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Gamme d'année
Interdisciplinaria ; 35(1): 105-118, jul. 2018. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-984534


En la primera parte de este trabajo se presenta la construcción y el desarrollo de la Prueba Argentina Psicolingüística de Denominación de Imágenes (PAPDI). La misma tiene dos características que la diferencian de las pruebas actualmente disponibles en nuestro medio: (a) Los estímulos fueron seleccionados controlando las variables que afectan las etapas de análisis visual y reconocimiento de la imagen (Complejidad visual y Concordancia con la imagen) y el conocimiento conceptual (Variabilidad de la Imagen y Familiaridad) del dibujo del objeto también se manipularon las variables (Frecuencia léxica y Edad de adquisición) que afectan la etapa que busca evaluar la prueba: activación, selección y recuperación de la etiqueta léxica. Los índices que operacionalizan a las variables son dependientes de la cultura y de la lengua de dónde se obtengan, por ello se tomaron sus valores de normas argentinas. (b) Las claves semánticas han sido elaboradas cuidadosamente, siguiendo las normas de producción de atributos semánticos también recolectadas en nuestro país, ya que el uso de las mismas permite generar hipótesis más precisas acerca de la localización del déficit. Por lo tanto, se presenta el proceso de construcción y desarrollo de la prueba mostrando cómo se tuvieron en cuenta estas particularidades, cuáles variables han sido controladas y cuáles manipuladas, y su justificación. Por último, los resultados de la prueba piloto permitieron seleccionar 30 ítems y la constitución de la versión final de la prueba, que es lo suficientemente breve para su uso en la clínica y de libre acceso.

In the current paper, first part, we present the design and development of the Argentinean Psycholinguistic Image Naming Test (PAPDI). This test has two characteristics that make it different from those currently available in our country: (a) the stimuli have been selected by controlling the variables that affect the stages of visual analysis and image recognition (Visual Complexity and Image Agreement) and conceptual knowledge (Image Variability and Familiarity) of the drawing of the object; and the variables (Frequency of Use and Age of Acquisition) that affect the stage that seeks to evaluate the test were manipulated: activation, selection and retrieval of the lexical label (phonological form of the name), to generate a gradient of difficulty in the items of the test. However, the variable Naming Agreement, that also affects this stage, was controlled to selected pictures with only one predominating name. The quantification of these factors by means of specific variables is influenced by the cultural and linguistic context from which they were obtained, consequently we took their values from Argentinean normative data base and (b) semantic cues were elaborated according to semantic feature production norms also from Argentina. The phonological cues corresponded to the first syllable of the object's name. Their use allows to generate more precise hypotheses about the location of the deficit and allows to infer relevant information about the cognitive profile. Therefore, the process of construction and development of the test is presented, showing how these particularities were taken into consideration, which variables were controlled and which were manipulated, and their justification. For the design of the test 62, black and white pictures were originally selected from the 400 pictures taken from Cycowicz's set (of frequent use in Experimental Psychology and Neuropsychology). They correspond to concrete concepts from different semantic categories belonging to both living andnon living domains. The criteria used to include those images were that they were moderately complex (in quantity of lines and details), moderately familiar and that they had a mean image variability value. They had to have a medium to high concordance degree between the mental image and its corresponding representation. Besides, these images had to have a naming agreement superior to 80%. To conform the first version of the test, the 62 images selected were ordered according to the variable Age of Acquisition and each image was assigned its corresponding semantic and phonological cues. The former were extracted from the Argentinean norms considering the most relevant features. The second consisted on the word´s first syllable. A pilot study with healthy population (n = 50), of different ages, both sexes and three educational levels, was carried out through which 30 images were selected that constituted the test´s final version. The deleted items were: figures that did not evokea univocal response, that is, they were easily confused with other objects; figures that had more than one acceptable answer although not all were correct; and items that presented a ceiling effect where the scores accumulated in high scores and did not allow to discriminate the participants' ability to select, retrieve and produce a word (only 25 and 30% of the items were retained). In the test´s final version, the items were reordered according to the Age of Acquisition and Frequency values and their difficulty in naming (following the percentage of successes in the spontaneous response). And images that were contain in another naming tests were deleted. The test is short enough for use in the clinic and freely accessible. The second part of the paper presents the psychometric studies that provide evidence of their relevance and validity.

