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Educ. med. super ; 37(3)sept. 2023. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1528546


Introducción: La Maestría en Investigación en Aterosclerosis constituye una propuesta académica para elevar la calidad de la formación en salud sobre la base de métodos de investigación y aterosclerosis. Evaluar el impacto de su formación científica, evidenciará la relación causa-efecto entre la acción de superación y el comportamiento en el desempeño. Existen criterios de medida que sirven para hacerlo. Este trabajo empleó la publicación de artículos científicos. Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto de la maestría mediante el efecto producido sobre el desempeño investigativo de los graduados, a través de sus publicaciones en revistas científicas. Métodos: Estudio bibliométrico, descriptivo y retrospectivo. Se buscaron publicaciones de alumnos de tres ediciones en Google Académico. El criterio de desempeño investigativo evaluado fue el de artículos publicados. Se midieron las publicaciones de artículos científicos en cuanto a cantidad, calidad y extensión, en dos etapas; se compararon para medir impacto. Resultados: Se incrementaron significativamente los artículos originales y las revisiones bibliográficas en la segunda etapa. Se identificaron graduados más productivos, más citados, líderes; se publicó más en revistas grupo I. Las palabras clave estaban relacionadas con la aterosclerosis; se hallaron diferentes tipos de colaboración. Conclusiones: El incremento de publicaciones, especialmente artículos científicos con mayor liderazgo y colaboración en los últimos años, de citas y predominio en bases de datos internacionales, fueron muestra de productividad, visibilidad e impacto de la actividad científica(AU)

Introduction: The master's degree in Atherosclerosis Research is an academic proposal to raise the quality of health training based on research methods and atherosclerosis. To assess the impact of scientific training will show the cause-effect relationship between improvement action and performance behavior. There are measurement criteria that serve to this purpose. This work used the publication of scientific articles. Objective: To assess the impact of the master's degree through the effect produced on the research performance of graduates, through their publications in scientific journals. Methods: A descriptive and retrospective bibliometric study was carried out, searching, in Google Scholar, for publications by students from three editions. The assessed research performance criterion was the number of published articles. Publications of scientific articles were measured in terms of quantity, quality and length, in two stages; they were compared to measure impact. Results: Original articles and bibliographic reviews increased significantly in the second stage. More productive and more cited leading graduates were identified; more articles were published in group I journals. The keywords were related to atherosclerosis; different types of collaboration were found. Conclusions: The increase in publications, especially scientific articles with higher leadership and collaboration in recent years, as well as in citations and the predominance of representativeness in international databases, evidenced productivity, visibility and impact of the scientific activity(AU)

Humains , Causalité , Savoir , Formation continue/méthodes , Formation Professionnelle , Performance scolaire , Étudiants , Épidémiologie Descriptive , Études rétrospectives , Bibliométrie , Formation des Ressources en Santé Humaine
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536534


(analítico) Se realizó una investigación acción participativa con jóvenes de un barrio periférico de Medellín, mediada por la investigación narrativa, diálogo de saberes e investigación temática que propone la educación popular. Las fases del proceso fueron: formulación de una pregunta de investigación partiendo de la narración de historias de vida; identificación de situaciones límite y temas generadores para la acción; formación en técnicas y herramientas de investigación para que los/as jóvenes respondieran preguntas elaboradas por ellos/as; acción como resultado de la aplicación de las técnicas investigativas por parte del grupo de jóvenes. Este artículo destaca entre los resultados la experiencia de una joven de la comunidad, estudiante universitaria y la emergencia de su habitus como investigadora comunitaria y sujeto crítico con capacidad de producir conocimiento para transformar sus interrelaciones personales, comunitarias y su proyecto de vida.

(analytical) A Participatory Action Research study was carried out with young inhabitants of a peripheral neigh-borhood in the city of Medellin. This study drew on the principles of narrative research, dialogue of knowledge and thematic research, as proposed by Popular Education. The phases of the study were: formulation of a research question based on the narration of life stories; identification of borderline situations and generative themes for action; training on research techniques and tools so that the young people could answer questions they had developed themselves; and action as a result of the young people using research techniques. Results included the experience of a young university student woman from the community and the emergence of her habitus as a community researcher and critical subject with the capacity to produce knowledge that transformed her personal and community interrelations as well as her life plan.

(analítico) Realizou-se uma IAP com jovens moradores dum bairro periférico da cidade de Medellín, mediada pelos princípios da pesquisa narrativa, o diálogo de saberes e a pesquisa temática que propõe a Educação Popular. As fases do processo foram: formulação de uma pergunta de investigação baseada na narração de histórias de vida; identificação de situações limite e temas geradores para a ação; treinamento em técnicas e ferramentas de pesquisa para que os jovens respondessem a perguntas desenvolvidas por eles e elas; a ação como resultado do desenvolvimento das técnicas de pesquisa por parte do grupo de jovens. Neste artigo, destacase entre os resultados, a experiência de uma jovem da comunidade, estudante universitária, e o surgimento do seu hábitus como pesquisadora comunitária, e também como sujeito crítico com capacidade de produzir conhecimento para mudar suas relações pessoais e comunitárias e seu projeto de vida.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991263


