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Medical Education ; : 121-127, 2024.
Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039979


The University of Tokyo Disability Services Office and the University of Tokyo Hospital have striven to advance the inclusion of individuals with disabilities and to encourage the co-production of research as well as mental health services with peer support workers. In convergence with these endeavors, the Center for Diversity in Medical Education and Research (CDMER) was founded in 2021. The Center aims to establish an environment and culture that facilitates the participation and success of medical professionals with disabilities. For this purpose, it is essential to integrate the perspective of the social model of disability into medical education and promote co-production in the medical field, which is among the most challenging areas that can realize co-production. The Center is involved in various educational and research activities, including managing educational programs for medical students and supporting student-led research.

Medical Education ; : 161-168, 2024.
Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039985


In recent years, consultations with the Nationwide Support Center for Students with Disabilities and survey results from university cohorts have revealed occasional issues with admissions, curriculum structures, and the attitudes and culture of faculty and staff within medical faculties. It is imperative for those involved in medical education to understand the ‘social model of disability’ and collaborate with medical professionals who have disabilities to identify and eliminate social barriers.

Medical Education ; : 177-182, 2024.
Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039987


The movement for social diversity and inclusion has triggered a paradigm shift toward a social model of disability that aims to eliminate disadvantages for people with disabilities and achieve a just society through changes in the social environment rather than individual change. Under this new paradigm, medicine and medical science need to transform their physical, human, and cultural environments to be inclusive of users and colleagues with disabilities and other minority characteristics. In particular, it is essential to create an environment in which people with disabilities and other minorities can participate as colleagues in the medical profession to reduce health disparities among people with disabilities and to achieve medical care in which no one is left behind.

Medical Education ; : 74-81, 2024.
Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039991


On April 1, 2024, Japan’s revised Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities came into effect, mandating the provision of reasonable accommodations at all higher education institutions in Japan, whether national, public, or private. In response to this legislative change, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) released ‘Report of the Study Group on Support for Students with Disabilities (Third Summary),’ which outlines the fundamental issues regarding support for students with disabilities in Japan. Furthermore, this paper will explore how to address conflicts arising from the need to clarify educational content, teaching methods, and methods for evaluating learning outcomes, alongside the need to provide reasonable accommodations that require flexible responses to individual needs. These challenges are particularly pressing in the context of medical faculties, which bear a significant social responsibility for training medical professionals. We will refer to precedents in the U.S. to inform our discussion.

Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 29: e0052, 2023. graf
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529751


RESUMO Este artigo trata de uma pesquisa qualitativa de análise de conteúdo, a partir da teoria fundamentada (Grounded Theory), que teve por objetivo analisar o conteúdo das decisões judiciais em demandas de professores e profissionais de apoio, no intuito de verificar sua adequação ao novo paradigma do conceito de deficiência adotado pelo Brasil: o modelo social de deficiência. Foi selecionada uma amostra de 16 acórdãos de uma base de dados que visou traçar o perfil da judicialização da Educação Especial no Estado de São Paulo. O critério de seleção foram processos com demandas de profissional de apoio à inclusão escolar (PAIE), do ano de 2019, e evitando-se a repetição de Desembargador relator na amostra para garantir heterogeneidade. Os 16 acórdãos encontrados foram lidos e seus teores foram codificados, categorizados, realizando-se análises de coocorrência com o software ATLAS.ti. Os resultados indicaram que o Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo (TJ/SP) utilizou especialmente laudos médicos e diagnósticos e a dificuldade de aprendizagem em suas decisões para disponibilizar o PAIE. Explica-se essa evidência pela falta de instrumentos para avaliação biopsicossocial no Brasil ou pelo capacitismo estrutural decorrente da visão arraigada na sociedade sobre a forma de tratamento daqueles considerados "anormais", em razão de desenvolvimento atípico que necessitam de controle e são submetidos a tratamento médico, ou da concepção de deficiência como tragédia pessoal que deve ser necessariamente compensada com esse tipo de suporte.

