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Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007135


Objective: This study compared the regional-quota and general-selected medical students’ understanding, interest, and confidence in the community medicine practice and their attitudes toward the concept guidelines.Methods: We conducted a Web-based questionnaire survey regarding the understanding, interest, and confidence in future community medicine practice and attitudes toward concept guidelines among medical students of all grades (regional-quota and general-selected: n=82 and n=617, respectively).Results: The overall response rates were 68.5% (56/82) and 66.0% (409/617) in the regional-quota and general-selected groups, respectively. Although there was no significant difference between the groups in terms of understanding (P=0.998), interest and confidence in future practice were significantly higher in the regional-quota group (both P<0.001). There was no significant difference between the two groups for any of the six questions regarding community medicine guidelines.Conclusion: The understanding of community medicine or its conceptual guidelines did not significantly differ between the two groups; however, interest and confidence in future practice were significantly higher in the regional-quota group. These results suggest that the regional-quota system positively upregulates the interest in community medicine, which could be associated with confidence in future practice. Comprehensive and longitudinal improvements in the regional-quota system may be effective in cultivating community medicine.

Article de Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1040090


In light of the implementation of a quota system for electing the Society's Board of Directors, the Diversity Promotion Committee organized a workshop to explore women's leadership, followership, and sponsorship.This initiative identified unique characteristics associated with these roles for women and identified ways to support them in expressing these qualities effectively.The workshop also served as a peer meeting, and both needs and satisfaction levels were high. We aim to extend this workshop to other fields in the future.

Medical Education ; : 8-12, 2024.
Article de Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1040142


[Introduction] In accordance with the 2018 revision of the Medical Care Act, prefectures have established career development programs for regional quota physicians aimed at both securing physicians committed to regional medical care and fostering their career development. We have surveyed and reviewed these programs across each prefecture.[Methods] The authors gathered information on the programs, which includes the acquisition of medical specialties, as well as the timing and duration of regional assignments, from the websites of each prefecture. The analysis of start timing and duration was limited to internal medicine.[Results] All prefectures have formulated programs. In more than 30% of the prefectures, regional quota physicians can choose any specialty from all available specialties. The regional assignment typically begins three years post-graduation, with a duration of four years in most cases.[Discussion] This nationwide trend provides a resource to evaluate the state of post-graduate education for regional quota physicians and to consider the future enhancement of these programs.

Journal of Rural Medicine ; : 118-124, 2022.
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936712


Objective: Securing a sufficient number of medical residents to work in rural areas is an urgent issue. This study sought to clarify the factors that cause medical students at a rural university in Japan to select a particular place for their initial clinical training.Materials and Methods: A questionnaire was administered to all medical students at Saga University between February and March 2021. Participants were divided into two groups based on their training location choice: those who chose Saga Prefecture (Saga group) and those who selected other prefectures (non-Saga group). Then, logistic regression analysis was performed.Results: The questionnaire was answered by 300 students (46.3% response rate), of whom 291 agreed to participate in the study; 122 (41.9%) and 169 (58.1%) students were allocated to the Saga and non-Saga groups. Within the Saga group, the following factors were statistically significant: being admitted to Saga University’s medical school through the system of special allotment of admission to applicants pledging to work in Saga Prefecture following graduation (or regional quota programs for admission) (odds ratio [OR], 19.18; 95% confidence interval [CI], 6.99–52.60); and being from Saga Prefecture (OR, 6.05; 95% CI, 2.24–16.35). With the non-Saga group, the desire to work in an urban area (OR, 0.03; 95% CI, 0.00–0.37) was statistically significant.Conclusion: To encourage medical residents to choose this prefecture for their initial clinical training, the focus should be on medical students who are from Saga Prefecture or admitted through the regional quota program.

