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Vet. zootec ; 31: 37-41, 2024.
Article de Portugais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1552978


A colostragem é essencial para a saúde dos bezerros neonatos, uma vez que não há a transferência de imunidade através da placenta, ou seja, o contato inicial do organismo com anticorpos se dá através da primeira mamada, onde há transferência da imunidade passiva. Sendo assim, o objetivo do trabalho é revisar os benefícios da acidificação ou silagem do colostro para otimizar a conservação da dieta líquida em fazendas; analisar o impacto no desempenho de bezerros em comparação com o colostro tradicional refrigerado em aleitamentos convencionais. O volume ideal preconizado é, no mínimo, 10% do peso vivo do animal nas primeiras duas horas e mais 5% do peso vivo nas seis a oito horas seguintes a primeira ingestão, para que se obtenha um bom desenvolvimento durante o crescimento, caso contrário, a falta da administração do colostro nas primeiras horas de vida predispõe enfermidades, tais como pneumonia e diarreia, prejudicando assim a saúde e consequentemente o desempenho em relação a outros animais que receberam uma colostragem adequada. Problemas com a qualidade do colostro surgem devido ao armazenamento inadequado, especialmente em propriedades sem refrigeração. A falta de sistemas de congelamento resulta em administração de leite em temperatura ambiente por períodos prolongados, prejudicando assim a imunidade e nutrição dos bezerros durante a colostragem. Todavia, há alternativas para o problema tal como o fornecimento de silagem de colostro. Em alguns casos, o processo de acidificação demanda a adição de ácidos no leite, a fim de evitar o crescimento de microrganismos patogênicos. O principal aspecto positivo do leite acidificado é a manutenção em temperatura ambiente, ou seja, não há a necessidade de passar por processos de refrigeração.

Colostrum is essential for the health of newborn calves, since there is no transfer of immunity through the placenta, that is, the body's initial contact with antibodies occurs through the first feeding, where there is a transfer of passive immunity. Therefore, the objective of the work is to review the benefits of acidifying or colostrum silage to optimize the conservation of liquid diets on farms; analyze the impact on calf performance compared to traditional refrigerated colostrum in conventional sucklers. The recommended ideal volume is at least 10% of the animal's live weight in the first two hours and a further 5% of its live weight in the six to eight hours following the first ingestion, so that good development is achieved during growth, otherwise, the lack of colostrum administration in the first hours of life predisposes diseases, such as pneumonia and diarrhea, thus harming health and consequently performance in relation to other animals that received adequate colostrum. Problems with colostrum quality arise due to inadequate storage, especially in unrefrigerated properties. The lack of freezing systems results in milk being administered at room temperature for prolonged periods, thus damaging the calves immunity and nutrition during colostrum. However, there are alternatives to the problem such as the supply of colostrum silage. In some cases, the acidification process requires the addition of acids to the milk in order to prevent the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. The main positive aspect of acidified milk is that it remains at room temperature, that is, there is no need to undergo refrigeration processes.

El calostro es esencial para la salud de los terneros recién nacidos, ya que no existe transferencia de inmunidad a través de la placenta, es decir, el contacto inicial del cuerpo con los anticuerpos ocurre a través de la primera alimentación, donde existe una transferencia de inmunidad pasiva. Por lo tanto, el objetivo del trabajo es revisar los beneficios de acidificar o ensilar el calostro para optimizar la conservación de dietas líquidas en granjas; analizar el impacto en el rendimiento de los terneros en comparación con el calostro refrigerado tradicional en lechones convencionales. El volumen ideal recomendado es al menos el 10% del peso vivo del animal en las dos primeras horas y otro 5% de su peso vivo en las seis a ocho horas siguientes a la primera ingesta, para que se consiga un buen desarrollo durante el crecimiento, en caso contrario. la falta de administración de calostro en las primeras horas de vida predispone a enfermedades, como neumonía y diarrea, perjudicando la salud y consecuentemente el rendimiento en relación a otros animales que recibieron el calostro adecuado. Los problemas con la calidad del calostro surgen debido a un almacenamiento inadecuado, especialmente en propiedades no refrigeradas. La falta de sistemas de congelación provoca que la leche se administre a temperatura ambiente durante períodos prolongados, dañando así la inmunidad y la nutrición de los terneros durante el calostro. Sin embargo, existen alternativas al problema como el suministro de ensilaje de calostro. En algunos casos, el proceso de acidificación requiere la adición de ácidos a la leche para evitar el crecimiento de microorganismos patógenos. El principal aspecto positivo de la leche acidificada es que se mantiene a temperatura ambiente, es decir, no es necesario someterse a procesos de refrigeración.

