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Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027175


Objective:To evaluate the value of the ratio of tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion to pulmonary artery systolic pressure (TAPSE/PASP) in evaluating right ventricular function of patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF).Methods:A total of 74 patients with HCM and HFpEF and 22 healthy individuals who visited the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University from January 2021 to January 2023 were included in this study. The HCM patients with HFpEF were divided into three groups based on the tertiles of the TAPSE/PASP (low group: <0.280 0 mm/mmHg; middle group: 0.280 0-0.476 2 mm/mmHg; high group: >0.476 2 mm/mmHg). Conventional echocardiographic parameters were collected, and two-dimensional speckle tracking technology was used to obtain right ventricular strain parameters. The differences in parameters among the groups were compared, and the correlations between TAPSE/PASP and clinical parameters and right ventricular function parameters were analyzed.Results:The results of difference analysis showed that there were significant differences in 6-minute walking test, New York Heart Association grade (NYHA grade), incidence of atrial fibrillation, left atrial area (LAA), left ventricular global longitudinal strain (LVGLS), TAPSE, PASP, right ventricular fractional area change (RVFAC), right ventricular global longitudinal strain (RVGLS), right ventricular free wall strain (RVFWST) and cardiac magnetic resonance right ventricular ejection fraction (CMR-RVEF) among the three groups. The results of correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis showed that the TAPSE/PASP was positively correlated with 6-minute walking distance, RVFAC, tricuspid annulus peak systolic velocity (RV s′), and CMR-RVEF ( r=0.449, 0.284, 0.358, 0.577; all P<0.05). It was negatively correlated with N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP), NYHA grade, LAA, mitral early diastolic peak velocity / mitral annulus early diastolic peak velocity (LV E/e′), LVGLS, RVGLS, RVFWST and tricuspid early diastolic peak velocity / tricuspid annulus early diastolic peak velocity (RV E/e′) (r/ rs=-0.336, -0.349, -0.468, -0.452, -0.444, -0.339, -0.405, -0.320; all P<0.05). The LAA and CMR-RVEF correlated independently with TAPSE/PASP(all P<0.05). Conclusions:The TAPSE/PASP can provide an early, simple, rapid, and convenient evaluation of right ventricular function in patients with HCM and HFpEF, so as to guide clinical treatment and monitoring disease progression.

Rev. urug. cardiol ; 39(1): e201, 2024. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, BNUY, UY-BNMED | ID: biblio-1565799


Introducción: la falla aguda del ventrículo derecho (VD) en el posoperatorio de cirugía cardíaca (POCC) constituye un desafío clínico por su importante morbimortalidad. El reconocimiento de la importancia de la función del VD en el POCC es un hecho reciente, lo que puede evidenciarse por la ausencia de parámetros de función ventricular derecha en los scores de estratificación del riesgo quirúrgico. Su definición varía según diferentes autores; es difícil conocer su prevalencia y los factores asociados a su desarrollo. Objetivo: analizar la prevalencia, las características clínicas, ecocardiográficas y el pronóstico de los pacientes con falla del VD en el POCC valvular intervenidos en el Instituto Nacional de Cirugía Cardíaca (INCC) en el año 2021 y establecer una comparación con los pacientes intervenidos en el mismo período que no desarrollaron dicha complicación. Método: estudio observacional retrospectivo, analítico. Se incluyeron los pacientes sometidos a cirugía cardíaca valvular en el INCC durante el 2021 que no presentaban ciertos criterios de exclusión preestablecidos. Se consideró la falla aguda del VD en el POCC como la evidencia ecocardiográfica de disfunción ventricular derecha definida cualitativamente en el ecocardiograma posoperatorio. El análisis estadístico se realizó con el software SPSS versión 26.0. Resultados: se incluyeron en el estudio 45 pacientes, de los cuales 7 (15,6%) desarrollaron falla del VD en el POCC. No hubo diferencias entre las características basales. El grupo que desarrolló falla del VD en el POCC presentó una fracción de eyección del ventrículo izquierdo (FEVI) significativamente menor en el ecocardiograma preoperatorio (p = 0,010). No se objetivaron diferencias en las variables intraoperatorias. Respecto al pronóstico, falleció un paciente de cada grupo en el POCC inmediato. Conclusiones: la FEVI preoperatoria podría cumplir un rol predictor de falla aguda del VD en el POCC valvular, hallazgo para comprobar en estudios prospectivos. El impacto de la falla del VD en la mortalidad no pudo definirse, dado el limitado número de pacientes.

