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Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(2): 273-290, mar. 2024. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552583


The aim of the present study was to assess the impacts of roasting and the type of extraction solvent (ethanol or water) on the hypolipidemic act ivity of xoconostle fruit peel extracts in a tyloxapol - induced model of hyperlipidemia. Water and ethanol extracts from raw and roasted Opuntia joconostle peels were obtained to quantify the phytochemicals contained within and assess their hypolipidemic ac tivity in rats (n=5) against tyloxapol - induced dyslipidemia (400 mg/kg). The raw ethanol and water extracts, as well as the roasted water extract (200 mg/kg), showed hypolipidemic activity in the tyloxapol - treated group ( p <0.05). In contrast, the roasted s ample extracted with ethanol did not show this effect. The concentrations of phenolic compounds (39.80 mg GAE/g) and flavonoids (16.42 ± 0.14 mg QE/g) were higher in the ethanolic extracts than in the aqueous extracts. Conversely, the concentration of beta lains (115.51 ± 1.66 mg/100 g) was higher in the water extracts than in the ethanol extracts. It was concluded that the roasting process modified the concentration of some phytochemicals and their antioxidant capacity in vitro , producing a hypolipidemic ef fect in tyloxapol - induced hyperlipidemic rats

El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el impacto del tostado y del tipo de disolvente de e xtracción (etanol o agua) sobre la actividad hipolipidémica de los extractos de cáscara de frutos de xoconostle en un modelo de hiperlipidemia inducido por el tyloxapol. Se obtuvieron extractos acuosos y etanólicos de cáscara cruda y asada de Opuntia jocon ostle para cuantificar los fitoquímicos que contienen y evaluar su actividad hipolipidémica en ratas (n=5) contra la dislipidemia inducida por el tyloxapol (400 mg/kg). Los extractos acuosos y etanólicos crudos, así como el extracto acuoso tostado (200 mg/ kg), mostraron actividad hipolipidémica en el grupo tratado con tiloxapol ( p <0,05). En cambio, la muestra asada y extraída con etanol no mostró este efecto. Las concentraciones de compuestos fenólicos (39,80 mg GAE/g) y flavonoides (16,42 ± 0,14 mg QE/g) f ueron mayores en los extractos etanólicos que en los acuosos. Por el contrario, la concentración de betalaínas (115,51 ± 1,66 mg/100 g) fue mayor en los extractos acuosos que en los etanólicos. Se concluyó que el proceso de asado modificó la concentración de algunos fitoquímicos y su capacidad antioxidante in vitro , produciendo un efecto hipolipidémico en ratas hiperlipidémicas inducidas por el tyloxapol.

Animaux , Souris , Extraits de plantes/administration et posologie , Extraits de plantes/composition chimique , Opuntia/composition chimique , Dyslipidémies/traitement médicamenteux , Hypolipémiants/administration et posologie , Phénols/analyse , Flavonoïdes/analyse , Eau , Éthanol , Bétalaïnes/analyse , , Hypolipémiants/composition chimique , Antioxydants
Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 31(1): e25847, Jan.-Mar. 2024. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565770


Resumen Austrocylindropuntia pachypus (K.Schum.) Backeb. es un cactus endémico de Perú, cuya distribución conocida estaba restringida a las vertientes occidentales de La Libertad, Áncash y Lima. En base a expediciones botánicas por las estribaciones andinas de Ica, en este trabajo reportamos nuevas localidades con pequeñas poblaciones, lo que amplía en más de 260 km al sur la distribución conocida de A. pachypus. Además, en base a 42 registros georreferenciados, se amplía la información sobre sus localidades, poblaciones, distribución potencial, hábitats, amenazas y estado de conservación. El modelo de distribución potencial mostró altos niveles predictivos o de idoneidad con valores de AUC = 0.96 en base a siete variables climáticas, siendo Bio17, Bio2 y Bio7 las variables con mayor contribución; mostrando a Lambayeque, La Libertad, Áncash, Lima, Ica y Huancavelica los departamentos con mayores valores de idoneidad. Las poblaciones con mayor concentración de individuos, pero que a su vez se encuentran seriamente perturbadas por actividades antropogénicas, son las de los valles del río Chillón (Santa Rosa de Quives, Canta) y Rímac (Santa Eulalia, Huarochirí) en Lima. Asimismo, se estima que cerca del 70% de las poblaciones de A. pachypus se encuentran amenazadas por derechos mineros, extracción de hidrocarburos, sobrepastoreo y expansión urbana o agrícola, incrementando la fragmentación de sus hábitats, por lo que se propone categorizar a este cactus endémico como En Peligro (EN).

Abstract Austrocylindropuntia pachypus (K.Schum.) Backeb. is an endemic cactus of Peru, whose known distribution was restricted to the western slopes of La Libertad, Áncash, and Lima. Based on botanical expeditions along the Andean foothills of Ica, this study reports new localities with small populations, thereby extending the known distribution of A. pachypus by over 260 km to the south. Additionally, based on 42 georeferenced records, information on its localities, populations, potential distribution, habitats, threats, and conservation status is expanded. The potential distribution model exhibited high predictive or suitability levels with AUC values of 0.96 based on seven climatic variables, with Bio17, Bio2, and Bio7 being the most contributory variables; Lambayeque, La Libertad, Áncash, Lima, Ica, and Huancavelica demonstrated the highest suitability values. Populations with the highest concentration of individuals, yet significantly disturbed by anthropogenic activities, are those in the valleys of the Chillón River (Santa Rosa de Quives, Canta) and Rímac River (Santa Eulalia, Huarochirí) in Lima. Furthermore, it is estimated that approximately 70% of A. pachypus populations are threatened by mining rights, hydrocarbon extraction, overgrazing, and urban or agricultural expansion, exacerbating habitat fragmentation. Hence, it is proposed to categorize this endemic cactus as Endangered (EN).

