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Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1411799


La posible relación entre apneas durante la infancia temprana y Síndrome de Muerte Súbita del Lactante (SMSL) nunca ha sido demostrada, existiendo evidencias de que ambas condiciones podrían no estar relacionadas. La Academia Americana de Pediatría (AAP) define ALTE (Acute Life Threatening Event), como un evento brusco e inesperado que incluye manifestaciones de apnea junto con cambios de coloración cutánea y de tono muscular, donde el observador cree que el niño ha muerto. La AAP ha propuesto recientemente la sustitución del término ALTE por Brief Resolved Unexplained Events (BRUE). El nuevo concepto permite categorizar eventos breves, resueltos e inexplicados, para optimizar mejor el recurso en salud, a través de objetivar el evento y entregando estrategias de manejo categorizando el riesgo. Objetivo: Describir las características clínicas y letalidad de los pacientes menores de 12 meses que consultan por BRUE en un hospital de referencia. Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal descriptivo con revisión de ficha de 46 pacientes de la Unidad de Lactantes y Nutrición del Hospital Dr. Luis Calvo Mackenna, con diagnóstico de BRUE, entre enero a diciembre de 2017. Resultados: Del total de pacientes con BRUE, 45% fueron hombres y 55% mujeres. La edad promedio fue de 1,37 + 0,51 meses. En 70% se demostró una etiología, de estas 31% con enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico (ERGE), siendo ésta la causa más frecuente seguida de un 19% con infecciones respiratorias agudas (IRA) y 9% causas neurológicas. En el 30% fueron causas idiopáticas. Conclusión: En nuestro estudio las causas más frecuentes de BRUE fueron ERGE e infecciones respiratorias. Durante el período de estudio ningún paciente estudiado falleció, por lo que no encontramos relación entre apneas del lactante y síndrome de muerte súbita.

The possible relationship between apneas during early childhood and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) has never been demonstrated, and there is evidence that the two conditions may not be related. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) defines ALTE (Acute Life Threatening Event), as an abrupt and unexpected event that includes manifestations of apnea along with changes in skin color and muscle tone, where the observer believes that the child has died. The AAP has recently proposed replacing the term ALTE with Brief Resolved Unexplained Events (BRUE). The new concept makes it possible to categorize brief, resolved and unexplained events, to better optimize the health resource, through objectifying the event and delivering management strategies by categorizing the risk. Objective: To describe the clinical characteristics and lethality of patients younger than 12 months who consult for BRUE in a referral hospital. Materials and methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study with revision of the file of 46 patients from the Infant and Nutrition Unit of the Dr. Luis Calvo Mackenna Hospital, with a diagnosis of BRUE, between January and December 2017. Results: Of the total number of patients with BRUE, 45% were men and 55% women. The average age was 1.37 + 0.51 months. An etiology was demonstrated in 70%, of these 31% with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), this being the most frequent cause, followed by 19% with acute respiratory infections (ARI) and 9% with neurological causes. In 30% they were idiopathic causes. Conclusion: In our study, the most frequent causes of BRUE were GERD and respiratory infections. During the study period, no patient studied died, so we found no relationship between apnea in the infant and sudden death syndrome.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Nouveau-né , Nourrisson , Bref incident résolu inexpliqué/diagnostic , Bref incident résolu inexpliqué/mortalité , Infections de l'appareil respiratoire/complications , Reflux gastro-oesophagien/complications , Chili , Études transversales , Facteurs de risque , Mort subite , Distribution de L'âge et du Sexe , Bref incident résolu inexpliqué/étiologie , Hôpitaux pédiatriques
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 114(3): 223-231, jun. 2016. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais, Espagnol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-838207


