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Gamme d'année
Rev. biol. trop ; 61(2): 787-796, Jun. 2013. ilus, graf, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-675466


Menidia humboldtiana, a native species of Mexico, is a common inhabitant of local reservoirs. It represents a highly appreciated fish of economic importance in the central part of the country because of its delicate flavor. Trophic behavior of this species is important to understand the relationships with other fish species in reservoirs. With the aim to study this specific topic, the trophic spectrum, selectivity coefficient and overlap, were determined among different sizes of the Silverside M. humboldtiana. For this, both zooplankton and fish samples were taken during four different seasons of 1995. Zooplankton samples were taken through a mesh (125micron), and all organisms were identified to generic level. Fish were captured and grouped into standard length intervals per season, and the stomach contents were obtained and analyzed. Trophic interactions included the stomach contents analysis (Laevastu method), the coefficient of selection (Chesson) and the trophic overlap (Morisita index modified by Horn) between sizes. A total of 14 zooplankton genera were identified, of which Bosmina was the most abundant (29 625 ind./10L) followed by Cyclops (9 496 ind./10L), during the spring. Small size fishes (1-4.9cm) consumed high percentages of Cyclops in the spring (61.24%) and winter (69.82%). Ceriodaphnia was consumed by fish sizes of 3-10.9cm (72.41%) and 13-14.9cm (95.5%) during the summer; while in autumn, small sizes (1-4.9cm) ingested Mastigodiaptomus and Ceriodaphnia; Daphnia and Bosmina were consumed by fishes of 5-8.9cm and the biggest sizes (9-14.9cm) feed on Ceriodaphnia. M. humboldtiana makes a selective predation by the genera Ceriodaphnia, Daphnia, Mastigodiaptomus, Bosmina and Cyclops, depending on the size length interval. The trophic overlap was very marked among all sizes on spring, autumn and winter, unlike in summer fish of 1-2.9 and 11-12.9cm did not show overlap with other length intervals. M. humboldtiana is a zooplanktivore species, which performs a selective predation and a marked trophic overlap between the different fish sizes.

Menidia humboldtiana es una especie nativa muy apreciada por su delicado sabor. Se determinó el espectro trófico, selectividad y solapamiento trófico de ésta, durante 1995 (épocas del año), se obtuvieron muestras de zooplancton e identificaron a nivel genérico. Los peces capturados se agruparon en intervalos de longitud estándar para cada época. Se analizaron los contenidos estomacales (método volumétrico, Laevastu), selectividad (Chesson) y solapamiento trófico (Morisita). Se registraron 14 géneros de zooplancton; Bosmina el más abundante (29 625ind/10L) seguido por Cyclops (9 496ind/10L) ambos en primavera. Los peces pequeños (1-4.9cm) consumen a Cyclops en altos porcentajes en primavera e invierno, 61.24-69.82% respectivamente. Ceriodaphnia es consumida por peces de 3-10.9cm y de 13-14.9cm con 72.41-95.5% en verano; en otoño las tallas pequeñas ingieren a Mastigodiaptomus y Ceriodaphnia; Daphnia y Bosmina por peces de 5-8.9cm y los más grandes (9-14.9cm) a Ceriodaphnia. M. humboldtiana realiza una depredación selectiva por Ceriodaphnia, Daphnia, Mastigodiaptomus, Bosmina y Cyclops. El solapamiento trófico fue muy marcado entre todas las tallas en primavera, otoño e invierno, a diferencia en verano los peces de 1-2.9 y 11-12.9cm no registraron un solapamiento con otros intervalos de longitud. M. humboldtiana es una especie zooplanctófaga, que realiza una depredación selectiva y un marcado solapamiento trófico entre los intervalos de longitud.