There are still some shortcomings in the training of preventive medicine undergraduates in China, such as outdated education mode, disjointed theory/practice, and lack of multi-dimensional integration. This paper proposes an attempt to reform the cultivation mode of preventive medicine undergraduates by combining student research training programs. However, many problems have been exposed during the implementation of the reform, and it has not achieved satisfactory results, especially in emergency management and solving practical problems. In order to cultivate practical preventive medicine talents in line with the needs of the times, the training mode based on student research training projects still needs considerable efforts in many aspects, including project approval, project guidance, project evaluation and so on.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991363


In order to optimize the undergraduate teaching methods and improve students' comprehensive competitiveness, this study explored the scientific research training methods of medical laboratory undergraduates during medical internship. On the premise of ensuring that students carry out clinical practice according to the internship plan, the research group leads students to carry out scientific research training in their spare time. The scientific research training was divided into two stages. In the first stage, on the basis of informed consent and independent choice, the students in the control group were trained by self-regulated learning and teachers' question answering, while the students in the experimental group were trained by the way of centralized scientific research lectures and scientific research practice. In the second stage, all the students were in independent research and exploration under the guidance of teachers within 5 months. The results showed that in the process of independent research, the time of topic selection in the experimental group [(3.5±1.1) days] was significantly shorter than that in the control group [( 5.4 ± 1.9) days], and the time of topic design in the experimental group [(12.2±2.5) days] was significantly shorter than that in the control group [(14.6±3.1) days]. It shows that carrying out scientific research training in the medical internship stage of undergraduates is helpful to increase the efficiency of students' later independent research and accelerate the process of independent research.

Rev. inf. cient ; 101(5)oct. 2022.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441959


Introducción: El uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC) en el proceso de formación investigativa constituye una necesidad para el logro de cambios cualitativos esenciales en la adquisición de conocimientos y habilidades investigativas en los estudiantes. Diagnósticos desarrollados evidenciaron insuficiencias en el desarrollo de la formación investigativa, así como en la concepción de las tareas investigativas en el plan de estudio, que imposibilitan alcanzar los niveles deseados de creatividad. Objetivo: Diseñar una estrategia orientada al desarrollo de la formación investigativa del estudiante de Estomatología soportado en el uso de las TIC. Método: Se realizó una investigación educativa utilizando los métodos empíricos: observación, la encuesta y la entrevista, así como teóricos: inducción-deducción, análisis-síntesis, histórico-lógico, hermenéutico dialéctico, además, del taller de socialización para corroborar la factibilidad de la estrategia propuesta. Resultados: Se propuso una estrategia para la gestión investigativa con el uso de las TIC en la formación investigativa de estudiantes de Estomatología, integrada por tres momentos, etapas y acciones encaminadas al desarrollo de una cultura científico-investigativa-tecnológica sustentada en el uso de las TIC. Conclusiones: La instrumentación de esta propuesta en la práctica pedagógica ha demostrado su factibilidad y la contribución a la formación investigativa de los estudiantes para una mejor solución de los problemas profesionales y, por consiguiente, mayor calidad en la atención de los pacientes que acuden a los servicios estomatológicos.

Introduction: The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the research training process constitutes basic needs for students to achieve the essential qualitative changes in the acquisition of knowledge and research skills required. Diagnostics produces carried out showed insufficiencies in the research training process, as well as in the real conception of research tasks implemented in the study program, reducing the possibility to reach the desired levels of creativity. Objective: Elaborate a design strategy aimed to develop the research training process of oral medicine students with the use of the ICT. Method: An educational research was carried out using empirical methods pointed as follow: observation, survey and interview, as well as the theoretical methods: induction-deduction, analysis-synthesis, historical-logical, dialectical hermeneutic, in addition a socialization workshop was used to corroborate the feasibility of the proposal strategy. Results: A strategy for research management with the use of ICTs in the research training of oral medicine students was proposed, consisting on three moments, stages and actions aimed at developing a scientific-research-technological culture based on the use of ICTs. Conclusions: The implementation of this proposal, as a pedagogical practice, has demonstrated its feasibility and contribution in the development of the student research training, and also for a better solution of professional problems and, consequently, higher quality in their care practice with the patients attended in dental services.

Introdução: A utilização das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) no processo de formação em investigação é uma necessidade para alcançar mudanças qualitativas essenciais na aquisição de conhecimentos e competências de investigação nos alunos. Os diagnósticos desenvolvidos evidenciaram insuficiências no desenvolvimento da formação em investigação, bem como na conceção das tarefas de investigação no plano de estudos, que impossibilitam o alcance dos níveis de criatividade pretendidos. Objetivo: Desenhar uma estratégia orientada para o desenvolvimento da formação investigativa do estudante de Odontologia apoiada no uso das TIC. Método: Foi realizada uma investigação educacional utilizando métodos empíricos: observação, levantamento e entrevista, bem como teóricos: indução-dedução, análise-síntese, histórico-lógico, hermenêutica dialética, além da oficina de socialização para corroborar a viabilidade do estratégia proposta. Resultados: Foi proposta uma estratégia de gestão investigativa com uso de TIC na formação investigativa de estudantes de Odontologia, integrada por três momentos, etapas e ações voltadas para o desenvolvimento de uma cultura científico-investigativa-tecnológica apoiada no uso de TIC. Conclusões: A implementação dessa proposta na prática pedagógica tem demonstrado sua viabilidade e contribuição para a formação investigativa dos alunos para uma melhor solução dos problemas profissionais e, consequentemente, maior qualidade no atendimento aos pacientes que chegam aos hospitais e serviços estomatológicos.

