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Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028695


Objective:To investigate the clinical and electrophysiological characteristics of ANCA-associated vasculitic neuropathy (VN) and analyze the predictors of treatment outcomes.Methods:Retrospective case series. In all, 652 consecutive patients with ANCA-associated vasculitis were admitted to the First Medical Center of the Chinese PLA General Hospital between January 2006 and December 2022. Peripheral neuropathy occurred in 91 patients. Patients were excluded if other known causes of neuropathy were present. Sixty-one patients were eventually enrolled, including 17 with eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA), 11 with granulomatosis polyangiitis (GPA), and 33 with microscopic polyangiitis (MPA). Their clinical data were collected and clinical characteristics, VN manifestations, electrophysiological findings (including interside amplitude ratio [IAR]), and treatment outcomes were compared among the three subsets of AAV. Then, factors influencing the treatment outcomes were analyzed using multivariable logistic regression analysis.Results:Peripheral neuropathy occurred in 62.1%(18/29) of EGPA, 8.3%(15/180) of GPA, and 13.1%(58/443) of MPA patients. The age at onset and examination was higher in patients with MPA than those with EGPA or GPA ( P<0.01). The occurrence of VN was later in patients with GPA than those with EGPA ( P<0.01), and the GPA group had fewer affected nerves than the other two groups ( P<0.016). The abnormal IARs of motor nerves in lower limbs were more detected in the EGPA than the MPA group ( P<0.01). Logistic regression analysis suggested that higher Birmingham vasculitis activity score-version 3 (BVAS-V3) ( OR=6.85, 95% CI 1.33-35.30) was associated with better treatment outcomes of VN. However, central nervous system involvement was a risk factor for poor treatment outcomes ( OR=0.13, 95% CI 0.02-0.89). Conclusions:The clinical and electrophysiological characteristics of VN were slightly different among subsets of AAV. Patients with GPA often presented with polyneuropathy and had fewer nerves affected; mononeuritis multiplex was more common in EGPA than GPA and MPA. Higher BVAS-V3 and central nervous system involvement might predict the treatment outcome of VN.

Chinese Journal of Neurology ; (12): 248-254, 2024.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029198


Objective:To explore the clinical and electrophysiological characteristics of peripheral neuropathy in prediabetic patients.Methods:Subjects aged 20-65 years with high-risk factors of impaired glycemia enrolled in Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University from 2019 to 2022 were recruited to conduct oral glucose tolerance test, after excluding other causes of neuropathy or radiculopathy. Patients with impaired fasting glucose or impaired glucose tolerance were defined by American Diabetes Association criteria. These patients were divided into clinical polyneuropathy (PN) and clinical non-PN groups, according to the 2010 Toronto consensus criteria and the presence of PN symptoms and signs or not. Nerve conduction studies (NCS), F wave, sympathetic skin response (SSR), R-R interval variation (RRIV) and current perception thresholds (CPT) were performed and the abnormal rate was compared between different electrodiagnostic methods and between clinical subgroups.Results:Among the 73 prediabetic patients ultimately enrolled, only 20 (27.4%) can be diagnosed as clinical PN according to the Toronto consensus criteria. The abnormal rate of CPT (68.5%, 50/73) was significantly higher than those of F wave (2.7%, 2/73), lower limb NCS (0, 0/73), upper limb NCS changes of carpal tunnel syndrome (26.0%, 19/73), SSR (6.8%, 5/73) and RRIV (5.5%, 4/73; McNemar test, all P<0.001). With sinusoid-waveform current stimuli at frequencies of 2 000 Hz, 250 Hz and 5 Hz, the CPT device was used to measure cutaneous sensory thresholds of large myelinated, small myelinated and small unmyelinated sensory fibers respectively. CPT revealed a 21.9% (16/73) abnormal rate of unmyelinated C fiber in the hands of prediabetic patients, significantly higher than that of large myelinated Aβ fibers [8.2% (6/73), χ2=5.352, P=0.021]. Both abnormal rates of small myelinated Aδ [42.5% (31/73)] and unmyelinated C fibers [39.7% (29/73)] in the feet of prediabetic patients were significantly higher than that of large myelinated Aβ fibers [11.0% (8/73), χ2=18.508, 15.965, both P<0.001]. Compared with the clinical non-PN group, the abnormal rates of CPT [90.0% (18/20) vs 60.4% (32/53), χ2=5.904, P=0.015] and SSR [20.0% (4/20) vs 1.9% (1/53), P=0.016) were significantly higher in the clinical PN group. Conclusions:Peripheral neuropathies in prediabetic patients are usually asymptomatic or subclinical, and predispose to affect unmyelinated and small myelinated sensory fibers. Selective electrodiagnostic measurements of small fibers help to detect prediabetic neuropathies in the earliest stages of the disease.

Chinese Journal of Neurology ; (12): 387-392, 2024.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029215


Peripheral neuropathies are commonly diagnosed in different clinical department of the hospital. The diagnosis is generated by a set of reasonable process based on the manifestations of patients. According to the age of onset, the speed of disease development and the symptoms of peripheral nerve lesions, the peripheral neuropathy is divided into a definite clinical subtype for a particular patient. On this basis, utility of the nerve conduction studies and electromyography is conducted to confirm the anatomical locations of peripheral neuropathy. The etiologic diagnosis is based on anatomical diagnosis of peripheral nerve with a reasonable choice of auxiliary tests, including serological testing, peripheral nerve imaging and biopsy. Genetic tests are chosen for patients with clinical suspective diagnosis of hereditary disease. Finally, therapy evaluation on the basis of etiologic diagnosis is important for forming a treatment plan.

Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 82(4): s00441785692, 2024. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557137


Abstract Background Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is the most common cause of acute flaccid paralysis worldwide and can be classified into electrophysiological subtypes and clinical variants. Objective This study aimed to compare the frequency of the sural-sparing pattern (SSP) in subtypes and variants of GBS. Methods This retrospective cohort study analyzed clinical and electrophysiological data of 171 patients with GBS hospitalized in public and private hospitals of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, between 1994 and 2018; all cases were followed up by the same neurologist in a reference neurology center. Patients were classified according to electrophysiological subtypes and clinical variants, and the SSP frequency was compared in both categories. The exact Fisher test and Bonferroni correction were used for statistical analysis. Results The SSP was present in 53% (57 of 107) of the patients with acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (AIDP), 8% (4 of 48) of the patients with axonal subtypes, and 31% (5 of 16) of the equivocal cases. The SSP frequency in the AIDP was significantly higher than in the axonal subtypes (p < 0.0001); the value was kept high after serial electrophysiological examinations. Only the paraparetic subtype did not present SSP. Conclusion The SSP may be present in AIDP and axonal subtypes, including acute motor axonal neuropathy, but it is significantly more present in AIDP. Moreover, the clinical variants reflect a specific pathological process and are correlated to its typical electrophysiological subtype, affecting the SSP frequency.

Resumo Antecedentes A síndrome de Guillain-Barré (GBS) é a causa mais comum de paralisia flácida aguda em todo o mundo e pode ser classificada em subtipos eletrofisiológicos e variantes clínicas. Objetivo Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar a frequência do padrão de preservação do sural (SSP) em subtipos e variantes de GBS. Métodos É um estudo de coorte retrospectivo que analisou dados clínicos e eletrofisiológicos de 171 pacientes com GBS internados em hospitais públicos e privados de Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil, entre 1994 e 2018. Todos os casos foram acompanhados pelo mesmo neurologista em centro de referência em neurologia. Os pacientes foram classificados de acordo com os subtipos eletrofisiológicos e variantes clínicas e a frequência do SSP foi comparada em ambas as categorias. O teste exato de Fisher e a correção de Bonferroni foram utilizados para análise estatística. Resultados O SSP esteve presente em 53% (57 de 107) dos pacientes com polirradiculoneuropatia desmielinizante inflamatória aguda (PDIA), em 8% (4 de 48) dos pacientes com subtipos axonais e em 31% (5 de 16) dos casos não definidos. A frequência do SSP no AIDP foi significativamente maior do que nos subtipos axonais (p < 0,0001); o valor manteve-se elevado após exames eletrofisiológicos seriados. Apenas o subtipo paraparético não apresentou SSP. Conclusão O SSP pode estar presente na PDIA e nos subtipos axonais, incluindo a neuropatia axonal motora aguda, mas está significativamente mais presente na PDIA. Além disso, as variantes clínicas refletem um processo patológico específico e estão correlacionadas ao seu subtipo eletrofisiológico típico, afetando a frequência do SSP.

Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 82(4): s00441781463, 2024. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557143


Abstract Background Hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTRv) is an inherited, progressive, and fatal disease still largely underdiagnosed. Mutations in the transthyretin (TTR) gene cause the TTR protein to destabilize, misfold, aggregate, and deposit in body tissues, which makes ATTRv a disease with heterogeneous clinical phenotype. Objective To describe the long-term efficacy and safety of inotersen therapy in patients with ATTRv peripheral neuropathy (ATTRv-PN). Methods Patients who completed the NEURO-TTR pivotal study and the NEURO-TTR OLE open-label extension study migrated to the present study and were followed-up for at least 18 more months to an average of 67 months and up to 76 months since day 1 of the inotersen therapy (D1-first dose of inotersen). Disease progression was evaluated by standard measures. Results Ten ATTRv-PN patients with Val30Met mutation were included. The mean disease duration on D1 was of 3 years, and the mean age of the patients was of 46.8 years. During an additional 18-month follow up, neurological function, based on the Neuropathy Impairment Score and the Polyneuropathy Disability Score, functionality aspects (Karnofsky Performance Status), and nutritional and cardiac aspects were maintained. No new safety signs have been noted. Conclusion The treatment with inotersen was effective and well tolerated for the average of 67 months and up to 76 months. Our results are consistent with those of larger phase-III trials.

Resumo Antecedentes Amiloidose hereditária por transtirretina (ATTRv) é uma doença hereditária, progressiva e fatal ainda largamente subdiagnosticada. Mutações no gene transtirretina (TTR) promovem desestabilização, desdobramento, agregação e depósito da proteína TTR em tecidos do corpo, o que faz da ATTRv uma doença de fenótipo clínico heterogêneo. Objetivo Descrever a eficácia e segurança da terapia com inotersena no longo prazo em pacientes com neuropatia periférica ATTRv (ATTRv-PN). Métodos Pacientes que completaram o estudo pivotal NEURO-TTR e o estudo de extensão aberta NEURO-TTR OLE migraram para este estudo e foram acompanhados por no mínimo 18 meses adicionais, em média por 67 meses, e por até 76 meses, desde o dia 1 da terapia com inotersena (D1-primeira dose de inotersena). A progressão da doença foi avaliada por medidas padronizadas. Resultados Dez pacientes com ATTRv-PN com mutação Val30Met foram incluídos. A duração média da doença no D1 era de 3 anos, e a média de idade dos pacientes era de 46,8 anos. Durante o período de acompanhamento adicional de 18 meses, a função neurológica, baseada no Neuropathy Impairment Score e no Polyneuropathy Disability Score, os aspectos de funcionalidade (Karnofsky Performance Status), nutricional e cardíacos estavam mantidos. Não se observou nenhum novo sinal de segurança. Conclusão O tratamento com inotersena foi eficaz e bem tolerado por 67 meses em média, e por até 76 meses. Nossos resultados são consistentes com os de estudos maiores de fase III.

