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Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991258


Objective:To investigate the satisfaction of clinical interns to the department and teachers under the merging mode of standardized residency training and clinical practice, and to explore the feasibility to further implement the mode in clinical practice.Methods:Cluster sampling was used to design the scale, which included the importance attached by department to the teaching work, the rationality of the arrangement of practice content, the implementation of teaching activities, the quality of teaching activities, the status of out-department examination, the demonstration of medical ethics of teachers, the teaching attitude and knowledge lecturing of teachers, the revision of medical records and the guidance of skills operation, etc. The questionnaire survey was conducted among clinical interns in a hospital from July 2018 to June 2019. SPSS 22.0 was used to conduct t test or rank sum test of two independent samples, and the analysis of multiple groups of data was performed by means of variance analysis. Results:A total of 1 230 questionnaires were sent out, and 1 195 were returned, with an effective recovery rate of 97.15%. The overall satisfaction of interns was (9.62±0.39). The interns gave the highest evaluation on the medical ethics and medical style of the teacher (9.75±0.78), and the lowest evaluation on the teaching quality of all departments (9.52±1.15). There were significant differences among the evaluations ( F=7.30, P<0.001). Conclusion:Under the merging mode of standardized residency training and clinical practice management, all teaching and research sections and departments have fulfilled various teaching tasks according to the requirements, but the teaching quality and connotation construction need to be further strengthened.

Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-972911


Background@#The purpose of this study is to investigate students' satisfaction whose were studying in the academic years 2020-2021, 2021 - 2022 with the biology curriculum at "Ach" Medical University, to evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching method, and to improve the planning and execution of future teaching and learning activities based on the students' perceptions.@*Introduction@#One of the ways to evaluate the quality of services of higher education institutions is the student satisfaction survey. The satisfaction of any customer with the service that they receive depends on many factors. We conducted a survey on the satisfaction of students who are the main users of the Biology curriculum at Ach Medical University, and considered that it is necessary to pay further attention to the fact that the results taking and the requirements.@*Purpose@#The purpose of this study is to take a survey of the satisfaction of the students of the biology curriculum of "Ach" Medical University based on the perceptions of the students, give an evaluation and conclusion about the teaching activities and improve the teaching quality and methodology.@*Materials and Methods@#This research is based on the HEdPERF model Beaumont (2012) who has developed a model for evaluating the quality of higher education with 6 factors, each factor having 4 questions and 1-10 points. F of these factors were used in this research [12]. It includes: </br>1. Training-Lecture Quality, Seminar/Laboratory Quality, Teacher's Teaching Methodology, Importance of Course Content </br>2. Teacher-Professional knowledge and experience: Ability to support and help students, Recognize the needs of the students, Ability to attract student's attention in training, Communication skills </br>3. Organization and materiality of study - Organization, Management, Flexibility of the training, Quality, and Availability of training materials and equipment </br>In the academic year 2020-2021 and 2021-2022, students who studied biology were asked to evaluate the performance of the "Biology" curriculum by answering 30 questions with 3 groups of questions using Google form, and answering one of the points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 for each question and collected the research material by clarifying.@*General information of the research participants @#147 first-year students in "Ach" Medical University aged 17-20, 86.4% female and 13.6% male, or 29.4% of all students, participated in the survey.@*@#Result@*Teaching process of biology course@#The participants of the research who studied the biology course through combined online and classroom learning answered that the lecture course was conducted that explains the phenomenon broadly in a scientific unity. They answered that the method of lecturing is appropriate for explaining cases, repeating topics, clarifying interrelationships, the content and quantity of independent work, and practical importance if the tasks are completed.@*Evaluation methodology of the teaching@#The participants said that the lessons are taught clearly, with real-life examples, communication between teacher and students is proper, independent work is checked promptly, the results reporting is done on time and the evaluation is as realistic.@*When the teacher asks for corrections during class in the future@#The students said that if the teacher has more conversations with them, if the teacher speaks louder while taking classes, and some answered that there is nothing to correct. @*Biology curriculum evaluation@#When asked about the environment for implementing the Biology curriculum and the availability of teaching materials, the students said it is moderate. In response to the question of describing the advantage and disadvantages of the Biology curriculum: </br>• The knowledge and skills of the teacher, as well as the opportunity to learn from other programs are an advantage </br>• Classrooms, equipment, and e-learning were evaluated as weaknesses.@*Conclusion@#</br>1. According to the satisfaction survey results obtained from 147 students who are representatives of the students who studied Biology in the 1st year of 2021 and 2022 at "Ach" Medical University, it was concluded that the teaching process of biology is 84.8 percent or good. </br>2. In order to further improve the course's quality and results, and also each student's practice, it was determined that some changes to the ratio of the content of the lectures and seminars, in addition to attending practice classes regularly in the classroom and with mutual discussion, are required.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; 24(1): 61-69, jan.-fev. 2019. tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001944


