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Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 40(7): e00123023, 2024. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564247


Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer a opinião dos profissionais participantes da implantação-piloto de testes moleculares para detecção de Chlamydia trachomatis e Neisseria gonorrhoeae no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Determinou-se a taxa de detecção de C. trachomatis e/ou N. gonorrhoeae e os fatores associados à infecção. A estratégia contou com laboratórios pertencentes à rede de carga viral de HIV e hepatites virais. A testagem teve como público-alvo pessoas mais vulnerabilizadas às infecções sexualmente transmissíveis, com coleta de amostras de urina e/ou swabs vaginal, endocervical e/ou uretral masculino. Questionários foram enviados aos gestores estaduais e profissionais de laboratório sobre a implantação-piloto. De maneira geral, as avaliações foram positivas. Entre as fraquezas, citou-se dificuldades na mudança do processo de trabalho, carência de recursos humanos, pouca sensibilidade de profissionais da assistência e ausência de tubo primário de urina, único insumo não fornecido. Como fortaleza, destaca-se aquisição centralizada de testes, compartilhamento de equipamentos e armazenamento de amostras à temperatura ambiente. Das 16.177 pessoas testadas, 1.004 (6,21%) foram positivas para C. trachomatis, 1.036 (6,4%) para N. gonorrhoeae e 239 (1,48%) para C. trachomatis/N. gonorrhoeae. A detecção de infecção ocorreu mais em pessoas jovens (≤ 24 vs. > 24 anos) (aOR = 2,65; IC95%: 2,38-2,96), do sexo masculino (aOR = 1,95; IC95%: 1,72-2,21), pardas/pretas (aOR = 1,06; IC95%: 1,05-1,11), na Região Sudeste (aOR = 1,08; IC95%: 1,02-1,13) e em amostras de secreção uretral (aOR = 1,46; IC95%: 1,41-1,52). Os resultados deste estudo demonstraram a importância da disponibilização da testagem em âmbito nacional, os quais subsidiaram a implantação da rede definitiva para detecção de C. trachomatis/N. gonorrhoeae no SUS.

Abstract: This study aimed to know the opinion of professionals participating in an experiment to implement a pilot for molecular tests to detect Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae at the Brazilian Unified National Health System (SUS). The detection rate of C. trachomatis and/or N. gonorrhoeae and the factors associated with infection were determined. The strategy included laboratories belonging to the HIV and viral hepatitis viral load network. Testing targeted people who are more vulnerable to sexually transmitted infections and collected urine samples and/or vaginal, endocervical, and/or male urethral swabs. Questionnaires were sent to state managers and laboratory professionals about the implementation of the pilot. Reviews were overall positive. Weaknesses included difficulties changing work processes, lack of human resources, poorly sensitized care professionals, and absence of primary urine tubes, the only input not provided. Strengths included the centralized acquisition of tests, sharing of equipment, and storage of samples at room temperature. Of the 16,177 people who were tested, 1,004 (6.21%) were positive for C. trachomatis; 1,036 (6.4%), for N. gonorrhoeae; and 239 (1.48%), for C. trachomatis/N. gonorrhoeae . Detection of any infection occurred more frequently in young people (≤ 24 vs. > 24 years) (adjOR = 2.65; 95%CI: 2.38-2.96), men (adjOR = 1.95; 95%CI: 1.72-2.21), brown/black individuals (adjOR = 1.06; 95%CI: 1.05-1.11), those in Southeastern Brazil (adjOR = 1.08; 95%CI: 1.02-1.13), and in urethral secretion samples (adjOR = 1.46; 95%CI: 1.41-1.52). Results show the importance of making testing available nationwide, which supported the implementation of a definitive network to detection C. trachomatis/N. gonorrhoeae in SUS.

Resumen: El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer la opinión de los profesionales participantes de la implantación piloto de pruebas moleculares para la detección de Chlamydia trachomatis y Neisseria gonorrhoeae en el Sistema Único de Salud brasileño (SUS). Se determinó la tasa de detección de C. trachomatis y/o N. gonorrhoeae y los factores asociados con la infección. En la estrategia participaron laboratorios pertenecientes a la red de carga viral de VIH y hepatitis virales. La prueba tuvo como público objetivo a personas más vulnerables a las infecciones de transmisión sexual, con recolección de muestras de orina y/o swabs vaginal, endocervicales y/o uretral masculino. Se enviaron cuestionarios a los gestores estatales y a los profesionales de laboratorio sobre la implementación piloto. En general, las evaluaciones fueron positivas. Entre las debilidades, se citó las dificultades en el cambio del proceso de trabajo, la falta de recursos humanos, los profesionales de la asistencia poco sensibilizados y la ausencia del contenedor de orina primaria, el único insumo no suministrado. Como fortalezas, se destaca la adquisición centralizada de pruebas, el intercambio de equipos y el almacenamiento de muestras a temperatura ambiente. De las 16.177 personas evaluadas, 1.004 (6,21%) fueron positivas para C. trachomatis, 1.036 (6,4%) para N. gonorrhoeae y 239 (1,48%) para C. trachomatis/N. gonorrhoeae. La detección de alguna infección ocurrió más en personas jóvenes (≤ 24 vs. > 24 años) (aOR = 2,65; IC95%: 2,38-2,96), del sexo masculino (aOR = 1,95; IC95%: 1,72-2,21), parda/negra (aOR = 1,06; IC95%: 1,05-1,11), localizadas en la región Sudeste (aOR = 1,08; IC95%: 1,02-1,13) y en muestras de secreción uretral (aOR = 1,46; IC95%: 1,41-1,52). Los resultados de este estudio demostraron la importancia de la disponibilidad de la prueba a nivel nacional, los cuales subsidiaron la implantación de la red definitiva para detección de C. trachomatis/N. gonorrhoeae en el SUS.