Con-ciencia (La Paz) ; 11(2)nov. 2023.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557654


Introducción. Alrededor de 3700 millones menores de 50 años con infección por VHS-1 y 491 millones de personas de 15 a 49 años cursan con infección por VHS-2 en el mundo; sus síntomas, vesículas o ulceras dolorosas reaparecen periódicamente. El tratamiento convencional disminuyó su efectividad en cepas resistentes e inmunodeprimidos. Alternativas terapéuticas con extractos de plantas medicinales y potencial antiviral, como Opuntia soehrensii Brito conocida como "ayrampù" en Bolivia, utiliza infusión de sus semillas como analgésico, antidiabético, hipotensor y febrífugo. En vapores por inhalación para afecciones respiratorias; como tintura tópica en lesiones dérmicas de viruela, sarampión y herpes labial. Objetivo. Evaluar la seguridad preclínica de un gel que contiene el extracto hidro-alcohólico de semillas de Opuntia soehrensii en diferentes dosis, aplicado en la mucosa vaginal de ratas Sprague Dawley. Material y métodos. Se ejecutaron protocolos de toxicidad aguda y subaguda para evaluar la respuesta sistémica, a través de marcadores bioquímicos y de comportamiento, y la respuesta local en mucosa vaginal, mediante estudios histopatológicos, en grupos de animales a los que se aplicó el gel con diferentes concentraciones del extracto de Opuntia soehrensii, comparados con un grupo control y otro que recibió solo el vehículo. Resultados. Se encontró que los indicadores sistémicos de comportamiento y ganancia de peso no mostraron diferencias entre grupos. Los indicadores hematológicos y bioquímicos mostraron resultados fisiológicamente esperados y sin cambios en los grupos de estudio. La citología expuso conservación del fenotipo celular para las fases del ciclo estral en todos los grupos. Los indicadores histológicos de reacción local e integridad celular se distribuyeron de igual manera en los todos los grupos. Conclusión. La aplicación de un gel de Opuntia soehrensii no muestra niveles apreciables de toxicidad local y sistémica, lo que permite recomendar la iniciación de estudios de aplicación clínica.

Introduction. Around 3.7 billion people under 50 years of age are infected with HSV-1 and 491 million people between the ages of 15 and 49 are infected with HSV-2 in the world; his symptoms, vesicles or painful ulcers recur periodically. Conventional treatment decreased its effectiveness in resistant and immunosuppressed strains. Therapeutic alternatives with extracts of medicinal plants and antiviral potential, such as Opuntia soehrensii Brito known as "ayrampù" in Bolivia, uses infusion of its seeds as an analgesic, antidiabetic, hypotensive and febrifuge. In vapors by inhalation for respiratory conditions; as a topical tincture in skin lesions of smallpox, measles and cold sores. Objectives . To evaluate the preclinical safety of a gel containing the hydroalcoholic extract of Opuntia soehrensii seeds in different doses, applied to the vaginal mucosa of Sprague Dawley rats. Material and Methods. Acute and sub-acute toxicity protocols were carried out to evaluate local response in the vaginal mucosa, through histo pathological studies, and systemic responses, through biochemical and behavioral markers, in groups of animals to which the gel with different concentrations of the extract of Opuntia soehrensii was applied, compared with a control group and another that received only the vehicle. Results. It was found that the histological indicators of local reaction and cell integrity were equally distributed in all groups. Cytology showed conservation of the cell phenotype for the phases of the estrous cycle in all groups. The systemic indicators of behavior and weight gain did not show differences between groups. Hematological and biochemical indicators showed results ranged in physiologic parameters, without changes in the study groups. Conclusion. The application of a gel from Opuntia soehrensii does not show appreciable levels of local and systemic toxicity, which makes it possible to recommend the initiation of clinical application studies.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 51(5): e20200324, 2021. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153893


ABSTRACT: The objective was to evaluate the effects of water depths and irrigation frequencies on structural responses, forage yield and chemical composition of spineless cactus Orelha de Elefante Mexicana (OEM) (Opuntia stricta (Haw.) Haw), in adensed crop system. The experimental design was randomized blocks, in subdivided plots (3x4) with 4 replicates. The water depths were (100%, 75%, 50%, and 25% of ETc - crop evapotranspiration) and three water application frequencies (7; 14 and 28 days between irrigations). There was interaction for water use efficiency (WUE) and plant dry mass. Increasing water depths reduced WUE for all irrigation frequencies and plant dry mass was lower for 7 days compared to 14 and 28 days in 25% ETc. Greater water depths increased linearly the plant height and plant width. First and second order cladode length, second order cladode dry mass (kg), fresh mass yield (FMY) (kg ha-1) and dry mass yield (DMY) (kg ha-1) had a quadratic response with the increase in water depth. The FMY and DMY increased up to 77% and 75% ETc, respectively. Irrigation frequency (28 days) promoted greater first order cladode length and cladode dry mass compared to 7 days. Cladode thickness in plant and basal cladode thickness were greater for 7 days compared to 28 days and 14 and 28 days, respectively, without influence on FMY and DMY. Irrigation frequencies from 7 to 28 days promotes similar forage production and water depths up to 77% ETc favors the forage yield for spineless cactus Orelha de Elefante Mexicana receiving supplemental irrigation.