Interaçao psicol ; 25(1): 66-77, jan.-abr. 2021.
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512103


A Lei de Cotas em concurso público promove a inserção das pessoas com deficiência no mercado de trabalho, buscando minimizar desigualdades historicamente construídas. Para a compreensão desse fenômeno, esse estudo buscou compreender a percepção de servidores públicos a respeito da Lei de Cotas para as pessoas com deficiência e os estereótipos atribuídos a elas. Foram analisadas 44 entrevistas com funcionários de uma organização pública através da análise de conteúdo e da teoria do Modelo de Conteúdo de Estereótipo (MCE). Os resultados mostraram que, apesar da predominância de concordância com a Lei de Cotas, ainda podem ser identificadas críticas à reserva de vagas, atribuindo a essa ação a pena de violação do princípio da isonomia e de privilégio. As pessoas com deficiência passam a ser vistas como ameaças para algumas pessoas, o que pode ser interpretado como uma alteração das dimensões sociais do MCE mudando de alta cordialidade e baixa competência para baixa cordialidade e baixa competência. Esses resultados indicam a importância de ampliar ações organizacionais, adicionais ao cumprimento da Lei, com vistas a minimizar as exclusões sociais. Limites da pesquisa e possibilidades de contribuição para a ampliação do conhecimento e para a prática também são discutidos.

The Quota Law in public tenders promotes the insertion of disabled people in the labour market, seeking to minimize inequalities historically constructed. To understand this phenomenon, this study sought to understand the perception of public servants regarding the Quota Law for disabled people and the stereotypes attributed to them. 44 interviews with employees of a public organization were analyzed through content analysis and the theory of the Stereotype Content Model (MCE). The results showed that, in spite of the predominance of agreement with the Quota Law, criticisms of the reservation of vacancies can still be identified, attributing to this action the penalty of violation of the principle of isonomy and privilege. Disabled people are seen as threats to some people, which can be interpreted as a change in the social dimensions of MCE, changing from high cordiality and low competence to low cordiality and low competence. These results indicate the importance of expanding organizational actions, in addition to complying with the Law, in order to minimize social exclusions. Limits of research and possibilities of contribution to the expansion of knowledge and practice are also discussed.

Cad. pesqui ; Cad. pesqui;50(177): 865-881, jul.-set. 2020. graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1132939


Resumo O artigo analisa a política de cota racial para acesso à educação superior em uma universidade federal brasileira em seu mais recente ajuste: a instalação de uma comissão de heteroidentificação racial que se baseia no fenótipo dos(das) candidatos(as). A base epistemológico-metodológica parte de uma análise crítica da política, entendendo que a construção dessa ação pública é fruto de embates e disputas entre atores com diferentes concepções de justiça social. O resultado da pesquisa aponta que, na universidade estudada, a instalação da comissão de heteroidentificação retraiu significativamente, desde a implementação da cota racial, em 2008, o acesso de pessoas autodeclaradas negras, indicando que as comissões colocam em causa o significado do que é ser pessoa negra no Brasil.

Resumen El artículo analiza la política de cuota racial para el acceso a la educación superior en una universidad federal brasileña en su más reciente regulación: la instalación de una comisión de heteroidentificación racial que se basa en el fenotipo de los(as) candidatos(as). La base epistemológica metodológica parte de un análisis crítico de la política, entendiendo que la construcción de esa acción pública es fruto de enfrentamientos y disputas entre actores con diferentes concepciones de justicia social. El resultado de la pesquisa apunta que, en la universidad estudiada, la instalación de la comisión de heteroidentificación retraído significativamente, desde la implementación de la cuota racial, en 2008, el acceso de personas autodeclaradas negras, indicando que las comisiones colocan en causa o significado de lo que es ser persona negra en Brasil.

