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Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 39(3): e335, jul.-set. 2020. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1138942


Introducción: El síndrome metabólico presenta entre sus manifestaciones la obesidad, la cual se encuentra relacionada con el desarrollo de cáncer. Sin embargo, no habíamos encontrado en cuatro años ningún caso de neoplasias malignas en animales con síndrome metabólico. Objetivo: Describir el desarrollo de un tumor maligno a nivel renal en modelo experimental de síndrome metabólico. Métodos: El biomodelo experimental se logró por la aplicación de una solución de sacarosa al 35 por ciento, durante 20 semanas a 50 ratas machos Wistar destetados. El diagnóstico de nefroblastoma se realizó mediante necropsia con observación morfológica de la lesión renal. Resultados: Confirmado el síndrome metabólico se detectó en un caso, una masa palpable en abdomen. En la inspección macroscópica se observó un tumor en el polo inferior del riñón derecho, color pardo grisáceo, con hemorragia y cambios quísticos. Histológicamente se observaron alteraciones propias de un nefroblastoma mixto con componentes del blastema, mesenquimal y epitelial. Conclusiones: Se describe por vez primera, en estudio anatomopatológico, la presencia de un caso de nefroblastoma en rata con síndrome metabólico experimental(AU)

Introduction: One of the manifestations of metabolic syndrome is obesity, which is in turn related to the development of cancer. However, in four years we had not found any case of malignant neoplasms in animals with metabolic syndrome. Objective: Describe the development of a malignant renal tumor in an experimental metabolic syndrome model. Methods: The experimental biomodel was made applying a 35 percent saccharose solution to 50 male weaned Wistar rats for 20 weeks. The diagnosis of nephroblastoma was achieved by necropsy with morphological observation of the renal lesion. Results: Upon metabolic syndrome confirmation, a palpable mass was detected in the abdomen of one of the cases. Macroscopic observation revealed a grayish brown tumor in the lower pole of the right kidney with hemorrhaging and cystic changes. Histological examination found alterations typical of mixed nephroblastoma with blastema, mesenchymal and epithelial components. Conclusions: This is the first time a description is provided in an anatomopathological study of a case of nephroblastoma in a rat with experimental metabolic syndrome(AU)

Animaux , Rats , Tumeur de Wilms/anatomopathologie , Syndrome métabolique X/complications , Rat Wistar
Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 19(2): 63-73, jul.-dic. 2017. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-900438


RESUMEN En Venezuela es prioridad rescatar las papas nativas por representar un gran alimento y un valioso recurso genético. Pero, desafortunadamente estas papas fueron desplazadas por variedades comerciales introducidas y las pocas semillas existentes están degeneradas y reutilizadas en continuos ciclos de siembra, No obstante, estandarizar las condiciones del cultivo aséptico es garantía de "semillas" rehabilitadas con mejor calidad fitosanitaria. Se planteó, entonces investigar el efecto de distintas concentraciones de nitratos y sacarosa en la propagación in vitro de variedades venezolanas ̀̀Cucubaʹ ̀̀Arbolona Negraʹ y ̀̀Rosadaʹ. Segmentos uninodales fueron cultivados e incubados en fotoperíodo de16 horas de luz (76 μmol m-2 s-1) y temperatura 19º C ± 1. Fue implementado el diseño estadístico factorial, estableciendo tres tratamientos partiendo del medio básico Murashige & Skoog (MS), sólido. Hubo un efecto significativo entre los tratamiento, al menos una de las medias es diferente a las otras, para las tres variedades la mayor inducción de crecimiento ocurrió, al modificar MS aumentando sus concentraciones de nitrato de amonio a 1,98 g L-1, nitrato de potasio 2,28 g L-1y bajando sacarosa a 20 g L-1, los vástagos desarrollaron 5,82 cm. de longitud promedio y las raíces 3 cm. Mientras, el MS (tratamiento control), presentó vástagos de 2,94cm. longitud promedio y sin enraizar. Entre las variedades ̀̀Cucuba´ obtuvo el mayor crecimiento. Posteriormente, las vitroplántulas resultantes, tratadas en MS líquido, con sacarosa al 8 % fueron inducidas a producir microtubérculos a los 90 días. Obteniendo así resultados prometedores para la propagación in vitro de las papas nativas.