ABSTRACT This article deals with a qualitative research of content analysis, based on the Grounded Theory, that aimed to analyze the content of judicial decisions in demands of teachers and support professionals, in order to verify their adequacy to the new paradigm of the concept of disability adopted in Brazil: the social model of disability. A sample of 16 judgments was selected from a database that aimed to outline the profile of the judicialization of Special Education in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The selection criteria were processes with demands for a support professional for school inclusion (SPSI), from 2019, and avoiding the repetition of the Judge Rapporteur in the sample to guarantee heterogeneity. The 16 judgments found were read and their contents were coded, categorized, and co-occurrences were analyzed using the ATLAS.ti software. The results indicated that the State Court of São Paulo especially used medical reports and diagnoses and learning difficulty in its decisions to provide the SPSI. This evidence is explained by the lack of instruments for biopsychosocial assessment in Brazil or by the structural ableism resulting from the vision ingrained in society about the form of treatment of those considered "abnormal", due to atypical development who need control and are submitted to medical treatment, or the conception of disability as a personal tragedy that must necessarily be compensated with this type of support.

Rev. méd. (La Paz) ; 29(2): 112-117, 2023.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530240


Se introduce el concepto de modelos en la ciencia y práctica médicas. Se analizan dos modelos vigentes en la medicina contemporánea: el modelo "biomédico" (MBM), actualmente predominante, y el modelo bio-psico-social (MBPS), que cuestiona el reduccionismo del primero. Se revisa la historia y contenido conceptual de ambos. Se revisa la "teoría general de sistemas" como referente de ambos modelos. Se introduce el ''modelo centrado en el paciente" como práctica dialógica.

The concept of models in medical science and practice is introduced. Two current models in contemporary medicine are analyzed: the "biomedical" model (MBM), currently predominant, and the bio-psycho-social model (MBPS), which questions the reductionism of the former. The history and conceptual content of both are reviewed. The "general systems theory" is reviewed as a reference for both models. The "patient-centered model" is introduced as a dialogic practice.

Psicol. teor. prát ; 24(2): 13655, 14.06.2022.
Article Dans Anglais, Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1435781


O acesso ao trabalho faz parte da luta pelo reconhecimento e pela garantia de direitos e de cidadania às pessoas com deficiência. Este estudo parte do princípio de que a deficiência é um fenômeno social e histórico, conforme prevê o Modelo Social da Deficiência. Tem como objetivo realizar uma revisão integrativa da literatura brasileira sobre a inserção de pessoas com deficiência no trabalho, analisando de forma qualitativa sua inclusão a partir de dados secundários, acessados por levantamento bibliográfico, técnicas de cientometria e bibliometria com base nas informações sobre a temática na produção científica nacional da última década (2008-2018). Os resultados apontam para a baixa participação de pessoas com deficiência no mercado de trabalho em virtude de preconceitos dos empregadores, das dificuldades na inclusão social devido à ausência de ações adaptativas no ambiente organizacional e da precariedade na qualidade de vida no trabalho.

Access to work is part of the struggle to recognize and guarantee the rights and citizenship of people with disabilities. This study assumes that disability is a social and historical phenomenon, as provided by the Social Model of Disability. Therefore, it aims to carry out an integrative review of the Brazilian literature on the insertion of people with disabilities at work, qualitatively analyzing their inclusion from secondary data, obtained from a bibliographic survey and scientometrics and bibliometrics techniques, based on information about the theme in the national scientific production of the last decade (2008-2018). The results point to the low participation of people with disabilities in the labor market due to employers' prejudice, difficulties in social inclusion due to the absence of adaptive actions in the organizational environment, and precarious quality of life at work

