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Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 33(4): 297-310, oct.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560030


RESUMEN Objetivo: Describir las lesiones en tejidos dentarios y trastornos de la salud bucal encontradas durante el examen médico ocupacional en trabajadores del sector construcción de Lima, Perú. Material y métodos: Estudio epidemiológico transversal realizado en 150 trabajadores del sector construcción, seleccionados mediante muestreo aleatorio simple. Se realizó una evaluación estomatológica mediante observación directa y se empleó un instrumento de evaluación odontológico-ocupacional con índices para caries dental, severidad de caries y traumatismos dentales e indicadores de consecuencias clínicas de caries no tratada (patología pulpar) y lesiones no cariosas. Resultados: La experiencia de caries de los operadores sin estudio superior (CPOD = 14,99) y con estudio superior (CPOD = 13,06) fue superior frente a los supervisores (CPOD = 8,23) y administrativos (CPOD = 5,08). Los trabajadores operadores sin estudio superior (SiC = 18,04) y con estudio superior (SiC = 17,17) presentaron peores indicadores de significancia de caries frente a los supervisores (SiC = 13,67) y administrativos (SiC = 8,25). Además, los operadores sin estudio superior presentaron mayor carga de consecuencias clínicas de caries no tratada (PUFA = 2,35; severidad = 9,2%) en comparación con los operativos con estudio superior (PUFA = 1,91; severidad = 8,4%), los supervisores (PUFA = 0,53; severidad = 2,1%) y los administrativos (PUFA = 0,46; severidad = 1,8%), así como mayor frecuencia de lesiones no cariosas (47,3 %) y traumatismos dentales (21,3 %). Conclusiones: La salud dental, sus consecuencias clínicas y la estructura de los tejidos dentarios de los trabajadores operativos de una empresa constructora se encuentran más afectadas en comparación con los otros grupos laborales de la misma empresa.

ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the lesions in dental tissues and oral health disorders found during the occupational medical examination of workers in the construction sector in Lima, Peru. Material and methods: A cross-sectional epidemiological study was carried out on 150 workers in the construction sector, selected by simple random sampling. A stomatological evaluation was carried out by direct observation, and a dental-occupational evaluation instrument was used with indexes for dental caries, caries severity and dental trauma, and indicators of clinical consequences of untreated caries (pulp pathology) and non-carious lesions. Results: The caries experience of operators without higher education (CPOD = 14.99) and with higher education (CPOD = 13.06) was higher than that of supervisors (CPOD = 8.23) and administrative workers (CPOD = 5.08). The operators without higher education (SiC = 18.04) and with higher education (SiC = 17.17) presented worse caries significance indicators compared to supervisors (SiC = 13.67) and administrative workers (SiC = 8.25). In addition, operators without higher education had a higher burden of clinical consequences of untreated caries (PUFA = 2.35; severity = 9.2%) compared to operators with higher education (PUFA = 1.91; severity = 8.4%), supervisors (PUFA = 0.53; severity = 2.1%) and administrators (PUFA = 0.46; severity = 1.8%), as well as a higher frequency of non-carious lesions (47.3%) and dental trauma (21.3%). Conclusions: Dental health, its clinical consequences, and the structure of the dental tissues of the operative workers of a construction company are more affected compared to the other labor groups of the same company.

RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever as lesões nos tecidos dentários e os distúrbios de saúde oral encontrados durante o exame médico ocupacional em trabalhadores do sector da construção em Lima, Peru. Material e métodos: Foi realizado um estudo epidemiológico transversal em 150 trabalhadores do sector da construção, selecionados por amostragem aleatória simples. Foi realizada uma avaliação de estomatologia por observação direta e foi utilizado um instrumento de avaliação dentária ocupacional com índices de cárie dentária, gravidade da cárie e traumatismo dentário e indicadores das consequências clínicas da cárie não tratada (patologia pulpar) e lesões não cariosas. Resultados: A experiência de cárie dos operadores sem ensino superior (CPOD = 14,99) e com ensino superior (CPOD = 13,06) foi maior em comparação com os supervisores (CPOD = 8,23) e trabalhadores administrativos (CPOD = 5,08). Os operadores sem ensino superior (SiC = 18,04) e com ensino superior (SiC = 17,17) apresentaram piores indicadores de significância da cárie quando comparados aos supervisores (SiC = 13,67) e aos funcionários administrativos (SiC = 8,25). Além disso, os operadores sem ensino superior apresentaram maior carga de consequências clínicas da cárie não tratada (PUFA = 2,35; severidade = 9,2%) em relação aos operadores com ensino superior (PUFA = 1,91; severidade = 8,4%), supervisores (PUFA = 0,53; severidade = 2,1%) e administradores (PUFA = 0,46; severidade = 1,8%), bem como maior frequência de lesões não cariosas (47,3%) e traumatismos dentários (21,3%). Conclusões: A saúde dentária, as suas consequências clínicas e a estrutura dos tecidos dentários dos operários de uma empresa de construção civil são mais afetadas em comparação com os outros grupos de trabalho da mesma empresa.

Saúde Soc ; 32(supl.1): e220920pt, 2023. tab, graf
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530437


Resumo O campo da Odontologia do Trabalho tem considerado lastro teórico-científico. Esta revisão de escopo objetiva desvelar o estado da arte acerca do tema em sete bases de pesquisas indexadas, considerando quase 100 anos de publicações (1921-2020). Das 337 produções inicialmente identificadas, realizou-se recorte para os últimos seis anos (2015-2021/janeiro), aplicando-se metodologia proposta pela extensão do Prisma para revisões de escopo (Prisma-ScR). Contudo, plataformas de revisões rápidas usadas para tomada de decisões em formulações de políticas públicas ou em aperfeiçoamentos de sistemas de saúde responderam por apenas 20 publicações, enquanto a amostra de 34 produções revelou peculiaridades: pesquisas privilegiam regimes de trabalho; associam o campo de estudo e prática ao modelo stricto sensu da saúde ocupacional; desconsideram concepções amplas e humanizantes do campo da Saúde do Trabalhador; tendem a priorizar a própria saúde ocupacional odontológica e parecem reduzir o conceito do acidente de trabalho a doenças. Tais questões precisam ser superadas se a perspectiva for manter-se em vanguarda, promovendo saúd e e segurança em contextos contemporâneos de trabalho, pois, embora seja evidente a transversalidade desse campo de saberes e práticas, é necessário mais, é preciso ousar para retirá-la da invisibilidade, seja em organizações privadas ou públicas de trabalho.

