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Dement. neuropsychol ; 12(3): 264-271, July-Sept. 2018. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-952971


ABSTRACT: Stress is a response in which an individual wants to have more control over a situation. A constant state of stress is called anxiety. Some patients deny symptoms. An instrument can help arrive at a diagnosis. Objective: Using TQ-7 QEEG, this study aimed to evaluate the association of symptoms of anxiety, insecurity, fear, panic and phobia with hot temporals defined as Beta (15-23 Hz) >17% and High-Beta waves (23-38 Hz) >10% at T3 and T4. Methods: Five hundred and forty-three patients of both genders with ages ranging from 16-59 years were evaluated, divided into two groups: Control (without hot temporals: n=274) and Case Group (with hot temporals: n=269). The Chi-square test was used (p-values ≤0.05). Results: There was a significant association (p-value <0.001) between the symptoms related to amygdala activation, expressed in the temporals (Beta >17% and High-Beta >10%). (Anxiety, T3=89.6% - T4=88.8%; T3=92.6% - T4=93.3%), (Fear, T3=80.7% - T4=84.4%; T3=82.9% - T4=95.9%), (Insecurity, T3=82.2% - T4=81.4%; T3=69.5% - T4=97.8%), (Panic, T3=52.4 - T4=72.5%; T3=90.3% - T4=74.0%), (Phobia, T3=17.5% - T4=22.7%; T3=19.7% - T4=27.1%), when compared to the respective controls (Beta control, T3=8.4%, 10.2%, 21.2%, 1.1%, 0.4% and T4=11.3%, 4.4%, 23.0%, 2.6%, 1.1%) (High-Beta control, T3=4.0%, 6.9%, 6.2%, 0.4%, 0.0% and T4=17.5%, 6.2%, 3.3%, 4.0%, 0.7%). Conclusion: Anxiety, insecurity, fear, panic and phobia are observed by QEEG when the levels of total Beta >17% and High-Beta waves >10% at T3 and T4.

RESUMO: O estresse é uma resposta a uma situação na qual, um indivíduo quer ter mais controle. Um estado de estresse constante é chamado de ansiedade. Alguns pacientes negam sintomas. Um instrumento pode auxiliar um diagnóstico. Objetivo: Utilizando o QEEG TQ-7, este estudo objetivou avaliar a associação dos sintomas de ansiedade, insegurança, medo, pânico e/ou fobia com a categoria de temporais quentes definidos como Beta (15-23 Hz) >17% e Beta-Alta (23-38 Hz) >10% em T3 e T4. Métodos: Foram avaliados 543 pacientes de ambos os gêneros na faixa etária de 16-59 anos, divididos: Controle (sem temporais quentes: n=274) Grupo estudado (com temporais quentes: n=269). Foi utilizado o teste qui-quadrado (p-valor ≤0.05). Resultados: Houve associação significativa (p-valor <0.001) entre os sintomas relacionados à ativação da amigdala, expressos nos temporais (Beta >17% e Beta-Alta >10%). (Ansiedade, T3=89,6% - T4=88,8%; T3=92,6% - T4=93,3%), (Medo, T3=80,7% - T4=84,4%; T3=82,9% - T4=95,9%), (Insegurança, T3=82,2% - T4=81,4%; T3=69,5% - T4=97,8%), (Pânico, T3=52.4% - T4=72.5%; T3=90.3% - T4=74.0%), (Fobia, T3=17,5% - T4=22,7%; T3=19,7% - T4=27,1%), quando comparados aos respectivos controles (Beta controle, T3=8,4%, 10,2%, 21,2%, 1,1%, 0,4% e T4=11,3%, 4,4%, 23,0%, 2,6%, 1,1%) e (Beta-Alta Controle, T3=4,0%, 6,9%, 6,2%, 0,4%, 0,0%; T4=17,5%, 6,2%, 3,3%, 4,0%, 0,7%). Conclusão: Ansiedade, insegurança, medo, pânico e fobia são observados no QEEG, quando Beta >17% e Beta-Alta >10% em T3 e T4.

Humains , Stress psychologique/imagerie diagnostique , Anxiété , Panique , Électroencéphalographie/méthodes
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-806015


Objective@#oevaluateclinical curative effect of oxiracetam injection in the treatment of delayed encephalopathy after acute carbon monoxide poisoning (DEACMP) .@*Methods@#Methods 52 patients with DEACMP were randomly divided into the observation group and the control group, 27 cases in the observation group and 25 cases in the control group. The 2 groups were adopted the treatment to improve the cerebral microcirculation and other symptomatic, the observation group on the basis of treatment for the treatment of oxiracetam Injection. Quantitative electroencephalogram (QEEG) and event-related potential P300 were used to evaluate the therapeutic effects of the 2 groups before and after treatment.@*Results@#After treatment, QEEG value and event related potential P300 in observation group were decreased with statistically significant, respectively (P<0.05) , compared with the control group after treatment, the observation group excepted the occipital lobe, left parietal lobe, left around central and other indicators, QEEG and P300 oflatent period was shortened while the bank widens with statistical significance (P<0.05) .@*Conclusion@#Olathe injection of DEACMP patients recovery have certain curative effect.

Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-121501


OBJECTIVES: Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD) is characterized by significant impairments in executive functions, with a prevalence of approximately 3-5% of all children worldwide. The goal of this study was to examine the relationship between executive functions and electrophysiological activities in children and adolescents with ADHD. METHODS: In 31 patients with ADHD, resting-state EEG was recorded, and Comprehensive Attention Test(CAT), Stroop Color-Word Inference Test(Stroop CWIT), Trail Making Test(TMT), and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test(CST) were administered. Korean version of the ADHD Rating Scale(K-ARS) was assessed. RESULTS: Alpha and beta power positively correlated with the Attention Quotient(AQ), while delta power negatively correlated with AQ from CAT. In the Stroop CWIT, decreased delta power and increased beta power were related to higher performance. Power of the alpha band increased with higher TMT performance. Moreover, delta power negatively correlated with good performance on the CST, while alpha and high gamma band showed a positive correlation. Correlation with the parent-rating of ADHD symptoms showed a negative correlation between alpha power and higher scores on the K-ARS. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that relative power in higher frequency bands of EEG is related to the higher executive function in children and adolescents with ADHD, while the association with the relative power in lower frequency bands of EEG seem to be vice versa. Furthermore, the findings suggest that QEEG may be a useful adjunctive tool in assessing patients with ADHD.

Adolescent , Animaux , Chats , Enfant , Humains , Électroencéphalographie , Fonction exécutive , Prévalence , Wisconsin
Salud ment ; 39(5): 267-274, Sep.-Oct. 2016. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-845992


RESUMEN: Introducción: La potencia espectral en reposo a menudo se considera como un marcador robusto de la función cerebral; sin embargo, pocos estudios la han asociado con una función específica. Objetivo: Analizar la relación entre la potencia absoluta (PA) del EEG con el desempeño en las tareas de funcionamiento ejecutivo en niños. Método: Investigación transversal correlacional en 30 niños (8.6 ± 1 años). Se realizó el EEG con ojos cerrados y análisis de derivaciones bipolares. Con la transformada de Fourier se calculó la PA en el espectro de 1.6-30 Hz. Se aplicó la batería NEUROPSI Atención y Memoria y se calculó el Indice de Atención y Funciones Ejecutivas (IAFE). En función de éste, se comparó la PA con Kruskal-Wallis y valor Z, coeficiente de Spearman para la correlación con las subpruebas. Resultados: Los niños con alteraciones severas ( x - = 63 ± 8 IC 95% [57.2, 68.5]) tuvieron mayor PA delta en F1F7, P301 y P402, así como valores Z cercanos a 2 DE en F7T3, F3C3 y F8T4 en frecuencias lentas. Las correlaciones fueron significativas (rho, p ≤ .05) entre el IAFE con la PA delta en P301 (-.57), P402 (-.43) y T5O1 (-.37); con PA alfa principalmente en zonas fronto-temporo-parieto-occipitales izquierdas. La puntuación en Detección Visual y Fluidez Semántica se relacionó con la PA alfa. Discusión y conclusión: El rendimiento en actividades de FE es diferente en relación con la PA delta frontal y parietal. Existe una relación inversa entre la PA delta y alfa en reposo con la atención y fluidez (245/250).

ABSTRACT: Introduction: The resting EEG power is considered as a robust marker of brain function; however, a few studies have associated it to a specific function. Objective: To analyze the relationship between EEG absolute power (AP) with performance on tasks of executive functioning in children. Method: Correlational cross-sectional study of 30 children (8.6 ± 1 year). EEG was performed with eyes closed and bipolar leads. With the Fourier transform AP was calculated in the spectrum of 1.6, 30 Hz. NEUROPSI Attention and Memory was applied and the Index of Attention and Executive functions (IAFE) was calculated. Based on this, the AP was compared with Kruskal-Wallis and the Z value, Spearman coefficient for correlation with the subtests. Results: Children with severe impairment ( x - = 63 ± 8 CI 95% [57.2, 68.5]) had higher delta AP (α ≤ .05) in F1F7, P301 and P402, and Z values near 2 SD in F7T3, F3C3 and F8T4 at slow frequencies. Correlations were significant between the IAFE and delta AP P301 (-.57), P402 (-.43) and T5O1 (-.37); with AP alpha mainly on left fronto- temporo - parietal- occipital areas. The score in Visual Detection and Semantic Fluency inversely related to AP alpha frequency. Discussion and conclusion: Performance on tasks of executive functioning is different in relation to the frontal and parietal AP delta. There is an inverse relationship between AP delta and alpha at rest with attention and verbal fluency.

Salud ment ; 39(1): 25-35, ene.-feb. 2016. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-830799