RESUMO: Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos das lâminas e frequências de irrigação sobre as respostas estruturais, produção de forragem e composição química da palma-forrageira orelha de elefante mexicana (OEM) (Opuntia stricta (Haw.) Haw), em sistema adensado de cultivo. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, em parcelas subdivididas (3x4) com quatro repetições. As lâminas de água foram 100%, 75%, 50% e 25% de ETc (evapotranspiração da cultura) e três frequências de aplicação de água (7; 14 e 28 dias entre as irrigações). Houve interação para eficiência de uso da água (EUA), massa seca de planta. A massa seca da planta aumentou com a aplicação de 64% da Etc na frequência de irrigação de 14 dias. O aumento nas lâminas reduziu a EUA para todas as frequências de irrigação e a massa seca de planta foi menor para 7 dias comparado com 14 e 28 dias, com o uso de 25% da ETc. As maiores lâminas de irrigação aumentaram linearmente a altura e a largura da planta. O comprimento dos cladódios da primeira e segunda ordens, a massa seca dos cladódios da segunda ordem, a produção de massa fresca (PMF) (kg ha-1) e a produção de massa seca (PMS) (kg ha-1) tiveram resposta quadrática com o aumento na lâmina de irrigação. O aumento na PMF e PMS ocorreu até 77% e 75% da ETc, respectivamente. A frequência de irrigação (28 dias) promoveu maior comprimento e peso de cladódios da primeira ordem em comparação com sete dias. A espessura de cladódio e a espessura do cladódio basal foram maiores para sete dias comparado a 28 dias e 14 e 28 dias, respectivamente. A frequência de irrigação de 7 a 28 dias promove similar produção de forragem e a lâmina de irrigação até 77% da ETc favorece a produção da palma forrageira Orelha de Elefante Mexicana recebendo suplementação hídrica.

Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 49(1): e489, ene.-mar. 2020. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126684


Introducción: En la medicina militar, los agentes cicatrizantes naturales frente a heridas por incisión son relevantes en el tratamiento de los militares. Objetivo: Evaluar la actividad cicatrizante de los extractos hidroalcohólicos de Peperomia congona Sodiro (congona), Annona muricata L. (guanábana), Urtica urens L. (ortiga),Ormosia coccinea (Aubl) Jacks (huayruro), Opuntia ficus-indica L. Mill. (tuna) y Musa acuminata Colla (plátano bellaco) en heridas incisas de Rattus norvegicus albinus (rata albina). Métodos: Estudio analítico experimental de tipo prospectivo y longitudinal. Se realizó el análisis fitoquímico preliminar de los 6 extractos. Se emplearon 80 ratas albinas machos, aleatorizadas y distribuidas en 8 grupos (n = 10). Se realizó una aplicación dermal durante 10 días consecutivos posteriores a la generación de heridas incisas que se realizaron en el dorso. Grupo I (cloruro de sodio al 0,9 por ciento). Grupo II (gel cicatrizante comercial). Del Grupo III al VIII fueron tratados con extracto hidroalcohólico de congona, guanábana, ortiga, huairuro, tuna y plátano bellaco respectivamente. La evolución de la cicatrización fue seguida en los días 1, 5 y 11 y medida en milímetros. Resultados: Se detectó la presencia de alcaloides, compuestos fenólicos y flavonoides en los 6 extractos; además de cumarinas en congona, taninos en guanábana, ortiga, tuna y huayruro, y quinonas en guanábana y plátano bellaco. Se comprobó la actividad cicatrizante en los extractos de guanábana (69,77 por ciento), tuna (66,27 por ciento), plátano bellaco (64,38 por ciento), ortiga (56,73 por ciento), congona (55,74 por ciento) y huayruro (54,50 por ciento), comparados con un gel comercial (72,21 por ciento). Conclusiones: El extracto hidroalcohólico de las hojas de Annona muricata L. (guanábana) presentó la mayor actividad cicatrizante en heridas incisas de ratas albinas machos(AU)

Introduction: In military medicine, natural healing agents against incision wounds are relevant in the treatment of the military. Objective: To evaluate the healing activity of the hydroalcoholic extracts of Peperomia congona Sodiro (congona), Annona muricata L. (guanabana), Urtica urens L. (ortiga), Ormosia coccinea (Aubl) Jacks (huairuro), Opuntia ficus-indica L. Mill. (tuna) and Musa acuminata Colla (platano bellaco) in incised wounds of Rattus norvegicus albinus (albino rat). Methods: Experimental analytical study of prospective and longitudinal type. The preliminary phytochemical analysis of the 6 extracts was carried out. We used 80 male albino rats, randomized and distributed in 8 groups (n = 10). A dermal application was made during 10 consecutive days after the generation of incised wounds that were made on the back. Group I (0.9 percent sodium chloride). Group II (commercial healing gel). From Group III to VIII they were treated with hydroalcoholic extract of congona, guanábana, ortiga, huairuro, tuna and platano bellaco respectively. The evolution of healing was followed on days 1, 5 and 11 and measured in millimeters. Results: The presence of alkaloids, phenolic compounds and flavonoids was detected in the 6 extracts; in addition to coumarins in congona, tannins in guanábana, nettle, tuna and huayruro, quinonas in guanábana and plantain bellaco. The healing activity was verified in the extracts of guanabana (69.77 percent), tuna (66.27 percent), platano bellaco (64.38 percent), ortiga (56.73 percent), congona (55.74 percent) and huayruro (54.50 percent), compared with a commercial gel (72.21 percent). Conclusions: The hydroalcoholic extract of the leaves of Annona muricata L. (guanábana) showed the highest healing activity in incised wounds of male albino rats(AU)

