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Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447186


El sedimento urinario es una herramienta utilizada hace tantos años para caracterizar manifestaciones renales de enfermedades primarias y secundarias, que es necesario realizar una estandarización y aprender a interpretar el mismo. En los pacientes ingresados a la unidad de cuidados intensivos, muchas veces no se realiza, o hay que tener en cuenta varios factores para su interpretación debido al estado hemodinámico del paciente a la filtración glomerular, la excreción tubular, la reabsorción de agua y los solutos además del equilibrio acido-base, los cuales pueden variar significativamente en pacientes en estado crítico con diferentes condiciones fisiopatológicas. Se presenta una revisión de las condiciones para la interpretación del urianálisis.

A urinary sediment is a tool used for years to characterize renal manifestations of primary and secondary diseases, which requires standardization and learning to interpret it. In patients admitted to the intensive care unit, it is often not performed, or several factors must be taken into account for its interpretation due to the patient's hemodynamic status, glomerular filtration, tubular excretion, water reabsorption, and solutes. In addition to the acid-base balance, which can vary significantly in critically ill patients with different pathophysiological conditions? A review of the conditions for the interpretation of urinalysis is presented.

An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 56(2): 69-81, 20230801.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451529


El sedimento urinario es una herramienta utilizada hace tantos años para caracterizar manifestaciones renales de enfermedades primarias y secundarias, que es necesario realizar una estandarización y aprender a interpretar el mismo. En los pacientes ingresados a la unidad de cuidados intensivos, muchas veces no se realiza, o hay que tener en cuenta varios factores para su interpretación debido al estado hemodinámico del paciente a la filtración glomerular, la excreción tubular, la reabsorción de agua y los solutos además del equilibrio acido-base, los cuales pueden variar significativamente en pacientes en estado crítico con diferentes condiciones fisiopatológicas. Se presenta una revisión de las condiciones para la interpretación del urianálisis.

A urinary sediment is a tool used for years to characterize renal manifestations of primary and secondary diseases, which requires standardization and learning to interpret it. In patients admitted to the intensive care unit, it is often not performed, or several factors must be taken into account for its interpretation due to the patient's hemodynamic status, glomerular filtration, tubular excretion, water reabsorption, and solutes. In addition to the acid-base balance, which can vary significantly in critically ill patients with different pathophysiological conditions? A review of the conditions for the interpretation of urinalysis is presented.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217188


The comparative study of poultry wastes- and HBB5 biosurfactant-mediated polyaromatic hydrocarbon biodegradation in sediment polluted with crude oil were investigated. The experiments were carried out for a period of 28 days by monitoring pH, nitrate, phosphate, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and microbiological parameters using standard procedures. The pH values obtained ranged between 6.21 and 6.93 in days 1 and 28 for the most effective treatment recipes. Generally, there was depletion in the concentrations of nitrate and phosphate for all set ups, but the most effective recipe witnessed highest reduction. For the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, the recipe with highest limiting nutrients depletion also recorded the most hydrocarbon loss, and yet highest increase in density of hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria and fungi. The sample containing polluted sediment + poultry wastes + HBB5 biosurfactant recorded PAH values of 1932.6472ppm on day 1 and 481.2272ppm on day 28. Total hydrocarbon-utilizing bacterial counts ranged from 1.48×104 cfu/g to 9.70×106 cfu/g, while hydrocarbon-utilizing fungal counts ranged between 2.30×103 cfu/g and 3.90×105 cfu/g. From the results obtained, poultry wastes combined with HBB5 biosurfactant recorded the highest efficiency in the biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments, and HBB5 biosurfactant in isolation recorded higher degradation efficiency for polyaromatic hydrocarbons than the degradation effect mediated by poultry wastes alone. It is therefore recommended that a combination of surface-active agent, nutrient amendment source and viable microbial biomass be adopted and employed as potent recipe for the degradation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons in crude oil-contaminated sediments.

Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;70(1)dic. 2022.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1423038