Pensam. psicol ; 15(1): 73-86, ene.-jun. 2017. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-895183


Objetivo. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo efectuar una revisión actualizada de los modelos neuropsicológicos y psicolingüísticos de la intervención en las dificultades de la escritura. Método. Se partió de una revisión y un estudio teórico de documentos especializados, utilizando diversos descriptores específicos (disgrafía-neuropsicología, disgrafía-psicolingüística, reeducación/educación-disgrafía) de la Web of Science. Resultados. De modo habitual, la literatura especializada plantea que la intervención neuropsicológica y psicolingüística debe ser integral, en el sentido de centrarse en los procesos tanto generales como específicos que subyacen a la escritura de cada niño. De la misma forma, se identifica que la adaptación del modelo de trabajo a las necesidades reales del alumno en cuanto a su grafismo, calidad del escrito y dificultades concretas permite la optimización del resultado. Conclusión. Resulta necesario considerar que una adecuada intervención en la escritura no debe ser genérica, sino individualizada y específica. De ahí que la adopción de un modelo de trabajo integral le aporte beneficios al niño, dado que se centra en los factores que determinan su acto gráfico, su calidad de la composición y la corrección de sus errores concretos.

Objective. This study aimed to carry out an updated review of neuropsychological and psycholinguistic models in the intervention of writers who demonstrate poor acquisition of writing skills. Method. We have started a comprehensive review and theoretical study of specialized documents, using various specific descriptors (dysgraphia - neuropsychology, dysgraphia - psycholinguistic, reeducation / education - dysgraphia) in the Web of Science. Results. Regularly, the literature suggests that neuropsychological and psycholinguistic intervention must be comprehensive, in the sense of focus on both general and specific processes that underlie each child's writing. The adaptation of the working model to the real needs of the student in terms of graphics, quality of writing and their particular difficulties allows the optimization of the result. Conclusion. We need to consider that a good intervention in writing can't be generic, but must be individualized and specific. The adoption of a model of integrated work brings benefits to the child, since it focuses on the factors that determine their graphic act, the quality of the composition, and correction of their specific errors.

Escopo. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo efetuar uma revisão atualizada dos modelos neuropsicológicos e psicolinguísticos da intervenção nas dificuldades da escritura. Metodologia. Tem se partido de uma completa revisão e estudo teórico de documentos especializados, utilizando diversos descritores específicos (disgrafia-neuropsicologia, disgrafia-psicolinguística, reeducação/educação-disgrafia) na Web of Science. Resultados. De maneira habitual, a literatura especializada argumenta que a intervenção neuropsicológica e psicolinguística deve ser integral, no sentido de se enfocar nos processos tanto gerais como específicos que são subjacentes à escritura de cada criança. Do mesmo jeito, é identificado que a adaptação do modelo de trabalho às necessidades reais do aluno em quanto ao seu grafismo, qualidade do escrito e as suas dificuldades concretas permitem a optimização do resultado. Conclusão. É necessário considerar que uma boa intervenção na escritura não pode ser genérica, ao contrário, deve ser individualizada e específica. Assim, centra-se nos fatores que determinam seu ato gráfico, sua qualidade da composição e a correção de seus erros concretos.

Humains , Agraphie , Psycholinguistique , Neuropsychologie
Rev. colomb. rehabil ; 15(1): 12-21, 2016. ilus, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-912756


Un número de investigaciones han estudiado la relación entre la lecto-escritura y el desempeño de los estudiantes. Este artículo describe las características del proceso lecto-escrito y analiza la correlación entre este proceso y el desempeño escolar. En este estudio la muestra fue de 327 estudiantes de los grados quinto y sexto quienes fueron evaluados a través de diferentes tareas. En este estudio descriptivo se aplicaron pruebas de comprensión de lectura y de producción de textos. El análisis de la información mostró un desempeño más alto en los estudiantes de grado sexto en comprensión de lectura y en las conciencias fonológica, morfológica y sintáctica. El análisis identificó una correlación entre el desempeño en matemáticas y las habilidades psicolin-güísticas, además una correlación entre el desempeño en ciencias sociales y habilidades metalin-güísticas, ciencias naturales y habilidades metalingüísticas y artes y habilidades metacognitivas. Los hallazgos brindan luces sobre la importancia de la lecto-escritura en el desempeño escolar y como las diferentes habilidades facilitan el desarrollo de la lecto-escritura. En este sentido, es importante plantear nuevas investigaciones centradas en la promoción de habilidades metalin-güísticas, metacognitivas y psicolingüísticas para el desempeño escolar de los estudiantes.