Trends psychiatry psychother. (Impr.) ; 44: e20200136, 2022. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1377447


Abstract Introduction Interpersonal negotiation skills (INS) comprise actions used to solve social situations between interacting individuals involving different needs or desires. These abilities are part of one's social competence and may be impaired in some psychiatric conditions. There are few validated psychometric tools for measuring INS in the literature. This pilot study aimed to investigate some basic psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the Interpersonal Negotiation Strategies Interview (INSI) in children and adolescents. Methods We developed a new version of the INSI adapted to the Brazilian culture using eight different dilemmas in dyadic situations (with peers and adults), presented visually as drawings on cards. A group of psychologists and psychiatrists chose and adapted the dilemmas formerly proposed by the original version. The same scoring criteria as for the original instrument were used. A total of 20 children and adolescents were included in this pilot study. We investigated test reliability using measures of interrater reliability, test-retest, and internal consistency. The content validity of the INSI was also evaluated by comparison with scores from the Child Behavior Checklist-Revised (CBCL). Results Internal consistency and test-retest evaluations were acceptable (rater 1: α = 0.77; rater 2: α = 0.72); the reliability of the instrument was excellent (K = 0.078; intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.98; 95% confidence interval 0.97-0.99); and content validity was strongly significant (p < 0.001). Conclusions Preliminary results suggest that this version of the INSI has good interrater reliability and internal consistency and constitutes a promising tool to assess social competence.

Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 25: 1-7, set. 2020. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1128491


Distúrbios do equilíbrio consistem em um grande problema na doença de Parkinson (DP). A terapia por vibração do corpo inteiro mostra-se benéfica em pessoas saudáveis, mas apresenta eficácia incerta na DP. O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar os efeitos agudos da terapia por vibração do corpo inteiro sobre o equilíbrio de pacientes com DP e analisar o tamanho do efeito da intervenção para predizer o número ideal de participantes. Doze participantes com DP foram randomicamente divididos entre grupos intervenção e placebo. O grupo intervenção foi submetidos à terapia vibratória, tendo o equilíbrio avaliado em período anterior, imediatamente após e transcorrido cinco minutos da sessão. O grupo placebo fez uma intervenção simulada, tendo o equilíbrio avaliado nos mesmos períodos. Ambos os grupos tiveram seus olhos vendados para manter cegamento dos participantes sobre a intervenção. As variáveis analisadas foram deslocamento, área e velocidade de deslocamento. O tamanho do efeito foi verificado em análises univariadas e multivariadas, admitindo significância em 5%. Sobre os resultados, a terapia por vibração do corpo inteiro não apresentou eficácia sobre o equilíbrio na DP em momento imediato e transcorrido cinco minutos da aplicação da terapia. A análise que apresentou maior tamanho do efeito se deu quando o equilíbrio foi mensurado de forma multivariada, predizendo a necessidade de 46 pacientes. Em conclusão, os resultados desse estudo foram imprecisos quanto à eficácia da terapia por vibração do corpo inteiro no equilíbrio de pacientes com DP. Novas pesquisas com uma amostra superior a 46 participantes devem ser realizadas

Balance disorders are a major problem in Parkinson's disease (PD). The whole body vibration has benefits on the balance in healthy people, but it has imprecise effectiveness in PD. The aim of this study was to verify the effects of whole body vibration on balance in patients with PD and to predict the ideal number of participants from the effects size. Twelve participants with PD were randomly divided into intervention and placebo groups. Participants in the intervention group underwent whole body vibration and the subjects had their balance assessed prior therapy, immediately and five minutes after the session. The control group underwent a placebo intervention and the subjects had their balance assessed on the same periods. Both groups had their eyes closed during the intervention protocol. The variables assessed were body displacement, area and velocity of body displacement. The effect size of the intervention was analysed under univariate and multivariate analyses. Significance was set at 5%. With respect to the results, the whole body vibration was inefficient in improving balance immediately and five minutes after the session. The analysis that presented the strongest effect size occurred when balance was assessed under a multivariate basis, predicting the need of 46 participants. In conclusion, the results were imprecise as to the effects of whole body vibration on the balance in patients with PD. Studies with a sample size higher than 46 participants should be carried out to further address this topic

Maladie de Parkinson , Répartition aléatoire , Projets pilotes , Taille de l'échantillon , Équilibre postural
Rev. chil. radiol ; 26(3): 100-104, set. 2020. graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1138703


Resumen: La enseñanza de la investigación debe abarcar todos los aspectos de su proceso, involucrando los estudios piloto. En la investigación biomédica, el primer paso en la ejecución de un proyecto es la realización de un estudio o prueba piloto, que busca probar en menor escala aspectos logísticos de la ejecución del estudio, lo que evitará cometer errores en los estudios posteriores y de mayor envergadura. La presente revisión pretende exponer aspectos fundamentales en la utilización y planeación de los estudios piloto, lo que servirá para optimizar los procesos de investigación en las áreas de la salud.

