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Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(4): 608-635, jul. 2024. tab, ilus, graf, mapas
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538071


Chile has two certified origin olive products: Extra-Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) from Huasco valley and the Azapa variety table olive from the Azapa valley. However, efficient methodologies are needed to determine the varieties and raw materials involved in the end products. In this study, we assessed the size of alleles from ten microsatellites in 20 EVOOs and in leaves and fruits of 16 olive varieties cultivated in Chile to authenticate their origins. The identification of varieties relied on specific allele sizes derived from microsatellites markers UDO99-011 and DCA18-M found in leaves and fruit mesocarp. While most Chilean single-variety EVOOs matched the variety declared on the label, inconsistencies were observed in single-variety EVOOs containing multiple varieties. Our findings confirm that microsatellites serve as a valuable as diagnostic tools for ensuring the quality control of Geographical Indication certification for Azapa olives and EVOO with Designation of Origin from Huasco.

Chile cuenta con dos productos de oliva de origen certificado: El aceite de oliva virgen extra (AOVE) del valle del Huasco y la aceituna de mesa de la variedad Azapa del valle de Azapa. Sin embargo, se necesitan metodologías eficientes para determinar las variedades y materias primas involucradas en los productos finales. En este estudio, evaluamos el tamaño de los alelos de diez microsatélites en 20 AOVEs y en hojas y frutos de 16 variedades de aceituna cultivadas en Chile para autentificar sus orígenes. La identificación de las variedades se basó en los tamaños alélicos específicos derivados de los marcadores microsatélites UDO99-011 y DCA18-M encontrados en las hojas y el mesocarpio de los frutos. Aunque la mayoría de los AOVEs chilenos monovarietales coincidían con la variedad declarada en la etiqueta, se observaron incoherencias en los AOVEs monovarietales que contenían múltiples variedades. Nuestros hallazgos confirman que los microsatélites sirven como valiosas herramientas de diagnóstico para asegurar el control de calidad de la certificación de Indicación Geográfica para aceitunas de Azapa y AOVE con Denominación de Origen de Huasco.

Extraits de plantes/génétique , Répétitions microsatellites , Olea/génétique , Huile d'olive/composition chimique , Géographie , Chili
Rev. chil. nutr ; 50(3)jun. 2023.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515180


La composición química del aceite de oliva extra virgen (AOEV) se compone principalmente de triglicéridos, ácidos grasos insaturados como ácido oleico, ácido linoleico y el α-linolénico. También se destacan compuestos fenólicos de tres clases químicas: simples, secoiridoides y lignanos. En la presente revisión se analizó el consumo del AOEV en enfermedades crónicas, ciertos tipos de cáncer y en enfermedades neurodegenerativas. La evidencia muestra que el consumo de entre 8 y 40 g de AOEV diario tiene efectos protectores en enfermedades cardiovasculares, puede evitar la aparición de diabetes tipo 2 y aumentar los niveles de colesterol HDL. Respecto al cáncer, entre los efectos evaluados se destacan los encontrados a partir de los compuestos fenólicos hidroxitirosol (HT) y oleocantal, los que han demostrado un efecto protector en algunos tipos de cáncer como cáncer de piel y de mama. En las enfermedades neurodegenerativas, se observó que el consumo diario de 50 g de AOEV, tiene un efecto inhibidor en la degeneración neuronal atribuido a sus compuestos fenólicos como oleuropeina e HT. Investigaciones a futuro debieran enfocarse en determinar los efectos a largo plazo del consumo de AOEV en las diferentes enfermedades analizadas, para así poder ir estableciendo la "dosis" de AOEV que permita obtener resultados protectores sobre la salud. Además de explorar los efectos de las diferentes variedades de aceitunas (con sus componentes bioactivos particulares) con el fin de establecer los efectos en la salud y enfermedad asociados a variedades específicas.

The chemical composition of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is mainly composed of triglycerides, unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid, linoleic acid, and α-linolenic acid. Phenolic compounds of three chemical classes are also relevant, such as simple, secoiridoids, and lignans. Here, we review the association between EVOO consumption and chronic diseases, certain types of cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases. Evidence shows that consuming between 8 and 40 g of EVOO / day has protective effects on cardiovascular diseases, can prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes, and increases HDL cholesterol levels. Regarding cancer, phenolic compounds hydroxytyrosol (HT) and oleocanthal have protective effects on some types of cancer, such as skin and breast cancer. Regarding neurodegenerative diseases, daily consumption of phenolic compounds such as oleuperin and hydroxytyrosol and 50 g of EVOO has an inhibitory effect on neuronal degeneration and a protective effect on neuroprotective capacity. Future research should focus on determining the long-term impact of EVOO consumption on different diseases to establish the "dose" of EVOO that will allow health-protective results. It is also necessary to establish the effects of the specific olives (with their particular bioactive components) to establish the different impacts on health and disease associated with olives varieties.

Rev. chil. nutr ; 50(2)abr. 2023.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515168


Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is known for its health benefits, although it provides a minimum amount of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA), which play an important role in the human organism. In this study, EVOO was blended with vegetable oils which are rich sources of n-3 PUFA alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and/or stearidonic acid (SDA) (chia, walnut, linseed and viper's bugloss seed oils). Fatty acid profiles, induction time, and organoleptic characteristics of the resulting blends were assessed. The n-3 PUFA enrichment in the blends was proportional to the degree of blending. Sensory analysis carried out by a trained panel showed that it is possible to enrich EVOO with up to 20% chia, linseed and viper's bugloss seed oil without altering the original organoleptic characteristics of EVOO. However, the induction time of the blends was significantly reduced compared with EVOO even after adding n-3 PUFA in small proportions, meaning that shelf-life time of these blends is much lower than that of EVOO, which should be considered when preparing these products for commercial purposes.

