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Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991246


Periodontology is one of the important disciplines in oral clinical medicine, which covers a wide range of subjects and intersects with many basic disciplines. Under the environment of the implementation of modular teaching in Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, the assessment method with separate propositions for the teaching and research section is still adopted. There is a mismatch between the assessment mode and the curriculum setting; the basic subject propositions are difficult to be combined with clinical cases; the knowledge point assessment is single, and the students' ability to integrate the knowledge points cannot be assessed. The development and construction of the comprehensive examination database for periodontology was based on curriculum integration, gathering the teaching backbones of various disciplines, focusing on periodontology, radiating all related disciplines, unifying the proposition outline, proposition type, proposition principle, combining with relevant knowledge points of various disciplines based on clinical cases, and tried to apply to clinical students majoring in stomatology. The use of the examination database promotes students' ability to flexibly apply theoretical knowledge to clinical case analysis, further promotes the reform of modular teaching, lays a solid foundation for future clinical work, and meanwhile provides an important basis for directions of the teaching and research section.

J. appl. oral sci ; 31: e20230135, 2023. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521087


Abstract Surgical procedures, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy, individually or in association, are current oncological treatments. Among the most used chemotherapy drugs, 5-fluorouracil (5FU) is an antimetabolite with a broad spectrum of action. This study evaluated the effects of probiotics (PRO) as an adjuvant to the treatment of experimental periodontitis (EP) in rats immunosuppressed with 5FU. Methodology 108 rats were randomly allocated to six different groups: EP; SS - systemic treatment with saline solution (SS); 5FU - systemic treatment with 5FU; 5FU+PRO - systemic treatment with 5FU, followed by the local administration of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ; 5FU+SRP - systemic treatment with 5-FU, followed by scaling and root planing (SRP); and 5FU+SRP+PRO - systemic treatment with 5FU followed by local treatments with SRP and PRO. Immunosuppression was obtained at two points: at the time of ligature installation and after 48 h. Six animals from each group were euthanized at seven, 15, and 30 d and hemimandibles were collected and processed for histopathological, histometric, and immunohistochemical analysis. Data were subjected to statistical analysis (α=5%). Results At 7 d, the 5FU+PRO group showed less bone resorption and better structured connective tissue compared with the EP, SS, 5FU+SRP, and 5FU+SRP+PRO groups. At 15 d, the 5FU+SRP group showed a greater intensity of the inflammatory response (p<0.05). At 30 d, the 5FU+SRP+PRO group showed better structured bone tissue and a higher percentage of bone tissue (PBT) than the EP, SS, 5FU, and 5FU+PRO groups (p<0.05). Conclusion The use of Saccharomyces cerevisiae as monotherapy or as an adjuvant to periodontal therapy may have a positive effect on bone repair in immunosuppressed conditions.

Braz. dent. sci ; 26(1): 1-8, 2023. tab, ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1413587


Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the number of publications in the field of periodontology and implantology in Turkey. Material and Methods: A sensitive search strategy was developed to identify relevant articles, focusing on the periodontology and implantology research fields published two years before and after the declaration of the pandemic (March 2020). The search was performed through Web of Science, Medline, SCOPUS and CENTRAL databases. A three-stage screening (titles, abstract, full-text) was carried out in duplicate and independently by two reviewers. Results: A total of 382 studies were identified before the pandemic and 307 studies during the pandemic. While there was a downward trend in the number of observational studies (185 vs 168), the number of clinical trials (CCT/RCT) slightly increased compared to the pre-pandemic period (72 vs 74). Conclusion: Limited to the selected period of time (two years) and field, publication rate on periodontology and implantology in Turkey was decreased during the pandemic. Although the present research highlights current trends, large-scale investigations are needed to probe consequences of COVID-19 pandemic on research activities in the long-run (AU).

Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o impacto da pandemia de COVID-19 no número de publicações na área de periodontia e implantodontia na Turquia. Material e Métodos:Foi desenvolvida uma estratégia de busca sensível para identificar artigos relevantes, com foco nas áreas de pesquisa em periodontia e implantodontia publicados dois anos antes e depois da declaração da pandemia (março de 2020). A busca foi realizada nas bases de dados Web of Science, Medline, SCOPUS e CENTRAL. Uma triagem de três etapas (títulos, resumo, texto completo) foi realizada em duplicata e de forma independente por dois revisores. Resultados: Foram identificados 382 estudos antes da pandemia e 307 estudos durante a pandemia. Embora tenha havido uma tendência de queda no número de estudos observacionais (185 vs 168), o número de ensaios clínicos (CCT/RCT) aumentou ligeiramente em comparação com o período pré-pandêmico (72 vs 74). Conclusão: Limitada ao período de tempo selecionado (dois anos) e área, a taxa de publicação em periodontia e implantodontia na Turquia diminuiu durante a pandemia. Embora a presente pesquisa destaque as tendências atuais, são necessárias investigações em larga escala para investigar as consequências da pandemia de COVID-19 nas atividades de pesquisa a longo prazo.(AU)

Parodontie , Pose immédiate d'implant dentaire , Pandémies , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(5): 1599-1608, Sept.-Oct. 2020. tab, graf, ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1131555


A doença periodontal é uma afecção comum, relacionada ao aprisionamento de alimentos em diastemas não fisiológicos, em equinos. O tratamento consiste na correção da causa primária, limpeza e desbridamento do sulco gengival, denominado tratamento convencional (TC). Frequentemente antimicrobianos são necessários, pela gravidade ou patogenicidade dos agentes. A terapia fotodinâmica adjuvante (TF) tem sido estudada pelo seu potencial combate bacteriano, sem causar resistência bacteriana. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o uso da TF na doença periodontal, experimentalmente induzida, em dentes incisivos de equinos, e compará-la com o TC. O TC não resultou em melhora clínica estatisticamente, tanto em graus como em profundidade, apenas numérica na profundidade aos 30 dias. A TF foi empregada em dentes com profundidade maior da bolsa periodontal que a do grupo TC e, mesmo assim, apresentou melhora clínica já com sete dias, e mais efetiva aos 30, atingindo, em média, o valor considerado normal, três milímetros. A TF apresentou potencial para ser aplicada na rotina, pelo incremento nos resultados, sem causar efeitos colaterais.(AU)

Periodontal disease is a common condition, related to the entrapment of food in non-physiological diastemas in horses. Treatment consists of correction of the primary cause, cleansing and debridement of the gingival sulcus, called Conventional Therapy (CT). Often antimicrobials are requested due to the severity or pathogenicity of the agents. Adjuvant Photodynamic Therapy (PDT), has been studied for its potential bacterial combat, without causing bacterial resistance. The objective of this study was to analyze the use PDT with the experimentally induced periodontal disease in the incisor teeth of horses, and to compare with the CT. The CT did not result in clinical improvement, either in degrees or millimeters. The PDT was used in teeth with a greater depth of the periodontal pocket than the TC group, and even then, showed clinical improvement in only seven days, and more effective at 30, reaching the three millimeter value considered normal on average. The PDT presented the potential to be applied in the routine by the increase in the results without causing side effects.(AU)

Animaux , Maladies parodontales/thérapie , Parodontite/médecine vétérinaire , Diastème/thérapie , Equus caballus , Photothérapie dynamique/médecine vétérinaire
Rev. estomat. salud ; 27(2): 19-26, 20191230.
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1087766


Dentures with dental plaque predispose recurrent hyperplasia on the palatal mucosa. Surgical procedures for the treatment of inflammatory papillary hyperplasia involve postsurgical discomfort and morbidity. This repot describes clinical and histologic aspects of a patient with severe akantolitic inflammatory papillary hyperplasia. The palatal mucosa was treated with a surgical bur with a low-speed handpiece. A new removable denture was performed and adapted. A follow-up of 4 years showed staility of health at palatal mucosa. Patient referred low discomfort and morbidity when using bur technique. Control of removable denture was critical for long-term healing and soft tissue stability.

Las prótesis dentales con placa bacteriana predisponen a la hiperplasia recurrente en la mucosa palatina. Los procedimientos quirúrgicos para el tratamiento de la hiperplasia papilar inflamatoria implican molestias y morbilidad posquirúrgicas. Este reporte describe los aspectos clínicos e histológicos de un paciente con hiperplasia papilar inflamatoria acantolítica severa. La mucosa palatina fue tratada con una fresa quirúrgica con una pieza de mano de baja velocidad. Se realizó y adaptó una nueva prótesis parcial removible. Después de un seguimiento de 4 años, se encontró estabilidad de la salud de la mucosa palatina. El paciente se refirió a la baja incomodidad y morbilidad al usar la técnica de la fresa. El control de la prótesis parcial removible fue crítico para la cicatrización a largo plazo y la estabilidad de los tejidos blandos, evitando la recidiva de la hiperplasia papilar inflamatoria.

Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 16(4): 586-594, jul.-ago. 2017. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-901751


IIntroducción Las lesiones endoperiodontales son aquellas de carácter inflamatorio que comprometen simultáneamente la pulpa dental y las estructuras del periodonto de inserción, donde se obtiene un pronóstico favorable solo cuando el diente está en un ambiente cerrado y protegido, y se alcanza la cronicidad del componente periodontal de la afección. Para lo cual el uso de los biomateriales y el esquema operatorio tienen un carácter crucial. Objetivo: Describir un caso de restauración endodóntica avanzada por vía directa, con el uso de MTA. Presentación del caso:Paciente de 45 años, masculino, quien acude a consulta presentando una lesión endoperiodontal combinada con toma del fulcron en (46). El mismo requirió una radiculectomía, reconstrucción de corona y raíz por vía directa, y estabilización a través del uso del Agregado Trióxido Mineral (MTA). Conclusiones:La aplicación del MTA en la restauración endodóntica avanzada combinada con el composite nano híbrido por vía directa es una alternativa factible de realizar en una sola visita, y garantiza una rápida recuperación de las funciones buco-dentales del paciente(AU)

Introduction: Endoperiodontal lesions are those lesions that have an inflammatory character that simultaneously compromise the dental pulp and periodontal structures of insertion, where favorable prognosis is obtained only when the tooth is in a closed and protected environment, and the chronicity of the periodontal component is achieved. Consequently, the use of biomaterials and the operative scheme have a crucial character. Objective: To describe a case of advanced endodontic restoration by direct placement of MTA. Case presentation: 45 years old patient who comes to the consultation presenting a combined endoperiodontal lesion, reaching the fulcron in (46). The patient required a radiculectomy, a direct reconstruction of the crown and the root, and stability through the use of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate(MTA). Conclusions: The direct placement of MTA in an advanced endodontic restoration, combined with the nano-hybrid material is an alternative that is viable to do in a single visit and guarantees a fast recovery of the buccal-dental functions of the patient(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Produits d'obturation des canaux radiculaires/normes , Ciments dentaires/usage thérapeutique , Restaurations dentaires permanentes/méthodes , Parodontie/méthodes , Matériaux biocompatibles/usage thérapeutique
ImplantNewsPerio ; 2(3): 515-520, mai.-jun. 2017. ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-847266


O sorriso gengival caracteriza-se pela exposição de 3 mm ou mais de gengiva ao sorrir. Para o paciente, pode gerar incômodo e, com isso, abalar sua autoestima e seu estado emocional. A perfeição de um sorriso não está apenas associada à coloração dos dentes, mas também à harmonia dos dentes, da gengiva e dos lábios. Quando a aplicação de toxina botulínica é associada ao procedimento cirúrgico, torna-se vantajosa, com a redução da exposição gengival sem a necessidade de outra intervenção cirúrgica. O propósito deste artigo foi relatar o caso de uma paciente que foi submetida à gengivoplastia associada à aplicação de toxina botulínica tipo A, para correção do sorriso gengival. A associação das técnicas se mostrou uma alternativa segura e efetiva no tratamento de correção do sorriso gengival.

Gummy smiles are observed when 3 mm or more gingival tissue is exhibited. For patients, it can be considered annoying at smiling, and interfere with his/her self esteem. Perfection of a smile is not just linked to dental color and shape, but to the harmony of teeth, gums and lips. Botulinum toxin associated to gingivoplasty is a promissing approach, once there is no need for a second surgical intervention to reduce gum exhibition. The aim of this paper is to report a case of gingivoplasty associated to botulinum toxin to manage a patient gummy smile. It was observed that the association of both techniques presented as a safe effective approach to treat gummy smile in cases of excessive maxilla.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte , Toxines botuliniques de type A/usage thérapeutique , Gencive , Gingivoplastie , Parodontie , Sourire
Rev. bras. odontol ; 73(4): 305-310, Out.-Dez. 2016. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-844047