Introducción: La fauna de sedimentos del subsuelo, donde se da el intercambio entre aguas subterráneas y superficiales, llamada "fauna hiporreica", cumple funciones ecológicas importantes en los ríos; sin embargo, no ha sido estudiada suficientemente en Colombia. Objetivo: Identificar las relaciones entre los invertebrados hiporreicos y variables fisicoquímicas en el río Dagua, Colombia. Métodos: En tres giras a campo (entre octubre 2017 y diciembre 2018) en cinco estaciones de muestreo a lo largo de la cuenca del río, realizamos perforaciones implementando el método de Karaman-Chappuis (sedimento, agua e invertebrados), y registramos la granulometría y materia orgánica en los sedimentos; además, medimos nutrientes, iones y metales en el agua. Resultados: Las estaciones en la zona de cabecera tuvieron sustratos con sedimentos gruesos (grava y piedra), mayores niveles de oxígeno, y menor temperatura del agua. La riqueza y diversidad de especies fueron mayores en estaciones en la zona cabecera, donde predominaron Copepoda e Insecta, mientras que en sitios de cuenca baja predominaron Arachnida (Hydrachnidiae), Clitellata (Oligochaeta) y Nematoda. Conclusiones: La distribución y abundancia de la fauna hiporreica fueron principalmente influenciadas por cambios en la granulometría del sustrato hiporreico y sus contenidos de materia orgánica.

Introduction: The fauna from the subsurface sediments where groundwaters and surface waters are exchanged, called "hyporheic fauna", fulfills important ecological functions in rivers, but has not been sufficiently studied in Colombia. Objective: To identify relationships between hyporheic invertebrates and physicochemical variables in the Dagua River, Colombia. Methods: In three field trips (between October 2017 and December 2018) to five sites along the river basin, we drilled with the Karaman-Chappuis method (sediment, water, and invertebrates), and recorded granulometry and organic matter in sediments; and nutrients, ions, and metals in water. Results: The headwater stations had substrates with coarser sediments (gravel and stone), higher oxygen levels, and lower water temperature. Both richness and species diversity were higher at the headwater stations, dominated by Copepoda and Insecta, while the lower basin was dominated by Arachnida (Hydrachnidiae), Clitellata (Oligochaeta), and Nematoda. Conclusions: The distribution and abundance of the hyporheic fauna were principally influenced by changes in the granulometry of the hyporheic substrate and its content of organic matter.

Érosion Anthropique , Biodiversité , Pollution de l'eau , Colombie , Rivières
Rev. med. vet. (Bogota) ; (44): 47-59, Jan.-June 2022. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1377007


Resumen El sedimento es la capa superficial del fondo en estanques o en lagunas de oxidación. Este se origina fundamentalmente por la deposición de sólidos en suspensión, nutrientes y partículas del suelo que están en contacto con el agua, y que son naturalmente producidos por la operación de las granjas. Su manejo y disposición se constituye actualmente en un imperativo técnico, dadas las implicaciones ambientales que tienen las descargas provenientes de cultivos piscícolas. Se realizó la caracterización general del sedimento en tres sectores de una granja intensiva de producción, afluente, laguna de oxidación y efluente, la cual incluyó cuatro parámetros, que fueron medidos en tres momentos diferentes. Los valores obtenidos fueron comparados mediante análisis de varianza de una vía con α = 0,05 como nivel de significancia. Además, cuando fue necesario se realizó una prueba de Tukey para precisar las diferencias. Aquello cobijó las medidas de fósforo disponible, materia orgánica, carbono orgánico y relación C: N. Las diferencias encontradas entre los sectores son una aproximación al efecto de la producción piscícola sobre la composición de los sedimentos.

Abstract Sediment is the surface layer in the bottom of ponds or oxidation pools. It is created basically due to the deposition of solids in suspension, nutrients, and soil particles that contact the water and are produced naturally in farming operations. Today, the management and arrangement are a must in technical issues due to the environmental implications generated by the discharges coming from fish cultures. The general characterization of the sediment was carried out in three sectors of an intensive production farm, affluent, oxidation pool, and effluent. It included four parameters that were measured in three different time points. Obtained values were compared using one-way variance analysis with α = 0.05 as the significance level. In addition, when necessary, a Tukey test was carried out to pin down the differences. It enabled us to find the measures of available phosphorus, organic matter, organic carbon, and the ratio C: N. the differences found between the sectors are approximate values to the effect of the fish production regarding the sediment composition.

Ces med. vet. zootec ; 17(1): 11-27, ene.-abr. 2022. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404082


Resumen Al implementar la tecnología biofloc, la aireación es uno de los problemas para obtener buenos resultados productivos, por tanto, el objetivo fue comparar la eficiencia de la tubería PVC y manguera difusora, como sistema de aireación en cultivos con biofloc y dos niveles de proteína. Se aplicó un diseño completamente al azar con arreglo factorial con cuatro tratamientos, tres réplicas cada uno, con los dos sistemas de aireación y dos niveles de proteína bruta (PB) en el alimento balanceado en producciones de camarón Litopenaeus vannamei, distribuidos de la siguiente manera: para el tratamiento uno (T1) se utilizó tubería PVC y 28% de PB; para T2, manguera difusora y 22% de PB; para T3, manguera difusora y 28% de PB; para T4, tubería PVC y 22% de PB, todos producidos con biofloc. Las variables peso, talla, alimentación y el factor tratamiento influencian significativamente en la concentración de oxígeno disuelto (OD, mg/l) en la tarde, T1 es el que mejor se comportó en la tarde y T3 en la mañana. El tratamiento con menor sedimentación a los 20 y 30 minutos en la prueba de cono Imhoff fue T4 y el de mayor sedimentación fue el T3. No hubo diferencia significativa en la supervivencia entre tratamientos, los niveles de proteína sí influencian en las concentraciones del OD. El uso de tubería PVC aporta en el incremento de peso y de la concentración de OD en relación al sistema de manguera difusora con el 22% y 28% de proteína bruta.

