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Kinesiologia ; 43(1): 31-40, 20240315.
Article de Espagnol , Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552599


Introducción. La percepción del dolor es un fenómeno complejo y subjetivo. Comprender los factores que afectan en la percepción del dolor es crucial en el contexto de la toma de decisiones clínicas durante el proceso de rehabilitación kinesiológica. Objetivo. Exponer los factores que afectan la percepción del dolor, desde la perspectiva del modelo biopsicosocial y discutir sus implicancias para la toma de decisiones clínicas. Métodos. Se describen factores que afectan la percepción de dolor, separados en biológicos como la injuria, sexo, genética y edad, psicológicos como creencias, catastrofismo, kinesiofobia, afectividad negativa, calidad de sueño, atención, afrontamiento y autoeficacia; y socio-culturales como soporte social, rol de género, etnia, aculturación y estatus socioeconómico. Luego se discute cómo estos factores impactan en las decisiones clínicas del profesional kinesiólogo. Finalmente, se entregará un análisis de las barreras y facilitadores descritos por la literatura científica respecto al uso del modelo biopsicosocial.

Background. The perception of pain is a complex and subjective phenomenon. Thus, understanding the factors that influence pain perception is crucial in the context of clinical decision-making during the kinesic rehabilitation process. The objective of this article is to expose the factors that affect the perception of pain, from the perspective of the biopsychosocial model and discuss its implications for clinical decision making during this process. Initially, the biological, psychological and sociocultural factors that affect the perception of pain with the greatest presence in the scientific literature are described. It is discussed how these factors impact the clinical decisions of the kinesiologist professional. Finally, an analysis of the barriers and facilitators described by the scientific literature regarding the use of the biopsychosocial model will be provided.

Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1412807


Objective: This study aimed to describe the demands and costs from chronic pain patients over the private Brazilian healthcare system. Methods: This was a retrospective claim database study to assess the resource utilization of pain patients in the private setting. We used a four-year follow-up period to assess inpatient, outpatient, and procedures reported. Further, we promoted a forum of discussion with five pain experts and healthcare managers to address the management of chronic pain and assistance models.Results: We identified 79,689 patients with chronic pain. The orthopedist was the main medical specialist consulted with a total number of 38,879 visits performed. The ophthalmologist, cardiologist, gynecologist, and general practitioner were also frequently consulted (rheumatologist was seldom consulted). Among non-medical specialists, the physical therapist was consulted 87,574 times by 12,342 patients (15% of the entire cohort), Among chronic pain patients, 96% performed at least one exam and 86% of the patients presented at least one ER visit during the follow-up period. In 4 years, we estimate that pain patients costed more than 3 billion reais to the private health care system. According to the experts' opinions, a fragmented healthcare system and the lack of patient centered interdisciplinary approaches contributes to a high ineffective pain management leading to a high use of resources. Conclusion: There is an urgent need to change the chronic pain care model in the Brazilian private setting. Qualification in pain management, a multidisciplinary patient centered care, integrated approaches, pain centers, and patients' education may help changing this scenario.

Objetivo: O objetivo do estudo foi descrever as demandas e custos dos pacientes com dor crônica no sistema privado de saúde brasileiro. Métodos: Neste estudo retrospectivo do banco de dados administrativo, avaliamos a utilização de recursos de pacientes com dor no ambiente privado. Em um período de quatro anos, avaliamos internações, visitas ambulatoriais e procedimentos. Adicionalmente, promovemos um fórum de discussão com cinco especialistas em dor e gerentes de saúde para abordar o manejo da dor e os modelos de assistência. Resultados: Identificamos 79.689 pacientes com dor crônica. O ortopedista foi o principal especialista médico consultado, com 38.879 visitas realizadas. O oftalmologista, o cardiologista, o ginecologista e o clínico geral também foram consultados com frequência (o reumatologista foi raramente consultado). Entre os especialistas não médicos, o fisioterapeuta foi consultado 87.574 vezes por 12.342 pacientes (15% de toda a coorte). Entre os pacientes, 96% realizaram pelo menos um exame e 86% apresentaram pelo menos uma consulta de emergência durante o período. Em 4 anos, estimamos um custo de mais de 3 bilhões de reais para o sistema privado de saúde. De acordo com as opiniões dos especialistas, um sistema de saúde fragmentado e a falta de abordagens centradas no paciente contribuem para um manejo ineficaz da dor, resultando em um alto uso de recursos. Conclusão: Há necessidade de mudar o modelo de manejo da dor crônica no sistema privado brasileiro. Qualificação dos profissionais, atendimento multidisciplinar centrado no paciente, abordagens integradas, centros de dor e educação dos pacientes podem ajudar a mudar esse cenário.