El aceite de oliva extra virgen (AOEV) es ampliamente conocido por sus beneficios para la salud, aunque apenas aporta ácidos grasos poliinsaturados n-3 (AGPI n-3), los cuales juegan un papel importante en el organismo humano. En este estudio se elaboraron mezclas de AOEV con aceites vegetales ricos en ácido alfa-linolénico (ALA) y/o estearidónico (SDA) (chia, nuez, linaza y viborera). Se evaluaron los perfiles de ácidos grasos, tiempos de inducción y características organolépticas de las mezclas resultantes. El enriquecimiento en AGPI n-3 fue proporcional al grado de mezcla. El análisis sensorial llevado a cabo por un panel entrenado mostró que es posible enriquecer AOEV con hasta un 20% de aceite de chia, linaza o viborera sin alterar las características organolépticas originales del AOEV. Sin embargo, los tiempos de inducción de las mezclas fueron significativamente menores que el del AOEV, incluso tras añadir AGPI n-3 en pequeñas proporciones, lo que significa que el tiempo de vida media de las mezclas es mucho menor que el del AOEV. Este hecho debería tenerse en cuenta al preparar las mezclas con propósitos comerciales.

Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(5): 2729-2744, 2023.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1435009


O azeite de oliva é amplamente consumido devido às suas propriedades benéficas para a saúde e características sensoriais únicas. A composição química abundante em ácido graxo monoinsaturado, associada ao perfil de compostos fenólicos com importante efeito antioxidante, confere ao azeite de oliva alta estabilidade ao aquecimento. Embora existam muitas evidências sobre a estabilidade térmica do azeite, ainda existem muitas dúvidas, por parte da população, sobre o uso em técnicas culinárias que envolvam calor. O objetivo desse trabalho foi compilar evidências científicas a respeito da influência de técnicas culinárias sobre a estabilidade térmica do azeite de oliva, com vistas a elaborar material informativo, com linguagem adaptada à população em geral, sobre sua utilização na culinária, especialmente em preparações quentes. É de amplo conhecimento na literatura que o azeite de oliva é bastante resistente à cocção, no entanto, temperaturas elevadas, como as empregadas na fritura por imersão, podem levar a diminuição do teor de compostos fenólicos, a depender da quantidade e tipos de fenólicos presentes no azeite. Estudos no contexto da gastronomia molecular também relatam, além da estabilidade térmica, os benefícios da utilização do azeite de oliva na culinária devido às interações químicas entre os compostos do azeite e os compostos do alimento fazendo com que ambos (óleo e alimentos) se beneficiem dos efeitos protetivos desses compostos. Considerando que ainda é muito comum o uso do azeite de oliva apenas para temperar saladas e finalizar pratos, o infográfico elaborado no presente trabalho pode contribuir para apresentar o conteúdo científico sobre o uso do azeite em preparações culinárias quentes de forma simplificada e de fácil compreensão.

Olive oil is widely consumed due to its beneficial health properties and unique sensory characteristics. The chemical composition abundant in monounsaturated fatty acids, associated with a profile of phenolic compounds with important antioxidant effects, gives olive oil high heat stability. Although there is much evidence about the thermal stability of olive oil, there are still many doubts among the population about its use in cooking techniques that involve heat. The objective of this work was to compile scientific evidence about the influence of cooking techniques on the thermal stability of olive oil, in order to elaborate informative material, with language adapted to the general population, about its use in cooking, especially in hot preparations. It is widely known in the literature that olive oil is very resistant to cooking, however, high temperatures, such as those used in deep frying, can lead to a decrease in the content of phenolic compounds, depending on the amount and types of phenolics present in the oil. Studies in the context of molecular gastronomy also report, besides thermal stability, the benefits of using olive oil in cooking due to chemical interactions between the compounds of olive oil and food compounds, so that both (oil and food) benefit from the protective effects of these compounds. Considering that it is still very common to use olive oil only to season salads and finish dishes, the infographic prepared in this work can contribute to present the scientific content about the use of olive oil in hot culinary preparations in a simplified and easy to understand way.

El aceite de oliva es ampliamente consumido por sus propiedades beneficiosas para la salud y sus características sensoriales únicas. La composición química abundante en ácidos grasos monoinsaturados, asociada al perfil de compuestos fenólicos con importante efecto antioxidante, confiere al aceite de oliva una gran estabilidad al calentamiento. Aunque hay muchas evidencias sobre la estabilidad térmica del aceite de oliva, todavía existen muchas dudas entre la población sobre su uso en técnicas culinarias que implican calor. El objetivo de este trabajo fue recopilar evidencias científicas sobre la influencia de las técnicas culinarias en la estabilidad térmica del aceite de oliva, con el fin de elaborar material divulgativo, con lenguaje adaptado a la población general, sobre su uso en cocina, especialmente en preparaciones calientes. Es ampliamente conocido en la literatura que el aceite de oliva es bastante resistente a la cocción, sin embargo, las altas temperaturas, como las empleadas en la fritura por inmersión, pueden llevar a disminuir el contenido de compuestos fenólicos, dependiendo de la cantidad y tipos de fenólicos presentes en el aceite. Los estudios en el contexto de la gastronomía molecular también informan, además de la estabilidad térmica, de los beneficios del uso del aceite de oliva en la cocina debido a las interacciones químicas entre los compuestos del aceite de oliva y los compuestos de los alimentos, de forma que ambos (aceite y alimento) se benefician de los efectos protectores de estos compuestos. Teniendo en cuenta que todavía es muy común el uso del aceite de oliva sólo para aliñar ensaladas y terminar platos, la infografía elaborada en este trabajo puede contribuir a presentar de forma simplificada y fácil de entender el contenido científico sobre el uso del aceite de oliva en preparaciones culinarias calientes.