Abstract When implementing biofloc technology, aeration is one of the problems to obtain good productive results, therefore, the objective was to compare the efficiency of PVC pipe and diffuser hose, as an aeration system in crops with biofloc and two levels of protein. A completely randomized design with factorial arrangement was applied with four treatments with three replicates each, with the two aeration systems and with two levels of crude protein (CP) in the balanced feed in Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp productions, distributors of the following way, for treatment one (T1) PVC pipes and 28% PB were achieved; for T2, diffuser hose and 22% PB; for T3, diffuser hose and 28% PB; for T4, PVC pipe and 22% PB, produced with biofloc. The variables weight, height, feeding and the treatment factor significantly influence the concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO, mg/l) in the afternoon. T1 is the one that behaves best in the afternoon and T3 in the morning, the treatment with the lowest sedimentation at 20 and 30 minutes in the Imhoff cone test was T4 and the highest sedimentation was T3. There was no significant difference in survival between treatments, protein levels did influence OD concentrations. The use of PVC pipe provides an increase in weight and DO concentration in relation to the diffuser hose system with 22% and 28% crude protein.

Resumo Ao implementar a tecnologia de bioflocos, a aeração é um dos problemas para obter bons resultados produtivos, portanto, objetivou-se comparar a eficiência do tubo de PVC e da mangueira difusora, como sistema de aeração em lavouras com bioflocos e dois níveis de proteína. Foi aplicado um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com arranjo fatorial com quatro tratamentos com três repetições cada, com os dois sistemas de aeração e com dois níveis de proteína bruta (PB) na ração balanceada em produções de camarão Litopenaeus vannamei, distribuidores da seguinte forma, para tratamento com tubo de PVC (T1) e PB de 28%; para T2, mangueira difusora e PB 22%; para T3, mangueira difusora e PB 28%; para T4, tubo de PVC e PB 22%, produzido com biofloco. As variáveis peso, altura, alimentação e o fator de tratamento influenciam significativamente na concentração de oxigênio dissolvido (OD, mg/l) no período da tarde, T1 é o que apresenta melhor desempenho no período da tarde e T3 no período da manhã, tratamento com menor sedimentação aos 20 e 30 minutos no teste do cone de Imhoff foi T4 e a maior sedimentação foi T3. Não houve diferença significativa na sobrevivência entre os tratamentos, os níveis de proteína influenciaram as concentrações de DO. A utilização de tubo de PVC proporciona um aumento de peso e concentração de OD em relação ao sistema de mangueiras difusoras com 22% e 28% de proteína bruta.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; Eng. sanit. ambient;26(4): 749-756, ago. 2021. tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1339847


RESUMO O descarte inadequado de materiais plásticos, em razão de sua quantidade e características, tem ocasionado significativos impactos negativos aos ambientes aquáticos. Estudos sobre microplásticos, partículas de plástico menores do que 5 mm na sua dimensão maior, têm sido intensificados nos últimos anos. No entanto, ainda são incipientes os trabalhos com esse enfoque em sedimentos de água doce. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo testar a eficácia de diferentes metodologias de extração de microplásticos associados a sedimentos. Estudos experimentais foram desenvolvidos em laboratório, utilizando metodologias baseadas em diferença de densidade (adição de soluções saturadas de sacarose e de cloreto de sódio) e amostras de sedimentos secos. De uma maneira geral, o tratamento baseado na adição de solução saturada de sacarose apresentou maior eficiência de extração, quando comparado com os demais tratamentos. No tratamento no qual a amostra seca foi analisada, verificou-se maior dificuldade na separação e na identificação dos fragmentos plásticos, por estes apresentarem forma e/ou coloração similares às encontradas nas partículas do sedimento. Foi desenvolvida uma metodologia de baixo custo operacional, baixo impacto ambiental e de fácil aplicação, capaz de possibilitar o monitoramento de microplásticos presentes em sedimentos de água doce e, consequentemente, fornecer subsídios para tomadores de decisão, para a proposição de medidas de redução e controle da poluição por materiais plásticos.