Resumen: ANTECEDENTES: La función cerebral resulta de la actividad eléctrica en redes glío-neuronales, integradas de forma activa por interacciones sensoriales, motoras y reguladores. Redes que oscilan desde la infancia y se modulan por diversos factores de maduración, incluyendo procesos educativos. OBJETIVO: Identificar el espectro de potencia separado en delta (δ), theta (θ), alfa 1 (α1), alfa 2 (α2), beta 1 (β1) y beta 2 (β2) y su topografía en los hemisferios cerebrales de niños, jóvenes y adultos para establecer indicadores EEGc. MÉTODO: Se estudiaron tres grupos de 16 participantes: niños en primaria (GN), estudiantes de licenciatura (GL) y de maestría (GM). Los padres y los participantes otorgaron su consentimiento. En el aparato Nicolet se registró el EEG utilizando el sistema 10/20. Se analizaron muestras bipolares, con T Fourier se obtuvo la potencia absoluta (PA), se calculó su promedio (PPA), la potencia relativa (PR) y los índices de frecuencias lentas/rápidas. Las diferencias se evaluaron con Kruskal Wallis y la comparación de Dunnet para sub-grupos. RESULTADOS: El PPA de seis frecuencias fue mayor en GN que en GL y GM. En éstos fue similar con excepciones, relacionadas con la distribución topográfica. El índice δ/α fue mayor en GN con particular distribución topográfica y θ/α fue más variable. La PR de α fue mayor en GL y GM comparados con GN, la de θ y de δ en algunas derivaciones, fueron mayores en el GN. DISCUSIÓN Y CONCLUSIÓN: En la maduración cerebral disminuye la PA debido a la integración de más ensambles glío-neuronales, que presentan mayor asimetría en determinada frecuencia. Estos perfiles establecen indicadores para compararlos con futuros registros EEG.

Abstract: ANTECEDENTS: Cerebral function results from the electrical activity in glial-neuronal networks, integrated proactively through sensory, motor, and regulating interactions. These networks oscillate since early life and are modulated by diverse maturation factors, including educational processes. OBJECTIVE: To identify the power spectrum separated in delta (δ), theta (θ), alfa 1 (α1), alfa 2 (α2), beta 1 (β1) y beta 2 (β2), and their topography in cerebral hemispheres of children, youngsters, and adults to establish qEEG indicators. METHOD: We studied three groups of 16 participants each: elementary school children (CG), undergraduate students (UG), and graduate students (GG). Parents and participants granted their consent. The EEG was recorded (Nicolet) following the 10/20 system. Bipolar samples were analyzed. Absolute power (AP) was obtained with Fourier transform; its average (AAP) relative power (RP), and slow/fast frequencies and indices were calculated. Differences were assessed with Kruskal Wallis and Dunnet's comparison for subgroups. RESULTS: The AAP of six frequencies was higher in CG than in UG and GG. Frequencies were similar with exceptions correlating with topographic distribution. The δ/α index was higher in CG with a particular topographic distribution, θ/α varied more. RP of α was higher in UG and GG than in CG; that of θ and δ were higher in some leads of CG. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: During cerebral maturation, AP diminishes due to integration of more glial-neuronal ensembles, presenting greater asymmetry in a giving frequency. These profiles establish indicators for comparison with future EEG recordings.

Psychiatry Investigation ; : 243-250, 2014.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-174679


OBJECTIVE: Many applications such as biomedical signals require selecting a subset of the input features in order to represent the whole set of features. A feature selection algorithm has recently been proposed as a new approach for feature subset selection. METHODS: Feature selection process using ant colony optimization (ACO) for 6 channel pre-treatment electroencephalogram (EEG) data from theta and delta frequency bands is combined with back propagation neural network (BPNN) classification method for 147 major depressive disorder (MDD) subjects. RESULTS: BPNN classified R subjects with 91.83% overall accuracy and 95.55% subjects detection sensitivity. Area under ROC curve (AUC) value after feature selection increased from 0.8531 to 0.911. The features selected by the optimization algorithm were Fp1, Fp2, F7, F8, F3 for theta frequency band and eliminated 7 features from 12 to 5 feature subset. CONCLUSION: ACO feature selection algorithm improves the classification accuracy of BPNN. Using other feature selection algorithms or classifiers to compare the performance for each approach is important to underline the validity and versatility of the designed combination.

Fourmis , Classification , Trouble dépressif majeur , Électroencéphalographie , Courbe ROC
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-162912


OBJECTIVES: This study was designed to investigate the clinical availability of quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG) as an auxiliary diagnostic tool in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). METHODS: A total 95 participants completed examinations, which included Korean ADHD Rating Scale (K-ARS), Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children Version IV-Korean Version (DISC-IV), and QEEG. From the result of the DISC-IV, we divided them into three groups, ADHD, ADHD NOS (not otherwise specified), and Normal control. The QEEG was analyzed by the ranges of Hz : delta (1-4 Hz), theta (4-8 Hz), alpha (8-12 Hz), beta (12-25 Hz), and high beta (25-30 Hz). RESULTS: ADHD NOS group showed significantly decreased delta activity (NOSnormal, p=0.044) compared with normal control. ADHD group showed increased high beta activity (ADHD>NOS, p=0.043) compared with NOS group. The z-scores of relative power of theta were negatively correlated with the K-ARS at O1, O2 electrodes of ADHD group. On the other hand, the z-scores of relative power of high beta were negatively correlated with the K-ARS at F7, F8 electrodes of ADHD NOS group. CONCLUSION: We confirmed QEEG abnormalities in ADHD patients, especially the difference between ADHD NOS and Normal control. Therefore, we expect to use QEEG as the valuable tool to diagnose ADHD accurately.