Med. crít. (Col. Mex. Med. Crít.) ; 37(4): 356-362, feb. 2023. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569346


Resumen: Los fosfuros metálicos son efectivos plaguicidas empleados para proteger granos de cultivo durante su almacenaje y transportación; sin embargo, su uso puede extenderse al combate de plagas en sitios donde se almacenan, procesan y consumen alimentos, tal es el caso de mercados, restaurantes e incluso en el hogar. Presentamos el caso de una paciente que en un intento suicida ingirió una cantidad potencialmente letal de fosfuro de zinc, a la cual fue posible otorgarle un abordaje temprano basado en la terapia de soporte, descontaminación gástrica, administración de aceite de oliva y el empleo de hemofiltración como técnica para incrementar la eliminación, con lo cual el desenlace resultó favorable. Ello sugiere que el inicio temprano de la descontaminación y la instauración oportuna de la terapia de sostén son capaces de atenuar el impacto de dichos xenobióticos en el organismo. Adicionalmente, en nuestra paciente no se observó un factor protector con el uso de aceite de oliva, pero sí con el uso de hemofiltración. Pese a ello, son necesarios estudios comparativos antes de considerar la hemofiltración como terapia de elección en pacientes intoxicados por fosfuros metálicos.

Abstract: Metal phosphides are effective pesticides used to protect grains during storage and transportation, however, their use can be extended to combat pests in places where food is stored, processed, and consumed, such markets, restaurants and even at home. We present the case of a patient who in a suicide attempt ingested a potentially lethal amount of zinc phosphide, who was given an early approach based on supportive therapy, gastric decontamination, administration of olive oil, and the use of hemofiltration as a technique to increase elimination, with which the outcome was favorable. The above suggests that the early initiation of decontamination and the opportune establishment of maintenance therapy are capable of attenuating the impact of these xenobiotics in the organism. Additionally, in our patient a protective factor was not observed with the use of olive oil, but with the use of hemofiltration. Despite this, comparative studies are necessary before considering hemofiltration as the therapy of choice in patients poisoned by metal phosphides.

Resumo: Os fosfetos metálicos são pesticidas eficazes utilizados na proteção de grãos durante o armazenamento e transporte, porém, seu uso pode ser estendido para combater pragas em locais onde os alimentos são armazenados, processados e consumidos, como mercados, restaurantes e até mesmo em casa. Apresentamos o caso de um paciente que em tentativa de suicídio ingeriu uma quantidade potencialmente letal de fosfeto de zinco, ao qual foi realizada abordagem precoce baseada em terapia de suporte, descontaminação gástrica, administração de azeite de oliva e uso de hemofiltração como técnica para aumentar a eliminação, com o qual o resultado foi favorável. Isso sugere que o início precoce da descontaminação e o estabelecimento oportuno da terapia de manutenção são capazes de atenuar o impacto desses xenobióticos no organismo. Além disso, em nosso paciente não foi observado fator protetor com o uso de azeite, mas sim com o uso de hemofiltração. Apesar disso, estudos comparativos são necessários antes de considerar a hemofiltração como terapia de escolha em pacientes intoxicados por fosfetos metálicos.

Acta sci., Health sci ; 44: e58558, Jan. 14, 2022.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1367771


Cardiovascular disease(CVD) remains the major cause of mortality in the world, typically claiming a third of all deaths. The primary cause of CVD is atherosclerosis. Therefore, timely prevention and therapy of atherosclerosis are able to reduce the risk of the development of its clinical manifestations. Anti-atherosclerotic activity of medicinal plants mainly appears in their multiple effects.This study was carried out to evaluate the hypolipidemic activity of virgin olive oil in experimentally induced hyperlipemic Wistar. A total of 24 rats were randomly allocated to 4 equal groups and treated as follows for 50 days: (1) Normal control (NC); that were fed with a standart diet; (2) High Cholesterol Diet Control (HCD); which received high cholesterol diet for 50 days; (3) Animals receiving high cholesterol diet for 50 days, after this period the animals are fed for eight days by the standard foodand receiving by gavage virgin olive oil (HCD+VOO) and(4) Animals fed for eight days with the standard food and receiving by gavage olive oil (VOO). High Cholesterol Diet containing yolk egg and coconut oil. Results showed that olive oil caused a significant (p < 0.01) reduction in serum levels of Total Cholesterol (TC), Triglycerides (TG), Low­Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDL) and Atherogenic Index Serum (AIS). The results also demonstrated a significant (p < 0.01) increase in High­Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (HDL). Moreover, virgin olive oil induced a significant reduction in liver lipid content. On the other hand, a High cholesterol diet induced oxidative stress was measured by estimating reduced glutathione level and amount of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) formed as an index of lipid peroxidation in a liver and a heart. Virgin olive oil supplementation attenuated all these variations. Our observations of the study indicate that the virgin olive oil has a significant antihyperlipidemic potential.

Animaux , Rats , Stress oxydatif/immunologie , Athérosclérose/diétothérapie , Alimentation riche en graisse/méthodes , Huile d'olive/pharmacologie , Triglycéride/pharmacologie , Peroxydation lipidique/immunologie , Cholestérol/pharmacologie , Rat Wistar/immunologie , Régime athérogène/méthodes , Glutathion/pharmacologie , Hypercholestérolémie/immunologie , Lipoprotéines/immunologie
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e256158, 2022. tab, graf, ilus
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1364495


The study investigated the wound healing effect of medicinal oil (MO) formulation prepared from Murraya koenigii leaves extract (methanolic) incorporated in olive oil. The MO was visually transparent, homogenous, smooth in texture, the viscosity grade was observed as 140 cP and easily spreadable. Pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1ß, IL-6, and TNF-α were significantly reduced to 82.3 ± 3.5, 156 ± 6.2, 137.3. ± 5.5 pg/ml, respectively after treatment with MO when compared to disease control animals that showed IL-1ß, IL-6, and TNF-α levels of 170 ± 6, 265 ± 7, and 288.6 ± 11, pg/ml respectively. The level of pro-inflammatory cytokine in povidone iodine solution (PIS) group was 95.3 ± 3, 162 ± 6, 177.6 ± 8.9 pg/ml of IL-1ß, IL-6, and TNF-α respectively. Interestingly, the wound-healing efficacy of MO was found better as compared to povidone iodine treated standard group and concluded that MO has excellent wound healing effect.

