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Av. psicol. latinoam ; 39(1): 1-14, ene.-abr. 2021. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1339252


Resumo O uso descontrolado de Internet já é considerado um problema de saúde pública em alguns países. De uma perspectiva psicológica, evidências sugerem uma relação entre o uso descontrolado de Internet e a autoconsciência ruminativa (quando a autoatenção é direcionada para uma avaliação negativa de si mesmo) que, por sua vez, pode estar associada a transtornos mentais. Neste sentido, a presente pesquisa teve o objetivo de verificar as relações entre as variáveis nível de uso de Internet, estilo de autoconsciência (ruminativa e reflexiva) e gênero em adultos jovens universitários. Participaram do estudo quantitativo 450 universitários, entre 18 e 25 anos de idade (50 % do gênero feminino), que responderam ao Teste de Dependência de Internet e ao Questionário de Ruminação e Reflexão. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística descritiva e inferencial (Teste t para Amostras Independentes, Análise de Variância e Regressões Lineares Múltiplas). Os resultados apontam que o estilo de autoconsciência ruminativo está significativamente associado ao gênero feminino. A regressão linear múltipla, para cada gênero, considerando o uso descontrolado de Internet como variável dependente apontou que, tanto para participantes do gênero masculino quanto do feminino, a autoconsciência ruminativa explicou direta e significativamente o uso descontrolado de Internet. Discutem-se implicações da associação do estilo ruminativo à má adaptação psicológica e sua possível interferência no nível de uso de Internet, enquanto obstáculo à percepção dos gatilhos desencadeadores de uma dependência e a busca de resolução de conflitos e de problemas relacionados ao uso descontrolado da Internet.

Resumen El uso incontrolado de Internet ya se considera un problema de salud pública en algunos países. Desde una perspectiva psicológica, la evidencia sugiere una relación entre el uso descontrolado de Internet y la autoconciencia rumiativa (cuando la atención de uno mismo se dirige hacia una autoevaluación negativa) que, a su vez, puede estar asociada con trastornos mentales. En este sentido, la presente investigación tuvo como objetivo verificar la relación entre las variables nivel de uso de Internet, estilo de autoconciencia (rumiativa y reflexiva) y género en jóvenes universitarios. En el estudio cuantitativo participaron 450 estudiantes universitarios, entre 18 y 25 años (50 % mujeres), quienes respondieron el Test de Dependencia de Internet y el Cuestionario de Rumiación y Reflexión. Los datos se sometieron a análisis estadístico descriptivo e inferencial (prueba t para muestras independientes, análisis de varianza y regresiones lineales múltiples). Los resultados muestran que el estilo de autoconciencia rumiativa se asocia significativamente con el género femenino. La regresión lineal múltiple, para cada género, considerando el uso descontrolado de Internet como variable dependiente, señaló que, tanto para hombres como para mujeres, la autoconciencia rumiativa explicaba directa y significativamente el uso descontrolado de Internet. Se discuten las implicaciones de la asociación del estilo rumiativo con la mala adaptación psicológica y su posible interferencia en el nivel de uso de Internet, como obstáculo para la percepción de los desencadenantes que liberan una adicción y para la búsqueda de resolución de conflictos y problemas relacionados con el uso descontrolado de Internet.

Abstract Uncontrolled use of the Internet is already considered a public health problem in some countries. From a psychological perspective, evidence suggests a relationship between the uncontrolled use of the Internet and the ruminative self-consciousness (when attention is directed towards a negative self-assessment), which, in turn, may be associated with mental disorders. In this sense, the present research had the objective of verifying the relationships between the variable level of Internet use, self-consciousness styles (ruminative and reflexive), and gender in young university students. The participants in the quantitative study were 450 university students between 18 and 25 years (50 % female) who answered the Internet Dependence Test and the Rumination-Reflection Questionnaire. The data were submitted to descriptive and inferential statistical analyses (t Test for Independent Samples, analysis of variance, and multiple linear regressions). The results show that the style of ruminative self-consciousness is significantly associated with the female gender. The multiple linear regression for each gender, considering the uncontrolled use of the Internet as a dependent variable, indicated that, for both male and female participants, ruminative self-consciousness directly and significantly explained the uncontrolled use of the Internet. The implications of the association of the ruminative style to psychological maladaptation and its possible interference in the level of Internet use are discussed as obstacles to the perception of the triggers that foster addiction and the search for conflict resolution and problems related to the uncontrolled use of the Internet.