Enfant , Humains , Rendez-vous et plannings , Électrodes , Électroencéphalographie , Main
Arch. Clin. Psychiatry (Impr.) ; 40(4): 129-134, 2013. ilus, tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-686096


BACKGROUND: Significant deficits in emotional recognition and social perception characterize patients with schizophrenia and have direct negative impact both in inter-personal relationships and in social functioning. Virtual reality, as a methodological resource, might have a high potential for assessment and training skills in people suffering from mental illness. OBJECTIVES: To present preliminary results of a facial emotional recognition assessment designed for patients with schizophrenia, using 3D avatars and virtual reality. METHODS: Presentation of 3D avatars which reproduce images developed with the FaceGen® software and integrated in a three-dimensional virtual environment. Each avatar was presented to a group of 12 patients with schizophrenia and a reference group of 12 subjects without psychiatric pathology. RESULTS: The results show that the facial emotions of happiness and anger are better recognized by both groups and that the major difficulties arise in fear and disgust recognition. Frontal alpha electroencephalography variations were found during the presentation of anger and disgust stimuli among patients with schizophrenia. DISCUSSION: The developed program evaluation module can be of surplus value both for patient and therapist, providing the task execution in a non anxiogenic environment, however similar to the actual experience.

CONTEXTO: Pessoas diagnosticadas com esquizofrenia apresentam um défice significativo na cognição social com implicações negativas relativamente ao funcionamento interpessoal e social. A realidade virtual apresenta grandes potencialidades para a avaliação e o treino de competências em pessoas com doença mental. OBJETIVOS: Apresentar os resultados preliminares de um programa construído para avaliação do reconhecimento emocional de faces por pessoas com esquizofrenia, utilizando avatares 3D e realidade virtual. MÉTODOS: Apresentação de avatares 3D que reproduzem expressões emocionais, construídas por meio do FaceGen® e integradas num ambiente virtual tridimensional. Apresentou-se cada avatar a 12 doentes com esquizofrenia e a 12 pessoas sem patologia psiquiátrica, avaliando as respostas de reconhecimento e a atividade eletroencefalográfica frontal. RESULTADOS: Os resultados demonstraram que as expressões de alegria e raiva foram as mais bem reconhecidas pelos dois grupos, enquanto de medo e nojo foram as de maior dificuldade. Verificaram-se alterações na atividade alfa frontal para os estímulos raiva e nojo na amostra de doentes com esquizofrenia. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar de algumas expressões emocionais poderem ser melhoradas, o programa desenvolvido pode constituir uma mais-valia para o paciente e para o terapeuta, proporcionando a execução da tarefa em condições não ansiogênicas e aproximadas à experiência real.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Schizophrénie , Reconnaissance physiologique des formes , Simulation numérique , Cognition , Thérapie par réalité virtuelle
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 70(7): 506-513, July 2012. ilus, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-642975


The saccadic movement is an important behavioral measure used to investigate several cognitive processes, including attention and sensorimotor integration. The present study aimed at investigating changes in beta coherence over frontal, motor, occipital, and parietal cortices during the performance of two different conditions of a prosacadic paradigm. The conditions involved a different pattern of stimulus presentation: a fixed and random stimulus presentation. Twelve healthy volunteers (three male, mean age of 26.25 (SD=4.13) performed the task, while their brain activity pattern was recorded using quantitative electroencephalography. The results showed an interaction between factors condition and moment for the pair of electrode C3/C4. We observed a main effect for moment to CZ/C4, FZ/F3, and P3/PZ. We also found a main effect for condition to FZ/F4, P3/P4, and O1/O2. Our results demonstrated an important role of the inter-connection of the two hemispheres in visual search and movement preparation. The study demonstrates an automation of action and reduction of the focus of attention during the task. We also found that the inter-hemispheric beta coherence plays an important role in the differentiation of the two conditions, and that beta in the right frontal cortex is able to differentiate the conditions, demonstrating a greater involvement of procedural memory in fixed condition. Our results suggest a neuronal specialization in the execution of prosacadic paradigm involving motor task sequence.

O movimento sacádico é uma importante medida de comportamento usada para investigar vários processos cognitivos, incluindo atenção e integração sensório-motora. O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar as mudanças na coerência em beta nos córtices frontal, motor, parietal e occipital durante a realização de duas condições diferentes de um paradigma do movimento sacádico. As condições envolveram um padrão diferente de apresentação do estímulo: a apresentação do estímulo fixo e do aleatório. Doze voluntários saudáveis ​​(três do sexo masculino, com idade média de 26,25; DP=4,13) realizaram a tarefa, enquanto o seu padrão de atividade cerebral era monitorado, usando eletroencefalografia quantitativa. Os resultados mostraram uma interação entre condição dos fatores e momento para o par de eletrodos C3/C4. Observou-se um efeito principal ao momento para CZ/C4, FZ/F3 e P3/PZ. Encontrou-se também um efeito principal à condição para FZ/F4, P3/P4 e O1/O2. Os resultados demonstram um importante papel da ligação interconexão entre os dois hemisférios, em busca visual e preparação do movimento. O estudo demonstra uma automatização da ação e uma redução do foco de atenção durante a tarefa. Identificou-se também que a coerência em beta entre regiões inter-hemisféricas desempenha um papel importante na diferenciação entre as duas condições. Ainda, beta no córtex frontal direito é capaz de diferenciar as condições, demonstrando-se um maior envolvimento da memória de procedimento em condição fixa. Sendo assim, os presentes resultados sugerem especialização neuronal na execução do paradigma prossacádico envolvendo sequência de tarefa motora.