Animaux , Bovins , Immunisation passive/médecine vétérinaire , Colostrum , Lait/composition chimique , Animaux nouveau-nés/croissance et développement
Biol. Res ; 572024.
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564039


Despite the record speed of developing vaccines and therapeutics against the SARS-CoV-2 virus, it is not a given that such success can be secured in future pandemics. In addition, COVID-19 vaccination and application of therapeutics remain low in developing countries. Rapid and low cost mass production of antiviral IgY antibodies could be an attractive alternative or complementary option for vaccine and therapeutic development. In this article, we rapidly produced SARS-CoV-2 antigens, immunized hens and purified IgY antibodies in 2 months after the SARS-CoV-2 gene sequence became public. We further demonstrated that the IgY antibodies competitively block RBD binding to ACE2, neutralize authentic SARS-CoV-2 virus and effectively protect hamsters from SARS-CoV-2 challenge by preventing weight loss and lung pathology, representing the first comprehensive study with IgY antibodies. The process of mass production can be easily implemented in most developing countries and hence could become a new vital option in our toolbox for combating viral pandemics. This study could stimulate further studies, optimization and potential applications of IgY antibodies as therapeutics and prophylactics for human and animals.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-878707


Drug addiction is a major worldwide medical and social problem.Cocaine,nicotine,methamphetamine,heroin and other psychoactive substances,with small molecular weight,can easily cross the blood-brain barrier and eventually lead to addiction and other serious neuropsychological damage.There is no effective cure for addiction currently.The drug-antibody complex formed on the basis of active or passive immunotherapy could not cross the blood-brain barrier,which reduces the concentration of the free active drug and prevents its distribution in the brain,thereby weakening the drug addiction-related reward effects.It provides a promising way for the treatment of drug addiction.This article reviews the progress of immunotherapy against psychoactive substances such as cocaine,nicotine,methamphetamine and heroin in the past 50 years from the aspects of active immunity,passive immunity,drug metabolism-related enzymes,adjuvants and so on.The goal is to provide some ideas for the development of agents for the treatment of psychoactive substance addiction.

Humains , Cocaïne , Immunothérapie , Métamfétamine , Nicotine , Troubles liés à une substance/thérapie
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-930342


Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the main pathogen of respiratory diseases in infants and young children worldwide, and the incidence of severe RSV infection remains highest in infants.Effective preventive measures are urgently needed to prevent RSV infection.Currently, no vaccine has been approved to prevent RSV infection.In June 2021, World Health Organization (WHO) proposed the Characteristics of Monoclonal Antibodies for Passive Immunization against Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection which facilitates the development of high-quality, safe, affordable and effective monoclonal antibodies to prevent severe RSV infection and deaths in infants and young children worldwide.This study aims to interpret this document, thus guiding pediatricians understand the ideal characteristics and application of monoclonal antibodies for passive immunity to RSV infection.

Gac. méd. Méx ; Gac. méd. Méx;157(supl.3): S68-S78, feb. 2021. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375505


Resumen En el momento actual no existen opciones terapéuticas específicas o vacuna para la enfermedad por coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), causada por el coronavirus 2 del síndrome respiratorio agudo grave (SARS-CoV-2). La opción con plasma convaleciente resulta atractiva, dados sus precedentes en pandemias previas, su rápida disponibilidad y su bien conocido perfil de bioseguridad. Se propone la eficacia del uso de inmunidad pasiva por medio de la transfusión de plasma convaleciente mediante distintos mecanismos de acción (neutralización, citotoxicidad mediada por anticuerpos, activación del complemento, inmunomodulación). El uso de plasma convaleciente está aprobado en pacientes con datos de gravedad o criterios de complicabilidad. Los resultados disponibles de experiencias internacionales y locales demuestran un adecuado perfil de bioseguridad (< 1% de eventos adversos graves reportados). La evidencia de la eficacia de la intervención es limitada a no más de seis series de casos, destacando la necesidad de una administración temprana, un seguimiento estrecho de variables de desenlace y la comunicación de series más robustas y con una mayor fortaleza metodológica. En nuestro país diversos grupos se encuentran realizando esfuerzos colaborativos y/o metacéntricos, lo que nos ayudará a dilucidar la relevancia de esta intervención en un panorama aún complejo de una epidemia que se encuentra en su cénit sin que se cuente con herramientas específicas para su tratamiento.

Abstract At the present time, there are no specific therapeutic options or vaccine for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), produced by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The convalescent plasma option is attractive given its precedents in the context of previous pandemics, its rapid availability in areas where the epidemic is active, and its well-known biosecurity profile. There is emerging evidence that proposes the effectiveness of the use of passive immunity through convalescent plasma transfusion, which would exert its effect through different mechanisms of action (neutralization, antibody-mediated cytotoxicity, complement activation, immunomodulation). Globally, the use of convalescent plasma is approved in patients with severe disease criteria or high risk of complication. The available results of international and local experiences demonstrate an adequate biosecurity profile of the use of convalescent plasma with a rate of serious adverse events related to the intervention of less than 1%. So far, the evidence for the efficacy of the intervention is limited to no more than 6 case series, highlighting the need for early administration, close monitoring of outcome variables, and communication of more robust series with greater methodological strength. In our country, several groups are making collaborative and/or metacentric efforts, which will help us to clarify the relevance of this intervention in a still complex panorama of an epidemic that is its highest point without specific tools for its treatment.

Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 71(1): 187-196, jan.-fev. 2019. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-989380


Serum blood samples from 50 Murrah buffalo calves were examined in this study. The animals were allocated into three groups according to the number of parturitions of their mothers: G1 (n= 15) calves from primiparous buffaloes, G2 (n= 19) calves from buffaloes with two to four parturitions, and G3 (n= 16) calves from buffaloes with five or more parturitions. Blood samples were taken at birth, before colostrum ingestion, at 24h, 48h, and 72h after birth, and at 7, 14, 21, and 30 days after birth for determination of levels of gammaglutamyl transferase (GGT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), creatine kinase, total protein, albumin, globulins (including immunoglobulin G), iron, total calcium, ionized calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and potassium. The age of the calves was found to influence all of the biochemical parameters, with the exception of ionized calcium and potassium in the calves in groups G1 and G3. The calving order was found to influence AST, GGT, total protein, albumin, and globulins, including IgG. The high serum ALP activity in the first two days after birth indicates that measurement of the levels of this enzyme may be used as an indirect method of assessing passive immunity transfer.(AU)

