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Electron. j. biotechnol ; 33: 63-67, May. 2018. ilus, graf, tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1024839


Background: Trimethylamine (TMA) is the main responsible for the odor associated with rotting fish and other annoying odors generated in many industrial activities. Biofiltration has proved to be efficient for treating odorous gaseous emissions. The main objective of this work was to determine the removal capacity of TMA of a biotrickling filter inoculated with Aminobacter aminovorans and to evaluate the effect of H2S on its performance. Results: The maximumspecific growth rate ofA. aminovorans in a liquid culture was 0.15 h -1 , witha TMAto biomass yield of 0.10 (g g -1) and a specific consumption rate of 0.062 g·g-1·h-1 . The initial specific consumption rate of TMA was highly influenced by the presence of H2S in liquid culture at concentrations of 20 and 69 ppm in heading space oftheflasks.ABTF inoculatedwithA. aminovorans showedremoval efficiencieshigher than98%ina range ofloading rate of 0.2 to 8 g·m-3·h-1 at empty bed residence time (EBRT) of 85 and 180 s. No effect on the elimination capacity and efficiency was detected when H2S was added at 20 and 50 ppm to the inlet gaseous emission, though the fraction of A. aminovorans measured by qPCR in the biofilm decreased. Conclusions:Abiotrickling filter inoculated with A. aminovorans can remove efficiently the TMA in a gaseous stream. The elimination capacity of TMA can be negatively affected by H2S, but its effect is not notorious when it is forming part of a biofilm, due to its high specific consumption rate of TMA.

Alphaproteobacteria/métabolisme , Sulfure d'hydrogène , Méthylamines/métabolisme , Désodorisation/méthodes , Bioréacteurs , Filtration , Poissons
Rev. Soc. Venez. Microbiol ; 33(1): 80-82, jun. 2013. ilus
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-703764


En las zonas productoras de arroz en Venezuela se ha observado una enfermedad caracterizada por manchas oblongas e irregulares, de color marrón grisáceo, en la hoja envainadora de la panícula. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar cuál es el agente causal de la pudrición de la vaina del arroz en Venezuela. Se tomaron muestras de plantas de arroz variedad Venezuela 21 con las características descritas. Secciones de la interfase tejido sano-enfermo se sembraron en cajas de Petri con agar papa dextrosa y cajas de Petri con papel de filtro estéril humedecido con agua destilada estéril respectivamente, y se incubaron en el laboratorio hasta observar crecimiento de estructuras fúngicas. La identificación del hongo se realizó mediante la comparación de sus características micro y macroscópicas con las descritas en la literatura especializada. Esto permitió identificar los aislamientos como Sarocladium oryzae, y se pudo concluir que esta especie es el agente causal de la enfermedad de la pudrición de la vaina del arroz en Venezuela.

In the rice producing areas of Venezuela, a disease characterized by oblong and irregular spots of a grayish-brownish color on the sheath which covers the particle has been observed. The purpose of this work was to determine the causative agent of the rotting of the rice sheath in Venezuela. After taking samples of the rice plants of the Venezuela 21 variety with the above characteristics, sections of the interphase healthy-diseased tissue were inoculated into Petri dishes with potato-dextrose agar, and Petri dishes with sterile filter paper dampened with distilled water, and they were incubated in the laboratory until there was growth of fungal structures. The identification of the fungus was done by comparing its micro and macroscopic characteristics with those described in specialized literature. By this method it was possible to identify the isolates as Sarocladium oryzae, and it was concluded that this species is the causative agent of the rotting disease of the sheath of rice in Venezuela.

Rev. Soc. Venez. Microbiol ; 30(1): 43-47, jun. 2010. ilus, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-631698