Multimed (Granma) ; 26(3): e2662, mayo.-jun. 2022.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406103


RESUMEN La enseñanza médica en Cuba constituye el escenario ideal para la formación de las competencias que garantizan la generación y socialización de resultados investigativos contextualizados a los desafíos actuales. Durante el año 2021, se realizó un estudio descriptivo con enfoque socioformativo en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey, con el propósito de develar las potencialidades de la disciplina Bases Biológicas de la Medicina (BBM) para la formación de la competencia comunicación científica. A partir del mismo se determinan las causas, carencias teóricas y prácticas que repercuten en la formación de dicha competencia desde la formación inicial en el estudiante de Medicina y su incidencia en la práctica educativa. Fueron identificadas las potencialidades de esta disciplina y su implicación en la formación de una cultura para obtener, elaborar y comunicar los resultados de la actividad investigativa como elementos básicos para la socialización científica. El trabajo metodológico del colectivo de año, enfocado en las potencialidades identificadas desde un enfoque socioformativo posibilita formar y desarrollar la competencia objeto de estudio, orientada hacia la socialización de los resultados de la actividad investigativa que realiza el estudiante durante la educación en el trabajo y actividades extensionistas.

ABSTRACT Medical education in Cuba is the ideal setting for the formation of competencies that guarantee the generation and socialization of research results contextualized to current challenges. During the year 2021, a descriptive study with a socio-formative approach was carried out at the University of Medical Sciences of Camagüey, with the purpose of revealing the potentialities of the discipline Biological Bases of Medicine (BBM) for the formation of scientific communication competence. From it, the causes, theoretical and practical deficiencies that have an impact on the formation of this competence from the initial training in the medical student and its impact on educational practice are determined. The potentialities of this discipline and its involvement in the formation of a culture to obtain, elaborate and communicate the results of the research activity as basic elements for scientific socialization were identified. The methodological work of the year group, focused on the potentialities identified from a socio-formative approach, makes it possible to train and develop the competence under study, oriented towards the socialization of the results of the research activity carried out by the student during education at work and extension activities.

RESUMO A educação médica em Cuba é o cenário ideal para a formação de competências que garantam a geração e a socialização dos resultados da pesquisa contextualizados aos desafios atuais. Durante o ano de 2021, foi realizado um estudo descritivo com abordagem socioamotiva na Universidade de Ciências Médicas de Camagüey, como objetivo de revelar as potencialidades da disciplina Bases Biológicas da Medicina (BBM) para a formação de competência de comunicação científica. A partir de la, são determinadas as causas, deficiências teóricas e práticas que impactam na formação dessa competência a partir da formação inicial do estudante de medicina e seu impacto naprática educacional. Foram identificadas as potencialidades dessa disciplina e seu envolvimento na formação de uma cultura para a obtenção, elaboração e comunicação dos resultados da atividade de pesquisa como elementos básicos para a socialização científica. O grupo metodológico do ano, focado nas potencialidades identificadas a partir de uma abordagem socioamsenária, possibilita a formação e desenvolvimento da competência em estudo, orientada para a socialização dos resultados da atividade de pesquisa realizada pelo aluno durante as atividades de ensino no trabalho e extensão.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-954886


Objective:To explore the practical effect of nursing research group model in a training program for clinical nurses′ scientific research ability.Methods:From August 2020 to July 2021, 30 clinical nurses from the Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University were trained by case teaching mode through the construction of a complete nursing scientific research training course system with the nursing research group as the carrier. The scores of nursing scientific research ability of clinical nurses before and after the training were compared, and the evaluation of teaching effect and the output of scientific research results were analyzed.Results:After the training, the total scores of clinical nurses′ scientific research ability, problem discovery ability, literature reading ability, scientific research design ability, data processing ability, scientific research practice ability and thesis writing ability were 78.33 ± 7.48, 8.83 ± 1.42, 14.47 ± 1.22, 13.27 ± 1.36, 11.07 ± 1.60, 14.73 ± 1.28, 15.97 ± 1.35 respectively. The scores were significantly higher than those before the training (59.00 ± 7.44, 6.53 ± 1.22, 11.80 ± 1.37, 9.53 ± 1.31, 8.10 ± 1.37, 11.30 ± 1.34, 11.73 ± 1.46), and the differences were statistically significant ( t values were -52.80 - -21.14, all P<0.05). The proportion of clinical nurses who believed that the training with nursing research group as the carrier could improve learning attitude, enhance clinical comprehensive ability and promote professional development was ≥90%. After the training, 8 papers were published, 3 projects were approved and 2 patents were approved, which were significantly higher than those before the training (2, 1 and 0), and the total scientific research and innovation achievements increased by 333.33% (10/3) compared with those before the training. Conclusions:Scientific research training with nursing research group as the carrier can improve the scientific research ability of clinical nurses and improve their innovative thinking.