Adulte , Femelle , Humains , Cortex cérébral/physiologie , Électroencéphalographie/méthodes , Latéralité fonctionnelle/physiologie , Saccades/physiologie , Lobe frontal/physiologie , Lobe occipital/physiologie , Lobe pariétal/physiologie
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-43353


OBJECTIVE: Among various methods developed to quantitatively explore electroencephalograms (EEG), we focused on a wavelet method that was known to yield robust results under nonstationary conditions. The aim of this study was thus to introduce the wavelet method and demonstrate its potential use in clinical sleep studies. METHOD: This study involved artificial EEG specifically designed to validate the wavelet method. The method was performed to obtain time-dependent spectral power and phase angles of the signal. Synchrony of multichannel EEG was analyzed by an order parameter of the instantaneous phase. The standard methods, such as Fourier transformation and coherence, were also performed and compared with the wavelet method. The method was further validated with clinical EEG and ERP samples available as pilot studies at academic sleep centers. RESULT: The time-frequency plot and phase synchrony level obtained by the wavelet method clearly showed dynamic changes in the EEG waveforms artificially fabricated. When applied to clinical samples, the method successfully detected changes in spectral power across the sleep onset period and identified differences between the target and background ERP. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that the wavelet method could be an alternative and/or complementary tool to the conventional Fourier method in quantifying and identifying EEG and ERP biomarkers robustly, especially when the signals were nonstationary in a short time scale (1-100 seconds).

Marqueurs biologiques , Électroencéphalographie , Analyse de Fourier , Projets pilotes
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-725112


OBJECTIVES: This study was designed to investigate the usability of IVA + Plus (Continuous Performance Test) and NeuroGuide [Quantitative electroencephalography (EEG) normative database] as an auxiliary diagnostic tools for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). METHODS: The scores of IVA + Plus and resting EEG were obtained from 34 elementary school-aged children. Also, the Korean ADHD Rating Scale (K-ARS) and the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children version IV (DISC-IV) was done for the parent of them. From the result of the DISC-IV, we divided them into three groups, ADHD Not Otherwise Specified (NOS), and Normal Control (NC). Using NeuroGuide, the z-scores of relative power for delta (1-4 Hz), theta (4-8 Hz), alpha (8-12 Hz), and beta (12-25 Hz) were calculated. Then the correlation and variance analysis were done to investigate the differences between three groups. RESULTS: The scores of IVA + Plus were negatively correlated with the K-ARS. IVA + Plus have successfully discriminated the ADHD from NC and NOS. The z-scores of relative power of delta and theta were positively correlated with the K-ARS. The z-scores of relative power of alpha and beta were negatively correlated with the K-ARS. CONCLUSIONS: The IVA + Plus and NeuroGuide QEEG test are expected to be used as the valuable tools for diagnosing ADHD accurately.

Enfant , Humains , Rendez-vous et plannings , Électroencéphalographie , Parents
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-725335


OBJECTIVES: The eye movement (EM) has been reported to play a role in enhancing the retrieval of episodic memories and reducing effects of fearful episodes in the past and worries for the futures. However, it is still unclear in the mechanism of EM in normal subjects. We examined the horizontal eye movement (HEM) effect using an aiding apparatus on mental health indices including negative and positive psychological factors, and psychophysiological measures such as heart rate variability and quantitative electroencepaholography (qEEG) in healthy subjects. METHODS: Twenty eight healthy subjects were recruited and randomly allocated into two groups : active HEM group and control group. The active HEM group conducted the HEM training with usual stress management audio-intervention using the apparatus inducing eye movement once a day for 14 days. The control group also conducted the same training once a day for 14 days, however, the saccadic eye movement was not included in this training. Psychological measurements, neurocognitive function tests, heart rate variability measurement and qEEG were conducted before and after the training in both groups. RESULTS: In the active HEM group, sleep status using Sleep Quality Scale (SQS) positive factors significantly increased after the training. By contrast, scores on the negative items of Psychological Well-Being Scale (PWBS), and negative items of the Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R) were significantly decreased after the training. The percentage of delta amplitude (1-3 Hz) in qEEG significantly decreased after the HEM training. The percentage of alpha amplitude (8-12 Hz) significantly increased after HEM training. The change of delta amplitude in the active HEM group was positively correlated with the change of sleep satisfaction of Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), and the change of alpha amplitude was negatively correlated with depression of VAS, anxiety of VAS and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). CONCLUSIONS: The HEM training improved sleep quality and well-being, and sense of optimism. The HEM training also increased alpha amplitude and decreased delta amplitude in qEEG. The qEEG changes were well correlated with subjective improvement of mental health indices in healthy subjects. These results suggest some evidences that HEM training using the apparatus that induces EM would be helpful in improving subjective mental health in healthy subjects. Further study with larger samples size would be needed.