Santé Complémentaire , Douleur chronique , Gestion de la douleur
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-911767


Clinical data of 67 patients with recurrent inguinal hernia and chronic pain after anterior repair of transversalis fascia who underwent Kugel procedure through the primary incision in Wenling First People′s Hospital between June 2015 and January 2019 were retrospectively reviewed. During the operation the surrounding scar tissue and previous mesh or plug were removed, the transversalis fascia was separated and the patch was placed to overlay myopectineal orifice. The mean operative time was 57 min (51-85 min).The peritoneum rupture occurred during the operation in 6 cases (8.9%), and seroma was developed in 5 patients(7.5%). After a mean 18 months of follow-up, no recurrence occurred in all patients. Three months after operation, the mild, moderate or severe pain in all 67 patients were all improved remarkably with a total pain relief rate of 92.5%. The results show that Kugel procedure through the primary incision is safe and effective in treatment of recurrent inguinal hernia with chronic pain after anterior repair of transversalis fascia.

Cad. Ter. Ocup. UFSCar (Impr.) ; 24(4): [755-763], out.-dez. 2016.
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-831832


Objetivo: Investigar os aspectos funcionais de sujeitos acometidos por doenças crônicas da coluna lombar e em situação de afastamento do trabalho. Método: Duas etapas. (1) Análise documental de prontuários abertos de pacientes atendidos no Centro de Referência em Saúde do Trabalhador (CEREST), Santos-SP, seleção de sujeitos com diagnóstico clínico de "outras dorsopatias" e queixa inicial de dor lombar. (2) Utilização de roteiro com questões semiestruturadas para a realização de entrevistas junto aos sujeitos, que foram gravadas e transcritas para análise de conteúdo, e também aplicação do instrumental Oswestry Low back Pain Scale-OSW. Resultados: Foram analisados 431 prontuários de pacientes de ambos os gêneros e 15,77% (68) apresentaram diagnóstico de "outras dorsopatias"; destes, 73,5% (50) apresentaram queixa inicial de lombalgia. Participaram das entrevistas dez (10) sujeitos, de faixa etária entre 35 a 58 anos de idade, de ambos os gêneros, profissões variadas, apresentando-se, a maioria, com baixa escolaridade. Entre os sujeitos, foram encontradas as seguintes condições: a perda de identidade em papéis sociais, em função da incapacidade; posturas que desencadeiam dores no cotidiano de vida; a necessidade de executar tarefas que podem desencadear dores, e sofrimento mental diante das situações, entre outros. Conclusão: O afastamento do trabalho por lombalgia crônica pode causar incapacidades e sofrimento, e os aspectos funcionais são relacionais e devem ser analisados e tratados sob a perspectiva biopsicossocial e por equipes multiprofissionais.

Objective: To investigate the functional aspects of subjects affected by chronic diseases involving the lumbar spine and in absence from work. Method: Two steps. (1) Documentary analysis of open records of patients treated at the Worker's Health Reference Center (CEREST), Santos-SP, selection of subjects with a clinical diagnosis of "other back diseases" and initial complaint of lower back pain. (2) Use the script with semi-structured questions for the interviews with the subjects, which were recorded and transcribed for content analysis, and also an application of the Oswestry Low Back Pain Scale-OSW tool. Results: We analyzed 431 records with patients of both genders, and 15.77% (68) were diagnosed with "other back diseases". Of these, 73.5% (50) presented initial complaint of lower back pain. Ten (10) subjects participated of the interview, aged between 35-58 years, both genders, different professions, and most with little schooling. Among the subjects were found the loss of identity in social roles based on disability, postures that can trigger pain in everyday life, the need to perform tasks that can trigger pain, mental suffering related to situations, among others. Conclusion: The leave of absence due to chronic lower back pain may cause disability and suffering, and functional aspects are relational and must be analyzed and dealt with the biopsychosocial perspective and multidisciplinary teams.

