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Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; 45(5): 405-413, Sept.-Oct. 2023. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528003


Objectives: To examine drug overdose records in Brazil from 2000 to 2020, analyzing trends over time in overdoses and overall sociodemographic characteristics of the deceased. Methods: Using data from the Brazilian Mortality Information System (Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade), we identified records from 2000-2020 in which the underlying cause-of-death was one of the following codes: X40-X45 (accidental poisoning), X60-X65 (intentional poisoning), or Y10-Y15 (undetermined intentionality poisoning). The Brazilian dataset included 21,410 deaths. We used joinpoint regression analysis to assess changes in trends over time. Results: People who died of drug overdoses in Brazil between 2000 and 2020 had a mean age of 38.91 years; 38.45% were women, and 44.01% were identified as White. Of the overdose deaths, 44.70% were classified as intentional and 32.12% were classified as unintentional. Among the identified drugs, stimulants were the most common class. However, most records did not report which drug was responsible for death. Conclusion: Sociodemographic trends in overdose deaths in Brazil must guide country-specific policies. Nevertheless, data collection protocols must be improved, particularly regarding the drug used in overdoses.

Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 39(1)mar. 2022.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386305


Resumen El análisis por toxicomanía representa un proceso común solicitado por la Autoridad Judicial para determinar si un usuario presenta hallazgos compatibles con el uso de una droga a nivel clínico, componentes histológicos, patológicos y toxicológicos que puedan generar su uso. Es necesario destacar las limitaciones del ambiente clínico donde se pueden generar múltiples hallazgos, y de la toxicología forense donde a pesar de la especificidad a la que se asocia; también se encuentra limitada por la capacidad de sus equipos tecnológicos. La resonancia magnética nuclear cuantitativa de hidrógeno representa grandes ventajas al demostrar la presencia de una droga ilegal, así como la posibilidad de disminuir costos y tiempo laboral. El uso del MDMA como tratamiento con una reciente aprobación para un estudio de fase III por la FDA, también requiere que se valore el motivo de su uso, por lo que para realizar un análisis médico legal se contemplaron diversos elementos de juicio a fin de satisfacer la evaluación sobre la toxicomanía por MDMA en un usuario que presentó un tejido granular blanco tipo polvo en la sección distal del tabique nasal y negó el consumo de metanfetaminas.

Abstract The analysis for drug addiction represents a common process requested by the Judicial Authority to determine if a user presents findings compatible with the use of a drug at a clinical level, histological, pathological and toxicological components that may generate its use. It is necessary to highlight the limitations of the clinical environment where multiple findings can be generated, and of forensic toxicology where despite the specificity to which it is associated; it is also limited by the capacity of its technological equipment. Quantitative hydrogen nuclear magnetic resonance represents great advantages when demonstrating the presence of an illegal drug, as well as the possibility of reducing costs and labor time. The use of MDMA as a treatment with a recent approval for a phase III study by the FDA, also requires that the reason for its use be assessed, therefore, in order to carry out a legal medical analysis, various elements of judgment were considered in order to satisfy evaluation of MDMA drug addiction in a user who presented with white powder-like granular tissue in the distal section of the nasal septum and denied the use of methamphetamine.

Humains , N-Méthyl-3,4-méthylènedioxy-amphétamine , Troubles liés à une substance/diagnostic , Stimulants du système nerveux central/analyse , Costa Rica
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 42: e236353, 2022.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1406396


O consumo de medicamentos estimulantes cresceu nos últimos anos, no Brasil e no mundo. Pessoas de diferentes idades, especialmente crianças e adolescentes, passaram a consumir estimulantes como a principal terapêutica utilizada para tratar o transtorno do déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH). Nesse contexto, estimulantes como as anfetaminas e o metilfenidato, mais conhecidos pelos nomes comerciais de Adderall e Ritalina, ganharam visibilidade social em razão da associação desses psicofármacos ao aperfeiçoamento de funções psíquicas como a atenção e o aumento na qualidade e no tempo de rendimento dos sujeitos nas mais variadas atividades. Com isso, aumentou também a procura desses estimulantes por pessoas que não estão em tratamento médico, mas que buscam aprimorar seu desempenho nas atividades que realizam. Diante desse cenário, o objetivo deste artigo foi demonstrar como o crescimento no consumo de estimulantes, seja por sujeitos em tratamento médico ou não, está relacionado aos processos de socialização hegemônicos nas sociedades capitalistas atualmente. Articulando o contexto apresentado com os conceitos da psicanálise lacaniana, foi possível concluir que o consumo massivo de estimulantes está relacionado aos processos de patologização e medicalização da existência, colocados em movimento por uma articulação entre o discurso médico-científico e o discurso do capitalista na contemporaneidade.(AU)