Rats , Plantes , Thérapeutique , Flavonoïdes/administration et posologie , Alcaloïdes/administration et posologie , Composés Phénoliques/méthodes , Composés phytochimiques , Médecine militaire
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 36(1): 51-60, jan./feb. 2020. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1049194


This study aimed to evaluate, in the second cycle, the growth and production of 'Orelha-de-elefante Mexicana' prickly pear (Opuntia sp.) under complementary irrigation with treated domestic sewage. The experiment was carried out in the Milagre Settlement, municipality of Apodi-RN, Brazil, from June 2016 to February 2017. Five treatments were evaluated, corresponding to four irrigation frequencies (2.3, 7.0, 14.0 and 21.0 days) to apply an effluent depth of 3.5 mm, and the control, rainfed cultivation (without irrigation). The experimental design was randomized blocks, with four replicates. After preliminary-primary treatment, the domestic sewage showed acceptable chemical and physical characteristics for fertigation under the conditions adopted in the prickly pear cultivation. 234 days after the 1st cut in the plants, the following morphometric characteristics were measured: plant height and length, width, perimeter, thickness and number of primary and secondary cladodes, and biomass accumulation. Complementary irrigation with treated domestic sewage effluent applied at intervals of 2.3, 7.0, 14.0 and 21.0 days allowed satisfactory growth and production of 'Orelha-de-elefante Mexicana' prickly pear; without irrigation, its development was substantially hampered during the dry period. Complementary irrigation with 3.5 mm of domestic sewage effluent applied at intervals of 2.3, 7.0 and 14.0 days led to highest growth and biomass accumulation in 'Orelha-de-elefante Mexicana' prickly pear.

Objetivou-se com esse trabalho avaliar, no segundo ciclo, o crescimento e a produção da palma forrageira orelha-de-elefante (Opuntia sp), conduzida sob irrigação complementar, com esgoto doméstico tratado. O experimento foi realizado no Assentamento Milagre, município de Apodi/RN, no período de junho/2016 a fevereiro/2017. Foram estudados cinco tratamentos, sendo quatro frequências de irrigação (2,3; 7; 14 e 21 dias), para aplicar uma lâmina de 3,5 mm de efluente, e a testemunha, cultivo em sequeiro (sem irrigação). Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. A água de esgoto doméstico após passar pelo tratamento preliminar-primário apresentou características químicas e biológicas aceitáveis para a fertirrigação nas condições utilizadas no cultivo da palma. Após 234 dias do 1º corte realizado na palma, foram feitas medições das características morfométricas: altura de planta, comprimento, largura, perímetro, espessura e número de cladódios primário e secundário e acúmulo de biomassa. A complementação hídrica realizada por irrigação com intervalos de 2,3; 7,0; 14,0 e 21,0 dias, viabilizou satisfatoriamente o crescimento e a produção da palma forrageira orelha de elefante que, sem irrigação, teve seu desenvolvimento bastante comprometido no período seco. A complementação hídrica com 3,5 mm de água de esgoto doméstico tratado por irrigação, com intervalos de 2,3; 7,0 e 14,0 promovem o maior crescimento e acúmulo de biomassa da palma forrageira orelha de elefante.

Eaux Grises , Opuntia , Irrigation agricole
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-865409


Objective: To investigate the effect of Opuntia humifusa aqueous extract on gastric ulcers. Methods: An ethanol-induced model was used to examine the protective effect of Opuntia humifusa against gastric ulcers. The gastric ulcer index was evaluated via clinical observation and image analysis. Various inflammatory indicators were determined by RT-PCR and Western blotting assays. Results: The gastric ulcer index was reduced to 8% in the group treated with Opuntia humifusa aqueous extract compared with that in the control group. RT-PCR analysis revealed that MUC5AC expression was reduced to 39% in the control group compared with the non-treated group, whereas the omeprazole and Opuntia humifusa aqueous extract-treated groups increased the expression to 95% and 79%, respectively. Moreover, the expressions of various cytokines including TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6 were increased in the control group, while decreasing in Opuntia humifusa aqueous extract-treated group. Opuntia humifusa aqueous extract also suppressed the expressions of iNOS, COX-2, and its transcription factor NF-κB and increased mucus content considerably as compared to the control group. Conclusions: These results suggest that Opuntia humifusa aqueous extract is suitable as an alternative remedy for gastric ulcer treatment.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-950279


Objective: To investigate the effect of Opuntia humifusa aqueous extract on gastric ulcers. Methods: An ethanol-induced model was used to examine the protective effect of Opuntia humifusa against gastric ulcers. The gastric ulcer index was evaluated via clinical observation and image analysis. Various inflammatory indicators were determined by RT-PCR and Western blotting assays. Results: The gastric ulcer index was reduced to 8% in the group treated with Opuntia humifusa aqueous extract compared with that in the control group. RT-PCR analysis revealed that MUC5AC expression was reduced to 39% in the control group compared with the non-treated group, whereas the omeprazole and Opuntia humifusa aqueous extract-treated groups increased the expression to 95% and 79%, respectively. Moreover, the expressions of various cytokines including TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6 were increased in the control group, while decreasing in Opuntia humifusa aqueous extract-treated group. Opuntia humifusa aqueous extract also suppressed the expressions of iNOS, COX-2, and its transcription factor NF-κB and increased mucus content considerably as compared to the control group. Conclusions: These results suggest that Opuntia humifusa aqueous extract is suitable as an alternative remedy for gastric ulcer treatment.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-753256


