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Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022897


The scrap management of the level Ⅱ biosafety cabinet in some institution from 2019 to 2021 was introduced.The level l[biosafety cabinet was analyzed in terms of the causes for the failures,service length and the correlation between them.Some suggestions were put forward including standardizing the utilization,maintenance and scrap management of the biosafety cabinet.References were provided for ensuring the biosafety and operation of the laboratory.[Chinese Medical Equipment Journal,2023,44(10):91-94]

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1004375


【Objective】 To establish scrap indicators for key equipment in blood screening laboratory of blood centers and quantitatively assess the running status of key equipment, so as to provide a scientific method for equipment scrap. 【Methods】 Through the literature review and Delphi method, the scrap indicators of key equipment in blood screening laboratories were established in terms of applicability, economy and advancement of the equipment. The weights of relevant indicators were calculated by analysis hierarchy process (AHP), and the quantitative assessment model of equipment scrap priority was established according to the indicators and its weight. The equipment running data from January 2020 to December 2020 of Laboratory Department were collected and analyzed using the model, and its accuracy was verified based on experience. 【Results】 Thirteen second-level scrap indicators were established, and the weights of the three first-level indexes of applicability, economy and advancement were 0.582, 0.114 and 0.306, respectively. Among the total 30 key equipment, the model score of 4 equipment was less than 0.5, and the running status after manually checking met the scrap standard. 【Conclusion】 The model can accurately assess the scrap priority of key equipment and facilitate the procurement budget and scrapping identification in advance, which can avoid the waste of resources and ensure safe, efficient and orderly laboratory work.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-906613


Objective To understand the use of the annual immunization program vaccine in Liaoning Province, and to objectively grasp the consumption coefficient of multi-dose immunization program vaccine, to provide the basis for the annual immunization program vaccine demand. Methods The amount of vaccine used in theimmunization plan of Liaoning Province in 2019 and the actual number of vaccine inoculations were summarized, and the utilization rate of vaccine and the consumption coefficient of vaccine in multiple doses were calculated. Results In 2019, the utilization rate of different varieties of immunization program vaccine was more than 65%, and there was significant difference in the utilization rate among cities (P<0.01). The consumption coefficients of multi-dose vaccination vaccine were 2.33 for DT, 2.26 for BOPV and 2.20 for MPSV-A, respectively. Compared with DT, BOPV and MPSV-A, MPSV-A had the highest scrap rate of 2.87%, followed by BOPV and DT with 1.82% and 0.32%, respectively. Conclusion Vaccine consumption in the multi-dose immunization program is the main factor affecting the accuracy of the annual requirement budget, and vaccine management should be strengthened to achieve reasonable allocation, reduce consumption and avoid waste.

Rev. cuba. enferm ; 33(3): e1307, jul.-set. 2017. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1138911


RESUMEN Introducción: el cáncer de cérvix es uno de los procesos tumorales más estudiados y conocidos, en el que la citología cervicouterina es la principal prueba de tamizaje para acceder a este diagnóstico. Objetivo: describir los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas frente la toma de la citología vaginal en las estudiantes de pregrado presencial de una institución universitaria de la ciudad de Manizales-Colombia. Métodos: estudio cuantitativo descriptivo y prospectivo, cuya muestra estuvo constituida por 683 estudiantes. Se aplicó un instrumento que contiene preguntas sobre algunas variables sociodemográficas y otras relacionadas con los conocimientos actitudes y prácticas sobre la citología vaginal. Resultados: se evidencia mayor práctica de la citología vaginal en estudiantes con edades entre los 20-24 años. Se encontró que las estudiantes que más conocimientos presentaban sobre la prueba eran aquellas que cursaban estudios relacionados con el área de la salud. Se observa un promedio alto de actitudes positivas frente a la realización de esta prueba, pero una menor práctica de la misma con relación a los conocimientos y actitudes encontradas. Conclusiones: se evidencia conocimiento general de la prueba de la citología y una actitud favorable frente al interés de conocer más acerca de este examen; sin embargo, es importante que desde enfermería se realicen acciones más focalizadas que permitan mejorar la adherencia y una mayor práctica de esta prueba, considerada como una estrategia de promoción para la salud(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: the cervical cancer is one of the most studied and well-known tumoral processes in which the pap smear is the main screening test used to obtain an accurate diagnostic. Objective: To describe the cognition, attitude and performance regarding Pap Smear scrap on students of an undergraduate program at a university in Manizales-Colombia Methods: Quantitative, descriptive and prospective study, whose sample was composed by 683 students. The instrument used as a measuring device has some questions about certain socio-demographic variables and some others related to the information; attitudes and performances students have regarding Pap Smear scrap. Outcomes: There is evidence of a significant number of students between 20-24 years old having a Pap smear scrap. The outcomes showed that the students with more information about this kind of tests were those who were doing studies in the field of health. A high average of positive attitude regarding this test was observed; nevertheless, there was a minor performance of the test strongly related to the information and attitudes shown by some students. Conclusions: there is evidence of a general information about the pap smear test and of a favorable attitude on acquiring new knowledge about it. Nevertheless, it is relevant that the nursing program at the university proposes more targeted actions in order to allow an improvement in the consciousness and in a periodical practice of this test considered as a strategy of promotion of health(AU)

