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Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-696378


Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) is a rare genetic metabolic disease,characterized by a lack of alpha-1-antitrypsin,which can lead to chronic lung and liver disease.The lung disease is thought to be caused primarily by a lack of effective protection against the harmful effects of elastase due to the low AAT levels in the lung.Patients may also develop liver disease due to polymerisation of AAT within hepatocytes.Measuring the AAT serum level,AAT protein phenotyping,and SERPINA1 allele genotyping can help to diagnose AATD.The prognosis of AATD has been improved by AAT augmentation therapy in patients with lung disease,which can prevent or delay lung tissue destruction.

Journal of Clinical Pediatrics ; (12): 610-613, 2016.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-498415


Objectives To study the clinical characteristics and early diagnosis of infant with both alpha 1 antitrypin deficiency (α1-ATD) and biliary atresia (BA). Methods The clinical characteristics, serum biochemical parameters, gene mutations and treatment of one infant with both α1-ATD and BA was reported. Related literatures about liver disease caused by α1-ATD were reviewed and analyzed. Results The infant was characterised with neonatal cholestasis, hepatomegaly, elevated serum ALT, AST, total bilirubin (TB), direct bilirubin (DB) and γ-glutamyltransferase (γ-GT) and absence of bile secretion from the duodenal drainage tube. BA was conifrmed by laparotomy and pathological examination and Kasai′s operation was performed. Further, the infant was confirmed by SERPINA 1 gene mutation analysis, which leads to the diagnosis of α1-ATD. The case of infant with both alpha 1 ATD and BA has not yet been reported at home and abroad. According to the literatures, children with α1-ATD were characterized with cholestasis, hepatomegaly, hypoproteinemia, high serum ALT and AST, coagulation disorders caused by vitamin K 1 deifciency and hepatic dysfunction. Prognosis was poor without early diagnosis and treatment. Conclusions For infant cholestasis, a lot of auxiliary examinations should be performed to identify the etiology of cholestasis. Gene analysis could help differential diagnosis. Prompt diagnosis and early treatment are the key to improve the survival rate and prognosis.

Rev. am. med. respir ; 14(1): 28-46, mar. 2014. ilus, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-708620


El déficit de alfa-1 antitripsina (AAT) es una condición hereditaria rara y raramente diagnosticada en todo el mundo, incluida Argentina. El infradiagnóstico es fundamentalmente debido a que muchos médicos desconocen su existencia, diagnóstico y tratamiento. Por ello, la Asociación Argentina de Medicina Respiratoria encomendó a un grupo de expertos la elaboración de la presente normativa. La AAT es una glicoproteína secretada por el hígado, muy abundante en sangre, tejidos y fluidos corporales, cuya función principal consiste en inhibir la elastasa del neutrófilo y otras serin proteasas, confiriendo al suero humano más del 90% de su capacidad antiproteasa. El déficit de AAT deriva de mutaciones del gen de la SERPINA1, y se manifiesta clínicamente por enfisema pulmonar, cirrosis hepática y, con menor frecuencia, por paniculitis, vasculitis sistémicas y posiblemente otras enfermedades. El déficit grave de AAT afecta mayoritariamente a individuos de raza caucasiana y tiene su máxima prevalencia (1:2.000-1:5.000 individuos) en el norte, oeste y centro de Europa. En EEUU y Canadá, la prevalencia es de 1: 5.000-10.000, y es 5 veces menor en países latinoamericanos, incluida Argentina, donde se estima que puede haber unos 18.000 individuos con genotipos deficientes graves SZ y ZZ, la inmensa mayoría sin diagnosticar. Sospechar la enfermedad resulta clave para medir la concentración sérica de AAT y completar el diagnóstico con la determinación del fenotipo o genotipo ante concentraciones bajas. La detección de casos permite la puesta en práctica del consejo genético, el chequeo de familiares consanguíneos y, en casos seleccionados, la aplicación de terapia sustitutiva.

The alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency is a rare hereditary condition which is rarely diagnosed in the world, including Argentina. Underdiagnosis is mainly due to lack of knowledge of its diagnosis and treatment by many physicians. For this reason, the Argentine Association of Respiratory Medicine convened a group of experts to develop the present guidelines. AAT is a glycoprotein secreted by the liver; it reaches high levels in blood, body tissues and fluids. Its main function is to inhibit the neutrophil elastase and other serum proteases providing 90% of human serine antiprotease activity. The AAT deficiency is produced by mutations of the SERPINA1 gene. Its clinical manifestations are pulmonary emphysema, liver cirrhosis, and less often panniculitis, systemic vasculitis and possibly other conditions. The severe AAT deficiency affects mainly Caucasian individuals. The highest prevalence, ranging from 1 in 2000 to 1 in 5000 population is observed in northern, western and central Europe. In the USA and Canada, the prevalence varies from 1 in 5000 to 1 in 10000 population. It is 5 times less frequent in Latin American countries. It is estimated that in Argentina there may be 18000 cases with severe deficiency of SZ y ZZ genotypes, most of them undiagnosed. It is crucial to suspect the disease in order to measure the serum AAT concentration, and, if the concentrations are low, to confirm the diagnosis with the phenotype or genotype determinations. Case detection allows genetic advice, control of blood-related relatives and in selected cases, replacement therapy.