A number of researches have studied the relationship between reading and writing skills and the students school performance. This paper describes the characteristics of reading and writing skills and analyzes the correlation between this process and the academic performance. For this study a total of 327 students from fifth and sixth grade were evaluated through different tasks. In this descriptive study the sample was assessed through reading comprehension and writing production tests. Data analyses showed higher performances in sixth grade students in reading comprehension, and in phonological, morphological and syntactic awareness. The analysis iden-tified correlation between Mathematics performance and Psycholinguistic skills; as well as be-tween Social Science performance and metalinguistic skills, Natural Science performance and metalinguistic skills and Arts performance and metacognitive skills. The findings highlight the importance of reading and writing skills for student's academic performance and how the diffe-rent skills facilitate literacy's development. In this sense, it is important to plan new researches focused on promoting metalinguistic, metacognitive and psycholinguistic skills in the student's academic performance

Humains , Psycholinguistique , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Lecture , Écriture
Acta colomb. psicol ; 18(2): 29-40, jul.-dic. 2015. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-765413


La adquisición de la lectoescritura involucra diversos procesos que pueden estimularse en contextos cotidianos, como el hogar, y que también pueden ser favorecidos por la instrucción escolar. Se trabajó con un grupo de niños de primer grado de educación primaria en el contexto escolar durante seis meses, realizando actividades que favorecieran el procesamiento fonológico con el objetivo de observar su impacto en la conciencia fonológica, sus habilidades psicolingüísticas, su vocabulario y sus habilidades lectoras. Los resultados de la t de Student revelan, de manera general, que tales actividades beneficiaron la conciencia fonológica, el vocabulario y algunas de las habilidades psicolingüísticas. Posteriormente, se identificaron los niños que al final del ciclo escolar habían adquirido la lectoescritura y los que no. Los resultados de la U de Mann-Whitney y de la rho de Spearman sugieren que, a diferencia del vocabulario y las habilidades psicolingüísticas, el nivel de la conciencia fonológica con el cual los niños inician la instrucción lectora, pudo ser un elemento importante para tal logro. También se revela que los niños no lectores tienen un desempeño más bajo en la ejecución de tareas que involucran el canal auditivo, que en las del canal visual.

Literacy acquisition involves different processes that can be stimulated in everyday contexts like home and that can also be favored by schooling. Work was carried out with a group of first grade children at a school setting during six months, through activities favoring phonological processing, with the aim of observing their impact on the phonological awareness, psycholinguistic abilities, and vocabulary and reading skills in these children. Generally, results of the Student's-t test reveal that such activities encourage phonological awareness, vocabulary and some psycholinguistic abilities. A distinction was subsequently drawn between children who had acquired literacy towards the end of the school year and those who had not done so. Results from Mann-Whitney's U and Spearman's rho suggest that, unlike vocabulary and psycholinguistic abilities, the level of phonological awareness with which children start their reading instruction could have been an important element in such an achievement. It is also revealed that, in performing tasks involving the auditory channel, the performance of children who do not read is lower than in tasks involving the visual channel.