La finalidad de este estudio fue conocer la efectividad del hongo Trichoderma harzianum, el quitosano y el bicarbonato de sodio en el control de hongos postcosecha en naranjas valencia. Se utilizaron 120 naranjas valencia, usando 24 naranjas por grupo. Cada uno de estos grupos fue sumergido en uno de los siguientes tratamientos: cultivo del hongo T. harzianum (1x10(9) esporas/mL.), quitosano (2%), bicarbonato de sodio (1%) y agua común (testigo); las 24 naranjas restantes no recibieron tratamiento y fueron consideradas como grupo control. Las naranjas fueron posteriormente almacenadas en envases de plástico con papel absorbente durante 14 días, a 27ºC, para determinar el crecimiento de hongos u otra alteración. Se desarrollaron 4 especies de hongos en el grupo control: Penicillium digitatum (80%), Penicillium italicum (10%), Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (5%) y Cladosporium herbarum (5%), con diferencias significativas entre hongos (p<0,05). En el testigo, sólo se encontró P. digitatum en un 29,1% y en los tratamientos con quitosano y bicarbonato de sodio sólo se presentaron pudriciones no fúngicas en un 20,8% y 41,6% respectivamente. Las tratadas con T. harzianum no presentaron hongos, ni ninguna alteración en 14 días de tratamiento, existiendo diferencias significativas (p<0,05) en cuanto a la presencia de hongo o alteración por tratamiento. Esto sugiere que es posible controlar hongos postcosecha de las naranjas con el hongo T. harzianum.

The purpose of this study was to establish the effectiveness of the fungus Trichoderma harzianum, chitosane and sodium bicarbonate for postharvest fungus control of valencia oranges. We used 120 valencia oranges using 24 oranges per group. Each of the groups was immersed in one of the following treatments: T. harzianum cultures (1x10(9) spores/mL), chitosane (2%), sodium bicarbonate (1%) and running water (witness); the remaining 24 oranges did not receive any treatment, and were considered as the control group. The oranges were later stored in plastic containers with absorbent paper during 14 days at 27ºC to determine fungus growth or any other alteration. Four fungi species developed in the control group: Penicillium digitatum (80%), Penicillium italicum (10%), Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (5%) and Cladosporium herbarum (5%) with significant differences among fungi (p<0.05). In the witness group there was only P. digitatum (29.1%), and in the groups treated with chitosane and sodium bicarbonate there was only non-fungal rotting in 20.8% and 41.6%, respectively. The oranges treated with T. harzianum did not present fungi or any other alteration during the 14 treatment days, and there were significant differences (p<0.05) as to presence of fungi or alterations during treatment. This suggests that it is possible to perform a post harvest control of oranges with the T. harzianum fungus.

Mycobiology ; : 305-307, 2009.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-729428


An unrecorded Ceriporiopsis species was collected at Mt. Gariwang, Gangwon Province, in 2008. Based on morphological characteristics, such as a fully resupinate basidiocarp, a reddish white to pinkish poroid hymenophore and a monomitic hyphal system with clamp connections, the species was identified as Ceriporiopsis resinascens. This is the first report of Ceriporiopsis resinascens in Korea. We confirmed the identity of the species as Ceriporiopsis resinascens based on ITS sequence analysis.

Humains , Coriolaceae , Corps fructifères de champignon , Corée , Analyse de séquence
Mycobiology ; : 147-151, 2009.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-729935


The wood-rotting fungi of three Korean islands in the Yellow Sea, Soyeonpyung-do (SY), Oeyeon-do (OY), and Gageo-do (GG), were investigated from October 2004 to November 2005. During four sampling trips on each island, a total of 46, 44, and 44 specimens were collected from SY, OY, and GG, respectively. The identified wood-rotting fungi from SY included 29 species of 22 genera and nine families; OY had 31 species of 26 genera and 10 families; and GG had 34 species of 27 genera and 11 families. The majority of the fungi were in the Polyporaceae, which was represented by 23 genera and 30 species. Auricularia polytricha, Daedaleopsis tricolor, Daldinia concentrica, Hymenochaete cinnamomea, Hymenochaete yasudai, Hyphoderma setigerum, Lopharia mirabilis, Schizopora paradoxa, and Trametes versicolor were collected from all three islands.

Humains , Champignons , Iles , Corée , Mirabilis , Polyporaceae , Trametes
Mycobiology ; : 167-172, 2005.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-730052


Through ten field surveys in Kanghwa Island from August of 1997 to March of 2002, total 107 specimens of wood-rotting fungi belonging to the Aphyllophorales were collected and identified to the species. They taxonomically amounted to 10 families, 31 genera, and 48 species. Among them, one family, Steccherinaceae, and four genera, Australohydnum, Castanoporus, Dacryobolus and Haplotrichum were confirmed as new to Korea. Five unrecorded species, Australohydnum dregeanum, Castanoporus castaneus, Dacryobolus karstenii, Haplotrichum conspersum and Hyphoderma odontiiforme were registered here with descriptions.

Humains , Champignons , Corée , Polyporales
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