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Rev. direito sanit ; 22(1): e0006, 20220825.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1419269


Participação social é um elemento fundamental para a legitimação democrática das decisões regulatórias, bem como é um importante instrumento de accountability nas agências reguladoras. O presente artigo apresenta os resultados de pesquisa quantitativa feita nos instrumentos de participação social da Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar, especificamente na Câmara de Saúde Suplementar, comissões e comitês da agência, audiências públicas, consultas públicas, câmaras técnicas e grupos técnicos. A pesquisa teve por objetivo mensurar a participação dos stakeholders do mercado da saúde suplementar na agência. Estes foram divididos em cinco grupos ­ "operadoras de planos de saúde", "consumidores", "prestadores de serviço da área da saúde", "estado e servidores da ANS" e "outros" ­ de acordo com o interesse defendido no mercado da saúde. A pesquisa baseou-se nos documentos que registraram a utilização dos instrumentos de participação social da agência, como listas de presença, atas das reuniões e relatórios públicos. Os resultados indicam uma participação mais consistente e organizada das "operadoras de planos de saúde" e "prestadores de serviço da área da saúde", em contraste com os "consumidores", que participam de forma mais difusa, menos organizada e estão menos propensos a participar em câmaras técnicas e grupos técnicos, que são instrumentos que propiciam uma abordagem mais técnica ao debate regulatório.

Social participation is an essential element for the democratic legitimization of regulatory decisions, as well as an important instrument of accountability in regulatory agencies. This article presents the results of a quantitative research carried out with the instruments of social participation of the Brazilian Regulatory Agency for Private Health Insurance and Plans, specifically the Private Health Insurance and Plans Advisory Committee, its commissions and committees, public hearings, public consultations, technical councils, and technical groups. The study sought to measure the participation of Brazilian health insurance market stakeholders within the agency. These were divided in five categories­"private health insurance companies," "consumers," "health care providers," "state and ANS' employees" and "others"­according to the interests defended in the health care market. Data was collected from documents on the use of the agency's social participation instruments of, such as attendance lists, meeting minutes, and public reports. Results indicate a more organized and consistent participation of "private health insurance companies" and "health care providers" on the regulatory debates held by the agency, while "consumers" show a more diffuse, less organized participation and are less likely to take part in technical councils and technical groups, instruments that provide technical approach to regulatory debates.

Judicialisation de la Santé , Établissements de santé privés à but lucratif
Rev. direito sanit ; 22(1): e0005, 20220825.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1419268


Este artigo sistematizou a legislação e as alterações da regulamentação das coberturas dos planos de saúde entre 1998 e 2020 e analisou 2.845 acórdãos do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo no ano de 2018, relacionados a negativas de coberturas reclamadas por consumidores de planos de saúde. As coberturas hospitalares, dentre as quais destacam-se as cirurgias e internações, foram o principal objeto das demandas, compondo 41% do total estudado. A maioria das coberturas hospitalares excluídas ou negadas não constavam no rol de procedimentos e eventos em saúde da Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar. A regulamentação dessa agência, com destaque para o rol de procedimentos e eventos em saúde, relaciona-se com a exclusão de coberturas hospitalares por planos de saúde, sendo utilizada como argumento para a defesa judicial da negativa de cobertura pelas operadoras de planos de saúde, em conjunto com as previsões contratuais. O Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo, na maioria das vezes (80% dos casos estudados), garantiu a cobertura hospitalar demandada, fundamentando as decisões prioritariamente no Código de Defesa do Consumidor, na Jurisprudência do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo, nas súmulas do tribunal e na Lei n. 9.656/1998 (Lei dos Planos de Saúde). Conclui-se que o Poder Judiciário, quando provocado, tende a reconhecer o direito dos consumidores ao acesso às coberturas assistenciais, muitas vezes em contraposição à regulação setorial pela Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar.

This article revisited the legislation and changes in the sectorial regulation of healthcare coverage from 1998 to 2020, and analyzed 2,845 decisions issued by the São Paulo State Court of Justice in 2018 related to coverage denial against health insurance beneficiaries. Inpatient coverage, among which surgeries and hospitalizations stand out, was the main object of the claims, accounting for 41% of the analyzed decisions. Most of the denied inpatient coverage was not included on the list of health procedures and events of the Brazilian Regulatory Agency for Private Health Insurance and Plans. This agency's regulation, especially the List of Health Procedures and Events, is related to the exclusion of hospital coverage by private health insurance, and is used as an argument for the legal defense for coverage denial together with contractual provisions. The São Paulo State Court of Justice, in most cases (80%), guaranteed the inpatient coverage claims, basing such decisions on the Consumer Protection Code, on Jurisprudence, on the Court's precedents and on Law no. 9.656/1998 (Health Insurance Law). In conclusion, when upon, the Judiciary tends to recognize the right of consumers to access health care coverage, often in opposition to sectorial regulation by the Brazilian Regulatory Agency for Private Health Insurance and Plans.