Résumé L'article analyse la politique de quotas raciaux pour accéder à l'enseignement supérieur dans une université fédérale brésilienne, d'aprèss sa dernière configuration: la mise en place d'une commission d'hétéro-identification raciale, basée sur le phénotype des candidat(e)s. L'approche épistémologique et méthodologique repose sur une analyse critique de cette politique et reconnaît que la construction de cette action publique est le fruit d'affrontements et de conflits entre acteurs aux différentes conceptions de la justice sociale. Le résultat de la recherche met en évidence que, dans l'université en question, la mise en place de la commission d'hétéro-identification a, depuis la création des quotas raciaux en 2008, considérablement réduit l'accès des personnes qui s'autodéclarent noires, ce qui montre que ces commissions remettent en question la notion d'être noir au Brésil.

Abstract The article analyzes the racial quota policy for access to higher education in a Brazilian federal university in its most recent adjustment: the implementation of a racial heteroidentification committee whose decision is based on the phenotype of the candidates. The epistemological and methodological basis starts from a critical analysis of the policy, understanding that the construction of this public action is the result of clashes and disputes between actors who have different conceptions of social justice. The result of the research points out that, in the studied university, the implementation of the heteroidentification committee has significantly reduced, since the implementation of the racial quota, in 2008, the access of self-declared black people, indicating that the commissions call into question the meaning of what it is to be a black person in Brazil.

Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 51(1): e-29823, 2020.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1097605


Em 2013 a Universidade Federal do Ceará inaugurou a Política de Cotas no Estado. Diante disso, objetivou-se analisar a compreensão dos estudantes negros de escolas públicas de Ensino Médio de Fortaleza acerca das implicações do sistema de cotas para eles próprios e para os cursos universitários. Participaram 464 estudantes, a maioria do sexo feminino, com idade entre 14 e 16 anos e que se autodeclararam pardos ou pretos. A partir da Análise de Conteúdo foram examinadas as justificativas dadas pelos estudantes aos itens 09, 12 e 13 do questionário utilizado na pesquisa. Os resultados indicam que os estudantes consideram que há mais possibilidades de ingresso no Ensino Superior, mas poucos apontam mudanças para os cursos universitários. Foram encontradas opiniões contraditórias acerca desse sistema. Articulando contribuições de Foucault e Guatarri, as discussões trouxeram elementos sobre o processo de embranquecimento da sociedade brasileira, o racismo estrutural e o lugar privilegiado do branco na sociedade.

In 2013 the Federal University of Ceará inaugurated the affirmative acctions in the State. Following this new reality, the objective was to analyze the understanding of the black students of public high schools in Fortaleza about the implications of the affirmative acctions quota for themselves and for university courses. The sample was characterized by 464 participants, most of them female, between 14 and 16 years old and who declared themselves to be brown or black. Using the Content Analysis we examined the justifications given by the students to items 09, 12 and 13 of the questionnaire used in the research. The results indicate that students consider that there is greater possibility of entering higher education, but few consider changes for the university courses themselves. It has also been observed that there are still many contradictory opinions about this system. Articulating contributions from Foucault and Guatarri, the discussions brought elements about the whitening process of Brazilian society, structural racism and the privileged place of white people in society.

En 2013 la Universidad Federal del Ceará inauguró la Política de Cuotas en el Estado. A partir de esta nueva realidad, es objetivo fué analizar la comprensión de los estudiantes negros de escuelas públicas de nivel medio de Fortaleza acerca de las implicaciones del sistema de cuotas para ellos mismos y para los cursos universitarios. La muestra se caracterizó por 464 participantes, la mayoría del sexo femenino, con edad entre 14 y 16 años y que se autodeclararon pardos o negros. A partir del Análisis de Contenido se examinaron las justificaciones dadas por los estudiantes a los ítems 09, 12 y 13 del cuestionario utilizado en la investigación. Los resultados indican que los estudiantes están considerando que hay mayores posibilidades de ingreso en la educación superior, pero pocos consideran cambios para los cursos universitarios. También se observó que todavía existen opiniones contradictorias acerca de ese sistema. Articulando contribuciones de Foucault y Guatarri, las discusiones trajeron elementos sobre el proceso de blanqueamiento de la sociedad brasileña, el racismo estructural y el lugar privilegiado de personas blancas en la sociedad.

