógenos envolvidos em pneumonia nosocomial. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a presença de patógenos respiratórios na cavidade bucal em pacientes em UTI. MÉTODO: Foram incluídos neste estudo transversal, 30 pacientes residentes no município de Nova Friburgo no estado do Rio de Janeiro, com idade entre 18 e 82 anos e média ponderada de 53,53 anos, sendo 17 homens e 13 mulheres, internados na UTI geral, excetuando a unidade coronariana, do Hospital Municipal Raul Sertã, Nova Friburgo, com diagnóstico de pneumonia nosocomial (PN). Foi realizada cultura das amostras do aspirado traqueal para identificar os micro-organismos responsáveis pela PN. Em contrapartida amostras microbiológicas da placa dental supragengival, da língua e do tubo do umidificador, foram analisadas para avaliação da presença do agente etiológico da PN. RESULTADOS: As bactérias mais freqüentemente encontradas no aspirado traqueal dos pacientes foram S. pneumoniae 23,3 por cento (7), P. aeruginosa 20 por cento (6), S. aureus 13,3 por cento (4), Kleibsella pneumoniae 13,3 por cento (4), Candida albicans 6,6 por cento (2), Streptococcus a-hemolítico 6,6 por cento (2), Staphylococcus sp. 6,6 por cento (2), Acinetobacter calcoaceticus - baumanii complex (A. calcoaceticus) em 1 paciente (3,3 por cento do total de pacientes), Eschericia coli (E.coli) 3,3 por cento (1), Enterobacter cloacae (E. cloacae) 3,3 por cento (1). Nesses pacientes, 70 por cento destas bactérias foram encontradas no biofilme dental, 63,33 por cento em amostras da língua, 73,33 por cento nas amostras do tubo do respirador artificial e em 43,33 por cento em todos as áreas simultaneamente. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas nas proporções das amostras dos locais de coleta (p > 0,05). CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados...

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Hospitalized patients receiving treatment at intensive care units (ICU) usually show poor oral hygiene, and may have the mouth and oropharingeal region colonized by pathogens involved in nosocomial pneumonia. The presence of these pathogens may increase the risk for respiratory diseases. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of respiratory pathogens in the oral cavity of hospitalized patients at ICU. METHODS: Were included in the study 30 patients from Hospital Raul Sertã, Nova Friburgo, with the diagnostic of nosocomial pneumonia, and tracheal aspirate samples were cultured to identify the causing microorganisms. In addition, microbiological samples from supragingival dental plaque, tongue and respiratory tube were cultured for the presence of a panel of respiratory pathogens. RESULTS: The most frequently found bacteria in the tracheal aspirate were S. Pneumoniae 23.3 percent (7), P. aeruginosa 20 percent (6), S. aureus 13.3 percent (4), K. pneumoniae 13.3 percent (4), C. albicans 6.6 percent (2), a-hemolytic streptococcus 6.6 percent (2), Staphylococcus sp. 6.6 percent (2), A. calcoaceticus 3.3 percent (1), E. coli 3.3 percent (1) and E. cloacae 3.3 percent (1). 70 percent (21) of these microorganisms were found in the dental biofilm, 63.33 percent (19) in tongue samples; 73.33 percent (22) in the respiratory tube; and 43.33 percent (13) in all sampling sites simultaneously. No differences in proportions could be observed between the sampling sites (p > 0.05) CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study show that respiratory pathogens associated with nosocomial pneumonia are present in the oral biofilm of hospitalized patients in ICU, which may serve as a reservoir for these microorganisms.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Biofilms/croissance et développement , Pneumopathie infectieuse
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-648834


BACKGROUND: The aim of this study is to determine the clinical outcomes of early vancomycin administration before identification of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in patients with nosocomial pneumonia on a ventilator. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed patients with nosocomial pneumonia in a 20-bed medical ICU during a period of 2 years and 2 months. This study included 52 inpatients, who were admitted for more than 72 hr and had a new or progressive lung infiltrate plus at least two of the following three criteria for pneumonia: abnormal body temperature (>38oC or 10,000/mm3 or <3,000/mm3), and purulent bronchial secretions. All of the MRSA were identified in tracheal aspirates during mechanical ventilation. RESULTS: A total of 23 patients who received vancomycin prior to identification of MRSA exhibited a 28-day mortality rate of 60%, while 29 patients who received vancomycin after identification of MRSA showed a 28-day mortality rate of 40% (p=0.17). There was no statistically significant difference in severity index and routine laboratory findings between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: Early vancomycin administration before identification of MRSA does not appear to affect the mortality rate for patients with nosocomial pneumonia.