Rev. cuba. inform. méd ; 13(2): e437, 2021. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1357285


Introducción: La formación investigativa que reciben en nuestro país los profesionales de la salud influye de manera positiva en los resultados científicos y se aborda en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de las carreras de Ciencias Médicas, en especial Medicina. Objetivo: Valorar la aplicación de la Estrategia Curricular de Investigación e Informática en el Plan E de primer año de la carrera de Medicina en la facultad Salvador Allende. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal durante el segundo semestre del curso 2019-2020. Se consideró la población formada por los profesores que imparten la asignatura Introducción a la Medicina General Integral (MGI), en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Salvador Allende. Se trabajó con el programa correspondiente a dicha asignatura del plan E y con los trabajos de revisión bibliográfica desarrollados por los estudiantes en el primer semestre de la carrera. Resultados: El programa de MGI presenta de forma explícita e implícita contenidos relacionados con la Metodología de la Investigación, los profesores de MGI plantean conocer el tipo de trabajo que realizan los estudiantes, sin embargo, no tienen conocimiento de sus características y la selección de los temas por los estudiantes en el segundo semestre no coincide con los de la revisión bibliográfica realizada en el primer semestre. Conclusiones: Existen deficiencias en la implementación de la Estrategia Curricular de Investigaciones e Informática que se manifiestan en la no correspondencia entre la revisión bibliográfica realizada en un semestre y la selección del tema por los estudiantes para el perfil de proyecto en el semestre siguiente(AU)

Introduction: The research training that health professionals receive in Cuba has a positive influence on scientific results and is addressed in the teaching-learning process of careers in Medical Sciences, especially Medicine. Objective: To assess the application of the Curricular Research and Informatics Strategy in Plan E for the first year of Medicine career in the faculty Salvador Allende. Method: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out during the second semester of the 2019-2020 academic years. The population formed by the professors who teach the subject Introduction to Comprehensive General Medicine (MGI) in the Faculty Salvador Allende was considered. We worked with the program corresponding to said subject from plan E and with the bibliographic review works developed by the students in the first semester. Results: The MGI program explicitly and implicitly presents contents related to the subject Research Methodology, MGI professors propose to know the type of work that students do, and however, there is no knowledge of its characteristics and the selection of the topics by the students do not coincide with those of the bibliographic review carried out in the first semester. Conclusions: There are deficiencies in the implementation of the Curricular Research and Informatics Strategy that are manifested in the non-correspondence between the bibliographic review carried out in one semester and the selection of the topic by the students for the project profile in the following semester(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Recherche , Évaluation de Programmes de Formation en Médecine , Enseignement médical , Technologie de l'information , Épidémiologie Descriptive , Études transversales
Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 24(6): e4637, nov.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1156272


RESUMEN Introducción: el póster es un método de difusión del conocimiento científico donde se explicitan informaciones relevantes sobre una temática para comunicarse de forma resumida y atrayente. Objetivo: describir las experiencias en la construcción y presentación de un póster científico en estudiantes de Enfermería. Métodos: se realizó una investigación pedagógica de tipo investigación-acción participativa en 217 estudiantes de la Licenciatura en Enfermería de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, en el período noviembre-diciembre 2019 en la materia Ética y Socialización profesional. Resultados: se orientó a los alumnos la construcción de un póster científico para sistematizar los contenidos estudiados en la materia Ética y Socialización, al tomar como base uno de los temas tratados. Se presentaron 96 póster, de grupos que oscilaban entre dos y cuatro integrantes. La principal deficiencia encontrada fue que no se siguió la estructura recomendada. Conclusiones: la actividad propuesta representó una oportunidad y desafío de elaboración de un póster científico, con el objetivo de impulsar un nuevo enfoque para la evaluación de la competencia de comunicación y los trabajos de los estudiantes de una asignatura, contemplando el aspecto visual del material utilizado en la presentación y la comunicación oral.

ABSTRACT Introduction: poster is a method for promoting scientific knowledge where relevant information on a determined topic is explained in order to communicate it in summarize and attractive way. Objective: to describe the experiences in the design and presentation of a scientific poster in nursing students. Methods: a pedagogical research of participative action-research type was carried out with 217 nursing degree students from School of Medicine of Buenos Aires University, in the period November-December 2019 in Ethics and Professional Socialization subject. Results: students were guided to create a scientific poster to systematize the contents studied in Ethics and Socialization subject, based on one of the topics discussed. There were 96 posters designed and presented, from groups comprising 2 and 4 members. Not to follow the recommended structure was the main deficiency. Conclusions: the proposed activity represented an opportunity and a challenge for the design of a scientific poster, with the objective of promoting a new approach for the evaluation of communication competence and the works of the students in the subject, considering the visual characteristics of the material used in its presentation and oral communication.