Politique publique , Relations raciales , Universités , Ethnies
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-205027


Objective: In many Japanese medical schools, pass rates of males were higher than those of females although in Japan there are already fewer female candidates for medical schools in comparison with Western countries. Thus, we investigated some factors that cause an inordinately large effect on lower female success rates or higher female enrolment ratios for medical schools, from public medical schools by multiple regression analysis. Methods: A multiple regression analysis was conducted on the two dependent variables, female success ratio and female enrolment ratio. Explanatory variables included the weightage of the second exam; the value given to maths and science subjects; the quotas for the second intake; the ranking of the medical school; the year of establishment of the medical school; and the population of the city where the medical school is located. Results: Increased weightage accorded to maths and science subjects caused significantly severe difficulties in the candidature of female candidates. Furthermore, medical schools with significantly higher female enrolment ratios were relatively new. Conclusion: These results represent the backwardness of Japan in gender equality. To mitigate this situation, the entrance examination process of medical schools must first be reformed.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-275149


Licorice is an important harmonic drug which has been widely used in traditional Chinese medicine since ancient times. However, with the increasing demand of industrial production, the licorice resources in our country have been reduced rapidly and we have to import licorice resources from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan consequently. In order to find out the trade flow of licorice resources and evaluate the status of Chinese licorice in the world trade, the trade situation of licorice and its products from 2011 to 2015 May in Chinese customs was investigated and analyzed in this paper. The import and export volumes of licorice were declining; the import and export volumes of licorice were relatively concentrated in international trade, with greater risks of trade; and export quota management was not well executed. As one of the strategic resources of medicine, licorice resources must be based on domestic development, and we should adjust the export quota management from passive quota to active quota management and improve the intrinsic value of licorice resources to establish the international market position of our licorice and control the pricing power in international market.

Educ. revEduc. rev ; 33: e161036, 2017. tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-891241


RESUMO: Com base em dados disponibilizados pela própria universidade, o artigo investiga as implicações da adesão da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) ao Sistema de Seleção Unificada (Sisu). Analisam-se basicamente três aspectos: o grau de eficiência alcançado na ocupação das vagas oferecidas no Sisu pela instituição, considerando-se os fenômenos da não matrícula de alunos aprovados e da evasão e da mudança de curso de parte dos matriculados; a possível diversificação do alunado em termos da origem geográfica; os possíveis efeitos do Sisu e da chamada Lei de Cotas sobre o perfil social dos alunos atendidos pela instituição. O artigo evidencia que a adesão ao Sisu está produzindo mudanças consideráveis na universidade. Argumenta-se que, para compreendê-las, é necessário considerar que o sistema induz os candidatos a um comportamento mais estratégico e que os submete a uma forte concorrência, inclusive no interior das diferentes modalidades de cotas.

ABSTRACT: Based upon data provided by the university itself, this paper investigates the implications of the adhesion to the Unified Selection System (Sisu) by Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). The analysis considers three aspects. The first one is the degree of efficiency achieved in the occupation of the vacancies offered in Sisu by the university, considering the phenomena of the non-enrollment of approved students, the dropouts, and the changing courses by the enrolled students. The second one is the possible diversification of the student body, considering their geographical origin. Finally, the third one is the possible effects of Sisu and the so-called "Quota Law" (a form of affirmative action implemented in Brazil) on the social profile of the enrolled students. The article shows the significant changes that Sisu is producing in the university. It points out the need to consider that the system induces applicants to adopt a strategic behavior and that it submits them to a strong competition, even within the different kinds of quotas.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-672273


Objective The policy of quota payment for specific diseases has been carried out at the hospital for several years, yet proven a failure. This paper aims at searching for a new way of management.Methods Since 2013,attempts have been made for classification of medical costs and the quota setting for specific diseases, and for development of a real-time supervision software for classification of disease-specific costs.The attempts prove a success with a new model for management of quota management for specific diseases.Results This practice has proved to be effective in 2014,and used in other likewise diseases,which has been embraced by administrators of medical insurance sector. Conclusion This model proves useful for reducing inpatient expenses and regulating medical behaviors. but also shorten the average hospitalization days,improve the satisfaction of patient.The method of management control can be expanded and imitated.

Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 15(1): 218-239, jan.-abr. 2015. ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-767485


O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender a relação das pessoas com deficiências e seu trabalho. Especificamente, buscou-se identificar os sentidos e significados atribuídos ao trabalho, e descrever os impedimentos da atividade concreta e as estratégias desenvolvidas para sua superação. Esse objetivo é inspirado na perspectiva teórica sócio-histórica e nas teorias da atividade, clínica da atividade em particular. A pesquisa foi realizada com 16 servidores de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior - IES, tratando-se de um estudo multi-métodos sequencial, transversal de orientação qualitativa, com utilização de técnicas de entrevista narrativa e criação fotográfica. Os resultados demonstraram o trabalho sendo caracterizado como uma necessidade, fonte de prazer, reconhecimento, socialização. Os impedimentos estiveram mais relacionados às condições ambientais da atividade, do que propriamente à condição da deficiência. Conclui-se que o acesso ao trabalho é uma importante ferramenta de inclusão social de pessoas com deficiência, e, nesse sentido, leis de reserva de vaga cumprem seu papel.

The objective of this study was to understand the relationship between people with disabilities and their labor. Senses and meanings related to work were specifically identified; also describing the impediments of concrete activities, as well the strategies developed for overcoming them. This objective is inspired on the social historic theoretical perspective as well as on the activity's theory, specifically in the activity clinic approach. The research has been made possible through the interview of 16 workers from a IES, it categorizes as a multi-method sequential and transversal study of qualitative orientation, making use of technics of narrative interviews and photographic creation. The results indicate that work was described as a necessity, a source of pleasure, recognition and socialization. Impediments were more deeply related to the physical conditions of the work environment than to the person's disabilities. Conclusion points out that the access to work, acts as a social inclusion tool for peoples with disabilities, and showing that, the laws regarding quota reservations fulfill their objective.

El objetivo de este estudio fue entender la relación de las personas con discapacidad y su trabajo. Concretamente, fue identificado los sentidos y significados asignados al trabajo, describir las restricciones de su actividad concreta, y las estrategias desarrolladas para superarlos. Este objetivo se inspira en la perspectiva teórica socio histórica y las teorías de la Actividad, clinica de la actividad en particular. La investigación se realizó con 16 servidores de una institución de educación superior, es un estudio "multi-métodos", secuencial y transversal, de orientación cualitativa con el uso de las técnicas de entrevista narrativa y creación fotográfica. Los resultados mostraron que el trabajo se caracteriza por ser una necesidad, una fuente de placer, reconocimiento y socialización. Las restricciones se relacionan más a las condiciones ambientales de la actividad que la condición de discapacidad. La conclusión es de que el acceso al trabajo permite una importante herramienta para la inclusión social de las personas con discapacidad, y en este sentido, la leye de vacantes reservados cumple su papel.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Promotion des Handicapés/législation et jurisprudence , Psychologie sociale , Travail
Fractal rev. psicol ; 24(3): 525-542, set.-dez. 2012.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-660518


Foram analisadas as representações sociais de estudantes universitários sobre o sistema de reserva de vagas com base em critérios raciais e sociais nas universidades. Participaram sete estudantes, de ambos os sexos, com idades entre 19 e 49 anos, sendo dois beneficiados pelas cotas. Utilizou-se a técnica de grupo focal, tendo como pergunta inicial "O que vocês pensam sobre o sistema de cotas na universidade?", e um questionário para dados socioeconômicos. Os dados foram analisados através análise de conteúdo temática, não quantitativa. Os resultados indicam um discurso contraditório e ambivalente (contrário, favorável e em alguns momentos ambivalentes), por outro lado, no que se refere ao convívio com estudantes cotistas houve uma tendência em concebê-los de forma estereotipada, portanto, homogênea. Espera-se que este estudo contribua para melhor compreensão do fenômeno e possibilite novas pesquisas e reflexões sobre as representações sociais da política de cotas.