Anxiété , Dépression , Oeil , Mouvements oculaires , Tests de la fonction cardiaque , Rythme cardiaque , Mémoire épisodique , Santé mentale , Orientation , Saccades
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-28052


OBJECTIVES: Age-related differences of the brain have been obtained by various methods. This study was aimed to explore the changes of quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG) and their source localization in normal aging. METHODS: Thirty-seven healthy young adults (mean age 35.22+/-13.62 years) and thirty-nine cognitively-healthy elderly subjects (mean age 72.95+/-5.73 years) participated in the study. Resting-state EEGs were recorded while subjects were in a relaxed state. Relative qEEG powers of five frequency bands were analyzed for eye closed conditions: delta (1-3 Hz), theta (4-7 Hz), alpha (8-12 Hz), beta (13-25 Hz), and gamma (30-50 Hz). The standardized low resolution electromagnetic tomography (sLORETA) was used to identify the current source densities of each frequency band. RESULTS: The elderly group showed an increase of beta and gamma power while the reduction of delta, theta, and alpha power compared with the young group. Controlling education as a covariate, the beta power was positively correlated with age, while theta power was negatively correlated with age in all subjects. sLORETA revealed that elderly subjects had reduced current source density at the cingulate gyrus in the theta band, while increased current source densities at the frontal, parietal, insula, and limbic areas in the beta band compared with young adults. CONCLUSION: Our results suggested that qEEG could reflect normal aging. Cognitively healthy elderly subjects showed an increase of high-frequency power, while showing a reduction of low-frequency power. These functional implications were discussed.

Sujet âgé , Humains , Jeune adulte , Vieillissement , Encéphale , Électroencéphalographie , Oeil , Gyrus du cingulum , Aimants
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 69(2b): 304-309, 2011. ilus
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-588088


This study aimed to elucidate cortical mechanisms involved in anticipatory actions when 23 healthy right-handed subjects had to catch a free falling object through quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG). For this reason, we used coherence that represents a measurement of linear covariation between two signals in the frequency domain. In addition, we investigated gamma-band (30-100 Hz) activity that is related to cognitive and somatosensory processes. We hypothesized that gamma coherence will be increase in both parietal and occipital areas during moment after ball drop, due to their involvement in manipulation of objects, visuospatial processing, visual perception, stimuli identification and attention processes. We confirmed our hypothesis, an increase in gamma coherence on P3-P4 (t= -2.15; p=0.033) and PZ-OZ (t= -2.16; p=0.034) electrode pairs was verified for a paired t-test. We conclude that to execute tasks involving anticipatory movements (feedforward mechanisms), like our own task, probably, there is no need of a strong participation of visual areas in the process of information organization to manipulate objects and to process visuospatial information regarding the contact hand-object.

Este estudo teve como objetivo elucidar os mecanismos corticais envolvidos em ações antecipatórias quando 23 indivíduos saudáveis destros tinham que apreender um objeto em queda livre, através da eletroencefalografia quantitativa (EEGq). Por esta razão, usamos a coerência que representa a covariação linear entre dois sinais no domínio da frequência. Além disso, investigamos a atividade da banda gama (30-100 Hz), que está relacionada à processos cognitivos e somato-sensoriais. Nossa hipótese é que a coerência de gama estará aumentada em ambas as áreas parietais e occipitais durante o momento pós-queda da bola, devido ao seu envolvimento na manipulação de objetos, processamento visuo-espacial, percepção visual, identificação de estímulos e processos de atenção. Confirmamos nossa hipótese. Um aumento de coerência em gama nos pares de eletrodos P3-P4 (t= -2,15; p=0,033) e PZ-OZ (t= -2,16; p=0,034) foi verificado por teste-t pareado. Conclui-se que, para executar tarefas que envolvem movimentos de antecipação (mecanismos de retro-alimentação) como a nossa própria tarefa, provavelmente, não há necessidade de forte participação de áreas visuais no processo de organização da informação como para manipular objetos e processar a informação visuo-espacial no contato mão-objeto.

Adulte , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Électroencéphalographie/méthodes , Latéralité fonctionnelle/physiologie , Performance psychomotrice/physiologie , Perception visuelle/physiologie , Cartographie cérébrale , Lobe occipital/physiologie , Lobe pariétal/physiologie
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-214070


OBJECTIVES: Deficit schizophrenia (DS) constitutes a disease separate from non-deficit schizophrenia (NDS). The aim of the current study was to compare the quantitative EEG and low resolution electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) imaging between DS and NDS. METHODS: This study was performed by 32 channels EEG for 42 schizophrenia patients who we categorized into DS and NDS using proxy instrument deficit syndrome (PDS). We performed the absolute power spectral analyses for delta, theta, alpha, low beta and high beta activities. We compared power spectrum between two groups using Independent t-test. Partial correlation test was performed with clinical parameters. Standardized LORETA (sLORETA) was used for comparison of cortical activity, and statistical nonparametric mapping (SnPM) was applied for the statistical analysis. RESULTS: DS showed significantly increased delta and theta absolute power in fontal and parietal region compared with NDS (p<0.05). Power spectrum showed significant correlation with 'anergia' and 'hostility/suspiciousness' subscale of brief psychiatric rating scale (BPRS)(p<0.05). sLORETA found out the source region (anterior cingulate cortex/limbic part) that delta activity was significantly increased in DS (p=0.042). CONCLUSIONS: DS showed different cortical activity compared with NDS. Our results may suggest QEEG and LORETA could be the marker in differentiating between DS and NDS.