Abstract The field of Occupational Dentistry has considered theoretical-scientific ballast. This scoping review aims to reveal the state of the art on the subject in seven indexed research bases, considering almost 100 years of publications (1921-2020). Of the 337 productions initially identified, a cut was made for the last six years (2015-2021/January), applying the methodology proposed by the PRISMA extension for scope reviews (PRISMA-ScR). However, rapid review platforms used for decision making in formulating public policies or in improving health systems accounted for only 20 publications, whereas the sample of 34 productions revealed peculiarities: research favors work regimes; associates the field of study and practice with the stricto sensu model of occupational health; disregards broad and humanizing concepts in the field of Worker's Health; tends to prioritize its own occupational dental health, and seems to reduce the concept of work accidents to illnesses. Such issues need to be overcome if the perspective is to remain at the forefront, promoting health and safety in contemporary work contexts, since, although the transversality of this field of knowledge and practices is evident, more is needed, daring to remove it from invisibility whether in private or public work organizations is necessary.

Processus politique , Santé au travail , Politique de santé , Promotion de la santé
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 51(4): 309-317, oct.-dic. 2022.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423880


RESUMEN Objetivo: Determinar los factores asociados con el agotamiento psicológico (AP) en odontólogos especialistas que laboraban en la ciudad de Bucaramanga y su área metropolitana. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional analítico de corte transversal en el que se aplicó la versión validada del cuestionario Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS) a 117 especialistas del área de odontología. Se analizaron los puntajes obtenidos en las 3 dimensiones del instrumento, las características sociodemográficas, los aspectos del entorno laboral y profesional y los hábitos. En el análisis bivariado, se utilizó el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman, la prueba de la U de Mann Whitney o Kruskal-Wallis y en el ánalisis multivariado, se realizó una regresión logística. Un valor de p<0,05 se consideró estadísticamente significativo. Cada participante aceptó su inclusión en el estudio tras el proceso de consentimiento informado. Resultados: El promedio de edad fue 44,0 ± 7,8 años y el 57,3% eran mujeres. El 3,4, el 4,3 y el 4,3% de los participantes tenían altos grados de agotamiento emocional, despersonaliza ción y falta de realización personal respectivamente. El consumo de cigarrillo presentó una asociación directa con las dimensiones despersonalización (p = 0,031) y falta de realización personal (p = 0,025). De otra parte, tener 10 años o más de egresado del posgrado evidenció una asociación inversa en estas 2 dimensiones (p = 0,049 y p = 0,045 respectivamente). Conclusiones: Los resultados indican que el AP no es un problema frecuente en los odontó logos especialistas que laboran en Bucaramanga y su área metropolitana; sin embargo, es importante tener en cuenta que se observó relación del AP con el hábito de fumar y los años de egresado de la especialidad.

ABSTRACT Objective: To establish the factors associated with burnout syndrome in dental specialists working in the city of Bucaramanga and its metropolitan area. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in which the validated version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS) questionnaire was applied to 117 dental specialists. The variables analysed were the scores obtained in the three dimensions of the instrument - sociodemographic and job-related characteristics, professional environment, and habits. Spearman's correlation coefficient and the Mann Whitney or Kruskal-Wallis U test were used in the bivariate analysis, and a logistic regression was perfor med in the multivariate analysis. A value of p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Each participant accepted their inclusion in the study after the Informed Consent process was done. Results: The average age was 44.0 ± 7.8 years, and 57.3% were women. It was observed that 3.4%, 4.3% and 4.3% of respondents scored highly in emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation and lack of personal achievement, respectively. Cigarette smoking presented a direct association with the dimensions of depersonalisation (p = 0.031) and lack of personal achie vement (p = 0.025). On the other hand, having completed the postgraduate degree 10 years or more ago showed a negative association in these two dimensions (p = 0.049 and p = 0.045, respectively). Conclusions: The results suggest that burnout syndrome is not a frequent problem in dental specialists who work in Bucaramanga and its metropolitan area. However, it is important to keep in mind that a relationship was observed between the syndrome and smoking, and the years after graduating in the specialty.

Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 22: e210076, 2022. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1365222


ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate the frequency of occupational hazards and the criteria for their prevention among Iranian dentists. Material and Methods This cross-sectional study was conducted on 187 general dentists in Kerman. The data collection tool was a questionnaire including personal information (gender, age, marital status, condition and place and years of employment, and the average of weekly working hours) and a valid and reliable questionnaire of occupational hazards, including 24 questions about occupational hazards (6 domain) and nine questions about criteria for the prevention of the risks of dentistry. The t-test, chi-square, and linear regression were used. Results 92 (49.2%) were men. The mean and standard deviation of the score of occupational hazards was 27.04±16.21 out of 96, and the criteria of prevention were 22.00±7.28 out of 36. Regression analysis showed significant correlations between single statuses, years of occupational and type of employment, weekly work hours and occupational hazards, participation in occupational injury identification courses, and hepatitis vaccination. In addition, there were significant correlations between gender, age, weekly work hours, and preventive measures. Moreover, 3.2% of dentists were in a high-risk group and 26.2% were weak in preventive measures. Conclusion A total of 32.6% of dentists are at moderate risk of occupational hazards, and 10.7% meet the prevention criteria properly. It is recommended to hold training classes to identify occupational hazards and the criteria for their prevention among dentists.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Risques Professionnels , Facteurs de risque , Dentistes , Iran/épidémiologie , Maladies professionnelles/étiologie , Odontologie en médecine du travail/instrumentation , Loi du khi-deux , Modèles linéaires , Études transversales/méthodes , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Analyse de régression , Santé au travail , Prévention des Maladies , Blessures professionnelles
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 57(4): e3442, Oct.-Dec. 2020.
Article de Espagnol | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1149888