El acceso al trabajo es parte de la lucha por reconocer y garantizar los derechos y la ciudadanía de las personas con discapacidad. Este estudio asume que la discapacidad es un fenómeno social e histórico, según lo previsto por el Modelo Social de Discapacidad. Por ello, se pretende realizar una revisión integradora nacional sobre la inserción laboral de personas con discapacidad, analizando cualitativamente su inclusión a partir de datos secundarios, a los que se accede mediante encuesta bibliográfica, técnicas de cienciometría y bibliometría, basado en información sobre la temática en la producción científica nacional de la última década (2008-2018). Los resultados apuntan a la baja participación de las personas con discapacidad en el mercado laboral debido a los prejuicios de los empleadores, dificultades en la inclusión social debido a la ausencia de acciones adaptativas en el entorno organizacional y precaria calidad de vida en el trabajo.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Personnes handicapées , Inclusion sociale , Sociétés , Collecte de données , Revue de la littérature , Emploi , Marché du travail , Citoyenneté
Sichuan Mental Health ; (6): 287-291, 2022.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-987419


This paper interviewed a case of patient with gender dysphoria via a bio-psycho-social approach. The client, a 21-year-old college student of male sex, had been into female dressing since the age of ten. As an adult, he became increasingly convinced that he should become a woman and began taking hormone therapy in secret and on an irregular basis. He felt himself trapped in a cycle of anxiety and distress, due to the concerns about the side effects of hormone therapy, and the practical problems regarding the impact on his academic and career arrangements, as well as the ways to explain himself to his parents. Through a remote psychiatric consultation, therapists provided targeted interventions based on the bio-psycho-social model.

Pesqui. prát. psicossociais ; 16(3): 1-11, set.-dez. 2021. ilus
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1351273


O artigo objetiva discutir efeitos da reforma trabalhista no Brasil, em 2017, na relação deficiência e trabalho. Adotamos como questões: quais são os reposicionamentos que a multifuncionalidade do trabalhador, marca da especialização flexível, coloca para o modelo social da deficiência? E quais reposicionamentos estão colocados com o modelo social da deficiência, nas pistas de Débora Diniz, Marcia Moraes e Anahi Mello? Com base em pesquisa documental e bibliográfica, colocamos em cena o apagamento do trabalho no cenário brasileiro atual, com as leituras de David Harvey e Ricardo Antunes. A Carteira de Trabalho foi tomada como um analisador, pela escrita de Simone Guedes. A condição de contribuinte passa a ser determinante com a versão digital nas pactuações e contratações de trabalho, cada vez mais precárias. Junto com a "pejotização", cresce o trabalho informal e a marca do trabalho doméstico: a invisibilidade. O que apagamos e afirmamos com nossas escritas de pesquisa?

The article aims to discuss the effects of labor reform in Brazil, in 2017, on the relationship between disability and work. We adopt as questions: What are the repositioning that the multifunctionality of the worker, a mark of flexible specialization, poses to the social model of disability? And what repositioning are placed with the social model of disability, in the tracks of Deborah Diniz, Marcia Moraes and Anahi Mello? Based on a documentary and bibliographical research, we put on the scene the deletion of the work in the current Brazilian scenario, with the readings of David Harvey and Ricardo Antunes. The work card was taken as an analyzer by the writing of Simone Guedes. The condition of taxpayer becomes determinant with the digital version in the increasingly precarious agreements and hiring work. Along with "pejotização", informal work grows and the mark of domestic work: invisibility. What do we erase and affirm with our writing policies?

El artículo tiene como objetivo discutir los efectos de la reforma laboral en Brasil, en 2017, sobre la relación entre discapacidad y trabajo. Adoptamos como preguntas: ¿Cuáles son los reposicionamientos que la multifuncionalidad del trabajador, una marca de especialización flexible, pone para el modelo social de discapacidad? ¿Y qué reposicionamientos se colocan con el modelo social de discapacidad, en las pistas de Débora Diniz, Marcia Moraes y Anahi Mello? Basado en la investigación documental y bibliográfica, pusimos en escena la eliminación del trabajo en el escenario brasileño actual, con lecturas de David Harvey y Ricardo Antunes. La tarjeta de trabajo fue tomada como un analizador, por escrito de Simone Guedes. El estado del contribuyente se vuelve determinante con la versión digital en los acuerdos y contratos de trabajo, cada vez más precarios. Junto con la "pejotização", crece El trabajo informal y la marca del trabajo doméstico: invisibilidad. ¿Qué borramos y afirmamos con nuestros escritos de investigación?