O estudo investigou o efeito cicatrizante da formulação de óleo medicinal (MO) preparado a partir do extrato de folhas de Murraya koenigii (metanol) incorporado ao azeite de oliva. O MO era visualmente transparente, homogêneo, de textura lisa, o grau de viscosidade observado foi de 140 cP e facilmente espalhável. As citocinas pró-inflamatórias IL-1ß, IL-6 e TNF-α foram significativamente reduzidas para 82,3 ± 3,5, 156 ± 6,2, 137,3. ± 5,5 pg/ml, respectivamente, após o tratamento com MO quando comparados aos animais controle da doença que apresentaram níveis de IL-1ß, IL-6 e TNF-α de 170 ± 6, 265 ± 7 e 288,6 ± 11, pg/ml, respectivamente . O nível de citocina pró-inflamatória no grupo solução de iodopovidona (PIS) foi de 95,3 ± 3, 162 ± 6, 177,6 ± 8,9 pg/ml de IL-1ß, IL-6 e TNF-α, respectivamente. Curiosamente, a eficácia de cicatrização de feridas de MO foi encontrada melhor em comparação com o grupo padrão tratado com iodopovidona e concluiu que a preparação de MO tem efeito de cicatrização de feridas.

Cicatrisation de plaie , Plaies et blessures , Cytokines , Méthanol , Huile d'olive
Int J Pharm Pharm Sci ; 2020 Apr; 12(4): 6-11
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-206072


Objective: Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (MPA) using a transdermal drug delivery system for contraception by passive diffusion is limited by the skin barrier properties. Penetration enhancers such as olive oil (fatty acid permeation enhancer) and DMSO (chemical enhancer) can be used. The objective of this study was to overcome MPA penetration problem by using olive oil and DMSO. Methods: An in vitro penetration study using the Franz diffusion cells was performed. The first penetration study used MPA in olive oil (O) and MPA in coconut oil (C) with the concentration 100 μg/ml to each sample and MPA suspension as a control with the same concentration. The second study used MPA in olive oil with the concentration 200.0 μg/ml (A), MPA in olive oil with 0.5% DMSO with the concentration 200.0 μg/ml (B), and MPA in olive oil with 1% DMSO with the concentration 200 μg/ml (C). Results: MPA penetration test for olive oil+0.5% DMSO had flux value 4.24±0.074 μg/cm2. hr and it was not significantly different (t-test, P>0.05) with olive oil+1% DMSO. While the MPA penetration test in only Olive oil had flux value 0.90±0.0087 μg/cm2. hr. Conclusion: This research concluded that olive oil and 0.5% DMSO could improve the penetration of MPA into skin membrane by 4.5 times more than olive oil alone.

Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-886667


@#INTRODUCTION: Dietary intervention remains an important factor in the management of diabetes mellitus, and many patients have employed herbs and oils to help manage their chronic diseases. Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is widely known for its cardio-vascular benefits. However, its effect on the blood glucose of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients has not been extensively studied. In this study, we aimed to determine if the addition of EVOO to meals results in a lower postprandial blood glucose among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. METHODS: Thirteen patients were included in this randomized controlled cross-over trial. They were randomized to receive a meal with or without EVOO followed by a one week washout period, where they were given the other intervention. The primary outcome is the trans-meal blood glucose, which was calculated as the percent change in two-hour postprandial blood glucose. RESULTS: In group A, there was a noted 88.55% increase in two-hour postprandial blood glucose in taking meals with EVOO, versus 72.11% change in meals without EVOO. The same was observed in Group B, with a 71.08% and 49.22% increase in two-hour postprandial blood glucose in meals with EVOO and without EVOO, respectively. The difference was significant with a p-value of 0.044. Free fatty acids inhibit glucose transport and insulin secretion, this effect may be more predominant in asian type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. CONCLUSION: This study found that adding extra virgin olive oil on top of meals provided no additional benefit in terms of post-prandial glucose excursion.

Régime pour diabétique
rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 22(2): e1305, Jul-Dic. 2019. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094808


RESUMEN La lechuga es una hortaliza de hoja que no resiste la congelación. Como una alternativa de conservación de lechuga Lactuca sativa L. "Lollo Bionda", se evaluó el efecto de la aplicación de crioprotectores sobre cada una de las etapas de congelación de lechuga. En cada etapa, se evaluó el tiempo de duración, la velocidad y la temperatura de congelación. Como crioprotectores, se utilizaron soluciones de Aloe (Aloe barbadensis Miller), a concentraciones de 70, 80 y 90%; almidón, a concentraciones de 0,5, 1 y 2% p/p y aceite de oliva. Las muestras, se impregnaron con los diferentes crioprotectores y se ultracongelaron. Las temperaturas del material vegetal, se registraron durante una hora, con intervalos de 5s; se construyeron las cinéticas de congelación y sobre las cinéticas, se identificaron las diferentes etapas de congelación. Se encontró que el tipo y la concentración del crioprotector altera, de manera estadísticamente significativa, la temperatura, el tiempo y la velocidad de cada una de las etapas de congelación. Las mayores concentraciones de solutos presentes en Aloe vera al 90%, almidón al 2% y aceite de oliva influyeron considerablemente en la acción crioprotectora de la lechuga.

ABSTRACT Lettuce is a leafy vegetable that does not resist freezing. As an alternative to the lettuce Lactuca sativa L. "Lollo Bionda" lettuce conservation, the effect of the application of cryoprotectants on each of the freezing stages of lettuce was evaluated. In each stage, duration time, speed and freezing temperature were evaluated. Aloe (Aloe barbadensis Miller) solutions at concentrations of 70, 80 and 90%, starch at concentrations of 0.5, 1 and 2% w / w and olive oil were used as cryoprotectants. The samples were impregnated with the different cryoprotectants and deep-frozen. The temperatures of the plant material were recorded for one hour at intervals of 5 s, the freezing kinetics were built and, on the kinetics, the different stages of freezing were identified. It was found that the type and concentration of the cryoprotectant alters in a statistically significant way the temperature, time and speed of each of the freezing stages. The highest concentrations of solutes present in 90% Aloe vera, 2% starch and olive oil significantly influenced the cryoprotective action of lettuce.