Tema a presentar: En tiempos de COVID-19, debido al riesgo de transmisión derivado de varios procederes estomatológicos, se requiere reforzar la protección de los pacientes y de los trabajadores. Por tanto, se hace necesario actualizar a la comunidad científica y a los decisores de políticas en salud pública sobre aspectos esenciales para el perfeccionamiento de la gestión de la atención de salud bucal durante la pandemia. Comentarios principales: Con un enfoque actualizado según las experiencias internacionales, se trató el tema de la evaluación del riesgo laboral en estomatología y la gestión de la atención estomatológica durante la presente pandemia de COVID-19. Consideraciones globales: La profesión estomatológica tiene ante sí la responsabilidad de evitar la transmisión nosocomial de infecciones en los centros laborales, en las áreas de desempeño y que el personal en ejercicio de las acciones de salud esté protegido y no se convierta en trasmisor que ponga en riesgo a sus compañeros de trabajo, a la población que atiende, a su familia y a la población en general. El desempeño de los especialistas debe responder en todo momento a la ética médica y velar por ofrecer alternativas a las necesidades de salud bucal de la población en todas las situaciones de la vida social. La efectividad del accionar dependerá del perfeccionamiento de la gestión de la atención de salud bucal en tiempos de la COVID-19(AU)

Topic to be presented: In the time of COVID-19, and due to the risk of transmission derived from various dental procedures, it is necessary to enhance the protection of patients and workers. The scientific community and public health policy makers should therefore be updated on essential contents related to the improved management of oral health care during the pandemic. Main remarks: The topic of occupational risk assessment and dental care management during the current COVID-19 pandemic was addressed with an updated approach in keeping with international experiences. General considerations: The dental care profession has the responsibility of preventing nosocomial transmission of infections at work places and performance areas, as well as ensuring the protection of those involved in health actions, so that they do not become infected and transmit the disease to their colleagues, their patients, their family and the population at large. Specialists should always comply with medical ethics and offer alternatives to the oral health care needs of the population in all social life situations. The effectiveness of such actions will depend on improving the management of oral health care in the time of COVID-19(AU)

Humains , Administration des services de santé/éthique , Soins dentaires/méthodes , Infections à coronavirus/épidémiologie , Risques Professionnels
Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 39(4): e695, oct.-dic. 2020. tab
Article de Espagnol | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1156448


Introducción: La odontología es una de las carreras de mayor exigencia en el eje músculo-esqueletal del cuello y tronco superior, por lo que las posturas inadecuadas aprendidas durante el periodo de pregrado pueden considerarse como factores de riesgo. Objetivo: Adaptar y validar el cuestionario MAPETO-br de Danielle Wajngarten para estudiantes de Odontología. Métodos: Se preparó en español una versión previa del cuestionario MAPETO-br a partir de dos traducciones independientes de la versión original en portugués. Con el documento se realizó un pretest a dos profesionales de la salud expertos en ergonomía. Luego se aplicó una prueba piloto a 112 estudiantes de cuarto y quinto año de Odontología. Se realizó la recolección de datos mediante fotografía de la postura de los alumnos durante la atención dental y a través de la encuesta. Se midió la consistencia interna y se efectuó el análisis factorial exploratorio a través de examen de componentes principales. Resultados: La versión final quedó compuesta por 12 de los 14 ítems del cuestionario MAPETO-br después de la validación de contenido y adaptación al medio cultural chileno. La consistencia interna para los 12 ítems tuvo un valor de alfa de Cronbach 0,796. Presenta, además, alta estabilidad en el tiempo. Conclusiones: Los resultados muestran medidas válidas y confiables para el Cuestionario MAPETO-cl para evaluación de postura, siendo un método rápido durante la realización de trabajo clínico sentado, ayudando a la identificación de presencia o ausencia de factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de trastornos músculo-esqueléticos(AU)

Introduction: Dentistry is one of the professions that demands most from the musculoskeletal axis of the neck and upper trunk. Therefore, the inadequate postures learned during undergraduate training may be viewed as risk factors. Objective: Adapt and validate Danielle Wajngarten's MAPETO-br questionnaire for dental students. Methods: A previous version of the MAPETO-br questionnaire was prepared in Spanish based on two separate translations of the original Portuguese version. The document was used to apply a pretest to two health professionals expert in ergonomics. A pilot test was then given to 112 fourth- and fifth-year dental students. Data were collected photographing the students' posture during dental care and via the survey. Internal consistency was measured and exploratory factor analysis was performed by principal component examination. Results: The final version was composed of 12 of the 14 items in the MAPETO-br questionnaire after validation of the content and adaptation to the Chilean cultural environment. Internal consistency for the 12 items had a Cronbach's alpha value of 0.796. It also exhibits high stability in time. Conclusions: Results show valid and reliable measurements in the MAPETO-cl Questionnaire for posture assessment, making it a fast method to be applied during work in sitting position, and helping identify the presence or absence of risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders(AU)

Jeune adulte , Posture/physiologie , Enseignement dentaire/méthodes , Étudiant dentisterie , Enquêtes et questionnaires/normes
Rev. bras. med. trab ; 17(4): 594-604, 20-12-2019.
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1104113


A saúde bucal é um importante fator de morbidade humana mundial, mas frequentemente negligenciada em saúde ocupacional, apesar do impacto direto na qualidade de vida e na saúde do trabalhador. O objetivo deste artigo foi discutir o papel da saúde bucal como fator de absenteísmo e presenteísmo e nos processos de desenvolvimento e eficiência laboral por parte de governos, empresas e pelos próprios trabalhadores. Realizou-se revisão da literatura com artigos na íntegra, em inglês ou português, dos últimos 10 anos, nas bases científicas relacionando-se os temas saúde bucal, saúde ocupacional, absenteísmo e presenteísmo. Doenças bucais variaram como causas de absenteísmo entre 9 e 27%, mas de 28 a 50% como de presenteísmo. Dores dentárias e de ATM são as causas mais comuns. Entre 9 e 56% dos trabalhadores buscaram tratamentos em rede pública, e de 40 a 45%, em rede privada. Nas empresas que oferecem atendimento odontológico, 49% dos funcionários optaram pelo ambulatório da empresa, contra 40% da rede pública e 11% de outros tipos. A elevada prevalência de doenças bucais e de dor orofacial não é causa de elevados índices de absenteísmo, mas principalmente de presenteísmo. O trabalhador não se afasta, trabalha de forma deficitária e com propensão a maiores adoecimentos futuros. A saúde bucal tem importância não dissociada da saúde geral e ocupacional e, como tal, precisa ser incentivada e acompanhada de forma integrada. Políticas públicas e ações do setor privado efetivas e abrangentes na promoção e prevenção em saúde bucal no ambiente laboral podem ofertar melhor qualidade de vida aos trabalhadores.