Introduction. acute right ventricle (RV) failure in the postoperative period of cardiac surgery (POCC) constitutes a clinical challenge due to its significant morbidity and mortality. Recognition of the RV function importance in POCC is a recent fact, which can be evidenced by the absence of right ventricular function parameters in surgical risk stratification scores. Its definition varies according to different authors, it is difficult to know its prevalence and the factors associated with its development. Objective: to analyze the prevalence, clinical and echocardiographic characteristics, and prognosis of patients with RV failure in valvular POCC operated at the National Institute of Cardiac Surgery (INCC) in 2021 and to establish a comparison with patients operated on in the same period who did not develop this complication. Method: retrospective analytical observational study. Patients undergoing heart valve surgery in the INCC during 2021 were included. Acute RV failure in the POCC was considered as echocardiographic evidence of qualitatively defined right ventricular dysfunction in the postoperative echocardiogram. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 26.0 software. Results: forty-five patients were included in the study, of which 7 (15.6%) developed RV failure in the POCC. There were no differences between baseline characteristics. The group that developed RV failure in POCC had a significantly lower left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) on preoperative echocardiography (p = 0.010). No differences were observed in the intraoperative variables. Regarding the prognosis, one patient from each group died in the immediate POCC. Conclusions: preoperative LVEF could play a role in predicting acute RV failure in valvular POCC, a finding to be verified in prospective studies. The impact of RV failure on mortality could not be defined given the limited number of patients.

Introdução: a insuficiência aguda do ventrículo direito (VD) no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca (CCPO) constitui um desafio clínico devido à sua significativa morbidade e mortalidade. O reconhecimento da importância da função do VD no CCPO é fato recente, o que pode ser evidenciado pela ausência de parâmetros de função ventricular direita nos escores de estratificação de risco cirúrgico. Sua definição varia de acordo com diferentes autores, é difícil conhecer sua prevalência e os fatores associados ao seu desenvolvimento. Meta: analisar a prevalência, as características clínicas e ecocardiográficas e o prognóstico dos pacientes com insuficiência de VD em POCC valvular operados no Instituto Nacional de Cirurgia Cardíaca (INCC) em 2021 e estabelecer uma comparação com pacientes operados no mesmo período que não desenvolveram essa complicação. Método: estudo observacional analítico retrospectivo. Foram incluídos pacientes submetidos à cirurgia valvar no INCC durante o ano de 2021. Insuficiência aguda do VD no POCC foi considerada como evidência ecocardiográfica de disfunção ventricular direita qualitativamente definida no ecocardiograma pós-operatório. A análise estatística foi realizada com o software SPSS versão 26.0. Resultados: quarenta e cinco pacientes foram incluídos no estudo, dos quais 7 (15,6%) desenvolveram falência do VD no POCC. Não houve diferenças entre as características basais. O grupo que evoluiu com falência do VD no POCC apresentou fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo (FEVE) significativamente menor no ecocardiograma pré-operatório (p = 0,010). Não foram observadas diferenças nas variáveis intraoperatórias. Quanto ao prognóstico, um paciente de cada grupo faleceu no POCC imediato. Conclusões: a FEVE pré-operatória poderia desempenhar um papel na predição de insuficiência aguda do VD no CCPO valvular, achado para ser verificado em estudos prospectivos. O impacto da falência do VD na mortalidade não pôde ser definido devido ao número limitado de pacientes.

