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Av. psicol. latinoam ; 41(1): 1-19, ene.-abr. 2023.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1428038


A satisfação com a vida tem sido descrita como um constructo psicológico que se refere à avaliação global que o indivíduo faz em relação a sua vida. O presente estudo objetiva investigar se fatores individuais (gênero e idade), socioeconômico (classe social), de autoper-cepção (nível de estresse, estado de saúde e qualida-de do sono) e de percepção de qualidade de vida na universidade (oportunidade e motivação para aprendi-zagem, ambiente social para aprendizagem, ambiente físico e equipamentos para aprendizagem, autoava-liação de conhecimento e relevância da universidade) predizem a satisfação com a vida entre universitários de instituições públicas do Estado da Bahia, Brasil. Participaram do estudo 1.506 universitários dos cursos de graduação presenciais das Universidades Federais (ufs) localizados no Estado da Bahia, sendo 537 ho-mens (35.7 %), 968 mulheres (64.3 %) e um que não identificou seu gênero, com idades entre 18 a 24 anos (63.5 %) e sem companheiro(a) (86.0 %). Os resultados indicaram que o modelo que melhor predisse a satis-fação com a vida foi aquele que incluiu classe social, nível de estresse, estado de saúde, qualidade do sono, grau de motivação, ânimo para assistir as aulas do seu curso, relacionamento com os demais colegas do seu curso e oportunidade de participação em atividades de ensino, extensão e pesquisa. Juntas, essas variáveis foram responsáveis por explicar aproximadamente 27.5 % da variância em satisfação com a vida, o que é uma razoável capacidade explicativa, se considerarmos que satisfação com a vida é um constructo psicológico, complexo e multideterminado.

La satisfacción con la vida ha sido descrita como un constructo psicológico que hace referencia a la valoración global que el individuo tiene en relación a su vida. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo investigar si factores individuales (género y edad), socioeconó-micos (clase social), autopercepción (nivel de estrés, estado de salud y calidad del sueño) y calidad de vida percibida en la universidad (oportunidad y motivación para el aprendizaje, ambiente social para el aprendizaje, ambiente físico y equipamiento para el aprendizaje, autoevaluación de conocimientos y pertinencia de la universidad) predicen la satisfacción con la vida en estudiantes universitarios de instituciones públicas del Estado de Bahía, Brasil. Participaron en el estudio 1.506 estudiantes universitarios de cursos de graduación presenciales en Universidades Federales (uf) ubicadas en el Estado de Bahía, 537 hombres (35.7 %), 968 mujeres (64.3 %) y uno que no identificó su género, edad entre 18 y 24 años (63.5 %) y sin pareja (86.0 %). Los resultados indicaron que el modelo que mejor predijo la satisfacción con la vida fue el que incluyó la clase social, el nivel de estrés, el estado de salud, la calidad del sueño, el grado de motivación, la disposición a asistir a las clases de su curso, la relación con los demás compañeros y la oportunidad de participar en actividades de docencia, extensión e investigación. En conjunto, estas variables fueron responsables de explicar aproximada-mente el 27.5 % de la varianza en la satisfacción con la vida, lo cual es una capacidad explicativa razonable, si consideramos que la satisfacción con la vida es un constructo psicológico, complejo y multideterminado.

Life satisfaction has been described as a psychological construct referring to the overall assessment the individ-ual makes regarding their life. The present study aims to investigate whether individual factors (gender and age), socioeconomic factors (social class), self-perception (level of stress, health status and quality of sleep), and perceived quaility of life at the university (opportu-nity and motivation for learning, social environment for learning, physical environment and equipment for learning, self-assessment of knowledge and relevance of the university) predict life satisfaction among university students from public institutions in the state of Bahia. In this study, 1.506 university students from undergraduate courses of the federal universities (ufs) participated in the study: 537 men (35.7 %), 969 women (64.3 %), and one student that did not identify their gender, with ages between 18 to 24 years (63.5 %) and without a partner (86.0 %). The results indicated that the model that best predicted life satisfaction was the one including social class, stress level, health status, quality of sleep, degree of motivation, willingness to attend classes in their degree, relationship with other colleagues in their degree, and opportunity to participate in teaching, ex-tension and research activities. Together these variables explained approximately 27.5 % of the variance in life satisfaction, which is a reasonable explanatory capacity if we consider that life satisfaction is a psychological, complex, and multidetermined construct.