Travail , Personnes handicapées , Emploi , Inclusion sociale , Psychologie sociale , Brésil , Contrats
Rev. ter. ocup ; 32(1-3): e205240, jan.-dez. 2021-2022.
Article Dans Anglais, Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1418637


Objetivo: O estudo analisa como os profissionais da rede pública de saúde de doze municípios do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil - atribuem sentidos à "deficiência". Método: Foram realizadas 121 entrevistas semi-estruturadas, em 63 serviços. Os profissionais responderam a pergunta: Para você o que é deficiência/incapacidade? Os depoimentos foram organizados em núcleos temáticos e interpretados sob a perspectiva sócio histórica. Resultados: Constatou-se que predomina uma compreensão preconceituosa, assistencialista e paternalista sobre a deficiência. Observou-se nos depoimentos uma hesitação entre os sentidos atribuídos à deficiência e incapacidade, com abordagens reducionistas pautadas em paradigmas organicistas e/ou calcadas no senso comum. Não houve depoimentos que explicitassem conceitos de deficiência na perspectiva do modelo social de deficiência. Conclusão: É essencial que os serviços de saúde promovam espaços de reflexão entre profissionais sobre seus valores e sentidos que atribuem à deficiência e à prática assistencial, o que pode contribuir para a transformação cultural dos sentidos atribuídos ao fenômeno da deficiência e para o acesso aos bens de saúde

Objective: The study analyzes how professionals from the public health network in twelve municipalities in the State of São Paulo, Brazil - attribute meanings to "disability". Method: 121 semi-structured interviews were carried out in 63 services. The professionals answered the question: For you, what is disability? The testimonies were organized into thematic nuclei and interpreted from a sociohistorical perspective. Results: It was found that a prejudiced, charity and paternalistic understanding of disability prevails. A hesitation between the meanings attributed to disability and incapacity was observed in the testimonies, with reductionist approaches based on organicist paradigms and/or grounded in common sense. There were no statements that explained the concepts of disability from the perspective of the social model of disability. Conclusion: It is essential that health services promote spaces for reflection among professionals about their values and meanings they attribute to disability and care practice, which can contribute to the cultural transformation of the meanings attributed to the phenomenon of disability and to access to goods of health

Medical Education ; : 421-428, 2019.
Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-822117


The University of Tsukuba School of Medicine introduced an education program on the social determinants of health (SDH). It consists of lectures during the 3rd year and a 4-week family practice and community medicine clerkship between 5th and 6th years. In the clinical clerkship, students receive lectures on the first day, are instructed to consider the SDH in a patient they met during the course, give group presentations and hand in written reports on the last day. Most students were able to analyze patients beyond the biomedical model, but only a few students were able to consider the social background and timeline of each patient. Our future challenge is to enhance students' understanding of SDH through educational programs for faculty members.

Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 24(1): 143-160, jan.-mar. 2018.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-898102


RESUMO: os princípios da Educação Inclusiva apontam para a necessidade de enfrentamento das barreiras presentes nos diferentes contextos de ensino com o intuito de garantir o acesso e a permanência de todos os estudantes nos sistemas de ensino. Assim sendo, este artigo tem como objetivo caracterizar a produção científica sobre o Desenho Universal para Aprendizagem (DUA) e sistematizar algumas contribuições voltadas à eliminação de barreiras metodológicas nos contextos de aprendizagem. Para tanto, foi realizada uma revisão integrativa da literatura sobre o DUA. As informações obtidas foram analisadas a luz dos Disability Studies in Education (DSE) e do modelo social de deficiência. As categorias que emergiram na coleta de dados e estruturaram a discussão foram: a) contribuições históricas e legais; b) contribuições conceituais e críticas acerca da deficiência; c) contribuições de aplicabilidade prática. Os resultados evidenciam a concentração dos estudos sobre o DUA na América do Norte e a inexpressividade de pesquisas no Brasil. Além disso, demarcam a diferenciação entre os princípios e as diretrizes do DUA e as demais perspectivas do Desenho Universal (DU) e apontam estratégias voltadas à eliminação de barreiras no acesso ao conhecimento e mapeiam brevemente o campo de investigação sobre o DUA e as lacunas que precisam de maior investimento. Por fim, o estudo mostra que o DUA, por contemplar a diversidade de formas de aprender, tem o potencial de promover processos educativos inclusivos.