Humains , Complications postopératoires , Dysfonction ventriculaire droite/épidémiologie , Dysfonction ventriculaire droite/imagerie diagnostique , Procédures de chirurgie cardiaque/effets indésirables , Pronostic , Prévalence , Études rétrospectives
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220315


Infective endocarditis involving the right side of the heart occurs rarely and often involves the tricuspid valve. The isolated pulmonary valve infective endocarditis (IPVIE) is a less common condition that occurs in specific population. The double outlet right ventricle (DORV) is an unusual congenital heart disease. The association of DORV and IPVIE darkens the prognosis. We report two cases of the association of DORV and IPVIE. The transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) is the base to the diagnosis. Right sided infective endocarditis in the lack of a guided strategy remains a therapeutic challenge.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220309


Introduction: Coronary heart disease is the main cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Right ventricular (RV) infarction is often difficult to diagnose and has a poor prognosis due to rhythmic and hemodynamic complications. Objective: The study of electrical, ultrasonographic, and coronarographic features of the VD Infarction. Materials and Methods: Retrospective study of patients hospitalized in the Cardiology Department of the Mohammed VI University Hospital in Marrakech over a period of 24 months for MDI extended to the RV. Results: 120 patients were hospitalized during this period for MI with extension to the VD. Atypical clinical presentation was noted in 10% of cases. Clinical examination on admission revealed signs of right heart failure in 18% of cases, including 6% complicated by cardiogenic shock. Thrombolysis was performed in 10% of the patients, 67% of them successfully. The ECG found an isolated extension to the V3R leads in 76% of the cases and in association with a V4R overshoot in 45% of the cases, conduction disorders were noted in 28% of the cases, presented essentially by first degree auriculoventricular block. Echocardiography showed impaired LV function in 82% of cases, and longitudinal systolic dysfunction of the LV in 65%. Coronary angiography was performed in 91% of the cases, half of which underwent coronary angioplasty. The combination of both CD and IVA damage was found in 40% of the cases, and damage to the middle DC was the most common in almost half of the cases. The most frequent complications were rhythmic and conductive disorders in 38% of cases, and the evolution was fatal in 8% of cases. Conclusion: Involvement of the RV during MI is characterized by a very critical initial phase, once overcome, the overall prognosis becomes favorable in the long term.

Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 93(1): 26-29, ene.-mar. 2023. graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1429701


Abstract A 53-year-old male patient with history of repaired hernia, who is admitted for 5 days of progressive dyspnea with diagnosis of abdominal sepsis, a computed tomography angiography was made, revealing pulmonary embolism in bilateral main pulmonary artery, and cardiac thrombectomy was performed.

Resumen Paciente masculino de 53 años de edad con historial de reparación de hernia, quien fue ingresado por presentar 5 días de disnea progresiva con diagnóstico de sepsis abdominal, se le realizó una angiografía por tomografía computada, revelando embolismo bilateral arteria pulmonar principal, se realizó una trombectomía cardíaca.

Rev. argent. radiol ; 87(1): 3-10, ene. 2023. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422988


Resumen Objetivo: Evaluar la función del ventrículo derecho (VD) e izquierdo (VI) en la hipertensión pulmonar (HP) mediante resonancia magnética cardíaca (RMC). Material y métodos: En pacientes con (grupo HP; n = 9) y sin (grupo control; n = 9) HP se evaluó volumen telediastólico (VTD) y telesistólico (VTS) y fracción de eyección (FE) de ventrículo derecho (VD) e izquierdo (VI), área de aurícula derecha (AD) e izquierda y diámetro de arteria pulmonar (AP). Resultados: En HP, el VD presentó mayor VTD y VTS y menor FE (HP 52 ± 5% vs. control 64 ± 2%; p < 0,05). Solo en HP se observó movimiento anormal del tabique interventricular y realce tardío en los puntos de inserción del VD en VI. En HP aumentó el área de AD y el diámetro de AP. En VD, solo en HP, la FE se correlacionó negativamente con VTD (Pearson r: –0,8290; p < 0,01) y VTS (Pearson r: –0,7869; p < 0,05). Conclusiones: La evaluación de pacientes con HP mediante RMC demuestra alteraciones fisiológicas y anatómicas de las cavidades derechas con disminución de la FE del VD que también afecta la interrelación VD/VI. Se recalca la importancia de una evaluación temprana y secuencial del VD con RMC para valorar la mejor estrategia terapéutica para cada caso en particular.