E-Cienc. inf ; 10(1)jun. 2020.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1384721


RESUMEN El uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) imprimen hoy una forma específica de determinar el contenido científico que se obtiene en la transformación de la información en conocimiento científico y de este último en innovación investigativa. En estas condiciones se precisa el objetivo en identificar el estado del arte sobre la formación investigativa con el uso de las TIC en estudiantes universitarios. Se realiza revisión documental a artículos relacionados con la temática en el período 2009-2019 y se aplica encuesta a docentes de la Universidad de Loja mediante el correo electrónico, lo cual permitió comparar información. Se identificaron categorías que expresan el papel de las TIC en la formación investigativa; con lo que se identificó el estado del arte de la temática. Así como se establecieron indicadores para determinar la frecuencia de empleo de las manifestaciones de las TIC tales como buscadores de Internet, base de datos, foros de grupos científicos utilizados en la formación investigativa; y se determinaron limitaciones que aún se percibe en dicha formación. Los resultados significan la demanda del uso de las TIC para la obtención del contenido científico en la formación investigativa, pero dicha formación no se reduce a la utilización de las tecnologías, sino será necesario disponer de un enfoque didáctico-pedagógico orientado al autoaprendizaje en la búsqueda, intercambio, reflexión y análisis de la información que permita la generación de conocimiento científico, como eslabón para la innovación investigativa transformadora de la realidad.

ABSTRACT The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) today print a specific way to determine the scientific content that is obtained in the transformation of information into scientific knowledge and the latter in research innovation. Under these conditions, the objective is to identify the state of the art on research training with the use of ICT in university students. A documentary review of articles related to the subject is carried out in the period 2009-2019 and a survey of teachers of the University of Loja is applied by email, which allowed comparing information. Categories that express the role of ICT in research training were identified; with which the state of the art of the subject was identified. As well as indicators were established to determine the frequency of use of the manifestations of ICTs such as Internet search engines, database, forums of scientific groups used in research training; and limitations that are still perceived in said training were determined. The results mean the demand for the use of ICTs to obtain scientific content in research training, but such training is not reduced to the use of technologies, but it will be necessary to have a didactic-pedagogical approach aimed at self-learning in the search, exchange, reflection and analysis of the information that allows the generation of scientific knowledge, as a link for the transformative research innovation of reality.

Recherche , Accès à Internet , Gestion des Technologies de l'Information , Plan de recherche , Étudiants
China Pharmacy ; (12): 1783-1787, 2020.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-823059


OBJECTIVE:To investigate the status quo and influential factors for scientific research training of pharmacists (nurses)in PIVAS of China ,to provide direction and reference for the development of PIVAS. METHODS :The survey method was used to conduct a questionnaire survey of PIVAS pharmacist (nurses)from 29 tertiary and secondary hospitals in 24 provinces, autonomous regions , municipalities from eastern , western and central China through the i nternet by using self-designed questionnaire. The survey period was from Mar. to Apr. 2019. The survey content included the basic information (gender,region, hospital level ,professional and technical title ,education background ,employment nature )of the survey participants and the status quo of scientific research training (frequency and content of scientific research training ,degree of need for scientific research , degree of interest in scientific research ,etc.)and status quo of scientific research output (publication and application of the project). Main influential factors for scientific research training were analyzed. RESULTS :A total of 504 questionnaires were sent out,and 501 valid questionnaires were collected ,with effective response rate of 99.40% . Totally 63.1%(316/501)of the respondents had scientific training ,and the frequency of scientific training was mainly less than one time/month (26.1%,131/501) and 1-2 times/month(25.0%,125/501);72.1%(361/501)of the respondents have medium or above scientific research needs , 82.4%(413/501)of the respondents have medium or above interest in scientific research ,only 6.0%(30/501)of the respondents had mastered the major scientific research methods , only 5.4%(27/501)of the respondents thought that their scientific research ability were strong. The pharmaceutical re search - direction was mainly related to clinical rational use of drugs , less to precision medicine ,new drug and new dosage form: development, therapeutic drug monitoring research , 028-85503220。 translational medicine , etc. Only 16.6% (83/501) of the respondents had published articles after working in PIVAS ,and 9.0%(45/501)had applied for projects. There were statistical significances in the scientific research training among the respondents with different regions ,professional and technical titles , educational backgrounds and employment natures (P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS :The scientific research training of PIVAS pharmacist(nurses)in China is inadequate and the research output is low. Main influential factors for scientific research training include region ,professional and technical title ,educational background and employment nature .

Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 48(4): e314, oct.-dic. 2019.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126658


La formación investigativa es un proceso continuo donde se desarrollan habilidades, capacidades y valores de la actividad científica, tanto en el pregrado como en el postgrado, que van a permitir actuar en la práctica y transformarla. Es un componente básico en la preparación profesional del médico; su naturaleza es sistémica y se ha realizado por dos vías fundamentales: la sustentada en la práctica y la que se realiza a partir de cursos y actividades académicas planificadas, como son los programas de formación doctoral. Constituye una necesidad acceder al conocimiento científico acumulado en las tesis doctorales, no solo con vistas a encontrar nuevas vías de solución a problemas de la práctica médica actual, también, las deficiencias teórico metodológicas pudieran ser enriquecedoras al proceso educativo en cuanto a la formación científica de los educandos. Pero, muchos son los retos a los que se enfrenta hoy la formación investigativa de los profesionales de la salud en el pregrado y el postgrado. Mirarla desde el punto más alto de su formación, la formación doctoral, constituye motivo de reflexión en esta contribución científica(AU)