The consumption of stimulating drugs has grown in recent years in Brazil and worldwide. People of all ages, especially children and adolescents, started to use stimulants as the main therapy used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In this context, stimulants such as amphetamines and methylphenidate, better known by the trade names Adderall and Ritalin, have gained social visibility due to the association of these psychoactive drugs with the improvement of psychic functions such as attention and the increase in quality and performance time of subjects in the most varied activities. As a result, the demand for these stimulants has also increased by people who are not undergoing medical treatment, but who seek to improve their performance in the activities they perform. Given this scenario, this article aimed to demonstrate how the growth in the consumption of stimulants, whether by subjects undergoing medical treatment or not, is related to the hegemonic socialization processes in capitalist societies today. Articulating the context presented with the concepts of Lacanian psychoanalysis, it was possible to conclude that the massive consumption of stimulants is related to the processes of pathologization and medicalization of existence, set in motion by an articulation between the medical-scientific discourse and the capitalist discourse in contemporary times.(AU)

El consumo de drogas estimulantes ha crecido en los últimos años, en Brasil y en otros países. Diversas personas, especialmente niños y adolescentes, comenzaron a usar estimulantes como la terapia principal utilizada para tratar el trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH). En este contexto, los estimulantes como las anfetaminas y el metilfenidato, mejor conocidos por los nombres comerciales Adderall y Ritalina, han ganado visibilidad social debido a la asociación de estas drogas psicoactivas a la mejora de las funciones psíquicas, como la atención y el aumento de la calidad y el tiempo de rendimiento de los pacientes en diversas actividades. Como resultado, la demanda de estos estimulantes también ha aumentado por las personas que no reciben tratamiento médico, pero que buscan mejorar su desempeño en las actividades que realizan. Dado este escenario, el objetivo de este artículo era demostrar cómo el crecimiento en el consumo de estimulantes, ya sea por sujetos que reciben tratamiento médico o no, está relacionado con los procesos de socialización hegemónica en la sociedad capitalista actual. De la articulación del contexto presentado con los conceptos del psicoanálisis lacaniano se concluye que el consumo masivo de estimulantes está relacionado con los procesos de patologización y medicalización de la existencia, puestos en marcha por una articulación entre el discurso médico-científico y el discurso capitalista en los tiempos contemporáneos.(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Enfant , Adolescent , Anatomopathologie , Psychanalyse , Psychoanaleptiques , Trouble déficitaire de l'attention avec hyperactivité , Médicalisation , Stimulants du système nerveux central , Psychologie , Socialisation , Thérapeutique , , Préparations pharmaceutiques , Enfant , Adolescent , Trouble panique , Psychiatrie de l'adolescent , Troubles liés à une substance , Capitalisme , Dépression , Croissance et développement , Diagnostic , Enseignement spécialisé , Agence Nationale Brésilienne de Surveillance de Santé , Détresse psychologique , Amphétamines , Hypercinésie , Mémoire , Troubles mentaux , Méthylphénidate , Tests neuropsychologiques
Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 46(2): e060, 2022. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365623


Abstract: Introduction: Studies methylphenidate (MPH) has been used by medical students to increase their mental activity and improve the performance required during undergraduate school, generating concern regarding the risks to their physical and mental health. This scenario indicates the need for specifically aimed measures in medical schools. Objective: To review the literature about the use of MPH without medical indication amongst medical students. Method: A thorough review of the literature published in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, between 2013 and 2019, based on data made available by Pubmed and Scielo, utilizing keywords in the three above languages, along the four stages of the selection process. Results and Discussion: Altogether, 224 articles were found, of which 25 were selected after reading, dealing with the use of MPH or 'cognition enhancer' by undergraduate medical students without a doctor's prescription. The research indicated significant variability in the frequency of consumption, related to the investigated pattern of use, use with or without indication, before or after entering University and country where the study was carried out. The most frequent justification for the use without medical indication was to attain improvement in academic performance. A lack of research with a fair appraisal of the cognition, behavioral and psychic risks involved, among them addiction and the approach of the topic in medical schools, was noted. Conclusion: The high rates of usage of MPH by medical students aiming at cognitive enhancement strengthens the importance of preventative actions in medical schools. The strategies must consider information concerning the risks of use (of MPH) without medical indication; non-pharmacological interventions for performance improvement; sleep hygiene measures organization for adequate study activities; broad discussions about ethical aspects and curricular structure.