Objetivo: o objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma revisão da literatura sobre a utilização das imagens de tomografia computadorizada na Periodontia, para determinar a extensão e gravidade das lesões periodontais, motivando o desenvolvimento de um novo conceito para diagnóstico e planejamento cirúrgico periodontal. Material e Métodos: foi realizada uma busca na literatura na base de dados PubMed, usando as palavras chave tomografia computadorizada, diagnóstico, periodontia, defeitos ósseos, lesões de furca, biótipo periodontal. Trinta e três artigos foram incluídos. Resultados: os artigos revisados sugerem benefícios no uso dessa tecnologia para o planejamento cirúrgico periodontal, no tratamento de lesões de furca, defeitos ósseos, determinação do biótipo periodontal. Conclusão: as imagens tridimensionais da tomografia computadorizada são superiores às radiografias convencionais e também minimizam a exposição do paciente à radiação ionizante, otimizam o planejamento cirúrgico e reduzem o tempo operatório, o que pode proporcionar uma melhor resposta ao tratamento. A utilização desta tecnologia é muito útil na prática clínica, mas ainda pouco difundida em Periodontia, devendo ser amplamente divulgada entre os profissionais.

Objective: The aim of this study was to conduct a literature review on the use of cone-beam computed tomography in periodontics and determine the extent and severity of periodontal lesions so as to encourage the development of a new concept for diagnosis and surgical planning in periodontics. Material and methods: A literature search was conducted in PubMed database using the following keywords: computed tomography, diagnosis periodontics, bone defects, furcation lesions, and periodontal biotype. A total of 33 articles were found. Results: A review of the articles suggested benefits in using this technology in periodontal surgical planning, for treatment of furcation lesions, bone defects, and determination of periodontal biotype. Conclusion: Cone-beam computed tomography three-dimensional images is superior to conventional radiography. It also minimizes patient exposure to ionizing radiation, optimizes surgical planning, and decreases operative time, leading to a better response to treatment. This technology is very useful in clinical practice, but is not used widely in periodontics. We believe that the use of this technology should be promoted among professionals.

Br J Med Med Res ; 2016; 13(3):1-7
Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-182501


Clinical crown of the tooth is the distance from gingival margin to incisal edge or occlusal surface of the tooth. A short clinical crown is defined as any tooth with less than 2 mm of sound, opposing parallel walls remaining after occlusal and axial reduction. Although implants have reasonably high success rate, recent literature showed that keeping patient’s tooth has numerous benefits. Crown lengthening is a surgical procedure designed to increase the extent of the supragingival tooth structure, so that the clinician can restore the tooth. The aim of the current study is to review the implications of CL in routine dental practice. To reach this aim, diagnosis requirements, restorative procedures after crown lengthening, stability of crown lengthening and esthetic crown lengthening are discussed in different sessions.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-464119


To improve the clinical teaching work, the objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) was first introduced into the periodontal clinical assessment held by Departments of Periodon-titis and Mucosal Disease. With the OSCE exam station and item pool established, standardized pa-tients tralned, the examination form reformed, the knowledge, skill, and attitude of the examinee were assessed comprehensively. Compared with traditional exam,the OSCE evaluated the examinee's skills on clinical admissions, history collection, treatment plan development better. Most examinee have got satisfactory result (pass rate: 86.4 %, 19/22; good rate: 36.4%, 8/22; excellent rate: 9.1%, 2/22). The feedback of the following questionnalre also showed that most of the candidates thought the OSCE helpful to promoting the learning of theoretical knowledge (87.5%, 14/16) and good for converting the learned knowledge and skills into occupation ability (87.5%, 14/16).

Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-734835


INTRODUCCIÓN El estudio de la enfermedad periodontal (EP) ha presentado resultados imprecisos y heterogéneos debido a diversos factores, entre ellos, los métodos usados en la medición, las diferencias en el momento de definir el grado de afectación y los valores desde los cuales se consideraría que un paciente presenta EP. Existen múltiples índices periodontales utilizados frecuentemente en estudios epidemiológicos, cada uno con sus criterios y protocolos de medición. OBJETIVO Determinar la concordancia del valor de la prevalencia de la EP dada por algunos índices periodontales utilizados. MATERIALES Y MÉTODO Se realizó un estudio observacional transversal descriptivo en una población de 58 pacientes adultos de 35-44 años pertenecientes al CESFAM Lorenzo Arenas, Concepción, en el año 2013. Los examinadores fueron calibrados. Se realizó un examen con registro de boca completa midiendo 6 sitios por diente, con exclusión de los terceros molares, para medir pérdida de inserción clínica, profundidad de sondaje y hemorragia al sondaje. Los resultados se analizaron mediante el programa estadístico EPIDAT 3.0. RESULTADOS Se determinaron unos valores de prevalencia de EP muy distintos entre los indicadores evaluados, obteniéndose una variación de incluso 31 puntos en una escala porcentual. El análisis de la concordancia de los índices periodontales con el indicador CDC/AAP mostró que tanto ICEP, como CPI y CPITN lograron un buen valor kappa. CONCLUSIÓN A pesar de la gran diversidad de los índices con respecto a su formulación, se observó cierta concordancia entre algunos de ellos.