Electron. j. biotechnol ; 40: 58-64, July. 2019. graf, tab, ilus
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1053475


Background: Prodigiosin has been demonstrated to be an important candidate in investigating anticancer drugs and in many other applications in recent years. However, industrial production of prodigiosin has not been achieved. In this study, we found a prodigiosin-producing strain, Serratia marcescens FZSF02, and its fermentation strategies were studied to achieve the maximum yield of prodigiosin. Results: When the culture medium consisted of 16.97 g/L of peanut powder, 16.02 g/L of beef extract, and 11.29 mL/L of olive oil, prodigiosin reached a yield of 13.622 ± 236 mg/L after culturing at 26 °C for 72 h. Furthermore, when 10 mL/L olive oil was added to the fermentation broth at the 24th hour of fermentation, the maximum prodigiosin production of 15,420.9 mg/L was obtained, which was 9.3-fold higher than the initial level before medium optimization. More than 60% of the prodigiosin produced with this optimized fermentation strategy was in the form of pigment pellets. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on this phenomenon of pigment pellet formation, which made it much easier to extract prodigiosin at low cost. Prodigiosin was then purified and identified by absorption spectroscopy, HPLC, and LCMS. Purified prodigiosin obtained in this study showed anticancer activity in separate experiments on several human cell cultures: A549, K562, HL60, HepG2, and HCT116. Conclusions: This is a promising strain for producing prodigiosin. The prodigiosin has potential in anticancer medicine studies.

Prodigiosine/biosynthèse , Prodigiosine/pharmacologie , Serratia marcescens/métabolisme , Antinéoplasiques/pharmacologie , Arachis/composition chimique , Poudres , Prodigiosine/isolement et purification , Spectrométrie de masse , Cellules cancéreuses en culture/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Chromatographie en phase liquide à haute performance , Chromatographie en phase liquide , Techniques de culture cellulaire , Fermentation , Huile d'olive/composition chimique , Acétates , Azote
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203647


Iron deficiency is estimated to be the most common cause of anemia worldwide. The purpose of this study was to investigatethe effect of dietary supplement ADAM (olive oil, vinegar and sodium chloride) and traditional iron salts, together withphysical activity on anemic female students. Our study consists of forty anemic female students divided into four equalgroups, ten students in each group; 1st group ingested ADAM with exercise, 2nd group ingested ADAM without exercise,3rd group supplemented with traditional iron salts with exercise, 4th group supplemented with traditional iron salts withoutexercise. Blood samples were drawn (5ml) for analysis of hemoglobin by spectrophotometer, iron, total iron bindingcapacity and ferritin by Radioimmunoassay, O2 using gas analyzer. The variables exerted VO2max using Harvard step test,heart rate by pulse meter, fitness index by equation; the variables were detected (pre-post) training program. Results: Theresults indicated a positive result for ADAM with physical activity compared with ADAM alone, also iron with physicalactivity variables overcome the variables of iron salts alone while, ADAM with physical activity variables exceed iron saltswith physical activity. Conclusion: using physical activity with ADAM, induces a positive result in curing female anemicstudents from traces of underground water.

Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal ; (24): 1582-1589, 2019.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-857893


OBJECTIVE: To prepare lappaconitine(LA)-loaded microemulsion with olive oil and study its morphology, particle size, drug loading capacity, drug release behavior and rheological characteristics. METHODS: Pseudo-ternary phase diagram method was used to screen and prepare LA-loaded microemulsion with olive oil. LA release properties in vitro were investigated by dynamic dialysis method. The rheological properties of LA-loaded microemulsion with olive oil were studied using MCR 301 rheometer. RESULTS: The optimal formulation of LA-loaded microemulsion with olive oil was as follows:olive oil was the oil phase, castor oil polyoxyethylene ether-40/span-80(4:1) was the surfactant, glycerin was the cosurfactant, and Km=3. The morphology of the microemulsion particles was round or oval, and the average particle size was(91±0.55) nm. The drug-loading rate of LA in the microemulsion was 1.85%.Drug release experiments in vitro showed that the microemulsion had a sustained release effect on LA, and the drug release behavior was more suitable to be described by Higuchi equation. Rheological experiments showed that the fluid of LA-loaded microemulsion with olive oil belong to pseudoplastic fluid of non-Newtonian fluid exhibiting thixotropic and shear-thinning fluid behavior as well as certain viscoelasticity. CONCLUSION: The LA-loaded microemulsion witholive oil are successfully prepared, and the microemulsion has ideal sustained release behavior and good rheological properties. The study provides a foundation for the developmenton preparation of LA-loaded microemulsion with olive oil.

Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal ; (24): 476-483, 2019.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-858044


OBJECTIVE: To investigate an efficient hydrating facial mask with olive oil (OL)/vitamin E succinate(VES) as the oil phase(O), and with hyaluronic acid, collagen, sodium alginate, arbutin, allantoin as the active ingredients, using a low concentration of surfactant(S) and alcohol-free microemulsion gel as the carrier. METHODS By investigating the effect of VES and co-surfactant (CoS) propylene glycol on microemulsion region, the microemulsion formulation was screened. The microemulsion characteristics of the facial mask were characterized by transmission electron microscopy and Malvern particle size determination. The moisturizing effect and transdermal absorption capacity of the facial mask were evaluated using a commercially available unifon mask as the reference substance. RESULTS Through the compounding of OL and VES, the microemulsion area of OL was increased, and microemulsion range was largest when the mass ratio of OL to VES was 6∶1.The use of the co-surfactant(propylene glycol) reduced the OL microemulsion area. The microemulsion with O/S mass ratio of 4/6 and water content of 85% was selected as the carrier, and the obtained droplet of the facial mask was round, the average particle size was (58.83±0.79) nm, and the PDI was (0.271±0.001), which were in line with the characteristics of microemulsion. Compared with commercial unifon mask, the moisturizing effect of the self-made microemulsion gel facial mask increased by 20.37%. The steady-state infiltration rates of 1% arbutin from the facial mask through the isolated cavy skin was 0.305 mg•cm-2•h-1, which was 4.29 times higher than that from the marketed unifon mask. This product was safe and stable, and meets the sensory and physicochemical indexes of the national light industry standard QB/T2872-2007. CONCLUSION The facial mask with OL/VES microemulsion gel as the carrier can improve the hydrating effect and the transdermal absorption of the active substance, it is expected to be promoted and developed.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-746109