Humains , Jeune adulte , Utilisation de l'internet , Santé des Élèves , Dépendance à Internet , Troubles mentaux
Psicol. clín ; 31(2): 303-322,
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020211


O Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) é uma realidade para a qual a sociedade atual está cada vez mais desperta. Apesar da multiplicidade de abordagens existentes, o objetivo pretendido de integração social destes sujeitos ainda se mostra muito longe de ser alcançado. Pretendemos criar uma plataforma digital para crianças do transtorno do espectro autista baseada nas teorias da Complexidade, Biologia da Cognição e Segunda Cibernética. Esta plataforma tem como intuito ajudar estas crianças a construir e desenvolver sua autoconsciência, indispensável a seu processo de autoconstrução e consequente envolvimento social. Pretendemos promover uma abordagem inovadora distante das atuais, focadas no cognitivismo e construtivismo. Esta nova abordagem considera as mais recentes descobertas neurocientíficas, habilidades autopoiéticas e de neuroplasticidade. Acreditamos que uma abordagem centrada nestes pressupostos ajudará a ultrapassar a grande barreira social comumente presente no autismo, que é a da comunicação. A metodologia a ser usada parte de uma análise do histórico de atendimento aos sujeitos da pesquisa em vídeos, gravações e diários dos pesquisadores para identificar as principais demandas dessas crianças e proceder então à construção das funcionalidades da plataforma usando os pressupostos da complexidade. A partir daí desenvolveremos o protótipo da plataforma.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a reality which current society is ever more aware of. Despite the assortment of existing approaches, the intended goal of social integration is still far from being reached. We plan to create a digital platform for children who suffer from Autism Spectrum Disorder based on the theories of Complexity, Cognitive Biology, and Second Cybernetics. This platform is meant to help these children in building and developing their self-conciousness, essential to their process of self-building and consequent social involvement. We intend to promote an innovative approach distinct from current ones, which are focused on cognitivism and constructivism. This new approach takes into consideration the most recent neuro-scientific discoveries, autopoietic skills and neuroplasticity. We believe that such an approach will help in overcoming the great social barrier commonly present in autism, which is communication. The methodology to be used starts from an analysis of the history of caring for the subjects of research in videos, sound recordings and researchers' logbooks to identify the main demands of these children and then proceed to build the platform capabilities, using the assumptions of complexity. From there, a platform prototype will be developed.

El Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) es una realidad para la cual la sociedad actual está cada vez mais despierta. Pese a la multiplicidad de abordajes existentes, el objetivo pretendido de integración social de estos sujetos aún se revela muy lejos de alcanzar. Pretendemos crear una plataforma digital para niños del Trastorno del Espectro Autista basada en las teorías de la Complexidad, Biología de la Cognición y Segunda Cibernética. Esta plataforma tiene como intuito ayudar estos niños a construir y desarollar su autoconciencia, indispensable a su proceso de autoconstrucción y consequente envolvimiento social. Pretendemos promover un abordaje innovador distante de las actuales, enfocadas en el cognitivismo y el constructivismo. Este nuevo abordaje considera las más recientes descubiertas neurocientíficas, habilidades autopoiéticas y de neuroplasticidad. Creemos que un abordaje centrado en estos presupuestos ayudará a sobrepasar la gran barrera social comúnmente presente en el autismo, que es la comunicación. La metodología a ser usada parte de un análisis del historial de atención a los sujetos de la investigación en videos, grabaciones y diarios de los investigadores para identificar las principales demandas de esos niños y proceder entonces a la construcción de las funcionalidades de la plataforma usando los presupuestos de la complejidad. A partir de ahí desarrollaremos el prototipo de la plataforma.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-754123


Objective To explore the relationship among peer relationship,self-consciousness and social anxiety in HIV-infected children. Methods Peer Relationship Scale,Piers-Harris Children's Self-con-cept Scale and Social Anxiety Scale for Children were applied to 126 HIV-infected children. Results The score of peer relationship was 53. 0(45. 0,62. 0),the score of self-concept was 52. 0(42. 0,60. 0),and the score of social anxiety was 6. 0(2. 0,9. 0). Peer relationship was positively correlated with social anxiety( r=0. 196,P=0. 029) and negatively correlated with self-consciousness(r=-0. 628,P<0. 01). Self-conscious-ness was negatively correlated with social anxiety(r=-0. 504,P<0. 01). Bootstrap analysis showed that self-consciousness played a complete mediating role between peer relationship and social anxiety,and the media-ting effect value was 0. 377. Conclusion Peer relationship,self-consciousness and social anxiety are closely related. Furthermore,self-consciousness plays a complete mediating role between peer relationship and social anxiety in HIV-infected children.

