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Kampo Medicine ; : 37-40, 2002.
Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-368383


Five patients in the acute stage of reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) of the hand were treated with Sairei-to and Rikkunshi-to, and were evaluated for pain (visual analog scale: VAS), swelling and limitation of finger motion. Four of the five patients had good results, with a decrease in pain to less than 50% of initial pain on VAS within six weeks. Swelling and finger motion tended to improve earlier than pain. In general, symptoms of RSD are limited to those associated with local inflammation during the acute stage, but patients with RSD tend to have psychological factors that can trigger generalized complaints even before the onset of RSD and to feature ‘kikyo, ’ a loss of vitality, after RSD onset. RSD should therefore be recognized as one feature of a generalized disease. Oral Kampo therapy using Sairei-to and Rikkunshi-to appears to be a reasonable treatment for early RSD.

Kampo Medicine ; : 597-605, 1999.
Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-368271


The hematological effects of Sokeikakketsu-to, Yokuinin-to, Keisi-ka-jutsubsu-to, Eppi-ka-jutsu-to, and Sairei-to observed on the AA rats were investigated. The time course of blood count and albumin, sialic acid and acid-soluble glycoprotein in the serum whs. were measured. Sokeikakketsu-to had the strongest anti-inflammatory effect on the improvement of Inflammatory Index Substances, platelets, and the Arthritis Score for changes in synovitis. Yokuinin-to was also effective. When these Kampo medicines were administered in the early stages of AA, Sokeikakketsu-to improved the AA signficantly. The results may suggest that Sokeikakketsu-to works for the control of autoimmunity. On the other hand, Keisi-ka-jutsubu-to aggravated the AA when it was administered in the early stages of the AA.

Kampo Medicine ; : 647-652, 1999.
Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-368276


The authors report a case of secondary renal amyloidosis associated with rheumatoid arthritis, which responded well to Kampo therapy. A 68-year-old woman was diagnosed as having rheumatoid arthritis in April 1992. Her disease activity was not controlled well with any anti-rheumatic drugs. In September 1996, proteinuria and hematuria were found, and a renal biopsy showed secondary amyloidosis. Proteinuria and hematuria were progressive. The patient was treated with Sairei-to, and by April 1998, proteinuria and hematuria nearly disappeared. This clinical course suggests that Sairei-to is an effective treatment for secondary renal amyloidosis.

Kampo Medicine ; : 37-42, 1999.
Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-368292


A 61-year-old female had suffered from diarrhea, abdominal pain and vomiting since 1984. Although she had been treated with anticholinergics, antidiarrhoics, and Lactobacillus derivatives, the symptoms were unchanged. In July 1988, a partial resection of the distal ileum was performed to overcome adhesive ileus, but soft or mucous feces remained after surgery. The pathological diagnosis of the specimen was Crohn's disease. From July 1994, oral administration of Sairei-to (9g/day) was started. Within two weeks, the feces became normal. The patient gained 2kg of weight in 2 months. In May 1996, the dose of Sairei-to was reduced to 6g/day without changing her condition. In September, she started to take 30g of Perilla oil every day. Sairei-to was discontinued in May 1997 after the dose was reduced to 3g/day for a month. The total duration of Sairei-to therapy was 2 years and 10 months. Ordinary defecation has been observed for 1 year and 3 months since Sairei-to was discontinued. In conclusion, a remission was achieved in a patient suffering from Crohn's disease with a long-term administration of Sairei-to, and the prescription was discontinued for more than a year without recurrence.

Kampo Medicine ; : 49-55, 1999.
Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-368294


A 62-year-old woman showed signs of liver dysfunction of unknown etiology in 1994. She was admitted to our hospital in July 1996 because the liver dysfunction, as well as general fatigue, worsened. Anti-mitochondrial antibodies were present, and a liver biopsy was performed. Pathological findings were compatible with primary biliary cirrhosis. Treatment with ursodeoxycholic acid (600mg/day) was initiated in August 1996, and liver dysfunction improved. However, ESR and IgM did not improve, and general fatigue persisted. In December 1996, Sairei-to was combined with ursodeoxycholic acid. One month later, ESR, IgM, and general fatigue improved. In May 1997, Sairei-to was replaced by Keishibukuryo-gan because of her symptoms (Hie-sho and varix pain), and liver dysfunction and general fatigue reappeared. Keishibukuryo-gan was later discontinued because of suspected drug-induced hepatitis. Two months later, liver dysfunction remained unimproved. Sairei-to was administered again and liver dysfunction and other symptoms disappeared. These results suggest that combined therapy with Sairei-to and ursodeoxycholic acid is effective in the treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis.