Humains , Température du corps , Patients hospitalisés , Numération des leucocytes , Poumon , Résistance à la méticilline , Staphylococcus aureus résistant à la méticilline , Mortalité , Pneumopathie infectieuse , Ventilation artificielle , Études rétrospectives , Vancomycine , Respirateurs artificiels
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-79196


BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of an improved method of endotracheal suction on nosocomial pneumonia (NP) and tracheal colonization by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii in intensive care units (ICUs). METHODS: The study was carried out in both the medical and surgical ICUs of a tertiary-care university hospital; 2,347 patients were admitted in the ICUs from January 2003 to December 2004. The method of endotracheal suction to remove secretions was improved by using a sterile, individually packed catheter and sterile fluid filled in a small container for a single use instead of sterile catheters and fluid packed or filled in large containers for a multiple use. Then, we compared the incidence of NP, the colonization rates of P. aeruginosa and A. baumanni in the respiratory tract, and their carbapenem resistance before and after the intervention. RESULTS: The incidence of NP (1,000 patient-day rate) was decreased from 4.08 to 2.46 in the SICU and from 1.4 to 0.8 in the MICU after the intervention, but the differences were not significant. The colonization rate by A. baumannii was decreased significantly from 35.7% to 4.6% in the SICU (P<0.001) and from 12.7% to 7.6% in the MICU (P<0.001). The colonization rate by P. aeruginosa was decreased significantly from 17.7% to 7.4% in the SICU (P<0.001), but not in the MICU. There was also a marked decrease in carbapenem resistance, 21% to 8% in P. aeruginosa and 70% to 16% in A. baumannii. CONCLUSION: Endotracheal suction with a sterile catheter and sterile fluid is important in preventing respiratory infections and colonization by P. aeruginosa and A. baumannii in the ICU.

Humains , Acinetobacter baumannii , Acinetobacter , Cathéters , Côlon , Résistance bactérienne aux médicaments , Incidence , Unités de soins intensifs , Soins de réanimation , Pneumopathie infectieuse , Pseudomonas aeruginosa , Pseudomonas , Appareil respiratoire , Infections de l'appareil respiratoire , Aspiration (technique)
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-32308


BACKGROUND: Acinetobacter baumannii has emerged as an important nosocomial pathogen worldwide. The incidence of these infections has recently begun to increase. The mortality rate associated with these infections is high (bacteremia; 52% , pneumonia: 23%~73%) and multidrug resistance has been reported. For the effective control of multidrug- resistant Acinetobacter baumannii(MDR-AB), the impact of these organisms in clinical practice should be determined. This study compared the clinical characteristics, mortality and morbidity of Acinetobacter nosocomial pneumonia between MDR strain and non-MDR strain. METHODS: From Jan. 1, 2002 to Nov. 1. 2004, 47 adult patients with Acinetobacter nosocomial pneumonia in Chuncheon Sacred Heart Hospital were recruited and analyzed retrospectively. MDR-AB was defined as showing in vitro resistance to all commercially available antibiotics against A. baumannii. RESULTS: There were 47 patients with Acinetobacter nosocomial pneumonia. MDR-AB and non MDR-AB was the cause of the pneumonia in 17 and 30 patients, respectively. Mean age of the former was 69+/-11 years old and the latter was 70+/-13 years old. The mean APCHE II score, ICU days and mortality were not different between the two groups(16.1+/-5.4 vs. 14.9+/-4.8, P=0.43, 25.1+/-13.6 vs. 39.1+/-31.0, P=0.2, 58.8% vs. 40%, P=0.21). CONCLUSION: There are no significant differences in mortality and morbidity between MDR and non-MDR Acinetobacter baumannii. The mortality of the two groups is surprisingly high, therefore proper infection control practices are essential.

Adulte , Humains , Acinetobacter baumannii , Acinetobacter , Antibactériens , Multirésistance aux médicaments , Coeur , Incidence , Prévention des infections , Mortalité , Pneumopathie infectieuse , Pronostic , Études rétrospectives