Psychiatry Investigation ; : 306-313, 2019.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-760923


OBJECTIVE: Self-esteem and self-consciousness are important determinants of behaviors. This study aimed to explore the relationship between self-esteem and self-consciousness in adolescents using the eye-tracking measurement. METHODS: Fifty-five adolescents with high self-esteem and 58 adolescents with low self-esteem participated in self-consciousness-related eye-tracking experiments of selecting happy, disgusted, and angry facial emotions while recognizing one's own usual expressions and the others' usual expressions toward oneself. RESULTS: When recognizing one's own, adolescents with high self-esteem showed significantly more selection counts and longer fixation time for ‘happy’ than adolescents with low self-esteem. When recognizing the others', adolescents with low self-esteem showed significantly more selection counts and longer fixation time for ‘disgusted’ and ‘angry’ than adolescents with high self-esteem. CONCLUSION: These suggest higher self-esteem is connected to more positive identification of one's usual expressions and others' usual expressions toward oneself. There is a close relationship among low self-esteem, suppressing positive emotions, decreased psychological adjustment, and increased negative emotions.

Adolescent , Humains , Ajustement émotionnel
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-688000


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>This study aimed to investigate the current situation of parental rearing patterns and self-consciousness of adolescents with cleft lip and palate. The relationship between parental rearing patterns and self-consciousness of adolescents was also analyzed to provide evidence for psychological intervention.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>The study was carried out on 400 adolescents (11-25 years old) with cleft lip and palate. The subjects were assessed with self-consciousness scale for patients with cleft lip and palate and Egna Minnen av Barndoms Uppforstran family rearing questionnaires to evaluate the current status of self-consciousness and parental rearing patterns in adolescents with cleft lip and palate and the relevance of the two factors.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>A total of 380 valid questionnaires were obtained. A significant relationship was found between parental rearing patterns and self-consciousness in adolescents with cleft lip and palate. A positive correlation was also observed between the scores of self-evaluation, self-confidence, others' evaluation and psychological endurance, interpersonal relationship, and parent-child relationship of adolescents with cleft lip and palate and the scores of their parents' emotional care. Confidence was negatively correlated with the scores of parents' refusal to deny, punishment, and severity.</p><p><b>CONCLUSIONS</b>Good parental rearing patterns play a critical role in establishing self-confidence, improving social adaptability, and maintaining interpersonal and parent-child relationship. Parents should give much care while avoiding refusal, denial, and punishment.</p>

Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 49(3): 231-241, 2018.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-967480


Investigações da autoconsciência têm envolvido o uso de escalas na aferição de suas dimensões e relação com cognição e comportamento, como a Escala de Autorreflexão e Insight (EAI), desenvolvida para mensurar a dimensão privada da autoconsciência. O instrumento parte do pressuposto de que autorreflexão e insight, componentes metacognitivos, estariam envolvidos no processo de refletir, avaliar e regular os próprios pensamentos, sentimentos e comportamentos. Esta revisão sistemática procurou entender a relação entre autorreflexão e insight na cognição e no comportamento por meio da análise de estudos empíricos que utilizaram a EAI, publicados entre 2002 e 2017, disponíveis no Portal de Periódicos CAPES, e recuperados a partir dos termos "autoconsciência"; "autorreflexão"; "EAI", e seus equivalentes em inglês, incluindo também "insight". Resultados apontam para uma associação entre insight e reações saudáveis, porém divergem sobre os benefícios da autorreflexão. Essa relação e os aspectos que a influenciam são discutidos.