To assess the antidiabetic effect of Opuntia dillenii seed oil on rats with diabetes mellitus. Methods: A rat diabetes model was established by intraperitoneal injection of rats with 50 mg/kg streptozotocin. Thirty albino Wistar rats were divided into five groups: the diabetic control group and normal control group were treated only with distilled water, two diabetic groups received 1 and 2 mL/kg of oil per day, respectively, for 30 days and one diabetic group received 2 mg/kg of glibenclamide. In addition, blood glucose was determined weekly. Body weight, average daily food, water intake and urinary volume of each animal were determined before and after the treatment period. After the treatment period, hepatic glycogen was determined using the anthrone reagent, and glycosuria, total cholesterol, triglycerides, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, urea, creatinine and uric acid were estimated using common clinical diagnostic kits. Results: Oral intake of the oil at 1 and 2 mL/kg for the diabetic animals significantly diminished blood glucose, glycosuria, total cholesterol, triglycerides, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, urea, creatinine and uric acid, accompanied by a noticeable elevation in the amount of hepatic glycogen in comparison with the diabetic control group. Similarly, Opuntia dillenii seed oil significantly increased the food intake and decreased the urinary volume per day in treated rats of the same groups in comparison with the period before the treatment intervention and attenuated body weight loss in the diabetic rats. Moreover, this effect of the oil was dose dependent. On the other hand, the oil did not affect their need for water. Conclusions: The results show that Opuntia dillenii seed oil has a very important antidiabetic effect on streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Hence, we suggest it as a preventive control of diabetes mellitus.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-950341


Objective: To assess the antidiabetic effect of Opuntia dillenii seed oil on rats with diabetes mellitus. Methods: A rat diabetes model was established by intraperitoneal injection of rats with 50 mg/kg streptozotocin. Thirty albino Wistar rats were divided into five groups: the diabetic control group and normal control group were treated only with distilled water, two diabetic groups received 1 and 2 mL/kg of oil per day, respectively, for 30 days and one diabetic group received 2 mg/kg of glibenclamide. In addition, blood glucose was determined weekly. Body weight, average daily food, water intake and urinary volume of each animal were determined before and after the treatment period. After the treatment period, hepatic glycogen was determined using the anthrone reagent, and glycosuria, total cholesterol, triglycerides, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, urea, creatinine and uric acid were estimated using common clinical diagnostic kits. Results: Oral intake of the oil at 1 and 2 mL/kg for the diabetic animals significantly diminished blood glucose, glycosuria, total cholesterol, triglycerides, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, urea, creatinine and uric acid, accompanied by a noticeable elevation in the amount of hepatic glycogen in comparison with the diabetic control group. Similarly, Opuntia dillenii seed oil significantly increased the food intake and decreased the urinary volume per day in treated rats of the same groups in comparison with the period before the treatment intervention and attenuated body weight loss in the diabetic rats. Moreover, this effect of the oil was dose dependent. On the other hand, the oil did not affect their need for water. Conclusions: The results show that Opuntia dillenii seed oil has a very important antidiabetic effect on streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Hence, we suggest it as a preventive control of diabetes mellitus.

Arq. Inst. Biol ; 86: e1282018, 2019. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1009462


The objective of this study was to compare the use of fruits of great economic and social importance for the northeast of Brazil by Ceratitis capitata Wied. (Diptera: Tephritidae) for oviposition, larval development, size and longevity of adults. Fruits of mango (Mangifera indica L.), quiabento (Pereskia bahiensis Gürke), forage palm [Opuntia fícus indica (L.) Mill] and grape (Vitis vinifera L.) were used, as well as flies from a hybrid laboratory population. Initially, four treatments (fruits) and six replications were used; the fruits were offered to 10 C. capitata couples, with later (96 hours) egg count. The second was conducted with six treatments and 10 replicates, offering two types of fruits simultaneously, combined two to two, to 10 C. capitata couples. The last bioassay comprised four treatments and six replicates, where 20 g of fruit were offered to 20 first-instar C. capitata larvae. After six days, the larvae were placed in plastic pots containing vermiculite until pupation, quantifying larval and pupal periods, viability and pupal mass, besides longevity and adult size. The data were submitted to ANOVA using the R Core Team software. Ceratitis capitata oviposits and completes its biological cycle in the four hosts studied, exhibiting no preference for oviposition and low biological performance in quiabento fruits. It yielded smaller adults and lower grape survival. Cactaceae palm and quiabento allow the survival of C. capitata in the laboratory, and this knowledge has been reported for the first time, proving that they can act as alternative hosts in the field.(AU)