Background: Oral health is an important factor of human morbidity worldwide. Yet is often neglected in occupational health despite its direct impact on the quality of life and health of workers. Objective: To discuss the role of oral health in sickness absence and presenteeism, as well as in development and work efficiency improvement processes involving governments, companies and the workers themselves. Methods: Review of full-text articles on oral health, occupational health, sickness absence and presenteeism published in English or Portuguese in the last 10 years and included in scientific databases. Results: Oral problems accounted for 9 to 27% cases of sickness absence and 28 to 50% of presenteeism, with toothache and temporomandibular joint pain as the most frequent reasons. About 50% of workers prefer company-provided dental care, while 40% visit public and 10% other types of facilities. Despite high, the prevalence of oral diseases and orofacial pain was not associated with high rates of absenteeism, but mainly with presenteeism, this is to say, workers do not tend to miss work days, but their performance is reduced and become susceptible to more serious health problems in the future. Conclusion: Oral health is not dissociated from general and occupational health, and as such it must be enhanced and duly promoted in an integrated manner. Effective and comprehensive oral health promotion and prevention public policies and private sector actions in the workplace can enhance the quality of life of workers.

Rev. Bras. Odontol. Leg. RBOL ; 6(2): [69,81], mai-ago 2019.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1050921


INTRODUÇÃO: A Odontologia do Trabalho busca seu espaço dentro das empresas públicas e privadas. Pensando em melhorar a condição de vida do empregado e manter a produtividade da empresa, a Odontologia integra a equipe de Saúde Ocupacional das empresas, realizando ações preventivas e de educação em saúde, além dos exames admissionais e periódicos. OBJETIVO: O presente trabalho objetiva relatar a experiência do planejamento e reestruturação de um serviço de saúde bucal do trabalhador em uma empresa do setor elétrico brasileiro, com ênfase na documentação odontológica. RELATO DE CASO: O serviço de saúde bucal foi planejado levando em conta as metas e objetivos da empresa, as condições epidemiológicas dos trabalhadores brasileiros, além das prioridades elencadas pelos empregados e pela equipe de saúde. Um novo prontuário foi desenvolvido e o rol de procedimentos realizados no serviço foi ampliado. CONCLUSÃO: Cabe ao cirurgião-dentista apresentar projeto de implementação ou de readequação do serviço, demonstrando a melhoria dos índices de saúde bucal e geral através da realização de ações odontológicas ocupacionais e preventivas. A presença do cirurgião-dentista do trabalho nas empresas é de grande valia, pois este profissional contribuirá com a redução do absenteísmo, a diminuição dos acidentes de trabalho relacionados a causas odontológicas e a promoção de saúde bucal para todos os trabalhadores

INTRODUCTION: The Occupational Dentistry seeks space within the public and private companies. Thinking about improving the employee's living conditions and maintain the productivity of the company, Dentistry integrates the Occupational Health team, performing preventive actions and health education, in addition to the admission and periodic exams. OBJECTIVE: This paper aims to report the experience of planning and restructuring a Labor Dentistry service in a company in the Brazilian electrical sector, with emphasis on dental documentation. CASE REPORT: The oral health service was planned taking into account the goals and objectives of the company, the epidemiological conditions of Brazilian workers, and the priorities established by the employees and the health team. The new dental record was developed and the list of procedures was updated and expanded. CONCLUSION: The dentist must submit a project for the implementation or the readjustment of the service, demonstrating the improvement of oral and general health indexes through the performance of occupational and preventive dental actions. The presence of the occupational dentist in the companies is of great value, since this professional will contribute with the reduction of absenteeism, the reduction of the accidents of work related to dental causes and the promotion of oral health for all the workers.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Dossiers dentaires , Santé au travail , Soins dentaires , Odontologie en médecine du travail
Cad. saúde colet., (Rio J.) ; 27(1): 100-107, jan.-mar. 2019. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-989530


Resumo Introdução Trabalhadores ativos constituem uma parcela importante da população que demanda os serviços de saúde. O estudo da relação entre saúde bucal e trabalho visa à melhoria da qualidade de vida e do desempenho profissional. Objetivo associar a capacidade para o trabalho com a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal de técnicos administrativos em educação de uma instituição de ensino superior de Minas Gerais. Método estudo transversal com 833 funcionários, com os quais foram coletados dados de identificação, socioeconômicos, demográficos, autopercepção e morbidade em saúde bucal. O impacto da saúde bucal na qualidade de vida foi avaliado pelo Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14), e a capacidade de trabalho, pelo Índice de Capacidade para o Trabalho (ICT). Os dados foram analisados pelos testes Mann-Whitney e coeficiente de correlação de Spearman. Resultados 83% dos entrevistados possuíam ótima ou boa capacidade para o trabalho. Houve correlação positiva e significativa da autopercepção da saúde bucal com a autopercepção da saúde geral (p < 0,001) e negativa com o ICT (p = 0,026). Na análise de regressão, ICT total permaneceu significativo para o domínio dor física do OHIP-14. Conclusão capacidade para o trabalho foi associada ao domínio dor física. Condições sociodemográficas e de autopercepção também impactaram na qualidade de vida associada à saúde bucal.