RESUMO Os resíduos de serviços de saúde (RSSs), quando destinados inadequadamente, podem oferecer riscos ao meio ambiente e à saúde da população e de trabalhadores das áreas da saúde e de limpeza, tornando necessário um gerenciamento correto tanto intra quanto extraunidade. Quanto a esses resíduos, duas legislações se destacam: a Resolução da Diretoria Colegiada (RDC) nº 306/04, da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA), e a Resolução nº 358/05, do Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente (CONAMA), além da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS). As preocupações crescentes com os RSSs e as cobranças da legislação tornam interessante a avaliação da prestação dos serviços de coleta e destinação dos mesmos. Esses serviços são considerados como prestação de serviços ambientais (PSA), visto que buscam minimizar os riscos de contaminação ao meio ambiente por meio da destinação ambientalmente adequada. É pertinente avaliar também o grau de satisfação relativo aos serviços prestados por empresas especializadas. Assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar a prestação dos serviços ambientais de coleta e destinação de RSSs em unidades básicas de saúde (UBSs) da cidade de Pelotas, RS, e realizar pesquisa de satisfação relativa aos serviços prestados pelas empresas e sua adequação com a legislação vigente. A pesquisa foi realizada a partir de questionários aplicados presencialmente e, com base nos resultados, pode-se concluir que, embora existam problemas relacionados ao gerenciamento desses resíduos nas unidades, há avanços na busca pelo cumprimento da legislação e, de um modo geral, as unidades consultadas estão satisfeitas com os serviços prestados pelas empresas.

ABSTRACT The residues of health services (RHSs), when improperly disposed can offer risks, to the environment, to the health of the population and to health and cleanliness workers. It makes a correct management both intra and extra unit necessary. Regarding these wastes, two resolutions stand out, the RDC n.306/04 ANVISA and CONAMA n.358/05 besides the National Policy of Solid Waste (NPSW). The growing concern with the RHS, as well as the specific legislation, makes an interesting assessment for the provision of collection and disposal services. These services are considered provision of environmental services (PES), having that they seek at minimizing the risk of contamination to the environment through environmentally adequate. Assessing the satisfaction concerning services provided by specialized companies is also relevant. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the provision of environmental services for the collection and disposal of health services residues at Basic Health Units in the city of Pelotas, RS and perform the satisfaction survey on services provided by companies and their adequacy to the current legislation. The research was carried out through questionnaires applied in person and, based on the results found, it may conclude that, although there are problems related to the management of these residues in the units, there are advances in the search for the compliance with the law and, in general, the consulted units are satisfied with the services provided.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-824920


Objective This paper discussed the implementation effect of medical research integrity and related code of conduct in a general hospital in xinjiang,to provide theoretical basis for the construction of medical research integrity.Methods According to the gap analysis theory,a questionnaire was designed for satisfaction with the implementation effect of medical research integrity and related code of conduct in the hospital.101 researchers in the hospital were surveyed to understand their evaluation on various aspects of the hospital's scientific research integrity construction policies and the space for improvement.Results The gap analysis showed that the hospital has a large gap in the construction of "institutional construction of scientific research integrity management " and "methods and regulations for dealing with academic misconduct",which were urgently need to be improved in the scientific research integrity construction.Conclusions The hospital should further improve the system of scientific research integrity construction,combine the characteristics of medical development and the corresponding national policy development,strengthen the innovation of scientific research management,create a healthy and positive environment for scientific research activities,and promote the comprehensive construction and long-term development of scientific research integrity construction.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-700656