O objetivo do estudo foi comparar a utilização de frutos de importância econômica e social para o nordeste do Brasil por Ceratitis capitata Wied. (Diptera: Tephritidae) para oviposição, desenvolvimento larval, tamanho e longevidade de adultos. Foram utilizados frutos de manga (Mangifera indica L.), quiabento (Pereskia bahiensis Gürke), palma-forrageira [Opuntia fícus indica (L.) Mill] e uva (Vitis vinifera L.) e moscas procedentes de uma população híbrida de laboratório. Inicialmente, utilizaram-se quatro tratamentos (frutos) e seis repetições, com o oferecimento dos frutos a 10 casais de C. capitata, com posterior (96 horas) contagem de ovos. O segundo teste foi conduzido com seis tratamentos e 10 repetições, oferecendo-se dois tipos de frutos simultaneamente, combinados dois a dois, a 10 casais de C. capitata. O último bioensaio compreendeu quatro tratamentos e seis repetições, sendo oferecidos 20 g de fruto a 20 larvas de primeiro instar de C. capitata. Após seis dias, as larvas foram colocadas em potes plásticos contendo vermiculita até a empupação, quantificando-se: períodos larval e pupal, viabilidade e massa pupal e longevidade e tamanho do adulto. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância (ANOVA) pelo Programa R Core Team. Ceratitis capitata oviposita e completa seu ciclo biológico nos quatro hospedeiros estudados, exibindo não preferência para oviposição e baixa performance biológica em frutos de quiabento. Este proporcionou adultos menores e a uva permitiu a menor sobrevivência. As cactáceas palma e quiabento permitem a sobrevivência de C. capitata em laboratório, sendo esse conhecimento relatado pela primeira vez, comprovando que essas espécies podem atuar como hospedeiros alternativos no campo.(AU)

Oviposition , Ceratitis capitata , Larve/croissance et développement , Vitis , Mangifera , Fruit , Insectes
Braz. j. biol ; 78(4): 653-660, Nov. 2018. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-951604


Abstract This paper briefly reports some effects of irrigations at two critical periods on the phenology of three varieties of cactus pear cultivated in Agadir area: the spineless varieties 'Aissa' and 'Moussa' and the thorny one 'Achefri'. In the first year experiments (2010-2011) treatments of irrigation used were: (T1) 0 mm, (T2) 30 mm during flowering and 30 mm during fruit enlargement and (T3) 30 mm only during fruit enlargement. In the 2nd year experiments, irrigation treatments were: (T1) 0 mm, (T2) 60 mm during flowering and 60 mm during fruit enlargement and (T3) 60 mm only during fruit enlargement. Treatments of irrigation were applied between mid-April and mid-June in the 1st year experiments and in February and May in the 2nd year experiments. Results of the first year experiments showed that the emission of buds was higher in the thorny variety than in the spineless ones (more than 6 emitted buds/cladode vs less than 4.5 in the spineless varieties). In the second year, irrigation increased the emission of buds in the three varieties (more than 7 emitted buds/cladode for each T2 and T3 of all varieties vs not more than 5 for T1) and the duration of the flowering phase of these varieties. However, irrigation did not modify the proportions of fruits reaching commercial maturity during the early or the late period of maturation.

Resumo Este artigo relatou brevemente alguns efeitos das irrigações em dois períodos críticos na fenologia de três variedades de Opuntia cultivadas na área de Agadir: as variedades sem espinhos 'Aissa' e 'Moussa' e um espinhoso 'Achefri'. No primeiro ano (2010-2011) os seguintes tratamentos do experimento da irrigação foram usados: (T1) 0 milímetros, (T2) 30 milímetros durante a florescência e 30 milímetros durante a ampliação do fruto e (T3) 30 milímetros somente durante a ampliação do fruto. No segundo ano das experiências, os tratamentos da irrigação foram: (T1, 0 milímetros), (T2) 60 milímetros durante a florescência e 60 milímetros durante a ampliação do fruto e (T3) 60 milímetros somente durante a ampliação do fruto. Os tratamentos da irrigação foram aplicados entre a metade de abril e metade de junho nas experiências do primeira ano e em fevereiro e maio nas experiências do segundo ano. Os resultados das experiências do primeiro ano mostraram que a emissão de brotos foi maior na variedade espinhosa do que no rufia (mais de 6 emitida gomos/cladode vs inferior a 4,5 no rufia variedades). No segundo ano, a irrigação aumentou a emissão dos botões nas três variedades (mais de 7 botões emitidos/cladÓdio para cada T2 e T3 de todas as variedades não mais que 5 para o T1) e a duração da fase de florescência destas variedades. Contudo, a irrigação não alterou as proporções de frutos que alcançaram a maturidade comercial durante o período adiantado ou atrasado de maturação.

Opuntia/croissance et développement , Fleurs/croissance et développement , Irrigation agricole , Fruit/croissance et développement , Phénols/composition chimique , Saisons , Eau , Germination/physiologie , Opuntia/composition chimique , Fleurs/composition chimique , Fruit/composition chimique
European J Med Plants ; 2018 May; 23(4): 1-10
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-189386


Opuntia ficus indica largely presents in Algerian rural environment, is frequently used by the local population for its therapeutic virtues.This particular study was carried out on Wistar albino rats, which were divided into four individual groups namely I, II, III and IV. The rats in Group I served as the control, received a distilled water, Group II was received thermoxidized vegetable oil, while Group III and IV were received thermoxidized oil with 100 and 500 mg/kg body weight of Opuntia ficus indica aqueous extract added in each respectively. At the end of 22 days administration, blood samples were collected for the analysis of lipid profile. The result showed that TG was significantly increased (P<0.05) in all the test groups when compared with the control, The HDL was significantly (P<0.05) increased in all the test samples except GroupII, while LDL followed a reverse trend. The phytochemical studies showed the presence of phytoconstituents like alkaloids, flavonoids and phenols.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-700123