ABSTRACT Inadequate disposal of plastic materials, due to their quantity and characteristics, has caused significant negative impacts on aquatic environments. Studies on microplastics, plastic particles smaller than 5 mm in their largest dimension, have been intensified in recent years. However, studies with this approach in freshwater sediments are still incipient. In this sense, the present research aimed at testing the effectiveness of the extraction of microplastics associated with sediments from freshwater environments. Experimental studies were carried out in laboratory, using methodologies based on density difference (addition of saturated solutions of sucrose and sodium chloride) and dry sediment samples. Overall, the treatment based on addition of saturated solution of sucrose presented a higher extraction efficiency when compared with the other treatments. In the treatment in which the dry sample was analyzed, there was greater difficulty in separating and identifying the plastic fragments due to the similarity of shape and/or color between the fragments and the sediment particles. A methodology of low operational cost, low environmental impact, and easy application was developed, capable of enabling the monitoring of microplastics present in freshwater sediments, and consequently providing subsidies for decision makers for proposing measures to reduce and control the pollution by plastic materials.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; Eng. sanit. ambient;26(3): 545-555, maio-jun. 2021. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1286317


ABSTRACT This paper presents a new computational tool called NH SEDIMENT AND STATISTIC which performs hydrosedimentological and statistical calculations using Visual Basic. This computational tool was developed for studies related to calculations of sediment transport in rivers. The tool includes hydrosedimentological methods for calculating suspension loads, bed loads, and total solid discharge. In addition, it provides the user with the possibility of performing statistical tests such as the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test, F test and χ2 test of variance, Student's t-test, non-parametric Wilcoxon test, and statistical parameter calculations. The NH SEDIMENT AND STATISTIC automatically calculates and provides the main results for each of the methods, allowing the user to draw their own conclusions. This proposed computational tool supports hydrosedimentological studies, and is reliable and easy to use, contributing to the reduction of sediment-related problems in the areas of hydraulic engineering, geology, and soil and water conservation. Furthermore, this tool may be used in transdisciplinary scientific areas for complete planning and management of water resources.

RESUMO Este artigo apresenta uma nova ferramenta computacional chamada NH SEDIMENT AND STATISTIC, que realiza cálculos hidrossedimentológicos e estatísticos usando o Visual Basic. Essa ferramenta computacional foi desenvolvida para estudos relacionados a cálculos de transporte de sedimentos em rios. A ferramenta inclui métodos hidrossedimentológicos para calcular cargas de suspensão, cargas de leito e descarga total de sólidos. Além disso, fornece ao usuário a possibilidade de realizar testes estatísticos, como o teste de normalidade Kolmogorov-Smirnov, teste F e teste de variância do χ2, teste T de Student, teste não paramétrico de Wilcoxon e cálculos estatísticos de parâmetros. O NH SEDIMENT AND STATISTIC calcula e fornece automaticamente os principais resultados para cada um dos métodos, permitindo que o usuário tire suas próprias conclusões. Essa ferramenta computacional proposta suporta estudos hidrossedimentológicos e é confiável e fácil de usar, contribuindo para a redução de problemas relacionados a sedimentos nas áreas de engenharia hidráulica, geologia, conservação de solo e água. Além disso, essa ferramenta pode ser usada em áreas científicas transdisciplinares para um planejamento e gerenciamento completos dos recursos hídricos.

Electron. j. biotechnol ; 49: 34-41, Jan. 2021. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1291638


BACKGROUND: This work studied how the exposure to an unusual substrate forced a change in microbial populations during anaerobic fermentation of crude glycerol, a by-product of biodiesel production, with freshwater sediment used as an inoculum. RESULTS: The microbial associations almost completely (99.9%) utilized the glycerol contained in crude glycerol 6 g L 1 within four days, releasing gases, organic acids (acetic, butyric) and alcohols (ethanol, n-butanol) under anaerobic conditions. In comparison with control medium without glycerol, adding crude glycerol to the medium increased the amount of ethanol and n-butanol production and it was not significantly affected by incubation temperature (28 C or 37 C), nor incubation time (4 or 8 d), but it resulted in reduced amount of butyric acid. Higher volume of gas was produced at 37 C despite the fact that the overall bacterial count was smaller than the one measured at 20 C. Main microbial phyla of the inoculum were Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria and Firmicutes. During fermentation, significant changes were observed and Firmicutes, especially Clostridium spp., began to dominate, and the number of Actinobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria decreased accordingly. Concentration of Archaea decreased, especially in medium with crude glycerol. These changes were confirmed both by culturing and culture-independent (concentration of 16S rDNA) methods. CONCLUSIONS: Crude glycerol led to the adaptation of freshwater sediment microbial populations to this substrate. Changes of microbial community were a result of a community adaptation to a new source of carbon.