Abstract Background Active workers constitute an important part of the population that demand health services. The study of the relationship between oral health and work aims to improve quality of life and professional performance. Objective to associate the work ability and oral health-related quality of life of technical-administrative personnel in education of a higher education institution in Minas Gerais. Method cross-sectional study with 833 employees. Collected identification data, socioeconomic and demographic, self-perception and morbidity in oral health. The impact of oral health on quality of life was assessed by the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) and the ability to work by the Work Capability Index (WAI). Data analyzed by the Mann-Whitney test and Spearman's correlation coefficient. Results 83% of respondents had great or good ability to work. Positive and significant correlation of self-perception of oral health with self-perception of general health (p <0.001), and negative correlation with CTI (p = 0.026). In the regression analysis, total WAI remained significant for the physical pain domain of OHIP-14. Conclusion ability to work was associated with the physical pain domain. Sociodemographic and self-perception conditions also impacted the quality of life associated with oral health.

Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 18(1): 3875, 15/01/2018. tab, graf, maps
Article de Anglais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-965761


Objective: To describe the current situation of the dental profession in Chile, including training and workforce issues. Material and Methods: Data were collected from different national institutions, which included information regarding number of current registered dentists, university of graduation, geographical distribution, professional position, additional specialty certifications obtained, the number and characteristics of dental surgeons who work in the public and private sectors, the traditional character of the university, the accreditation status of the undergraduate dental programs and the general population number. Results: Currently there are 32 schools of Dentistry in Chile, of which 21 have their quality certified. There are 19,100 Chilean dentists and 1,727 foreign dentists registered. The number of graduates from private universities has increased significantly. Currently, 2,164 dentists work for MINSAL. Less than a third hold a specialty certification. Forty-five percent of the dental specialists obtained their certification from universities. The current professional ratio is 104 dentists per 100,000 habitants. Conclusion: The number of dentists in Chile has increased progressively during the last years, mainly associated with the opening of new dental schools. Only 28% of the Chilean dental schools have certified their quality for the total duration of the undergraduate program. Regarding the workforce, there is a public/private and geographical inequities in dentists' distribution.

Humains , École dentaire , Chili , Dentistes , Enseignement dentaire/méthodes , Odontologie en médecine du travail/méthodes , Études rétrospectives , Interprétation statistique de données
Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 27(1): 13-20, ene. 2017. ilus, graf, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-991165


Objetivos: Determinar el nivel de ruido producido durante los procedimientos clínicos odontológicos en las Áreas de Operatoria dental, Prótesis fija, Endodoncia y Odontopediatría de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Centro Médico Naval y Hospital Nacional Hipólito Unanue. Material y métodos: Se tomó una muestra por conveniencia de 80 registros sonoros de procedimientos clínicos odontológicos en prótesis fija, operatoria dental, odontopediatría y endodoncia usando un sonómetro digital, el cual fue colocado a nivel del oído y a una distancia de 45 cm del procedimiento clínico odontológico. Resultados: Se encontró que el mayor promedio de nivel de ruido a la altura del oído fue en operatoria dental con 83,13 decibeles(dB) y el menor fue en endodoncia con 65,57 dB. A 45 cms., el mayor promedio fue en prótesis fija con 76,99 dB y el menor fue en Endodoncia con 61,62 dB. Conclusiones: Los procedimientos clínicos odontológicos de operatoria dental, prótesis fija, endodoncia y odontopediatría se encontraron dentro de los límites permisibles sonoros del Ministerio de Salud del Perú.

Objetives: to determine the noise level made during odontological clinical procedures at the areas of operative dentistry, fixed prosthetics, endodontics and pediatric dentistry, at the Faculty of Dentistry at San Marcos University, Navy Medical Center and Hipolito Unanue National Hospital. Material and methods:A convenience sample of 80 sound records were registered at Dental Operatory, Fixed Prosthetic, Endodoncy, and Pediatric Dentistry clinics using a digital sound meter, which were located at ear level and at 45cm from the clinical dental procedure. Results: The highest average noise record at ear level was 83.13 decibels (dB) at dental operatory, and the lowest average noise record was 65.57 dB at endodoncy. The highest average noise record at 45 cm from de clinical dental procedure was 76.99 dB at Fixed Prosthetics, and the lowest average noise record was 61.62 dB at endodoncy. Conclusions: The sound level of dental operatory, fixed prosthetic, endodoncy, and pediatric dentistry were within the permissible limits by the Health Ministry of Peru.

Rev. bras. med. trab ; 14(2): 127-133, maio.-ago. 2016.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1827


Contexto: A Odontologia do Trabalho é responsável por estudar, interpretar e solucionar os diferentes problemas bucais dos trabalhadores, contribuindo para sua qualidade de vida e maior produtividade. Objetivos: Avaliar as condições bucais de trabalhadores em duas fábricas de baterias e o uso de serviços odontológicos em Bauru, São Paulo. Métodos: A amostra foi constituída por 134 indivíduos que responderam a um questionário sobre o uso de serviços. Os exames foram realizados utilizando-se o Índice CPOD para a cárie dentária, Índice Periodontal Comunitário (IPC) e Perda de Inserção Periodontal (PIP) para a doença periodontal, e o Índice de Desgaste Dentário (IDD) (Kappa>0,94). A análise foi descritiva, por meio de frequências absolutas e relativas. Resultados: Com relação ao uso de serviços, 55,22% relataram consulta odontológica há menos de 1 ano, 76,87% buscaram atendimento particular/convênio e 33,58% como consulta de rotina. Apenas 12,60% dos trabalhadores apresentaram-se livres de cárie, sendo observado CPOD médio de 8,49. Houve presença de cálculo em 56,70%, bolsas rasas em 17,90% e bolsas profundas em 1,50% dos trabalhadores. A perda de inserção periodontal foi observada em 26,52%. Todos os trabalhadores apresentaram desgaste dentário, sendo esse mais prevalente em dentina. Conclusão: Os serviços odontológicos oferecidos pelas empresas pesquisadas propiciaram uma condição bucal satisfatória aos trabalhadores.