Objective To investigate the effectiveness and safety of oral olive oil combined with polyethylene glycol electrolyte ( PEG ) on bowel preparation before colonoscopy for chronic constipation patients. Methods A randomized, single-blind, prospective study was conducted on 180 patients with chronic constipation, who underwent colonoscopy at Tangdu Hospital of the Fourth Military Medical University from November 2017 to May 2018. Patients were randomly divided into three groups. Patients in group A took 60 mL olive oil and a piece of crystal sugar at 7:30 pm the day before colonoscopy, followed by 1500 mL PEG at 8:00 pm before the test, and 1500 mL PEG at 5:00 am the day of colonoscopy. Patients in group B took 60 mL olive oil and a piece of crystal sugar after administration of PEG at 8:00 pm the day before colonoscopy, followed by 1500 mL PEG at 5:00 am the day of colonoscopy. The group C was given 1500 mL PEG at 8:00 pm the day before colonoscopy, and another 1500 mL PEG at 5:00 am the day of colonoscopy. We recorded the time of first defecation after taking medication, the number of defecation before sleep, the total number of defecation, the score of Boston bowel preparation scale ( BBPS) of the right, middle and left colon, and the adverse reactions, and compared the data among the three groups. The measurement data was compared using the analysis of variance. After the difference was found, the LSD-t test was used to compare between the two groups. The enumeration data was compared using the Pearsonχ2 test. Results One patient in the group B terminated colonoscopy due to unable to continue cooperation during the examination. Group B and C both excluded one patient because of a large mass found in the descending colon of patients. Finally, there were 60 cases in the group A, 58 in the group B, and 59 in the group C. There was no statistical difference between the three groups in the general resource ( P>0. 05) . The time of first defecation after taking medication for the group A, B and C was (2. 25±2. 32) h, (2. 43±2. 39) h and (3. 36±2. 79) h respectively, with statistical difference (F=3. 36, P=0. 037). The time of first defecation was longer in the group C than that of the group A and B ( P = 0. 016 and P = 0. 046, respectively). The number of defecation before sleep for the group A, B and C was 3. 47±2. 09, 3. 24±1. 76 and 2. 49±1. 58 respectively, with statistical difference (F=4. 65, P=0. 011). The number of defecation before sleep was lesser in the group C than that of the group A and B ( P=0. 004, P=0. 027, respectively) . The total number of defecation for the group A, B and C was 7. 20 ± 2. 67, 6. 81 ± 2. 31 and 5. 64 ± 2. 22 respectively. The difference among the three groups was statistically significant ( F=6. 68, P=0. 002) . For the group A and B, the total number of defecation was both more than that of the group C ( P=0. 001, P=0. 010) . There were no statistical differences among the three groups in the BBPS score of the left and middle colon and the total BBPS score ( all P>0. 05) . The BBPS score of the right colon for the group A, B and C was 2. 03 ± 0. 82, 1. 95 ± 0. 87 and 1. 53 ± 0. 80 respectively, with statistical difference ( F=6. 38, P=0. 002) , and was lower in the group C than that of the group A and B ( P= 0. 001, P= 0. 006, respectively) . Adverse reactions after taking medication including nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and bloating were respectively reported in 7, 3, 0 and 3 cases in the group A, 5, 3, 0 and 6 in the group B, and 4, 2, 1 and 4 in the group C, and there was no statistical difference among the three groups (χ2=4. 35, P=0. 824) . Conclusion Administration of olive oil compared with PEG can improve the cleanness of right colon for chronic constipation patients, shorten the time of first defecation after taking medication, and increase the number of defecation before sleep and the total number of defecation during bowel preparation. Taking olive oil before or after PEG at the night before colonoscopy has no significantly effect on bowel preparation and adverse reactions.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 49(5): e20190029, 2019. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1045346


ABSTRACT: Sensory quality of sheep and goat pâtés with different sources and percentage of fat (10% or 30%, and pork belly or olive oil) were evaluated. A trained taste panel performed sensory analysis and consumers were consulted to perceive their preferences. Generalised Procrustes Analysis was used to test the differences found by panellists. Panellists were able to find sensory differences between sheep and goat pâtés, and also fat percentages. Goat pâtés had higher values of juiciness and sheep pâtés had higher values of taste intensity. Ten percent pork belly fat pâtés had the highest values of colour and cohesiveness attributes and also aroma intensity, while 30% olive oil pâtés had the highest values of texture attributes, except cohesiveness. Although, differences between pâtés were found by panellists, consumers had no particular preference for one of them.