Rev. bras. anestesiol ; Rev. bras. anestesiol;59(4): 476-480, jul.-ago. 2009.
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-521561


JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A neuralgia do nervo trigêmeo é uma condição intensamente dolorosa, caracterizada por surtos de dor lancinante e súbita, tipo choque, com duração de poucos segundos a dois minutos e geralmente unilateral. Sua incidência anual é de cerca de 4,3 em 100.000 na população geral, tendo manifestação bilateral em apenas 3 por cento desses casos. O objetivo deste artigo foi descrever um caso raro de neuralgia do trigêmeo primário bilateral. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente de 61 anos, maranhense, casada, do lar, com antecedente de hipertensão arterial e há seis anos com queixa de dor intensa em V2-V3 à esquerda, com duração de 5 a 10 segundos, em região lateral do nariz e mandibular, com piora ao falar, mastigar e com diminuição da temperatura. Já havia utilizado clorpromazina (3 mg a cada oito horas) e carbamazepina (200 mg a cada oito horas) durante seis meses sem alívio da dor. Ao exame físico apresentava alodinia térmica e mecânica em regiões de V2-V3. Estava em uso de gabapentina (1.200 mg ao dia) com alívio parcial da dor. Foi então aumentada a gabapentina para 1500 mg ao dia e introduzida amitriptilina 12,5 mg à noite. Evoluiu com dor leve e esporádica com diminuição da intensidade da dor ao longo de 10 meses de tratamento, sendo reduzida progressivamente a gabapentina para 600 mg ao dia e mantida a amitriptilina 12,5 mg ao dia. Após um ano, começou a apresentar dor de característica semelhante em região mandibular à direita, tendo melhorado com aumento de gabapentina para 900 mg ao dia. Não apresentava exames alterados de tomografia ou ressonância magnética de encéfalo. CONCLUSÕES: A carbamazepina é o fármaco de primeira escolha para tratamento de neuralgia trigeminal, porém a gabapentina tem sido cada vez mais utilizada como primeira medida farmacológica ou em casos refratários à terapia convencional.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Trigeminal neuralgia is an extremely painful condition characterized by recurrent episodes of sudden, lancinating, shock-like pain lasting from a few seconds to two minutes usually unilateral. It has an annual incidence of approximately 4.3 in 100,000 in the general population and only 3 percent of those cases present bilateral manifestation. The objective of this report was to describe a rare case of bilateral trigeminal neuralgia. CASE REPORT: A 61 years old housewife from Maranhão, Brazil, married, with a history of hypertension, presented with a six-year history of severe pain in the left V2-V3 regions, lasting 5 to 10 seconds, in the lateral aspect of the nose and mandible, worsening by talking, chewing, and with a decrease in temperature. She had been treated with chlorpromazine (3 mg every eight hours) and carbamazepine (200 mg every eight hours) during six months without improvement. On physical exam, the patient presented thermal and mechanical allodynia in the V2-V3 regions. She was using gabapentin (1,200 mg/day) with partial relief of the pain. The dose of gabapentin was increased to 1,500 mg/day and amitriptyline 12.5 mg at night was added to the therapeutic regimen. The patient evolved with mild and sporadical pain and a reduction in pain severity during 10 months; the dose of gabapentin was progressively reduced to 600 mg/day, and amitriptyline was maintained at 12.5 mg/day. After one year, the patient developed similar pain in the region of the right mandible, which improved with an increase in the dose of gabapentin to 900 mg/day. Head CT and MRI did not show any abnormalities. CONCLUSIONS: Carbamazepine is the first choice for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia; however, the use of gabapentin as the first pharmacological choice or in cases refractory to conventional therapy has been increasing.

JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La neuralgia del nervio trigémino es una condición intensamente dolorosa, caracterizada por brotes de dolor lancinantes y súbitos, del tipo descarga eléctrica, con una duración de pocos segundos a dos minutos y generalmente unilateral. Su incidencia anual es de cerca de 4,3 en 100.000 en la población general, manifestándose bilateralmente en solo un 3 por ciento de esos casos. El objetivo de este artículo fue describir un caso raro de neuralgia del trigémino primario bilateral. RELATO DEL CASO: Paciente de 61 años, del estado brasileño de Maranhão, casada, ama de casa, con antecedentes de hipertensión arterial y hace seis años quejándose de dolor intenso en V2-V3 a la izquierda, con una duración de 5 a 10 segundos en la región lateral de la nariz y la mandíbula, con empeoramiento al hablar, masticar y con una reducción de la temperatura. Ya había utilizado clorpromazina (3 mg a cada ocho horas), y carbamazepina (200 mg a cada ocho horas), durante seis meses sin que se le aliviase el dolor. Cuando se le examinó físicamente, presentaba alodinia térmica y mecánica en regiones de V2-V3. Estaba usando gabapentina (1.200 mg al día), con alivio parcial del dolor. Se le aumentó entonces la gabapentina para 1.500 mg al día y se le introdujo la amitriptilina 12,5 mg por la noche. La paciente desarrolló un ligero y esporádico dolor, con una reducción de su intensidad a lo largo de 10 meses de tratamiento, siendo reducida progresivamente la gabapentina para 600 mg al día y mantenida la amitriptilina 12,5 mg al día. Después de un año, empezó a presentar dolor de características similares en la región mandibular a la derecha, y mejoró con el aumento de la gabapentina para 900 mg al día. No presentaba exámenes de tomografía o resonancia magnética de encéfalo alterados. CONCLUSIONES: La carbamazepina es el fármaco de primera elección para el tratamiento de la neuralgia trigeminal, sin embargo la gabapentina ha sido cada vez ...