Couverture des Services de Santé
Rev. direito sanit ; 22(1): e0004, 20220825.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1419267


A falsa coletivização é um fenômeno crescente no mercado brasileiro de planos e seguros de saúde. Ela decorre diretamente de decisões regulatórias que afetam o setor, especialmente as diferenças entre regras aplicáveis a contratos individuais e coletivos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a evolução recente do fenômeno sob três aspectos: (i) a expansão desse tipo de contrato, simultânea à redução de planos individuais; (ii) o diferencial acumulado de reajustes para os falsos coletivos; (iii) a sua judicialização e o tratamento dado ao tema pelo Poder Judiciário. Foram utilizados dados da Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar, desagregados por empresa, entre 2014 e 2019; do banco de dados de Notas Técnicas de Registro de Produto da agência, entre 2015 e 2019; e dados primários produzidos pela análise de acórdãos do Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo, proferidos em 2018 e 2019. Os resultados evidenciaram o crescimento do fenômeno dos "falsos coletivos", associado à gradual redução dos planos individuais. Demonstraram, também, o sistemático reajuste das mensalidades acima do teto definido pela Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar para planos individuais. A análise de acórdãos mostrou que o entendimento da questão pelo Poder Judiciário não é uniforme, nem em termos do resultado do julgamento, nem de sua fundamentação jurídica. Os resultados apoiam a interpretação de que esses contratos permitem às operadoras burlar aspectos relevantes da regulação do setor, impor reajustes superiores e, quando reclamadas judicialmente, escamotear a legislação consumerista.

False collectivization is a growing phenomenon in the Brazilian health insurance market, stemming directly from regulatory decisions that affect the sector, especially the diferences between the rules applicable to individual and collective contracts. Hence, this paper sought to analyze the recent evolution of this phenomenon under three aspects: (i) expansion of this type of contract, simultaneous to the disappearance of individual private health plans; (ii) premium increases for "false collectives"; (iii) its judicialization and treatment in the jurisprudence. Data was collected from the Brazilian Regulatory Agency for Private Health Insurance and Plans, detailed by company, between 2014 and 2019; the agency's Product Registration Technical Notes database, between 2015 and 2019; and primary data produced by analyzing rulings by the São Paulo Court of Justice, issued in 2018 and 2019. Results show the growth of "false collectives," associated with the gradual disappearance of individual private health plans. They also demonstrate the gap between premium increases and the ceiling set by the Brazilian Regulatory Agency for Private Health Insurance and Plans for individual private health plans. Analysis of the rulings reveal that the Judiciary's understanding on the matter is not uniform, neither in terms of the outcome, nor of its legal reasoning. These findings support the interpretation that such contracts allow insures to circumvent relevant aspects of the sector's regulation, to impose higher premiums and, when contested in court, to evade consumer legislation.

Frais et honoraires , Judicialisation de la Santé
Rev. direito sanit ; 22(1): e0002, 20220825.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1419265


O Superior Tribunal de Justiça tem utilizado, cada vez mais, o procedimento dos recursos repetitivos para construir precedentes sobre a regulação de seguros e planos de saúde. O objetivo deste artigo foi analisar como os precedentes do Superior Tribunal de Justiça, em sede de recurso repetitivo, afetam as decisões do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo em casos individuais. Assim, foi escolhido um caso específico decidido pelo Superior Tribunal de Justiça (Tema 989), que uniformizou a interpretação dos artigos 30 e 31 da Lei n. 9.656/1998. O método utilizado foi o de comparar as decisões do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo sobre a interpretação desses artigos dois anos antes e dois anos depois da decisão do Superior Tribunal de Justiça sobre o assunto. A conclusão foi de que, antes do Tema 989, o tribunal paulista decidia a favor dos ex-empregados e dos aposentados, à luz do valor constitucional da proteção do idoso e do valor contratual da boa-fé, e que depois o entendimento da corte mudou profundamente.

The Brazilian Superior Court of Justice has increasingly used the procedure of repetitive appeals to build precedents on private health insurace and plan regulation. Hence, this article seeks to analyze how such precedents established by the Superior Court of Justice affect the decisions held by São Paulo State Court in individual cases. For this purpose, a specific case decided by the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice (Theme 989), which standardized the interpretation of articles 30 and 31 of Law no. 9.656/1998, was chosen. The text compares the decisions of the São Paulo State Court on the interpretation of these articles two years before and two years after the Superior Court's decision on the matter. In conclusion, before Theme 989, the São Paulo State Court ruled in favor of former employees and retirees, in the light of the constitutional value of protecting older citizens and the contractual value of good faith, and that afterwards the Court's understanding changed profoundly.

Décisions Judiciaires , Judiciaire
Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2022. 256 f p. tab, fig, graf.
Thèse Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1401266


A Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde (ATS) respalda políticas públicas na gestão de tecnologias em diversos países. Sua relevância vem sendo ampliada no atual contexto de custos crescentes e recursos escassos com que os sistemas de saúde convivem. Ao proporcionar decisões embasadas nas melhores evidências disponíveis, centrada nas necessidades dos pacientes e das sociedades, considerando benefícios, riscos e custos das tecnologias a serem incorporadas, favorece a alocação mais racional dos recursos escassos. No Brasil, foi principalmente a partir do ano 2000 que a institucionalização da ATS avançou. Em 2009, foi publicada a Política Nacional de Gestão Tecnologias em Saúde (PNGTS), com os objetivos de maximizar os benefícios de saúde a serem obtidos com os recursos disponíveis, e de promover as diretrizes e orientações a todos os atores que participam das atividades de ATS no País. O Ministério da Saúde (MS) capitaneou esse processo que culminou em 2011 com a promulgação da Lei 12.401/11, que instituiu a Comissão Nacional para Incorporação de Tecnologias no Sistema Único de Saúde (CONITEC). Entre outras instituições, a Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar (ANS) participou ativamente dos comitês do MS voltados para implementação da ATS. No entanto, mesmo diante de uma política única, o sistema público e a saúde suplementar trilharam diferentes caminhos nesse processo. O objetivo desta tese consistiu em descrever e analisar a institucionalização da ATS na saúde suplementar brasileira, observando as consonâncias e dissonâncias existentes entre os setores público e privado neste processo e identificando as possíveis consequências para o sistema de saúde. Para tanto, se valeu de método qualitativo, tendo como principais fontes de evidências, a revisão bibliográfica, a análise documental e entrevistas semiestruturadas com atores-chaves, escolhidos por terem participado do processo, ativamente, em diferentes momentos e áreas de atuação. Os resultados indicam que diversos fatores contribuíram para uma maior morosidade na institucionalização da ATS na saúde suplementar, como, por exemplo: questões políticas internas e externas à ANS; o comportamento do mercado das empresas operadoras de planos e seguros privados de saúde; além de interferências diretas dos Poderes Executivo e Legislativo nas atividades de incorporação de tecnologias da ANS. Como consequências da dicotomia público privada na implementação das políticas públicas de ATS foram sinalizadas, principalmente, a ineficiência e retrabalho nos processos de incorporação de tecnologias, e o aumento das inequidades no acesso às tecnologias no sistema de saúde. Conclui-se que muitos são os desafios inerentes a implementação de políticas públicas de ATS nos diversos países, e também aqui, dado que estas perpassam por interesses conflitantes dos diferentes stakeholders que atuam no sistema. Contudo, os resultados dessa tese apontam para as vantagens de se almejar uma política única e sólida de ATS no País, que privilegie o fortalecimento da utilização das evidências científicas nas difíceis escolhas que permeiam a área da saúde.