Acta neurol. colomb ; 39(4)dic. 2023.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533515


Propósito: La neuropatía periférica tiene un espectro clínico inespecífico y multifactorial, con frecuente subdiagnóstico y terapéutica de eficacia variable. Existe una heterogénea prescripción de vitaminas B, las cuales pueden desempeñar un rol importante en el manejo de diferentes neuropatías; sin embargo, en Colombia no existen guías clínicas al respecto. El propósito de este trabajo es orientar en el reconocimiento temprano de las neuropatías periféricas y generar recomendaciones sobre el uso adecuado de vitaminas B neurotrópicas. Descripción de la metodología: Acuerdo de expertos sobre la neuropatía periférica y el rol terapéutico de las vitaminas B con énfasis en la epidemiología en Colombia, diagnóstico y tratamiento. Contenidos: En Colombia, la prevalencia de neuropatía periférica se estima cercana al 10 %, sin embargo, no hay datos recientes. Dentro de las etiologías más frecuentes se encuentran la neuropatía diabética, infecciosa, inflamatoria, carenciales, toxica y farmacológica. Se recomiendan las siguientes herramientas de tamizaje en población de riesgo: DN4, MNSI, test de monofilamento, test de vibración y valoración de reflejos. Las vitaminas B1, B6 y B12 son seguras, accesibles y pueden ser eficaces en neuropatía periférica, incluso cuando el déficit no ha sido demostrado, pero con requerimientos particulares en su administración conjunta. Conclusiones: Las neuropatías periféricas son un reto diagnóstico y terapéutico que requiere la identificación oportuna para el tratamiento de la etiología subyacente y el control de síntomas. El uso de vitaminas B neurotrópicas es efectivo y seguro en neuropatía periférica carencial, y también parece ser eficaz en el manejo de neuropatías periféricas de diferentes etiologías.

Purpose: Peripheral neuropathy has a nonspecific and multifactorial clinical spectrum, with frequent underdiagnosis and therapeutics of variable efficacy. There is a high but heterogeneous prescription of B vitamins, which can play an important role in the management of different neuropathies; however, in Colombia there are no clinical guidelines in this regard. The purpose of this article is to guide the early recognition of peripheral neuropathy and generate recommendations on the proper use of neurotropic B vitamins. Description of the methodology: Expert agreement on peripheral neuropathy and the therapeutic role of B vitamins with emphasis on epidemiology in Colombia, diagnosis and treatment. Contents: In Colombia, there are no recent data to estimate the prevalence of peripheral neuropathy; the main etiologies are: diabetes mellitus, nutritional deficiencies, herpes zoster and neuropathies due to chemotherapy. Given risk factors in the anamnesis, the use of DN4, MNSI, monofilament test, vibration test and assessment of reflexes is recommended. Vitamins B1, B6, and B12 are safe and can be effective in peripheral neuropathy, even when the deficit has not been demonstrated, but with special requirements in their joint administration. Conclusions: peripheral neuropathies are a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge, and require timely identification, for the treatment of the underlying etiology and symptom control. The use of neurotropic B vitamins is effective and safe in deficient peripheral neuropathy, and also appears to be effective in the management of peripheral neuropathies of different etiologies.

Vitamine B12 , Neuropathies périphériques , Neuropathies diabétiques , Diagnostic , Pyridoxine , Gestion de la douleur
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 81(3): 308-321, Mar. 2023. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439438


Abstract Hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis with peripheral neuropathy (ATTRv-PN) is an autosomal dominant inherited sensorimotor and autonomic polyneuropathy with over 130 pathogenic variants identified in the TTR gene. Hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis with peripheral neuropathy is a disabling, progressive and life-threatening genetic condition that leads to death in ~ 10 years if untreated. The prospects for ATTRv-PN have changed in the last decades, as it has become a treatable neuropathy. In addition to liver transplantation, initiated in 1990, there are now at least 3 drugs approved in many countries, including Brazil, and many more are being developed. The first Brazilian consensus on ATTRv-PN was held in the city of Fortaleza, Brazil, in June 2017. Given the new advances in the area over the last 5 years, the Peripheral Neuropathy Scientific Department of the Brazilian Academy of Neurology organized a second edition of the consensus. Each panelist was responsible for reviewing the literature and updating a section of the previous paper. Thereafter, the 18 panelists got together virtually after careful review of the draft, discussed each section of the text, and reached a consensus for the final version of the manuscript.

Resumo Polineuropatia amiloidótica familiar associada a transtirretina (ATTRv-PN) é uma polineuropatia sensitivo-motora e autonômica hereditária autossômica dominante com mais de 130 variantes patogênicas já identificadas no gene TTR. A ATTRv-PN é uma condição genética debilitante, progressiva e que ameaça a vida, levando à morte em ~ 10 anos se não for tratada. Nas últimas décadas, a ATTRv-PN se tornou uma neuropatia tratável. Além do transplante de fígado, iniciado em 1990, temos agora 3 medicamentos modificadores de doença aprovados em muitos países, incluindo o Brasil, e muitas outras medicações estão em desenvolvimento. O primeiro consenso brasileiro em ATTRv-PN foi realizado em Fortaleza em junho de 2017. Devido aos novos avanços nesta área nos últimos 5 anos, o Departamento Científico de Neuropatias Periféricas da Academia Brasileira de Neurologia organizou uma segunda edição do consenso. Cada panelista ficou responsável por rever a literatura e atualizar uma parte do manuscrito. Finalmente, os 18 panelistas se reuniram virtualmente após revisão da primeira versão, discutiram cada parte do artigo e chegaram a um consenso sobre a versão final do manuscrito.