Resumo: Introdução: Estudos mostram que o metilfenidato (MPH) tem sido utilizado por estudantes de medicina para aumentar sua atividade mental e melhorar o desempenho exigido durante a graduação, gerando preocupações quanto aos riscos à sua saúde física e mental. Esse cenário indica a necessidade de medidas especificamente direcionadas nas escolas médicas. Objetivo: Revisar a literatura sobre o uso de MPH sem indicação médica entre estudantes de medicina. Método: Revisão minuciosa da literatura publicada em inglês, espanhol e português, entre 2013 e 2019, com base em dados disponibilizados pelo PUBMED e SCIELO, utilizando palavras-chave nos três idiomas acima, ao longo das quatro etapas do processo de seleção. Resultados e Discussão: Ao todo, foram encontrados 224 artigos, dos quais 25 foram selecionados após leitura, tratando do uso de MPH ou 'potencializador da cognição' por graduandos de medicina sem prescrição médica. A pesquisa indicou variabilidade significativa na frequência de consumo, relacionada ao padrão de uso investigado, uso com ou sem indicação, antes ou após a entrada na Universidade e país onde o estudo foi realizado. A justificativa mais frequente para o uso sem indicação médica foi a de obter melhora no desempenho acadêmico. Notou-se a carência de pesquisas com uma avaliação adequada dos riscos cognitivos, comportamentais e psíquicos envolvidos, entre eles o risco de adição e a abordagem do tópico nas escolas médicas. Conclusão: As altas taxas de uso do MPH por estudantes de medicina visando o aprimoramento cognitivo reforça a importância de ações preventivas nas escolas médicas. As estratégias devem considerar informações sobre os riscos do uso (do MPH) sem indicação médica; intervenções não farmacológicas para melhoria do desempenho cognitivo; medidas de higiene do sono; organização para atividades de estudo adequadas; amplas discussões sobre aspectos éticos e estrutura curricular.

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 50(4): 308-311, oct.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376934


RESUMEN Las distonías son trastornos del movimiento caracterizados por contracciones musculares sostenidas que producen movimientos repetitivos de torsión o posturas anormales. Pueden clasificarse según la etiología como primarias (formas idiopáticas y genéticas) o secundarias. La presentación asociada con episodios generalizados, intensos y con exacerbación de contracturas musculares intensas que suelen ser refractarias a la farmacoterapia tradicional se conoce como status distónico o tormenta distónica. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 33 arios, con antecedente de sordera congénita, trastorno por consumo de sustancias psicoactivas y tratamiento psicofarmacológico con antipsicóticos, que presentó un cuadro distónico grave que evolucionó a un status distónico.

ABSTRACT Dystonia is a movement disorder characterised by sustained muscle contractions that produce repetitive twisting movements or abnormal postures. It can be classified according to the aetiology as primary (idiopathic and genetic forms), or secondary. The presentation associated with generalised, intense episodes and with exacerbation of severe muscle contractures and usually refractory to traditional pharmacotherapy is known as dystonic status or dystonic storm. In the present article, a case is presented of a 33-year-old patient with a history of congenital deafness, stimulant use disorder and on psychopharmacological treatment with antipsychotics, who presented with a severe dystonic reaction that evolved to a status dystonicus.

Neuroscience Bulletin ; (6): 1493-1509, 2021.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-951950


The periaqueductal gray (PAG) is a complex mesencephalic structure involved in the integration and execution of active and passive self-protective behaviors against imminent threats, such as immobility or flight from a predator. PAG activity is also associated with the integration of responses against physical discomfort (e.g., anxiety, fear, pain, and disgust) which occurs prior an imminent attack, but also during withdrawal from drugs such as morphine and cocaine. The PAG sends and receives projections to and from other well-documented nuclei linked to the phenomenon of drug addiction including: (i) the ventral tegmental area; (ii) extended amygdala; (iii) medial prefrontal cortex; (iv) pontine nucleus; (v) bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; and (vi) hypothalamus. Preclinical models have suggested that the PAG contributes to the modulation of anxiety, fear, and nociception (all of which may produce physical discomfort) linked with chronic exposure to drugs of abuse. Withdrawal produced by the major pharmacological classes of drugs of abuse is mediated through actions that include participation of the PAG. In support of this, there is evidence of functional, pharmacological, molecular. And/or genetic alterations in the PAG during the impulsive/compulsive intake or withdrawal from a drug. Due to its small size, it is difficult to assess the anatomical participation of the PAG when using classical neuroimaging techniques, so its physiopathology in drug addiction has been underestimated and poorly documented. In this theoretical review, we discuss the involvement of the PAG in drug addiction mainly via its role as an integrator of responses to the physical discomfort associated with drug withdrawal.