Femelle , Humains , Adulte d'âge moyen , Névralgie essentielle du trijumeau , Névralgie essentielle du trijumeau/traitement médicamenteux , Névralgie essentielle du trijumeau/physiopathologie
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; Rev. bras. anestesiol;59(1): 46-55, jan.-fev. 2009. tab
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-505836


JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Os antidepressivos tricíclicos (ADT) são amplamente utilizados como analgésicos para lombalgias crônicas e dores neuropáticas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as alterações eletrocardiográficas dos pacientes com dor crônica em uso de amitriptilina ou imipramina. MÉTODO: Foram estudados 40 pacientes com idade entre 26 e 81 anos (57,27 ± 13,65 anos), de ambos os gêneros (feminino 19, masculino 21), com síndromes neuropáticas (lombociatalgias, síndromes pós-laminectomia, neurites pós-herpética, entre outras); 60 por cento com doenças cardiovasculares; 30 por cento tinham ECG alterado (BRD, BRE, BAV 1º grau, HBAE ou extra-sístoles). Foram realizados e analisados três ECGs: antes do início dos ADT, 30 e 60 dias após o início do tratamento, avaliando os parâmetros PR, QRS, QT, QTc, DQT, DQTc e FC. Trinta e dois pacientes fizeram uso de amitriptilina e oito de imipramina. A dose média ao final do estudo foi de 54,29 mg de amitriptilina e de 46,87 mg de imipramina. RESULTADOS: A análise das variáveis eletrocardiográficas após o uso dos ADT apresentou a amitriptilina com aumento na frequência cardíaca transitoriamente no gênero feminino (p = 0,049) e a duração do QRS nos pacientes com idade igual ou maior que 60 anos e nos cardiopatas na segunda avaliação (p = 0,01). Nos pacientes que receberam amitriptilina, doses de 75 mg, o intervalo QTc foi maior quando comparado com doses de 25 mg (p = 0,0044). O aumento desses parâmetros evidenciou o efeito da amitriptilina sobre a condução cardíaca; no entanto, não houve comprometimento clínico, pois os valores permaneceram dentro dos limites de normalidade (QRS < 110ms e QTc < 470ms). CONCLUSÕES: O uso clínico dos ADT em dores crônicas mostrou-se seguro e eficaz, não apresentando distúrbio da condução cardíaca com repercussão clínica.

JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Los antidepresivos tricíclicos (ADT) son muy utilizados como analgésicos para lumbalgias crónicas y dolores neuropáticos. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar las alteraciones electrocardiográficas de los pacientes con dolor crónico que usan amitriptilina o imipramina. MÉTODO: Se estudiaron 40 pacientes con edad entre 26 y 81 años (m = 57,27 ± 13,65 años), de los dos sexos (mujeres 19, hombres 21), con síndromes neuropáticos (lumbociatalgias, síndromes pos-laminectomía, neuritis pos-herpética, entre otras); un 60 por ciento con enfermedades cardiovasculares; 30 por ciento tenían ECG alterado (BRD, BRE, BAV 1ºG, HBAE o extra-sístoles). Se realizaron y se analizaron tres ECGs: antes del inicio de los ADT, 30 y 60 días después del inicio del tratamiento, evaluando los parámetros PR, QRS, QT, QTc, DQT, DQTc y FC. Treinta y dos pacientes usaron amitriptilina y ocho imipramina. La dosis promedio al final del estudio fue de 54,29 mg de amitriptilina y de 46,87 mg de imipramina. RESULTADOS: El análisis de las variables electrocardiográficas después del uso de los ADT arrojó lo siguiente: la amitriptilina aumentó la frecuencia cardíaca transitoriamente en el sexo femenino (p = 0,049) y la duración del QRS en los pacientes con edad igual o superior a los 60 años y en los cardiópatas en la segunda evaluación (p = 0,01). En los pacientes que recibieron amitriptilina, dosis de 75 mg, el intervalo QTc fue mayor cuando se le comparó a las dosis de 25 mg (p = 0,0044). El aumento de esos parámetros mostró el efecto de la amitriptilina sobre la conducción cardíaca, sin embargo, no se registró comprometimiento clínico, pues los valores permanecieron dentro de los límites de la normalidad (QRS < 110ms y QTc < 470ms). CONCLUSIONES: El uso clínico de los ADT en dolores crónicos, arrojó resultados seguros y eficaces, y no presentó disturbio de la conducción cardíaca con repercusión clínica.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) are widely used as analgesics in chronic lumbar pain and neuropathic pain. The objective of this study was to evaluate the electrocardiographic changes in patients with chronic pain treated with amitriptyline or imipramine. METHODS: Forty patients, ages 26 to 81 years (57.27 ± 13.65 years) of both genders (female 19, male 21), with neuropathic syndromes (lumbosciatalgia, postlaminectomy syndromes, and post-herpetic neuritis, among others) participated in this study; 60 percent had cardiovascular diseases; 30 percent had changes in the ECG (RBBB, LBBB, first-degree AVB, LAHB, or PVCs). Three ECGs were done in each patient: one ECG was done before beginning treatment, and 30 and 60 days after beginning treatment evaluating PR, QRS, QT, QTc, DQT, DQTc, and HR. Thirty-two patients were on amitriptyline and eight on imipramine. The mean dose at the end of the study was 54.29 mg of amitriptyline and 46.87 mg of imipramine. RESULTS: Analysis of electrocardiographic parameters after the use of TCAs showed that amitriptyline caused a transitory increase in heart rate in females (p = 0.049), and the duration of the QRS in patients 60 years or older and patients with cardiopathies (p = 0.01). In patients who received 75 mg of amitriptyline, the QTc interval was greater when compared to that of patients who received 25 mg of the drug (p = 0.0044). The increase in those parameters demonstrated the effects of amitriptyline on cardiac conduction; however, clinical compromise was not seen, since they remained within normal limits (QRS < 110 msec and QTc < 470 msec). CONCLUSIONS: The chronic use of TACs proved to be safe and effective, and it did not show changes in cardiac conduction with clinical repercussion.

Humains , Amitriptyline/effets indésirables , Amitriptyline/usage thérapeutique , Antidépresseurs tricycliques/effets indésirables , Douleur/traitement médicamenteux , Électrocardiographie , Imipramine/effets indésirables , Imipramine/usage thérapeutique
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; Rev. bras. anestesiol;58(3): 267-279, maio-jun. 2008. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-483012


JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Muitos estudos têm chamado atenção para a Cannabis sativa (Cs), pelo seu potencial analgésico e pela sua capacidade de aliviar sintomas relacionados com doenças do sistema nervoso central. Porém, a maconha, como é popularmente conhecida, por ser a mais popular das drogas ilegais em todo o mundo, gera preconceito tanto entre leigos como entre profissionais que atuam na área da saúde. Objetivou-se pesquisar o nível de conhecimento atual e suas perspectivas de utilização para compreender melhor suas ações e seus efeitos, na pesquisa experimental e na prática médica, em pacientes com doenças degenerativas neurológicas ou naqueles que não tenham possibilidades de cura, atendidos em programas de cuidados paliativos. CONTEÚDO: Seu uso terapêutico não é recente. O presente estudo fornece uma revisão do histórico e farmacologia da Cs, o desenvolvimento de seu uso terapêutico por meio dos canabinóides sintéticos, o conhecimento científico atual, suas conseqüências orgânicas e psíquicas, demonstrando suas opções de uso clínico e perspectivas futuras. CONCLUSÕES: O delta-9-tetrahidrocanabinol (delta9-THC) puro e seus análogos apresentam aplicabilidade clínica, demonstrando benefícios. O desenvolvimento das substâncias sintéticas puras, buscando a atenuação de efeitos psicoativos indesejáveis aponta para perspectivas favoráveis a sua utilização no futuro. Estudos mais detalhados deverão ser realizados. Debates amplos serão necessários para criar normas de formulação e disponibilização com a finalidade médica, por se tratar de uma substância que gera preconceito pela sua comercialização e utilização ilegal e a seu uso ser atribuído misticismo.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Several studies have focused on Cannabis sativa (Cs) due to its analgesic potential and its ability to alleviate symptoms of disorders of the central nervous system. However, since marijuana, one of its popular names, is the most common illicit drug throughout the world, it breeds prejudice both among lay people and health care professionals. The objective of this study was to determine the current level of knowledge about this drug and the perspectives for its use, to better understand its actions and effects, both in experimental studies and clinical use, in patients with degenerative neurological disorders or in those who do not have the possibility of cure and are being followed by palliative care programs. CONTENTS: The therapeutic use of Cannabis sativa is not recent. The present study presents the historical background and pharmacology of Cs, the development of its therapeutic use through synthetic cannabinoids, the current scientific knowledge, and its organic and psychological consequences, demonstrating the options for its clinical use and future perspectives. CONCLUSIONS: Pure delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta9-THC) and its analogues have clinical applicability, being beneficial in selected individuals. The development of pure synthetic substances, in an attempt to attenuate undesirable psychoactive effects, indicates that perspectives for its use in the future are favorable. More detailed studies should be undertaken. Ample debates will be necessary to create standards for its formulation and clinical availability, since it is a substance that generates prejudice, due to its illegal commercialization and use, and also because its use has been attributed to mysticism.

JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Muchos estudios han querido destacar la Cannabis sativa (Cs), por su potencial analgésico y por su capacidad de aliviar los síntomas relacionados con las enfermedades del sistema nervioso central. Sin embargo, la marihuana, como popularmente se conoce, por ser la más popular de las drogas ilegales en todo el mundo, genera un prejuicio tanto entre los legos como entre los profesionales que actúan en el área de la salud. Se intentó investigar el nivel de conocimiento actual y sus perspectivas de utilización para comprender mejor sus acciones y efectos en la investigación experimental y en la práctica médica en pacientes con enfermedades degenerativas neurológicas o en aquellos que estén fuera de posibilidades de cura, atendidos en programas de cuidados paliativos. CONTENIDO: Su uso terapéutico no es reciente. El presente estudio suministra una revisión del historial y de la y farmacología de la Cs, el desarrollo de su uso terapéutico a través de los canabinoides sintéticos, el conocimiento científico actual, sus consecuencias orgánicas y psíquicas, demostrando sus opciones de uso clínico y perspectivas futuras. CONCLUSIONES: El delta-9-tetrahidrocanabinol (delta9-THC) puro y sus análogos presentan aplicabilidad clínica, mostrando beneficios. El desarrollo de las sustancias sintéticas puras, buscando la atenuación de efectos psicoactivos no deseados nos muestra perspectivas favorables para su utilización en el futuro. Estudios más detallados deberán ser realizados. Debates amplios serán necesarios para crear normas de formulación y disponibilidad con fines médicos, al tratarse de una sustancia que genera prejuicio por su comercialización y utilización ilegal y porque también a su usoÿse le achaca el misticismo.

Humains , Cannabinoïdes/usage thérapeutique , Soins palliatifs , Douleur/traitement médicamenteux , Maladie chronique
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; Rev. bras. anestesiol;58(3): 287-298, maio-jun. 2008. ilus, tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-483014


JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A observação da importância dos sintomas emocionais no contexto do binômio saúde-doença e os esforços para divulgação da Medicina Paliativa motivaram a realização deste artigo. O objetivo desta revisão da literatura foi propor uma reflexão sobre o diagnóstico de depressão em pacientes com câncer avançado que apresentam quadros de dor com base nos conceitos e definições já existentes. CONTEÚDO: A dor e a depressão são sintomas prevalentes em pacientes com câncer. Considerando os vários pontos de interseção das doenças físicas e mentais, por vezes o diagnóstico de depressão em pacientes com câncer e dor torna-se difícil. Esse dado tem grande importância haja vista que a depressão compromete de forma importante a qualidade de vida dos pacientes, devendo ser diagnosticada e tratada a contento. CONCLUSÕES: Após a revisão da literatura algumas perguntas ficaram sem resposta adequada. Esse fato desperta o interesse para realização de estudos que proponham saídas para diagnóstico preciso e tratamento eficiente desse sintoma em pacientes com câncer avançado.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The importance of emotional symptoms in the context of the health-disease binomium, and efforts to spread information on Palliative Medicine motivated this article. The objective of this literature review was to propose a reflection on the diagnosis of depression in patients with advanced cancer with pain, based on existing concepts and definitions. CONTENTS: Pain and depression are prevalent symptoms in cancer patients. Considering the different points of intersection between physical and mental diseases, sometimes the diagnosis of depression in patients with cancer and pain is difficult. This datum is very important because depression decreases considerably the quality of life of patients, and should be diagnosed and treated properly. CONCLUSIONS: After reviewing the literature, a few questions remained unanswered. This fact awakens the interest to undertake studies that propose precise diagnostic solutions and efficient treatment of this symptom in patients with advanced cancer.

JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La observación de la importancia de los síntomas emocionales en el contexto del binomio salud-enfermedad y los esfuerzos para la divulgación de la Medicina Paliativa, motivaron la realización de este artículo. El objetivo de esta revisión de la literatura fue proponer una reflexión sobre el diagnóstico de depresión en pacientes con cáncer avanzado que presentan cuadros de dolor con base en los conceptos y definiciones ya existentes. CONTENIDO: El dolor y la depresión son síntomas prevalecientes en pacientes con cáncer. Considerando los diversos puntos de intersección de las enfermedades físicas y mentales, a veces el diagnóstico de depresión en pacientes con cáncer y dolor se hace difícil. Ese dato tiene una gran importancia a causa de que la depresión compromete de forma importante la calidad de vida de los pacientes, debiendo ser diagnosticada y tratada rápidamente. CONCLUSIONES: Después de la revisión de la literatura algunas preguntas quedaron sin una respuesta adecuada. Ese hecho despierta el interés para la realización de los estudios que propongan salidas para el diagnóstico preciso y el tratamiento eficiente de este síntoma en pacientes con cáncer avanzado.

Humains , Dépression/étiologie , Tumeurs/complications , Douleur/complications , Évolution de la maladie
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-559532


Objective To search the effective treatment for the female chronic pelvic pain.Methods The drugs of ?-receptor inhibitor,antianxietic,psychotherapy and proper movement were taken.It was six weeks for a course of treatment.Results Of the study group(48 cases),complete recovery were noted in 36 cases,remarkable improvement in 5 cases,remarkable inefficacy in 4 cases,the total curative rate was 91.66%,which was significantly better than the control group(60.42%).Conclusion It is an effective treatment for the female chronic pain.

Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-49950


Chronic discogenic low back pain remains a difficult treatment challenge. Also, Internal disc derangement in the lumbar spine is a common yet difficult clinical condition to treat. The reported prevalence of chronic low back pain due to intrinsic disc mediated pain is at least 40%. Internal disc derangement has characteristics such as degeneration of the collagen of the disc annulus, fissures, global disc degeneration, and herniation with or without root compression. The common treatment for chronic discogenic low back pain has been conservative, including physical therapy and pharmacological management but the effectiveness remians controversial. Surgical fusion offers modest results at best, but often fails, and is associated with complications and postoperative continued pain. The intradiscal electrothermal annuloplasty has become known as a safe and effective treatment for patients suffering from discogenic pain and offers the advantage of potentially repairing the damaged disc while maintaining normal disc function. We applied a navigable catheter with a temperature controlled thermal resistive coil, deployed intradiscally through a percutaneous extrapedicular approach under two plane fluoroscopic guidance in chronic low back patients. The authors experienced two cases of chronic discogenic pain that had failed to respond to any kind of conservative treatment but which was successfully relieved by the intradiscal electrothermal annuloplasty.

Humains , Cathéters , Collagène , Dégénérescence de disque intervertébral , Lombalgie , Prévalence , Rachis
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-226573


BACKGROUND: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents are associated with a high incidence of gastrointestinal side effects due to nonspecific inhibition of cyclo-oxygenase (COX) enzymes, COX-1 and 2. Selective inhibition of COX-2 would minimize the potential for gastrointestinal toxicity without compromising efficacy. This study was conducted to investigate 1) the clinical efficacy and 2) the safety of meloxicam, a preferential inhibitor of COX-2, compared with piroxicam in chronic osteoarthritis patients. METHODS: This was designed as a randomized, open labeled, multi-clinic prospective trial. Patients received either meloxicam 7.5 mg or piroxicam 10 mg twice daily for two weeks. Parameters measured were demographic data, disease characteristics, static and dynamic visual analog scale scores (VAS score: 0 = no pain, 10 = extremely severe pain), side effects and their incidences, weekly drop out rates, global efficacy assessed by patients and physicians (1 = extremely satisfactory, 2 = satisfactory, 3 = unsatisfactory, 4 = extremely unsatisfactory), and the changes of disease status assessed by the patients (1 = remarkably improved, 2 = improved, 3 = no change, 4 = worse). RESULTS: There were no significant differences between the two groups in respect to demographic data and disease status. VAS scores at one week showed significant decrease from the baseline, but had no further improvement when compared with those at two weeks. These trends were similar in both groups. At the first week, the meloxicam group had lower incidences of side effects, but at the end of the study, these numbers were compatible between the two groups. Global efficacy evaluated by patients and physicians were highly satisfactory. The changes of disease status assessed by patients also revealed good improvements in both groups. Conclusion: Meloxicam had an analgesic effect for chronic osteoarthritis comparable to piroxicam. It appeared to have a better safety profile for short term therapy, but not in long term.

