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Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 26(3)ago. 2019.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1508845


El objetivo fue evaluar los requerimientos de germinación de Phacelia secunda J.F. Gmel. y Eryngium paniculatum Cav. y Dombey ex F. Delaroche, herbáceas perennes colonizadoras de ambientes degradados del noroeste patagónico argentino y de interés para la restauración ecológica. Se evaluó el porcentaje, tiempo medio e inicio de germinación en un control (C) y dos tratamientos pre-germinativos: escarificación mecánica con bisturí (EM) y estratificación húmeda fría durante 45 días (EHF). En P. secunda, el porcentaje de germinación en el tratamiento EHF (2%) fue menor que en el C (24%) y el tratamiento EM (16%). En E. paniculatum se encontraron diferencias entre el C (94%) y el tratamiento EHF (82%), pero no entre el C y EM (91%). El tratamiento EHF aceleró el inicio de la geminación en ambas especies. Las semillas de P. secunda mostraron baja capacidad de germinación siendo necesario evaluar nuevos tratamientos. Eryngium paniculatum mostró alta capacidad germinativa aún en el control, lo que evidencia que no requiere tratamientos pregerminativos específicos.

The aim was to evaluate the seed germination requirements of Phacelia secunda J.F. Gmel. and Eryngium paniculatum Cav. y Dombey ex F. Delaroche, perennial herbaceous colonizers of degraded environments of northwest Argentinian Patagonia and of interest for ecological restoration. The germination percentage, mean germination time and time until initiation of germination of a control (C) and two pre-germination treatments: mechanical scarification with a scalpel (EM) and 45 days cold moist stratification (EHF) were evaluated. In P. secunda, the germination percentage in EHF treatment (2%) was lower than in C (24%) and EM (16%) treatment. In E. paniculatum, differences between C (94%) and EHF (82%) were found, but not between C and EM (91%). EHF treatment accelerated the germination initiation in both species. Seeds of P. secunda showed low germination capacity being necessary to evaluate new treatments. Eryngium paniculatum showed high germination capacity in the control. Thus this species does not require specific pre-germination treatments.

Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;63(4)Oct.-Dec. 2015.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507456


Miconia chartacea es un árbol con amplia distribución altitudinal y latitudinal en Brasil, que se encuentra desde formaciones vegetales estacionales xerofíticas como Caatinga y Cerrado hasta bosques pluviales como Mata Atlántica, en pastizales con árboles aislados hasta interior de bosques maduros. Fue descrita la respuesta germinativa de las semillas de M. chartacea a la luz, temperatura, hormonas vegetales y posmaduración a baja temperatura. Los frutos se recolectaron en la reserva de Cerrado "Prof. Karl Arens", en el municipio Corumbataí (San Paulo, Brasil), la cual presenta una estación seca y fría desde abril hasta septiembre y una estación húmeda y caliente de octubre a marzo. Las semillas se dispersaron durante la estación seca, son fotoblásticas positivas bajo temperaturas constantes y variables, la germinación disminuye bajo irradiaciones de luz blanca inferiores a 17 umol/m2s, la razón rojo/rojo lejano (R/RL) no afectó el porcentaje de germinación, pero la velocidad de germinación aumentó a partir de razones R/ RL > 0.4. Las semillas germinaron en el intervalo térmico de 15 a 35 °C, la temperatura optima esta entre 20 y 25 °C, la alternancia de temperatura no estimuló la germinación respecto a las temperaturas constantes. Las semillas presentaron latencia fisiológica no profunda, la cual fue rota mediante posmaduración durante 93 días a 7 °C y el etileno estimuló la germinación. La gama de temperaturas en la cual germinan las semillas fue menor en las semillas maduradas bajo las condiciones más calientes de la transición de la estación lluviosa a seca que las semillas maduradas en la estación seca. El requerimiento de un periodo frío para romper latencia disminuye la probabilidad de que las semillas germinen durante el invierno, quedando listas para germinar en el verano. Así, la detección de cambios estacionales de temperatura del suelo y el aumento de sensibilidad a la temperatura después de un periodo de frío son responsables por el control temporal de la germinación de M. chartacea, mientras que la respuestas a luz permite que solo germinen las semillas que están en la superficie del suelo, y favorece la germinación en claros de bosque pequeños a grandes.