Neuroscience Bulletin ; (6): 1493-1509, 2021.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-922651


The periaqueductal gray (PAG) is a complex mesencephalic structure involved in the integration and execution of active and passive self-protective behaviors against imminent threats, such as immobility or flight from a predator. PAG activity is also associated with the integration of responses against physical discomfort (e.g., anxiety, fear, pain, and disgust) which occurs prior an imminent attack, but also during withdrawal from drugs such as morphine and cocaine. The PAG sends and receives projections to and from other well-documented nuclei linked to the phenomenon of drug addiction including: (i) the ventral tegmental area; (ii) extended amygdala; (iii) medial prefrontal cortex; (iv) pontine nucleus; (v) bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; and (vi) hypothalamus. Preclinical models have suggested that the PAG contributes to the modulation of anxiety, fear, and nociception (all of which may produce physical discomfort) linked with chronic exposure to drugs of abuse. Withdrawal produced by the major pharmacological classes of drugs of abuse is mediated through actions that include participation of the PAG. In support of this, there is evidence of functional, pharmacological, molecular. And/or genetic alterations in the PAG during the impulsive/compulsive intake or withdrawal from a drug. Due to its small size, it is difficult to assess the anatomical participation of the PAG when using classical neuroimaging techniques, so its physiopathology in drug addiction has been underestimated and poorly documented. In this theoretical review, we discuss the involvement of the PAG in drug addiction mainly via its role as an integrator of responses to the physical discomfort associated with drug withdrawal.

Humains , Amygdale (système limbique) , Morphine , Nociception , Substance grise centrale du mésencéphale , Troubles liés à une substance
Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 788-795, 2021.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984076


Abuse of pharmaceutical drugs is a major public health and social problem worldwide. Mostly abused drugs mainly include opioids such as morphine, tramadol, methadone and fentanyl, sedative-hypnotics such as benzodiazepines and non-benzodiazepines, and central stimulants such as Ritalin (methylphenidate), Adderall (amphetamine and dextroamphetamine) and modafinil. Abuse of pharmaceutical drugs not only causes direct damage to multiple systems of the body, but also significantly increases risks of mental and physical diseases, imposing a heavy burden on individuals, families and society. Therefore, the prevention and control of pharmaceutical drug abuse are of vital importance. The Chinese government has taken strict administration measures for pharmaceutical drugs with abuse risk. However, confronting endless new drugs and changing abuse trends, it is necessary to further strengthen management and prevention of pharmaceutical drugs, monitor the trend of abuse, establish rapid response mechanisms, popularize relevant knowledge, and develop specific therapeutic drugs and intervention means, in order to promote prevention and treatment of pharmaceutical drug abuse.

Humains , Analgésiques morphiniques/effets indésirables , Stimulants du système nerveux central/effets indésirables , Substances illicites/effets indésirables , Troubles liés à une substance/prévention et contrôle
Sichuan Mental Health ; (6): 341-344, 2021.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-987505


ObjectiveTo explore the related factors of troublemaking behaviors among patients with mental disorders induced by amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS), and to provide references for the formulation of relevant intervention measures for ATS-induced mental disorders. MethodsA total of 105 patients who met the diagnostic criteria of International Classification of Diseases, tenth edition (ICD-10) for ATS-induced mental disorders were included, and classified into troublemaking group and non-troublemaking group. The general demographic data and clinical data of the selected individuals were collected, and all patients were assessed using Social Support Rating Scale (SSRS). Then univariate analysis and multivariate Logistic regression model were used to screen the related factors of troublemaking behaviors. ResultsThe scores of SSRS, objective support dimension and social support utilization dimension were significantly lower in troublemaking group than those in non-troublemaking group, with statistical differences [(24.10±6.59) vs. (28.94±5.59), t=3.364, P=0.001; (5.50±1.96) vs. (8.20±2.13), t=5.183, P<0.01; (4.60±2.26) vs. (6.28±1.90), t=3.435, P=0.001]. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that male (OR=6.061, P=0.014) was a risk factor, while high social support level (OR=0.873, P=0.018) was the protective factor for troublemaking behaviors among patients with ATS-induced mental disorders. ConclusionPatients with ATS-induced mental disorders of the males and with low social support level are at high risk of troublemaking behaviors.

Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1290531


Objetivo: analisar a evolução do consumo de psicoestimulantes pelos acadêmicos de Medicina da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG) durante quatro anos. Métodos: foi realizado um estudo de painel com amostra de estudantes do primeiro ao quarto ano do curso de medicina, matriculados na instituição no período de 2015 a 2018. O estudo teve como desfecho o consumo de psicoestimulantes. Foram coletadas informações sobre o uso de cafeína, metilfenidato, piracetam, modafinil, bebidas energéticas, metilenodioximetanfetamina (ecstasy) e anfetaminas. O questionário foi composto de duas etapas. Na primeira, foram recolhidas informações demográficas, sobre hábitos e qualidade de vida. Na segunda, questionou-se sobre o consumo de substâncias estimulantes, abordando a frequência de uso, efeitos percebidos e a motivação para o consumo, assim como o início do consumo durante o curso. Resultados: a prevalência de uso dessas substâncias aumentou de 58% para 68% de 2015 a 2018. A proporção de acadêmicos que começaram a usar psicoestimulantes durante a faculdade, aumentou de 15% para 30%. Essa proporção aumentou conforme o ano do curso, passando de 25% no primeiro ano para 38% no quarto ano. Esse resultado foi atribuído, principalmente, ao uso de metilfenidato, cuja prevalência aumentou de 21% para 56% durante o período do estudo. Conclusões: o consumo de psicoestimulantes entre estudantes de medicina foi alto e o início de seu consumo durante a faculdade aumentou ao longo dos anos. Seu uso tem sido percebido como eficaz pela maioria dos usuários, o que pode dificultar o gerenciamento do uso indevido dessas substâncias.

Aims: To analyze the evolution of psychostimulants consumption by medical students of the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG) during the period of four years. Methods: This was a panel study conducted with a sample of students from first to fourth year of medical training, enrolled on the institution on the period between 2015 and 2018. The main outcome of this investigation was the use of psychostimulants. We collected information about the consumption of caffeine, methylphenidate, modafinil, piracetam, energetic drinks, amphetamines and methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy). The questionnaire was composed by two sections. First, information about socioeconomic and demographic variables, daily habits and quality of life were collected. In the second part, participants were asked about use of stimulant substances, frequency of its use, perceived effects, their motivation for consumption, as well as the beginning of consumption during the course. Results: Prevalence of use of these substances have increased from 58% to 68% between 2015 and 2018. Proportion of students that had started to use psychostimulants during college increased from 15% to 30% in this period. That proportion increased according to the year of graduation, passing from 25% on the first year to 38% on the fourth year. This result may be attributed mostly to the use of methylphenidate, whose prevalence increased from 21% to 56% during the period of the study. Conclusions: The consumption of psychostimulants among medical students was high, and the beginning of its consumption during college has increased over the years. Its use has been perceived as effective by most users, which may hamper the management of the misuse of these substances.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Étudiant médecine , Caféine , Stimulants du système nerveux central
Med. UIS ; 33(1): 31-38, ene.-abr. 2020. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124983


Resumen Introducción: el modafinilo es un fármaco neuroestimulante utilizado principalmente para promover estados de vigilia atención y disminuir la fatiga ante ciertos comportamientos que propician la somnolencia diurna excesiva. Objetivo: identificar en la literatura científica los efectos adversos neurológicos y cardiovasculares causados por el consumo del modafinilo. Materiales y Métodos: revisión bibliográfica de los artículos encontrados entre los meses de abril y julio de 2019 en las bases de datos PUBMED, SCOPUS, DIALNET. 51 artículos superaron la evaluación de calidad metodológica y se incluyeron en la revisión. Resultados: se identificaron que los principales efectos adversos a nivel cardiovascular son la cardiomiopatía Tako-Tsubo y la taquicardia ventricular polimórfica, mientras que a nivel neurológico puede generar insomnio y distonías. Conclusiones: El consumo del modafinilo genera repercusiones en las funciones cognitivas y cardiovasculares por lo cual no es aconsejable su uso a largo plazo en personas sanas. MÉD. UIS.2020;33(1):31-8.

Abstract Introduction: modafinil is a neurostimulant drug used mainly to promote wakefulness, attention and decrease fatigue in certain behaviors that cause excessive daytime sleepiness. Objective: identify in the scientific literature the neurological and cardiovascular adverse effects caused by the consumption of modafinil. Materials and Methods: bibliographic review of the articles found between the months of April and July of 2019 in the PUBMED, SCOPUS, DIALNET databases. 51 articles passed the methodological quality assessment and were included in the review. Results: the main adverse effects at the cardiovascular level were identified as Tako-Tsubo cardiomyopathy and polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, while at the neurological level it can generate insomnia and dystonia. Conclusions: the consumption of modafinil generates repercussions on cognitive and cardiovascular functions, so its long-term use in healthy people is not advisable. MÉD.UIS.2020;33(1):31-8.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Enfant , Adolescent , Adulte , Troubles de la veille et du sommeil , Tachycardie ventriculaire , Modafinil , Tachycardie , Pression sanguine , Dystonie , Syndrome de tako-tsubo , Céphalée , Stimulants du système nerveux central , Troubles de l'endormissement et du maintien du sommeil , Narcolepsie , Nausée
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 118(1): e61-e62, 2020-02-00.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1096074


Los fármacos estimulantes se usan, habitualmente, en la población pediátrica para tratar el trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad, y sus efectos secundarios están bien descritos. Sin embargo, la tricotilomanía no aparece como uno de ellos. En la literatura, hay algunos casos publicados de tricotilomanía en relación con la administración de metilfenidato y dextroanfetamina. Se presentan dos casos de tricotilomanía de nueva aparición en niños en seguimiento en nuestro Centro por déficit de atención e hiperactividad y en tratamiento con fármacos psicoestimulantes (metilfenidato y lisdexanfetamina), como probable efecto adverso de estos.