Medisur ; 21(1)feb. 2023.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440621


Fundamento la COVID-19 es causada por el virus del SARS-Cov-2 y presenta una amplia sintomatología, tanto en su fase aguda como en su fase crónica. Entre los sistemas que afecta se encuentra el Nervioso, debido a su mecanismo neurotrópico. Objetivo determinar el riesgo de complicaciones neurológicas asociadas a la severidad de la COVID-19 en pacientes adultos. Métodos se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal, que incluyó a 143 pacientes positivos a COVID-19 atendidos en el Hospital San Vicente de Paúl, de Ibarra, Ecuador, durante el año de 2021. Se analizaron las complicaciones neurológicas y la severidad de la COVID-19. Como medida de asociación para dichas variables, se utilizó Test de Fisher (p = ≤ 0,05) y se realizó un análisis bivariado. Resultados el 54 % de los pacientes presentó complicaciones neurológicas del Sistema Nervioso Central, mientras que el 46 % fue del Sistema Nervioso Periférico; y fue la severidad leve-moderada la de mayor frecuencia (41 %), y la alteración auditiva la que mayor probabilidad estadística tuvo de presentarse (OR= 74,968; IC: 95 %). La tasa de letalidad en estos pacientes fue de 7,1 %; y en aquellos con complicaciones neurológicas, de 8,4 %. Conclusión las secuelas neurológicas con mayor probabilidad de presentarse fueron la alteración auditiva y la alteración del gusto, en pacientes con severidad leve y severidad grave, respectivamente; además de polineuropatía en pacientes con severidad crítica, la cual también se presentó en pacientes fallecidos.

Background COVID-19 is caused by the SARS-Cov-2 virus and presents a wide range of symptoms, both in its acute phase and in its chronic phase. Among the systems that it affects is the Nervous, due to its neurotropic mechanism. Objective to determine the risk of neurological complications associated with the COVID-19 severity in adult patients. Methods a descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out, which included 143 positive patients for COVID-19 treated at the San Vicente de Paúl Hospital, in Ibarra, Ecuador, during 2021. Neurological complications and the severity of the COVID-19 disease were analyzed. As a measure of association for these variables, the Fisher Test was used (p = ≤ 0.05) and a bivariate analysis was performed. Results 54% of the patients presented neurological complications of the Central Nervous System, while 46% were of the Peripheral Nervous System; and mild-moderate severity was the most frequent (41%), and hearing impairment had the highest statistical probability of occurring (OR= 74.968; CI: 95%). The case fatality rate in these patients was 7.1%; and in those with neurological complications, 8.4%. Conclusion the neurological sequelae most likely to occur were hearing impairment and taste impairment, in patients with mild severity and serious severity, respectively; in addition to polyneuropathy in patients with critical severity, which also occurred in deceased patients.

Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 81(1): 27-32, Jan. 2023. tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1429887


Abstract Background Neurological conditions can cause secondary orthopedic disorders and can result from orthopedic surgical procedures. In addition, misdiagnosis and overtreatment involve both specialties. Epidemiological studies of neurological patients in tertiary units are often performed in emergency departments of general hospitals or rehabilitation centers. Objective Describe the clinical and epidemiologic profile of neurological disorders in a Brazilian federal tertiary center and education hospital in orthopedics in Rio de Janeiro. Methods We performed a retrospective study of the medical records of patients attended by neurology specialists of the internal medicine's department of the National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics from February 2014 to March 2020. Results We reviewed neurological referrals in the medical records of 1,349 patients in the period. The mean age of patients was 49.67 years (standard deviation [SD] ± 18.99). There was a predominance of females, corresponding to 751 (55.7%) patients. Regarding ethnicity, 684 (50.7%) participants were white, 550 (40.8%) non-white, and 115 (8.5%) non-classified. Peripheral neuropathies (34.1%), osteoarticular diseases (10%), epilepsy (8.3%), developmental disorders (7.9%), and neuromuscular diseases (7.3%) were the 5 groups with the largest numbers of cases. Conclusion The sample consisted mostly of females and white individuals, and approximately one third of the cases were of peripheral neuropathies. Epidemiological studies in neurology from tertiary centers of another medical specialty can improve the professional development of both specialties. This interdisciplinary approach can also optimize resources, help avoid misdiagnosis, and reduce disability.