Research about self has involved the use of scales in measuring their dimensions and relationships with cognition and behaviour. Among those is the Self-Reflection and Insight Scale (SRIS), developed to measure the private dimension of self-consciousness. As metacognitive components, self-reflection and insight would be involved in the process of reflecting on one's own thoughts, feelings and behaviours, evaluating and modifying them in order to self-regulate. This systematic review sought to understand the relationship between self-reflection and insight into cognition and behaviour through the analysis of empirical studies that used SRIS, published between 2002 and 2017, and retrieved from Periódicos CAPES Portal, by using the words "self-consciousness", "self-awareness", "self-reflection", "SRIS", their equivalents in Portuguese, and "insight". Results pointed out an association between insight and healthy reactions but diverged on the self-reflection benefits. This relationship and the aspects that influence it are discussed.

Investigaciones de la autoconciencia han usado escalas en la medición de sus dimensiones y su relación con la cognición y el comportamiento. Entre ellas se encuentra la Escala de Autoreflexión e Insight (EAI), desarrollada para medir la dimensión privada de la autoconciencia. Elementos metacognitivos, autoreflexión e insight estarían implicados en el proceso de reflexión sobre los propios pensamientos, sentimientos y comportamientos, evaluarlos y regularlos. Esta revisión sistemática trató de comprender la relación entre autoreflexión e insight en la cognición y el comportamiento a través del análisis de estudios empíricos que utilizaron la EAI, publicados entre 2002 y 2017, disponibles en el Portal de Periódicos CAPES, y recuperados a partir de las palabras "autoconsciência"; "autorreflexão", "EAI", sus equivalentes en inglés, y también "insight ". Resultados apuntan a una asociación entre insight y reacciones saludables, pero difieren en los beneficios de la autoreflexión. Se discute esta relación y sus aspectos.

Psychologie , Conscience morale , Pleine conscience
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-609571


Objective To analyze the relationship of self-consciousness,internet addiction and life satisfaction in rural adolescents.Methods 443 rural adolescents were investigated with Children's Self-concept Scale,Adolescent Life Satisfaction Scale (ALSS) and Secondary School Students Internet Addiction Diagnostic Scale (IADDS).Results ①The differences between left-behind and non-left-behind rural adolescents were significant in self-concept ((51.28± 12.86) vs (55.01 ± 11.58)),ALSS((27.68±7.38) vs (31.25± 4.36)) and IADDS((4.87±3.38) vs (3.22±2.39))(t=-3.121,P<0.05;t=-6.384,P<0.05;t=5.968,P <0.05).The differences between boys and girls were significant in self-concept ((52.28± 12.44) vs (55.35±11.66)),ALSS((29.36±6.36) vs (30.71±5.16)) and IADDS((29.36±6.36) vs (30.71±5.16))(t=-2.680,P<0.05;t=-2.424,P<0.05;t=5.146,P<0.05).The differences between only child and non-only child were significant in ALSS ((29.04± 6.77) vs (30.56 ± 5.18)) and IADDS ((4.44± 3.08) vs (3.05 ±2.45))(t=-2.659,P<0.05;t=2.818,P<0.05).The differences of different academic performance were significant in self-concept,ALSS and IADDS (F=-4.788,P<0.05;F=9.127,P<0.05;F=17.387,P<0.05).②There was a significant negative correlation between self-consciousness and internet addiction(r=-0.337,P<0.01).There was a significant positive correlation between self-consciousness and life satisfaction (r=0.660,P<0.01),and there was a significant negative correlation between life satisfaction and internet addiction.(r=-0.484,P<0.01).③Life satisfaction was the mediator variable between self-consciousness and internet addiction,and the mediating effect accounted for 90.8% of the total effect.Conclusion Self-awareness influence internet addiction through life satisfaction.

The Journal of Practical Medicine ; (24): 1772-1774, 2014.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-452965


Objective To explore the effectiveness of sandplay therapy combined with family counseling in children with school phobia and its influence of child′ self-consciousness. Methods Integrative sandplay therary with family consulting were used to treat 28 patients with school phobia regularly for 2 months. Sandplay and family consulting therapy were given once a week for 45 minutes . Clinical outcomes were assessed using CGI-GI and Piers-Harris children′s self-consciousness scale before and after treatment as well as 3 months posttreatment. Results Overall response rate was 85%. In addition, the physical appearance and characteristic factor before and after treatment were no significant difference (P>0.05). The rest of the various factors and total score compared with pre-treatment significantly improved (P0.05). Conclusion Integrative sandplay therapy with family counseling has better and long-lasting treatment effect to self-consciousness of children with school refusal.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-426324


