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Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 62: e19180340, 2019. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1039129


Abstract This research evaluated the monthly variation of plant mineral nutrition in six species of fruit trees over a year. Leaf samples were taken from the fruit trees and nutritional status (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, and Mo) was determined in the leaves in a month basis from April until November for apple, persimmon and peach. Mandarin mineral nutrition was monitored for one year, and grape and fig from May to November. Using this data, the Diagnosis Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) was also calculated to evaluate the nutrient balance in the plants. The concentration of N and P had seasonal differences, especially in apple and peach, which reached the peak during the summer. Apple, fig, and grape trees had large ranging on their mineral contents over the year, especially with the P and K levels reaching the minimum during the harvesting season. However, the seasonal changes in leaf micronutrient concentrations were not uniform and not affected by phenological stage. The DRIS data demonstrated that mandarin had the best nutrient balance compared to others and that K was the most limiting element among the fruit trees. In summary, the current data suggest the occurrence of a significant seasonality in mineral nutrition in these six fruit trees, especially in temperate ones.

Saisons , Nutriments , Produits agricoles , Sciences de la nutrition/méthodes
Vet. Méx ; 39(4): 411-422, oct.-dic. 2008. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-632892


The nitrogen and energy utilization of finishing pigs allocated individually or in groups of two was evaluated. Thirty two castrated males were used with an initial weight of 68.6 ± 1.0 kg that were assigned in a randomized complete block design with a split-plot arrangement in three treatments: a pig allocated individually with free access to feed and 0.81 m² of floor space (D1AL); two pigs allocated in group with free access to feed and 0.405 m² of floor space/pig (D2AL); a pig allocated individually paired-fed to the average consumption of pigs in D2AL and floor space similar to D1AL (D1P). The experiment was divided in two periods of excreta collection: days 1-4 and 18-21, respectively. There were eight repetitions per treatment. The nutrient consumption in period 1 was higher in D1AL compared to D2AL and D1P (density x period, P < 0.01); in period 2, the nutrient consumption was higher in D1AL, intermediate in D1P and lower in D2AL. The nitrogen (P < 0.05) and energy (P < 0.10) retained in period 1 was similar among densities (density x period interaction); in period 2 it was higher in D1AL compared to D2AL. The pigs housed in groups of two with free access to feed had lower nutrient consumption and retention at the end of the trial, probably as a consequence of chronic stress due to the competition for the feed, complicated by the restriction of available floor space.

Se evaluó la utilización de nitrógeno y energía en cerdos en finalización, alojados individualmente y en grupos de dos. Se usaron 32 machos castrados con un peso inicial de 68.6 ± 1.0 kg que fueron asignados al azar, en un diseño de bloques completos con arreglo en parcelas divididas en tres tratamientos: un cerdo alojado individualmente con libre acceso al alimento y 0.81 m² de espacio de piso (D1AL); dos cerdos alojados en grupo con libre acceso al alimento y 0.405 m² de espacio de piso/cerdo (D2AL); un cerdo alojado individualmente con consumo pareado con base en el consumo de los cerdos en D2AL y espacio de piso similar a D1AL (D1P). El experimento se dividió en dos periodos de recolección de excretas: días 1-4 (periodo 1) y 18-21 (periodo 2). Se tuvieron ocho repeticiones por tratamiento. El consumo de nutrimentos en el periodo 1 fue mayor en D1AL con respecto a D2AL y D1P (densidad x periodo, P < 0.01); en el periodo 2, el consumo de nutrimentos fue mayor en D1AL, intermedio en D1P y menor en D2AL. La retención de nitrógeno (P < 0.05) y de energía (P < 0.10) en el periodo 1 fue similar entre densidades (interacción densidad x periodo); en el periodo 2 fue mayor en D1AL comparado con D2AL. Los cerdos alojados en grupos de dos con alimentación a libertad tuvieron menor consumo y retención de nutrimentos en la fase final de la prueba, probablemente como consecuencia del estrés crónico debido a la competencia por el alimento, complicado por la restricción de espacio disponible de piso.

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