ABSTRACT: The principles of Inclusive Education point to the need to address the barriers present in different educational contexts in order to guarantee access to all students within education systems, as well as guarantee their continuous attendance. In this context, this paper aims to characterise the scientific production regarding the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and to systematise some of the contributions aimed at the elimination of methodological barriers within learning contexts. For that, an integrative review of the literature regarding the UDL was conducted. The information obtained was analysed in the light of the Disability Studies in Education (DSE) and the social model of disability. The categories that emerged in the data collection, which structure the discussion, were: a) historical and legal contributions; b) conceptual and critical contributions about disability; c) contributions of practical applicability. The results show the concentration of studies on the UDL in North America and the inexpressiveness of research in Brazil. In addition, they demark the differentiation between the principles and guidelines of the UDL and the other perspectives of the Universal Design (UD); they point out strategies aimed at eliminating barriers in access to knowledge and briefly map the field of investigation regarding the UDL and the gaps that require further investment. Finally, the study shows that UDL, as it contemplates the diversity of ways of learning, has the potential to promote inclusive educational processes.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 21(10): 3061-3070, Out. 2016.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-797037


Resumo Trata-se de um estudo teórico conceitual para pensar a deficiência e alguns conceitos-base que são manejados para a caracterização da mesma. O objetivo do artigo é ampliar o olhar sobre a deficiência retirando-a de uma descrição que a reduza à doença. Para tanto, situamos historicamente os Disabilty Studies apresentando os Modelos Médico e Social da Deficiência e problematizamos os conceitos de autonomia e normalidade. Estes conceitos e seus correlatos – independência, funcionalidade e norma – são utilizados como fundamento tácito para diferenciar algumas variações corporais que são identificadas como estilos de vida diferentes de outras que são, muitas vezes, denominadas de deficiências. Concluímos afirmando que a deficiência pode ser analisada a partir de outras chaves de leitura que não a colocam como sinônimo de doença se considerarmos as noções de interdependência, normatividade e criação de si no mundo como conceitos básicos para descrevê-la.

Abstract This is a conceptual theoretical study to reflect upon disability and some basic concepts that are involved in its profiling. The scope of the article is to broaden the outlook upon disability removing it from a description that reduces it to an ailment. For this purpose, we situated the Disability Studies historically presenting the Medical and Social Models of Disability and problematized the concepts of autonomy and normality. These concepts and their correlated aspects – independence, functionality and the norm – are used as a tacit touchstone to differentiate some bodily variations that are identified as different lifestyles from others that are often called disabilities. We conclude by stating that disability can be analyzed based on other interpretations that do not construe it as a synonym for ailment if we consider the notions of interdependence, normativity and creation of the self in the world as basic concepts to describe it.

Humains , Santé , Personnes handicapées , Autonomie personnelle , Formation de concepts , Évaluation de l'invalidité
Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-377098


  This case study examines the role of the overseas social worker in the National Programme on Community Based Rehabilitation for Persons with Disabilities in Sri Lanka.<BR>  We used document data from the official reports written by overseas social workers (n=3), and complementary data from the author’s field notes and previous research, whilst collecting official documents related to the CBR core group officers, amongst others. Data were chronologically and descriptively summarised in line with the role of the overseas social worker as well as CBR core group officers. The roles of the overseas social workers were classified into four categories as follows: (1) to assess and evaluate in the community; (2) to introduce new practice and promote model practice; (3) to enhance existing local resources; and (4) to coordinate multi-professionals. <BR>  Finally, we discuss implications of these findings from the viewpoint of community-based inclusive development, twin-track approach, social model and human rights model, which show a basic framework of their role at the grass-roots level. The results also indicate the importance of a perspective of community’s ownership and professional’s indirect support.