ObjectiveTo explore the status of social anxiety and study the relationship between social anxiety and self-consciousness,self-esteem among primary students.MethodsUsing stratified randomization sampling method,568 primary students in grade 4 ~ 6 were investigated with social anxiety scale for children( SASC ),self-consciousness scale for children(PHCSS) and self-esteem scale(SES).Results①The score of SASC in the group of primary students was obviously higher than that of Chinese norm (P<0.01).②The SASC and negative evaluation scores in the female were higher than the male (P < 0.05 ),the negative evaluation scores in the sixth grade (3.22 ± 2.82) was higher than the fifth grade (2.53 ± 2.76,P < 0.01 ) and fourth grade ( 2.54 ± 2.68,P< 0.05 ).The primary students in migrant workers elementary school,the single parent family and the relatively low income family had higher social anxiety scores than others(P<0.05 ).③The SASC and two major factors were significantly negative correlated with the self-consciousness and each subscale( r =-0.202 ~ -0.511,P < 0.01 ),and positive correlated with the self-esteem( r =0.282,0.270,0.305,P < 0.01 ).④)The anxiety and gregariousness had significant prediction function of 25.5% on negative evaluation,and 28.2% on SASC,anxiety,gregariousness,intelligence and school situation had significant prediction function of 20.4% on social avoidance and distress.ConclusionsPrimary students in grade 4 ~ 6 existed social anxiety.There are significant differences for their level of anxiety in different gender,grade,elementary school,family structure,monthly income.And social anxiety is closely related to self-consciousness and self-esteem.

Psicol. estud ; 16(2): 279-287, abr.-jun. 2011. ilus, tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-608166


Relações entre cinestesia e autoconsciência foram examinadas em experimento fenomenológico com 19 estudantes universitários, os quais responderam a três instrumentos: 1) Escala de Autoconsciência; 2) The Alien-hand Experiment (indução de distorção perceptiva em tarefa motora, repetida quatro vezes); e 3) Entrevista Fenomenológica sobre percepções do experimento. A análise identificou dois padrões de resposta: 1) reconhecimento da distorção e atribuição ao experimento e 2) reconhecimento ambivalente da distorção e atribuição a si mesmo. O segundo padrão de resposta associou-se a altos índices de autoconsciência. A reversão entre experiência consciente e consciência da experiência desvelou-se gradativamente nas repetições da tarefa: 1) descrição do estranhamento, 2) variações imaginárias das causas da distorção (arguições), 3) tomada de posição pela atribuição da distorção ao experimento ou a dificuldade pessoal de realizar a tarefa. A diferenciação de modalidades de autoconsciência permitiu a análise da arguição sobre as interferências experimentais, apontando de modo original o movimento da pré-reflexão à autorreflexão.

Relations between kinesthesia and selfconsciousness were examined in a phenomenological experiment with 19 students who responded to three instruments: 1) Self-Consciousness Scale (private, public and social anxiety), 2) The Alien-Hand Experiment (purposely-induced distortion in perceptual motor task, repeated four times) and 3) Phenomenological interview on perceptions of the experiment. The analysis identified two patterns of response: 1) recognition of the distortion and assignment to the experiment, and 2) ambivalent recognition of distortion and attribution to himself. The second response pattern was associated with high levels of self-consciousness. Reversal between experience conscious and consciousness of experience were revealed gradually in the repetitions of the task: 1) description of estrangement, 2) imaginary variations on the causes of distortion (arguments), 3) decision making between positing distortions on experiment variables or personnel difficulty to perform the task. Differentiation of self-consciousness modalities led to argument analysis on task interferences, pointing to an original handling of pre-reflection to self-reflection.

