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Educ. med. super ; 29(4): 872-879, oct.-dic. 2015.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-776394


El insuficiente desarrollo de habilidades para la expresión y regulación de las emociones, que en situaciones comunicativas diversas, manifiesta parte significativa del estudiantado joven que se forma en los cursos regulares diurnos de las carreras de ciencias médicas y la importancia que esto tiene para lograr un aprendizaje de calidad a favor de un exitoso desempeño personal y profesional futuro, exige la revisión del proyecto educativo formativo, así como del currículo para poder corregir, compensar y superar estas deficiencias con que llegan a la educación superior; para que como futuros/as profesionales puedan elevar la satisfacción de la población respecto a los servicios de salud y la calidad de la atención deberán saber atender las necesidades emocionales de pacientes y las propias. El siguiente trabajo propone reflexionar acerca de la necesidad de crear condiciones en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje (PEA) con estudiantes de las carreras de ciencias médicas para contribuir al desarrollo de su educación emocional.

The insufficient development of abilities for the expression and regulation of the emotions that in diverse talkative situations, apparent significant part of the young student body that is formed in the courses regular dailies of the careers of medical sciences and the importance that this has to achieve a learning of quality in favor of a successful personal acting and future professional demands the revision of the formative educational project, as well as of the curriculum to be able to correct, to compensate and to overcome these deficiencies with which they arrive to the superior education. So that as professional futures they can rise the population's satisfaction regarding the services of health and the quality of the attention they will know how to assist the emotional necessities of patient and the own ones. The following work intends to meditate about the necessity of creating conditions in the Process of Teaching Learning (PEA) with students of the careers of medical sciences to contribute to the development of its emotional education.

Corps enseignant et administratif en médecine , Intelligence émotionnelle/éthique , Étudiant médecine
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 11(2): 63-69, Mayo-Ago. 2003.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-969062


Introducción: Esta investigación ubicada en el enfoque histórico cultural, estudia las teorías implícitas de los profesores como las representaciones construidas de experiencias académicas obtenidas en contacto con ciertos modelos socioculturales, determinados por sus prácticas de interacción social, que posibilitan la comprensión de intercambios y procesos de negociación implicados en la enseñanza. Su conocimiento permitió inferir las teorías implícitas que aplica y desarrolla el docente en su ejercicio profesional, como representación de la realidad, en donde se manifiesta sus procesos cognitivos para interpretar situaciones, predecir y comprender el comportamiento de otros y planificar el propio. Las actividades que los alumnos y profesores desarrollen al interior del aula, deben vincularse a una realidad social donde se aplicarán previamente estos conocimientos adquiridos, construyendo representaciones significativamente nuevas. Objetivo: Analizar las teorías implícitas del profesor a través de un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo. La muestra comprendió 84 maestros de 7 carreras de la FES Zaragoza UNAM. Se utilizó un instrumento adaptado de Rodrigo, Rodríguez y Marrero para ubicar el modelo de pensamiento a través del cual, el maestro construye, transmite y negocia los significados en el aula Resultados: Los resultados obtenidos permitieron conocer las teorías implícitas predominantes en el proceso enseñanza y considerarlas, antes que competir con ellas, para reemplazar o tratar de modificarlas en programas de formación docente. En el caso de enfermería las teorías predominantes son la constructivista, activa y técnica, que reflejan el sistema de enseñanza de la institución, las características de la profesión y las teorías implícitas de los maestros.

This research, placed within the historical cultural perspective has as a proposal an evaluation of implicit theories used by professors. This means that the built representations consist of academic experiences obtained because of the contact with certain socio-cultural models, defined by cultural practices and social interaction formats. This evaluation facilitates the understanding of the exchange and negotiation processes implied in the teaching process. In the educational exercise, the knowledge of implicit theories possessed by teachers allows to infer those used on their practice. The presentation of the reality is based in the use of their cognitive processes for interpreting situations, predicting and understanding other people's behavior and planning their own. Activities that students and professors should develop in the classroom must be linked to a social reality where the acquired knowledge will be applied by building new representations with high meaning levels. Objective: To analyze the implicit theories the teachers have through a descriptive, prospective study. The sample included 84 teachers from 7 different majors of the FES Zaragoza, UNAM, throughout using an adapted survey (from Rodrigo, Rodriguez & Marrero, 1993) in order to identify a thinking pattern with which the teacher builds, transmits, and negotiates the meanings in the classroom. Results: The results showed the predominant implicit theories used in the teaching process, and also, consider switching or trying to modify them in teaching formation programs, rather than compete with them. In the single case of nursing, predominant theories are constructivist, active and technical, which reflect the institutional teaching system, the professional characteristics and the implicit theories used by teachers.

Humains , Écoles d'infirmières , Élève infirmier , Personnel de l'éducation , Mexique
São Paulo; s.n; 2002. 104 p
Thèse de Portugais | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1378288