Introducción. Las campanas públicas en países desarrollados con recomendaciones para el sueño seguro del lactante lograron aumentar la adherencia a la posición supina para dormir a más del 70% y generaron, simultáneamente, una reducción del 53% en la incidencia del síndrome de muerte súbita del lactante. Objetivo. Valorar el impacto a los 60 días de vida de una intervención educativa realizada en las maternidades para mejorar la adherencia a las recomendaciones sobre sueño seguro del lactante. Población, material y métodos. Estudio de intervención con control histórico entre el 1/2 y el 30/9 de 2014, realizado en la Maternidad Meisner y el Hospital Universitario Austral. Dicha intervención se denominó "tapeta cuna" y consistió en capacitar al equipo de salud y brindar información a las familias sobre sueño seguro a través de clases, adhesivos en las cunas y material escrito. Resultados. Fueron incluidos 550recién nacidos. Se observó un incremento del 35% en la posición supina al dormir tras la intervención (p < 0,0001); la lactancia materna exclusiva se incrementó un 11% (p= 0,01); se redujo el colecho de un 31% a un 18% (p < 0,0005). No se encontraron diferencias en la cohabitación, entre convivientes fumadores ni en la utilización del chupete a los 60 días. Conclusiones. La intervención educativa resultó útil para mejorar la adherencia a las recomendaciones sobre sueño seguro a los 60 días de vida: se evidenció una mejora en la posición supina, la lactancia materna y la reducción del colecho. No existieron cambios en la proporción de convivientes fumadores, la cohabitación y el uso del chupete.

Introduction. In developed countries, public campaigns promoting recommendations on safe infant sleep increased adherence to the supine sleeping position to more than 70% and, at the same time, reduced the incidence of sudden infant death syndrome by 53%. Objective. To determine the impact, at 60 days of life, of an educational intervention conducted in maternity centers aimed at improving adherence to the recommendations on safe infant sleep. Population, material and methods. Intervention study with historical control conducted between February 1st and September 30th of 2014 at the Maternity Center of Hospital Meisner and Hospital Universitario Austral. The intervention was called "crib card" and consisted in training health care team members and providing families with information on safe infant sleep by means of lessons, written material and using stickers on cribs. Results. Five hundred and fifty newborn infants were included. After the intervention, a 35% increase in the supine sleeping position (p < 0.0001) was observed; exclusive breastfeeding increased by 11% (p= 0.01); and co-sleeping decreased from 31% to 18% (p < 0.0005). No differences were observed in relation to bedroom sharing, living with tobacco users, or pacifier use at 60 days of life. Conclusions. The educational intervention was useful to improve adherence to the recommendations on safe sleep at 60 days of life: using the supine position and breastfeeding improved, and the rate of co-sleeping decreased. No changes were observed in the number of household members who smoke, bedroom sharing, and pacifier use.

Humains , Nouveau-né , Sommeil , Mort subite du nourrisson/prévention et contrôle , Éducation pour la santé , Décubitus dorsal , Soins du nourrisson/normes , Mères/enseignement et éducation
Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 33(1): 44-56, ene.-mar. 2016. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-782662


El síndrome de muerte súbita del lactante (SMSL) consiste en la muerte inesperada de un infante menor de un año, la cual no puede ser explicada posterior a las investigaciones del caso, tales como: la anamnesis, la escena de la muerte, y la autopsia. La relevancia de este padecimiento radica en que es un fenómeno presente a nivel mundial, y es la principal causa de muerte en lactantes de 1 a 12 meses de vida. Debido a la importancia del tema, la presente investigación pretende realizar un acercamiento bibliográfico, que aborda terminología especializada; estudios de epidemiologia a nivel mundial; diversos factores de riesgo y su prevención; además del algoritmo de manejo de SMSL basado en las guías españolas de pediatría y las guías de SMSL de Massachusetts.Cabe destacar que el diagnóstico de esta muerte es de exclusión y requiere una investigación exhaustiva para poder dilucidar sus causas. Así mismo, el SMSL ha sido asociado a diferentes factores de riesgo que pueden desencadenar este evento en niños con susceptibilidad genética o adquirida, los cuales en la mayoría de los casos pueden modificarse y prevenirse educando a los padres, y a los proveedores de la salud. Debido a que el médico general, y el pediatra son los primeros profesionales en abordar al lactante y a sus familiares, es imperativo que ambos tengan conocimiento del tema en cuestión, no solo para la prevención de estos casos, sinopara el abordaje correcto en el caso que se presente una muerte súbita infantil.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is defined as the sudden death of an infant less than 1 year of age that cannot be explained after a thorough investigation is conducted, including the review of the clinical history, the examination of the death scene, and an autopsy. This condition is relevant because is a worldwide phenomenon, and it is the leading cause of death in infants between 1 to 12 months. Due to the importance of this subject, this research tries to make a bibliographic review that includes specialized terminology, worldwide epidemiology studies, risk factors, how to prevent it; and the approach, based on the Spanish and Massachusetts guidelines.The diagnosis of SIDS is based in the exclusion of causes, and requires a thorough investigation to elucidate them. Also, SIDS has been associated with different risk factors that can trigger this event in children with genetic or acquired susceptibility, which in most cases can be modified and prevented by educating the parents and the health care providers. Because the physician and the pediatrician are the first professionals to have contact with the infant and their families, it is imperative that both have knowledge of this subject, not only for the prevention of such cases, but for the correct approach in these cases.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Mort subite , Nourrisson
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 87(2): 115-122, mar.-abr. 2011. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-586620