Relaciones entre cinestesia y autoconciencia se examinaron en un experimento fenomenológico con 19 estudiantes que respondieron a tres instrumentos: 1) Escala de Autoconciencia (privado, público y ansiedad social), 2) The Alien-Hand Experiment (inducción deliberada a la distorsión perceptual en tarea motora, repetida cuatro veces) y 3) entrevista fenomenológica, sobre la percepción de la experiencia. El análisis identificó dos patrones de respuesta: 1) el reconocimiento de la distorsión y la asignación a lo experimento, y 2) el reconocimiento ambivalente de la distorsión y la atribución a sí mismo. El segundo patrón de respuesta se asoció con altos niveles de autoconciencia. Inversión entre la experiencia consciente y la conciencia de la experiencia se reveló gradualmente en las repeticiones de la tarea: 1) descripción de extrañamiento, 2) las variaciones imaginario sobre las causas de la distorsión (argumentos), 3) la toma de decisiones entre la postulación de distorsión en las variables del experimento o la dificultad personal para realizar la tarea.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Perception
Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 10(3): 946-966, dez. 2010.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: lil-606094


Neste artigo, meu objetivo é o de apontar para a significação dos primeiros debates acerca da natureza da Psicologia Científica no Brasil. Para tanto, trabalharei com textos de dois autores em especial, Gonçalves de Magalhães e Tobias Barreto. Meu interesse é o de demonstrar em que sentido estes filósofos foram capazes de oferecer oposição a uma tendência positiva vigente na Psicologia e, ao mesmo tempo, superar o caráter contemplativo da consciência de si inerente à Psicologia sob a égide dos Jesuítas, e em vista da necessidade de modernização filosófica no Brasil. Ao mesmo tempo, pretendo mostrar que, a despeito da crítica de Tobias a Magalhães, ambos souberam reconhecer a significação do naturalismo em Psicologia, especialmente no que diz respeito à tarefa de inserir o pensamento brasileiro nos rumos da filosofia ocidental. (AU)

In this paper, my aim is to point to the significance of the earlier discussions about the nature of Scientific Psychology in Brazil. Therefore, I will work in particular with texts of two authors, Gonçalves de Magalhães and Tobias Barreto. My interest it to demonstrate in what sense these philosophers were able to offer opposition to a current positive trend in Psychology and the same time, overcome the contemplative character of self-consciousness inherent in Psychology under the aegis of the Jesuits, in view of need for philosophical modernization in Brazil. At the same time, I intend to show that, despite the criticism of Tobias to Magalhães, both know recognize the significance of the naturalism in Psychology, especially with regard to the task of entering the Brazilian thought in the course of Western Philosophy. (AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Conscience morale , Psychologie du soi , Philosophie , Psychologie , Science , Changement social
Psicol. clín ; 22(1): 99-121, jun. 2010.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-557259


Crianças com transtorno autístico apresentam falhas significativas na emergência da autoconsciência reflexiva. O objetivo do presente trabalho é analisar os processos envolvidos nestas falhas através de uma discussão das abordagens naturalista e construtivista no campo da filosofia, da neurociência, da psicologia do desenvolvimento e do transtorno autístico. Conclui-se que a abordagem construtivista permite uma melhor compreensão destas falhas, por considerar que elas advêm de prejuízos inicialmente inatos na capacidade de identificação afetiva destas crianças que prejudicam a interação social e o desenvolvimento da linguagem e, por conseguinte, sua capacidade autorreflexiva.

Autistic children present important deficiencies in the emergence of reflective self-consciousness. The present paper analyzes processes involved in these deficiencies through both naturalistic and constructivist approaches in areas such as Philosophy, Neuroscience, Child Development and Autistic Disorder. It concludes that the constructivist approach allows a better understanding of these deficiencies for it considers that they result from an innate inability of affective engagement which hinders social interaction and language development and, therefore, self-reflective competence.

Humains , Enfant , Développement de l'enfant , Concept du soi , Trouble autistique/psychologie
Vertex rev. argent. psiquiatr ; 19(78): 29-34, mar.-abr. 2008. ilus
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-539668


El presente trabajo revisa lo que en la literatura se ha llamado el "problema fácil" y el "problema difícil" de la conciencia. Tomando como punto de partida el artículo original de David Chalmers se trata de precisar la importancia y las dificultades de abordar el punto de vista subjetivo. Se mencionan brevemente los papeles que la literatura y la filosofía pueden tener en un debate de dichas características para finalizar con el lugar de privilegio que la clínica tendría para esclarecer dichas cuestiones.

The present paper reviews what in the specialized literature has been called the "easy problem" and the "hard problem" of consciousness. Taking David Chalmers' original paper as a starting point, first person perspective and subjective point of view are discussed. Literature and Philosophy are mentioned as having a role in these debates as a way of ending the privilege that clinics used to have.