Bactéries/isolement et purification , Sédiments géologiques/microbiologie , Eau douce/microbiologie , Glycérol/métabolisme , Bactéries/métabolisme , Adaptation biologique , Biocarburants , Fermentation , Réaction de polymérisation en chaine en temps réel/méthodes , Anaérobiose
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204872


Aims: This study is aimed at determining the concentration of two widely used BFRs; Decabromodiphenyl Ether (BDE-209) and Tetrabromo Bisphenol-A (TBBPA) in sediment and leachate samples. Place and Duration of Study: Field sampling were carried out from five major dumpsites around Warri Municipality, Delta State, Nigeria. Analyte extraction was done in 2017 at the Science laboratory, Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun Delta State, Nigeria and quantification done in Switzerland by Bachema Analytical Laboratories in 2017. Methods: Three soil samples were collected from each site 15cm from the soil surface. Also, three leachate samples from three different trial pits done for each site. Collected soil samples were stored in glass bottles and labelled. While the leachate samples are stored using glass containers and labelled. The BFRs were extracted using Aceton and cyclohexane for each soil matrix and cyclohexane for the leachate samples, then the extract was analysed using GC coupled with an ECD supplied by Thermo Trace GC Ultra, Italy. Results: The results showed the average concentration for TBBPA in the sediments was 0.0234 g/kg and that of the BDE-209 was recorded as 0.1828 g/kg. Results from the leachate sample were below the detectable range of the analytical equipment, TBBPA (0.02 g/kg) and BDE (0.1 g/kg). There is no statistical difference between the mean concentration of TBBPA for the sediment in each of the locations (P>.05) and no difference (P>.05) for BDE-209 for the sediment in each of the locations (P>.05). Conclusion: Findings from this study holds that the concentration of TBBPA and BDE-209 in sediment is higher when compared with concentrations presented in other literatures studied in this report and this calls for immediate action due to the health risk associated with exposure in these municipalities.

Acta amaz ; Acta amaz;50(2): 159-169, abr - jun. 2020.
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1118438


Studies on provenance of minerals in Amazonian rivers focus mostly on suspended sediments, while processes that control bottom-sediment production and distribution are still little known. We determined the provenance of the bottom sediments of Green Lake, a micro-basin draining into the Tapajós River, in the eastern Brazilian Amazon. We used X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and, cathodoluminescence techniques to analyze clay, light and heavy minerals of 22 samples. The lake is L-shaped, with 5.5 m maximum depth, and predominance of mud over sand in the center. Quartz and feldspar were dominant in the light fraction, while zircon, tourmaline, kyanite, rutile, and staurolite were dominant in the heavy fraction. The clay fraction was dominated by kaolinite, with morphology and degree of crystallinity indicative of a detrital origin related to weathering. The Alter do Chão Formation (ACF) is suggested as the main source of sand sediments and heavy minerals, due to their mineralogical and percentage similarity. The provenance of kaolinite was mainly the ACF, with a minor contribution of the Amazon and Tapajós rivers. The primary origin of the heavy minerals in the ACF indicates the basement of the Amazonas Basin as source rock and this formation as a source of sediments for Green Lake through weathering and erosion processes under current tropical conditions. The presence of Aulacoseira granulata and Aulacoseira ambigua indicates the importance of current erosive processes on sediment production. (AU)

Sédiments/analyse , Écosystème Amazonien , Minéraux
J Environ Biol ; 2020 Jan; 41(1): 101-110
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-214479


Aim: To analyze samples of marine sediment at 24 stations for heavy metals as per sequential Community Bureau of Reference protocol in order to obtain metal distribution pattern in Kuwait offshore.Methodology: In the present study, a centrifugal particle-size analyzer was used for measuring sediment grain size. The Community Bureau of Reference scheme was deployed for the sequential extraction of heavy metal speciation, and the fractionation was determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry. Results: Grain-size analysis showed that the study area contained 71.8% silt, 22.6% sand and 5.56% clay at most locations. The average abundance of total concentration of heavy metals was found in the following order: lead< cobalt< copper< zinc< chromium< nickel. The mobility order of exchangeable fraction of heavy metals decreased in the order lead> nickel> zinc> cobalt> copper; in the reducible fraction: lead> copper> zinc> cobalt> nickel; in the oxidizable fraction: lead> chromium> copper> nickel> cobalt> zinc and in the residual fraction:cobalt> chromium> nickel> zinc> copper>lead, respectively. Interpretation: The outcome of the present study cannot establish the actual form of species of a given metal in the sediment; though, it appears to be useful in categorizing the metals within several prevailing geochemical fractions.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204826