Abstract: The teaching of research covers all aspects of the research process, involving pilot studies. In biomedical research, the first step in the execution of a project is the realization of a pilot study, with the objective of testing on smaller scale logistic aspects of the execution of the study, which will avoid making mistakes in the larger studies. This review aims to expose fundamental aspects in the use and planning of pilot studies, which will serve to optimize research processes in the areas of health.

Humains , Projets pilotes , Enseignement médical , Plan de recherche , Biostatistiques , Recherche biomédicale , Méthodologie
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 13(1): 69-74, mar. 2019. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-990067


ABSTRACT: Clinical motor skills are essential to train dental students. There is evidence that imagery serves to acquire and improve motor skills, since imagining an action, activates the same neural areas as when this is physically performed. The aim of this pilot randomized clinical trial was to examine the feasibility of tridimensional visualization associated with mental imagery on the development of fine motor skills of dental students compared to conventional training. Seventeen dental students without previous preclinical experiences, between 18-25 years old were recruited. After giving a theoretical lecture on the inlay preparation, participants were randomly allocated in two groups. The Experimental Group (N=9) performed daily 30 minutes of "mental practice" after visualizing a video showing the execution of an ideal inlay preparation alternating it with black screen periods to facilitate the imagery. The Control Group (N= 8) performed a 30 minutes "hands on practice" daily of the same preparation. On the fifth day, both groups carried out an inlay preparation physically, which was scanned and overlapped to the virtual preparation to assess accuracy. The execution time and accuracy of the preparation performed with regard to an ideal preparation were compared between groups. The learning style and fine motor skills at baseline were similar in all participants (P>0.001). No statistically significant differences were found between the groups in terms of accuracy. The time of execution in the experimental group was significantly lower than the control group. This pilot study showed that visualization associated to mental imagery could develop fine motor skills in dental students, requiring less execution time than physical practice.

RESUMEN: Las habilidades motoras clínicas son esenciales para entrenar a los estudiantes de odontología. Existe evidencia que la imaginería sirve para adquirir y mejorar las habilidades motoras, ya que al imaginar una acción, se activan las mismas áreas neuronales que cuando la acción se realiza físicamente. El objetivo de este ensayo clínico aleatorizado piloto fue examinar la factibilidad del uso de visualización tridimensional asociada con imaginería para el desarrollo de las habilidades motoras finas en estudiantes de odontología comparado con el entrenamiento convencional. Se reclutaron diecisiete estudiantes de odontología, entre 18-25 años de edad, sin experiencias preclínicas previas. Después de recibir una clase teórica sobre la preparación de una incrustación, los participantes fueron asignados aleatoriamente a dos grupos. El grupo experimental (N = 9) realizó diariamente 30 minutos de "práctica mental" después de visualizar un video que muestra la ejecución de una preparación de incrustación ideal alternando con períodos de pantalla negra para facilitar la imaginación. El grupo de control (N = 8) realizó una práctica diaria de 30 minutos de la misma preparación. El quinto día, ambos grupos llevaron a cabo físicamente una preparación de incrustación, que fue escaneada y esta imagen se superpuso a la preparación virtual ideal para evaluar la precisión. El tiempo de ejecución y la precisión de la preparación realizada con respecto a una preparación ideal se compararon entre ambos grupos. El estilo de aprendizaje y las habilidades motoras finas al inicio del estudio fueron similares en todos los participantes (P > 0,001). No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos en términos de precisión. El tiempo de ejecución en el grupo experimental fue significativamente menor que en el grupo control. Este estudio piloto mostró que la visualización asociada a imaginería podría desarrollar habilidades motoras finas en estudiantes de odontología, requiriendo menos tiempo de ejecución que la práctica física.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Adulte , Jeune adulte , Étudiant dentisterie/psychologie , Enseignement dentaire , Aptitudes motrices/physiologie , Tests d'aptitude , Conception de logiciel , Méthode en simple aveugle , Projets pilotes , Statistique non paramétrique , Imagerie tridimensionnelle , Formation par simulation , Apprentissage
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-774282