Miconia chartacea is a widely distributed tree along both altitudinal and latitudinal gradients in Brazil, and it can be found in seasonal xerophytic vegetation, e.g. Caatinga and Cerrado, and tropical rainforest (e.g. Mata Atlantica), from grassland with scattered trees to mature forest. We studied the germination response of M. chartacea seeds to light, temperature, plant hormones and after-ripening at low temperature. Seeds were collected from a Cerrado reserve located in Corumbataí, Sao Paulo State, which characterizes to have a cool dry season from April to September, and a warm wet season from October to March. M. chartacea seeds are dispersed in the dry season and exhibited a photoblastic behavior both at constant and alternating temperatures. The germination was decreased at irradiances below 17 umol / m2s, whereas R: FR ratios below 0.4 reduced the germination rate, but not the germination capacity. The germination-permissive temperatures range from 15 to 35 °C, with an optimum interval from 20 to 25 °C. Germination is not improved by alternating temperature regimes as compared to isothermal treatments. The seeds have a non-deep physiological dormancy, which can be partially overcame either by dry after-ripening at 7 °C for 93 days, or by the 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid treatment. The thermal window within which the seeds germinate was narrower for seeds matured in the rainy to dry season transition period, under warmer conditions, than in the dry season. Cold requirement for dormancy break in seeds of M. chartacea can prevent the germination in the winter, allowing the seeds to germinate in the summer under more favorable conditions. The results suggest that seed response to temperature accounts for temporal distribution of germination, of M. chartacea, while light predominantly influences the spatial distribution of seedlings, precluding the germination of buried seeds and affecting the germination response to gap size.

Acta biol. colomb ; 20(2): 119-131, mayo-ago. 2015. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-743850


Las microalgas poseen atributos para la bioindicación, el estudio de algas perifíticas en ecosistemas fluviales tropicales, es de vital importancia ya que permite interpretar la dinámica de estos ecosistemas con importancia ecológica y con vocación para ofrecer servicios de abastecimiento. Para este estudio se seleccionaron tributarios de la cuenca media del río Gaira (SNSM), se evaluó el proceso sucesional de microalgas perifíticas, siguiendo el avance de la comunidad desde enero hasta abril de 2012, mediante la metodología de sustratos artificiales. El propósito fue analizar la variación en la estructura de la comunidad, durante el proceso de sucesión y evaluar los factores ambientales que determinan esta variación en un rio tropical. Los resultados destacan caudal, luz y oxígeno disuelto los cuales presentaron los valores más altos para el tributario C (Jabalí); el pH fue ligeramente básico para todos los sitios, la temperatura y conductividad presentaron valores más altos en el tributario A (Honduras). Durante las primeras semanas de exposición del sustrato Melosira varians y Lyngbya sp. fueron dominantes para los tributarios A y B (La Picúa), mientras que para el tributario C lo fueron Fragilaria sp., Nitzschia sp. y Melosira varians. Después de la cuarta semana de colecta se registraron los mayores valores de diversidad y riqueza de especies. Fueron más notorios los cambios en densidad que en composición de especies, a pesar de esto el proceso de sucesión fue completo y se evidenció la presencia de especies pioneras (Lyngbya sp., Nitzschia sp.), intermedias (Melosira varians, Cocconeis placentula) y tardías (Surirella sp.).

Microalgae have attributes for bioindication, the study of periphytic algae in tropical river ecosystems, is vital as it allows interpreting the dynamics of these ecosystems and ecological importance vocation to offer catering services. For this study were selected tributaries of the middle basin of Gaira (SNSM) River, the successional process periphytic microalgae was evaluated following the progress of the community from January to April 2012, using the methodology of artificial substrates. The purpose was to analyze the variation in community structure during the succession process and assess environmental factors that determine this variation in a tropical river. The results highlight flow, light and dissolved oxygen which presented the highest for tax C (Jabalí) values; the pH was slightly basic for all sites, temperature and conductivity showed the highest values in the tax A (Honduras). During the first weeks of exposure of the substrate Melosira varians and Lyngbya sp. were dominant for tributary A and B (La Picúa), while for the tributary C they were Fragilaria sp, Nitzschia sp and Melosira varians. After the fourth week of collecting the highest values of diversity and species richness recorded. Were greatest density changes in species composition, despite this the succession process was complete and the presence of pioneer species (Lyngbya sp, Nitzschia sp), intermediate (Melosira varians, Cocconeis placentula) and late (Surirella sp).

Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;61(2): 547-556, Jun. 2013. ilus, graf, mapas
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-675450


Alibertia patinoi (Rubiaceae). Alibertia patinoi (Rubiaceae) is of economic and cultural importance for communities in the Colombian Pacific and Amazon regions, where it is cultivated and mature fruits are highly appreciated and consumed. Since there is a lack of knowledge of the seed physiology of this species, we describe here the germination behavior and morphometry of seeds of Alibertia patinoi, and relate them to its habitat. Fruits were collected from a mixed food crop and a commercial plantation in Guaimía village, Buenaventura, Colombia, a tropical rain forest area. We measured length, width, thickness, mass (n=1 400), and moisture content of seeds (n=252). Primary dormancy tests were conducted (n=200), followed by imbibition (n=252) and germination dynamics, under different conditions of light and temperature specific to understory and forest clearings (n=300 seeds). Finally, seed storage behavior was established (n=100 seeds). We observed that size and mass of seeds had a narrow range of values that did not differ within or among fruits and that the species did not exhibit primary dormancy. The seeds are recalcitrant, and recently harvested seeds exhibited higher seed moisture content (ca. 44%) and continuous metabolism. The seed germination percentage was observed to be higher under the specific dense canopy forest light and temperature conditions; furthermore, neither enriched far-red light nor darkness conditions inhibited germination. We concluded that rapid germination could be the establishment strategy of this species. Also, the physiological traits (i.e., rapid germination rate, low germination requirements, absence of primary dormancy, and recalcitrant behavior) and seed size and mass, suggest that A. patinoi is adapted to conditions of mature tropical rain forests.

La germinación y morfometría de las semillas de Alibertia patinoi se describen y se relacionan con el hábitat de la especie, el Bosque Pluvial Tropical Americano. Se midió la longitud, ancho, grosor, peso y contenido de humedad de las semillas. Se realizaron pruebas de latencia, imbibición y dinámica de la germinación con diferentes condiciones de luz y temperatura específicas de claros y de sotobosque cubierto por un dosel denso. Además, se estableció el comportamiento de almacenamiento de las semillas. El tamaño y peso de las semillas no difieren dentro ni entre frutos. Las semillas recién cosechadas no tienen latencia primaria, presentan alto contenido de humedad (ca. 44%), metabolismo continuo y son recalcitrantes. La germinación tuvo porcentajes altos y en condiciones de luz y temperatura específicas de bosque con follaje denso, y ni la luz enriquecida con rojo lejano ni la oscuridad inhibieron la germinación. Se concluye que la germinación rápida podría ser la estrategia de establecimiento de esta especie. Además, los rasgos fisiológicos, el tamaño y peso de las semillas, sugieren que A. patinoi está adaptada a las condiciones del bosque lluvioso tropical maduro y se comporta como una especie que no es pionera.

Écosystème , Germination/physiologie , Rubiaceae/physiologie , Graines/physiologie , Colombie , Rubiaceae/classification , Rubiaceae/croissance et développement , Saisons , Graines/croissance et développement
Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 12(2): 49-56, Apr.-June 2012. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-645384


Although Miconia mirabilis is a very common species in disturbed forest areas and is known for providing food resources for the local fauna, little is known about its reproductive phenology and other ecological aspects. The present study compares intra- and inter-annual patterns in the reproductive phenophases of that species in three distinct physiognomies of Atlantic Forest in Southeastern Bahia based on semi-quantitative observations conducted over a period of three years. We searched for possiblerelationships with climatic variables, differences among sites and synchrony. Both the flowering and fruiting strategies of M. mirabilis were classified as annual extended in all three study sites. We found no significant differences among years. Despite low seasonality of the regional climate, intensities of the different phenophases were negatively correlated with day length and temperature. In general, inter- and intra-population synchrony for flowering and fruiting was high (between 0.65 and 0.78), except for inundated forest, probably due to the stress caused by flooding. Given that Miconia mirabilis has the potential to be an important food resource for the local fauna due to the large quantities of flowers and fruits produced and their almost year-round availability, and its capacity for occupying impoverished areas, the species may be considered in restoration programs as a potentially interesting species capable of attracting frugivores to disturbed areas.