Amostras de sangue de 50 bezerros de búfalo Murrah foram examinados nesse estudo. Os animais foram distribuídos em três grupos de acordo com a paridade de suas genitoras: G1 (n=15) bezerros de búfalas primíparas, G2 (n=19) bezerros de búfalas com 2 a 4 gestações, e G3 (n=16) bezerros de búfalas com cinco ou mais gestações. Amostras de sangue foram colhidas ao nascimento, antes da ingestão de colostro e 24h, 48h, e 72h após o nascimento e 7, 14, 21 e 30 dias após nascimento para determinar níveis de gammaglutamil transferase (GGT), fosfatase alcalina (ALP), aspartato aminotrasferase (AST), creatina quinase, proteínas totais, albumina, globulina (inclusive imunoglobulina G), ferro, cálcio total, cálcio ionizado, fósforo, sódio e potássio. A idade dos bezerros influenciou todos os parâmetros bioquímicos, exceto cálcio ionizado e potássio nos bezerros dos grupos G1 e G3. A ordem de nascimento influenciou AST, GGT, proteínas totais, albumina e globulinas, inclusive IgG. Intensa atividade ALP no soro nos primeiros dois dias após nascimento indica que medidas dos níveis dessa enzima podem ser utilizados como método indireto de avaliar transferência passiva de imunidade.(AU)

Animaux , Bovins , Biochimie/classification , Buffles/embryologie , Bovins/génétique , Bovins/immunologie , Immunisation passive/médecine vétérinaire
Rev. argent. microbiol ; Rev. argent. microbiol;50(1): 23-30, mar. 2018. graf, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-958026


Bovine coronavirus (BCoV) is a viral enteric pathogen associated with calf diarrhea worldwide being, in Argentina, mostly detected in dairy husbandry systems. The aim of the present work was to study if maternal IgG1 antibodies (Abs) to BCoV acquired by colostrum intake modulate the development of BCoV infection in calves reared in a dairy farm in Argentina. Thirty Holstein calves were monitored during their first 60 days of age. Animals were classified into two groups depending on their initial BCoV IgG1 Ab titers. The "failure of passive transfer" (FPT) group had significantly lower IgG1 Abs to BCoV than the "acceptable passive transfer" (APT) group of calves (log10 1.98 vs. 3.38 respectively) (p<0.0001). These differences were also observed when the total protein levels in both groups were compared (p = 0.0081). Moreover, 71% (5/7) of calves from the FPT group showed IgG1 seroconversion to BCoV compared to 29.4% (5/17) of animals from the APT group. Regarding viral circulation, BCoV was detected in 10% (3/30) of all calves and BCoV IgG1 Ab seroconversion was detected in 42% of the total animals showing that almost half of the calves were infected with BCoV. In conclusion, calves with high titers of specific BCoV IgG1 (≥1024) were mostly protected against viral infection, while animals with low titers of IgG1 (<1024) were mostly infected with BCoV. IgG1 Abs from colostrum origin are critical for prevention of BCoV infection.

El coronavirus bovino (Bovine coronavirus, BCoV) es un enteropatógeno viral asociado a la diarrea neonatal del ternero. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar si los anticuerpos IgG1 anti-BCoV adquiridos pasivamente mediante el calostro modulan la infección por BCoV en terneros de un rodeo lechero de Argentina. Se monitorearon 30 terneros raza Holstein durante los primeros 60 días de vida. Estos animales fueron clasificados en dos grupos según sus niveles de IgG1 anti-BCoV maternales: grupo con transferencia de inmunidad pasiva aceptable (APT) y grupo con fallas en la transferencia pasiva (FPT). Este último grupo tenía un título de IgG1 significativamente menor comparado con el primer grupo (log10 1,98 vs. 3,38, respectivamente; p< 0,0001). La misma diferencia se observó cuando se compararon los niveles de proteínas séricas totales (p = 0,0081). Además, el 71% (5/7) de los terneros del grupo FPT mostró seroconversión de IgG1, mientras que el 29,4% (5/17) de los terneros del grupo APT la mostró. Con respecto a la circulación viral, se detectó BCoV en el 10% (3/30) de los terneros así como también seroconversión de IgG1 en el 42% del total de los animales, lo que evidencia que aproximadamente la mitad de los terneros se infectaron con BCoV. Este estudio mostró que los terneros con altos títulos de IgG1 específica (≥ 1.024) estuvieron mayormente protegidos contra la infección con BCoV, mientras que los animales con títulos bajos de IgG1 (< 1.024) estuvieron predispuestos a la infección. Esto confirma que los anticuerpos IgG1 calostrales son críticos para la prevención de la infección por este agente viral.

Animaux , Bovins , Femelle , Grossesse , Maladies des bovins , Coronavirus bovin , Infections à coronavirus , Argentine , Test ELISA , Maladies des bovins/virologie , Coronavirus bovin/isolement et purification , Infections à coronavirus/médecine vétérinaire , Diarrhée , Fèces , Anticorps antiviraux
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-711432


Immunoprophylaxis against tetanus is divided into passive and active immunization. Pas-sive immunizing agents include tetanus antitoxin and human tetanus immunoglobulin. Tetanus antitoxin played an important role in early tetanus immunoprophylaxis. However,some safety problems do exist as it contains allogeneic serum and because of that,it has been gradually replaced by human tetanus immunoglobulin. Mis-application of passive immune agents has resulted in a waste of medical resources and revealed potential med-ical risks. Standardized and rational application of active immunizing agents ( tetanus toxoid) with reduced usage of passive immunizing agents is the most effective measure to prevent Clostridium tetani infection.