INTRODUCTION The study of periodontal disease (PD) has shown inaccurate and heterogeneous results due to various factors, among them: most used methods to measure the illness, differences at the time of deciding the level in which it affects patients and the values from which a patient would be considered to suffer from PD. There are numerous periodontal indexes frequently used in epidemiological studies, each one with different criteria and measurement protocols. OBJECTIVE To establish the agreement in PD prevalence value given by some periodontal indexes used. MATERIALS AND METHOD A descriptive cross-sectional observational study was conducted on 58 adult patients between 35-44 years old belonging to Lorenzo Arenas Primary Health Care Center in Concepcion during the year 2013. All examiners who participated in the study were calibrated. A full mouth registration exam was carried out, measuring 6 places per tooth, not including the third molars, in order to measure the clinical attachment loss, probing depth, and bleeding on probing. The results were analyzed using EPIDAT 3.0 statistical program. RESULTS Very different PD prevalence values were obtained using the measured indicators, having a variation of up to 31 points in a percentage scale. The analysis of the agreement in periodontal indexes with the CDC/AAP indicator showed ICEP, CPI and CPITN scored a good kappa value. CONCLUSION Despite the great diversity of the indices with respect to their formulation, some correlation between them was observed.

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Maladies parodontales/épidémiologie , Indice parodontal , Parodontite/épidémiologie , Valeurs de référence , Chili , Prévalence , Études transversales
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-446477


BACKGROUND:With the development of researches on periodontal disease etiology and neuroendocrine factors, the role of neuroendocrine factors on the pathogenesis of periodontal disease and tissue restoration has become a hot spot. OBJECTIVE:To summarize the biological effect of neuropeptides on periodontal tissues and the changes of periodontal tissue after nerve injury. METHODS:A computer-based search of articles was performed in CNKI, Wanfang and PubMed databases using the key words ofneuropeptides, calcitonin gene related peptide, substance P, vasoactive intestinal peptide, neuropeptide Y and periodontal tissuein Chinese and English. The included articles focused on the effect of various neuropeptides on periodontal tissue. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:Calcitonin gene related peptide, substance P, vasoactive intestinal peptide, and neuropeptide Y positive nerve fibers are widely distributed in periodontal support tissues. When sensory nerves are damaged, the target cel s in periodontal tissues are influenced due to changes of nerve fibers distribution and neuropeptide release. They also play a role in the reconstruction of alveolar bone, immune function of periodontal ligament and periodontal tissue. This evidence shows that neuroendocrine factors are closely linked with periodontal tissue. However, these studies concentrated in the animal models for orthodontic and fracture, the effect of the neurotransmitters such as neuropeptides on periodontal disease and the mechanisms need further exploration.

Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 11(4): 436-441, sep.-dic. 2012.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-658891


Introducción: el 2 de febrero de 1962, se incorpora María del Carmen del Valle y Portilla a la docencia en la Facultad de Estomatología de La Habana, lo que la avala con una experiencia docente de 50 años. Objetivo: dar a conocer su trayectoria académica, científica y política. Material y métodos: se confeccionó esta a partir de la consulta de su expediente docente y de cuadros, y los datos contenidos en el libro Contribución a la Historia de la Estomatología Cubana del Dr.Cs. Félix Companioni Landín. Resultados: se destacan aspectos relacionados con los estudios universitarios, su labor docente y asistencial, así como elementos relacionados con su especialidad, labor científica y reconocimientos recibidos. Conclusiones: la vida de esta destacada estomatóloga refleja su compromiso con la Revolución y la formación de las nuevas generaciones de profesionales de la salud bucal tanto en el pregrado como en el postgrado. Es considerada profesora de profesores de esta centenaria Facultad.