Abstract Objective: To evaluate the function of the right ventricle (RV) and left ventricle (LV) in pulmonary hypertension (PH) through cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR). Material and method: In patients with (PH group; n = 9) and without PH (control group; n = 9), end-diastolic volume (EDV) and end-systolic volume (ESV) and ejection fraction (EF) of right (RV) and left (LV) ventricle, area of the right (RA) and left (LA) atrium and diameter of the pulmonary artery (PA) were evaluated. Results: In PH, the RV increased EDV and ESV and decreased EF (PH: 52 ± 5% vs. control: 64 ± 2%; p < 0.05). Abnormal movement of the interventricular septum and late enhancement in the insertion points of the RV in the LV were only observed in HP. HP increased the area of RA and the diameter of PA. In LV, only in HP, EF was negatively correlated with EDV (Pearson r: –0.8290; p < 0.01) and ESV (Pearson r: –0.7869; p < 0.05). Conclusions: CMR evaluation of patients with PH demonstrates physiological and anatomical alterations of the right cavities with decreased EF in RV that also affects the RV/LV interrelationship. The importance of an early and sequential evaluation of the RV with CMR is emphasized to assess the best therapeutic strategy for each particular case.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-973499


@#Objective    To compare and investigate the efficacy and differences of modified B-T shunt, central shunt and right ventricle-pulmonary artery (RV-PA) connection in the treatment of pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect (PA/VSD). Methods    A total of 124 children with PA/VSD underwent initial palliative repair in Shanghai Children's Medical Center from September 2014 to August 2019, including 63 males and 61 females, aged 7 days to 15 years. They were divided into in a modified B-T shunt group (55 patients), a central shunt group (22 patients) and a RV-PA connection group (47 patients). The clinical data of these children were retrospectively analyzed. Results    There were 9 early deaths after palliation, with an early mortality rate of 7.3%. The mean follow-up time was 26.5±20.3 months, with 5 patients lost to follow-up, 5 deaths during the follow-up period, and 105 survivors. The 1-year and 5-year survival rates were both 89.7%. The monthly increased Nakata index was 5.2 (–0.2, 12.3) mm2/m2, 9.2 (0.1, 23.6) mm2/m2, 6.3 (1.8, 23.3) mm2/m2 in the modified B-T shunt group, the central shunt group, and the RV-PA connection group, respectively, with no statistical difference among the three groups. The 1-year survival rate was 85.3%, 78.4%, 95.2%, and the 5-year (4-year in the central shunt group) survival rate was 85.3%, 58.8%, 95.2% in the three groups, respectively, with a statistical difference among them (P<0.05). The complete repair rate was 36.5%, 19.0% and 67.4% in the three groups, respectively, with a statistical difference among the three groups (P<0.001). Conclusion    All these three palliative surgical approaches can effectively promote pulmonary vascular development. But compared with systemic-pulmonary shunt, RV-PA connection has a lower perioperative mortality rate and can achieve a higher complete repair rate at a later stage, which is beneficial for long-term prognosis.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026247