Pesqui. vet. bras ; Pesqui. vet. bras;36(supl.1): 33-40, June 2016. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: lil-798009


A raça Crioula Lageana apresenta-se como uma alternativa para a pecuária moderna, devido a sua grande variabilidade genética, rusticidade e adaptação às condições ambientais do Planalto Catarinense. Estas características podem influenciar importantes eventos fisiológicos, os quais deveriam ser investigados, pois podem auxiliar no desenvolvimento de futuros programas de melhoramento animal. Sabe-se que a falha da transferência de imunidade passiva (TIP) constitui um importante fator para a elevação dos índices de mortalidade neonatal na espécie bovina. Desta forma, torna-se indispensável à avaliação dos aspectos relacionados à TIP em bezerros da raça Crioula Lageana variedade mocha e a sua comparação com outras raças de corte criadas no Planalto Serrano Catarinense. Com o objetivo de avaliar e comparar a TIP e o proteinograma sérico foram selecionados dois grupos experimentais compostos por 11 bezerros da raça Crioula Lageana variedade mocha e 14 bezerros da raça Aberdeen Angus (Red Angus). Amostras de sangue foram colhidas por meio da venopunção jugular para a mensuração da proteína total sérica (PTS), eletroforese das proteínas séricas em gel de agarose, atividade da gamaglutamiltransferase (GGT) e concentração de imunoglobulinas G (IgG) por meio do método de turvação pelo sulfato de zinco nos períodos entre 24 e 36 horas, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 e 180 dias de vida. A análise estatística dos dados foi realizada por meio da análise de variância de medidas repetidas (ANOVA), teste de Tukey para a comparação entre médias (P<0,05) e correlação entre as variáveis. Ao analisar os valores de PTS, globulinas, gamaglobulinas, IgG e atividade sérica de GGT ao nascimento (24 a 36 horas) pode se afirmar que houve adequada TIP não havendo diferença significativa entre as raças, exceto para a atividade sérica da GGT. Observaram-se variações fisiológicas na curva de proteínas séricas do nascimento até os 180 dias de idade. Forte correlação positiva foi observada entre os valores de gamaglobulina e IgG (r=0,814 para CL e r=0,877 para AA), PTS (r=0,783 para CL e r=0,947 para AA), globulinas (r=0,945 para CL e r=0,985 para AA), evidenciando que estas variáveis foram bons indicadores da TIP em bezerros ao segundo dia de vida (24-36 horas). A correlação entre gamaglobulinas e atividade da GGT foi fracamente positiva (r=0,251) para bovinos da raça Crioula Lageana variedade mocha e fortemente positiva (r=0,815) para a raça Aberdeen Angus (Red Angus), o qual foi admitido a grande variação nos valores da GGT após 24 horas de vida do bezerro. Não houve diferença na TIP entre as raças Crioula Lageana variedade mocha e Aberdeen Angus (Red Angus), ocorrendo de maneira bem-sucedida em ambas as raças. Pode-se sugerir que a raça Crioula Lageana variedade mocha seja mais tardia na síntese ativa de anticorpos, ressaltando a precocidade dos taurinos evidenciada na raça Aberdeen Angus (Red Angus).(AU)

The Criollo Lageano breed is an alternative for modern farming, due to its high genetic variability, rusticity and adaptation to environmental conditions of the Plateau of Santa Catarina, Brazil. These characteristics can influence important physiological events which should be investigated, because they can assist in developing future programs of animal breeding. It is known that failure of passive transfer (FPT) is an important factor for the increase in neonatal mortality in cattle. Thus, it is essential to evaluate aspects related to FPT in Criollo Lageano calves and the comparison with other beef breed created in the Plateau of Santa Catarina. Aiming to evaluate and to compare the passive transfer of immunity and serum protein concentrations, two experimental groups of 11 calves of Criollo Lageano (CL) hornless variety and 14 Aberdeen Angus (Red Angus) calves were selected. Blood samples were collected by jugular venipuncture for the measurement of total serum protein (TSP) by serum protein electrophoresis in agarose gel and the activity of gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) and concentration of immunoglobulin G (IgG) by the method of the turbidity zinc sulphate, between 24 and 36 hours, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 days. Statistical analysis of data was performed by analysis of variance (ANOVA), Tukey test for comparison of means (P<0.05) and correlation between variables. Values of TSP, globulins, immunoglobulins, IgG and serum GGT activity at birth (24-36 hours) confirmed that there was adequate TIP with no significant difference between the races, except for the serum GGT activity. Physiological variations in the curve of serum proteins from birth to 180 days of age were identified. Strong positive correlation was found between the values of gamma globulin and IgG (r=0.814 and r=0.877 for CL to AA), PTS (r=0.783 and r=0.947 for CL to AA), globulins (r=0.945 and r=0.985 for CL to AA), indicating that these variables will be good indicators of TIP in calves at the second day of life (24-36 hours). The correlation between gamma globulin and activity of GGT was weakly positive (r=0.251) for CL and strongly positive (r=0.815) for the Aberdeen Angus (Red Angus), in which a wide variation in GGT values after 24 hours of life of the calf were noticed. No difference was found in FPT between Criollo Lageano hornless variety and Aberdeen Angus (Red Angus), and was successful way in both breeds. It can be suggested that Criollo Lageano hornless variety breed is later in active antibody synthesis, highlighting the precocity of taurine evident in Aberdeen Angus (Red Angus) breed.(AU)