Objective To discuss whether the content and method of pre-job training meet the need of medical trainees and to give some advice on its reformation. Methods 350 trainees enrolled by The First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University attended the two-day standardized pre-job training in September, 2016. The self-designed satisfaction questionnaires on contents and method of pre-job training were distributed to all trainees after training, and then the statistical analysis was completed by SPSS 11.0 software. The satisfaction rate higher than80% was deemed as satisfactory, and the satisfaction rate lower than80% was regarded as unsatisfactory. Results 350 questionnaires were distributed in total, with 335 valid responses returned.. The result showed that the number of trainees who were satisfied with the training contents of medical law and rules and regulations, writing norms of medical documents, infection control, medical information technology, medical insurance policy, fire control and personal security and the use of library resources were 321(95.82%), 318(94.93%), 310(92.54%), 302(90.15%), 251(74.93%), 234(69.85%) and 220 (65.67% ) respectively. There were 254 (75.82% ) trainees who were satisfied with the training methods. Conclusions All medical trainees were satisfied with most contents of current pre-job training. However, the trainings on the extension of clinical expertise and the improvement of clinical skills should be added. Almost all trainees were dissatisfied with the training method, which should be diversified. Fur-ther improvement on contents and methods for current pre-job training will be conducive to enhancing the quality of medical trainees.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-186833


Introduction: The health care industry is undergoing transformation to meet the demands of the patients. Hospitals are shifting from viewing patients as illiterates and with little health care choice, to that of educated consumer who has wider health care choices. Patient satisfaction is regarded as an important indicator of quality of care and survey is one of the tools for measuring consumer experiences in the hospital. Objective: To study “Patients‟ perceived satisfaction with diagnostic MRI services” in a Teaching hospital situated in Hyderabad. Materials and methods: A cross–sectional survey, conducted in 200 respondents attending hospital for MRI investigation. Pilot tested, pre-structured, self-completion questionnaire is used to collect data. The data isanalyzed using SPSS (statistical package for social sciences version 10.0.2). Results: The result showed that 79% (n=158) were males and 21% (n=42) females. Among two hundred respondents 54 (27%) were outpatients, 77 (38.5%) inpatients of same hospital, 50 (25%) subjects from private nursing homes, 9 (4.5%) patients from other hospitals and 10 persons not responded. Overall 74.5% of the patients satisfied with the waiting time, 80.5%, 77.5% and 86.5% of the patients satisfied with guidance to reach MRI facility, staff behaviour and staff communication respectively. 85.5% opined that utilization of waiting time by providing information regarding MRI is useful, and 62% of them requested to have trained personnel by their side during the procedure. Conclusion: Hospital administration shall take feedback from patients and their attendants and identify deficiencies and drawbacks in providing services and improve them to their satisfaction which in turn increases indirect publicity of the hospital.

Arch. argent. pediatr ; 113(1): 28-35, ene. 2015. tab
Article de Anglais, Espagnol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: lil-734289


Introducción. Es habitual que el pediatra ofrezca a los padres información sobre cuidados del neonato al momento del alta hospitalaria. Los objetivos del estudio son conocer la satisfacción respecto a dicha información, qué otras informaciones les hubiese gustado recibir y determinar qué factores pueden influir en esa demanda. Población y métodos. Estudio descriptivo que evalúa la opinión de las puérperas a los 5-15 días del parto, en cuanto a dicha información. Resultados. Se recogieron 176 encuestas. El 68,8% asistió a clases de preparación para el parto. El 61,4% refirió haber buscado consejos sobre cuidados del recién nacido, mayoritariamente en internet y libros. El 74,4% consideró suficiente la información recibida. Los aspectos de información más demandados fueron lactancia materna (33,3%), artificial (20,0%) y cuidados del cordón umbilical (11,1%). Las madres que demandaron más información acudieron con más frecuencia a clases de preparación para el parto (significativo) y buscaron información durante la gestación (no significativo). Asimismo, este grupo otorgó significativamente peores puntuaciones a la facilidad para plantear dudas y el grado de confianza en el pediatra. Conclusiones. La satisfacción de las madres respecto a la información ofrecida es buena; la mayoría no demanda más información. El aspecto sobre el que con más frecuencia demandan más información es la lactancia. La demanda de información es independiente de la edad materna, los estudios maternos, la situación laboral o la existencia de hijos previos. Asimismo, las dudas que les surgen a las madres no se ven satisfechas únicamente por la asistencia a clases de preparación para el parto.