Humains , Échelle abrégée d'appréciation psychiatrique , Électroencéphalographie , Aimants , Naphtalènesulfonates , Mandataire , Schizophrénie
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-28922


OBJECTIVE: This study was carried out to investigate the clinical availability of event related potential (ERP) P300, N100 and QEEG as biological markers in schizophrenia (SPR) patients. METHODS: The 23 SPR patients who met Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV (DSM-IV) criteria of SPR and age and sex matched 23 normal controls (NC) were recruited. Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) was used to evaluate the clinical symptoms. The three electrodes (Cz, CPz, Pz) were used to measure the amplitude and latency of each ERP components. The qEEG was analyzed by the ranges of Hz: delta (1-3 Hz), theta (4-7 Hz), alpha (8-12 Hz), beta (13-30 Hz) and gamma (30-50 Hz). RESULTS:P300 amplitudes of SPR patients were reduced across Cz, CPz and Pz (F=5.81, p<0.05). There was no difference in P300 latency, N100 amplitude and N100 latency between SPR and NC. P300 amplitudes were not influenced by demographic characteristics and PANSS scores in SPR patients. The PANSS positive, negative, general subscale scores were positively correlated with N100 latency at Cz, CPz. SPR patients showed significantly decreased alpha activity (SPR vs. NC=24.44+/-6.98% vs. 29.55+/-6.74%, p<0.05) and increased gamma activity (SPR vs. NC=19.48+/-5.47% vs. 16.42+/-4.69%, p<0.05) compared with those of NC. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that the amplitude of P300 and alpha activity can be considered as a biological marker of SPR. And there is a possibility that the latency of N100 may reflect symptom severity of schizophrenia patients.

Humains , Marqueurs biologiques , Diagnostic and stastistical manual of mental disorders (USA) , Électrodes , Schizophrénie
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 67(2b): 428-431, June 2009. ilus, tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-519270


OBJECTIVE: To investigate spectral analysis of electroencephalograms (EEG) for the alpha frequency band during rest and cognitive stimulation in healthy adults and individuals with mild cognitive impairment. METHOD: We analyzed 56 EEGs from 28 patients, 7 men and 21 women, 12 of whom (40 percent) were controls, 16 patients with mild cognitive impairment (60 percent). Ages ranged from 61 to 83 years. All individuals were patients in the Psycho-geriatric Out-patients Clinic of LIM-27, of the Psychiatric Institute of the Clinicas Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo, IPq-HCFMUSP, between 2004 and 2007. Each patient underwent two exams with an interval of at least six months between them. During the exam, performed after a period of wakefulness and rest, the patients memorized series of pictures. RESULTS: Analysis of spectral potential both at rest and during the memorizing task showed no statistical differences between baseline and final recordings. CONCLUSION: Spectral analysis of EEGs showed coherent results with the clinical stability of the patients evaluated but was unable to distinguish between the control group and patients with MCI. Future studies should include a larger sample and a longer follow up.

OBJETIVO: Realizar a análise espectral da banda de frequência alfa do EEG em adultos saudáveis, com comprometimento cognitivo leve (CCL), durante o repouso e a estimulação cognitiva. MÉTODO: Analisamos 56 EEGs de 28 pacientes, 7 homens e 21 mulheres, 12 dos quais (40 por cento) controles, 16 pacientes com CCL (60 por cento), com idades entre 61 a 83 anos.Todos os pacientes foram atendidos no serviço de psicogeriatria do LIM 27, do Instituto de Psiquiatria da Faculdade de Medicina da USP,entre os anos de 2004 a 2007, sendo que cada paciente realizou 2 exames com intervalo de 6 meses entre eles. Os registros dos EEGs foram realizados em repouso e durante a realização de atividade de memorização de figuras. RESULTADOS: A analise espectral durante o repouso e a tarefa de memorização não mostraram diferenças estatísticas entre os EEGs iniciais e finais. CONCLUSÃO: A análise espectral dos EEGs mostrou-se coerente com a estabilidade clínica dos dois grupos, no entanto não foi capaz de distinguir o grupo controle do grupo CCL. Estudos futuros deverão incluir um maior número de indivíduos por um tempo maior de seguimento.

Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Troubles de la cognition/physiopathologie , Électroencéphalographie/méthodes , Mémoire à court terme/physiologie , Rythme alpha/méthodes , Études cas-témoins , Indice de gravité de la maladie
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 67(2a): 214-218, June 2009. graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-517030


This study aimed to elucidate cortical mechanisms and to identify the areas where occur such mechanisms due to interaction between bromazepam and motor learning. The sample was composed of 45 healthy subjects randomly distributed in 3 groups: placebo (n=15), bromazepam 3 mg (n=15) or bromazepam 6 mg (n=15). To perform the experimental task, subjects sat comfortably at a distance of approximately 20 cm from the typewriter. The typewriter keyboard was covered with a wooden box to avoid visual information about the hands' position. The typewriting task was performed concomitantly with EEG recording. ANOVA two-way results indicated a decreased asymmetry in sensorimotor areas in the experimental groups. Our interpretation is that moderate doses of bromazepam may improve performance on tasks with predictable elements to promote stability of psychomotor functions, but may also impair performance on tasks executed in unpredictable environments.