OBJECTIVE@#The purpose of this study was to test the feasibility of integrating acupuncture into the routine care of living liver and kidney donors during the process of donation and recovery.@*METHODS@#This is a pilot study on the feasibility of a brief acupuncture intervention for living liver and kidney donors. Participants received acupuncture immediately prior to organ donation surgery, every day as inpatients, while recovering from donation, and at a 2-week follow-up. Prior to surgery, questionnaires were completed on acupuncture outcome expectations and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. After participating, those who received acupuncture provided feedback. Following the active intervention, a retrospective chart review was conducted, using donors who did not receive acupuncture as a comparison cohort.@*RESULTS@#Forty donor candidates were approached and recruited, 32 consented and ultimately 25 donors participated in the acupuncture intervention (15 of kidney, 10 of liver), 68% female, and 88% Caucasian; only one had prior experience with acupuncture. Participants received an average of 4 sessions while inpatient (range 2-8). Those who expected acupuncture to be more helpful prior to the intervention reported lower inpatient pain scores (P = 0.04). Qualitative feedback from patients was predominantly positive, indicating acupuncture was helpful for relaxation and pain. However, a few patients reported feeling overburdened during postdonation recovery, and that the study was viewed as additional obligation.@*CONCLUSION@#Preliminary findings suggest it is feasible to integrate acupuncture into inpatient recovery for living organ donation. Tailoring interventions to the specific needs of patients is important to address ongoing concerns. Larger studies are needed to further ascertain benefits of peri-operative acupuncture.

Gut and Liver ; : 402-408, 2019.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-763860


BACKGROUND/AIMS: Endoscopic assistive devices have been developed to reduce the complexity and improve the safety of surgeries involving the use of endoscopes. We developed an assistive robotic arm for endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) and evaluated its efficiency and safety in this in vitro pilot study. METHODS: ESD was performed using an auxiliary transluminal endoscopic robot. An in vitro test bed replicating the intra-abdominal environment and pig stomachs were used for the experiment. Participants were divided into skilled operators and unskilled operators. Each group performed ESD 10 times by using both conventional and robot-assisted methods. The perforation incidence, operation time, and resected mucous membrane size were measured. RESULTS: For the conventional method, significant differences were noted between skilled and unskilled operators regarding operation time (11.3 minutes vs 26.7 minutes) and perforation incidence (0/10 vs 6/10). Unskilled operators showed a large decrease in the perforation incidence with the robot-assisted method (conventional method vs robot-assisted method, 6/10 vs 1/10). However, the operation time did not differ between the conventional and robot-assisted methods. On the other hand, skilled operators did not show differences in the operation time and perforation incidence between the conventional and robot-assisted methods. Among both skilled and unskilled operators, the operation time decreased with the robot-assisted method as the experiment proceeded. CONCLUSIONS: The surgical safety of unskilled operators greatly improved with robotic assistance. Thus, our assistive robotic arm was beneficial for ESD. Our findings suggest that endoscopic assistive robots have positive effects on surgical safety.

Bras , Endoscopes , Endoscopie , Main , Techniques in vitro , Incidence , Méthodes , Muqueuse , Projets pilotes , Dispositifs d'assistance au mouvement , Estomac , Chirurgie assistée par ordinateur
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-761952


BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis (TB) is a major infectious disease in South Korea causing substantial disease burden, particularly in the elderly. This study aimed to identify the case detection rate of mobile TB screening for the elderly conducted in the Jeollanam-do region and to analyze risk factors of active TB. METHODS: We screened the elderly population (≥65 years old) in Jeollanam-do from August to December 2017. Chest radiography was performed for all participants. Participants with TB presumptive signs were asked to submit sputum specimen(s). Sputum smear, culture, and polymerase chain reaction analyses were performed. Cascade analysis, chi-squared tests, and Fisher exact tests were used to evaluate screening performance. RESULTS: In total, 12,402 participants were screened, and 211 (1.7%) were suspected to have active TB; 181 of the suspected patients (85.8%) underwent sputum smear test, and 16 (8.8%) patients were confirmed to have TB. The TB prevalence among the elderly was bacteriologically confirmed to be 129 per 100,000 individuals, which was similar to national TB notification data for the same age groups. The proportion of active TB cases increased with age, and differed based on sex and past TB history. However, TB-related symptoms, comorbidity status, and TB screening history within 12 months were not predictive of active TB. CONCLUSION: This study identified that the prevalence rate was similar to national TB notification data from the same age groups. Periodic, community-based, systematic TB screening among the elderly population is recommended.

Sujet âgé , Humains , Asiatiques , Maladies transmissibles , Comorbidité , Corée , Dépistage de masse , Projets pilotes , Réaction de polymérisation en chaîne , Prévalence , Radiographie , Facteurs de risque , Expectoration , Thorax , Tuberculose
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-788151


PURPOSE: This study develop a Video Recording-Based Standardized Handoff (VRSH) program at shift change for ward nurses.METHOD: The study was conducted in five medical, three surgical, and one comprehensive nursing care service wards affiliated with a secondary general hospital. In this methodological study, the VRSH program was developed between April and December, 2017. It is noted that 65 nurses who were involved in the VRSH program participated in this study.RESULTS: In line with the modified Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation tool, the VRSH program consisted of three phases. In the VRSH program, the average time for handoff duration was 3–5 minutes per patient. More than 90% of the ward nurses were satisfied with the VRSH program since it benefited them by reducing overtime work and improving the performance, as well as effective communication, of nurses. The content analysis of nurses' VRSH program experience, revealed three categories and eight sub-categories.CONCLUSION: This study provides evidence that the VRSH program improves effective nursing performance and, the handoff communication and relationships between nurses. Future studies on large sample sizes and multiple settings are required to substantially evaluate the impact of the VRSH program on clinical outcomes.