Thérapeutique , alpha-1-Antitrypsine , Génétique
Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol ; 62(1): 64-70, ene.-mar. 2011.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-585549


Introducción: la preeclampsia constituye una causa importante de morbimortalidad materna y perinatal en el mundo. Su etiopatogenia es aún un enigma; sin embargo, los avances en genómica y proteómica prometen la identificación temprana de la enfermedad o del riesgo de padecerla. Objetivo: hacer una reflexión sobre los avances más promisorios de la genómica y proteómica, en el tamizaje y/o predicción de la preeclampsia. Conclusiones: dos polimorfismos funcionales, uno en el gen ACE (I/D) y otro en el gen COMT (Val158Met), poseen los resultados más promisorios para cumplir con el objetivo de identificar genéticamente a las mujeres con mayor riesgo de desarrollar preeclampsia durante un embarazo. Por su parte, la proteómica ha identificado a la SERPINA-1 como un biomarcador útil para detectar en la orina de las embarazadas que estén desarrollando la preeclampsia, con al menos 10 semanas de antelación a las manifestaciones clínicas de la misma y la necesidad de finalizar el embarazo. En conjunto, estos avances llevados a la práctica clínica podrían reducir el impacto de esta patología en la salud materna.

Introduction: preeclampsia is an important cause of maternal and perinatal morbi-mortality throughout the world. Its etiopathogeny still remains an enigma; however, the advances made in genomics and proteomics promise early identification of the disease or the risk of suffering from it. Objective: thoughts on the most promising advances in genomics and proteomics regarding the pressing goal of early detection and/or prediction of preeclampsia risk. Conclusions: two functional polymorphisms, one on the ACE gene (I/D) and another one in the COMT gene (Val158Met) are the most promising results of genomics for identifying women at genetically higher risk of developing preeclampsia during pregnancy. Proteomics has identified SERPINA-1 as a useful biomarker for detecting preeclampsia in the urine of pregnant women at least 10 weeks before clinical manifestations as well as the need for early termination of pregnancy. Such recent progress in genomics and proteomics adapted to clinical practice might reduce the impact of this disease on maternal health.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte , Génomique , Protection maternelle , Pré-éclampsie , Grossesse , Protéomique
Genet. mol. biol ; 33(1): 23-26, 2010. tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-566138


Alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT) plays an important role in the pathogenesis of emphysema, the pathological lesion underlying the majority of the manifestations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). In this study we tested the hypothesis that common AAT polymorphisms influence the risk of developing COPDs. We investigated PiM1 (Ala213Val), PiM2 (Arg101His), PiM3 (Glu376Asp), PiS (Glu264Val) and PiZ (Glu342Lys) SERPINA1 alleles in 100 COPD patients and 200 healthy controls. No significant differences were observed in allele frequencies between COPD patients and controls, neither did haplotype analysis show significant differences between the two groups. A cross-sectional study revealed no significant relationship between common SERPINA1 polymorphisms (PiM1, PiM2, PiM3) and the emphysematous type of COPD. In addition, FEV1 annual decline, determined during a two-year follow up period, revealed no difference among carriers of the tested polymorphisms.

Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-101985


BACKGROUND: We conducted a case-control study to evaluate the potential association between SERPINA1 genotypes (M1Val, M1Ala, S, and Z) and the risk COPD. METHODS: The study population consisted of 93 patients with COPD and 112 healthy controls. The polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism for detecting the SERPINA1 variants. RESULTS: The M2 allele of the SERPINA1 gene was significantly associated with the risk of COPD in Koreans. The effect of the M2 allele on the risk of COPD was more pronounced in the subgroup <64 years. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that SERPINA1 polymorphisms may contribute to a genetic predisposition for COPD. However, additional studies with larger sample sizes are required to confirm our findings.

Humains , Allèles , Études cas-témoins , Prédisposition génétique à une maladie , Génotype , Réaction de polymérisation en chaîne , Polymorphisme de restriction , Broncho-pneumopathie chronique obstructive , Taille de l'échantillon
Genet. mol. biol ; 31(2): 423-426, 2008. tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-484977


Serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade A (alpha-1 antiproteinase, antitrypsin), member 1 (SERPINA1) deficiency is one of the main genetic causes related to liver disease in children. In SERPINA1 deficiency the most frequent SERPINA1 alleles found are the PI*S and PI*Z alleles. We used the polymerase chain reaction and the amplification created restriction site (ACRS) technique to investigate the prevalence of the PI*S and PI*Z alleles in a group of Brazilian children (n = 200) with liver disease and established the general frequency of the PI*S allele in our population. We found a significant association of the PI*Z allele and liver disease, but no such relationship was found for the PI*S allele. Our results show that SERPINA1 deficiency due to the PI*Z allele, even when heterozygous, is a frequent cause of liver disease in our group of Brazilian children but that the PI*S allele does not confer an increased risk of hepatic disorders in our group of Brazilian children.

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