Introduction: Dr. Maria del Carmen del Valle y Portilla started teaching at the Dentistry Faculty of Havana on February 2nd, 1962. This biographical sketch is carried out after the 50th anniversary of her teaching career. Objective: to show her academic, scientific and politic evolution along these years. Methods: this work was made starting for the consultation of her teaching file and data contained in the book Contributions to the History of the Cuban Dentistry by Dr. Felix Companioni Landín. Results: the writing stands out several aspects related to her university studies, teaching and assistance work as well as elements related to her specialty, scientific work and recognitions received along his working life. Conclusions: the life of this outstanding stomatologist reflects her commitment with our revolution and the education of new generations of professionals of the buccal health in both pre and post graduated courses turning her into teacher of teachers of this Centennial faculty.

Rev. odontol. UNESP (Online) ; 40(1): 30-35, jan.-fev. 2011. tab, ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-874845


Introdução: Várias pesquisas demonstram a eficácia dos fitoterápicos contra diversos microrganismos orais e, consequentemente, seus benefícios na saúde bucal de indivíduos. Objetivo: Dessa forma, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa clínica a fim de verificar o desempenho de um enxaguatório bucal fitoterápico, contendo tintura padronizada de Calendula officinalis, na melhora da saúde periodontal de indivíduos, e compará-lo ao desempenho de um colutório com clorexidina a 0,12%. Metodologia: A pesquisa foi realizada com 40 participantes (12 homens e 28 mulheres, com média de idade de 29,62 anos) com periodontite crônica. Os parâmetros clínicos utilizados foram: nível clínico de inserção, sangramento marginal, Índice de Placa de O´Leary e Índice Gengival. Os indivíduos receberam instruções de higiene oral e, posteriormente, foram distribuídos em dois grupos para a realização de bochechos: um com solução com clorexidina (grupo C) e o outro com a solução contendo o fitoterápico (grupo F). Os participantes de ambos os grupos realizaram bochechos três vezes por semana durante duas semanas, mas antes passaram por procedimentos de raspagem e alisamento coronorradicular. Resultado: Os resultados foram submetidos a dois testes, Wilcoxon e Mann-Whitney, com o nível de significância alfa = 5%, e mostraram que o desempenho de ambos os enxaguatórios foi semelhante na maioria dos parâmetros analisados; a diferença foi significativa apenas quanto ao Índice Gengival, no qual a clorexidina demonstrou desempenho superior ao do fitoterápico (p = 0,02). Conclusão: Portanto, o enxaguatório fitoterápico pode ser sugerido, também, como uma solução inovadora que atua promovendo benefícios adicionais à melhoria da saúde periodontal. Porém, sugerem-se mais estudos acerca do assunto.

Introduction: Several studies demonstrate the efficacy of herbal medicines against various oral microorganisms and, consequently, their benefits in oral health of people. Objective: Thus, it was developed a clinical research to verify the performance of a phytotherapic mouthrinse containing standardized tincture of Calendula officinalis, in improving the periodontal health of individuals and compare it to the performance of a mouthwash with chlorhexidine 0.12%. Methodology: The survey was conducted with 40 participants (12 men and 28 women, mean age 29.62 years) suffering from chronic periodontitis. The clinical parameters used were: clinical attachment level, marginal bleeding, Plaque Index of O´Leary and Gingival Index. Patients received oral hygiene instructions, therefore, were distributed into two groups for the realization of mouthwash, with a chlorhexidine solution (group C) and the other with a solution containing the phytotherapic (group F). Both subjects rinsed three times per week for two weeks, but before, they received the procedures of scaling and root planning. Result: The results were submitted to a two tests, Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney, with the significance level alfa = 5%, and it showed that the performance of both rinses were similar in most parameters (p > 0.05), the difference was significant only on the Gingival Index, which outperformed the chlorhexidine to the calendula (p = 0.02). Conclusion: Therefore, the phytotherapic mouthwash may be suggested also as an innovative solution that works by promoting additional benefits to improve periodontal health. However, it is suggested further studies on the subject.