O presente trabalho foi realizado com alunos de Graduação em Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo, que cursavam a disciplina Enfermagem Psiquiátrica. A autora teve como objeto de estudo a vivência do aluno inserido no processo ensino-aprendizagem da disciplina enfermagem psiquiátrica, na tentativa de entender a complexidade dessa experiência para o estudante. Teve como objetivos: conhecer quais os sentimentos dos alunos em relação ao ensino teórico-prático de enfermagem psiquiátrica e ao campo onde se realizou esse estudo; apreender as representações que os alunos tiveram do papel do professor que os acompanhou no ensino teórico-prático no campo; identificar nos discursos dos alunos quais foram os aspectos que facilitaram ou dificultaram o processo ensino-aprendizagem; identificar nas representações dos alunos, sua vivência das dimensões do processo ensino-aprendizagem. Para tanto, foi feito levantamento bibliográfico a fim de respaldar os pressupostos da autora que eram: o aluno sente medo de enfrentar o estágio de enfermagem psiquiátrica, acreditando que o doente mental é aquele indivíduo que o senso comum estereotipa como sendo agressivo, violento, incapaz de discernir entre certo e errado; algumas vezes há um grande incômodo com a identificação, quando o aluno acha que pode enlouquecer; o professor é figura fundamental no acompanhamento do aluno; o auto-conhecimento é um fator que facilita a passagem do aluno pela disciplina enfermagem psiquiátrica. Tendo essa pesquisa uma abordagem qualitativa, foram entrevistados 18 alunos, de um total de 38 que cursavam a disciplina enfermagem psiquiátrica (ENP 252) que aceitaram participar desse estudo. A transcrição das entrevistas foi submetida à análise de conteúdo proposta por Bardin. As categorias empíricas identificadas, inerentes aos discursos foram: os afetos; o campo de estágio; e o processo ensino-aprendizagem. Concluiu-se que os alunos têm medo de ) cursar a disciplina devido às representações que têm acerca do doente mental, e que são aquelas do senso comum, as quais, ao longo do estágio, vão dando lugar a uma mudança de pensamento e de atitude do aluno frente ao usuário, na medida em que o aluno adquire habilidades e técnicas para cuidar do paciente. Concluiu-se também que o professor é figura fundamental para o aluno no processo ensino-aprendizagem, que a supervisão é imprescindível para que as questões dos alunos sejam tratadas em grupo, para que haja a possibilidade de compartilhar suas impressões e para que os alunos possam compreender melhor a dinâmica institucional e o trabalho em equipe multiprofissional, por meio de supervisão com funcionário da instituição. Verificou-se a importância da instituição (campo de ensino teórico-prático) para o aluno, que a considera como sendo local de formação em seu processo de aprendizagem. Com relação a representação de sua vivência das dimensões do processo ensino-aprendizagem, depreende-se que quanto à dimensão humana, houve grande impacto emocional e afetivo após o contato dos alunos com os pacientes. A disciplina pôde ser caracterizada, portanto, como um "divisor de águas", frente ao desencadeamento de mudanças internas (pessoal) e profissionais, promovida pela mesma. Quanto à dimensão técnica, para muitos alunos a teoria representou a aquisição de conhecimentos e condição de enfrentar o ensino de campo. Quanto à dimensão político-social, o aluno consegue, ao longo da disciplina, transformar a representação que fazia do louco, da loucura. Por meio de mudança na cultura hegemônica da sociedade a respeito da doença/saúde mental, como houve com esses alunos, através da reforma psiquiátrica, será possível que os alunos não tenham mais essa representação da loucura.

The present work was carried out with the students graduating in nursing, of the São Paulo University that attended the subject matter Psychiatric Nursing. The author had, as object of study, the day-to-day living of the student inserted in the process teaching-learning of the subject matter Psychiatric Nursing, in the attempt to understand the complexity of this experience for the student. It had as an aim to know the feelings of the students in relation to the theoretical-practical teaching of Psychiatric Nursing, and to the field where this study was carried out; to learn the representations that the studies had of the role of the teacher who accompanied them in the theoretical-practical teaching in the field, to identify in the mode of address of the students which were the aspects that made easy, or difficult the process teaching-learning, to identify in the students representations their day-to-day living of the dimensions of the teaching-learning process. To this end, a bibliographic survey was made, in order to support the purposes of the author, which were: the student is afraid to face the psychiatric nursing of practical training, believing that the mentally ill person is the one that common belief stereotypes as being aggressive, violent, uncapable of discerning between right and wrong; sometimes, there is a great discomfort with the identification, when the student feels that he (or she) may go crazy; the teacher is the fundamental figure in the accompaniment of the student, the self-knowledge is a factor that facilitates the passage of the student through the subject matter Psychiatric Nursing. Since this research has a qualitative approach, eighteen students, out of a total of thirty-eight that attended the subject matter Psychiatric Nursing (ENP 252), and that agreed to participate in this study, were interviewed. The transcription of the interviews was submitted to the analysis of the contents, proposed by Bardin. The empiric categories identified, inherent to the speeches were: the affections; the field of practical training, and the process teaching-learning. It was concluded that the students are afraid to attend the subject matter due to the representations that they have of the mentally ill persons, which are those of the common belief, which, alongside the practical training, are giving place to a change of thought of the student, as well as of attitude, in proportion to the students acquiring the technical capabilities to take care of the patient. It was concluded, furthermore, that the teacher is the fundamental figure for the students to be treated in group, so that there is the possibility to share their impressions and that the student may better understand the institutional dynamics and the work in a multi-professional team, by means of supervision with the employees of the institution. It was ascertained the importance of the institution (field of theoretical and practical teaching) for the student, which consider it as the educational place in his learning process. As far as the representations of his day-to-day living of the dimensions of the teaching-learning process is concerned, it was concluded that, as regards the human dimension, there was a great emotional and affective impact following the contact of the students with the patients. Therefore, the subject matter can be characterized as a "water-shed", towards the outbreak of the internal (personal) and professional changes, that it caused. Regarding the technical dimension, for many students the theory meant an acquisition of knowledge and the capability to face the teaching in the field. As to the political and social dimension, the student is able, alongside of the subject matter, to transform the representation that he (or she) had of the mad person, of madness. Through the change in the hegemonic culture of society, about mental illness/health, in the same way as it occurred with these students, through the psychiatric reform, it will be possible that the students will have no more representations of madness.

Soins infirmiers en psychiatrie , Enseignement infirmier