Health Technology Assessment (HTA) supports public policies in the management of technologies in several countries. Its relevance has been increasing in the current context of rising costs and scarce resources with which health systems coexist. By providing decisions based on the best available evidence, centered on the needs of patients and societies, considering the benefits, risks, and costs of the technologies to be incorporated, it favors a more rational allocation of scarce resources. In Brazil, it was mainly from the year 2000 that the institutionalization of HTA advanced. In 2009, the National Policy on Health Technology Management (PNGTS, in the Portuguese acronym) was published, with the objective of maximizing the health benefits to be obtained with the available resources and promoting guidelines to all actors who participate in the activities of HTA in the country. The Ministry of Health (MS) led this process that culminated in 2011 with the enactment of Law 12,401/11, which established the National Commission for the Incorporation of Technologies in the Unified Health System (CONITEC, in the Portuguese acronym). Among other institutions, the National Regulatory Agency for Private Health Insurance (ANS) actively participated in the MS committees focused on the implementation of HTA. However, even in the face of a single policy, the public system and the private health insurance sector followed different paths in this process. The objective of this thesis was to describe and analyze the institutionalization of HTA in Brazilian private health insurance sector, observing the existing consonances and dissonances between the public and private sectors in this process and identifying the possible consequences for the health system. For that, it used a qualitative method, using as main sources of evidence, the bibliographic review, document analysis and semi-structured interviews with key actors, chosen for having participated in the process, actively, at different times and areas of activity. The results indicate that several factors contributed to a greater delay in the institutionalization of HTA in the private health insurance sector, such as: internal and external political issues to the ANS; the market behavior of companies operating private health plans and insurance; in addition to direct interference by the Executive and Legislative Powers in the activities of incorporation of technologies by ANS. As a consequence of the public-private dichotomy in the implementation of public HTA policies, the inefficiency and rework in the technology incorporation processes, and the increase in inequities in access to technologies in the health system, were signaled. It is concluded that there are many challenges inherent to the implementation of public HTA policies in different countries, and also here, given that they permeate conflicting interests of the different stakeholders that work in the system. However, the results of this thesis point to the advantages of aiming for a single and solid HTA policy in the country, which privileges the strengthening of the use of scientific evidence in the difficult choices that permeate the healthcare area.

Évaluation de la technologie biomédicale/organisation et administration , Secteur public , Secteur privé , Santé Complémentaire , Politique de santé , Système de Santé Unifié , Brésil , Recherche qualitative
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 26(supl.1): 2529-2541, jun. 2021. tab, graf
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1278834


Resumo Este artigo objetivou descrever a cobertura de plano de saúde no Brasil. Foram analisados dados das edições de 2013 e 2019 da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde. A cobertura de plano de saúde médico ou odontológico foi analisada segundo características sociodemográficas, econômicas, de trabalho, situação censitária e Unidade da Federação. A cobertura de plano de saúde médico ou odontológico foi 27,9% (IC95%: 27,1-28,8) para 2013 e 28,5% (IC95%: 27,8-29,2) para 2019. Os resultados mostram que a cobertura continua concentrada nos grandes centros urbanos, nas regiões Sudeste e Sul, entre aqueles com melhor nível socioeconômico e aqueles que possuem algum vínculo de trabalho formal. Em 2019, dentre os trabalhadores formalizados, somente 30,7% relatou que o pagamento da mensalidade é feito diretamente a operadora, sendo 72,7% dentre os trabalhadores informais. Cerca de 92% dos planos de saúde médico cobrem internação e dentre as mulheres com plano de saúde, quase 20% delas não possuem cobertura para o parto. Apenas 11,7% das mulheres com idade entre 15 e 44 anos possuem cobertura para o parto através do plano de saúde. Os resultados mostram que a cobertura por plano de saúde mantém-se bastante desigual, reforçando a importância do Sistema Único de Saúde para a população brasileira.