A aquisição da lecto-escritura envolve diversos processos que podem estimular-se em contextos cotidianos, como o lar, e que também podem ser favorecidos por a instrução escolar. Trabalhou-se com um grupo de crianças da primeira série da educação primária no contexto escolar durante seis meses, realizando atividades que favorecessem o processamento fonológico com o objetivo de observar seu impacto na consciência fonológica, suas habilidades psicolinguísticas, seu vocabulário e suas habilidades leitoras. Os resultados do t de Student revelam, de maneira geral, que essas atividades beneficiaram a consciência fonológica, o vocabulário e algumas das habilidades psicolinguísticas. Posteriormente, identificaram-se as crianças que no final do ciclo escolar haviam adquirido a lecto-escritura e as que não. Os resultados do U de Mann-Whitney e do rho de Spearman sugerem que, a diferença do vocabulário e das habilidades psicolinguísticas, o nível da consciência fonológica com o qual as crianças começam a instrução leitora, pôde ser um elemento importante para esse sucesso. Revela-se também as crianças não leitores têm um desempenho mais baixo na execução de tarefas que envolvem o canal auditivo, que nas do canal visual.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Enfant , Pensée (activité mentale) , Comportement de l'enfant
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-940092


@#Objective To evaluate the damaged level of auditory processing and diagnose the type of language impairment in an auditory agnosia patient using Psycholinguistic Assessment in Chinese Aphasia (PACA), and predict the outcome of the language function. Methods A patient with a bilateral damage involving the temporal lobe could physically hear the sounds, but was unable to recognize or differentiate between the sounds. Speech and language evaluations were taken with PACA 4 weeks, 8 weeks and 3 months after the onset of disease. Results At 4 weeks, the correct rates were 2.5% and 95.0% in spoken word-picture matching and written word-picture matching (P<0.001), and were 5.6% and 80.6% in spoken semantic knowledge and written semantic knowledge (P<0.001). The scores of auditory input processing function score were low, including phoneme discrimination, spoken word matching with minimal differences, environmental sounds identification. The correct rates were 67.5% in oral picture naming, 0 in word repetition, 70.0% in word reading, 0 in dictation, 100.0% in directly copy writing. At 8 weeks and 3 months, there was complete recovery in written word- picture matching (both 100%) and written semantic knowledge (97.2%, 100%), and improvement in oral picture naming (87.5%, 90%), word repetition (87.5%, 97.5%), picture name writing (77.5%, 87.5%) and copy writing (both 100%) (P<0.05). But no change was found in auditory input processing function examinations, spoken word-picture matching (5.0%, 7.5%), spoken semantic knowledge (2.8%, 5.6%), word repetition (0, 3.3%) and dictation (both 0). Conclusion The patient was diagnosed as auditory agnosia with the inability to distinguish sounds. PACA can well identify the impaired level of auditory comprehension disorder and the outcome of language function recovery for aphasics.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-476966


Objective To evaluate the damaged level of auditory processing and diagnose the type of language impairment in an audito-ry agnosia patient using Psycholinguistic Assessment in Chinese Aphasia (PACA), and predict the outcome of the language function. Meth-ods A patient with a bilateral damage involving the temporal lobe could physically hear the sounds, but was unable to recognize or differenti-ate between the sounds. Speech and language evaluations were taken with PACA 4 weeks, 8 weeks and 3 months after the onset of disease. Results At 4 weeks, the correct rates were 2.5%and 95.0%in spoken word-picture matching and written word-picture matching (P<0.001), and were 5.6%and 80.6%in spoken semantic knowledge and written semantic knowledge (P<0.001). The scores of auditory input process-ing function score were low, including phoneme discrimination, spoken word matching with minimal differences, environmental sounds identification. The correct rates were 67.5%in oral picture naming, 0 in word repetition, 70.0%in word reading, 0 in dictation, 100.0%in di-rectly copy writing. At 8 weeks and 3 months, there was complete recovery in written word-picture matching (both 100%) and written se-mantic knowledge (97.2%, 100%), and improvement in oral picture naming (87.5%, 90%), word repetition (87.5%, 97.5%), picture name writing (77.5%, 87.5%) and copy writing (both 100%) (P<0.05). But no change was found in auditory input processing function examina-tions, spoken word-picture matching (5.0%, 7.5%), spoken semantic knowledge (2.8%, 5.6%), word repetition (0, 3.3%) and dictation (both 0). Conclusion The patient was diagnosed as auditory agnosia with the inability to distinguish sounds. PACA can well identify the impaired level of auditory comprehension disorder and the outcome of language function recovery for aphasics.

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