Humains , Études de faisabilité , Hôpitaux généraux , Méthodes , Soins , Soins infirmiers , Transfert de la prise en charge du patient , Projets pilotes , Taille de l'échantillon , Enregistrement sur magnétoscope
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-760421


The longitudinal integrated clerkship is an innovative approach in medical education that emphasizes continuity as a key principle to provide student-centered experiences and learning. Seoul National University College of Medicine decided to adapt longitudinal integrated clerkships to the new curriculum beginning in 2018, and therefore conducted pilot studies in 2016 and 2017. This study aimed to analyze the program evaluation results of the two pilot programs and discuss issues related to the successful implementation of longitudinal integrated clerkships in Korea. We conducted a focus group interview with nine students who participated in the 2016 pilot program and 13 students who participated in the 2017 pilot program. We also conducted a focus group interview with 11 faculty members who either participated in the pilot program or will participate in the main program. From the 2016 experience, we found that it is not appropriate to assign each patient to a single student and let the students contact their patients personally for feasibility and safety reasons. In the 2017 pilot program, we assigned each patient to a group of students, which made it more feasible for the students to follow-up with their patients. The students were satisfied with their new experience of longitudinal patient follow-up and regular meetings in the pilot program. Faculty emphasized the importance of establishing the course objectives and holding an orientation for the students and the faculty. Further study is planned to evaluate the early outcomes of the main longitudinal integrated clerkship.

Humains , Programme d'études , Enseignement médical , Groupes de discussion , Études de suivi , Corée , Apprentissage , Transfert linéique d'énergie , Projets pilotes , Évaluation de programme , Séoul
Duazary ; 15(1): 13-21, 2018. ilus, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-986722


El objetivo de este estudio fue la construcción y estudio piloto de un instrumento para evaluar factores asociados a la disposición hacia la donación de órganos. El Cuestionario sobre conocimientos, actitudes y creencias está conformado por 22 ítems tipo Likert de autoadministración. Fue respondido por 244 personas adultas apoderadas de 10 colegios de la provincia de Concepción, Chile, las cuales pertenecían a los grupos socioeconómicos bajo y medio. Se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) con el método de extracción de máxima verosimilitud y rotación varimax, el cual arrojó cinco factores: a) confianza en el proceso de donación y trasplante; b) comunicación familiar sobre donación de órganos; c) creencias ideológicas alrededor de la donación de órganos; d) conocimientos sobre donación y trasplante de órganos, y e) autonomía en la decisión de donar. La confiabilidad fue medida mediante el cálculo del coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach y la relación entre los factores mediante el coeficiente r de Pearson. Se establece que el instrumento es pertinente y confiable y se propone una nueva aplicación con una muestra más grande y que considere personas del grupo socioeconómico alto.

The object of this study was the construction and pilot study of an instrument for evaluating factors associated to individuals' willingness towards organ donation. The Questionnaire about Knowledge, Attitudes and Beliefs consists of 22 items Likert type of self administration. It was answered by 244 adults, guardians of 10 schools from Concepcion, Chile, who belonged to the middle and lower socioeconomic levels. An Exploratory Factor Analysis was done under the method of Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Varimax rotation, which derived in five factors: a) reliance on the process of donation and transplantation, b) communication about organ donation within the family, c) ideological beliefs on organ donation, d) knowledge about organ donation and transplantation, and e) autonomy on the choice of donation. The reliance was measured through the Cronbach's alpha and the relationship among the factors, through r of Pearson. It was established that the instrument is pertinent and reliable and a new application is proposed, to be administered on a bigger sample that includes individuals from the higher socioeconomic levels.

Acquisition d'organes et de tissus
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-53391


PURPOSE: Emergency medicine (EM) specialists in training hospitals perform not only clinical practice, but also nonclinical activities, such as education, administration, and research. The types and amounts of nonclinical activities are increasing, but the activities have not been evaluated. This study applied the concept of the relative value unit (RVU) and conducted a pilot study to calculate the total nonclinical activities of EM specialists in training hospitals. METHODS: The one year nonclinical activities of the eight EM specialists working in training hospitals were analyzed retrospectively. The nonclinical activities were divided into three areas: education, administration, and research. The types of activities, and effort and time spent were collected and the RVU was calculated. RESULTS: The time spent on the education and administrative tasks ranged from 92 to 1,094 hours (average 348.8 hours) and 19 to 1,018 hours (average 207.8 hours), respectively. The average annual workload for education was 324.9 RVUs. The average annual administrative workload was 115.6 RUVs. The average time spent in education and administration was 556.6 hours and clinical practice was 1,904.8 hours. CONCLUSION: Nonclinical activities are essential for the operation of EM departments. If the necessary manpower for the EM is to be calculated, it will be important to calculate the workforce of the specialists, including the nonclinical workload.