Resumo Antecedentes Condições neurológicas tanto podem causar distúrbios ortopédicos secundários como podem ser consequências de procedimentos cirúrgicos ortopédicos. Além disso, erros de diagnóstico e sobre tratamento também envolvem ambas as especialidades. Estudos epidemiológicos de atendimento neurológico em unidades terciárias de saúde são geralmente realizados em serviços de emergência ou em centros de reabilitação. Objetivo Descrever o perfil clínico e epidemiológico de diagnósticos em neurologia em um centro terciário de saúde no Brasil e hospital de educação em ortopedia no Rio de Janeiro. Métodos Realizamos um estudo retrospectivo com revisão de prontuários dos pacientes atendidos pela neurologia do setor de clínica médica do Instituto Nacional de Traumatologia e Ortopedia no período de fevereiro de 2014 a março de 2020. Resultados Revisamos os prontuários de 1.349 pacientes atendidos pela neurologia no período. A média de idade dos pacientes foi de 49,67 anos (desvio padrão [DP] ± 18,99). Houve predomínio do sexo feminino correspondendo a 751 (55,7%) dos atendimentos. Quanto à etnia, a amostra foi composta de 684 (50,7%) de brancos, 550 (40,8%) de não brancos e 115 (8,5%) de não classificados. Neuropatias periféricas (34,1%), doenças osteoarticulares (10%), epilepsias (8,3%), transtornos do desenvolvimento (7,9%) e doenças neuromusculares (7,3%) corresponderam aos 5 grupos com os maiores números de casos. Conclusão A amostra se constituiu predominante de indivíduos do sexo feminino, brancos, e cerca de um terço dos casos corresponderam às neuropatias periféricas. Estudos de perfil de atendimento neurológico em hospitais terciários de outra especialidade médica podem aperfeiçoar a capacitação de ambos os profissionais. Esta abordagem interdisciplinar também pode otimizar recursos, contribuir para evitar erros diagnósticos e reduzir incapacidades.

BrJP ; 6(1): 90-94, Jan.-Mar. 2023.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447549


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Post-surgical neuropathic pain (NP) is an important clinic condition, with recurring pain and that may be a result of transection, contusion, nerve inflammation or stretching and lasting for 3-6 months. Having into consideration the prevalence of postoperative localized NP, its impact in quality of life of patients, its complexity of diagnosis and treatment and available treatment options, the aim of this report was to present efficacy, safety and tolerability outcomes of 5% lidocaine transdermal patch use as a single treatment or in combination with other therapeutic options by describing and analyzing four clinical cases. CASES REPORT: Four patients aged between 43 and 70 years old and complains of postoperative localized NP were managed with 5% lidocaine transdermal patch in prolonged treatment, with significant improvement in pain scores. CONCLUSION: The outcomes of the described cases revealed that postoperative localized NP management was successful with 5% lidocaine transdermal patch. Moreover, it was possible to observe that its association to other treatments (pharmacological or not) has proved efficacy with no negative impact the tolerability of the treatment or the patient routine and comfort.

RESUMO JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A dor neuropática (DN) pós-operatória é um problema clínico relevante, com dor persistente, que pode ser resultado de transecção, contusão, alongamento ou inflamação do nervo, durando geralmente cerca de 3-6 meses após a cirurgia. Tendo em consideração a prevalência estimada da DN localizada pós-operatória, seu impacto na qualidade de vida dos pacientes, sua complexidade diagnóstica e terapêutica, e as opções de tratamento disponíveis, o presente estudo teve como objetivo apresentar os desfechos de eficácia, segurança e tolerabilidade do uso do emplastro de lidocaína a 5% nesta condição clínica, seja como fármaco isolado ou em combinação com outras classes terapêuticas. RELATO DOS CASOS: Quatro pacientes com idades entre 43 e 70 anos e com história de DN localizada pós-operatória foram manejados com emplastro de lidocaína a 5% em tratamento prolongado, com melhora significativa do nível de dor. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados dos casos apresentados neste estudo revelam que o manejo da DN localizada pós-operatória foi eficaz com a utilização do emplastro de lidocaína a 5%. Além disso, foi possível observar que sua associação com outros tratamentos (farmacológicos ou não) mostrou-se efetiva, sem impactar negativamente a tolerabilidade do tratamento ou o conforto do paciente.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970466


As one of the most frequent complications of diabetes, diabetic neuropathy often involves peripheral and central nervous systems. Neuroinflammation is the key pathogenic factor of secondary nerve injury in diabetes. NOD-like receptor pyrin domain-containing 3(NLRP3) inflammasome is a group of subcellular multiprotein complexes, including NLRP3, apoptosis associated speck-like protein(ASC), and pro-cysteinyl aspartate specific proteinase 1(pro-caspase-1). NLRP3 inflammasome is an inducer of innate immune responses. Its activation stimulates the inflammatory cascade reaction, promotes the release of inflammatory mediators, triggers cell death and uncontrolled autophagy, activates glial cells, facilitates peripheral immune cell infiltration, and initiates amyoid β(Aβ)-tau cascade reactions. As a result, it contributes to the central nerve, somatic nerve, autonomic nerve, and retinal nerve cell damage secondary to diabetes. Therefore, due to its key role in the neuroinflammation responses of the body, NLRP3 inflammasome may provide new targets for the treatment of diabetic neuropathy. With multi-target and low-toxicity advantages, traditional Chinese medicine plays a vital role in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy. Accumulating evidence has shown that traditional Chinese medicine exerts curative effects on diabetic neuropathy possibly through regulating NLRP3 inflammasome. Although the role of NLRP3 inflammasome in diabetes and related complications has been investigated in the literature, systematical studies on drugs and mechanism analysis for secondary neuropathy are still lacking. In this article, the role of NLRP3 inflammasome in diabetic neuropathy was explored, and the research progress on traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy through NLRP3 inflammasome was reviewed.

Humains , Inflammasomes/métabolisme , Protéine-3 de la famille des NLR contenant un domaine pyrine/métabolisme , Neuropathies diabétiques/traitement médicamenteux , Médecine traditionnelle chinoise , Maladies neuro-inflammatoires , Inflammation , Diabète
Chinese Journal of Neurology ; (12): 82-87, 2023.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-994803


Autoimmune glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) astrocytopathy is a rare immune-mediated inflammatory disease of central nervous system reported in recent years, and its specific biological marker is anti-GFAP autoantibody. In this paper, the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, auxiliary examination and treatment of the disease are comprehensively expounded, so as to improve the understanding of clinicians, especially neurologists.