Apesar de Miconia mirabilis ser uma espécie comum em áreas de floresta perturbada e conhecida por fornecer recursos alimentares para a fauna local, pouco se sabe sobre sua fenologia reprodutiva e outros aspectos ecológicos. O presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar os padrões intra e interanual das fenofases reprodutivas da espécie em três fisionomias distintas de Floresta Atlântica no sudeste da Bahia com base em observações semi-quantitativas, realizadas num período de três anos. Também procurou por possíveis relações com as variáveis climáticas, diferenças entre os locais e sincronia. Ambas as estratégias, floração e frutificação, de M. mirabilis foram classificadas como anuais estendidas em todos os três locais de estudo. Não houve diferenças significativas entre os anos. Apesar do clima regional apresentar baixa sazonalidade, as intensidades das diferentes fenofases foram negativamente correlacionadas com o comprimento do dia e temperatura. Em geral, a sincronia inter e intra populacional para a floração e frutificação foi alta (entre 0,65 e 0,78), exceto para a floresta inundada, provavelmente devido ao estresse causado pelo solo alagado. Assim, Miconia mirabilis tem potencial de ser um importante recurso alimentar para a fauna local, devido a grande quantidade de flores e frutos produzidos, sua disponibilidade quase o ano todo, e por ocupar áreas empobrecidas, a espécie pode ser considerada potencialmente interessante em programas de restauração e capaz de atrair animais frugívoros em áreas perturbadas.

Acta amaz ; Acta amaz;40(1): 157-164, mar. 2010. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: lil-546970


O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento e a qualidade das mudas de marupá com o sistema radicular podado em diferentes sombreamentos. O experimento foi instalado na Estação Experimental de Silvicultura Tropical do INPA, em Manaus (AM), situada na rodovia BR-174, km 43. As sementes foram beneficiadas e semeadas a 1 cm de profundidade em areia lavada. As mudas foram repicadas para sacos plásticos contendo 3 partes de terra de subsolo, 1 de areia, 0,5 de esterco de galinha curtido. Após as podas das raízes em 0 por cento, 25 por cento, 50 por cento e 75 por cento as mudas permaneceram por 30 dias sob galpão, irrigadas diariamente e depois levadas para canteiros cobertos com telas sombrite de 30 por cento, 50 por cento, 70 por cento e 0 por cento (sem sobreamento). Cada parcela continha 35 mudas incluindo bordadura simples. Foram avaliadas 5 mudas (repetições) ao acaso aos 57, 139 e 182 dias em viveiro. Os dados foram analisados por fatorial 4 x 4 na primeira e 3 x 4 nas outras medições. Foi estudada a altura total (HT), diâmetro do colo (DC), número de folhas, área foliar, pesos da matéria seca de raiz, caule e folhas e a qualidade das mudas pelo Índice de Qualidade de Dickson e pela relação HT/DC. As mudas foram atacadas por lagartas nos canteiros sem sombreamento e a sobrevivência foi superior a 83 por cento naquelas sombreadas. As mudas resistiram às podas e, aos 182 dias, apresentaram maior qualidade para plantios e com maior equilíbrio de crescimento sob sombreamento de 50 por cento.

Our objective was to evaluate the growth and quality of marupá (Simarouba amara Aubl.) seedlings with root system pruning in different shadings. The experiment was undertaken at the INPA Tropical Forestry Experimental Station, in Manaus (AM), located at highway BR-174, km 43. The seeds were processed and sown at a depth of 1 cm in washed sand. The seedlings were transplanted to plastic bags containing 3 parts subsoil, 1 sand, and 0.5 chicken manure fertilizer. After pruning their roots at 0 percent, 25 percent, 50 percent and 75 percent, for 30 days the seedlings remained under the shed, irrigated daily and then planted in beds covered with screens of 30 percent, 50 percent, 70 percent and 0 percent ( without shading). Each plot contained 35 seedlings including simple edge. Five seedlings (repetitions) were assessed at random at 57, 139 and 182 days in nurseries. The data were analyzed by factorial 4 x 4 in the first and 3 x 4 in the other measurements. We studied the total height (HT), diameter of the colon (DC), number of leaves, leaf area, dry weight of roots, stems and leaves of the seedlings, the quality index of Dickson, and the relationship HT/DC. The seedlings were attacked by caterpillars in beds without shading and survival was over 83 percent in shaded beds. The seedlings survived pruning, and at 182 days, showed higher quality for plantations, and better growth balanceunder 50 percent shade.