Research training is a continuous process where skills, capacities and values ​​of scientific activity are developed, both at undergraduate and postgraduate level, which will allow acting in practice and transform it. It is a basic component in the professional preparation of the doctor, its nature is systemic and has been carried out in two fundamental ways: the one supported in practice and the one that is carried out from courses and planned academic activities, such as doctoral training programs. It is a necessity to access the scientific knowledge accumulated in the doctoral theses, not only with a view to finding new ways of solving problems of current medical practice, also, theoretical methodological deficiencies, could be enriching to the educational process in terms of scientific training of the students. But, there are many challenges facing the research training of health professionals in the undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Looking at it from the highest point of its formation, doctoral training, is a reason for reflection in this scientific contribution(AU)

Humains , Santé , Savoir , État de Préparation , Cours , Mentorat
Rev. lasallista investig ; 15(2): 340-352, jul.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094003


Resumen Introducción: Desde la antigüedad, las relaciones interdisciplinarias contribuyeron a establecer estrategias de cooperación. Objetivo: En el presente estudio se reflexiona sobre la importancia de una concepción teórica interdisciplinar para la formación científico-investigativa superior. Materiales y métodos: El trabajo metodológico fue realizado con estudiantes del primer semestre intensivo de la Facultad de Marketing y Comunicación de la Universidad ECOTEC y se pudo constatar la importancia de tener una concepción interdisciplinar para romper el esquema del trabajo aislado y construir nuevos conocimientos desde un enfoque integrador y sistémico. En la investigación se utilizaron métodos empíricos, teóricos y estadísticos con el fin de articular puntos de unión referentes al propósito, objetivos y métodos, a la vez la estrategia por proyectos permitió gestionar el conocimiento desde un problema común, como resultado de las relaciones interdisciplinarias se puede afirmar que constituyen una vía para ajustar el currículo a las necesidades especiales de los educandos. Resultados: Los materiales utilizados sirvieron para llegar a sistematizar el marco conceptual y aportar con el carácter innovador a partir de dos o más enfoques disciplinarios. Conclusión: Las visitas de campo y las discusiones contribuyeron a la deducción de las bases teóricas de diferentes ciencias científicas, tecnológicas y prácticas para llegar a la solución de una problemática social.

Abstract Introduction: The student's training in research scientific activity depends on the application of strategies for the development of research skills that allow innovation and involves a contact with reality. Objective: By Since ancient times, interdisciplinary relationships have helped to establish cooperation strategies. Materials and methods: In this study we reflect on the importance of an interdisciplinary theoretical conception for higher scientific-research training. The methodological work was carried out with students from the intensive first semester of the School of Marketing and Communication of the Universidad ECOTEC and it was possible to confirm the importance of having an interdisciplinary conception to break the isolated work scheme and build new knowledge from an integrative and systemic approach. In the research empirical, theoretical and statistical methods were used in order to articulate points of union referring to the purpose, objectives and methods, while the strategy by projects allowed to manage the knowledge from a common problem, as a result of interdisciplinary relationships. can affirm that they constitute a way to adjust the curriculum to the special needs of the students. Results: The materials used served to systematize the conceptual framework and contribute innovative character from two or more disciplinary approaches. Conclusion: Field visits, fieldwork and discussions led to the deduction of the theoretical bases of different scientific, technological and practical sciences to arrive at the solution of a social problem.

Resumo Introdução: Desde os tempos antigos, as relações interdisciplinares ajudaram a estabelecer estratégias cooperativas. Objetivo: Neste estudo, refletimos sobre a importância de uma concepção teórica interdisciplinar para a formação avançada em pesquisa científica. Materiais e Métodos: O trabalho metodológico foi realizado com alunos intensivos do primeiro semestre da Escola de Marketing e Comunicação da ECOTEC e foi possível confirmar a importância de um desenho interdisciplinar para quebrar o padrão de trabalho isolado e construir novos conhecimentos e abordagem sistêmica. Observamos também que o desenho do novo programa promove um trabalho cooperativo e multidisciplinar que atende às necessidades da sociedade. Na pesquisa, métodos empíricos, teóricos e estatísticos foram utilizados para articular os pontos de união em relação a objetivos, objetivos e métodos, enquanto a estratégia baseada em projetos foi utilizada para gerenciar o conhecimento a partir de relações interdisciplinares. pode ser dito ser um meio de adaptar o programa às necessidades específicas dos alunos. Resultados: Os materiais utilizados foram utilizados para sistematizar o arcabouço conceitual e trazer um caráter inovador a partir de duas ou mais abordagens disciplinares. Conclusão: As visitas de campo e discussões permitiu deduzir as bases teóricas das diferentes ciências científicas, tecnológicas e práticas para chegar à solução de um problema social.