Objective To observe the value of two-dimensional speckle tracking imaging(2D-STI)for evaluating right ventricular(RV)synchrony of early stage systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE).Methods Totally 60 SLE patients(SLE group)and 65 healthy subjects(control group)who underwent echocardiography were retrospectively enrolled.The general data,conventional ultrasonic parameters,strain parameters based on 2D-STI and synchrony parameters based on 2D-STI were compared between groups.Pearson correlation analysis was performed to explore the correlations of general information,conventional ultrasonic parameters and strain parameters with synchrony parameters in SLE group.Multiple linear regression was used to analyze the independent impact factors of RV synchrony of early stage SLE.Results No significant difference of general data nor conventional ultrasound parameters was found between groups(all P>0.05).Strain parameters in SLE group were all lower,whereas synchrony parameters in SLE group were all higher than those in control group(all P<0.05).In SLE group,synchrony parameters of RV(standard deviation of time to peak strain of global[SD-TPSglobal],of free wall[SD-TPSfree]and of interventricular septum[SD-TPSseptal])were positively and weakly correlated with both SLE duration and systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index(SLEDAI)(| r | 0.256-0.273,all P<0.05),but slightly and negatively correlated with global longitudinal strain(GLS)of RV(| r | 0.435-0.488,all P<0.05).GLS of RV was the independent impact factor of synchrony parameters of early stage SLE(P<0.05).Conclusion 2D-STI could be used to evaluate synchrony of RV in early stage SLE through measuring GLS of RV.

China Modern Doctor ; (36): 49-53, 2023.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038077


Objective To investigate the value of echocardiography in assessing right ventricular function of primary light-chain amyloidosis(AL)-cardiac amyloidosis(CA)patients.Methods A total of 25 patients biopsy diagnosed as AL-CA,who were admitted to the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University from January 2018 to December 2021,were enrolled in this study as amyloidosis group.And 25 heathy volunteers were set as control group.The routine right ventricular morphology and functional parameters were acquired by standard echocardiography.Right ventricular global longitudinal strain(RVGLS)and right ventricular free wall longitudinal strain(RVfwLS)were obtained by two-dimensional speckle tracking imagine.Tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion(TAPSE)/pulmonary artery systolic pressure(PASP),RVGLS/PASP,RVfwLS/PASP ratio were calculated as the noninvasively parameters of right ventricular-pulmonary artery coupling.Results ①Compared with control group,patients in amyloidosis group showed significantly larger right heart size,and significantly thicker right ventricular free wall[(7.16±1.84)mm vs.(3.76±0.66)mm],the difference was statistically significant(P<0.001).②Compared with control group,RVGLS[(17.43±2.45)%vs.(23.22±3.73)%]and RVfwLS[(18.44±2.10)%vs.(22.62±3.64)%]were significantly impaired in amyloidosis group,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.001).The ratios of TAPSE/PASP,RVGLS/PASP,RVfwLS/PASP were found to be lower in amyloidosis group,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.001).③TAPSE/PASP showed mild correlations with N-terminal brain natriuretic peptide precursor(NT-proBNP),highly sensitive T cardiac troponin(hs-TNT)(r=0.45 and 0.40)there were statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion Echocardiography can effectively evaluate the right heart function impairment in AL-CA patients,providing valuable information for a deeper understanding of the pathological and physiological mechanisms of the disease.

Ann Card Anaesth ; 2022 Sep; 25(3): 264-269
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219221


Background: The objectives of this study were to find out of normal reference value for age?dependent longitudinal strain values in children and find its correlation with conventional echocardiographic parameters. Methods: In total, 100 healthy normal children aged between 2 and 15 years were enrolled and divided into three age groups, namely, 2–5 years, 5–10 years, and 10–15 years. Using the GE Vivid 7 ultrasound platform with 4 or 7 MHz probes, both LV and RV global longitudinal strains and conventional echocardiographic parameters were acquired. Results: In normal healthy children, left ventricular GLS values were –20.10 to –19.68 (mean: –19.89), –21.93 to –21.02 (mean: –21.48), and –20.87 to –20.41 (mean: –20.64)) in children aged 2–5 years, 5–10 years, and 10–15 years and right ventricular GLS values were –16.80 to –16.44 (mean: –16.62), –27.85 to –27.27 (mean: –27.56), –28.44 to –27.93 (mean: –28.19) in the above three groups, respectively. No significant increase was noted in the left ventricular strain value from basal to the apical segment from age group 2 years to 15 years and no gender differences were seen. None of the conventional echocardiographic parameters commonly used to assess the left or right ventricular systolic function had a significant correlation with LVGLS and RVGLS. Conclusions: The mean LVGLS values were –19.89, –21.48, and –20.64 and RVGLS were –16.62, –27.56, and –28.19 in healthy normal children aged 2–5 years, 5–10 years, and 10–15 years, respectively, and conventional echocardiographic parameters did not have any significant correlation with these values.

Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; 37(4): 534-545, Jul.-Aug. 2022. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394728


ABSTRACT Introduction: Congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries (CCTGA) is a rare anomaly. Current data available regarding adult cases is derived from small series, information simultaneously presented in pediatric publications, and one classical multicenter study. This review, not aimed to exhaust the subject, has the purpose to examine the literature addressing presentation, diagnostic methodology, and management of afflicted adult patients. Methods: A comprehensive search was undertaken in three major databases (PubMed, Cochrane, SciELO), using the keywords "congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries" and "adults". Relevant articles in English, Spanish, and Portuguese were extracted and critically appraised in this review. Steps for study selection were: (1) identification of titles of records through databases searching, (2) removal of duplicates, (3) screening and selection of abstracts, (4) final inclusion in the study. Results: Four hundred sixty-five publications on CCTGA in adult patients were retrieved, and 166 were excluded; 299 studies were used for this review including 76 full-text articles, 70 studies related to general aspects of the subject, and, due to the small number of publications, 153 case reports. Sixty-one articles referring to combined experiences in pediatric and adult patients and judged to be relevant, but retrieved from another sources, were also included. Conclusion: Albeit clinical presentation and diagnostic criteria have been well stablished, there seems to be room for discussion related to clinical and surgical management of CCTGA in adults. Considering the rarity of the disease, well designed multicenter studies may provide answers.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220225


Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is a new minimally invasive procedure for symptomatic patients with severe aortic stenosis and surgical high-risk. Numerous technical improvements have been developed to simplify the procedure and reduce the incidence of complications. Temporary pacing of the right ventricle remains mandatory to ensure transient hypotension and low cardiac output while performing predilation of the aortic annulus and accurately position and deploy the valve. Temporary pacing is also crucial as a backup pacing device if complete atrioventricular block develops after TAVI. Implanting a temporary pacing wire requires additional venous vascular access and a pacing lead, both of which may generate complications. Cardiac tamponade during TAVI is a rare complication. We present the case of a cardiac tamponade during TAVI probably due to right ventricular perforation associated with pacing. We report some measures to avoid such complications and improve the TAVI procedure

Medicina (B.Aires) ; 82(1): 61-65, feb. 2022. graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365129


Abstract Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) produces a significant burden to severely ill patients affected by acute respiratory failure. The aim of this study was to describe echocardiographic findings in a series of mechanically ventilated patients with moderate and severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) due to COVID-19. This was a single center, descriptive and cros s-sectional study of prospectively collected data. Patients had severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection and moderate or severe ARDS. Initial echocardiogram was performed within 7 days of intensive care unit admission and every 15 days until mechanical ventilation ended, 28 days or death. Time spent by the physician for each study was measured. Multiple echographic measurements were acquired; 33 patients were analyzed. Total number of echocardiograms performed was 76. The median imaging time required to complete a standard study was 13 [10-15] minutes. Chronic structural abnormalities were present in 16 patients (48%), being LV hypertrophy the main finding in 11 patients (33%). The most frequent acute or dynamic finding was RV enlargement (43%) when considering all echocardiograms performed from admission to day 28 of follow-up. Other findings were: pulmonary hypertension (15%), new or dynamic left ventricle (LV) regional wall motion abnormalities (15%), new or dynamic LV global contractility deterioration (6%) and hypercontractility (12%).