Animaux , Bovins , Animaux nouveau-nés/sang , Protéines du sang/analyse , Gammaglobulines/analyse , Immunisation passive/médecine vétérinaire , Immunoglobulines/analyse , Gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase/sang
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 32(2): 455-459, mar./abr. 2016. tab, ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-965302


The objective of this study was to determine the gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) levels and its relationship with diarrhea and passive transfer of immunity in Holstein calves within 24 hours and 30 days of life from Leopolis municipality, the north Parana region. Colostrum is rich in immunoglobulins and vital for immunity to newborn calves, since bovine placenta does not allow the passage of immunoglobulin to the fetus. Calves undergo various challenges that can lead to disease and death in the first month of life, including diarrhea. Diarrhea has a multifactorial etiology, and the passive immunity transferred through ingestion of colostrum is able to protect the calf against many of these etiologic agents. GGT measurements indirectly infer the amount of immunoglobulin ingested by the calf. Higher serum GGT levels (381.72 IU / L) were found at 24 hours, and a significant reduction was observed at 30 days (66.22 IU / L). When the presence or absence of diarrhea was associated with GGT levels above and below 200 IU / L, no statistical significance (P> 0.05) was observed, since 80% of animals with diarrhea had serum GGT levels higher than 200 IU / L. Under the conditions of this study, there was no relationship between the GGT concentration and the occurrence of diarrhea, and no mortality was observed despite some animals presented diarrhea.

O colostro é rico em imunoglobulinas e vital para a imunidade de bezerros recém-nascidos, uma vez que placenta bovina não permite a passagem de imunoglobulinas para o feto. Os bezerros são submetidos a diversos desafios que podem levar à doença e morte no primeiro mês de vida, dentre as quais a diarreia. A etiologia da diarreia é multifatorial e a imunidade passiva transferida através da ingestão de colostro é capaz de proteger o bezerro contra muitos desses agentes etiológicos. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a dosagem de gama-glutamil transferase (GGT) e sua relação com diarreia e a transferência de imunidade passiva em novilhas da raça Holandesa nos tempos de 24 horas e 30 dias de vida, no município de Leópolis, na região norte do Paraná. As mensurações de GGT infere indiretamente a quantidade de imunoglobulinas ingeridas pelo bezerro. Os níveis séricos de GGT demonstraram valores médios maiores 24 horas após o nascimento (381,72 UI / L) e uma redução significativa foi observada aos 30 dias de vida (66,22 UI/L). Quando a presença ou ausência de diarreia foi associada com níveis de GGT acima e abaixo de 200UI/L, não foi observado significância estatística (p>0,05), uma vez que 80% dos animais com diarreia tinham níveis séricos de GGT superior a 200 UI/L. Sob as condições que foi realizado o presente estudo, não houve relação entre a concentração de GGT e a ocorrência de diarréia, e nenhuma mortalidade foi observada apesar de alguns animais apresentarem diarreia.

Immunoglobulines , Bovins , gamma-Glutamyltransferase
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-73240


Over the past few decades, eradication and reduction of vaccine-preventable diseases through immunization has increased life expectancy by reducing mortality. Pregnant women are at risk for vaccine-preventable disease-related morbidity and mortality and adverse pregnancy outcomes, including congenital anomalies, spontaneous abortion, preterm birth, and low birth weight. In addition to providing direct maternal benefit, vaccination during pregnancy likely provides direct fetal and neonatal benefit through passive immunity. Despite the impact of immunization, vaccination in pregnancy is still inadequate. This article reviews types of vaccine and vaccines recommended during pregnancy.

Femelle , Humains , Nouveau-né , Grossesse , Avortement spontané , Immunisation , Nourrisson à faible poids de naissance , Espérance de vie , Mortalité , Issue de la grossesse , Femmes enceintes , Naissance prématurée , Vaccination , Vaccins
Chinese Journal of Immunology ; (12): 818-821, 2015.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-468293


Objective:To discuss the passive immunity effect and mechanism of HBIG injections to matrix to block the mother-to-child vertical transmission of HBV. Methods:94 cases of patients with chronic viral hepatitis were selected and divided into 3 groups randomly. 31 cases of control group were given no HBIG intervention,while 31 cases of baby intervention ( BBI) group were given HBIG injection in 6h of birth,and 32 cases of infant & mom intervention ( IMI) group were given HBIG injection respectively in 28,32,36 weeks of gestation and 6h of birth. Further more,all newborns were vaccinated against hepatitis B in 0,1 and 6 months,after the last vaccination,peripheral blood of the children were extracted and detected for HBV markers,HBV-DNA and immune function. Results:There were significant difference (P<0. 05) in neonatal HBeAg,HBsAg and HBV-DNA positive rate for the three groups,with Control group got the highest while IMI group got the lowest;and there are also significant differences (P<0. 05) HBeAb positive rate,with Control group got the lowest while IMI group got the highest. We also found that the complement (C3,C4) levels and T cell subtypes (CD3+,CD4+,CD8+) count of the three groups of newborns had significant differences too(P<0. 05),with Control group got the lowest while IMI group got the highest;in terms of immunoglobulin,both the IMI and BBI group were higher in IgG and IgM level (P<0. 05), while there was no obvious difference in IgA between groups (P<0. 05). Conclusion:Maternal HBIG injections can effectively activate the maternal humoral immunity and cellular immunity,resulting in the decrease of HBV. It can also improve newborn′s antigen-antibody response and relieve T lymphocytes loss induced by antiviral consumption through placenta,which may play great role in the passive im-munity mechanism of blocking mother-to-fetus transmission.