This work focuses on analyzing of physico-chemical properties of sediment affected by frequent floods along the eastern shore of the Bandama River in the department of Niakaramadougou. Sampling was from 4 excavated graves at two positions of studied area, one near the stream and the other one far away from the stream.. Samples collected were analyzed, including texture with granulometric analysis made by the Robinson pipette, and standard sediment analysis methods for measuring organic carbon (OC), nitrogen (N), and other chemical properties including pH, organic matter (OM), and C/N ratio. Statistical analyses were carried out to assess the differences between the physico-chemical parameters at different sampling areas. Differences are significant when comparing areas that are highly affected by floods and areas that are less affected by floods, especially for concentrations of OM, OC and nitrogen. Results show that successive floods are influencing directly the dynamic of physico-chemical properties of the sediments along the shore.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-189077


Cellblock technique (CB) is one of the oldest techniques of preparing materials for microscopic examination by paraffin embedding of sediments of fluids. CB enables retrieval of small tissue fragments from fluids, improving the cellular yield and diagnostic accuracy. The main advantage of CB is the potential to make many sections for special stains and ancillary techniques like IHC. Objective: To compare the efficacy of cellblock vs. centrifuged smear examination in effusions and fluids from cystic lesions. Methods: A total of 220 samples which included effusions (pleural, peritoneal, pericardial and synovial fluids), CSF, BAL fluids and fluids from cystic lesions were studied and categorized by both routine centrifuged smear and cellblock preparation by fixed sediment method. For CB categorization, volume of fluid and presence of pellet were given due importance. Results: Majority of the samples were pleural fluids (34.1%) followed by peritoneal fluids (29.1%) and fluids from cystic lesions (22.1%). Male to female ratio was 1.2:1 with peak age between 40- 70 years. On CS 86.8% were benign, 1.8% were suspicious for malignancy, 8.2% were positive for malignancy and 3.3% were inadequate for opinion. CBs were non-contributory in 65.9%, in 27.2%, CBs confirmed CS diagnosis and in 4.5% they established a specific diagnosis. (Sensitivity 63%, specificity 71.7%, PPV 80%, NPV 94.6%)(Kappa value = 0.175, p value=0.001). Volume of the fluid did not matter in malignant effusions and material on CB was seen in majority of these fluids with the presence of pellet formation.Among the non-neoplastic fluids material on CB was seen with volume >10ml with a good pellet formation. Conclusion: CBs were complementary to CS in the overall categorization of benign and malignant groups. However, they appeared to be more useful in diagnosis of malignancy by better-preserved architectural patterns and provided material for ancillary techniques like histochemistry and IHC.In CB, presence of pellet after centrifugation may be an indicator for the availability of material.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-210533


A total of 41 actinomycetes were isolated from marine samples collected in Thailand. On the basis of morphology,chemotaxonomy, and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, they were identified as Salinispora (13 isolates),Micromonospora (11 isolates), Nocardia (1 isolate), Verrucosispora (2 isolates), and Streptomyces (14 isolates).The antimicrobial activity screening revealed that two Micromonospora isolates, 12 Salinispora isolates and 10Streptomyces isolates showed activity against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Kocuria rhizophila ATCC 9341,Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633, Escherichia coli NIHJ KC213, Candida albicans KF1, and Mucor racemosus IFO 4581.Based on this study, the production media and strains were the main factors that influenced the antimicrobial activity

Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-960098


@#<p><strong>Background and Objective:</strong> Microorganisms, including bacteria, serve as major players in various processes affecting both the quality of aquatic sediment as well as the fate of pollutants released into such matrix. This study, evaluated the similarity in bacterial community structure between sediments collected from aquaculture and non aquaculture sites of a tropical lake. Describing and comparing the bacterial community present in each site may provide clues on the impact of aquaculture practices on aquatic ecosystems.<br /><strong>Methodology:</strong> Microbial DNA was extracted using PowerSoil® DNA Isolation Kit for all sediment samples. DNA isolates were used as template in the analysis of the hypervariable region of 16S rDNA through nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Excised representative 16S rDNA DGGE bands were sequenced and identified through BLAST analysis.<br /><strong>Results:</strong> Based on the generated mean Dice similarity coefficient of 57.77%, the bacterial community structure between aquaculture and non-aquaculture sediments was highly similar but certain taxa were found unique for each site. Bacteria belonging to Proteobacteria and Firmicutes dominated the aquaculture sediments while Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Chloroflexi dominated the non-aquaculture sediments. Certain physicochemical parameters operating in the two sites may have influenced the shift in representative microbes. Shewanella baltica and Trichococcus sp. were found only in aquaculture sediment owing to their ability to tolerate quantities of ammonia and high organic matter from their environment.<br /><strong>Conclusions:</strong> This study described the applicability of 16S rDNA PCR-DGGE as a culture-independent technique for describing and comparing the similarity between bacterial communities in sediment. Based on the generated similarity index, the bacterial community between aquaculture and non-aquaculture sediments of Taal Lake was highly similar but interestingly, harbored unique bacterial populations as seen in the DGGE profiles. The shift in dominant taxa and unique representatives per site may have been influenced by certain differences between each site's physico-chemical parameters.</p>