Introduction.It is common for pediatricians to provide parents with information on how to look after their newborn baby at the time of discharge from the hospital. The objectives of this study are to determine the level of satisfaction regarding such information, to be aware of what additional information parents would have liked to receive, and to establish which factors may impact any additional information request. Population and Methods.Descriptive study evaluating the opinion of women at 5-15 days post- partum regarding such information. Results.A hundred and seventy-six surveys were collected. Of these, 68.8% respondents had attended childbirth classes. Sixty-one point four percent referred to have looked for advice on the newborn infant care, mostly on the Internet and in books. Seventy-four point four percent considered that the information provided sufficed. Most commonly, information was requested on breastfeeding (33.3%), bottle feeding (20.0%), and umbilical cord care (11.1%). Mothers who requested more information attended childbirth classes more frequently (significant) and searched for information during pregnancy (not significant). In addition, this group significantly assigned a lower score to the opportunity to ask questions and the level of trust on the pediatrician. Conclusions.Maternal satisfaction regarding the information provided is adequate; and most mothers do not request additional information. The topic on which they most frequently request additional information is breastfeeding. The decision to request information does not depend on maternal age, maternal education, employment condition, or having other children. Likewise, mothers have questions that are not satisfactorily answered during childbirth classes.

Nouveau-né , Prise en charge postnatale , Nouveau-né , Enquêtes et questionnaires
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-61233


PURPOSE: Satisfaction surveys are common in the field of health education, as a means of assisting organizations to improve the appropriateness of training materials and the effectiveness of facilitation-presentation. Data can be qualitative of which analysis often become specialized. It aims to disclose if the qualitative survey results can be presented as Word Cloud. METHODS: Qualitative materials in the form of written comments on an agency-specific satisfaction survey were coded and quantified. The resulting quantitative data were used to convert comments into "input terms" to generate Word Clouds to increase comprehension and accessibility through visualization of the written responses. RESULTS: A three-tier display incorporated a Word Cloud at the top, followed by the corresponding frequency table, and a textual summary of the qualitative data represented by the Word Cloud imagery. This mixed format adheres to recognition that people vary in what format is most effective for assimilating new information. CONCLUSION: The combination of visual representation through Word Clouds complemented by quantified qualitative materials is one means of increasing comprehensibility for a range of stakeholders, who might not be familiar with numerical tables or statistical analyses.

Protéines du système du complément , Compréhension , Éducation pour la santé
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 49-61, 2015.
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-632831


OBJECTIVES. The study aimed to develop a pre-tested tool through a Filipino patient-based approach that incorporated identified factors associated with patient satisfaction in Tertiary DOH Hospitals in the Philippines.                             METHODS. The study involved two phases. Phase 1 included a qualitative survey on two randomly selected public tertiary hospitals using the eclectic concepts of phenomenology and thematic analysis. This phase was concluded with a construction of a Patient Satisfaction Survey tool. Phase 2 was validation of this tool to four randomly selected public tertiary hospitals.                                                                                                                                                         RESULTS. In Phase 1,104 respondents underwent the qualitative survey in which eight principal patient areas were identified namely: admission process, room, nurses, doctors, laboratory, radiology, pharmacy and discharge process. Categories under each were also identified. Phase 2 revealed that the tool constructed in Phase 1 had an excellent overall internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha of 0.96).                                                                               CONCLUSIONS. The product of this research is a validated self-administered Patient Satisfaction Tool which can be given to patients being discharged in tertiary hospitals in the Philippines. The tool may be validated to Level 1 hospitals so that it encompasses all levels of hospitals. Because of policy implications, the tool may be administered every year.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Patients , Infirmières et infirmiers , Radiologie , Pharmacie
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-62938