Humains , Biothérapie , Chlorhexidine , Parodontite chronique , Bains de bouche , Calendula , Santé buccodentaire , Statistique non paramétrique , Hygiène buccodentaire
J. appl. oral sci ; 17(5): 404-407, Sept.-Oct. 2009. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-531387


OBJECTIVES: The antiplaque and antigingivitis effect of Lippia Sidoides (LS) was evaluated in this in vivo investigation. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty-three subjects participated in a cross-over, double-blind clinical study, using 21-day partial-mouth experimental model of gingivitis. A toothshield was constructed for each volunteer, avoiding the brushing of the 4 experimental posterior teeth in the lower left quadrant. The subjects were randomly assigned initially to use either the placebo gel (control group) or the test gel, containing 10 percent LS (test group). RESULTS: The clinical results showed statistically significant differences for plaque index (PLI) (p<0.01) between days 0 and 21 in both groups, however only the control group showed statistically significant difference (p<0.01) for the bleeding (IB) and gingival (GI) index within the experimental period of 21 days. On day 21, the test group presented significantly better results than the control group with regard to the GI (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The test gel containing 10 percent LS was effective in the control of gingivitis.

Adulte , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Jeune adulte , Plaque dentaire/prévention et contrôle , Gingivite/prévention et contrôle , Lippia , Huile essentielle/usage thérapeutique , Phytothérapie , Extraits de plantes/usage thérapeutique , Études croisées , Indice de plaque dentaire , Méthode en double aveugle , Gels , Hémorragie gingivale/prévention et contrôle , Huile essentielle/administration et posologie , Indice parodontal , Placebo , Extraits de plantes/administration et posologie , Jeune adulte
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-199493


PURPOSE: This article is purposed to present the correct statistic method by pointing out the statistical errors after analyzing the method of articles that were published in Korean Academy Journal of Periodontology and made statistic processes in them. METHODS: 488 science papers which being put in Korean Academy Journal of Periodontology published from 2000 to 2006 was divided according to year. RESULTS: In the 308 articles that applied statistic methods, 59 articles (50.0%), the largest portion of all, were included the case that applied incorrect parametric statistic method when needed to apply parametric statistics and 38 articles (32.2%) were included in the case that applied incorrect parametric statistic method when needed to apply non-parametric statistics. CONCLUSIONS: It is necessary to present the cases of inappropriate statistical methods in order to improve the quality of academic researches. Also, to apply adequate methods of statistics, it is suggested to report the articles periodically which are comparing and analyzing the statistical methods that are applied in the international articles in periodontal field.

Rev. clín. pesq. odontol. (Impr.) ; 4(3): 201-206, set.-dez. 2008. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-617359


Internal root resorptions are usually non-symptomatic and are discovered occasionally throughperiapical radiographs, revealing a very defined and regular outline. These resorptions are progressive,and eventually perforate the periodontium. The present work describes the treatment of a clinicalcase of internal root resorption with periodontal communication, outlining the interrelation betweenperiodontal surgery and endodontic therapy.

As reabsorções internas são normalmente assintomáticas e descobertas ocasionalmente atravésde radiografias periapicais, onde revelam um contorno bem definido e regular. Estasreabsorções são progressivas e eventualmente perfuram o periodonto. O presente trabalhodescreve o tratamento de um caso clínico de reabsorção radicular interna com comunicaçãoperiodontal onde se fizeram necessárias a inter-relação entre a cirurgia periodontal e a terapiaendodôntica convencional.

Humains , Femelle , Sujet âgé , Résorption alvéolaire/anatomopathologie , Cavité pulpaire de la dent/anatomopathologie , Nécrose pulpaire/anatomopathologie , Parodonte/anatomopathologie , Résorption alvéolaire/thérapie , Nécrose pulpaire/thérapie , Radiographie dentaire
Rev. dental press periodontia implantol ; 2(2): 41-53, abr.-jun. 2008.
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-605479


A doença periodontal apresenta uma alta incidência em humanos, devido à dificuldade em se controlar a placa bacteriana. O determinante clínico mais importante na terapia periodontal não é a técnica utilizada para a eliminação da infecção, mas sim a qualidade do programa de motivação, manutenção e controle. Assim o estudo apresenta uma revisão de literatura na terapia periodontal, bem como as técnicas e suas aplicações.

Periodontal disease have a high incidence in humans, due to the difficulty in controlling the bacterial plaque. The most important clinical determinant in periodontal therapy isn't the technique used in the elimination of the infection, but the quality of the motivational program, its maintenance and control. Thus this study looks into the literature review on periodontal therapy, as well as its techniques and applications.