OBJETIVO: Descrever o perfil epidemiológico, os fatores de risco e as melhores estratégias para diagnosticar a síndrome da morte súbita do lactente (SMSL) em um país em desenvolvimento. MÉTODOS: Estudo caso-controle populacional com crianças nascidas entre 01/01/2001 e 31/12/2003 em Porto Alegre (RS), divididas em três grupos: casos de SMSL (33) e controles - óbitos esclarecidos (192) e crianças vivas (192) -, que foram pareados por idade e sexo aos casos. As famílias com casos de lactentes menores de 1 ano que faleceram em casa foram identificadas, e as informações das certidões de óbito e autópsias foram comparadas para confirmar a SMSL. Os óbitos esclarecidos foram os ocorridos em hospitais, e os controles vivos foram selecionados na vizinhança dos casos de SMSL. Os pais foram entrevistados para obter informações sobre a saúde e os hábitos de sono da criança. Realizou-se uma análise multivariada para identificar fatores de risco na população estudada. RESULTADOS: A incidência da SMSL na população avaliada foi de 0,55/1.000 nascidos vivos. A análise revelou os seguintes fatores de risco: etnia (autorreferida como negra), prematuridade, baixo peso ao nascer, mãe adolescente, tabagismo na gravidez e renda familiar abaixo de um salário mínimo. Além disso, 94 por cento dos casos de SMSL foram mal-diagnosticados na certidão de óbito. CONCLUSÕES: Embora a SMSL tenha sido mal-diagnosticada, seu perfil epidemiológico é semelhante ao da literatura, assim como os fatores de risco, que poderiam ser reduzidos com campanhas preventivas. Investigar a SMSL em países em desenvolvimento requer estratégias especiais para evitar erros de diagnóstico.

OBJECTIVE: To describe the epidemiological profile, risk factors and best strategies for diagnosing sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) in a developing country. METHODS: Population-based, case-control study with children born between January 1st, 2001, and December 31st, 2003, in Porto Alegre, southern Brazil, who were allocated into three groups: SIDS cases (33), explained death controls (192), and living controls (192). Children in the latter two groups were age- and sex-paired with SIDS cases. Families in which an infant had died at home within the first year of life were identified, and the information available on death certificates and autopsy reports was compared to confirm the diagnosis of SIDS. Explained death controls consisted of infants who had died at city hospitals, and living controls were selected in the same neighborhood as SIDS cases. All parents were interviewed to obtain information on children’s health and sleep habits. Multivariate analysis was performed to identify risk factors in the study population. RESULTS: The incidence of SIDS in the population assessed was 0.55/1,000 live births. The analysis revealed the following risk factors: ethnicity (characterized by self-reported black skin color), prematurity, low birth weight, adolescent mother, smoking during pregnancy, and family income of less than one minimum wage. Ninety-four percent of SIDS cases were misdiagnosed in the death certificate. CONCLUSIONS: Although SIDS was misdiagnosed in official death certificates, the epidemiological profile is similar to the literature, as well as risk factors, which could be reduced with preventive campaigns. Investigating SIDS in developing countries requires special strategies to avoid misdiagnosis.

Adolescent , Femelle , Humains , Nourrisson , Nouveau-né , Mâle , Grossesse , Pays en voie de développement/statistiques et données numériques , Mort subite du nourrisson/diagnostic , Mort subite du nourrisson/épidémiologie , Brésil/épidémiologie , Certificats de décès , Erreurs de diagnostic/prévention et contrôle , Méthodes épidémiologiques , Mort subite du nourrisson/étiologie
Hacia promoc. salud ; (12): 79-88, dic. 2007.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-492615


El síndrome de muerte súbita del lactante (SMSL) es un desorden complejo y multifactorial, sobre el cual no están plenamente entendidas sus causas. Avances recientes en investigación relacionada con genética molecular y patofisiología desarrollada en víctimas de este síndrome, muestran que este, como todas las demás condiciones humanas en salud y enfermedad, representa la confluencia de factores de riesgo ambientales específicos que interactúan con vías metabólicas complejas. La presente revisión analiza las condiciones generales necesarias para comprender este síndrome.