Stimulant drugs are commonly used in pediatric population in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and their side effects are well described, however trichotillomania does not appear as one of them. In the literature we found some published cases of trichotillomania in relation to methylphenidate and dextroamphetamine. We present two cases of new-onset trichotillomania in children followed up in our center by attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and treated with psychostimulant drugs (methylphenidate and lisdexamfetamine), as a probable adverse effect of this treatment

Humains , Mâle , Enfant , Trichotillomanie/induit chimiquement , Trouble déficitaire de l'attention avec hyperactivité/traitement médicamenteux , Stimulants du système nerveux central/effets indésirables
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-837770


Modern military actions and non-military operations characterized by high-intensity, sudden emergencies and long continuous working inevitably lead to sleep deprivation of military personnel. High-intensity actions require military personnel to maintain excellent action abilities all the times; sudden emergencies need them to maintain alert; and the continuous work need them to maintain a healthy mental state. Therefore, how to effectively combat sleep deprivation, keep alert and have high stress ability have become the focus of modern military medical research. This article reviews the research progress of central nervous system stimulants, preventive sleep medications, sleep induction and rapid recovery drugs, and non-drug measures to combat sleep deprivation.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 44(1): e036, 2020. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1092507


Resumo: Introdução: A entrada dos jovens na universidade gera uma mudança de ambiente e costumes, tornando-se um período de grande vulnerabilidade para o uso de substâncias psicoativas. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o uso de substâncias psicoativas por estudantes de graduação e pré-vestibulandos, de Montes Claros-MG. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo quantitativo, transversal, que avaliou 348 estudantes, em instituições de ensino pré-vestibular (52 estudantes) e superior (98 de Engenharia Civil, 68 de Medicina e 130 de Direito), da cidade de Montes Claros, em Minas Gerais, analisando fatores associados ao uso de psicoestimulantes. Para a obtenção dos dados, utilizou-se um questionário padronizado e validado de autopreenchimento. Obtiveram-se informações sobre o uso de metilfenidato (Ritalina®), cafeína, pó de guaraná, modafinila, piracetam, energético, anfetamina e ecstasy. Resultados: Dos 348 estudantes entrevistados, cerca de 53,7% faziam uso de algum psicoestimulante. Houve um maior uso de substâncias psicoativas nos participantes do grupo do pré-vestibular (75%) em relação ao ensino superior (50%). Observou-se uma maior prevalência do uso atual de cafeína (63,5%) e de pó de guaraná (11,5%) entre os estudantes de pré-vestibular, e de ecstasy (1,7%) e cloridrato de metilfenidato (1,9%) entre os estudantes de ensino superior. A redução do sono (64,9%) foi o efeito mais percebido pelos usuários de estimulantes cerebrais do ensino superior, seguido de melhora na concentração (48%), no bem-estar (45,3%) e no raciocínio (38,5%), redução da fadiga (33,1%), melhora na memória (23,6%) e redução do estresse (23%). Entretanto, nos estudantes do pré-vestibular apenas a melhora no raciocínio (43,6%) e a redução do estresse (23%) obtiveram relevância significativa. Conclusões: Foi possível observar uma maior prevalência do uso de psicoestimulantes nos pré-vestibulandos em relação ao grupo dos universitários. Entre as áreas do ensino superior, não foram encontradas diferenças quanto ao uso dos estimulantes cerebrais pesquisados. É preciso destacar os malefícios do uso de psicoestimulantes em longo prazo, sobretudo a dependência e a tolerância química. Em função disso, o apoio familiar e o psicopedagógico são indispensáveis para prevenir e tratar as consequências do uso desmedido de psicoestimulantes.