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 19(1): e20180549, 2019. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-974032


Abstract: This study evaluated the relationships between environmental factors and the spatio-temporal distribution of H. pudibundus, with the hypothesis of differential occupation in coastal areas of southeastern Brazil. The samplings took place monthly in January-December 2000 period, along nine transects from 2 to 40 m of depth, in Ubatuba region, northern coast of São Paulo. We collected 1808 individuals of H. pudibundus. The highest abundance was recorded in winter in the transects 10-25 m deep. Abundance was positively correlated with organic matter content and texture sediment (phi values). With the retreat of the South Atlantic Central Water (SACW) in autumn and winter, the sediment swirls, suspending the detritivore and filter-feeding macrofauna, increasing the food availability. Sites characterized by finer sediment offer higher food availability, besides facilitating H. pudibundus burying behavior. Due to its opportunistic predatory behavior, this species feeds on a variety of organisms, including mollusks, annelids and foraminifera, which are preys more abundant in the studied area and in sediments of finer grain size.

Resumo: Este estudo avaliou as relações dos fatores ambientais e a distribuição espaço-temporal de H. pudibundus, com a hipótese de ocupação diferencial em uma região do litoral sudeste do Brasil. As amostragens ocorreram mensalmente no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2000, ao longo de nove transectos de 2 a 40 m de profundidade, na região de Ubatuba, litoral norte de São Paulo. Foram coletados 1808 indivíduos de H. pudibundus. A maior abundância foi registrada no inverno nos transectos 10 a 25 m de profundidade. A abundância foi positivamente correlacionada com o teor de matéria orgânica e a textura do sedimento (valores de phi). Durante o outono e inverno com a retração da ACAS ocorre o revolvimento do sedimento e a supensão da macrofauna detritívora e filtradora, aumentando a disponibilidade de alimento. Locais caracterizados por sedimentos mais finos oferecem maior disponibilidade de alimentos, além de facilitar o comportamento de H. pudibundus se enterrar. Devido ao comportamento predatório oportunista, esta espécie se alimenta de uma grande variedade de organismos, incluindo moluscos, anelídeos e foraminíferos, que são as presas mais abundantes nas áreas estudadas, principalmente em locais com grãos menores.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 34(6): 1724-1732, nov.-dec. 2018. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-968989


A total of 114 moderately halophilic bacteria were isolated from marine sediment environments. The isolates are belonged to 23 species based on the 16S rRNA sequence analysis. 63, 52, 47, 57, 74, 15 and 4 isolates are able to produce protease, amylase, lipase, pectinase, pulluanase, xylanase, cellulase, respectively. Combined hydrolytic enzyme activity analysis show that 15 strains present 1 hydrolytic activity, 32 strains present 2 hydrolytic activities, 21 strains present 3 hydrolytic activities, 26 strains present 4 hydrolytic activities, 11 strains present 5 hydrolytic activities and 2 strains present 6 hydrolytic activities. Hydrolase activities are widely distributed in a variety of species. The highest rates for production of protease, amylase, lipase, pectinase, pullanase, xylanase and cellulase were observed in species of B. baekryungensis, Hallobacillus sp., B. pumilus, B. megaterium or P. chungwhensis, B. amyloliquefaciens, B. pumilus, B. baekryungensis, respectively. However, the higher activities of protease, pectinase and pulluanase are frequently produced by the species of Halomonas sp. B. amyloliquefaciens or P. chungwhensis, and Vibrio sp. respectively. This investigation show that the diversity of halophilic bacteria from marine sediments could serve as a potential source of hydrolytic enzymes for industrial applications. (AU)