Rev. chil. ter. ocup ; 14(2): 45-59, dic. 2014.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-768991


El objetivo de este trabajo es proponer una conceptualización de la discapacidad como asunto político. Para ello, partiendo de los aportes del modelo social anglosajón, se sugiere que la incorporación de los conceptos de cuerpo y experiencia, originalmente exiliados del análisis en esta tradición de estudios, puede brindar elementos tendientes a iluminar los procesos de discriminación, exclusión y segregación que experimentan las personas con “discapacidad” en las sociedades occidentales contemporáneas. El texto se compone de tres partes. En un primer momento se caracteriza el modelo social de la discapacidad. En un segundo momento, se describe la exclusión del cuerpo y su necesaria dimensión política. Asimismo, se analiza el exilio de la experiencia al interior del modelo social y se plantea la necesidad de recuperar esta dimensión para potenciar la comprensión de la discapacidad como relación de dominación. Finalmente se elaboran unas reflexiones tendientes a discutir los límites y aperturas del modelo social para pensar la discapacidad en nuestros contextos latinoamericanos.

The aim of this paper is to propose a conceptualization of disability as a political issue. To do this, based on input from the AngloSaxon social model, it is suggested that the incorporation of the concepts of body experience, originally exiles analysis of studies in this tradition, may provide elements intended to illuminate the processes of discrimination, exclusion and segregation experienced by people with “disabilities” in contemporary Western societies. The text consists of three parts. At first the social model of disability is characterized. In the second stage, the exclusion of the body is described, its necessary political dimension. Also, the exile experience within the social model is analyzed and a need to recover this dimension to enhance understanding of disability as a relationship of domination. Finally some thoughts tending to discuss the limits and starts to think of the social model of disability in our Latin American contexts are elaborated.

Humains , Image du corps , Personnes handicapées , Politique publique , Marginalisation sociale
Univ. psychol ; 12(4): 1113-1126, oct.-dic. 2013.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-712600


Las sociedades europeas están experimentando importantes cambios en los pilares axiológicos y políticos de su modelo social. Las políticas sociales y de empleo contemporáneas tienen como principal característica un desplazamiento radical hacia la psicologización y moralización del trabajo. Un análisis de las nociones centrales del discurso de las instituciones europeas sobre el trabajo (empleabilidad, activación, flexiguridad) permite desvelar las doxas o presupuestos que lo fundamentan. La paradoja es una estructura retórica fundamental de este discurso. Esta paradoja es reveladora del carácter perverso del discurso neoliberal que, por un lado, apela a la responsabilidad personal, pero, por otro, desprovee al sujeto de las condiciones sociales y políticas necesarias para el ejercicio de la autonomía.

European societies are undergoing important changes in the axiological and political pillars of its social model. One of the main current features of social and employment policies is a radical shift towards the psychologization and moralization of work. An analysis of the key concepts of the EU discourse on employment (employability, activation, flexicurity) allows unveiling the underlying doxas and assumptions. The paradox is a principally rhetorical structure of this discourse. This paradox reveals the perverse nature of the neoliberal discourse which, on the one hand, appeals to personal responsibility, but on the other hand, it deprives to subject of the social and political conditions necessary to be autonomous.

Psychologie , Politiques de régulation sociale
Rev. chil. ter. ocup ; 13(1): 11-21, ago. 2013.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-705109


Este ensayo pretende reflexionar en torno a la relación entre algunos fundamentos de la ciencia y las implicancias en la práctica de la terapia ocupacional. Este trabajo se aproxima a develar ciertos argumentos del saber científico que pueden ser cuestionados en sus implicancias cuando son aplicados en los sujetos o comunidades, específicamente el caso del inductivismo y la observación. Este ejercicio se realiza posicionando a la terapia ocupacional como un dispositivo, por tal motivo ésta es una práctica, un discurso, un saber que produce subjetivación, por ende las acciones de la terapia ocupacional no solo implican un posicionamiento epistemológico, sino que también ético y político. Se desarrolla una alternativa al modelo médico de intervención, proponiendo la necesidad de incorporar un modelo social crítico de intervención en terapia ocupacional, argumentando los aspectos teóricos, éticos y políticos implicados en esta perspectiva. Por último, se abre una ventana atrevidamente para repensar la perspectiva de desarrollar las ciencias de la ocupación desde una mirada sociocrítica.