Abstract: Introduction: When young people enter the university, it generates a change of environment and customs, thus becoming a period of great vulnerability for the use of psychoactive substances. The objective of this study was to analyze the use of psychoactive substances in undergraduate and pre-college students, in Montes Claros-MG, associating the epidemiological profile, the frequency of use among the groups and describe the main benefits and side effects of the used substances. Methods: A quantitative cross-sectional study was carried out, which evaluated 348 students in pre-college (52 students) and higher education institutions (98 Civil Engineering, 68 Medical and 130 Law students), in the city of Montes Claros, state of Minas Gerais, analyzing factors associated with the use of psychostimulants. To obtain the data, a standardized and validated self-filling questionnaire was used. Information on the use of Methylphenidate (Ritalin®), Caffeine, Guarana Powder, Modafinil, Piracetam, Energy drinks, Amphetamine and Ecstasy were obtained. Results: Of the 348 students interviewed, about 53.7% used some type of psychostimulant. There was a greater use of psychoactive substances among the participants of the pre-college group (75%) in relation to those of the higher education group (50%). There was a higher prevalence of current use of caffeine (63.5%) and guarana powder (11.5%) among pre-university students, Ecstasy (1.7%) and Ritalin (1.9%) among students of higher education institutions. The reduction of sleep (64.9%) was the most perceived effect by the users of brain stimulants in higher education, followed by improvement in concentration (48%), wellness (45.3%), reasoning (38.5%), fatigue reduction (33.1%), memory improvement (23.6%) and stress reduction (23%). However, among the pre-college students only the improvement in reasoning (43.6%) and stress reduction (23%) obtained significant relevance. Conclusion: It was possible to observe a higher prevalence of the use of psychostimulants among the pre-college students in relation to the group of university students. Among the areas of higher education, no differences were found regarding the use of the assessed brain stimulants. It is necessary to highlight the harmful effects of the use of psychostimulants in the long term, especially dependence and chemical tolerance. As a result, family and psycho-pedagogical support are indispensable to prevent and treat the consequences of the excessive use of psychostimulants.

Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 18: eAO4745, 2020. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1039746


ABSTRACT Objective To estimate the prevalence of and factors associated with the use of methylphenidate for cognitive enhancement among undergraduate students. Methods Simple random sample of students of the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (n=438), invited to answer an online questionnaire about the use of methylphenidate. Data collection occurred from September 2014 to January 2015. The sample was described by means of proportions, means and standard deviations. A multivariate analysis was performed using the Classification and Regression Tree algorithm to classify the cases of use of methylphenidate for cognitive enhancement in groups, based on the exposure variables. Results Out of 378 students included, 5.8% (n=22) reported using methylphenidate for cognitive enhancement; in that, 41% (9/22) in the 4 weeks prior to the survey. The housing situation was the variable most often associated with the use of methylphenidate for cognitive enhancement. Eleven students reported using methylphenidate for cognitive enhancement and other purposes 4 weeks prior to the survey, 27% of whom had no medical prescription to purchase it. Conclusion The use of methylphenidate for cognitive enhancement is frequent among Brazilian undergraduate students and should be considered a serious public health problem, especially due to risks of harm and adverse effects associated with its use.

RESUMO Objetivo Estimar a prevalência e os fatores associados ao uso de metilfenidato para neuroaprimoramento entre estudantes universitários. Métodos Amostra aleatória simples de discentes da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (n=438), convidados a responder um questionário online sobre o consumo de metilfenidato. A coleta ocorreu de setembro de 2014 a janeiro de 2015. A amostra foi descrita em termos de proporções, médias e desvio padrão. A análise multivariada foi realizada utilizando o algoritmo Classification and Regression Tree para classificação dos casos de uso do metilfenidato para neuroaprimoramento em grupos, com base nas variáveis de exposição. Resultados Dos 378 alunos incluídos, 5,8% (n=22) declararam ter feito uso de metilfenidato para neuroaprimoramento, sendo 41% (9/22) nas 4 semanas anteriores à pesquisa. A situação da moradia foi a variável mais associada ao uso de metilfenidato para neuroaprimoramento. Relataram o uso do metilfenidato para neuroaprimoramento e outros fins nas 4 semanas anteriores à pesquisa 11 estudantes, sendo que 27% não apresentaram prescrição médica para adquiri-lo. Conclusão O uso de metilfenidato para neuroaprimoramento ocorre no meio acadêmico brasileiro e deve ser considerado sério problema de saúde pública, principalmente diante dos riscos de danos e efeitos adversos associados ao seu uso.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Jeune adulte , Étudiants/statistiques et données numériques , Universités/statistiques et données numériques , Nootropiques/administration et posologie , Nootropiques/usage thérapeutique , Stimulants du système nerveux central/administration et posologie , Facteurs socioéconomiques , Étudiants/psychologie , Brésil/épidémiologie , Arbres de décision , Exercice physique/psychologie , Caractéristiques de l'habitat/statistiques et données numériques , Prévalence , Études transversales , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Facteurs de risque , Utilisation hors indication/statistiques et données numériques , Méthylphénidate/administration et posologie
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-843289