Science forêt/méthodes , Conservation des ressources naturelles , Simarouba/croissance et développement , Espèce en voie de disparition
Genet. mol. res. (Online) ; Genet. mol. res. (Online);7(2): 388-398, 2008. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-641000


Eremanthus erythropappus, commonly known as “candeia”, is an abundant pioneer tree species, forming dense populations known as “candeial”, but it is also found in forests at middle stages of succession. Trees from forests are bigger and occur in lower density than in the “candeial”. The objectives of the present study were to investigate if the decrease in population density during successional process is accompanied by 1) changes in within-population genetic diversity, and 2) differentiation of populations. Eight populations, four of early successional stage (“candeial”) and four of middle successional stages (forest), were analyzed with RAPD markers. The genetic diversity found was high compared to other tree species analyzed with RAPD markers. AMOVA revealed that most of the genetic variations of E. erythropappus were found within populations (85.7%), suggesting that this species is predominantly outcrossing. The relatively low differentiation among the populations can be attributed to small distances among the populations analyzed (0.2 to 10.8 km). No indication that populations from middle successional habitats show lower genetic variation than populations from early successional stages was found. The percentage of polymorphic fragments (82.8 and 84.8%) and the Shannon indexes (0.442 and 0.455) were similar in “candeial” and forest, respectively. These results suggest that if an increase in selection intensity occurred during succession, it did not result in a decrease in genetic diversity or that the selection effect was balanced by other factors, such as gene flow. Higher significant differentiation among E. erythropappus populations from “candeial” in relation to that among populations from forest was also not detected.

Asteraceae/génétique , Variation génétique/génétique , Analyse de variance , Asteraceae/croissance et développement , Biodiversité , Brésil , ADN des plantes/analyse , ADN des plantes/génétique , Densité de population , Dynamique des populations , Technique RAPD
Acta amaz ; Acta amaz;32(3)2002.
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1454896


Salix martiana Leyb. is a plant that occupies margins of Whitewater rivers, at levels higher than 23 m above sea level (a.s.l.). In order to verify the influence of precipitation and annual inundation duration on the phenology of the species, three sites between 23 and 27 m a.s.l. were established. At each site, 25 individuals were labeled and observed weekly during 14 months. In order to establish the medium time for fruit formation, three individuals per site had 25 inflorescences labeled, of which 79% showed fruit formation, with 48 fruits formed per inflorescence. Neither inundation nor precipitation influenced phenology, and the production of seeds was continuous throughout the year. Considering the unstable environment the species inhabits, the pattern of seed production may be an important adaptation to increase reproductive success.

Salix martiana Leyb. é uma planta que ocupa margens de rios de água branca, situando-se em cotas a partir de 23 m sobre o nível do mar (s.n.m.). Com o objetivo de verificar a influência do tempo de inundação anual e da precipitação no comportamento fenológico desta espécie, três sítios em diferentes cotas, de 23 a 27 m (s.n.m.), foram escolhidos e em cada um deles 25 árvores foram marcadas e observadas semanalmente, durante 14 meses. Para determinação do tempo médio de formação dos frutos, três árvores por sítio tiveram 25 inflorescências marcadas, das quais 79% formaram frutos, com uma média de 48 frutos formados por inflorescência. Não houve interferência da inundação ou da precipitação em qualquer das fenofases, sendo a produção de sementes contínua ao longo do ano. Dentro das populações não foi observada variação individual nos eventos reprodutivos. Considerando o ambiente instável habitado pela espécie, a produção ininterrupta de sementes pode representar uma importante adaptação para aumentar o sucesso reprodutivo.