Context: The Occupational Dentistry is responsible for studying, interpreting and solving the various oral problems of workers, contributing to their quality of life and greater productivity. Objectives: To evaluate the oral conditions of workers in two battery factors and the use of dental services in Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil. Methods: The sample consisted of 134 individuals who responded to a questionnaire on the use of services. The tests were conducted using DMFT index for dental caries, Community Periodontal Index (CPI) and Periodontal Attachment Loss (PAL) for periodontal disease, and the Dental Wear Index (DWI) (Kappa>0.94). A descriptive analysis was done by means of absolute and relative frequencies. Results: Regarding the use of services, 55.22% reported dental visit in less than 1 year, 76.87% sought private care and 33.58% used as a routine consultation. Only 12.60% of the workers were free of caries, with mean DMFT of 8.49. There was calculus in 56.70%, shallow pockets in 17.90% and deep pockets in 1.50% of the workers. The periodontal attachment loss was observed in 26.52%. All workers had tooth wear, which was more prevalent in dentin. Conclusion: The dental services offered by the surveyed companies provided a satisfactory oral health to the workers.

Santé au travail , Odontologie en médecine du travail , Services de médecine du travail/normes , Industrie/normes
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-647076


The purpose of this study was to evaluate effects of oral health education for occupational health nurses. The subjects were 300 occupational health nurses which participated in continuing education of Korean Association of Occupational Health Nurses. Oral health education contents consisted of basic knowledge about oral health, prevention of periodontal disease, oral health care for workers, and oral health program for workers. In order to evaluate the effects of oral health education, we performed questionnaire surveys before and after the education regarding their perceived oral health status and concern for oral health, knowledge about prevention of periodontal disease, attitude about oral health promotion, and needs for implementation of oral health promotion program. The data were analyzed by paired t-test to compare the change of knowledge and attitude according to the education. Linear regression analysis was carried out to assess the factors related to the improvement of their knowledge and attitude. The findings indicated that oral health knowledge and attitude of occupational health nurses were significantly improved by oral health education. A factor of the improvement of knowledge and attitude was concern for oral health. And they would like to be provided primarily oral health education for occupational health nurses. Finally, this study suggested that oral health education for occupational health nurses had significantly effects on improving oral health knowledge and attitude.

Éducation , Formation continue , Modèles linéaires , Odontologie en médecine du travail , Santé au travail , Santé buccodentaire , Maladies parodontales
Rev. bras. saúde ocup ; 40(132): 228-236, jul.-dez. 2015.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-768325


Resumo Para a estruturação de um sistema de informação em saúde, é importante o fornecimento de um esquema de codificação. A utilização da Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde (CIF) permite a descrição da saúde e dos estados relacionados à saúde, avaliando o que é significativo para o indivíduo e complementando a informação sobre o diagnóstico fornecida pela Classificação Estatística Internacional de Doenças e Problemas Relacionados à Saúde – CID. Este ensaio explora a estrutura e o modelo conceitual da CIF, indicando as perspectivas de utilização da CIF em saúde bucal do trabalhador. A avaliação do impacto de uma condição de saúde bucal é fundamental para o planejamento de ações que considerem a integralidade da saúde, bem como sua relação com o bem-estar e a qualidade de vida no trabalho. A CIF é a ferramenta imprescindível para a viabilização de uma abordagem abrangente capaz de abarcar as múltiplas dimensões envolvidas em uma situação de comprometimento da saúde bucal, qualificando as informações disponíveis para a definição de estratégias de intervenção em saúde do trabalhador.

Abstract A Coding scheme is important for structuring a health information system. The use of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) enables the health description and health-related states, evaluating what is meaningful to the individual and complementing the diagnosis information provided by the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems – ICD. This paper explores the ICF structure and conceptual framework, stating the perspectives of using the ICF in worker’s oral health. The impact of oral health assessment is critical for planning actions, considering the health’s integrality as well as its relation to the well-being and quality of life at work. The ICF is an essential tool for achieving a comprehensive approach to encompass the multiple dimensions involved in a situation of oral health impairment, qualifying the information available for defining intervention strategies in occupational health.

RSBO (Impr.) ; 12(1): 50-55, Jan.-Mar. 2015. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-782785


Introduction and Objective: Tooth decay is one of the most common chronic oral diseases found in industrial countries and is a multifactorial disease which has sugar as a key dietary factor. The amount of saliva concentration and presence of cariogenic bacteria will favor the development of caries. Because of this, the aim of this study was to collect and analyze data on oral alterations referred to tooth decay, oral pH changes, and changes of the oral microbiota in two distinct groups of workers. Material and methods: 30 individuals belonging to two different groups of workers: group A (GA) - workers who maintain daily contact with the confectionery; group B (GB) - workers who do not have such contact. Saliva collection was done by analysis of the salivary pH in both groups, as well as cultivation of Lactobacillus spp and S. mutans. We also evaluate the dental status of individuals belonging to the two groups through the DMFT index. Results: After the examinations of 30 workers (17 from the GA [9 men and 8 women] and 13 in the GB [7 men and 6 women]), the mean DMFT of the individuals in the group A and group B, was 7.41 (SD 5.14) 7.08 (SD 5.56), respectively, without statistically significant differences (p < 0.05). The count of S. mutans and Lactobacillus spp, was not statistically significant. Conclusion: There was no statistically significant relationship between presence of dental caries and the fact that workers are in contact with sugar because they work on candy food industry, but new studies are needed for more precise research.

Braz. j. oral sci ; 14(1): 41-45, Jan-Mar/2015. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-745783


To analyze the relationships between perceived oral health quality of life and work ability index. METHODS: The data regarding administrative workers of a private textile company in São Paulo - Brazil, included socio-demographic, occupational characteristics, self-perceived oral health OHIP 14 and self-perceived work ability index WAI. RESULTS: The response rate of the questionnaires was 75.20% and the reliability of the instruments Conbrach's alpha was 0.89 for OHIP 14 and 0.64 for WAI. Linear multiple regression analyses showed that OHIP 14 was associated with educational level p=0.009 and work ability index p=0.001 of workers, regardless of other variables. CONCLUSIONS: These results showed the importance of adopting oral health programs in private companies to improve oral health and work ability...