Um total de 114 bactérias moderadamente halofílicas foram isoladas de ambientes de sedimentos marinhos. Os isolados pertencem a 23 espécies com base na análise da sequência 16S rRNA. 63, 52, 47, 57, 74, 15 e 4 isolados são capazes de produzir protease, amilase, lipase, pectinase, pululanase, xilanase, celulase, respectivamente. A análise da atividade enzimática hidrolítica combinada mostra que 15 cepas apresentam 1 atividade hidrolítica, 32 cepas apresentam 2 atividades hidrolíticas, 21 cepas apresentam 3 atividades hidrolíticas, 26 cepas apresentam 4 atividades hidrolíticas, 11 cepas apresentam 5 atividades hidrolíticas e 2 cepas apresentam 6 atividades hidrolíticas. Atividades de hidrolase são amplamente distribuídas em uma variedade de espécies. As maiores taxas de produção de protease, amilase, lipase, pectinase, pululanase, xilanase e celulase foram observadas em espécies de B. baekryungensis, Hallobacillus sp., B. pumilus, B. megaterium ou P. chungwhensis, B. amyloliquefaciens, B. pumilus, B. baekryungensis, respectivamente. No entanto, as atividades mais elevadas de protease, pectinase e pululanase são freqüentemente produzidas pelas espécies de Halomonas sp. B. amyloliquefaciens ou P. chungwhensis e Vibrio sp. respectivamente. Esta investigação mostra que a diversidade de bactérias halofílicas de sedimentos marinhos pode servir como uma fonte potencial de enzimas hidrolíticas para aplicações industriais. (AU)

Microbiologie du sol , Bactéries/enzymologie , Sédiments géologiques
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-188620


A large amount of crude oil is spilled annually into the terrestrial and aquatic environments in Nigeria. This tends to upset the natural equilibrium of the marine environment as a microbial habitat. Thus, there is a need to evaluate the effect of exposure to crude oil on bacterial load and diversity using Iko River and Odoro Ikot pond as the study and pristine sites respectively. The bacterial isolates were molecularly identified using the 16S rRNA sequencing protocol. The total heterotrophic bacterial count (THBC) in the surface water (SW), sub-surface water (SSW) and sediment segments of Iko River ranged from 2.23±0.87 to 9.67 ± 0.43 x 106 CFU/ML while the THBC in the SW, SSW and sediment segments of the pristine site (Odoro Ikot pond) ranged from 1.87±0.53 to 4.8± 0.04x106 CFU/ML. The sediment had a significantly higher (P<0.05) THBC than the water segments (SW and SSW) in both Iko River and Odoro Ikot pond. The hydrocarbon utilizing bacteria (HUB) count in Odoro Ikot pond ranged from 0.40 ± 0.01 to 1.10 ± 0.03 x 106 CFU/ML while the HUB count in Iko River ranged from 0.53 ± 0.02 to 0.93 ± 0.04 x 106 CFU/ML, making Iko River have a higher number of total heterotrophic bacteria and hydrocarbon utilizing bacteria than Odoro Ikot pond. The Proteobacteria isolates had the highest bacterial diversity (77%) while members of the Firmicutes phylum had a 23% bacterial diversity. However, higher bacterial count and diversity were obtained from the sediment segment than from the water segments in both Iko River and Odoro Ikot pond implying that the sediment is more favourable for bacterial growth. Although the bacterial profile was affected by exposure to crude oil, there were variations in the phylogenetic diversities obtained from the different water segments attributable to crude oil concentration.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-187932


The sea cucumber Holothuria scabra has a high commercial value and a great potential to be cultivated. A thorough feeding strategy is needed to overcome juvenile rearing technique constraints. Stable isotope analysis can be used for determining diet sources of sea cucumbers that play a role as deposit feeders. This study aims to determine suitable diet sources and elucidate the potential of organic matter assimilation of H. scabra by combining three different mixed diets including 10% seagrass Enhalus acoroides bulk, 45% grass Pennisetum purpureum and 45% of cow feces (diet A); 20% seagrass E. acoroides, 40% grass P. purpureum and 40% of cow feces (diet B) and 33% seagrass E. acoroides, 33% grass P. purpureum and 33% cow feces (diet C) and identifying the fecal pellet isotopic properties and compare it to the diet sources and the surrounding sediment. Stable isotope signature of H. scabra and its prospected diet sources, altogether with sediments and fecal pellets were plotted in a conservative bi-plot δ13C and δ15N. The isotopic value of fecal pellets and diet sources indicate a low assimilation rate, the organic matter contained in the sediment is similar to that of the diet sources. Sea cucumber feeds the bulk of the sediment and the detritus of the diet sources and then assimilates the organic matter as soon as the bulk enters the intestine. Due to the low assimilation rates, we suggest for the mariculture of H. scabra that the food should be homogenised and then mixed into the sediment, where the sea cucumber is cultured.