Abstract This paper aimed to describe health insurance coverage in Brazil. Data from the 2013 and 2019 editions of the National Health Survey (PNS) were analyzed. The medical or dental health insurance coverage was analyzed according to demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, work status, urban/rural area, and Federation Unit. Coverage of medical or dental health insurance was 27.9% (95% CI: 27.1-28.8) for 2013 and 28.5% (95% CI: 27.8-29.2) for 2019. The results show coverage is still concentrated in large urban centers, in the Southeast and South, among those with better socioeconomic status and some formal employment. In 2019, only 30.7% of formal workers reported the monthly payment is made directly to the providers, while 72.7% of informal workers reported this information. About 92% of medical health insurance covers hospitalization, and almost 20% of women with health insurance are not covered for labor. Only 11.7% of women aged between 15 and 44 are covered for childbirth by health insurance. The results show the health insurance coverage is still quite unequal, reinforcing the Unified Health System (SUS) importance for the Brazilian population.

Humains , Femelle , Adolescent , Adulte , Jeune adulte , Population rurale , Assurance maladie , Facteurs socioéconomiques , Brésil , Enquêtes de santé , Couverture d'assurance
Rev. direito sanit ; 21: e0002, 20210407.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424899


A CF/88 foi pioneira ao dispor sobre o direito à saúde como direito fundamental e regular o sistema suplementar de saúde. Vários estados brasileiros criaram planos voltados exclusivamente para seus servidores; Pernambuco foi o pioneiro a concebê-los, através do Sistema de Assistência à Saúde dos Servidores do Estado de Pernambuco. Os avanços tecnológicos, o aumento da expectativa de vida (e a consequente perda dentária precoce) e os traumas provocaram aumento do uso de órteses, próteses e materiais especiais em procedimentos invasivos ­ proporcionando, dentre outros benefícios, a reparação estética. Porém, há entraves ao uso desses materiais, entre eles seu alto custo e a ausência de cobertura dos planos de saúde para procedimentos estéticos. Foram analisados os processos judiciais envolvendo órteses, próteses e materiais especiais em cirurgia bucomaxilofacial contra o Sistema de Assistência dos Servidores de Pernambuco, entre janeiro de 2009 e dezembro de 2017. O propósito foi defender que a indicação do material a ser utilizado pelo cirurgião-dentista não pode ser considerada critério absoluto e que o Poder Judiciário não deve acatar tal opinião sem questioná-la. Verificou-se a necessidade de franquear maior estrutura aos magistrados, com a criação de núcleos de assistência técnica em saúde e/ou investimentos nos já existentes, a fim de subsidiar os julgadores e assegurar uma maior eficiência na solução das demandas. A metodologia aplicada foi a do estudo transversal, baseado na análise de dados quantitativos e qualitativos extraídos dos processos. Como variáveis, traçaram-se o perfil dos autores das ações e os parâmetros adotados nas decisões judiciais.

The Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988 was a pioneer in providing the right to health as a fundamental right and regulating the supplementary health system. Several states have created plans aimed exclusively at their servants, and Pernambuco was the pioneer to conceive them, through the Health Assistance System of the Servants of the State of Pernambuco. The technological advances, the increase of life expectancy (and the consequent early tooth loss) and the traumas have caused an increase in the use of orthoses, prostheses and special materials in invasive procedures - providing, among other benefits, esthetic repair. However, there are obstacles to the use of these materials, including their high cost and the lack of private health insurance coverage for esthetic procedures. The judicial proceedings involving orthoses, prostheses and special materials in oral and maxillofacial surgery against the Health Assistance System of the Servants of the State of Pernambuco were analyzed, from January 2009 to December 2017. The purpose was to defend that the indication of the material to be used by the dental surgeon cannot be considered as an absolute criterion and that the Judiciary should not accept such an opinion without questioning it. It was verified the need to open a larger structure to the magistrates, with the creation of centers for technical assistance in health and/or investments in the existing one, in order to subsidize the judges and ensure a greater efficiency in the solution of the demands.

Santé Complémentaire
Health Policy and Management ; : 184-194, 2019.
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-763912


BACKGROUND: The extent of coverage rate of the public health insurance is still insufficient to meet healthcare needs. Private health insurance (PHI) plays a role to supplement coverage level of national health insurance in Korea. It is expected that reduce unmet need healthcare. This study was aimed to identify relationship between PHI type and the unmet healthcare need and its associated factors. METHODS: Data were obtained from the 2014 Korea Health Panel Survey using nationally representative sample was analyzed. Respondents were 8,667 who were adults over 20 years covered by PHI but have not changed their contract. According to the enrollment form, PHI was classified into three types: fixed-benefit, indemnity, and mixed-type. To identify factors associated with unmet needs, multiple logistic regression conducted using the Andersen model factors, which are predisposing factors, enabling factors, and need factors. RESULTS: Our analysis found that subjects who had PHI with mixed-type were less likely to experience unmet health care needs compared than those who did not have it (odds ratio, 0.80; 95% confidence interval, 0.66–0.98). As a result of analyzing what affected their unmet healthcare needs, the significant factors associated with unmet medical need were gender, marital status, residence in a metropolitan area, low household income, economic activity participation, self-employed insured, physically disabled, low subjective health status, and health-risk factors such as current smoking and drinking. CONCLUSION: The results of this study suggest that having PHI may reduce experience of unmet healthcare needs. Findings unmet healthcare needs factors according to various subjects may be useful in consideration of setting policies for improving accessibility to healthcare in Korea.