Pesqui. vet. bras ; Pesqui. vet. bras;34(12): 1271-1275, dez. 2014. graf, tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-736064


To evaluate the transfer of cytokines into the blood of neonates via colostrum intake of Holstein cows were used 15 calves born from eutocic, shared equally by three experimental groups (n=5) G1-received 2 liters of fresh colostrum from their own mothers, G2-received 2 liters of colostrum from the "pool" of frozen colostrum and G3-were fed only milk. These group blood samples were collected at five times during the first fifteen days and measured the concentrations of IL-1b, IL-6, TNF-a and IFN-γ. Also measured are the cytokines IL-1 β, IL-6 and TNF-α in the supernatant of colostrum fed to calves from G1 , and cytokines IL-1β , IL-6 , TNF-α and IFN-γ in the supernatant the "pool " of colostrum fed to calves in G2 . It is the transfer of IL - 1b , IL- 6, TNF-a and IFN-γ in the serum of calves from G1 whereas the other groups G2 and G3 were not detected.

Para a avaliação da transferência de citocinas para o sangue de bezerros neonatos via ingestão de colostro de fêmeas bovinas holandesas, foram utilizados 15 bezerros nascidos de parto eutócico, distribuídos igualmente por três grupos experimentais (n=5): G1- receberam dois litros de colostro fresco provenientes de suas próprias mães; G2- receberam dois litros de colostro provenientes de "pool" de colostro congelado e o G3- foram alimentados apenas com leite. Nestes grupos foram coletadas amostras de sangue em cinco tempos durante os primeiros quinze dias de vida e mensuradas as concentrações das citocinas Interleucina-1 β (IL-1b), Interleucina-6 (IL-6), Fator de necrose tumoral- α (TNF-a) e Interferon-γ (IFN-γ). Também se mensurou tais citocinas (IL-1 β, IL-6 e TNF-α) nos sobrenadantes do colostro de do "pool" de colostro fornecidos aos bezerros dos grupos G1 e G2 respectivamente. Verificou-se a transferência das citocinas IL-1b, IL-6, TNF-a e IFN-γ pela presença no soro dos bezerros do grupo G1, enquanto que nos demais grupos (G2 e G3) não foram detectadas.

Animaux , Femelle , Nouveau-né , Nourrisson , Bovins , Cytokines/analyse , Cytokines/métabolisme , /administration et posologie , /analyse , Immunisation passive/médecine vétérinaire
Pesqui. vet. bras ; Pesqui. vet. bras;32(8): 794-802, ago. 2012. ilus, tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-649521


Após o nascimento, os cabritos são dependentes das imunoglobulinas colostrais devido às características placentárias que não permitem a passagem de macromoléculas da circulação materna. De acordo com a literatura, os cabritos possuem capacidade absortiva por até quatro dias. Muitos aspectos fisiológicos de outras espécies são aceitos e utilizados para caprinos, mas aqueles relacionados à transferência de imunidade passiva precisam de investigação. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram determinar o período de passagem de macromoléculas da mucosa intestinal para a circulação e a duração da proteção humoral transferida passivamente pela ingestão de colostro bovino e caprino. Sessenta cabritos recém-nascidos foram distribuídos em seis tratamentos: T 0 (n=25), ingestão natural de colostro caprino à vontade; T 1 (n=7), colostro bovino entre o nascimento e duas horas pós-parto; T 2 (n=7), ingestão de colostro bovino entre quatro e seis horas pós-nascimento; T 3 (n=7), leite nas primeiras oito horas e colostro bovino entre 10 e 12 horas pós-parto; T 4 (n=7), ingestão de leite até 18 horas e colostro bovino entre 22 e 24 horas pós-nascimento; T 5 (n=7), leite até 30 horas e ingestão de colostro bovino entre 34 e 36 horas pós-parto. Determinaram-se as concentrações séricas de proteína total (PT), gamaglobulina, imunoglobulina G (IgG) e a atividade sérica de gama glutamiltransferase (GGT). Ao nascimento, todos os neonatos tiveram valores mais baixos das variáveis, com aumento significativo da PT e gamaglobulina, após dois dias, nos grupos T 0, T 1 e T 2; a IgG e GGT aumentaram em todos os grupos. Os tratamentos T 3, T 4 e T 5 foram considerados como indutores de falha de transferência de imunidade passiva. A absorção de macromoléculas pelo trato intestinal dos cabritos ocorreu até 36 horas pós-parto, sendo mais efetiva até 12 horas. Os níveis de anticorpos persistiram até 75 dias após a ingestão de colostro bovino, porém, com concentrações inadequadas.