Humains , Conscience , Psychopathologie , Psychiatrie , Troubles de la conscience/psychologie , Philosophie , Hyperalgésie , Littérature , Mémoire
Vertex rev. argent. psiquiatr ; 19(78): 73-80, mar.-abr. 2008.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-539674


La versión cinematográfica del clásico libro de ciencia ficción de Isaac Asimov (Yo, Robot) sirve como punto de partida para analizar, a la luz de algunas propuestas de la Inteligencia Artificial, qué es tener un "Yo". La singularidad o imposibilidad de sustitución y la continuidad en las posibilidades de sentirse uno mismo son usadas como coordenadas para comprender los personajes del film y la conciencia de sí.

The cinematographic version of the science fiction classical book by Isaac Asimov (I, Robot) is used as a starting point, from the Artificial Intelligence perspective, in order to analyze what it is to have a self. Uniqueness or the exchange impossibility and the continuity of being oneself are put forward to understand the movie's characters as well as the possibilities of feeling self conscious.

Humains , Moi , Conscience , Intelligence artificielle , Robotique , Cerveau , Perception
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-57852


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate a cognitive behavioral anger management intervention in order to increase self-consciousness and decrease anger among Korean military men. METHODS: A quasi-experimental design was used for this study. Ninety two soldiers were screened for unhealthy anger expression using a questionnaire. Among them, 26 soldiers who showed unhealthy anger expression were selected for this study. They were matched by rank and assigned to either a treatment or control group. The treatment group received the intervention three consecutive times, once a week and for 120 minutes per session. Participants were assessed before and after the intervention for anger (the State-Trait Anger Scale) and self-consciousness (Self-consciousness Scale). Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, chi-square-test, Mann-Whitney test, and Wilcox on signed rank test. RESULTS: There was no statistically significant decrease in anger or increase in self-consciousness between the two groups following treatment. However, there was a significant increase in private self-consciousness in the treatment group after the intervention(p=.006). CONCLUSION: The cognitive behavioral anger management program improves private self-consciousness in soldiers. However, Additional research is needed to explore whether long-term intervention is more effective for anger control in the military setting. The findings from this study suggest that more attention should be given to mental health care for Korean soldiers.

Adulte , Humains , Mâle , Colère , Thérapie cognitive/méthodes , Conscience , Émotion exprimée , Corée , Santé mentale , Personnel militaire/psychologie , Évaluation de programme , Enquêtes et questionnaires
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-527661


Objective To compare and analyze the differences of blood lipid levels and self-consciousness level between children with moderate to severe obesity and normal children. Methods The subjects were the pupils of Grade 6 from 3 primary schools in Shangqiu city between December 2002 and March 2003. Totally 912 students participated in the measurement of body height and body mass, and 56 of them accorded with the diagnostic standard of obesity for children, 26 children with moderate to severe obesity were taken as the observational group. Another 26 healthy children (control group) of the same grade with normal body height and body mass took part in the study voluntarily. In both groups, blood lipids were detected and Piers-Harris children′s self-concept scale (PHCSS) was given by professional clinicians and professional psychological physicians respectively. Results The blood lipid indexes of TC, TG, LDL-C and HDL-C in the moderate to severe obesity group were obviously different from those in the normal body mass group (P

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-542081


Objective: To study the interpersonal interaction of junior high school students and its relationship with self-consciousness. Methods: 265 junior high school students were given the measurement of interpersonal relationship, and administered the questionnaire of Piers-Harris children self-consciousness one week later. Results: ①The interpersonal relationship of junior high school students was interactive. ②There were statistically significant differences among some dimensions of self-consciousness of junior high school students of different grades and genders. ③Intellgence and school performance had important effect on personal acceptance of junior high school students. Conclusion: There is interpersonal interaction among junior high school students, and intelligence and school performance influence the personal acceptance significantly.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-533181


The formation of medical ethics among medical students is an individual process of recognizing,selecting,and modifying medical ethics,a process from ignorance,to consciousness,and finally to responsible self-consciousness for the main body of medical ethics,a process to manifest individual liberty of medical ethics,independence of medical ethics,and pursue the progress of medical ethics,and also a process to combine recognition and practical behaviors,and realize the mutual transformation of internal and external medical ethics.

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