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Promotion de la santé , Odontologie en médecine du travail , Santé au travail , Services de médecine du travail , Qualité de vie , Santé buccodentaire/enseignement et éducation , Évaluation de la capacité de travail
Bauru; s.n; 2015. 381 p. tab, graf.
Thèse de Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-867338


O absenteísmo médico-odontológico é relatado como sendo responsável pela perda de dias e horas de trabalho, refletindo-se em prejuízos econômicos nos setores público e privado, não obstante a sua essência nos remeta a uma reflexão muito mais profunda, no que diz respeito à Saúde e aos seus agravos, enquanto fatores causais desta condição, muitas vezes impostos ao trabalhador pelo próprio ambiente de trabalho. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar as características e o perfil do Absenteísmo na Administração Pública, o envolvimento e a atestação médico - odontológica relacionados ao afastamento do servidor do seu trabalho, além da relação entre Patologias Médicas e odontológicas, sob uma óptica baseada em evidências de uma pesquisa pautada na Incidência. Além disto, como objetivo secundário, foi conduzida uma atualização da revista da literatura com fulcro nos aspectos legais, éticos, normativos e científicos, no que tange às atestações de estados de saúde. A partir de um estudo preliminar do tipo exploratório retrospectivo, transversal, descritivo e analítico, realizado anteriormente com o propósito de se estabelecer a relação entre absenteísmo e doenças, tanto de origem médica, como odontológica; traçou-se assim um perfil do Absenteísmo na Administração Pública. Também assim, estabeleceu-se uma estratégia que envolveu uma amostra de 340 prontuários funcionais de servidores públicos municipais de uma cidade do interior do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, do universo de 973 servidores ativos, que foi submetida a uma avaliação transversal retrospectiva de 11 anos e 5 meses, no período de 01 de janeiro de 2001 a 31 de maio de 2012, através da análise da História Médico-Odontológica Pregressa colhida dos atestados médicos e odontológicos juntados e justificantes de faltas ou afastamentos, documentos legais estes comprovantes do motivo do absenteísmo. Subsequentemente a este levantamento epidemiológico, com base na Prevalência, deu-se...

Medical and dental absenteeism is reported to be responsible for the lost of days and hours of work, reflecting in economic losses in the public and private sectors, nevertheless its essence refers us to a much deeper reflection, with regard to Health and their grievances, as causal factors of this condition often imposed by the employee's own work environment. The present study aimed to evaluate the characteristics and profile of Absenteeism in Public Administration, the involvement and the medical - dental attestation related to the staf absence from work, besides the relationship between Medical and Dental Pathologies, under a view based on evidence from a survey based in the Incidence. Furthermore, as a secondary objective, we conducted a literature review of the update with the fulcrum in the legal, ethical, normative and scientific aspects, in relation of health states. From a preliminary study of the retrospective exploratory, cross-sectional, descriptive study was previously conducted with the purpose of establishing the relationship between absenteeism and illnesses, both medical and dental origin; thus drew up a profile of Absenteeism in Public Administration. Thus, it was established a strategy that involved a sample of 340 medical records of functional employees of a city in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, from the universe of 973 active servers, which was subjected to a retrospective cross-sectional assessment of 11 years and 5 months in the period from January 1, 2001 to May 31, 2012, by analyzing the History of Medical and Dental harvested from past medical and dental certificates and documents gathered in proof of absences these ones legal documents showing why the absenteeism. Subsequently to this epidemiological survey, based on the Prevalence, was continued the process through a prospective cohort study of 1 year and 6 months, with the same parameters and sample, but with a loss of 11.37%, which analyzed the end...

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Jeune adulte , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Absentéisme , Administration Publique/statistiques et données numériques , Certificats de Santé , Congé maladie/statistiques et données numériques , Distribution de L'âge et du Sexe , Facteurs âges , Brésil , Odontologie , Études prospectives , Facteurs sexuels , Facteurs socioéconomiques
Bauru; s.n; 2015. 381 p. tab, graf.
Thèse de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-773790


O absenteísmo médico-odontológico é relatado como sendo responsável pela perda de dias e horas de trabalho, refletindo-se em prejuízos econômicos nos setores público e privado, não obstante a sua essência nos remeta a uma reflexão muito mais profunda, no que diz respeito à Saúde e aos seus agravos, enquanto fatores causais desta condição, muitas vezes impostos ao trabalhador pelo próprio ambiente de trabalho. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar as características e o perfil do Absenteísmo na Administração Pública, o envolvimento e a atestação médico - odontológica relacionados ao afastamento do servidor do seu trabalho, além da relação entre Patologias Médicas e odontológicas, sob uma óptica baseada em evidências de uma pesquisa pautada na Incidência. Além disto, como objetivo secundário, foi conduzida uma atualização da revista da literatura com fulcro nos aspectos legais, éticos, normativos e científicos, no que tange às atestações de estados de saúde. A partir de um estudo preliminar do tipo exploratório retrospectivo, transversal, descritivo e analítico, realizado anteriormente com o propósito de se estabelecer a relação entre absenteísmo e doenças, tanto de origem médica, como odontológica; traçou-se assim um perfil do Absenteísmo na Administração Pública. Também assim, estabeleceu-se uma estratégia que envolveu uma amostra de 340 prontuários funcionais de servidores públicos municipais de uma cidade do interior do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, do universo de 973 servidores ativos, que foi submetida a uma avaliação transversal retrospectiva de 11 anos e 5 meses, no período de 01 de janeiro de 2001 a 31 de maio de 2012, através da análise da História Médico-Odontológica Pregressa colhida dos atestados médicos e odontológicos juntados e justificantes de faltas ou afastamentos, documentos legais estes comprovantes do motivo do absenteísmo. Subsequentemente a este levantamento epidemiológico, com base na Prevalência, deu-se...

Medical and dental absenteeism is reported to be responsible for the lost of days and hours of work, reflecting in economic losses in the public and private sectors, nevertheless its essence refers us to a much deeper reflection, with regard to Health and their grievances, as causal factors of this condition often imposed by the employee's own work environment. The present study aimed to evaluate the characteristics and profile of Absenteeism in Public Administration, the involvement and the medical - dental attestation related to the staf absence from work, besides the relationship between Medical and Dental Pathologies, under a view based on evidence from a survey based in the Incidence. Furthermore, as a secondary objective, we conducted a literature review of the update with the fulcrum in the legal, ethical, normative and scientific aspects, in relation of health states. From a preliminary study of the retrospective exploratory, cross-sectional, descriptive study was previously conducted with the purpose of establishing the relationship between absenteeism and illnesses, both medical and dental origin; thus drew up a profile of Absenteeism in Public Administration. Thus, it was established a strategy that involved a sample of 340 medical records of functional employees of a city in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, from the universe of 973 active servers, which was subjected to a retrospective cross-sectional assessment of 11 years and 5 months in the period from January 1, 2001 to May 31, 2012, by analyzing the History of Medical and Dental harvested from past medical and dental certificates and documents gathered in proof of absences these ones legal documents showing why the absenteeism. Subsequently to this epidemiological survey, based on the Prevalence, was continued the process through a prospective cohort study of 1 year and 6 months, with the same parameters and sample, but with a loss of 11.37%, which analyzed the end...