After birth goat kids are dependent of colostrum immunoglobulins due to placental characteristics that don't allow macromolecules passage from dam's circulation. According to literature goat kids have colostrum immunoglobulin absorption capability for up to four days. Many physiological aspects of other species have been accepted and used for goats, but those related to passive immunity transference needs more investigation. The goals of the present study was to determine the period of macromolecules passage through gut wall to circulation until 36 hours postpartum and verify the duration of protective humoral immunity transferred by the ingestion of bovine and caprine colostrum. Sixty newborn goat kids were allocated into six treatment groups: T 0 (n=25), non-restricted natural ingestion of goat colostrum; T 1 (n=7), bovine colostrum from birth to two hours postpartum; T 2 (n=7), bovine colostrum ingestion between four to six hours after birth; T 3 (n=7), milk intake until the first eight hours and bovine colostrum administration between 10 to 12 hours postpartum; T 4 (n=7), milk ingestion for the first 18 hours and bovine colostrum ingestion between 22 and 24 hours after birth; T 5 (n=7), milk administration until 30 hours and bovine colostrum intake between 34 to 36 hours postpartum. The total protein (TP), gammaglobulin, immunoglobulin G (IgG) and gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) serum concentrations were determined. At birth all neonates presented lower values of the variables, with significant increase of TP and gammaglobulin at two days in groups T 0, T 1 and T 2, IgG and GGT increased in all groups. The treatments T 3, T 4 and T 5 were considered to induce failure of immunity passive transfer. The absorption of macromolecules by kid's intestinal tract occurred until 36 hours postpartum, with better effectiveness until 12 hours. Antibody levels persist up to 75 days after bovine colostrum intake, but at this time their low concentrations doesn't provide adequate protection.

Animaux , Colostrum/immunologie , Colostrum/métabolisme , Immunisation passive/médecine vétérinaire , Ruminants , Immunité humorale/immunologie , Muqueuse intestinale/physiologie , Protéines du sang/analyse
Virologica Sinica ; (6): 228-233, 2012.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-671672


In this study,the decay of maternal peste des petits ruminants virus(PPRV) antibodies in kids born to goats vaccinated with Asian lineage IV PPR vaccine and the efficacy of passive immunity against PPRV was assessed to determine the appropriate period for vaccination in kids.Serum samples collected from kids born to vaccinated,unvaccinated and infected goats at different time intervals were tested by PPR competitive ELISA and serum neutralization test(SNT).Maternal antibodies in kids were detectable up to 6 months with a decline trend from the third month onwards and receded below the protective level by the fourth month.The kid with an SN titre of 1∶8 at the time of immunization showed significant PPRV specific antibody response(percentage inhibition of 76; SN titers >1∶16),when tested on 21 day post-vaccination and was completely protected from infection upon virulent PPRV challenge.Similarly,the kid with 1∶8 SN titers was completely protected from PPR infection on active challenge.Therefore,PPR vaccination is recommended in kids,aged 4 months and born to immunized or exposed goats.This could be a suitable period to avoid window of susceptibility in kids to PPRV and the effort to eliminate PPR infection from susceptible populations.

Pesqui. vet. bras ; Pesqui. vet. bras;30(8): 696-704, ago. 2010. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-559906


Com o objetivo de determinar os índices de falha de transferência de imunidade em bezerros holandeses e nelores foram selecionadas, aleatoriamente, 413 amostras sanguíneas de animais de ambas as raças. Os filhos de vacas pluríparas e os bezerros holandeses apresentaram maiores níveis séricos de proteína total, da fração gamaglobulina e de IgG, do que bezerros da raça Nelore. Contudo, os índices de falha de transferência de imunidade passiva foram mais elevados nos animais da raça Holandesa, às 24 e 48 horas de idade. Estabeleceram-se valores de alguns componentes séricos para o diagnóstico de falha de transferência de imunidade passiva, de acordo com o desafio antigênico ambiental.

In an attempt to determine the passive immunity failure in Holstein and Nelore calves, 413 blood samples were drawn from animals from both breeds. Calves born from pluriparous cows, from both breeds, and Holstein calves had greater serum concentrations of total protein, gamma globulin and IgG than Nelore newborns. However, the passive immune failure index was higher in Holstein calves than those found in Nelore calves at 24 and 48 hours. Some values of serum components were established to predict the passive immunity failure in dependency of environmental antigenic challenge.

Animaux , Bovins , Animaux nouveau-nés/immunologie , Immunisation passive/médecine vétérinaire , Protéines du sang/analyse , gamma-Glutamyltransferase/analyse , Immunoglobuline G/analyse , Élément de réponse au sérum
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online);60(5): 1089-1096, out. 2008. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-500074


Com o objetivo de monitorar a imunidade passiva em bezerros alimentados com colostro de vacas imunizadas e não imunizadas com vacina contra rotavírus, foram determinados títulos de anticorpos em amostras de sangue e colostro de 26 vacas da raça Holandesa no dia do parto e de seus bezerros, à zero, às 24, 48 horas e aos sete, 14, 21, 28 dias de idade, pelo ensaio imunoenzimático. Tanto no soro sangüíneo como no colostro, os títulos dos isótipos IgG, IgG1 e IgG2 foram mais elevados no grupo dos animais vacinados, porém somente no colostro o aumento foi significativo. Os bezerros alimentados com o colostro das vacas vacinadas apresentaram títulos mais altos dos isótipos IgG, IgG1, IgG2, IgA e IgM, após a ingestão do colostro, sendo constatado aumento significativo apenas para os títulos do isótipo IgG2. Amostras positivas para rotavírus foram detectadas nos dois grupos experimentais a partir dos sete dias de idade. A vacinação materna não protegeu efetivamente os bezerros das infecções naturais por rotavírus, pois, apesar de aumentar os títulos séricos de anticorpos anti-rotavírus nos animais vacinados, não foi capaz de impedir a ocorrência da rotavirose nos bezerros alimentados com o colostro das vacas imunizadas.