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is a complex, multifactorial disorder, the cause of which is still not fully understood. Recent advances in research related to molecular genetics and pathophysiology performed in victims of SIDS show that this, like all other human conditions in health and disease represents the confluence of specific environmental risk factors interacting in complex metabolic ways. The present review analyses the general conditions needed to understand this syndrome

A síndrome de morte súbita do lactante (SMSL) é uma desordem complexo e multifatorial, sobre o qual não estão plenamente entendidas suas causas. Avanços recentes em investigação relacionada com genética molecular e patofisiológica desenvolvida em vítimas desta síndrome mostram que este, como todas as demais condições humanas em saúde e enfermidade, representa a influencia de fatores de risco ambientais específicas que interatuam com vias metabólicas complexas. A presente revisão análise as condições gerais necessárias para compreender este síndrome

Facteurs de risque , Nourrisson , Métabolisme , Mort subite , Syndrome
J. epilepsy clin. neurophysiol ; 13(2): 51-57, June 2007. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-458775


OBJETIVO: Este estudo teve como objetivo a elaboração de guia para manejo e seguimento de crianças com episódios de possível ameaça a vida (ALTE) com enfoque especial ao diagnóstico diferencial deste evento com primeiro episódio de crise convulsiva. MÉTODOS: Através de revisão da literatura foi elaborado um consenso, entre os membros do comitê de Síndrome da Morte Súbita do Lactente (SMSL) da Associação Latinoamericana de Pediatria (ALAPE), para orientação quanto ao manejo e investigação etiológica de pacientes com ALTE. RESULTADOS: A proposta de sistematização da investigação destes pacientes inicia definindo a gravidade do evento e estabelecendo a necessidade de internação ou seguimento ambulatorial. A pesquisa da etiologia deve ser realizada gradualmente sendo dividida em exames iniciais e exames específicos, que são aprofundados de acordo com as características clínicas do caso em questão. O manejo após alta hospitalar e a indicação de monitorização domiciliar devem ser individualizados e avaliados caso a caso. O ALTE pode ser a primeira manifestação de uma crise epiléptica ,entretanto, este diagnóstico algumas vezes é tardio, quando não é disponível EEG ictal. O EEG interictal, nestes casos, geralmente é normal e o refluxo gastroesofágico, distúrbio muito prevalente na infância, pode confundir o diagnóstico da manifestação epiléptica. CONCLUSÃO: O ALTE não deve ser considerado um diagnóstico etiológico, mas conjunto de sinais percebidos pelo observador que deve ser amplamente investigado. Apesar de pouco freqüente, a apnéia pode ser a única manifestação ictal de uma crise parcial. Esta possibilidade deve ser lembrada e excluída no diagnóstico diferencial da etiologia de ALTE. As orientações sugeridas neste artigo assim como o fluxograma de investigação apresentado podem auxiliar no manejo e seguimento dos pacientes com ALTE assim como resultar em redução do tempo e custo de internação destes pacientes.

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to propose guidelines to clinical investigation of patients with an apparent life threatening event (ALTE) with focus on the differential diagnosis with first seizure. METHODS: Based on literature review and a consensus meeting, members of the Sudden Infant Death Committee (SIDS) of the Latin American Society of Pediatrics (ALAPE) elaborated guidelines to help pediatricians evaluate children with ALTE. RESULTS: The proposal presented starts evaluating the gravity of the event and the consequent choice for admission or outpatient follow up. The search for etiology should be gradual starting with low complexity exams. After discharge follow up should be individualized as the choice of home monitoring. An ALTE may be the first manifestation of an epileptic seizure, however, the diagnosis is sometimes delayed when an ictal EEG is not available, because interictal EEGs are often normal and gastroesophageal reflux, a disorder very prevalent in early childhood, may mislead the diagnosis of the epileptic manifestation. CONCLUSIONS: ALTE cannot be considered an etiological diagnosis, moreover, it is a group of signs and symptoms that should be thoroughly investigated. Although not often, an apneic spell may be the only manifestation of partial seizures. This possibility should be reminded and ruled out in the etiological diagnosis of children with ALTE. The information provided in this guideline may help in the evaluation and follow up of ALTE patients, including a reduction on time and cost of hospitalization.

Humains , Crises épileptiques , Mort subite du nourrisson , Bref incident résolu inexpliqué , Apnée , Sommeil