Éducation , Urgences , Médecine d'urgence , Projets pilotes , Études rétrospectives , Spécialisation
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-167312


PURPOSE: A feasible palliative care model for advance cancer patients is needed in Korea with its rapidly aging population and corresponding increase in cancer prevalence. This study describes the process involved in the development of a community-based palliative care (CBPC) model implemented originally in a Busan pilot project. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The model development included steps I and II of the pilot project, identification of the service types, a survey exploring the community demand for palliative care, construction of an operational infrastructure, and the establishment of a service delivery system. Public health centers (including Busan regional cancer centers, palliative care centers, and social welfare centers) served as the regional hubs in the development of a palliative care model. RESULTS: The palliative care project included the provision of palliative care, establishment of a support system for the operations, improvement of personnel capacity, development of an educational and promotional program, and the establishment of an assessment system to improve quality. The operational infrastructure included a service management team, provision teams, and a support team. The Busan Metropolitan City CBPC model was based on the principles of palliative care as well as the characteristics of public health centers that implemented the community health projects. CONCLUSION: The potential use of the Busan CBPC model in Korea should be explored further through service evaluations.

Humains , Vieillissement , Maladie chronique , Corée , Soins palliatifs , Projets pilotes , Prévalence , Santé publique , Organismes d'aide sociale
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-607368


DRG-based prospective payment system ( DRG-PPS ) is one type of mature inpatient care payment mechanisms in most countries and pilot projects would be introduced to China in 2017. This article provides an overview of the previous typical DRG-PPS reform initiatives on provincial, municipal and county level respectively. It also summa-rizes the characteristics of the reform programs, describes the diversities of policy implementation, and discusses the suc-cessful experience and implications of the initiatives. The paper puts forward some suggestions on the upcoming DRG-PPS pilot projects based on the progress and problems of the initiatives, to promote the DRG-PPS reform in China.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; 106(6): 502-509, tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-787319


Abstract Background: Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (IDCM), most common cardiac cause of pediatric deaths, mortality descriptor: a low left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and low functional capacity (FC). FC is never self reported by children. Objective: The aims of this study were (i) To evaluate whether functional classifications according to the children, parents and medical staff were associated. (iv) To evaluate whether there was correlation between VO2 max and Weber's classification. Method: Prepubertal children with IDCM and HF (by previous IDCM and preserved LVEF) were selected, evaluated and compared. All children were assessed by testing, CPET and functional class classification. Results: Chi-square test showed association between a CFm and CFp (1, n = 31) = 20.6; p = 0.002. There was no significant association between CFp and CFc (1, n = 31) = 6.7; p = 0.4. CFm and CFc were not associated as well (1, n = 31) = 1.7; p = 0.8. Weber's classification was associated to CFm (1, n = 19) = 11.8; p = 0.003, to CFp (1, n = 19) = 20.4; p = 0.0001and CFc (1, n = 19) = 6.4; p = 0.04). Conclusion: Drawing were helpful for children's self NYHA classification, which were associated to Weber's stratification.

Resumo Fundamento: A cardiomiopatia dilatada idiopática (CMDid) possui poucos preditores de mortalidade descritos: a baixa fração de ejeção de ventrículo esquerdo (FEVE) e a baixa capacidade funcional, sendo esta subjetiva. Objetivo: Os objetivos desse estudo foram (i) Avaliar se as classes funcionais propostas pela NYHA, modificada para crianças, estiveram associadas entre a percepção médica (CFm), dos pais ou representantes (CFp) e das próprias crianças avaliadas (CFc). (ii) Avaliar se houve correlação entre VO2 max e a classificação proposta por Weber. Método: Crianças com CMDid e com IC por CMDid prévia com FEVE preservada, na fase pré-puberdade foram selecionadas submetidas a avaliações de ergoespirometria e classificação da classe funcional. As crianças utilizaram uma representação gráfica para se intitular quanto à classe funcional. Resultado: O teste Chi-quadrado mostrou que houve associação ente a CFm e CFp (1, n = 31) = 20,6; p = 0,002. Não houve associação significativa entre CFp e CFc (1, n = 31) = 6,7; p = 0,4. As CF segundo médico e CFc não foram, tampouco, associadas (1, n = 31) = 1,7; p = 0,8. A classificação de Weber foi significativamente associada às três classes funcionais (classificação de Weber e CFm (1, n = 19) = 11,8; p = 0,003; classificação de Weber e CFp (1, n = 19) = 20,4; p = 0,0001; classificação de Weber e CFc (1, n = 19) = 6.4; p = 0.04.). Conclusão: A representação gráfica serviu para que as crianças pudessem se classificar segundo a NYHA, que se demonstrou associada com a estratificação de Weber.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Enfant , Consommation d'oxygène/physiologie , Débit systolique/physiologie , Cardiomyopathie dilatée/physiopathologie , Fonction ventriculaire gauche/physiologie , Cardiomyopathie dilatée/classification , Répartition aléatoire , Projets pilotes , Ventilation maximale volontaire/physiologie , Études transversales , Études prospectives , Épreuve d'effort
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-34679