ABSTRACT The recovery of native potato varieties is a current priority in Venezuela, given their value as a genetic resource of high nutritional quality. Unfortunately, native potato varieties were progressively replaced by exotic commercial, varieties. To date, the limited existing germplasm of native potato varieties is impoverished and of low quality, due to its continual reutilization in crop cycles. Nevertheless, efforts can be made to recover and standardize the production of quality propagules under adequate sanitary conditions. The aim of this study was to assay the effect of varying concentrations of nitrates and saccharose in tissue culture media of three Venezuelan varieties "Cucuba", "Arbolona Negra" and "Rosada". Unimodal segments were planted and incubated using a photoperiod of 16 h light (76 μmol photon m-2 s-1) at 19 ± 1 ºC. The experiment was designed following a standard factor analysis, consisting of three treatments, parting from the basic Murashige & Skoog (MS) medium and data were submitted to an multifactor ANOVA. Our findings indicate significant statistical differences amongst all of the treatments assayed, confirming that all of the varieties reached maximum physiological response under increasing concentrations of nitrates. Such was the case with 1.98 g L-1 ammonium nitrate and 2.28 g L-1 potassium nitrate using a concentration of saccharose 20g L-1. Mean shoot and root lengths under optimal concentrations were 5.82 cm and 3.0 cm, respectively. In contrast, MS basic culture media represented the treatment of least growth induction; yielding un rooted shoots of a mean length of 2.94 cm. Of these three native varieties, "Cucuba" proved to have the highest growth rates. All of the Vitroplantlets were then transferred to liquid MS media, with a saccharose concentration of 8 %, originating microtubers after 90 days. We conclude that these findings may be of use for massive in vitro production of native potato varieties.

Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 42(4): 436-443, sep.-dic. 2013.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-697490


Introducción: existen medicamentos que favorecen la cicatrización, pero tienen un impacto económico alto. La sacarosa, debido a sus propiedades fisicoquímicas, se considera bactericida, bacteriostática y estimulante de la cicatrización. Objetivo: evaluar las acciones de la sacarosa sobre las heridas infectadas. Métodos: estudio prospectivo, longitudinal y analítico en ratas Wistar con lesiones de piel infectadas que se trataron con sacarosa, suero fisiológico, yodo povidona, facdermín y nitrofurazona. Mediante estudio comparativo de los resultados, se evaluó la efectividad del tratamiento en las lesiones infectadas. Resultados: la sacarosa resultó efectiva para curar la infección de las heridas y estimular la cicatrización en ratas, específicamente sobre las lesiones contaminadas con Estafilococo dorado. En el grupo de estudio, el tejido de granulación se observó precozmente, lo que permitió la epitelización completa de las heridas con 6 días de antelación con respecto a los demás grupos. Conclusiones: se demuestra un mayor efecto cicatrizante de la sacarosa al epitelizar por completo el área de las heridas, más rápido que en los otros grupos, y se comprueba su actividad antimicrobiana más intensa sobre el Staphilococcus aureus.

Introduction: there are drugs that stimulate wound healing, but their cost is high. Due to its physico-chemical properties, saccharose is considered to have bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties and stimulate wound healing. Objective: evaluate the action of saccharose on infected wounds. Methods: analytical prospective longitudinal study of Wistar rats with infected skin lesions treated with saccharose, saline solution, povidone-iodine, facdermin and nitrofurazone. Effectiveness of the treatment of infected lesions was evaluated through a comparative study of results. Results: saccharose was effective in rats to cure wound infection and stimulate healing, especially of lesions contaminated with Staphylococcus aureus. Granulation tissue was observed early in the study group, and complete epithelization of the wounds occurred six days before the other groups. Conclusions: it was shown that saccharose has a greater healing effect, since the wound area was completely epithelized sooner than in the other groups, and its antimicrobial action against Staphylococcus aureus was found to be more intense.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-441012