Adulte , Humains , Causalité , Prestations des soins de santé , Auto-évaluation diagnostique , Personnes handicapées , Consommation de boisson , Caractéristiques familiales , Assurance , Assurance maladie , Corée , Modèles logistiques , Situation de famille , Programmes nationaux de santé , Santé publique , Fumée , Fumer , Enquêtes et questionnaires
RECIIS (Online) ; 10(3): 1-10, jul.-set. 2016.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-831200


O Sistema Único de Saúde brasileiro implantado não recebeu todos os investimentos necessários para alcançar a magnitude prevista desde sua concepção e estabelecida na Constituição Federal de 1988. No mesmo período, o setor privado de saúde brasileiro vem recebendo cada vez mais investimentos por meio das políticas públicas do Estado. A crise econômica e os problemas pelos quais o SUS passa nos dias atuais são usados por determinados atores para justificar uma suposta necessidade de diminuir não só a pressão por financiamento, mas também a demanda de serviços públicos, e apresentar como solução a diminuição do SUS concomitante à expansão do número de pessoas com planos privados de saúde nos moldes da reforma do sistema de saúde norte-americano conhecida como Obamacare. Este artigo apresenta a falácia desse raciocínio com evidências científicas e argumentos que mostram que um maior investimento no SUS é fundamental para o desenvolvimento econômico e social do país.

The Brazilian Sistema Único de Saúde (Unified Health System) in operation has not received all the investments needed to achieve the expected magnitude since its conception and established by Federal Constitution of 1988. In the same period, the health private sector in Brazil has received more and more investments through governmental public policies. The economic crisis and the problems faced by SUS today are used by some actors to justify a pretense necessity of reducing not only the pressure to finance but also the demand for public services, and to present as a solution to such problems a reduction of SUS concomitant with the expansion of people benefiting from private health insurance like those created with reform of the North American health care system known as Obamacare. This article shows the fallacy of reasoning in question through scientific evidences and arguments demonstrating that a greater investmentin SUS is fundamental to economic and social development of Brazil.

El Sistema Único de Salud brasileño implementado no recibió todas las inversiones necesarias para alcanzarla magnitud esperada desde su concepción y establecida en la Constitución Federal de 1988. En el mismo período, el sector privado de salud brasileño ha recibido cada vez más inversiones por el medio de las políticas públicas del Estado. La crisis económica y los problemas por los cuales el SUS ha pasado en los días actuales son utilizados por determinados actores para justificar una supuesta necesidad de reducir no sólo la presión de financiación, sino también la demanda de servicios públicos, y presentar como solución la disminución del SUS concomitantemente a la expansión del número de personas con planes privados de salud en los moldes de la reforma del sistema de salud norteamericano, conocida como Obamacare. Esto artículo presenta la falacia de ese raciocinio con evidencias científicas y argumentos que muestran que una mayor inversión en el SUS es esencial para el desarrollo económico y social del país.

Humains , Réforme des soins de santé , Investissements , Politique de santé , Système de Santé Unifié/économie , Système de Santé Unifié/organisation et administration , Brésil , Législation comme sujet , Couverture des Services de Santé , Assurance maladie
Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine ; : 37-44, 2016.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-225233


BACKGROUND: Since 2003, the Korean Society of Pathologists (KSP) has been officially providing medical advisory services (MAS). We reviewed the cases submitted to the KSP between 2003 and 2014. METHODS: In total, 1,950 cases were submitted, most by private health insurance companies. The main purposes of the consultations were to clarify the initial diagnoses and to assign a proper disease classification code. We comprehensively reviewed 1,803 consultation cases with detailed information. RESULTS: In spite of some fluctuations, the number of submitted cases has been significantly increasing over the 12 study years. The colon and rectum (40.3%), urinary bladder (14.2%), and stomach (6.9%) were the three most common tissues of origin. The most common diagnoses for each of the three tissues of origin were neuroendocrine tumor (50.7%), non-invasive papillary urothelial carcinoma (70.7%), and adenocarcinoma (36.2%). Regardless of the tissue of origin, neuroendocrine tumor of the digestive system was the most common diagnosis (419 of 1,803). CONCLUSIONS: In the current study, we found that pathologic consultations associated with private health insurance accounted for a large proportion of the MAS. Coding of the biologic behavior of diseases was the main issue of the consultations. In spite of the effort of the KSP to set proper guidelines for coding and classification of tumors, this review revealed that problems still exist and will continue to be an important issue.

Humains , Adénocarcinome , Classification , Codage clinique , Côlon , Consultants , Diagnostic , Système digestif , Assurance maladie , Tumeurs neuroendocrines , Rectum , Orientation vers un spécialiste , Estomac , Vessie urinaire
Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Health ; : 161-167, 2015.
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-18592


OBJECTIVES: The study aimed to examine and derive policy implications from the contribution of private health insurance towards the effectiveness and equity of dental care utilization. METHODS: The study used 2010-2011 Korea Health Panel data. We applied a two-stage probit least square (2SPLS) analysis method to 10,577 people who were aged 20 years and over and had out-patient health care utilization. Under the assumption that high demanders for dental outpatient health services try to subscribe and hold private health insurance, the study focuses on the changes in income and private health insurance status. RESULTS: The results of the descriptive statistics indicated that the number of employed enrolled in private health insurance increased as age decreased and income increased. Two-year consecutive non-enrollment of private health insurance was highest in the groups aged 65 years or above, those that had completed primary school or below, and those that belonged to the top income bracket. The highest rates of continued enrollment in private health insurance were observed in the top fifth income group (highest quintile) and those with a college degree. Income was observed to have an effect on private health insurance enrollment status and the frequency of dental care services used. The results of the analysis indicated that changes in private health insurance status did not affect the frequency of dental care services used, but the frequency of dental care services used had a significantly positive effect on continued enrollment in private health insurance. CONCLUSIONS: To secure the right of health for citizens, it is necessary to establish measures that emphasize equity and strengthen benefit coverage of health insurance. Moreover, regulatory policies that support the low-income population are required.