Animaux , Chaine alimentaire , Comportement alimentaire/physiologie , Poissons/physiologie , Mensurations corporelles , Poissons/anatomie et histologie , Poissons/classification , Contenus gastro-intestinaux , Mexique , Saisons
Rev. biol. trop ; 59(3): 1205-1216, Sept. 2011. ilus, mapas, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-638154


Systematic of the fish Petenia splendida (Perciformes: Cichlidae) of Lake Petén Itzá, Guatemala. The Lake Petén Itzá is located in the multiple use zone of the Maya Biosphere Reserve. It belongs to the subtropical moist forest (warm) life zone, and has very important flora and fauna diversities. Among the fish species, the white fish (Petenia splendida) is of high commercial value. The main goal of the present work was to clarify the taxonomic position of the two forms of the white fish in Petén (Guatemala), and to compare it with the Usumacinta (Mexico) form, based on the collected material from 1978 and 2006 (Usumacinta), and collections made during 2008 and 2009 in the Lake Petén Itzá. Samples were obtained from 10 different locations in the lake. From the total of 57 fish specimens collected, 50 fish were selected (25 yellow form and 25 silver form); besides, 21 specimens from 10 locations of the Usumacinta river in Mexico, from the Fish Collection, FCB, UANL. A total of 36 morphometric and 16 meristic characteristics, were analyzed, and also coloration, habitat and fishing method. This study reports the P. splendida of the Lake Petén Itzá with the following characteristics: the yellow form at a depth of 0.5-1.5m with dorsal fin XIV-(Xv)-XVI/11-(12)-13, the silver form at a depth of 2-3m with dorsal fin XIV-(XV)-XVI/10-(12)-13, and the Usumacinta form with a dorsal fin XIV-(XV)-XV/12-(13)-13. The discrimination analysis demonstrates a differentiation among the three analyzed populations. Some of the characteristics are the ocular diameter, the anal source-pelvic source distance and the dorsal source-anal source distance. The geographic area studied has a high diversity of fish fauna along the watershed, and it is possible to observe the anthropogenic damage, due to the overexploitation based the unapplicability of the existent regulation and the urbanization. If this situation continues it could jeopardize the survival of this emblematic specie. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (3): 1205-1216. Epub 2011 September 01.

El Lago Petén Itzá se ubica en la zona de usos múltiples de la Reserva de la Biosfera Maya, entre sus especies ícticas encontramos al pez blanco (Petenia splendida) de alto valor comercial. El propósito del presente trabajo es aclarar la posición taxonómica de las dos formas de pez blanco de Petén y compararlas con la forma del Usumacinta. Entre 2008 y 2009 se recolectaron 25 ejemplares de la forma amarilla y 25 de la plateada en 10 localidades del lago Petén Itzá y 21 en la cuenca del Usumacinta durante 1978 y 2006; se revisaron 36 características morfométricas y 16 merísticas, así como coloración, hábitat y forma de pesca. La P. splendida del Lago presenta las siguientes características: la forma amarilla se encuentra a una profundidad entre 0.5 y 1.5m, tiene aleta dorsal XIV-(XV)-XVI/11-(12)-13; la plateada esta a profundidades entre 2-3m, presenta aleta dorsal XIV-(XV)-XVI/10-(12)-13, mientras que la forma del Usumacinta posee aleta dorsal XIV-(XV)-XV/12-(13)-13. El análisis discriminante muestra una diferenciación entre las tres poblaciones analizadas aunque no es determinante. La fauna de peces de la cuenca del área de estudio presenta alta diversidad, se observa daño antropogénico producto de la sobreexplotación, por la falta de aplicación de la reglamentación existente y la urbanización.

Animaux , Cichlides/classification , Biodiversité , Guatemala , Lacs
Vet. Méx ; 39(1): 67-80, ene.-mar. 2008. ilus
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-632867