This essay aims to reflect on the relationship between some foundations of the science and implications for occupational therapy practice. This work attempts to reveal certain arguments of scientific knowledge that can be questioned in its implications when applied to individuals or communities, specifically the case of inductivism and observation. This exercise is done by positioning occupational therapy as a device, for this reason, this is a practice, a speech, and a knowledge that produces subjectivity. Thus, the actions of occupational therapy involve not only an epistemological, but also an ethical and political positioning. An alternative to the medical model of intervention is developed, suggesting the need to incorporate a critical social model of intervention in occupational therapy, arguing the theoretical, ethical and political issues involved in this perspective. Finally, a window is boldly opened to rethink the perspective of developing occupational science from a sociocritical view.

Éthique , Communication interdisciplinaire , Ergothérapie , Sciences sociales
Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 24(3): 557-566, 2012.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-660705


O objetivo deste artigo é apontar a relevância de a psicologia social considerar a deficiência como uma categoria de análise nas pesquisas e na práxis psicossocial. Para a defesa dessa questão, primeiramente apresentar-se-ão indicativos sobre a deficiência no Brasil e no mundo e o modo como a deficiência se articula com categorias de análise como as de gênero, raça, geração e classe social, já consideradas nos estudos e análises psicossociais. Em seguida, dar-se-á visibilidade ao modelo social da deficiência, especialmente a proposta de compreensão transversal da deficiência, em intersecção com diferentes categorias. Por fim, explanar-se-á sobre a relevância de a psicologia social crítica, comprometida com a defesa dos direitos humanos e com a transformação social, integrar ao seu marco teórico os estudos sobre deficiência, considerando-a como uma categoria de análise e destacando-se a importância de tal opção para as políticas públicas.

The aim of this article is pointed out the relevance of the Social Psychology to understand the disability as an analytical category in researches and psycho-social practices. For a defence of this question, it is important to examine the indicatives of disability in Brazil, in the world and how the disability is articulated to analytical categories as gender, race, generation and social classes. These aspects are already considerate in studies and psycho-social analyses. ollowing this process, it will be explain the social model of disability, in special a transversal understanding of disability, interconnected to further categories. In conclusion, it will be expose the relevance of the Social Psychology committed to human rights and to the social transformation, and the importance of employing studies of disability as theory, considering disability as an analytical category, and highlighting its relevance for the public policies.

Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-69780


Depression is common after a stroke and has adverse effects on both the course and prognosis. A proper understanding on the pathogenetic mechanisms of post-stroke depression (PSD) is the first step in the treatment of PSD. PSD should not be considered a purely organic neurological mood syndrome but rather the consequence of a complex interaction model of biological, psychological, and social factors. Based on the pathogenesis, a bio-psycho-social approach is mandatory in the treatment of PSD. A medical team with an integrative bio-psycho-social view should take a pivotal role in the management of PSD.

Dépression , Pronostic , Céments résine , Accident vasculaire cérébral
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-412428


Objective To establish a cosmetic medicine bio-psycho-social model and its theory frame and a new clinical work system. Methods The clinical observation and clustering analysis were used in this study, which based on the modern medicine patterns to carry on the logical proof, theory derivation and systematic design. Results The bio-psycho-social model of cosmetic me dicine with combination of the theory and practice was established, including its concept, theory constitution and clinical work system. Conclusion The bio-psycho-social model of cosmetic medicine can most scientifically and comprehensively explain this discipline rule and clinical work, and it will bring the profound influence on the development of the theory and practice in cosmetic medicine.

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