Humains , Femelle , Adolescent , Jeune adulte , Tumeurs du col de l'utérus/diagnostic , Savoir , Biologie cellulaire , Test de Papanicolaou/méthodes , Dépistage de masse/effets indésirables , Épidémiologie Descriptive , Études prospectives
China Medical Equipment ; (12): 95-97, 2017.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-508310


Objective:To standardize the process of abandonment management of large medical equipment in hospital, and to achieve the reasonable reuse after large medical equipment were abandoned.Methods: To discuss the conditions, process and reuse assessment when large medical equipments were abandoned, and the concrete operation methods about the abandonment disposition and reused process of large medical equipments.Results:This research has achieved safety and efficient abandonment for large medical equipments under ensuring maximizing benefits of economic efficient.Conclusion: This method reduces the cost of medical device in hospital and create higher social benefits under ensuring maximizing benefits of economic efficiency by standardizing abandonment process and reuse assessment and the safety application for large medical equipment.

Pesqui. prát. psicossociais ; 10(2): 397-404, dez. 2015.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-791728


Este artigo objetiva discutir os significados da sucata na contemporaneidade, apresentando o relato de uma experiência com sucata em oficina de criação espontânea, realizada em uma universidade, como parte de uma investigação sobre os sentidos atribuídos à sucata. Propõe-se, então, a sucata - cujo significado etimológico é objeto sem valor - e as relações que ela mantém, tanto no plano econômico quanto no plano das relações sociais, como objeto e, também, como método de investigação científica. Observamos que a sucata deixa de ser apenas um objeto sem valor para se tornar um meio, um caminho que abre possibilidades de leituras de mundo, de interferências no mundo, de desdobramentos, de vias de escape. Conclui-se, assim, que em toda sua complexidade, a sucata da história (história pessoal e social), pode proporcionar, por meio de sua característica maior - a falta de significado -, a possibilidade de ressignificação, tornando-se um modo, um método, às avessas, em negativo, do contemporâneo.

The main objective of this article is to discuss the meanings associated to refuse/scrap nowadays, presenting a report about an experience conducted in a university campus, exploring scrap workshop spontaneous creation, as part of an investigation into the meanings assigned to it. We focus on the concept of refuse/scrap - whose meaning is associated with worthless material- and the relationships it maintains, both on the economic level and in terms of social relations, and also as object and scientific research method. We can observe that scrap metal ceases to be just worthless object, to become a means and a path, which enables world readings, interference and escape routes in world developments. We conclude, therefore, that in all its complexity, scrap history (personal and social history), despite being considered worthless as its greatest feature, can provide - considering its lack of meaning - the possibility of reframing, becoming a method in reverse, as a negative, of the contemporary.

Este artículo objetiva discutir los significados de la chatarra en la contemporaneidad, presentando el relato de una experiencia con la chatarra en un taller de creación espontánea, realizada en una Universidad, como parte de una investigación sobre los sentidos atribuidos a la chatarra. De ahí, se propone la chatarra - cuyo significado etimológico es objeto sin valor - y las relaciones que ella mantiene, tanto en el plano económico como en los planos de relaciones sociales, como objeto y también como un método de investigación científica. Observamos que la chatarra deja de ser apenas un objeto sin valor para convertirse en un medio, un camino que abre posibilidades de lecturas de mundo, de interferencias en el mundo, de desdoblamientos, de despliegue. Se concluye, por lo tanto, que en toda su complejidad, la chatarra, chatarra de la historia (historia personal y social), puede proporcionar por medio de su mayor característica - la falta de significado - la posibilidad de resignificación, convirtiéndose en un método, al revés, en negativa, de lo contemporáneo.

Ordures , Relations interpersonnelles , Utilisation significative , Développement durable
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-456129


Objective To understand the status of the blood safety in Handan region to provide the basis for recruiting blood do-nors in our region and the data support for meeting clinical blood use.Methods The detection results of 5 legal indicators among unpaid blood donors in Handan region during 2002-2012 were investigated and analyzed.Results The total positive rate of indica-tors detection was 5.52%,in which alanine aminotransferase(ALT)was 4.06%,hepatitis B surface antigen(HBsAg),hepatitis C virus antibody(anti-HCV)was 0.54%,human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)antibody(anti-HIV)was 0.24% and treponema palli-dum antibody(anti-TP)was 0.12%.Conclusion This survey is conducive to the blood donor recruitment work and strengthening the screening of blood donors is helpful for safety of clinical blood use.