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Jeune adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Absentéisme , Administration Publique/statistiques et données numériques , Certificats de Santé , Congé maladie/statistiques et données numériques , Distribution de L'âge et du Sexe , Facteurs âges , Brésil , Odontologie , Classification internationale des maladies , Études prospectives , Facteurs sexuels , Facteurs socioéconomiques
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 29(1): 1-8, 2015. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-777214


This study evaluates the prevalence and risk factors of non-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs) in a Brazilian population of workers exposed and non-exposed to acid mists and chemical products. One hundred workers (46 exposed and 54 non-exposed) were evaluated in a Centro de Referência em Saúde do Trabalhador – CEREST (Worker’s Health Reference Center). The workers responded to questionnaires regarding their personal information and about alcohol consumption and tobacco use. A clinical examination was conducted to evaluate the presence of NCCLs, according to WHO parameters. Statistical analyses were performed by unconditional logistic regression and multiple linear regression, with the critical level of p < 0.05. NCCLs were significantly associated with age groups (18-34, 35-44, 45-68 years). The unconditional logistic regression showed that the presence of NCCLs was better explained by age group (OR = 4.04; CI 95% 1.77-9.22) and occupational exposure to acid mists and chemical products (OR = 3.84; CI 95% 1.10-13.49), whereas the linear multiple regression revealed that NCCLs were better explained by years of smoking (p = 0.01) and age group (p = 0.04). The prevalence of NCCLs in the study population was particularly high (76.84%), and the risk factors for NCCLs were age, exposure to acid mists and smoking habit. Controlling risk factors through preventive and educative measures, allied to the use of personal protective equipment to prevent the occupational exposure to acid mists, may contribute to minimizing the prevalence of NCCLs.

Adolescent , Adulte , Sujet âgé , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Jeune adulte , Acides/toxicité , Exposition professionnelle/effets indésirables , Maladies des dents/induit chimiquement , Maladies des dents/épidémiologie , Répartition par âge , Facteurs âges , Alcoolisme/complications , Alcoolisme/épidémiologie , Brésil/épidémiologie , Méthodes épidémiologiques , Facteurs de risque , Répartition par sexe , Facteurs sexuels , Facteurs socioéconomiques , Fumer/effets indésirables , Fumer/épidémiologie , Col de la dent/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques
RGO (Porto Alegre) ; 62(1)jan.-mar. 2014. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-712096


To describe the profile of dentists in oral health team of the micro-region of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Methods: Cross-sectional study with 48 dentists in 16 municipalities, in which data collection was conducted by questionnaire. The variables considered for the study were: training time in years, and monthly real salary (centroid), in compliance with weekly working hours, mode of incorporation into the oral health team, postgraduate course, social participation and ongoing involvement in Family Health. All variables were used to group dentists by Two Step Cluster analysis segmentation, with p <0.05 significance level. Results: They formed three clusters that differed mainly in relation to training time in years (p = 0.007), hours worked (p <0.001), postgraduate course (p <0.001) and social participation (p = 0.031). The first cluster grouped dentists with less training time, receiving an intermediate salary to comply with the stated working hours and lack of post-graduate course, the second grouped dentists with the highest salaries and years of graduation who have post-graduate course and the last was composed of dentists with intermediary training time, the lowest salaries that complied with the working hours, have attended the training course / training in the Family Health Strategy and have no social participation. Conclusion: Dentists in the Family Health Strategy differ as regards weekly working hours, postgraduate course and social participation in the city, and the training time can be a critical feature to point out these differences.

Objetivo: Descrever o perfil dos cirurgi?es-dentistas da equipe de sa?de bucal de uma microrregi?o de sa?de de Minas Gerais, Brasil. M?todos: Estudo transversal com 48 cirurgi?es-dentistas de 16 munic?pios, cuja coleta de dados foi realizada por question?rio. As vari?veis consideradasforam: tempo de forma??o em anos e sal?rio mensal em reais (centroides), cumprimento da jornada de trabalho semanal, modalidade de incorpora??o na equipe de sa?de bucal, curso de p?s-gradua??o, participa??o social e participa??o em curso na Sa?de da fam?lia. Todas as vari?veis foram utilizadas para agrupar os cirurgi?es-dentistas por meio da an?lise de segmenta??o TwoStep Cluster com dist?ncia euclidiana quadr?tica, com p<0,05 de signific?ncia. Resultados: Formaram-se tr?s clusters que se diferenciam principalmente em rela??o ao tempo de forma??o profissional (p=0,007), jornada cumprida de trabalho (p<0,001), p?s-gradua??o (p<0,001) e participa??o social (p=0,031). O primeiro reuniu cirurgi?es-dentistas com menor tempo de forma??o, sal?rio intermedi?rio que declararam cumprir a jornada de trabalho e que n?o possuem curso de p?s-gradua??o; o segundo reuniu cirurgi?es-dentistas com os maiores sal?rios e tempo de formado que possuem curso de p?s-gradua??o e o ?ltimo foi formado por cirurgi?es-dentistas com tempo de forma??o intermedi?rio, os menores sal?rios, que cumprem a jornada de trabalho, j? realizaram curso de capacita??o/ treinamento na Estrat?gia Sa?de da Fam?lia e n?o tem participa??o social. Conclus?o: Os cirurgi?es-dentistas da Estrat?gia Sa?de da Fam?lia s?o diferentes em rela??o ? jornada de trabalho semanal, curso de p?s-gradua??o e participa??o social no munic?pio, sendo que o tempo de forma??o pode ser uma caracter?stica crucial para apontar essas diferen?as.