The first reproductive cycle of 50 females of the shortfin silverside, Chirostoma humboldtianum (Valenciennes) in culture conditions was analyzed. Ovarian developmental stages, gonadosomatic (GI) and hepatosomatic (HI) indexes were described. Histo-logical description of the ovaries and quantification of estradiol serum levels (E2) and 17α-hydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17-P4) by radioinmune assay were performed. Results showed a first reproductive season longer than six months. Females initiated spawning at the age of one year. Four ovarian maturation stages (I to IV) were determined during the spawning season and one (V) during the non-spawning season, the last one showed a non-defined pattern of development. The GI and HI indexes values indicate a positive lineal relation to body-weight only during the reproductive season (r² = 0.74 and r² = 0.86, P < 0.05, respectively). Histological analysis of the ovaries indicated that the species correspond to the pattern described as group-synchronous with multiple spawnings. The follicular population showed reproductive activity during the first stages of maturation with a predominant population of pre-vitellogenic follicles. As the ovarian maturation increased, the presence of all the follicular developmental stages was observed, with a tendency of an increase of vitellogenic and mature follicles. The concentration of circulating sexual steroid hormones of estradiol (E2) and 17α-hydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17-P4) were high during stage I (2.5 ± 0.7 ng/m L and 2.4 ± 0.3 ng/mLfor E2 and 17-P4, respectively); a decrease was observed during stage II, and the highest values were observed in stage IV (7.6 ± 2.1 ng/mL for E2 and 1.8 ± 0.9 ng/mL for 17-P4). The same pattern was observed during non-spawning season (ANOVA P < 0.05), these results are the first findings on the reproductive physiology of the shortfin silverside fish, suggesting an early steroidogenic activity in immature females. Furthermore, the species maintains its hormonal capacity during the post-spawning season, as it is supported by their follicular composition. The aforementioned will allow to have a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in their reproductive processes and to improve the mechanisms utilized to control their reproduction and for the production of eggs and larvae in culture conditions.

Se analizó el primer ciclo reproductivo de 50 hembras de pez blanco, Chirostoma humboldtianum (Valenciennes), en condiciones de cultivo. Se describieron los estadios de desarrollo ovárico y los índices gonadosomático (IG) y hepatosomático (IH). Se realizó una descripción histológica de los ovarios y se midieron los niveles séricos del estradiol (E2) y de la 17α-hidroxi -4-pregnen-3-ona (17-P4) por radioinmunoanálisis. Los resultados mostraron una primera época reproductiva de más de seis meses. Las hembras iniciaron sus desoves a la edad de un año. Se identificaron cuatro estadios de maduración ovárica (estadios I al IV) en la época de desoves y uno más (V) en la época no reproductiva, este último no tuvo un patrón de desarrollo definido. Los valores de los índices IG e IH mostraron una relación lineal positiva con el peso corporal únicamente en la época reproductiva (r² = 0.74 y r² = 0.86, P < 0.05, respectivamente). El análisis histológico de los ovarios indicó que la especie se clasifica como sincrónica por grupos múltiples. Los primeros estadios de maduración gonadal fueron caracterizados por ovarios cuyas poblaciones foliculares estuvieron compuestas predominantemente por folículos previtelinos. Conforme avanzó el proceso de maduración, se observaron todos los estadios de desarrollo folicular, con tendencia al incremento de folículos vitelinos y maduros. Durante el estadio I, las concentraciones de las hormonas esteroides sexuales circulantes de estradiol (E2) y de la 17α-hidroxi-4-pregnen-3-ona (17-P4) fueron altas (2.5 ± 0.7 ng/mL de E2 y 2.4 ± 0.3 ng/mL de 17-P4), se observó un decremento durante el estadio II y los valores más altos se registraron en el estadio IV (7.6± 2.1 ng/mL de E2 y 1.8 ± 0.9 ng/mL de 17-P4). Este mismo patrón fue observado durante la época de no desoves (ANDEVA P < 0.05); estos resultados son los primeros hallazgos en la fisiología reproductiva del pez blanco, los cuales sugieren una temprana actividad esteroidogénica en hembras inmaduras, además de que esta especie conserva su capacidad hormonal en la época posdesove, sustentada en su composición folicular. Lo anterior ayudará para comprender mejor los mecanismos involucrados en los procesos reproductivos y servirá de base para lograr su reproducción controlada y la obtención de huevos y larvas en condiciones de cultivo.

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