Objective: To investigate the hepatoprotective effect of Opuntia dillenii seed oil (ODSO) on CCl4 provoked liver injury in rat. Methods: Animals were treated orally with ODSO at a concentration of 2 mL/kg, once daily for one week before the first intraperitoneal injection of CCl4, and thereafter the administration of the oil was continued for 7 days until the introduction of the second injection of CCl4. Fourteen hours after the last dose of CCl4, rats were sacrificed, and the relative liver weight, weight gain, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate amino transferase, alanine aminotransferase, direct bilirubin, total bilirubin, triglycerides, total cholesterol, very low density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, high density lipoprotein, plasmatic glucose, urea, creatinine, acid uric and malondialdehyde were determined. Results: The significant increase was found in relative liver weight and plasma levels of alanine aminotransferase, aspartate amino transferase, alkaline phosphatase, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, triglycerides, very low-density lipoprotein, urea, uric acid and malondialdehyde. Likewise, the significant decrease was indicated in the weight gain and the level of glucose plasmatic, and high-density lipoprotein levels in CCl4 produced liver injury in rats were re-established to normal levels when treated with ODSO.While, no change was observed in the total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein and creatinine in all animals. Conclusions: We conclude that the ODSO has a protective effect on CCl4-mediated liver injury. Hence, we suggest its inclusion as a preventive control of liver disorders.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-950435


Objective: To investigate the hepatoprotective effect of Opuntia dillenii seed oil (ODSO) on CCl

Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-732185


@#Aims: In recent years, microbial conversion of renewable raw materials has become an important objective in industrialbiotechnology. Wastes from Opuntia ficus indica (OFI) can be considered as potential renewable raw materials in lacticacid production. In this study, the feasibility of lactic acid production using fruits and cladodes of OFI as carbohydratefeedstock was investigated.Methodology and results: Response surface methodology (RSM) based on central composite design (CCD) was usedto evaluate the effects of fermentation parameters for lactic acid production from OFI fruits by Lactococcus lactis subsp.lactis strain, isolated from Algerian raw camel milk. Acid hydrolysis of the OFI cladodes biomass was performed by diluteH2SO4 pretreatment. Lactic acid production from OFI fruits was analyzed using response surface methodology.Variables such as inoculum age and reducing sugars concentration were found to significantly influence lactic acidproduction. Final lactic acid concentration and productivity attained under optimum fermentation conditions were 32.5g/L and 0.74 g/L.h, respectively. The cladodes of OFI are a potential biomass feedstock for lactic acid production. Themaximum lactic acid and volumetric productivity were 16.85 g/L and 0.65 g/L.h, respectively.Conclusion, significance and impact of study: Wastes from OFI can be a good feedstock for lactic acid production byLactococcus lactis subsp. lactis. The methodology as a whole proved to be quite adequate for the design andoptimization of the process. The experimental results also demonstrated the feasibility of using OFI cladodeshydrolysate as a substrate for lactic acid production.

Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 67(4): 291-299, dic. 2017. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1021508


Las Opuntia spp. son un recurso fitogenético Mexicano de gran valor nutritivo y alto contenido de betalaínas, compuestos conocidos por sus propiedades antioxidantes. Este estudio evaluó las características fisicoquímicas, el contenido de betalaínas y su capacidad antioxidante (CA), así como el perfil sensorial de frutos de O. robusta y O. ficusindica. Esta última presentó mayor acidez y contenido de sólidos solubles (F= 769,2; P= 0,0001), (F= 360,4; P ≤0,0001), que O. robusta. En humedad y contenido de cenizas no hubo diferencias significativas entre ambas especies. La concentración de betalaínas fue superior en Opuntia robusta (F=529,1; P= ≤0,0001) betacianinas (0,114 mg/mL pulpa) y betaxantinas (0,073 mg/ mL de pulpa), en O. ficus-indica (0,023 mg/ mL de pulpa y 0,0198 mg/ mL de pulpa). Se encontraron diferencias significativas en la CA (F=545,9; P ≤0,0001), en O. ficus-indica hasta 195,38 µmol equivalente Trolox/ mL por el método Ácido2, 2´-azino-bis-(3-etilbenzotiazolina)6-sulfónico (ABTS) y 22% de inhibición de radicales libres por el método 2,2 difenil-1-pricrilhidrazilo (DPPH), para O. robusta 165,6 µmol equivalente Trolox/ mL y más del 36% de inhibición de radicales libres. Los resultados mostraron que la CA está directamente relacionada con la concentración de betacianinas y betaxantinas. Ambas variedades de Opuntia exhiben una tendencia a lo dulce y ácido, con aromas, sabores y resabios con notas frutales y vegetales. Estos resultados sugieren que estas especies pueden ser empleadas para la extracción de betalaínas debido a su gran potencial para utilizarse en la industria como fuente de pigmentos naturales con propiedades antioxidantes y agradables características sensoriales(AU)