Chinese Journal of Neurology ; (12): 442-447, 2023.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-994852


Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP) is an autosomal dominant hereditary sensory and motor neuropathy characterized by recurrent numbness and limb weakness. In clinical practice, some patients may present with mild or atypical clinical symptoms, which tends to result in missed diagnosis or misdiagnosis of HNPP. This article summarizes the pathogenesis, epidemiology, clinical manifestations, auxiliary examination, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, management, and prognosis of HNPP.

Chinese Journal of Neurology ; (12): 709-713, 2023.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-994886


Neuropathies associated with nutritional deficiencies are not uncommon. Most neuropathies associated with nutritional deficiency are length dependent sensory axonal lesions, whereas the exception is cobalamin deficiency neuropathy, which is usually manifested as non-length dependent sensory neuropathy. Patients with cobalamin and copper deficiency neuropathy are characterized by myelopathy, while vitamin E deficiency is associated with spinocerebellar syndrome. Contrary to the neuropathy caused by nutrient deficiency, pyridoxine toxicity leads to non-length dependent sensory neuropathy. Malnutrition, malabsorption, increased nutritional loss (such as dialysis), autoimmune diseases (such as pernicious anemia) and some drugs that inhibit nutrient absorption can all lead to nutritional deficiency. Early detection and therapeutic nutritional supplement can stabilize or improve these neuropathies.

Chinese Journal of Neurology ; (12): 918-923, 2023.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-994915


Giant axonal neuropathy is a rare neurodegenerative disease in children, which is autosomal recessive inheritance. Giant axonal neuropathy is caused by homozygous or compound heterozygous mutation in the gigaxonin gene on chromosome 16q23.2. Giant axonal neuropathy is a chronic polyneuropathy that affects both the peripheral and central nervous systems. Axonal loss and the presence of giant axonal swellings filled with neurofilaments on nerve biopsy are the pathologic hallmark of this neurodegenerative disorder. The article describes the pathogenesis, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and differential diagnosis of giant axonal neuropathy, to provide reference for clinical diagnosis and treatment of this disease.

Journal of Leukemia & Lymphoma ; (12): 97-102, 2023.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988960


Objective:To explore the risk factors of bortezomib-related peripheral neuropathy (BIPN) and the clinical and electrophysiological characteristics of patients in treatment of multiple myeloma (MM).Methods:The clinical data of 71 newly diagnosed MM patients treated with BD (bortezomib + dexamethasone) regimen in Yancheng First People's Hospital from March 2016 to December 2019 were retrospectively analyzed. The bone marrow morphology, immunology, cytogenetics, molecular biology (MICM), routine electrophysiological examination before and after treatment were performed. All patients were divided into the peripheral neuropathy (PN) group and the non-PN group according to the presence or not of BIPN, and the clinicopathological differences of both groups were also compared; a binary logistic regression model was used to analyze the factors affecting the occurrence of PN. The electrophysiological characteristics were summarized and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was used to detect karyotype of BIPN patients.Results:Among 71 MM patients, there were 40 cases (56.3%) of PN and 31 cases (43.7%) of non-PN. The proportion of patients at international staging system (ISS) staging Ⅲ, and the levels of IgA, IgG, IgM, serum creatinine, β 2-microglobulin (β 2-MG) in the PN group were higher than those in the non-PN group, and hemoglobin (Hb) level in the PN group was lower than that in the non-PN group, and the differences were statistically significant (both P < 0.05). Binary logistic regression analysis showed that increased IgA ( OR = 1.151, 95% CI 1.012-1.309, P = 0.033), increased IgG ( OR = 1.055, 95% CI 1.000~1.112, P = 0.049), increased IgM ( OR = 1.010, 95% CI 1.001-1.018, P = 0.022), increased serum creatinine ( OR = 1.037, 95% CI 1.011~1.065, P = 0.005), increased β 2-MG ( OR = 1.564, 95% CI 1.039-2.354, P = 0.032) were risk factors for BIPN. Among 40 patients with BIPN, 33 cases (82.5%) of sensory nerve conduction velocity (SCV) were abnormal, 23 cases (57.5%) of motor nerve conduction velocity (MCV) were abnormal; 31 cases (77.5%) showed demyelination damage, 9 cases (22.5%) had axonal damage. Among 40 patients with BIPN, 24 cases underwent FISH detection, including 19 cases (79.2%) with chromosomal mutations, of which 12 cases (50.0%) were mixed subtype abnormal. Conclusions:MM patients with high levels of β 2-MG, IgA, IgG, IgM and serum creatinine are more prone to PN when treated with bortezomib. The electrophysiology of patients with BIPN is mainly characterized by demyelination of sensory nerves.

Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 81(10): 913-921, 2023. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527880


Abstract Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy, also known as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT), traditionally refers to a group of genetic disorders in which neuropathy is the main or sole feature. Its prevalence varies according to different populations studied, with an estimate between 1:2,500 to 1:10,000. Since the identification of PMP22 gene duplication on chromosome 17 by Vance et al., in 1989, more than 100 genes have been related to this group of disorders, and we have seen advances in the care of patients, with identification of associated conditions and better supportive treatments, including clinical and surgical interventions. Also, with discoveries in the field of genetics, including RNA interference and gene editing techniques, new treatment perspectives begin to emerge. In the present work, we report the most import landmarks regarding CMT research in Brazil and provide a comprehensive review on topics such as frequency of different genes associated with CMT in our population, prevalence of pain, impact on pregnancy, respiratory features, and development of new therapies.