China Modern Doctor ; (36): 120-122, 2014.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1037198


Objective To analyze the reason of unqualified blood not due to test, investigate the precautions,and avoid to collect unqualified blood at most, reduce the blood scrap rate. Methods Statistics the unqualified blood scrap rate in this city from 2011 to 2013 and analyzed the reasons. Results The blood scrap rates of the unqualified blood not due to test, insufficient amount was 66.47%,blood fat was 10.18%,hemolysis was 7.19%,broken bags caused by centrifugal was 6.69%,not enough time interval was 3.69%, clots was 1.5%,leakage was 1.15%,expired was 0.60%,abandon blood secretly was 0.50%, the highest rates were insufficient amount and blood fat. Conclusion Take different measures ac-cording to different factors, strictly master routine, improve and perfect quality management system, effectively reduce unnecessary blood scrap, make full use of the blood of unpaid blood donors .

Cienc. Trab ; 15(46): 7-11, abr. 2013. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-700410


En el 2011, existían en el departamento del Quindío aproximadamente 95 establecimientos comerciales, dedicados a tipografías, reciclaje de chatarra, y reconstrucción de baterías en donde los trabajadores tenían contacto con metales pesados como el plomo (Pb) sin protección alguna. De estos 95 establecimientos, participaron en el estudio el 55% y de estas empresas se encontró que el 80.65% era economía informal, es decir, independientes, unifamiliares y sin afiliación a la Seguridad Social Integral (Salud, Pensión y Riesgos laborales). El riesgo más importante en estos trabajadores es la manipulación consciente o inconsciente del plomo. El Pb se utiliza en su forma metálica y en aleaciones, siendo de los pocos metales que es tóxico por sí mismo. El Pb no tiene una función biológica útil en el hombre, por lo que es preocupante que se hable de cifras normales de este metal en la sangre. La exposición no controlada del Pb genera graves daños a nivel sistémico del organismo, tales como: disminución de la capacidad física, fatiga, trastornos del sueño, cefalea, dolores de huesos y músculos, dolores abdominales, disminución del apetito y en casos muy graves se produce daño en riñones e incluso la muerte.

In 2011, about 95 commercial establishments existed in the department of Quindio, they worked in typography, scrap recycling, and battery reconstruction where workers had contact with heavy metals such as lead (Pb), without any protection. 55 % of these 95 establishments participated in the study, and 80,65% of them worked informally, that is to say people who were independent, single-family, and without Integral Social Security affiliation (health, pension and occupational hazards). The Major risk in these workers is conscious or unconscious manipulation of lead. The Pb is used in metallic form and alloys, being one of the few metals that are toxic by itself. The Pb has no useful biological function in humans, so it is worrying to talk about normal levels of lead in the blood. Uncontrolled exposure of Pb causes serious damage to the body in a systemical level, such as decreased physical fitness, fatigue, sleep disorders, headache, muscle and bone pain, abdominal pain, decreased appetite and, in severe cases, produces kidney damage and even death.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Batteries , Industrie de l'Impression , Recyclage , Intoxication par le plomb , Conditions de Travail , Études prospectives , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Exposition professionnelle , Santé au travail , Colombie , Recherche qualitative , Niveau d'instruction , Secteur informel , Empoisonnement aux métaux lourds
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-94375


BACKGROUND: We report cases of high lead exposure in a Korean steel manufacturing company and a likely cause for these cases. CASE REPORT: Neurological examinations, neurobehavioral tests, blood tests, and urine tests were performed to detect an association between high lead exposure and physical symptoms for workers in a steel manufacturing company. In order to determine the cause of high lead exposure, the work process and environment was assessed. The highest lead exposure was during the work process. We found that the interior of an oil storage tank was coated with lead-containing paint, leading to severe exposure during the cutting process. In two observations, 4 of 12 workers diagnosed with occupational disease were found to have high exposure to lead from the storage tank and three had increased beta-2 microglobulin levels in the blood (indicative of urinary tract damage). CONCLUSIONS: Lead management, including routine measurements of the working environment and examinations of lead concentrations in workers, are needed in the korean scrap metal industry. In addition, rules requiring workers to wear personal protective equipment and receive education about lead exposure should be strictly enforced.

Humains , Tests hématologiques , Examen neurologique , Maladies professionnelles , Peinture , Acier , Voies urinaires
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-593087


Objective To standardize scrap and process management of the medical equipment. Methods The scrap of medical equipment was discussed in aspects of standard, program and process of medical equipment scrap. The management level of the medical equipment was improved and dynamic management was realized. Results The intact rate, rate of depreciation and total value of the equipment were correctly reflected. Conclusion The economic and social benefit of the hospital are increased.