The study had as objective to know the social representations of university students on the system of reserving space based on racial and social criteria in the university. Seven students participated from diverse fields of study at UFBA, of both sexes, with age group ranging from 19 to 49 years of age, where two of them benefited from quotas. The focus group technique was used having the initial question "What do you think about the university quota system?", and a questionnaire for socioeconomic data. The data was transcribed and a non-quantitative, thematic content analysis was made. The results indicate a contradictory and ambivalent discourse (contrary, favorable and at times ambivalent), on the other hand, as for living together with quota students there was a tendency to perceive them as stereotyped, and therefore, homogenous. Hopefully, this study will contribute toward a better understanding of the phenomenon and make possible new studies and reflections about the social representations of quota politics.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Jeune adulte , Démocratie , Politique publique , Universités
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;60(2): 539-551, June 2012. ilus, graf, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-657800


The brown sea cucumber fishery is active in the Galapagos Islands since the year 1991 after its collapse in mainland Ecuador. This paper analyzes the Galapagos Sea cucumber fishery over the past decade and the reasons for its management pitfalls and chronic over fishing, and proposes an improved strategy for estimating stock size and harvest potential. Based on the historical distribution of the fishing fleet and past fishery surveys, 15 macrozones were defined; their areas were estimated from the coastline to the 30m isobaths and the numbers of sample replicates per macrozone were calculated for a density estimate precision of ±25%. Overall stock size was calculated by summing over all macrozones and was multiplied by 0.122 to obtain the annual quota. This multiplier was derived by inserting an exploitation rate of E=0.3 and a published natural mortality value of M=0.17 into Cadimas formula, thereby obtaining a more conservative precautionary quota estimate. Pre-fishery stock densities in 2009 were below the legal threshold value and the fishery remained closed. Mean densities were significantly lower in the deeper (>15m) than in the shallower (<15m) stratum, contrary to fishermen expectations. Through an empirical regression of (log) pre-fishery density versus subsequent annual catch for the period 1998-2008 we found that catches of most years greatly exceeded the here proposed quota explaining the collapsed nature of the stock. Rev. Biol. Trop. 60 (2): 539-551. Epub 2012 June 01.

Este artículo analiza la pesquería del pepino de mar en Galápagos, durante la década pasada y se estudian las razones de su difícil manejo y la sobre-explotación crónica. El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue proponer una estrategia mejorada para estimar el tamano poblacional y el potencial de captura. Se definieron 15 macrozonas, y para ello se tomo en cuenta la distribución histórica de la flota pesquera y los resultados de prospecciones pesqueras pasadas. Las respectivas aéreas fueron estimadas desde la línea de costa hasta la isobata de los 30m. El numero de replicas de muestreo por macrozona fueron calculadas para estimar la densidad poblacional con una precisión del ±25%. El tamano poblacional total fue calculado sumando la densidad poblacional de todas las macrozonas, luego el resultado fue multiplicado por 0.122 para obtener la cuota anual de captura. Este factor de multiplicación fue derivado mediante la fórmula de Cadima, en la cual se considero una tasa de explotación (E) de 0.3 y una tasa de mortalidad natural (M) de 0.17. Estos resultados permitieron obtener una estimación precautoria y más conservadora de la cuota total de captura. La densidad poblacional pre-pesquería en 2009 estuvo por debajo del punto de referencia límite establecido, en consecuencia fue declarada en veda. Las densidades poblacionales promedio fueron significativamente menores a profundidades mayores a los 15m, contrario a lo esperado por los pescadores. A través de una regresión empírica entre el logaritmo de la densidad poblacional pre-pesquería y la subsecuente cuota de captura anual para el periodo 1998-2008, se descubrió que las capturas totales en la mayoría de los años han excedido la cuota de captura propuesta en este articulo, lo que explica el estado actual de este recurso, el cual se encuentra colapsado.