Resumen La enfermedad por coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) produce una carga significativa para los pacientes gravemente enfermos afectados por insuficiencia respiratoria aguda. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir los hallazgos ecocardiográficos en una serie de pacientes ventilados mecánicamente con síndrome de dificultad respiratoria aguda (SDRA) moderado y grave debido a COVID-19. Se trata de un estudio unicéntrico, descriptivo y de corte transversal de datos recopilados en forma prospectiva. Los pacientes tenían una infección por el coronavirus SARS-Cov-2 y SDRA moderado o grave. El ecocardiogra ma inicial se realizó dentro de los 7 días del ingreso en la unidad de cuidados intensivos y luego cada 15 días hasta finalizar la ventilación mecánica, 28 días o fallecimiento. Se midió el tiempo empleado por el operador en cada estudio. Se adquirieron múltiples medidas ecográficas. Se analizaron 33 pacientes. El número total de ecocardiogramas realizados fue de 76. El tiempo necesario (mediana [RIQ]) para la obtención de las imágenes de un estudio estándar fue de 13 [10-15] minutos. Las anomalías estructurales crónicas estuvieron presentes en 16 pacientes (48%), siendo la hipertrofia ventricular izquierda la principal (11 pacientes, 33%). El hallazgo agudo o dinámico más frecuente fue el agrandamiento del ventrículo derecho (VD) (43%) al considerar todos los ecocardiogramas realizados desde el ingreso hasta el día 28 de seguimiento. Otros hallazgos fueron: hipertensión pulmonar (15%), anomalías del movimiento de la pared regional del VI nuevas o dinámicas (15%), deterioro de la contractilidad global del ventrículo izquierdo, nuevo o dinámico (6%), e hipercontractilidad (12%).

Journal of Medical Biomechanics ; (6): E098-E104, 2022.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-920675


ObjectiveT o explore the influence of patch shape for intraventricular tunnel (IVT) construction on biomechanical performance of the double outlet right ventricle after correction. Methods Based on the idealized IVT model, a two-dimensional IVT patch was designed. Six groups of patch models with the rhombic long-to-short axis ratio of 1∶0.625, 1∶0.3, 1∶0.2, 1∶0.15, 1∶0.125, 1∶0.1 were established according to the difference between the long and short axis of the rhombus patch in the turning part, and finite element analysis method was used to numerically simulate the process of stitching, holding and propping up the patch into a three-dimensional (3D) IVT model. Results The maximum stresses on suture line of 6 patch models were mainly concentrated at acute-angle corners of the rhombus. As rhombic long-to-short axis ratio of the patch increased, the maximum stress of the IVT suture line first decreased and then increased, and the volume showed an increasing trend. The pressure difference between two ends of the tunnel first decreased and then increased. The patch with the long-to-short axis ratio of 1∶0.15 had a uniform surface stress distribution, and the maximum stress on the suture line was the smallest. Meanwhile the right ventricular volume was less encroached on, and the pressure difference at both ends of the tunnel was small. Conclusions The IVT shape can influence stresses of suture line, the right ventricle volume and the pressure difference of IVT with non-monotonic variations. The suture effect of the patch with the long-to-short axis ratio of 1∶0.15 is relatively better among the constructed models.

Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-924582


We report the case of a 52-year-old man who presented with a 2-week history of exertional dyspnea and was admitted to our hospital with heart failure. Coronary angiography showed severe three-vessel disease ; left ventriculography revealed an aneurysm in the inferior left ventricular (LV) wall perforating into the right ventricle. We suspected the LV aneurysm was from a previous myocardial infarction (MI) that had perforated into the right ventricle, although the time of MI was unclear. The patient was treated with medications initially. We subsequently treated the patient by LV aneurysm closure using a patch and direct closure of the perforation by incising the aneurysm. Coronary artery bypass grafting was performed in the left anterior descending artery, the diagonal artery, and the right coronary artery simultaneously. After having an uneventful postoperative course, he was discharged from the hospital in a stable condition. A pathology examination confirmed a diagnosis of LV pseudo-false aneurysm.

Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; 36(5): 717-719, Sept.-Oct. 2021. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1351648


Abstract Although many anatomical variations may be encountered in children with double outlet right ventricle, coexistence of levo-malposed great vessels and left juxtaposed atrial appendages is uncommonly observed. This case report underlines the rarity of this anatomical combination and its clinical significance along with the surgical management in an infant.

Humains , Nourrisson , Enfant , Transposition des gros vaisseaux/imagerie diagnostique , Ventricule droit à double issue/chirurgie , Ventricule droit à double issue/imagerie diagnostique , Auricule de l'atrium/chirurgie , Auricule de l'atrium/imagerie diagnostique , Cardiopathies congénitales/chirurgie , Cardiopathies congénitales/imagerie diagnostique , Artères
Rev. colomb. cardiol ; 28(4): 378-382, jul.-ago. 2021. graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1351936


Resumen El túnel aorto-ventricular derecho es una anomalía congénita que consiste en un canal que conecta la aorta ascendente a la cavidad del ventrículo derecho. El diagnóstico se corrobora, en la mayoría de los casos, por ecocardiografía. El cierre quirúrgico se considera el tratamiento de elección y solo se han reportado dos casos previos en los que se ha logrado el cierre mediante intervencionismo. Se presenta el caso de una lactante con diagnóstico de túnel aorto-ventricular derecho, tratada por intervención percutánea con dispositivo de cierre percutáneo, que tuvo buena evolución clínica. La paciente, además, presentó un ductus permeable, el cual fue tratado en una segunda oportunidad por intervencionismo. La factibilidad de la técnica de cierre por procedimiento percutáneo y su baja tasa de complicaciones en comparación con el cierre por cirugía abierta pueden hacer de este el procedimiento de elección en la mayoría de los casos para esta infrecuente condición.

Abstract The aorto-right ventricular tunnel is a congenital anomaly that consists of a channel that connects the ascending aorta to the right ventricular cavity. The diagnosis is usually made by transthoracic echocardiography. Surgical closure is usually considered the treatment of choice and only two previous cases have been reported in which closure has been achieved by percutaneous intervention. We report a case of an infant with a diagnosis of aorto-right ventricular tunnel treated using a percutaneous device with good clinical evolution. The patient had also a patent ductus which was later treated by interventionism. The feasibility of the technique and its low rate of complications compared to the closure by open surgery can make it the procedure of choice in most cases for this rare condition.

Humains , Tunnel aorto-ventriculaire , Cardiopathies congénitales
Rev. colomb. cardiol ; 28(4): 383-388, jul.-ago. 2021. graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1351937


Resumen En el siguiente reporte se expone un caso complejo en el que coexisten malformaciones cardiacas congénitas de presentación atípica con un doble tracto de salida del ventrículo derecho, en un paciente con múltiples anomalías menores en la exploración física y un cariotipo normal. La atipia de cada una de estas y su coexistencia hacen pensar en posibles alteraciones genéticas que aún son desconocidas. Lo anterior supone un reto terapéutico con el fin de restaurar una fisiología cardiaca compatible con la vida, lo cual se logra en este caso mediante un cerclaje exitoso de la arteria pulmonar.

Abstract The following report presents a complex case in which congenital cardiac malformations of atypical presentation coexist with a double outlet right ventricle, in a patient with multiple minor abnormalities on the physical examination and a normal karyotype. The atypia of these and their coexistence suggest possible genetic alterations that are still unknown. Therefore, a therapeutic challenge in order to restore a cardiac physiology compatible with life is proposed, which is achieved in this case through a successful banding of the pulmonary artery.

Humains , Ventricule droit à double issue , Dextrocardie , Artère pulmonaire , Malformations , Hypertension pulmonaire
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