Humanidad. med ; 18(2): 210-227, may.-ago. 2018.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-953896


RESUMEN Introducción: La dimensión ambiental constituye un proceso esencial en la formación de profesionales, de modo que en el desempeño de su profesión puedan educar hacia el desarrollo sostenible a las futuras generaciones. Objetivo: Representar en un modelo pedagógico la lógica de la dimensión ambiental en la formación laboral investigativa de los profesionales en la universidad. Materiales y métodos: Se utilizaron métodos teóricos, empíricos y matemáticos-estadísticos. Resultados: Elaboración del modelo pedagógico de dimensión ambiental en la formación laboral investigativa de los profesionales en formación. El modelo está estructurado en tres subsistemas: uno teórico, se centra en la integración de saberes pedagógico ambientales a partir de las relaciones que se establecen entre sus componentes, otro metodológico, el cual resume la proyección ambiental de la formación laboral investigativa y un subsistema procedimental, que manifiesta la instrumentación transformadora ambiental que debe ocurrir en los estudiantes. El modelo aporta una cualidad sinérgica que le imprime identidad, totalidad y contribuye a su autodesarrollo. Conclusiones: Con la elaboración del modelo se revelan nuevas interpretaciones que se manifiestan como relaciones teóricas funcionales surgidas entre los componentes de los subsistemas que lo integran y a la vez, entre los subsistemas como macro componentes. La validación del modelo resultó estadísticamente significativa, mediante la instrumentación de una estrategia pedagógica para la dimensión ambiental en la formación laboral investigativa.

ABSTRACT Introduction: The environmental component is an essential process in the training of professionals, that enables them to educate future generations towards sustainable development. Objective: To represent in a pedagogical model the logic of the environmental dimension in the research training of professionals. Materials and methods: Theoretical, empirical and mathematical-statistical methods were used. Findings: The development of the pedagogical model of environmental dimension in research and labor training of professionals. The model is structured in three subsystems: the first focuses on the integration of environmental pedagogical knowledge from the relationships established between its components; the second is of a methodological character and summarizes the environmental projection of research training; whereas the third one is procedural, expressing the environmental transformative instrumentation that must occur in students. The model provides a synergistic quality that consolidates identity, totality and contributes to its self-development. Conclusions: With the elaboration of the model new interpretations are revealed that are manifested as functional theoretical relations arising between the components of the subsystems that integrate it and at the same time, between the subsystems as macro components. The evaluation of the model was statistically significant, through the instrumentation of a pedagogical strategy for the environmental dimension in the research and labor training.

Agora USB ; 18(1): 105-130, ene.-jun. 2018. graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-949805


Resumen Las representaciones sociales del ingreso, permanencia y deserción de estudiantes Universitarios a Semilleros de Investigación, giran en torno a elementos cognitivos «percepciones, ideas y nociones acerca de los beneficios obtenidos, las participaciones en eventos y el aumento de conocimientos¼, emocionales «actitudes relacionadas con la empatía/ apatía con el coordinador y el grupo, interés y deseo de participar de investigaciones, apoyo institucional¼ y motivacionales «creencias relacionadas con el estatus, el adelantar trabajo de grado, mejorar la hoja de vida, acceder a un posgrado¼.

Abstract The social representations about the admission, permanence, and dropout of university students to research hotbeds revolve around cognitive elements, which are "perceptions, ideas, and notions about the gains obtained, the participation in events and the increase of knowledge," emotional elements, which are "attitudes related to empathy/apathy with the coordinator and the group, interest in and willingness to participate in research, and institutional support¼ and motivational elements, which are "beliefs related to the status, the fact of advancing in their research work, improving their curriculum vitae, and having access to a graduate program."

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 1305-1307, 2017.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-660146


The development of modern medicine requires that doctors trained in medical colleges have the abili -ty to find and solve the problems scientifically .However , many factors affect the enthusiasm of medical students to participant in the scientific research training .Shanghai Jiaotong University summer scientific research training is a project which is carried out for medical students in school , and train their research ability and thinking .It includes basic theory , theoretical study of cell and molecular biology technology , and observation and operation of experi-mental techniques .Establishing perfect organization framework or path , bringing into research groups as research team members according to their interests , maintaining long-term contact to maintain their research continuity and other measures are helpful for the training of research ability of medical students .

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 1305-1307, 2017.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-662491


The development of modern medicine requires that doctors trained in medical colleges have the abili -ty to find and solve the problems scientifically .However , many factors affect the enthusiasm of medical students to participant in the scientific research training .Shanghai Jiaotong University summer scientific research training is a project which is carried out for medical students in school , and train their research ability and thinking .It includes basic theory , theoretical study of cell and molecular biology technology , and observation and operation of experi-mental techniques .Establishing perfect organization framework or path , bringing into research groups as research team members according to their interests , maintaining long-term contact to maintain their research continuity and other measures are helpful for the training of research ability of medical students .

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-505297


This study conducted questionnaire survey to graduate medical students in Medicine (M.D.) and Stomatological Medicine (S.M.D) enrolled at Peking University Health Science Center in the year 2013,analyzed on the understanding,period,forms,mentoring and effect of research training.Suggestions are proposed to strengthen the research training,for example,focusing on clinical training as well as research training,aiming at clinical issues,emphasize of clinical scientific research,permeating the concept oftransformation medicine,promotion of intense full-time research,strengthen the mentoring of professors.