[Objective] To observe the clinical effect of applying wet union principle in saccharose treating pressure sores.[Method] Randomly divide 44 cas-es into treatment group 25 cases and control group 19 cases. Both groups were actively treated with primary diseases, the control one with hydrogen per-oxide, NS and traditional therapy of iodine; the treatment one added with saccharose applied on surface of sores; 1m as a course, after 1 course, compare their treatment results.[Results] In treatment group, the total effective rate, treating period and times al were al better than control group, the difference of the comparison had statistical meaning.[Conclusion] Adding saccharose to treat pressure sores can cure the sores surface more quickly and shorten the treat-ing period, is the ideal method for pressure sores.

J. bras. patol. med. lab ; J. bras. patol. med. lab;45(1): 25-30, fev. 2009. graf, tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-518759


INTRODUÇÃO: A ingestão adequada de folato é essencial durante a embriogênese, e sua deficiência está associada à ocorrência de defeitos no fechamento do tubo neural. OBJETIVO: Determinar se a sacarose é um bom veículo para a suplementação de folato em camundongos. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Quarenta camundongos Swiss fêmeas foram divididos nos grupos: C: ração comercial + água ad libitum; DS: ração balanceada isenta de folato + folato adicionado à sacarose diluída na água por 14 dias; D/DS: ração balanceada isenta de folato + água com sacarose sem folato por 14 dias seguida de ração balanceada isenta de folato + folato adicionado à sacarose diluída na água por mais 14 dias; D: ração balanceada isenta de folato + água com sacarose sem folato por 14 dias. Os animais de todos os grupos experimentais receberam ração balanceada isenta de folato + folato adicionado à sacarose diluída na água durante os três dias do acasalamento e nos 15 dias restantes até o sacrifício. RESULTADOS: Os animais dos grupos D e D/DS apresentaram alopecia, palidez ocular e adinamia enquanto consumiam água com sacarose sem folato, sinais que foram revertidos quando receberam folato adicionado à sacarose diluída na água. Não houve diferença entre os grupos em relação a prenhez, implantes, fetos vivos, reabsorção, morte fetal tardia, nível sérico de folato e contagem de hemácias ao final do experimento, não tendo sido observadas anomalias congênitas em nenhum dos grupos. CONCLUSÃO: A sacarose é um meio adequado para a suplementação de folato na dieta.

Adequate folate intake is essential during embryogenesis and its deficiency is associated with neural tube defects. OBJECTIVE: To investigate if saccharose is a good vehicle for the supplementation of folate in mice. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 40 Swiss female mice were allocated into the following groups: C (commercial mouse food + ad libitum water); DS (folate-free balanced diet + saccharose with folate diluted in water for 14 days); D/DS (folate-free balanced diet + folate-free saccharose diluted in water for 14 days, followed by folate-free balanced diet + saccharose with folate diluted in water for 14 days); D (folate-free balanced diet + folate-free saccharose diluted in water for 14 days). Mice from all experimental groups received folate-free balanced diet + saccharose with folate diluted in water during their three-day mating period and thereafter 15 days until animals were put down. RESULTS: Mice from groups D and D/DS showed alopecia, pale eyes and adynamia while on folate-free saccharose water regimen. These symptoms disappeared after the introduction of saccharose with folate diluted in water. No statistical difference was noted among groups as to pregnancy, number of implants, live fetuses, reabsorption, late fetal death, serum folate levels and red blood cells count and no congenital abnormalities were identified in any groups by the end of the experiment. CONCLUSION: Saccharose is a suitable vehicle for the dietary supplementation of folate.

Animaux , Femelle , Grossesse , Souris , Acide folique/métabolisme , Compléments alimentaires , Carence en acide folique/embryologie , Aliment enrichi , Saccharose/métabolisme , Acide folique/administration et posologie , Acide folique/analyse , Acide folique/sang , Anomalies du tube neural/prévention et contrôle , Carence en acide folique/induit chimiquement , Modèles animaux , Saccharose/administration et posologie