Maladies parodontales/prévention et contrôle , Maladies parodontales/thérapie , Parodontie
Acta odontol. venez ; 46(2): 130-134, jun. 2008. graf, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-630001


Este estudio tuvo como objetivo verificar las condiciones periodontales de jóvenes y adultos y a su asociación con características socioeconómicas. Se realizó un estudio transversal en un municipio de pequeño porte del Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, envolviendo 1018 personas en las fajas etarias de 15-19, 20-34, 34-44, 45-64, 65-74, 75 y más años. Para la recolección de los datos socioeconómicos fueron realizadas entrevistas estructuradas con preguntas referentes a la escolaridad, se tiene automóvil y tipo de escuela. Para el registro del examen clínico utilizó el Índice Periodontal Comunitario (CPI), según metodología preconizada por la OMS, siendo los examinadores debidamente entrenados y calibrados (Kappa = 0,91). Se verificaron asociaciones entre las condiciones periodontales y las variables socioeconómicas por medio del test del X-cuadrado (p=0,05). El porcentual de sextantes saludables, con sangramiento y con cálculo dental fue respectivamente del 78,4 por ciento; el 8,07 por ciento; y el 13,33 por ciento en el grupo etario de 15-19 años y del 37,07 por ciento; el 5,10 por ciento; y el 29,78 por ciento en el grupo etario de 35-44 años, el cual presentó aún el 3,01 por ciento de sextantes con sacos medianos, el 0,36 por ciento con bolsas profundas y el 24,68 por ciento de excluidos. La prevalencia de sextantes saludables se asoció positivamente a todas variables socioeconómicas. La ocurrencia de sextantes con cálculo dental fue mayor en estudiantes de escuelas públicas (p<0,05). La posee de automóvil se asoció negativamente a la prevalencia de sextantes excluidos (p<0,05)

To identify the conditions of oral health-illness in patients VIH/SIDA of the Program of sexual transmission of the State Zulia. Venezuela. Study descriptive on a sample of patient (range: 20-58 years. X=36.3 years old) state of the teething, treatment needs periodontal and was evaluated using the criteria OMS, moreover, the dysfunction temporo-mandibular articulation (ATM), and the Index of Hygiene Oral Simplified were determined. The criteria the International Classification of the buccal lesions associated with the infection by the VIH were use for the diagnosis of the oral lesions. 58.9% the individuals had 5 to more teeth affected by dental caries. 69.9% required some treatment type. 46.1% had more 2/3 of the clinical crown with dental plaque. The periodontal condition more prevalent was the calculate dental (49.2%). 77.2% of the patients required periodontal treatment. 17.1% of cases had oral candidiasis, 9,3% herpes, and 36.6% aphthous ulcerations. 54.1% of the patients. VIH/SIDA presented xerostomia. Conclusions: deficient conditions of oral health were found in the patients of this study, what propitiates the appearance of infections opportunists that can complicate the patient's general health, this evidences the necessity the answers in the preventive and curative in the programs health oral the part of the Venezuelan State

Femelle , Santé buccodentaire , Maladies parodontales , Santé publique , Conditions sociales , Diagnostic buccal , Odontologie préventive , Facteurs socioéconomiques
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-204785


Background: Terminology is a good index of reflections in conceptional imaginations, trends and technological advances in the field of their own. The purpose of this study is to compare the similarity and difference of terms in periodontology to evaluate the communicability between South and North Korea. These result may be particularly helpful for making glossary, academic communication and social unity at the time of reunion. Methods: This study was carried out by searching northern periodontology terminologies used in literatures published in North Korea and comparing those terms with the southern terms. The standard northen terms were not able to be distinguished, so the terms used frequently were chosen as the standard northern terms. Results: The South and North both use terms that stem from Chinese characters, but this tendency is stronger in the South. The main differences between the South and North are due to the North Korea's effort in converting terms into the native languages. There are also some differences in inscription of foreign language, spelling and spacing, and so on. Conclusion: The terminology using in South and North Korea in the field of periodontology is somewhat different but both side can be capable of communication. Now the basic efforts in both parts must be taken, such as establishing new terms, in order to relieve these differences.

Humains , Asiatiques , République démocratique populaire de Corée , Imagination , Réunion