Humains , Soins ambulatoires , Prestations des soins de santé , Soins dentaires , Assurance maladie , Corée , Patients en consultation externe , Pauvreté
Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Health ; : 203-211, 2014.
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-189677


OBJECTIVES: This study discussed dental care utilization efficiency and equity from the perspective of private health insurance policy using the 2011 Korea Health Panel dataset. METHODS: A total of 10,577 subjects, aged 20 years or older, were selected from a larger sample (N=18,256). The study conducted a two-part model analysis to determine the impact of private health insurance on utilization and amount of dental care. RESULTS: Average monthly payment of private health insurance is 76,727 KRW. Analysis of average monthly fees and income distribution by quartile showed that higher income groups pay proportionally more for private health insurance. The highest income group was 3.82 times more likely to have private health insurance than the lowest income group. Those with private health insurance coverage had a higher probability of using dental care but were not more likely to use a greater number of dental services. CONCLUSIONS: Based on these empirical findings, a guarantee of health care system and policy equity and efficiency should be established for changes in private health insurance.

Ensemble de données , Prestations des soins de santé , Soins dentaires , Frais et honoraires , Revenu , Assurance maladie , Corée
Saúde debate ; 37(96): 96-103, jan.-mar. 2013. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-673407


Nas eleições de 2010, as empresas de planos de saúde destinaram R$ 11,8 milhões em doações oficiais para as campanhas de 153 candidatos a cargos eletivos, o que contribuiu para a eleição de 38 deputados federais, 26 deputados estaduais, 5 senadores, além de 5 governadores e da presidente da República. Outros 82 candidatos receberam apoio, mas não foram eleitos. Faz-se necessário tornar mais transparente o financiamento e o lobby dos planos de saúde, para que prevaleçam interesses públicos e coletivos na definição de políticas, na regulação e no funcionamento do sistema de saúde brasileiro.

In the elections of 2010, the health insurance companies allocated R$ 11,8 million in official donations to campaigns of 153 candidates for elective office, which contributed to the election of 38 federal deputies, 26 state legislators, five senators, five governors and the president. Other 82 candidates received support, but were not elected. It is necessary to improve transparency of the funding and lobby of health plans, so that public and collective interests prevail in policy making, regulation and operation of the Brazilian health system.

REME rev. min. enferm ; 16(4): 564-571, out.-dez. 2012. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-667719


O objetivo com esta pesquisa foi descrever o perfil dos programas de promoção da saúde e prevenção de riscos e doenças desenvolvidos por 29 operadoras de planos privados de saúde de Belo Horizonte-MG. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, descritivo-exploratório, no qual foram utilizados dados repassados ao grupo de pesquisa pela Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar, que, em maio de 2008, enviou um requerimento de informações solicitando às operadoras que respondessem a um questionário sobre o desenvolvimento de programas de promoção da saúde e prevenção de riscos e doenças. O perfil desses programas foi caracterizado por meio da apresentação de tabelas de distribuição de frequências absolutas e/ou relativas das variáveis de interesse. As ações de prevenção de riscos e doenças foram realizadas por 41,4% das operadoras. As doenças/situações de saúde mais enfatizadas para o adulto e o idoso foram diabetes mellitus, hipertensão, sobrepeso/obesidade e alimentação saudável. Com a implantação dos programas, houve redução do número de exames, consultas, atendimentos de urgência/emergência e custos assistenciais. Os resultados alcançados podem ser considerados positivos até o momento. Entretanto, fazem-se necessárias a ampliação do número de operadoras oferecendo os programas, a integração das ações desenvolvidas e a ênfase na promoção da saúde.

The present research aims to describe the profile of health promotion and risks/diseases prevention programs developed by 29 private healthcare providers in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. This is a cross-sectional, descriptive exploratory study that used data provided by the National Health Insurance Agency. In May 2008, private health insurance providers were sent a request for information on their health promotion and risks/diseases prevention programs. The programs profiles were characterized by distribution tables of absolute frequencies and /or by variables of interest. The risks/diseases prevention actions were performed by 41.4% of the providers. The diseases/health conditions more emphasized in adult and elderly clients were diabetes mellitus, hypertension, overweight/obesity, and healthy eating. Implementation of the programs decreased the number of examinations, consultations, emergency attendances, and healthcare costs. Up until now results can be considered positive. However the increase in the number of private health care providers offering such programs is needed as well as the integration of health actions plans, and the emphasis on health promotion.

La presente investigación busca describir el perfil de los programas de prevención de riesgo y enfermedades desarrollados por 29 operadoras de planes privados de salud de la ciudad de Belo Horizonte, estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Se trata de un estudio transversal, descriptivo exploratorio que utilizó datos enviados por la Agencia Nacional de Salud Suplementaria que, en mayo de 2008, solicitó a las operadoras que contestasen un cuestionario referente al desarrollo de programas de promoción de la salud y prevención de riesgo y enfermedades. El perfil de dichos programas se caracterizó por la presentación de tablas de distribución de frecuencias absolutas y/o relativas de las variables de interés. Un 41,4% de las operadoras llevó a cabo acciones de prevención de riesgo y enfermedades. Las enfermedades/situaciones de salud más destacadas para el adulto y para las personas mayores fueron diabetes mellitus, hipertensión, sobrepeso/obesidad y alimentación saludable. Con la implantación de los programas hubo reducción de los números de exámenes, consultas, atención de urgencia/emergencia y costos asistenciales. Por ahora, los resultados logrados pueden ser considerados positivos. Sin embargo, es necesario ampliar el número de operadoras que ofrecen programas, integrar las acciones desarrolladas y realzar la promoción de la salud.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Maladie chronique/prévention et contrôle , Facteurs de risque , Promotion de la santé , Santé Complémentaire , Services de santé , Health Maintenance Organizations (USA)
Journal of Agricultural Medicine & Community Health ; : 84-95, 2012.
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-719840