OBJECTIVES: Nursing curricula for undergraduate nursing students need to reflect the information technology used in current nursing practice. A smart-device Academic Electronic Medical Record (AEMR) application can help nursing students access and document records for the clinical practicum. We conducted a pilot study to evaluate the usability of an AEMR application before applying it to the clinical nursing practicum. METHODS: A previously developed EMR application was modified as an AEMR to access patient information at bedside and to practice documentation. We added several features to the current EMR application to create an AEMR environment. We created a series of document forms and several useful scales on an external application, which included nursing admission notes, vital signs, and intake/output. The case scenarios and tasks were created by a research team to evaluate aspects of AEMRs, including their usability and functionality. Five nursing students completed 15 tasks using a think-aloud method with a tablet device. RESULTS: Minor usability issues were identified and rectified. All participants indicated that they became familiar with the application with little effort. They said that the application icons were intuitive, which helped them find patient information more quickly and accurately. CONCLUSIONS: The application will improve timely access to patient data and documentation for nursing students. We are confident that this AEMR application will enhance nursing students' experience with their clinical practicum, and help them to better understand patient conditions and document them with ideal accessibility.

Humains , Programme d'études , Enseignement infirmier , Dossiers médicaux électroniques , Systèmes informatisés de dossiers médicaux , Applications mobiles , Dossiers de soins infirmiers , Soins , Projets pilotes , Élève infirmier , Signes vitaux , Poids et mesures
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-461001


Objective To analyze current situation and problems of health manager training in the pilot training areas. Method With the recommendations of health administration deputies in the plot areas of Shanghai, Chongqing and Urumqi, 2 centers for community health services (CHSs) were selected in each area, 9 relative persons were interviewed, 3 focus group discussions (FGDs) involved 18 persons were held totally. The FGDs focused on such questions as“the general information of the training students”“the objectives and purposes of the training in each area”, and so on. Field investigation and qualitative analysis were used to investigate the status quo and main problems of the training of health manager in the pilot areas. Result The problems of the training of health manager existing in the pilot areas mainly are:part of teachers were not fully competent to the training of health manager, training of operant skill was insufficient, training course was not unified, the assessment mechanism was not perfect. Conclusion Optimizing the construction of teachers team, standardizing the training content, increasing the time of operating skills training, establishing a unified and standardized assessment mechanism are essential.

Br J Med Med Res ; 2015; 5(4): 539-556
Article Dans Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-175909


Introduction: This paper presents the protocols for a pilot study that will provide a design critique and collect information to describe the patients who attend chiropractors in Western Australia. Aims and Objectives: 1. Provide a critique of the research design and methodology, including enrolment and recruitment, data collection, and sample size calculations. 2. Describe the patient demographics, reason for consultation and baseline health status of patients that present to chiropractic practices in Western Australia. Methods/Research Design: This will be a prospective, cross-sectional, practice-based pilot study of patients seeking chiropractic services in Western Australia. A minimum of seven (7) independent private chiropractic practices across urban, regional, rural and remote settings will be recruited. Consecutive adult patients that self-present to these practices for the first time will be invited to participate. Data for analysis will be collected in participating clinics using a computer-based online questionnaire. Data collected will include; patient demographics; age, gender, primary language, occupation, payment source, presenting complaint, prior treatment, pre-existing health conditions, medications, attendance at other health practitioners, lifestyle choices, previous use of chiropractic and human quality of life measures (HQoL’s; SF-12 and PIQ-R). Priori sample size estimation indicates a total sample of 320 would be sufficient to achieve a study power of >80% (assumed effect size 0.2, α=0.05, assumed df=5). Conclusion: Innovative electronic and internet portals for gathering practice-based data are to be assessed. Information describing patients who attend allied and complementary practitioners is critical to facilitate appropriate and effective health system planning and administration in Western Australia.

CoDAS ; 26(4): 302-307, July-Aug/2014. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-720822


PURPOSE: To determine the feasibility and applicability of a clinical backward masking test, focusing on the analysis of inter-stimuli interval, and not on the intensity thresholds as it has been traditionally done, thus proposing a new paradigm for temporal masking assessment. METHOD: The test consisted of the presentation of a target tone of 1.000 Hz followed by a broadband masking noise (950-1.050 Hz), with inter-stimuli interval of 0, 10, 20, 50 and 100 ms. The stimuli were presented monaurally to both ears, with intensity ratio between masker and target tone varying between -10, -20, -30 and -40 dB. Twenty undergraduate students, without hearing or auditory processing complaints, participated in this study. RESULTS: Regardless of the signal-to-noise ratio, we observed decrease of average performance according to the decrease of the interval between stimuli. We also observed the indication that little or no masking occurs at the 100 ms interval, suggesting this interval is unsuitable for temporal masking assessment. The average interval threshold was below 27 ms for all investigated intensities, and increased 9 ms with every increase of 10 dB at signal-to-noise ratio. The signal-to-noise ratios of -20 and -30 were the best ratios for the test application. CONCLUSION: The paradigm proposed in this pilot study proved to be feasible, easy to apply, and trustworthy, being compatible with other researches which are the foundation for the study of temporal masking. This theme deserves further studies, continuing the analysis initiated here. .