RESUMO: Avaliou-se a qualidade sensorial de patês de carne de ovelhas e cabras com diferentes fontes e percentagem de gordura (10% ou 30%, e barriga de porco ou azeite). Um painel de provadores treinado realizou análise sensorial e foram consultados consumidores para perceber as suas preferências. A análise generalizada de Procrustes foi usada para testar as diferenças encontradas pelos provadores. Os painelistas conseguiram encontrar diferenças sensoriais entre os patês de ovelhas e cabras e também percentagens de gordura. Os patês de cabra apresentaram valores mais elevados de suculência e os patês de ovelhas apresentaram maiores valores de intensidade de sabor. Patês com 10% de gordura de barriga de porco tiveram os maiores valores para os atributos de cor e coesividade e também intensidade de aroma, enquanto patês com 30% de azeite apresentaram os maiores valores para os atributos de textura, exceto coesividade. Embora as diferenças entre os patês tenham sido encontradas pelos membros do painel, os consumidores não mostraram uma preferência particular por um deles.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 81(4): 293-301, July-Aug. 2018. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-950477


ABSTRACT Objective: To compare the efficacy of 0.03% tacrolimus eye drops diluted in two different vehicles (linseed oil and olive oil) for the treatment of keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) in dogs. Methods: This study included 60 dogs. Of this group, 20 were healthy and allocated to the control group, and 40 were diagnosed with bilateral KCS and randomly allocated to either the TO (tacrolimus in olive oil) or the TL (tacrolimus in linseed oil) groups. Ophthalmic examinations, Schirmer Tear Test-1 (STT-1), Tear Film Break-up Time (TBUT) and Fluorescein Test (FT) were carried out monthly, along with cytological and histopathological examinations at the beginning and end of the study. Results: The clinical signs, corneal ulcers, Schirmer Tear Test-1 values, and Tear Film Break-up Time values improved in both groups after one month of treatment. Cytological examination at the end of the study showed decreased lymphocytes, neutrophil, metaplastic, and squamous cell counts in both groups, while the histopathological analysis showed decreases in lymphocytes and neutrophils and an increase in goblet cell density (cells/mm2). The decreases in neutrophil count were more significant (p<0.05) in the TL group for both types of examination. Conclusion: In sum, 0.03% tacrolimus eye drops diluted in olive oil and linseed oil were effective in the treatment of keratoconjunctivitis sicca. None of the evaluated parameters differed significantly between the two groups, except for neutrophil count which was significantly lower in the TL group. Thus, linseed oil may be considered as an alternative diluent for tacrolimus eye drops.

RESUMO Objetivo: Comparar a eficácia do tacrolimus 0,03% colírio, diluído em óleo de linhaça e óleo de oliva, no tratamento de ceratoconjuntivite seca em cães. Métodos: Foram utilizados 60 cães; 20 cães saudáveis como grupo controle, e 40 cães com diagnóstico de ceratoconjuntivite seca bilateral, distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos: Tacrolimus em óleo de oliva (TO) e Tacrolimus em óleo de semente de linhaça (TL). Os animais foram avaliados mensalmente com exames oftálmicos, Teste lacrimal de Schirmer-1 (TLS-1), Tempo de ruptura do filme lacrimal (TRFL) e Teste de Fluoresceína (TF), e mensalmente com citologia conjuntival e com exame histopatológico no início e final do estudo. Resultados: Nos dois grupos de tratamento os sinais clínicos, Teste lacrimal de Schirmer-1, óleo de semente de linhaça e Tempo de ruptura do filme lacrimal apresentaram melhora após um mês de tratamento. E no final do estudo, na análise citológica, ambos apresentaram diminuição de linfócitos, neutrófilos, células metaplásicas e células escamosas, e na análise histopatológica houve diminuição de linfócitos, neutrófilos e o aumento de células caliciformes. No grupo óleo de semente de linhaça, a diminuição de neutrófilos foi mais significativa (p<0,05) em ambas análises. Conclusão: Em suma, tacrolimus 0,03% colírio diluído em óleo de oliva e óleo de linhaça foram eficientes no tratamento de ceratoconjuntivite seca. Nenhum dos parâmetros avaliados diferiu significativamente entre os dois grupos, exceto a contagem de neutrófilos, que foi significativamente menor no grupo TL. Assim, o óleo de linhaça pode ser considerado como um diluente alternativo para o colírio tacrolimus.

Animaux , Mâle , Femelle , Huile de lin/administration et posologie , Kératoconjonctivite sèche/médecine vétérinaire , Tacrolimus/administration et posologie , Huile d'olive/administration et posologie , Immunosuppresseurs/administration et posologie , Kératoconjonctivite sèche/traitement médicamenteux , Résultat thérapeutique , Association de médicaments/médecine vétérinaire , Administration par voie ophtalmique/médecine vétérinaire
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 11(4): 481-485, dic. 2017. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-893292


RESUMEN: Los bisfosfonatos son potentes inhibidores de la resorción ósea. El aceite de oliva (O) presenta propiedades anti-inflamatorias y anti-oxidantes. Estudiar el efecto del tratamiento combinado de alendronato (AL) y pamidronato (PA) por vía subcutánea y de O vía oral sobre la regeneración tisular de cavidades óseas neoformadas.: 54 ratas macho de la línea Wistar, se dividieron en 6 grupos. Grupo control (C), recibieron solución salina vía subcutánea. Grupo (AL) recibió 0,5 mg de AL/Kg de peso corporal de por vía subcutánea. Grupo (PA) recibió de igual manera que el grupo anterior. Grupo (O) fue tratado con aceite de oliva con la dieta, 50 g/ Kg de comida. Grupo (ALO) recibió tratamiento combinado con AL y O. Grupo (PAO) recibió de igual tratamiento. Los sacrificios para la toma de muestras fueron a los 15, 30, 60 y 90 días. Para los estudios histopatológicos los cortes fueron teñidos con HE y observados con microscopía óptica. Los estudios estadísticos se realizaron a través del análisis de la variancia. A los quince días las áreas de los osteocitos del grupo PA se diferencian significativamente sólo respecto al grupo AL. En cuanto a la Densidad trabecular se observa un incremento de tejido óseo en todos los grupos. O mejora cualitativamente la estructura del hueso trabecular y cortical, preservando la mineralización, el tamaño y la estructura de los cristales minerales Esto sugiere que O representa una opción terapéutica prometedora para la prevención y tratamiento de las patologías óseas.