Passive immune response in calves fed colostrum from immunized and nonimmunized cows by anti-rotavirus vaccine was monitored. Titers of antibodies were determined by immunoenzymatic assay in blood and colostrum sampled at parturition day from 26 Holstein cows as well as in blood from their calves collected at 0, 24, and 48 hours and seven, 14, 21, and 28 days after birth. In serum and colostrum, IgG, IgG1, and IgG2 antibody titers were higher in vaccinated animals; however, this increase was only significant in colostrum. The calves fed colostrum from vaccinated cows showed higher IgG, IgG1, IgG2, IgA, and IgM isotypes titers after the ingestion of colostrum, being evidenced significant increase only for IgG2 titers. Positive samples for rotavirus were detected in both experimental groups since seven days after birth. Results showed that maternal vaccine failed to protect effectively the calves from natural infections by rotavirus, though it increased the anti-rotavirus antibody titers in vaccinated animals, but was not capable to impair the occurrence of rotaviruses in the calves fed colostrum from immunized cows.

Animaux , Bovins , Colostrum/métabolisme , Immunisation passive/méthodes , Rotavirus/immunologie , Sérum , Techniques immunoenzymatiques/méthodes
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 40(supl.1): 26-31, 2003. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-512864


Avaliou-se os níveis de imunoglobulinas G e M no soro sangüíneo de 32 bezerros da raça Holandesa desde o nascimento até os 90 dias de vida, levando-se em consideração a forma de ingestão (mamada natural na mãe ou em mamadeira) e a quantidade de colostro administrado. Os animais foram distribuídos em quatro grupos. O grupo 1 recebeu quatro litros de colostro fornecido na mamadeira; o grupo 2 recebeu dois litros de colostro também fornecido através da mamadeira; o grupo 3 ingeriu colostro diretamente nas mães e o grupo 4 foi tratado exclusivamente com leite administrado através de mamadeira. Os resultados obtidos para as concentrações de IgG sérica não apresentaram diferenças estatísticas significativas quanto a forma de fornecimento do colostro (mamada na mãe ou em mamadeira), porém os níveis dessa imunoglobulina sempre foram mais elevados nos animais que mamaram nas mães, seguidos pelos que receberam quatro litros de colostro. Nos animais que não mamaram colostro, a produção de imunoglobulinas G e M é mais precoce, respectivamente, a partir de 30 e 15 dias de vida.

This study evaluated the G and M concentrations in serum of 32 calves until 90 days old, considering the way (direct suckling from mother or by bottle) and the volume of ingested colostrum. The calves were divided into 4 groups. Group 1: four liters of colostrum fed by bottle; Group 2: two liters of colostrum fed by bottle; Group 3: direct suckling from mother and and Group 4: two liters of milk by bottle. Serum IgG concentrations obtained in this study had no significant difference in the way of colostrum feeding (direct suckling from mother or by bottle), but their levels were higher in the former way of administration of colostrum, followed by those which received 4 liters of colostrum. Those animals which were not fed with colostrum presented IgG and IgM levels earlier, from 30 and 15 days old, respectively.

Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-10290


PURPOSE: Most of invasive Haemophilus influenzae diseases occur in children under 5 years of age, and are due almost exclusively to type b strain. Although antibodies to several surface antigens of H. influenzae play a role in conferring immunity, antibody to the type b capsular polysaccharide appeared to have the most important protective functions. However, the antibody response to vaccines or natural infections are quite differ according to the ages and ethnic groups. This study was performed to investigate the need of Hib vaccination and its appropriate time in Korean infants. METHODS: Three hundred and forty-five Korean infants and children who were relatively well without history of Hib vaccination or infection were enrolled in the study. All subjects did not receive blood transfusion or blood products and also had no any immunological abnormalities. Anti-PRP IgG was measured in the sera of subjects using ELISA. PRP-albumin was used as a coating antigen. RESULTS: Geometric mean titer (GMT) of anti-PRP IgG in the sera of neonates was 0.594 g/ml and was gradually decreased to 0.186 g/ml and 0.111 g/ml at 2 and 3 months of age, respectively. Ant-PRP IgG was significantly low after 3 months of age, and was gradually increased after 10 months of age. Anti-PRP IgG level p> or = 0.15 g/ml was observed in 70.8% (17/24) in neonatal group, 41.6% (10/24) and 18.7% (3/16) in 2 and 3 months of age. Only 8.7% (10/115) showed anti-Hib IgG levels of p> or = 1.0 g/ml, which has been considered as a level of longterm protection, was observed in 37.5% (9/24) in neonates, 12.5% (3/24) in 2 months of age and less then 10% thereafter. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that congenital passive immunity can be obtained enough in Korean infants and was rapidly decreased during the period of 3 months after birth. Hib vaccination will be recommended at early infancy (2 months of age) to provide appropriate antibodies in Korean children.

Enfant , Humains , Nourrisson , Nouveau-né , Anticorps , Production d'anticorps , Antigènes de surface , Transfusion sanguine , Test ELISA , Ethnies , Haemophilus influenzae , Haemophilus influenzae type B , Immunoglobuline G , Grippe humaine , Parturition , Vaccination , Vaccins