PURPOSE: This study was conducted in the base hospital of Tangalle, Sri Lanka, in order to improve a new emergency operating system. METHODS: Emergency staff and patients were surveyed based on the five point Likert scale. Doctors and nurses were asked to rate their level of satisfaction regarding their relationship with patients. Patients were asked to rate their level of satisfaction with doctors, facilities, and the environment in the hospital. RESULTS: Doctors were overall satisfied with their job, scoring an average of 3.7. They were displeased with limitation of autonomous decision making on medical treatment, which they gave a score of 2.80. Nurses were generally satisfied with emergency services, with a score of 4.53. Nurses feel discomfort in non-specialized training (3.02). They also sense a lack of opportunities in their hospital (3.12). Patients' findings indicate that most patients were satisfied (4.2) and were displeased with wait time (3.429) and the attention that was given to each patient (3.92). When asked if they would recommend their physician to others and were willing to come back to their physician, outcomes were generally positive, receiving scores of 4.1, respectively. CONCLUSION: Findings showed that in order to create a well-structured system in the emergency centers around the Tangalle area, it is crucial to meet the needs of both patients and the emergency staff. Patients must have a sense of rapid treatment as well as privacy. Training should be provided to the staff so that they are better informed in quality care and up to date on recent studies.

Humains , Prise de décision , Urgences , Vie privée , Sri Lanka
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-216384


We performed customer satisfaction surveys for physicians and nurses regarding clinical laboratory services, and for outpatients who used phlebotomy services at a tertiary care unit level to evaluate our clinical laboratory and phlebotomy services. Thus, we wish to share our experiences with the customer satisfaction survey for clinical laboratory and phlebotomy services. Board members of our laboratory designed a study procedure and study population, and developed two types of questionnaire. A satisfaction survey for clinical laboratory services was conducted with 370 physicians and 125 nurses by using an online or paper questionnaire. The satisfaction survey for phlebotomy services was performed with 347 outpatients who received phlebotomy services by using computer-aided interviews. Mean satisfaction scores of physicians and nurses was 58.1, while outpatients' satisfaction score was 70.5. We identified several dissatisfactions with our clinical laboratory and phlebotomy services. First, physicians and nurses were most dissatisfied with the specimen collection and delivery process. Second, physicians and nurses were dissatisfied with phlebotomy services. Third, molecular genetic and cytogenetic tests were found more expensive than other tests. This study is significant in that it describes the first reference survey that offers a survey procedure and questionnaire to assess customer satisfaction with clinical laboratory and phlebotomy services at a tertiary care unit level.

Humains , Internet , Entretiens comme sujet , Laboratoires , Satisfaction personnelle , Phlébotomie , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Soins de santé tertiaires , Interface utilisateur
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-382981


Low self-certainty of patient satisfaction evaluation in patient satisfaction survey is found in the survey to be the main cause for the failure that satisfaction scores cannot precisely indicate the correct satisfaction level of patients for medical services received; it is stated in the study that psychological bias in the survey can be reduced by means of reasonable choice of survey scenario, clear notice of survey's objective, and independent completion of survey questionnaire by the patients; it also stated the theoretic references and research clues in studying patient satisfaction uncertainty, as a mathematic model is built for such study, for the purposes of better advancement of the theoretic study and practice of patient satisfaction.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-533200


Objective:To help hospitals at different levels develop and provide patients with high-quality medical services.Methods: Primary data were gathered through face-to-face surveys with questionnaires employed.Totally 195 questionnaires and 134 valid questionnaires were collected.Analysis of variance,independent-sample test,and cross-table combining z-test were used to complete data analysis.Results: Research outcome indicates there is no significant difference in outpatients' satisfaction level among hospitals at different levels,similar to outpatients' loyalty level.There are different affecting factors on outpatients' recommendation and satisfaction.Conclusion: Hospitals should be clear of patients' satisfaction level,evaluate patients' loyalty objectively,and make great effort on patients' concerning aspects.