ABSTRACT: Bisphosphonates are potent inhibitors of bone resorption. Olive oil (O) has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. To study the effect of combined treatment with alendronate (AL) and pamidronate (PA) subcutaneously or orally, and on tissue regeneration of newly formed bone cavities, we divided 54 male Wistar rats into 6 groups. Control group (C) received saline subcutaneously. Group (AL) received 0.5 mg of AL / kg body weight subcutaneously. Group (PA) received the same as the previous group. (O) was treated with olive oil diet, 50 g / kg of food. Group (ALO) received combined treatment with AL and O. Group (PAO) received the same treatment. The animals were euthanized for sampling at 15, 30, 60 and 90 days. For histopathology sections were stained with HE and observed these with light microscopy. Statistical studies were performed by analysis of variance. Fifteen days osteocytes areas of the PA group were significantly different only for the AL group. As the density increased trabecular bone tissue was observed in all groups. O qualitatively improved the structure of trabecular and cortical bone mineralization while preserving the size and structure of the mineral crystals. This suggests that O represents a promising therapeutic option for prevention and treatment of bone diseases.

Animaux , Mâle , Rats , Implants dentaires , Péri-implantite , Rat Wistar , Alendronate/administration et posologie , Alendronate/usage thérapeutique , Huile d'olive/usage thérapeutique , Pamidronate/administration et posologie , Pamidronate/usage thérapeutique , Histologie
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 11(1): 19-24, abr. 2017. ilus
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-841011


Estudios han demostrado que el aceite de oliva (O) con sus compuestos fenólicos tienen efectos positivos en diversos biomarcadores fisiológicos. Análisis previos han demostrado que los bisfosfonatos, son potentes inhibidores de la resorción ósea. Estudiar el efecto del tratamiento combinado de alendronato (AL) y pamidronato (PA) y de O sobre la regeneración ósea. Las fórmulas se dosificaron 0,5 mg/kg de peso para AL, y de 0,6 mg/kg de peso para PA. El O se administró en la dieta, 50 g/Kg. Cincuenta y cuatro ratas macho de la línea Wistar se dividieron en 6 grupos. El grupo control (C), recibió semanalmente 0,3 ml/100 g de solución salina vía subcutánea. El grupo (AL) recibió semanalmente por vía subcutánea en el miembro posterior izquierdo. El grupo (PA) se colocó igual que el grupo anterior. El grupo (O) fue tratado en la alimentación y en las áreas de la cirugía recibieron inyección subcutánea con solución fisiológica. El grupo (ALO) recibió tratamiento combinado con AL y O. El grupo (PAO) se trató igual al anterior. Se obtuvieron muestras de fémur en tiempos 15, 30, 60 y 90 días, que se incluyeron en solución fisiológica y mantenidos a -20 C. Los estudios estadísticos se realizaron a través del análisis de la variancia a dos y tres criterios de clasificación. Sólo el factor días influye significativamente sobre los valores. Las diferencias entre drogas no resultaron estadísticamente significativas. Tampoco se verificó interacción significativa entre los factores Droga y etapa. Los valores más elevados de fuerza de ruptura aplicada, se registraron a los 90 días. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en los ensayos biomecánicos, poniendo de manifiesto la acción sistémica de los fármacos. Estas acciones fueron benéficas al aumentar la rigidez.

Studies have shown that olive oil (O) with its phenolic compounds have positive effects on various physiological biomarkers. Previous analyzes have shown that bisphosphonates are potent inhibitors of bone resorption. The objective of this work was to study the effect of combined treatment with alendronate (AL) and pamidronate (PA) and O on bone regeneration. Formulas 0.5 mg/kg for AL dosed, and 0.6 mg/kg for PA. O was administered in the diet, 50 g/kg. Fifty-four male Wistar rats were divided into 6 groups. The control group (C) received weekly 0.3 mL/100 g of saline subcutaneously. Group (AL) received weekly subcutaneously in the left posterior limb. Group (PA) was placed as the previous group. Group (O) was treated in food and in the areas of surgery received subcutaneous injection with saline. The (ALO) group received combined treatment with Al and O. The group (PAO) was treated the same as before. Femur samples at times 15, 30, 60 and 90 days, were included in physiological solution and maintained at -20 °C were obtained. Statistical studies were conducted through analysis of variance to two and three classification criteria. The ANOVA showed that only days factor significantly influences the values of the variables (p <0.05). The differences between drugs were not statistically significant (p> 0.05). Nor was there significant drug interaction between factors and stage (p> 0.05) was verified. The highest values of force rupture applied occurred at 90 days. No significant differences were found in the biomechanical testing, demonstrating the systemic action of drugs. These actions were beneficial to increase rigidity.

Animaux , Mâle , Rats , Régénération osseuse/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Diphosphonates/administration et posologie , Huile d'olive/composition chimique , Alendronate/administration et posologie , Phénomènes biomécaniques , Rat Wistar
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-838426


Objective To evaluate the effect of topical olive oil, vaseline cream and menthol ointment on skin barrier function of patients with senile xerosis. Methods Totally 32 participants with senile xerosis were enrolled in this randomized double-blind self-controlled study for 8 weeks. Four black square spaces were marked on bilateral forearms of each volunteer, and three were treated with olive oil, vaseline cream and menthol ointment, respectively, once a day for 8 weeks, and the last one was taken as control. Skin barrier function was evaluated at 2, 4, and 8 weeks after experiment by measuring the water content of the stratum corneum, transepidermal water loss (TKWL), and skin pH value. Results Compared with the control group, the water contents of stratum corneum in the olive oil, vaseline cream and menthol ointment groups were significantly increased (P<0.05), and the TEWL value and skin pH value were significantly decreased (P<0.05) at 8 weeks. There were no significant difference in the water content of stratum corneum, TEWL value, or pH value between 3 experiment groups. Conclusion Topical olive oil can improve the skin barrier function of patients with senile xerosis, and vaseline cream and menthol ointment also can repair the skin barrier function.

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