BACKGROUND: In Korea, private health insurance has neglected to induce externality on national health insurance by moral hazard. Therefore, we conducted this study in order to explore the influence of private health insurance on unnecessary medical utilization among patients with cervical or lumbar sprain. METHOD: The study examined a population of 449 patients (admission, 384; out-patient; 85) diagnosed with simple cervical or lumbar sprain without neurological symptoms at 20 small hospitals or clinics in Gwangju and Jeollanam provinces from Jul. 1 to Aug. 31 2008. The data were collected using structured, self-administrated questionnaire which collected information such as whether or not the patient was admitted (as a dependent variable), whether or not they had private health insurance (as a independent variable), and covariates such as socio-demographic characteristics, the factors related to the sprain, and characteristics of the insurance provider. RESULTS: From hierarchical multiple logistic regression analysis, it was found that the admission rate of patient with private health insurance was higher than that those without it (Odds ratio=3.31, 95% Confidence interval; 1.14-9.58), meaning that private health insurance was an independent factor influencing the admission of patients with these conditions. Other determinants of admission were patient age and physician referral. CONCLUSIONS: This study is the first empirical study to explore the influence of private health insurance on inducing moral hazard in admission services, specifically among patients with cervical or lumbar sprain. Regulation of benefits provided by private health insurance may be necessary, as the effect of this moral hazard may mean existence of externality.

Humains , Assurance , Assurance maladie , Corée , Modèles logistiques , Programmes nationaux de santé , Entorses et foulures , Enquêtes et questionnaires
Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Health ; : 115-123, 2012.
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-126124


OBJECTIVES: To identify dentists' perceptions regarding the possible introduction of private health insurance plans, thereby providing basic data to improve the existing dental health insurance system. METHODS: A self-report survey was conducted with a total of 126 dentists in Jeollabuk-do Province. The survey was designed to gather information on the dentists' positions, perceptions and attitudes toward on a proposed introduction of privately run insurance schemes. RESULTS: A negative general consensus was found for the privately run scheme. Also it appeared that an overall review was required. CONCLUSIONS: Considering the high percentage of negative responses in the present study, it seems necessary to pro-actively reflect and complement potential issues in the current system before implementing privately run schemes in efforts to establish a solid foundation for operating dental insurance plans best suitable to the needs and characteristics of premium payers.

Humains , Protéines du système du complément , Consensus , Dentistes , Assurance , Assurance dentaire , Assurance maladie
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 16(6): 2743-2752, jun. 2011. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-591229


Com o objetivo de identificar possíveis efeitos negativos dos seguros privados na universalidade de sistemas nacionais de saúde, o artigo sistematiza conceitos operacionais da tipologia de mix público-privado, apresenta resultados de estudos internacionais sobre coberturas suplementar e duplicada e mostra que a universalidade é afetada por iniquidades derivadas da cobertura duplicada e não da suplementar. Desmitifica o caráter suplementar do seguro privado como vilão do sistema de saúde brasileiro e recomenda que as políticas públicas sejam orientadas para a melhoria do sistema público, e não de seguros privados.

This paper seeks to identify the potential negative effects of private health insurance on the universality of National Health Systems. It systematizes the operational concepts of the public-private mix model and presents the results from international research into duplicated and supplementary coverage that shows that universality is negatively affected by inequities derived from duplicated coverage though not from supplementary coverage. It demystifies the supplementary nature of private health insurance as the villain in the Brazilian healthcare system and recommends that public policies should be fully oriented to improving the public health system instead of private health insurance.

Prestations des soins de santé/organisation et administration , Couverture d'assurance , Partenariats entre secteurs publique et privé , Facteurs socioéconomiques
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 16(3): 2011-2022, mar. 2011. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-582499


O objetivo deste artigo é descrever a distribuição dos principais fatores de risco (FR) e proteção para doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT) entre os beneficiários de planos de saúde. Foi utilizada amostra aleatória de adultos com 18 ou mais anos de idade nas capitais brasileiras, analisando-se frequências de FR em 28.640 indivíduos em 2008. Homens mostraram alta prevalência dos seguintes fatores de risco: tabaco, sobrepeso, baixo consumo de frutas e legumes, maior consumo de carnes gordurosas e álcool, enquanto mulheres mostraram maior prevalência de pressão arterial, diabetes, dislipidemia e osteoporose. Homens praticam mais atividade física e mulheres consomem mais frutas e vegetais. Homens com maior escolaridade apresentam maior frequência de sobrepeso, consumo de carnes com gorduras e dislipidemia. Entre mulheres, tabaco, sobrepeso, obesidade e doenças autorreferidas decrescem com aumento da escolaridade, enquanto o consumo de frutas e legumes, atividade física, mamografia e exame de papanicolau aumentam com a escolaridade. CONCLUSÃO: a população usuária de planos de saúde constitui cerca de 26 por cento da população brasileira, e o estudo atual visa acumular evidências para atuação em ações de promoção da saúde para esse público.