O objetivo do estudo foi elucidar mecanismos corticais e identificar as áreas onde estas ocorrem tais mecanismos devido à interação entre bromazepam e aprendizagem motora. A amostra compreendeu 45 sujeitos hígidos distribuídos randomicamente em 3 grupos: placebo (n=15), bromazepam 3 mg (n=15) ou bromazepam 6 mg (n=15). Para a realização da tarefa experimental, sujeitos sentaram-se confortavelmente a uma distância de aproximadamente 20 cm da máquina de escrever. O teclado da máquina foi coberto com uma caixa de madeira para evitar informações visuais sobre a posição das mãos. O registro do EEGq ocorreu simultaneamente à tarefa de datilografia. Os resultados da ANOVA two-way indicaram menor assimetria em áreas sensório-motoras nos grupos experimentais. Nossa interpretação é que doses moderadas de bromazepam podem melhorar o desempenho em tarefas previsíveis por promover estabilidade das funções psicomotoras, mas pode prejudicar o desempenho em tarefas realizadas em ambientes imprevisíveis.

Adulte , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Jeune adulte , Bromazépam/pharmacologie , Électroencéphalographie/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Latéralité fonctionnelle/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Modulateurs GABA/pharmacologie , Apprentissage/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Performance psychomotrice/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Analyse de variance , Bromazépam/administration et posologie , Méthode en double aveugle , Latéralité fonctionnelle/physiologie , Modulateurs GABA/administration et posologie , Apprentissage/physiologie , Tests neuropsychologiques , Performance psychomotrice/physiologie , Jeune adulte
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 66(2b): 336-340, jun. 2008. graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-486186


The present study aimed at investigating changes in behavior (shooting precision) and electrophysiological variables (absolute alpha power) during the motor learning of practical pistol shooting. The sample was composed of 23 healthy subjects, right-handed, male, between 18 and 20 years of age. The task consisted of four learning blocks. A One-way ANOVA with repeated measures and a post hoc analysis were employed to observe modifications on behavioral and electrophysiological measures (p<0.05). The results showed significative differences between blocks according to motor learning, and a significant improvement in shooting's accuracy from both blocks. It was observed a decrease in alpha power in all electrodes examined during task execution when compared with baseline and learning control blocks. The findings suggest that alpha power decreases as the function of the motor learning task when subjects are engaged in the motor execution.

O presente estudo teve por objetivo investigar alterações nas variáveis comportamentais (precisão do tiro) e eletrofisiológicas (potência absoluta de alfa) durante o aprendizado motor do tiro prático de pistola. A amostra constituiu-se de 20 sujeitos saudáveis, destros, sexo masculino, faixa etária entre 18 e 20 anos. A tarefa consistiu de quatro blocos de aprendizagem. A análise estatística das variáveis comportamentais e eletrofisiológicas foram realizadas por meio de uma ANOVA one-way e uma análise post hoc (p<0,05). Os resultados demonstraram diferenças significativas entre os blocos em função do aprendizado motor, bem como uma sensível melhora na precisão do tiro de ambos os blocos. Foi observada uma diminuição na potência de alfa em todos os eletrodos analisados durante a execução da tarefa, quando comparados aos blocos de linha de base e controle da aprendizagem. Os achados sugerem que a potência em alfa diminui devido o aprendizado motor quando sujeitos estão engajados na execução de uma tarefa motora complexa.

Adolescent , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Jeune adulte , Rythme alpha , Comportement/physiologie , Cortex cérébral/physiologie , Cognition/physiologie , Apprentissage/physiologie , Performance psychomotrice/physiologie , Analyse de variance , Armes à feu , Lobe frontal/physiologie , Mémoire/physiologie , Aptitudes motrices/physiologie , Jeune adulte
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 66(2b): 341-343, jun. 2008. graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-486187


This study aimed to elucidate electrophysiological and cortical mechanisms involved in anticipatory actions when individuals had to catch balls in free drop; specifically through quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG) alpha absolute power changes. The sample was composed for 23 health subjects, both sexes, with ages varying between 25 and 40 years, absence of mental and physical illness, right handed and don't make use of any psychoactive or psychotropic substance at the time of the study. The experiment consisted of a task of catching balls in free drop. The three-way ANOVA analysis demonstrated an interaction between moment and position factors in left parietal posterior cortex (PPC) (p=0.001). Through the experimental task employed, this area demonstrated a differentiated activity involving expectation, planning and preparedness in the ball's drop task.

O estudo tentou elucidar mecanismos eletrofisiológicos e corticais envolvidos em ações antecipatórias quando os sujeitos testados tiveram que apreender bolas em queda livre; especificamente através de mudanças na potência absoluta na banda alfa da eletrencefalografia quantitativa (EEGq). A amostra foi composta por 23 sujeitos sadios, ambos os sexos, idade entre variando entre 25 e 40 anos, sem comprometimento físico e mental, destros, e não fazer uso de nenhuma substância psicoativa ou psicotrópicos até o momento do estudo. O experimento consistiu de uma tarefa de apreensão de bolas em queda livre. A análise three-way ANOVA demonstrou uma interação entre os fatores momento e posição no córtex parietal posterior (CPP) esquerdo (p=0,001). Através da tarefa experimental empregada, esta área demonstrou uma atividade diferenciada envolvendo expectativa, planejamento e prontidão na tarefa de queda de bolas.

Adulte , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Électroencéphalographie/méthodes , Lobe pariétal/physiologie , Performance psychomotrice/physiologie , Analyse de variance , Cortex moteur/physiologie , Temps de réaction/physiologie , Perception visuelle/physiologie
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