Opuntia spp. are a Mexican phytogenetic resource with great nutritive value and high betalains (compounds known for their antioxidant properties) content. Our main goal was to evaluate the physicochemical characteristics, betalains concentration and antioxidant capacity (AC), as well as sensory profiles of Opuntia robusta and O. ficus-indica, where the later one showed higher acidity and soluble solids content (F= 769.2; P= 0.0001 and F= 360.4; P ≤0.0001 respectively) than O. robusta. There was no significant difference between the species in terms of humidity and ash content. Betalains concentrations were higher in Opuntia robusta (F=529.1; P= ≤0.0001), while betacyanins (0.114 mg/ mL pulp) and betaxantins (0.073 mg/ mL de pulp) were higher in O. ficus-indica (0.023 mg/ mL pulp and 0.0198 mg/ mL de pulp). Significant differences for AC were found (F=545.9, P ≤0.0001), with O. ficus-indica showing up to 195.38 µmol Trolox equivalent / mL by the method 2,2'-Azino-bis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) and 22% of free radicals inhibition by the method 2, 2 diphenyl-1-pricrylhydrazyl (DPPH), while 165.6 µmol Trolox equivalent / mL and more than 36% free radicals inhibition were found for O. robusta. Results showed that the antioxidant capacity is directly related with betacyanins and betaxantines concentration. Both Opuntia varieties exhibit a tendency to sweetness and acidity, with aromas, flavors and scents within fruity and vegetable notes. These results suggest that both species could be used in the extraction of betalains due to their great industrial potential as a source of natural pigments with antioxidant properties and pleasant sensorial characteristics(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Opuntia , Bétalaïnes/biosynthèse , Tumeurs/prévention et contrôle , Antioxydants/physiologie , Alimentation et nutrition
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-819442


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the diuretic, hypotensive and renal effect of Opuntia ficus-indica in two different species in oral and intravenous administration.@*METHODS@#Diuretic activity was evaluated in rats with the plant cladode gel and aqueous extract administrated orally, and was evaluated in rabbits with plant extract administered intravenously. Single and repeated doses of cladode gel or aqueous extract of cladode were tested. Urine volume and blood and urine creatinine, sodium and potassium were measured, and creatinine clearance was calculated. The hypotensive effect of lyophilized extract of cladode was evaluated in rabbits. Two polyethylene PE50 catheters were used: one in the jugular vein for the infusion of the plant extract and the other in the carotid for the evaluation of the arterial pressure.@*RESULTS@#The cladode gel or aqueous extract increased urine volume, creatinine clearance and urinary excretion of sodium and potassium without significant effect on serum creatinine or blood urea. Furosemide, gel and aqueous extract of cladode insignificantly lowered plasma potassium in rats. Intravenous administration of the lyophilized extract caused a significant decrease in mean arterial pressure in rabbits with a significant increase in urine volume and urine sodium and potassium; the effect was dose dependent. Intravenous administration of lyophilized extract did not affect plasma sodium or potassium.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Gel and aqueous extract of Opuntia ficus-indica cladode have a significant diuretic effect on rats, and the lyophilized extract has a diuretic and hypotensive effect on normotensive rabbits without deterioration in renal function test. Additional studies on active ingredients are essential to pave the way for clinical studies on diuretic and hypotensive effect of the plant.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-972561


Objective To investigate the diuretic, hypotensive and renal effect of Opuntia ficus-indica in two different species in oral and intravenous administration. Methods Diuretic activity was evaluated in rats with the plant cladode gel and aqueous extract administrated orally, and was evaluated in rabbits with plant extract administered intravenously. Single and repeated doses of cladode gel or aqueous extract of cladode were tested. Urine volume and blood and urine creatinine, sodium and potassium were measured, and creatinine clearance was calculated. The hypotensive effect of lyophilized extract of cladode was evaluated in rabbits. Two polyethylene PE50 catheters were used: one in the jugular vein for the infusion of the plant extract and the other in the carotid for the evaluation of the arterial pressure. Results The cladode gel or aqueous extract increased urine volume, creatinine clearance and urinary excretion of sodium and potassium without significant effect on serum creatinine or blood urea. Furosemide, gel and aqueous extract of cladode insignificantly lowered plasma potassium in rats. Intravenous administration of the lyophilized extract caused a significant decrease in mean arterial pressure in rabbits with a significant increase in urine volume and urine sodium and potassium; the effect was dose dependent. Intravenous administration of lyophilized extract did not affect plasma sodium or potassium. Conclusions Gel and aqueous extract of Opuntia ficus-indica cladode have a significant diuretic effect on rats, and the lyophilized extract has a diuretic and hypotensive effect on normotensive rabbits without deterioration in renal function test. Additional studies on active ingredients are essential to pave the way for clinical studies on diuretic and hypotensive effect of the plant.

Rev. peru. med. integr ; 2(4): 835-840, 2017. ilus, tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, MTYCI | ID: biblio-907045


Objetivos: Determinar estructuralmente los flavonoides encontrados en el extracto etanólico de cladodios de Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill. "Tuna Verde". Materiales y métodos: Se preparó el extracto etanólico de cladodios de Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill. Luego se detectaron sus componentes mediante un tamizaje fitoquímico. A través de cromatografía en capa fina se aislaron los compuestos fenólicos tipo flavonoides. Finalmente, usando espectroscopia UV/Vis se propuso la posible estructura de los flavonoides encontrados. Resultados: El tamizaje fitoquímico mostró presencia de compuestos fenólicos, flavonoides y glicósidos. Se propuso cinco estructuras químicas de compuestos fenólicos, todas con un núcleo en común: flavona, mediante las lecturas en el espectrofotómetro UV/Vis y por comparación con lo publicado por TJ Mabry. Conclusión: Se determinó la posible estructura química de cinco flavonoides presentes en el extracto etanólico de cladodios de Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill. "Tuna Verde".

Humains , Flavonoïdes , Extraits de plantes/usage thérapeutique , Opuntia/composition chimique , Composés phytochimiques , Pérou , Analyse spectrale , Chromatographie