Humains , Anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens , Incidence , Arthrose , Piroxicam , Études prospectives , Prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthases , Échelle visuelle analogique
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-160252


BACKGROUND: Lidocaine administered intravenously (IV lidocaine) is efficacious in the treatment of thic pain. There are many differences in doses and methods of IV lidocaine therapy. We have made a ous clinical report of IV lidocaine infusion for chronic pain patients. The aims of this study were to evaluate the plasma concentration of lidocaine, and the analgesic effect and safety of our method of IV idocaine infusion. METHODS: Sixteen neuropathic pain patients received IV lidocaine infusion. Lidocaine of 5 mg/kg ixed in 150 ml of normal saline was infused over 40 min at a rate with 300 ml/h for the initial 10 min, and the remaining at 200 ml/h. Blood sampling, for the analysis of plasma lidocaine concentration, pain score by numerical rating scale, blood pressure and heart rate were obtained before the infusion and at 20, 40, 60, 90 and 120 min following the start of infusion. RESULTS: Thirteen patients (81.3%) had analgesic effects in IV lidocaine infusion. Mean plasma caine concentrations were 0, 2.0, 2.7, 2.2, 1.5, 1.1 ug/ml, and mean pain scores were 7.6, 5.6, 3.7, 3.1, 3.0, and 3.1 before the infusion and at 20, 40, 60, 90 and 120 min following the start of infusion. Plasma aine over 2 microgram/ml revealed an analgesic effect, and pain scores precipitously dropped around 40 min following the start of infusion. There were no significant changes of blood pressure and heart rate. Side effects were mild in terms of sedation, dizziness, light-headedness, nausea and metallic taste. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that our method of IV lidocaine infusion -within therapeutic nge of lidocaine not to allow toxic plasma concentration, and with any effective analgesia, little modynamic change and minimal side effects- is a useful and a safe diagnostic and therapeutic modality for hronic neuropathic pain.

Humains , Analgésie , Pression sanguine , Douleur chronique , Sensation vertigineuse , Rythme cardiaque , Lidocaïne , Nausée , Névralgie , Plasma sanguin , Troubles du goût
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-28285


BACKGROUND: This study was performed to evaluate the therapeutic effects of sympathetic block in management of reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD); renamed complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) Type I, according to the duration of RSD, and to evaluate predictable factors responding to sympathetic block in patients suffering from RSD. METHODS: Prospectively designed this study was divided thirty patients with upper extremity RSD into three groups according to the duration of RSD; Group I (or = 7 months). All patients were received repeated stellate ganglion blocks (SGB) with 12 ml of 0.2% bupivacaine by paratracheal approach. We compared the therapeutic effects of SGB between the groups and the clinical signs on initial examination to receive the first SGB at pain clinic. RESULTS: Response rates to SGB were 84.6% in Group I, 62.5% in Group II and 44.4% in Group III. The early treatment less than 6 months was better prognosis (pcold>no difference, p<0.001), and allodynia (p<0.05) were favorable prognostic factors responding to sympathetic block. Especially, warm skin and edema in RSD were near-perfect predictors of sympathetic blocks. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that SGB is effective in management of upper extremity RSD, and the duration and the clinical signs of RSD are important to the prognosis and responsibility to sympathetic block. If patients suffering from RSD visit pain clinic before 6 months, and they have edematous warm hands with allodynia, majority of them will be improved from their pain after sympathetic block.

Humains , Bupivacaïne , Oedème , Main , Hyperalgésie , Centres antidouleur , Pronostic , Études prospectives , Dystrophie sympathique réflexe , Réflexe , Peau , Ganglion cervicothoracique , Membre supérieur