Resumo A neuropatia sensitivo-motora hereditária, também conhecida como doença de Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT), tradicionalmente se refere a um grupo de doenças genéticas em que a neuropatia é a principal ou única manifestação. Sua prevalência varia de acordo com as diferentes populações estudadas, com estimativa entre 1:2.500 a 1:10.000. Desde a identificação da duplicação do gene PMP22 no cromossomo 17, por Vance et al., em 1989, mais de 100 genes foram relacionados a esse grupo de doenças e temos visto avanços no atendimento aos pacientes, com identificação de condições associadas e melhores tratamentos de suporte, incluindo intervenções clínicas e cirúrgicas. Além disso, com as descobertas no campo da genética, incluindo técnicas de interferência de RNA e de edição genética, novas perspectivas de tratamento começaram a surgir. No presente trabalho, relatamos os marcos mais importantes sobre a pesquisa de CMT no Brasil e fornecemos uma revisão abrangente sobre tópicos como frequência de diferentes genes associados à CMT em nossa população, prevalência de dor, impacto na gravidez, alterações respiratórias e desenvolvimento de novas terapias.

Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535310


Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has brought short, medium, and long-term consequences on the quality of life of those affected. Among the complications are those related to the involvement of the nervous system and the structures involved in body movement, with sequelae that may be transitory and/or definitive, and require rehabilitation. Objective: Identify the neuromuscular alterations that affect body movement, associated with COVID-19. Material and methods: A search was made for observational works published in the SCOPUS, PubMed, EBSCO, and Nature databases between January 2020 and June 2022 under the PRISMA methodology, to answer the PICO question: what are the neuromuscular alterations that can potentially affect movement, associated with COVID-19? The established filters were type of study, language, age, availability, publication dates. The MeSH terms were SARS-Cov-2, COVID-19, Long Covid, Motor Activity Neuromuscular Diseases, Neurological Disorders, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, Myelitis Transverse, Stroke, Patient, Peripheral Nervous System Diseases. The methodological quality was evaluated according to STROBE and the level of evidence was established according to CEBM. Results: In the first search, 645 articles were identified. 637 were discarded by filters, titles, duplicate abstracts, methodological quality, and level of evidence. There were 8 articles selected for the present review in which neuromuscular alterations of central and peripheral origin were identified, such as myalgias, fatigue, polyneuroradiculopathies, CNS inflammation, among others, with clinical manifestations that affect movement. Conclusion: COVID-19 is a multisystemic disease that can affect the nervous system with symptoms of neuromuscular alterations that compromise body movement.

Introducción: La pandemia por la COVID-19 ha traído consecuencias a corto, mediano y largo plazo sobre la calidad de vida de los afectados. Entre las complicaciones se encuentran aquellas relacionadas con la afectación del sistema nervioso y las estructuras involucradas en el movimiento corporal, con secuelas que pueden ser transitorias y/o definitivas, y requieren rehabilitación Objetivo: Identificar las alteraciones neuromusculares que afectan el movimiento corporal, asociadas a la COVID-19. Material y métodos: Se hizo una búsqueda de trabajos observacionales publicados en las bases de datos SCOPUS, PubMed, EBSCO y Nature entre enero de 2020 y junio de 2022 bajo metodología PRISMA, para dar respuesta a la pregunta PICO: ¿cuáles son las alteraciones neuromusculares que potencialmente pueden afectar el movimiento, asociadas a la COVID-19? Los filtros establecidos fueron tipo de estudio, idioma, edad, disponibilidad y fechas de publicación. Los términos MesH fueron SARS-Cov-2, COVID-19, Long Covid, Motor Activity Neuromuscular Diseases, Neurological Disorders, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, Myelitis Transverse, Stroke, Patient, Peripheral Nervous System Diseases. La calidad metodológica se evaluó según STROBE y el nivel de evidencia se estableció según CEBM. Resultados: En la primera búsqueda se identificaron 645 artículos. Posteriormente se descartaron 637 por filtros, títulos, resúmenes duplicados, calidad metodológica y nivel de evidencia. Así, quedaron seleccionados 8 para la presente revisión, en los cuales se identificaron alteraciones neuromusculares de origen central y periférico, como mialgias, fatiga, polineuroradiculopatías, inflamación del SNC, entre otras, con manifestaciones clínicas que afectan el movimiento. Conclusión: La COVID-19 es una enfermedad multisistémica que puede afectar el sistema nervioso con síntomas de alteraciones neuromusculares que comprometen el movimiento corporal.

BrJP ; 5(3): 298-300, July-Sept. 2022.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403676


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Peripheral neuropathy is a rare condition with many etiologies. Common symptoms are numbness, paresthesia, weakness and neuropathic pain. Treatment consists in frst-line agents such as anticonvulsants and some antidepressants. Te aim of this study was to report a case of chronic pain refractory to several therapies in a patient with absolute contraindication to the use of all anticonvulsants and antidepressants drugs. CASE REPORT: Female patient, a 40-year-old treated for trigeminal neuralgia with decompression that developed chronic occipital pain refractory to radiofrequency and onset of transient and bilateral T4 sensory and motor polyneuropathy after viral meningitis. In addition, she showed a severe pharmacodermy (Drug Rash with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms- DRESS Syndrome) after using carbamazepine and other anticonvulsants, as well as allergy to all analgesics and opioids except morphine. Epidural puncture with insertion of a catheter was performed aiming at a 5-day test through intermittent epidural morphine bolus to assess the possibility of morphine pump implantation. CONCLUSION: The test was successful and the patient referred to the neurosurgery team. At the 6-month follow-up after the insertion of the morphine intrathecal pump, the strategy has proven to be efective in controlling pain secondary to polyneuropathy.