Animaux , Humains , Conservation des ressources naturelles , Surveillance de l'environnement/méthodes , Pêcheries , Concombres de mer , Équateur , Densité de population , Dynamique des populations
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-200540


PURPOSE: In order to prepare long-term alternatives to surgical residency training and workforce policies in Korea, objective data are needed; in addition, determination of the status of surgical procedures being performed is also needed. METHODS: Cases of surgeries performed by board-certified Korean surgeons for 1 year, from July 2009 to June 2010 were reviewed and analyzed. Variation of the last five years was also investigated against the number of surgery cases of the same item and for data on status of population, medical institutions, and surgeons. RESULTS: Difficulty in distribution of a given surgery varied according to the classification of medical institution types, and performance of highly difficult surgeries occurred more in tertiary hospitals. The number of surgeries has increased over the last 5 years (28.1%). The number of surgeries among elderly patients (41.5%), high difficulty (41.8%), and tertiary hospitals (34.9%) has especially increased. There has been no increase in the number of diagnosis related group claim cases for the last 5 years (-0.8%). 43.3% of surgeons working at private clinics in Korea did not present surgery as an indicating item of their clinics. CONCLUSION: While the demand for surgeons in high risk and highly difficult surgeries is continuously increasing, stagnation is expected in the traditional area. Considering the proportion and current status of surgeons working at private clinics, the need for a realistic reduction in the quota of surgical residents and reconsideration of personnel policies is raised.

Sujet âgé , Humains , Internat et résidence , Corée , République de Corée , Centres de soins tertiaires
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-596838


In order to better fulfill the tasks of research,to turn out more quality papers,to produce outstanding results,and to further strengthen management and supervision of scientific research,the"quantitative economic management of scientific research quotas" was established in the hospital.Applying of the measure in scientific research management in the past eight years it was shown that the desired results were achieved,the academic advancement and the personnel growth were greatly promoted.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-381093


Objective To refrain the medical costs from out-of-control increase, and identify a per-disease payment mode suitable for New-CMS.Methods Case studies were conducted on all the data of five diseases in the course of three years, in a field study of the pilot counties for NRCMS in Anhui Province.Results This system of per-disease "pay by segmentation and quota" is composed of five parts: choice of diseases, measurement of payment criteria, method of settlement, method of compensation, and methods of supervision.Conclusion This system is an effective way to keep the medical costs in the NRCMS under control, given an effective play of the five supportive measures including the clinical pathways for individual diseases.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-591725


Hospitalization expenses constitute the main part of the compensation of medical insurance.The aim of this paper is to analyze the variation of medical expenses of hospitalized patients with medical insurance in different modes of accounting,find the influencing factors in accounting quotas on hospitalization expenses,and set up a scientific and reasonable mode of accounting with a full consideration of the huge demands of medical resources.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-593328


Objective To improve quota-sampling precision and reproducibility of the impedance blood rheometer. Methods Quota-sampling control circuit and the sampling needle's structure were improved for the early MVIS blood rheometer. The parameters of sampling were analyzed. Results After the improvement, the sampling errors were reduced obviously (less than ?3%). The quota-sampling handling was more accurater. Conclusion The precision and reproducibility of the blood rheometer are ensured.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-624169


The present assessment about the work achievements inspection of university in-structors turns out such a actuality as excessive qualitative ingredient,the insufficient quota ingre-dient,incomprehensive inspection project and limited inspection scope.This article made a theoreti-cal analysis of the establishment of the pertinent inspection target system and the quota inspection method,aiming to establish an inspection system with the leaders,the colleagues,the students as the appraisal main body,and proposed the concrete implementation means of the work achievements in-spection of university instructors.