Kampo Medicine ; : 419-428, 1998.
Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-368264


The effects of Sokei-kakketsu-to, Yokuinin-to, Keisi-ka-zyutsubu-to, Eppi-ka-jutsu-to, and Saireito extracts on Adjuvant-induced arthritis (AA) in rats were investigated. After administering AA, we measured the volume of rat hindpaw as the inflammation index, and observed the changes of synovitis histologically. Each extract showed different effects on AA rats. Yokuinin-to and Sokei-kakketsu-to had remarkable effects on inflammation and changed the histological observations of synovitis. Eppi-ka-jutsu-to also had effects on the uninjected hindpaw, but Keisi-ka-jutsubu-to and Sairei-to had no effect on hindpaw inflammation, nor did they change synovitis histologically.

Kampo Medicine ; : 631-634, 1997.
Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-368196


Sairei-to was administered to 19 women who had experienced recurrent abortion of unknown cause, at a dose of 8.1g/day. Their prognosis of pregnancy was evaluated by observing the changes in autoantibody titer over time. Sixteen of the 19 women became pregnant, and 11 of these patients delivered live newborn infants. All of these newborn infants were within normal range in body weight, and had Apgar scores of 8 points or more (at one minute). Seven women were positive for autoantibodies. Four of these seven women showed a decrease in antibody titer or diasappearance of autoantibodies following treatment with Sairei-to, and became pregnant with good prognosis. The remaining three women, however, showed no changes in antibody titer. Two of these women had unsuccessful pregnancies, and one had a successful pregnancy and delivery. No adverse drug reactions were noted in either mothers or infants. These results suggest that Sairei-to possesses excellent clinical efficacy in women with recurrent abortion of unknown cause. Use of Sairei-to in such cases is thus likely warranted, although further investigation is required to clarify the mode of action and to establish the optimal dosage regimen.

Kampo Medicine ; : 555-560, 1996.
Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-368146


In order to evaluate the clinical usefulness of Sairei-to in the treatment of toxemia of pregnancy and to study its influence on the waveform of the umbilical arterial blood flow, a standard curve of the pulsatility index (PI) was constructed for 90 patients in their 19th through 41st weeks of normal pregnancy. A dose of 9.0g/day of Sairei-to was then given to 13 patients with edema (mild toxemia) and 3 patients with severe toxemia. These cases were observed for clinical improvement and changes in the PI. The results were as follows: 1) of the 13 patients with mild toxemia, edema improved in 12 cases (92%), along with a decrease in the PI of all of these cases as a result of administration of this Kampo formula, 2) Regarding the 3 patients with severe toxemia, the clinical usefulness of Sairei-to was not clear. In 2 of these cases, arrest of the endodiastolic velocity was observed 6 to 7 days after the start of administration, making it necessary to perform emergency cesarean sections. These findings suggest that in mild toxemia of pregnancy, due to the hydragogue effect of Sairei-to, alleviation of edema and improvement of the insufficiency of placental blood flow, demonstrated by a decrease in PI, could be expected. In severe toxemia, on the other hand, irreversible change had already occurred in the placenta, and consequently, no positive improvement in the insufficiency of placental blood flow could be expected with the administration of Sairei-to. Thus, administration served only to supplement other treatment methods in this group.

Kampo Medicine ; : 535-539, 1995.
Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-368068


We experienced a case of polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) which responded to Kampo medicine. A 53-year-old female patient first complained of stiffness and pain in the neck. Myalgia was severe and gradually eypanded to both shoulders and both upper extremities. Body weight decreased, and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) was greater than 100mm/hour. Because her condition tended to improve when treated with prednisolone 10mg/day, she was diagnosed as having PMR. Her condition was well controlled until the dose of prednisolone decreased. Myalgia then recurred, and the ESR increased to 83mm/hour. The patient visited our outpatient department for treatment with Kampo therapy. Two months after treatment with Sairei-to plus Yokuinin-to, all signs and symptoms disappeared other than the stiff neck. Her body weight showed a tendency to increase. Six months after she first visited us, prednisolone was decreased and then stopped. Her condition still remains well controlled with this Kampo therapy alone. She has no clinical signs and symptoms, and the ESR has improved to 16mm/hour.

Kampo Medicine ; : 911-917, 1995.
Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-368098


Although there are many treatment methods for proteinuria in renal transplanted patients, none have been found to be definitively effective.<br>We examined the clinical effects of the administration of Sairei-to on 11 renal transplanted patients with proteinuria. Clinical evaluation was carried out over six months of administration. The patients were divided into the chronic rejection group, consisting of four patients, and the non-chronic rejection group. Although no improvement was seen in the chronic rejection group, three out of seven patients in the non-chronic rejection group showed improvement in proteinuria, and one exhibited improved kidney function. In one of the improved proteinuria cases, a reduction in nephrotoxicity of the immunosuppressor FK506 was suggested.<br>According to these results, Sairei-to may be effective in the treatment of proteinuria in renal transplanted patients without chronic rejection.

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