Objective • To test the mechanism of mindfulness-based intervention in patients with amphetamine-types stimulants use disorders. Methods • Forty participants from a drug rehabilitation center in Shanghai who had amphetamine-type stimulants use disorders were enrolled in this randomized controlled trial and randomly divided into either the intervention group or control group. The control group only received the normal treatment, while the intervention group received mindfulness-based intervention as well as normal treatment. Resting state electroencephalogram and mindfulness attention awareness were assessed before and after the intervention. Results • Compared with the control group, the scores of mindfulness attention awareness improved significantly in the intervention group (P=0.000), and functional connectivity of frontal cortex (F4 and F5) under the eyeopen state and parietal-occipital cortex (P7 and O2) under the mindfulness state increased significantly in the intervention group in β oscillations (P=0.000). Moreover, the functional connectivity of parietal-occipital cortex was significantly correlated with the mindfulness attention awareness scores in the intervention group (P=0.000). Conclusion • Mindfulness-based intervention is effective in improving the mindfulness attention awareness and increasing the electroencephalogram functional connectivity of partial frontal and parietal-occipital cortex for patients with amphetamine-type stimulants use disorders.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-843490


Substance dependence is a pervasive worldwide problem, of which the mechanism remains unclear, and there is no effective intervention. In recent years, it has been showed that the gut microbiota is closely related to substance dependence. As discussed in this review, gut microbiota is significantly affected by the substances of abuse, and may serve as an important regulator in the development of substance dependence. This article reviews the research progress of gut microbiota in the most widely used substances, in order to provide ideas for future studies on underlying mechanisms and further interventions in substance dependence.

Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 446-450, 2019.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-805008


Objective@#To understand status of amphetaminetype stimulants (ATS) use among residents aged 15-64 in a border city of Yunnan province.@*Methods@#Using the stratified cluster random sampling method, a total of 3 130 residents were recruited through both anonymous questionnaire and interview, regarding their health-related behaviour and ATS use.@*Results@#Among 3 130 residents aged 15-64 years in this city, the overall prevalence rates of ATS use were 4.0% (126/3 130) in the lifetime and 2.6% (82/3 130) in the past one year, while the prevalence of ATS use disorder in the past year was 2.3% (73/3 130). The prevalence rates of lifetime ATS use and in the past year were 7.5% (108/1 443) and 5.1% (73/1 443) in the high epidemic area, 7.3% (122/1 682) and 4.8%(80/1 682) in males, 5.2% (118/2 260) and 3.4% (77/2 260) in 18-45 age group, 4.6%(63/1 361) and 3.4% (46/1 361) in the ones having had elementary school education, 10.3% (50/487) and 8.6% (42/487) in unmarried group, 17.1% (19/111) and 12.6% (14/111) in either divorced, widowed or separated group, 4.8% (108/2 256) and 3.2% (72/2 256) in the farmers group, 6.0% (99/1 643) and 4.4% (73/1 643) in the non-religious groups (neither Buddhism nor Christianity), 15.2% (97/639) and 11.9% (76/639) in groups with negative hobbies which were 1.3% (29/2 314) and 0.3%(6/2 314) higher than the ones with positive hobbies, 8.5% (84/992) and 6.3% (62/992) in the ones negatively managing the stress which were 2.0% (42/2 138) and 0.9% (20/2 138) higher than the ones that treating the stress in a positive way.@*Conclusions@#The prevalence rates of ATS use and ATS use disorder in the past one year appeared high among those residents aged 15-64 years in the border city of Yunnan province. Prevention and intervention programs should be carried out for the target groups as soon as possible.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-856774


Objective: To review the recent advances in treatment of aseptic femoral shaft nonunion. Methods: The clinical studies about the treatments of aseptic femoral shaft nonunion in recent years were widely reviewed and analyzed. Results: There are several surgical methods for aseptic femoral shaft nonunion. Due to uncertain clinical outcome, dynamization of nail should be carefully selected. The exchange nailing is suitable for the hypertrophic nonunion of the isthmal femoral shaft fracture. The exchange lateral plating is suitable for nonunion with obvious malformation. However, wave plate or dual plate should be chosen when the bone nonuinon is combined with the medial defect. The augmentation plating improves the success rate of nailing for femoral shaft nonunion, but it should be carefully selected for patients with obvious deformity or bone defect. Ilizarov technique is suitable for various bone nonunion, especially with complicated or large segmental bone defects. Induced membrane technique is also an important method for the treatment of bone nonunion with large bone defects. The clinical efficacy of the blocking screw remains to be supported by further evidence. Biological stimulants are mainly used for atrophic nonunion, and the clinical efficacy of them alone are still controversial. Conclusion: Due to lack of comparative studies between different surgical methods, the orthopedist should choose the appropriate treatment according to the individual situations of the patient and the types of bone nonunion.

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