Iatreia ; Iatreia;29(1): 27-38, ene.-mar. 2016. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-776276


Objetivo: se presentan la experiencia, historia, cultura, dificultades y retos de un semillero de investigación en salud pública y epidemiología en Colombia. Métodos: se hizo un estudio etnográfico con participación de estudiantes y profesores vinculados con la estructura social y evolución del semillero. Mediante observación participante y análisis documental se establecieron los aspectos de la experiencia del semillero, puestos en común para la triangulación de información por los investigadores; de allí, surgieron las categorías del estudio denominadas: identidad, aprendizajes significativos y retos. Resultados: el Semillero de Investigación en Salud Pública y Epidemiología (SISPE) es un espacio abierto para estudiantes con mente abierta, interesado en formar líderes investigadores con excelencia académica, responsabilidad social y calidad humana. Posibilita el aprendizaje y la formación integral; la reflexión y la crítica respetuosa; el compartir; el cultivo de la creatividad y el ser. Articula procesos de formación investigativa, investigación formativa, clubes de revista, cine foros, seminarios y actividades culturales. Conclusiones: el semillero posibilita el acercamiento temprano a procesos de formación investigativa y emplea un modelo alternativo y creativo que fomenta el interés por la ciencia y el cultivo intelectual. Sobresale el papel protagónico de los estudiantes como líderes de su proceso formativo.

Objective: The experience, history, culture, difficulties and challenges of a seedbed for public health research and epidemiology in Colombia are presented. Methods: An ethnographic study was carried out with the participation of students and teachers linked to the social structure and evolution of the seedbed. Participant observation and documental analysis were used as technical instruments for the description of the experience, and triangulation of the information was made by the researchers. Three categories emerged, namely: identity, significant learning and challenges. Results: The Seedbed of Research for Public Health and Epidemiology is an open space for students with open mind. It is interested in preparing research leaders with academic excellence, social responsibility and human quality. It enables comprehensive learning and training; reflection and respectful criticism; the ability to share and stimulus to creativity and being. It articulates processes of research training, formative research, journal clubs, film forums, seminars and cultural activities. Conclusions: The seedbed allows an early contact of the student with research processes. It uses an alternative and creative model that stimulates interest in science and intellectual cultivation. The leading role of students in their training processes is to be emphasized.

Objetivo: apresentam-se a experiência, história, cultura, dificuldades e reptos de um núcleo de investigação em saúde pública e epidemiologia na Colômbia. Métodos: fez-se um estudo etnográfico com participação de estudantes e professores vinculados com a estrutura social e evolução do núcleo. Mediante observação participante e análise documentário se estabeleceram os aspectos da experiência do núcleo, postos em comum para a triangulação de informação pelos pesquisadores; de ali, surgiram as categorias do estudo denominadas: identidade, aprendizagens significativas e desafios. Resultados: o núcleo de Saúde Pública e Epidemiologia (SISPE) é um espaço aberto para estudantes com mente aberta, interessado em formar líderes investigadores com excelência acadêmica, responsabilidade social e qualidade humana. Possibilita a aprendizagem e a formação integral; a reflexão e a crítica respeitosa; o compartilhar; o cultivo da criatividade e o ser. Articula processos de formação investigativa, investigação formativa, clubes de revista, cinema foros, seminários e atividades culturais. Conclusões: o núcleo possibilita a aproximação temporã a processos de formação investigativa e emprega um modelo alternativo e criativo que fomenta o interesse pela ciência e o cultivo intelectual. Sobressai o papel protagónico dos estudantes como líderes de seu processo formativo.

Mâle , Femelle , Santé publique , Étudiants en santé publique , Groupes de Recherche
Journal of Medical Postgraduates ; (12): 525-528, 2016.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-492536


Objective To discuss the pattern and effect of reading report activities on college-to-undergraduate nursing students in adult higher education. Methods We chose 154 college-to-undergraduate nursing students in adult higher education who studied at our department from 2009 to 2012 as control group, meanwhile the experimental group consisted of 168 college-to-undergrad-uate nursing students in adult higher education who studied at our department from 2013 to 2014.We used thefive-in-oneteaching method involving relevant scientific knowledge training, tutorial system, group report meeting, exchange of excellent reading report and score checking to train the experimental group, while the control group was still trained by primary method which was relevant scientific knowledge teaching and discussion of excellent reading report. Results The reading reports wrote by the students in the experimental group were superior to those wrote by the control group (P<0.001);The experimental group had better scores in the achievements of scientific knowledge and theory (P<0.001); The self-assessment of experimental group students in the ability of literature review, reading and analysis was higher than that of the control group (P<0.001).As to the effects of reading report such as enhancing scien-tific awareness, expanding scope of knowledge and so on, the experimental group had a obvious advantage over the control group ( P<0.001). Conclusion The five-in-onetraining pattern in the reading report activities involving relevant scientific knowledge training, tutorial system, group report meeting, exchange of excellent reading report and score checking can effectively improve the scientif-ic awareness of college-to-undergraduate nursing students in adult higher education, which is conductive to establish the basis of nurs-ing scientific research, guide the clinical nursing work and improve the comprehensive quality of students.