OBJETIVO: Determinar a viabilidade e aplicabilidade de um teste clínico do mascaramento temporal sucessor, com foco de análise nos intervalos interestímulos e não nos limiares de intensidade, como tradicionalmente realizado, propondo, assim, um novo paradigma para a avaliação do mascaramento temporal. MÉTODO: O teste contou com a apresentação de um tom alvo de 1.000 Hz seguido de um ruído mascarador de banda estreita (950-1.050 Hz), com intervalos entre os estímulos de 0, 10, 20, 50 e 100 ms. Os itens foram apresentados de forma monoaural em ambas as orelhas, com relação de intensidade entre o mascarador e o tom alvo variando entre -10, -20, -30 e -40 dB. Vinte universitários, sem queixas de audição ou de processamento auditivo, participaram deste estudo. RESULTADOS: Foi observada diminuição no desempenho médio de acordo com a diminuição do intervalo, independentemente da relação sinal-ruído. Observou-se também o indício de que pouco ou nenhum mascaramento ocorre para o intervalo de 100 ms, tornando-o inadequado para a avaliação do mascaramento temporal. O limiar de intervalo médio manteve-se abaixo de 27 ms para todas as intensidades avaliadas, e aumentou 9 ms a cada 10 dB de aumento na relação sinal-ruído. As melhores relações sinal-ruído para avaliação são -20 e -30 dB. CONCLUSÃO: O paradigma proposto neste estudo piloto provou-se factível, de fácil aplicação e confiável, mostrando-se compatível com resultados de pesquisas que fundamentam o estudo do mascaramento temporal. O tema merece outros estudos para aprofundar as análises aqui iniciadas. .

Adolescent , Adulte , Humains , Jeune adulte , Stimulation acoustique/méthodes , Seuil auditif/physiologie , Masquage perceptif/physiologie , Projets pilotes
Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; 29(1): 78-82, Jan-Mar/2014. tab, graf
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-710088


Introdução: Para o preparo pré-operatório endovascular dos aneurismas infrarrenais é necessária a mensuração acurada de suas características anatômicas e morfológicas, alcançada com o uso de softwares avançados em manipulação de imagens de tomografias multicanais. Este processo permite também o estudo acurado das relações anatômicas das demais artérias do eixo aorto-ilíaco. Uma visualização perpendicular à origem da artéria renal mais baixa possibilita o uso de toda a extensão do colo para fixação da endoprótese e selamento proximal, o que pode ser previsto durante o estudo da tomografia, impedindo um posicionamento subótimo e a sobreposição das estruturas vasculares no intraoperatório. Expõem-se aqui os resultados iniciais de um projeto piloto, envolvendo manipulação de imagens tomográficas, na correção ortogonal da artéria renal aplicada à orientação radioscópica no intraoperatório. Métodos: Por meio de reconstrução multiplanar de imagens tomográficas em software obtém-se um corte axial em ângulo reto. Conceitos geométricos de triangulação virtual promovem a correção ortogonal em três dimensões da visualização ostial da artéria renal, que pode ser reproduzida intraoperatoriamente, através do reposicionamento do arco cirúrgico. Resultados/Discussão: Embora alguns autores argumentem que a anatomia do vaso observada na tomografia possa mudar durante o intraoperatório, sabe-se que o posicionamento angular das artérias renais não se modifica, mesmo após a inserção dos fios guia rígidos, introdutores e da própria endoprótese. Assim, acreditamos ser possível, por meio de ...

Introduction: Endovascular aneurysm repair requires the precise deployment of the graft. In order to achieve accurate positioning, the anatomical and morphological characteristics of the aorta and its branches is mandatory. Software that perform three dimensional reformatting of multislice tomographic images, allow for the study of the whole aorto-iliac axis and the perpendicular visualization of the origin of the renal arteries. The correct length of the proximal neck can be evaluated and adequate graft fixation and sealing may be foreseen. A technique is presented, using an software, for the orthogonal correction of the position of the renal arteries in relation to the proximal neck, which may guide the radioscopic orientation intraoperatively. Methods: Within a multiplanar tomographic image reconstruction, virtual triangulation allows for the three dimensional orthogonal correction of the renal arteries' ostia position. The predetermined best angulations for visualization are annotated and used for the positioning of the surgical C-arm. Results/Discussion: Some authors discuss that the anatomic position of the renal vessels seen on the tomographic scan can change during the surgical procedure. It is known that the renal arterys' angular positioning does not alter, even after insertion of stiff guidewires, introducers, and the endograft itself. Therefore, it is possible, using concepts of spacial geometry and orthogonal correction, to predict the ideal bidimensional intraoperative positioning of the radioscopy device in order to reproduce the optimized renal artery ostial projection, ensuring the best accuracy during endograft deployment. Conclusion: As closer to the tomographic reproduction was the radioscopic correction, more careful is the visualization of the ostium of the renal artery, better is the exploitation of the lap for fixing and sealing and the endoprosthesis deployment is more accurate. .

Humains , Anévrysme de l'aorte abdominale , Anévrysme de l'aorte abdominale/chirurgie , Artère rénale , Artère rénale/chirurgie , Logiciel , Tomodensitométrie/méthodes , Anévrysme de l'aorte abdominale/anatomopathologie , Imagerie tridimensionnelle , Période peropératoire , Projets pilotes , Valeurs de référence , Reproductibilité des résultats , Artère rénale/anatomopathologie
Détails de la recherche