This article aims at estimating the prevalence of adults engaging in protective and risk health behaviors among members of private health insurance plans. It was used a random sample of individuals over the age of 18 living in the Brazilian state capitals collected on 28,640 telephone interviews in 2008. The results showed that among males there was a high prevalence of the following risk factors: tobacco, overweight, low fruit and vegetable consumption, high meat with fat consumption and alcohol drinking. Among females we found a high prevalence of high blood pressure, diabetes, dyslipidemia and osteoporosis. Men were generally more physically active and women consumed more fruit and vegetables. As more educated males were lower was the prevalence of tobacco, high blood pressure, but also a higher prevalence of overweight, consumption of meat with fat, dyslipidemia and lower number of yearly check-ups done. For females, tobacco smoking, overweight, obesity, decreasing with schooling, and consumption of fruit and vegetables, physical activity, mammography and PAP test, increased with schooling. The health insurance user population constitutes about 26 percent of Brazilian people and the current study aims to accumulate evidence for health promotion actions by this public.

Adolescent , Adulte , Sujet âgé , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Jeune adulte , Comportement en matière de santé , Prise de risque , Brésil , Assurance maladie , Prévalence , Secteur privé , Téléphone
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 13(5): 1477-1487, set.-out. 2008. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-492132


O objetivo do estudo é analisar o modo como, no Brasil, operadoras de planos e seguros de saúde, serviços hospitalares e médicos organizam o acesso aos serviços de saúde, e que mecanismos utilizam para economia de custos e de decisões. A análise faz uso da literatura de regulação em saúde e da estratégia do managed care. A partir de uma seleção intencional de operadoras baseada em número de beneficiários, modalidade organizacional e abrangência geográfica, foram selecionadas amostras probabilísticas de médicos e de serviços hospitalares. Os dados foram obtidos através de questionários com representantes das operadoras, médicos e hospitais a elas credenciados. Os resultados sugerem que as relações entre operadoras, médicos e hospitais se estabeleceram em bases herdadas do antigo sistema previdenciário, com pagamento predominante de serviços por tabelas fixas e contas abertas. Mecanismos mais complexos de financiamento, de compartilhamento de riscos e de busca pela eficiência são pouco experimentados. São frágeis os mecanismos de redução de agravos, assim como os incentivos ao uso adequado das tecnologias. Fatores moderadores de consumo ou barreiras de acesso são o meio mais comum de controle de custos. Pode-se concluir que a agenda do managed care é incipiente no caso brasileiro.

This study analyzes the mechanisms used in Brazil by health plan and insurance operators, hospitals and physicians for organizing the access to health care services and their strategies towards cost reduction and decision-making. The study is based on the literature about regulation of the health services, with special focus on micro-management and managed care. From an intentional sample of health care organizations selected according to the number of beneficiaries, organizational modality and geographic criteria we selected probabilistic samples of doctors and hospital services. Data were collected through questionnaires applied to key informants from health care operators and affiliated doctors and hospitals. Results suggest that the relationships between health care organizations, physicians and hospitals follow basically patterns inherited from the former social security system, mainly with fixed pricing and open account payments. More complex financing mechanisms, risk sharing and efficiency strategies are of minor interest. Mechanisms for risk reduction and encouragement of adequate use of technologies are weak. Cost control is mainly based on co-payment and barriers to access to the services. We conclude that in Brazil managed care is still in its beginning.

Secteur des soins de santé , Hôpitaux , Assurance maladie , Programmes de gestion intégrée des soins de santé , Médecins , Brésil , Maîtrise des coûts , Secteur des soins de santé/organisation et administration , Assurance maladie/économie , Programmes de gestion intégrée des soins de santé/économie , Programmes de gestion intégrée des soins de santé/organisation et administration
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 13(5): 1501-1510, set.-out. 2008.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-492134


O trabalho analisou a experiência de saúde-doença-cuidados referida por usuários do segmento suplementar com situações ou necessidades de saúde nas áreas de cuidado cardiovascular, oncológico, saúde mental e obstétrico, no município de Florianópolis, capital de Santa Catarina. Discute-se o processo de escolha das situações marcadoras nessas áreas, o infarto agudo do miocárdio; o câncer de mama, o alcoolismo e o parto, além dos procedimentos sugeridos para explorar contribuições da socioantropologia no campo da gestão. Os resultados revelam a procura de recursos nos subsistemas de saúde profissional, informal e popular, sendo os dois últimos importantes nas áreas da saúde mental e oncologia. O uso combinado dos serviços públicos e da assistência suplementar aparece no cuidado cardiovascular e oncológico. Diversos arranjos se estabelecem no cotidiano assistencial dos usuários quando procuram superar lacunas do acesso e da integralidade da atenção através de suas próprias escolhas, caminhos ou estratégias. A abordagem socioantropológica mostra-se útil para uma compreensão mais abrangente do significado de público e privado no sistema de saúde, bem como dos modelos de cuidados empreendidos pelos usuários.

This study analyzes the health-disease-care experience reported by users of the Brazilian supplementary system in cardiovascular, oncological, mental health and obstetric care in Florianópolis, capital of the state of Santa Catarina. It discusses the selection of indicators in these areas such as myocardial infarction, breast cancer, alcoholism and childbirth besides exploring socio-anthropological contributions to the management field. The results show a search for solutions in three interconnected sub-sectors of the system - the professional sector, the popular sector and the folk sector, the two latter being of greatest importance in mental and oncological care. Combined use of public and private services appears in cardiovascular and oncological field. Seeking to overcome the gaps with respect to access and integrality by using their own choices with respect to accessibility and comprehensiveness of care by using paths or strategies the users establish a variety of arrangements in their everyday life. The socio-anthropological approach is therefore useful for deepening the understanding of the meaning of public and private in health systems as well as of the care models undertaken by the patients.

Humains , Prestations des soins de santé , Assurance maladie , Secteur privé , Secteur public , Brésil
Détails de la recherche