RESUMO JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Neuropatia periférica é uma condição rara, de etiologia multifatorial. Dormência, parestesia, redução de força muscular e dor neuropática são sintomas comuns. O tratamento consiste em uso de anticonvulsivantes e antidepressivos. O objetivo deste estudo foi relatar o caso de dor crônica refratária a diversas terapias de uma paciente com contraindicação absoluta para uso de todos os fármacos anticonvulsivantes e antidepressivos. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo feminino, 40 anos, com história de neuralgia do trigêmeo abordada previamente com cirurgia, com cefaleia occipital crônica refratária à radiofrequência e polineuropatia bilateral T4 sensorial e motora após meningite viral. No curso do tratamento, apresentou grave farmacodermia (Drug Rash with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms - Síndrome DRESS) após o uso de carbamazepina e outros anticonvulsivantes, além de reação alérgica a todos analgésicos e opioides, exceto morfina. Optou-se por analgesia teste por via peridural, durante 5 dias, com bolus intermitentes e diários de morfina para avaliação de possibilidade de implante de bomba de morfina. CONCLUSÃO: O teste foi considerado bem-sucedido e a paciente encaminhada para neurocirurgia. No seguimento de 6 meses após implante de bomba por via subaracnoidea, esta estratégia se mostrou eficaz no controle da dor secundária à polineuropatia.

Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 80(8): 812-821, Aug. 2022. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403536


Abstract Background Diabetic neuropathy (DN) is a very common clinical condition throughout the world. The diagnostic tests currently recommended have low sensitivity, such as electromyography, or are invasive, such as skin biopsy. New techniques have been developed to identify the early involvement of the peripheral nerve. With the advent of corneal confocal microscopy (CCM), a reduction in corneal innervation in patients with DN has been observed. Objective To compare, through CCM, diabetic patients with symptomatic distal symmetric polyneuropathy (DSP) and controls. Methods In the present study, through CCM, we compared the morphological changes in the sub-basal epithelial corneal plexus of 35 diabetic patients with symptomatic DSP with 55 controls. Moreover, we sought to determine a pattern of change regarding the severity stages of DSP, comparing the clinical, laboratory, and nerve-conduction (NC) variables. Results Differences between the control and diabetic groups were observed for the following variables, respectively: age (44.9 ± 13.24 years versus 57.02 ± 10.4 years; p< 0.001); fiber density (29.7 ± 10.2 versus 16.6 ± 10.2; p< 0.001); number of fibers (4.76 ± 1.30 versus 3.14 ± 1.63; p< 0.001); number of Langerhans cells (4.64 ± 8.05 versus 7.49 ± 10.3; p= 0.035); tortuosity (p< 0.05); and thickness (p< 0.05). Furthermore, inverse relationships were found regarding fiber density and age (p< 0.01) and fiber density and the severity of the disease (p< 0.05). A positive relationship between the conduction velocity of the fibular nerve and fiber density (p< 0.05) was also observed. Conclusion Corneal confocal microscopy proved to be a fast, noninvasive and reproducible method for the diagnosis, staging, and monitoring of diabetic DSP.

Resumo Antecedentes A neuropatia diabética (ND) é condição clínica muito frequente no mundo inteiro. Os testes diagnósticos atualmente preconizados são pouco sensíveis, como a eletroneuromiografia, ou invasivos, como a biópsia de pele. Novas técnicas de investigação complementares têm sido desenvolvidas a fim de identificar o acometimento precoce do nervo periférico. Com o advento da microscopia confocal de córnea (MCC), observou-se redução da inervação da córnea em pacientes com ND. Objetivo Comparar, por meio da MCC, pacientes diabéticos com polineuropatia simétrica distal (PSD) sintomática e controles. Métodos Neste estudo, por meio da MCC, comparamos as alterações morfológicas do plexo sub-basal epitelial da córnea de 35 pacientes diabéticos com PSD sintomática com 55 indivíduos controles. Além disso, buscamos determinar um padrão de alteração entre os estágios de gravidade da PSD, comparando variáveis clínicas, laboratoriais e de neurocondução. Resultados Diferenças entre os grupos controle e diabéticos foram verificadas com relação às seguintes variáveis, respectivamente: idade (44,9 ± 13,24 anos versus 57,02 ± 10,4 anos; p< 0,001); densidade das fibras (29,7 ± 10,2 versus 16,6 ± 10,2; p< 0,001); número de fibras (4,76 ± 1,30 versus 3,14 ± 1,63; p< 0,001); número de células de Langerhans (4,64 ± 8,05 versus 7,49 ± 10,3; p= 0,035); tortuosidade (p< 0,05), e espessura (p < 0,05). Além disso, relações inversamente proporcionais foram verificadas entre a densidade das fibras e a idade (p< 0,01), e entre a densidade das fibras e a gravidade da doença (p< 0,05). Observou-se ainda uma relação positiva entre a velocidade de condução do nervo fibular e a densidade das fibras (p< 0,05). Conclusão A MCC constitui um método rápido, não invasivo e reprodutível para o diagnóstico, o estadiamento, e o acompanhamento da PSD diabética.

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