Humains , Santé , Savoir , Vie , Apprentissage social , Auto-dépistage , Apprentissage
CoDAS ; 34(5): e20210125, 2022. tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364748


ABSTRACT Purpose The study was aimed to investigate the relationship between parental stress and attitude of parents towards the outcomes of cochlear implantation in an Indian scenario. Methods A total of 59 parents of children with cochlear implantation participated in the study. The outcomes of cochlear implant was measured using Parental attitudes of various aspects of cochlear implantation questionnaire and parental stress was measured using parental stress scale. The questionnaires were circulated to participants and data was collected in the form of e-survey. Results The present study showed that the parental stress level was similar among mothers and fathers. Further, the parental attitude towards communication abilities of children and education were positively correlated with the duration of cochlear implantation. Finally, a significant positive correlation was found between the parental stress and the parental attitude towards communication abilities of children and social skills. Conclusion The present study showed a positive relationship between parental stress and parental attitude towards the outcomes of cochlear implantation for aspects of communication abilities and social skills.

Rev. sanid. mil ; 75(1): e01, ene.-mar. 2021.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515511


Resumen Introducción: La cardiopatía isquémica es la principal causa de mortalidad en México y el mundo, un reto importante para la salud pública dada su magnitud y el efecto negativo que ejerce sobre la salud de la población. Objetivos: Determinar si el nivel de estrés, calidad del sueño, ansiedad y depresión, son factores de riesgo para tener cardiopatía isquémica en pacientes militares y derechohabientes del Hospital Central Militar. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, analítico, casos tipo y controles, se determinó la fuerza de asociación entre el nivel de estrés, la calidad del sueño, la ansiedad y la depresión con la cardiopatía isquémica. El análisis se realizó mediante la prueba de X2 (chi cuadrado) y razón de momios ajustadas por sexo y edad. Resultados: Durante el estudio ingresaron 83 pacientes. La edad de los participantes fue de 62.95±9.13 años. El OR de la variable depresión fue de 4.176, IC (1.63-10.68), para la variable mala calidad de sueño: OR= 6.061, IC (2.278-16.124). Conclusiones: La depresión y la mala calidad del sueño son factores de riesgo para padecer cardiopatía isquémica en los pacientes militares y derechohabientes del Hospital Central Militar.

Abstract Introduction: Ischemic heart disease is the main cause of mortality in Mexico and the world, an important challenge for public health given its magnitude and the negative effect it has on the health of the population. Objectives: To determine if the level of stress, quality of sleep, anxiety and depression are risk factors for having ischemic heart disease in military patients and right holders of the Central Military Hospital. Material and methods: An observational, analytical, case-control study was conducted, the strength of association between stress level, sleep quality, anxiety and depression with ischemic heart disease was determined. The analysis was done by the X2 test (chi square) and odds ratio adjusted by sex and age. Results: During the study 83 patients entered. The age of the participants was 62.95 ± 9.13 years old. The OR of the depression variable was 4.176, CI (1.63-10.68), for the variable poor sleep quality: OR = 6.061, CI (2.278-16.124). Conclusions: Depression and poor sleep quality are risk factors for ischemic heart disease in military patients and right holders of the Central Military Hospital.

Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-877174


@#Introduction: Healthcare workers serve as the frontliners against the coronavirus 2019 disease (COVID-19) and this puts them most at risk of infection as they attend to numerous patients with unknown status. This study aimed to examine stress, anxiety, and depression among healthcare workers caring for COVID-19 patients in Sarawak General Hospital (SGH), Malaysia. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional observational study conducted in SGH during the pandemic with an online self-administered questionnaire composed of two parts, the socio-demographic characteristics, and the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS). Results: A total of 105 healthcare workers responded to this study. A questionnaire in both Bahasa Melayu and English was used. The findings showed that all healthcare workers had mild anxiety, with the majority experiencing mild stress (57.1%), and almost half of the respondents experiencing mild depression (41%). Female subjects had a significant higher mean score in anxiety level and stress level compared to male subjects (10.0±3.20 vs. 8.6±2.93, p<0.05; 14.1±4.76 vs. 10.7±3.70, p<0.05, respectively). Staff who were transferred from other units to handle COVID-19 cases experienced more psychological symptoms. There were significant correlations between the depression, anxiety and stress levels among the healthcare workers and the number of children they had (r=0.739, p=0.001; r=0.642, p=0.001; r=1, p =0.001 respectively). However, the stress level among the healthcare workers was reversely correlated with their years of working experience (r=-0.199, p=0.042). Conclusion: This study identified some socio-demographic factors associated with increased levels of stress, anxiety and depression among the healthcare workers during pandemic, which may lay ground for future interventions.

Multimed (Granma) ; 24(4): 887-902, jul.-ago. 2020. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1125306


RESUMEN Existe una prevalencia de la disfunción de la articulación temporomandibular, donde el estrés se comporta como un factor desencadenante de los mismos. El objetivo fue identificar la vulnerabilidad y nivel de estrés en pacientes con disfunción de la articulación temporomandibular. Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal, en 35 pacientes atendidos en la Clínica Universitaria de Especialidades Estomatológicas "Manuel Cedeño", entre enero y junio de 2018, los cuales fueron diagnosticados con disfunción de la articulación temporomandibular y se les aplicó cuestionarios de vulnerabilidad y nivel de estrés. Los resultados revelaron que la población objeto de estudio presenta un grado de disfunción de la articulación considerado de moderada (54,28 %), los pacientes estudiados son seriamente vulnerables al estrés(62,85 %) y tiene un nivel excesivo estrés (51,42 %). Se concluye que los pacientes con disfunción de la articulación temporomandibular son seriamente vulnerables al estrés, y presentan un nivel excesivo de estrés.

ABSTRACT There is a prevalence of temporomandibular joint dysfunction, where stress behaves as a triggering factor. The objective was to identify the vulnerability and level of stress in patients with temporomandibular joint dysfunction. A cross-sectional descriptive observational study was conducted in 35 patients treated at the "Manuel Cedeño" Stomatological Specialties Clinic, between January and June 2018, who were diagnosed with temporomandibular joint dysfunction and were subjected to vulnerability questionnaires and stress level. The results revealed that the population studied shows a degree of dysfunction of the joint considered moderate (54.28%), the patients studied are seriously vulnerable to stress (62.85%) and have an excessive level of stress (51, 42%). It is concluded that patients with temporomandibular joint dysfunction are seriously vulnerable to stress, and present an excessive level of stress.

RESUMO Existe uma prevalência de disfunção da articulação temporomandibular, onde o estresse se comporta como um fator desencadeante para elas. O objetivo foi identificar vulnerabilidade e nível de estresse em pacientes com disfunção da articulação temporomandibular. Foi realizado um estudo observacional transversal descritivo em 35 pacientes atendidos na Clínica Universitária Manuel Cedeño de Especialidades Estomatológicas, entre janeiro e junho de 2018, diagnosticados com disfunção da articulação temporomandibular e questionários de vulnerabilidade aplicados. e nível de estresse. Os resultados revelaram que a população estudada a presenta um grau de disfunção articular considerado moderado (54,28%), os pacientes estudados são seriamente vulneráveis ​​ao estresse (62,85%) e apresentam nível excessivo de estresse (51, 42%). Conclui-se que pacientes com disfunção da articulação temporomandibular são seriamente vulneráveis ​​ao estresse e apresentam nível excessivo de estresse.

Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-826309


The aim in this literature review was (1) to explore the physiologically and psychologically therapeutic benefits of forest bathing on adults suffering from pre-hypertension or hypertension, and (2) to identify the type, duration, and frequency of an effective forest bathing intervention in the management of pre-hypertension and hypertension, so as to provide directions for future interventions or research. The electronic databases PubMed, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, PsyINFO, and the China Academic Journals (CAJ) offered through the Full-text Database (CNKI) were searched for relevant studies published from the inception of the databases to April 2019. Of the 364 articles that were identified, 14 met the criteria for inclusion in this review. The synthesis of the findings in the included studies revealed that forest bathing interventions were effective at reducing blood pressure, lowering pulse rate, increasing the power of heart rate variability (HRV), improving cardiac-pulmonary parameters, and metabolic function, inducing a positive mood, reducing anxiety levels, and improving the quality of life of pre-hypertensive or hypertensive participants. Forest walking and forest therapy programs were the two most effective forest bathing interventions. Studies reported that practicing a single forest walking or forest therapy program can produce short-term physiological and psychological benefits. It is concluded that forest bathing, particularly forest walking and therapy, has physiologically and psychologically relaxing effects on middle-aged and elderly people with pre-hypertension and hypertension.

Adulte , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Jeune adulte , Forêts , Hypertension artérielle , Préhypertension , Thérapie par la relaxation
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 56(3): e1996, jul.-set. 2019. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1093229


RESUMEN Introducción: El bruxismo es un exponente desgarrador del sistema estomatognático que impacta en la calidad de vida de las personas que la padecen, siendo el estrés uno de sus desencadenantes. Objetivo: Identificar la vulnerabilidad y nivel de estrés en pacientes con bruxismo. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal, en 94 pacientes atendidos en la Clínica Universitaria de Especialidades Estomatológicas Manuel Cedeño, entre noviembre de 2017 a mayo de 2018, los cuales se diagnosticaron con bruxismo. Las variables fueron la vulnerabilidad al estrés y nivel de estrés. Resultados: Al caracterizar la población de estudio se mostró que el sexo femenino estuvo representado por el 55,31 por ciento, y el grupo atareo de 15 a 20 años fue el de mayor población (42,55 por ciento). Los resultados revelaron que los pacientes con bruxismo son seriamente vulnerables al estrés (53,19 por ciento) y tienen niveles de estrés que ha pasado el límite en el 45,74 por ciento de los casos. Conclusiones: Los pacientes con bruxismo son seriamente vulnerables al estrés y presentan niveles de estrés que ha pasado el límite(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: Bruxism is an extremely upsetting disorder of the stomatognathic system affecting the quality of life of its sufferers. Stress may act as a trigger for this condition. Objective: Determine the vulnerability and stress levels of patients with bruxism. Methods: A cross-sectional observational descriptive study was conducted of 94 patients diagnosed with bruxism attending Manuel Cedeño Dental Specialties University Clinic from November 2017 to May 2018. The variables considered were vulnerability to stress and stress level. Results: Characterization of the study population found that 55.31 percent were female and the largest age group corresponded to the 15-30 years bracket (42.55 percent). Results revealed that patients with bruxism are seriously vulnerable to stress (53.19 percent), stress limits being exceeded in 45.74 percent of the cases. Conclusions: Patients with bruxism are seriously vulnerable to stress, displaying stress levels that exceed the limit(AU)

Humains , Femelle , Adolescent , Adulte , Stress physiologique , Bruxisme/diagnostic , Bruxisme/épidémiologie , Épidémiologie Descriptive , Études transversales , Étude d'observation
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-183585


Background: Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances. Stress level in all aspects of life is growing at an exponential rate but stress level in students, especially MBBS students is alarming. Objective: To find out the level of stress and relieving methods used by medical students before examination. Material and Methods: Observational, Cross sectional study was conducted on 600 medical students using questionnaire. Responses of the students were recorded on Likert’s scale just after the examination. Data was tabulated and analyzed statistically. Results: The mean age of 600 medical students were 20.1±0.9. 143(23.8%) students always felt stressed, 161(26.8%) often, 211(35.2%) sometimes, 37(6.2%) rarely and 48(8%) never felt stressed before examination. 252(42%) reported that this level of stress did not affect their performance in examination while decrease in performance was reported by 198(33%). 150(25%) said that their performance was improved during examination due to stress. 145(24.2%) felt no anxiety during examination, 432(72%) felt healthy anxiety and 23(3.8%) felt unhealthy anxiety level. Conclusion: Majority of the medical students experiences some level of anxiety during exams and used various coping mechanisms to deal with stress. Although some degree of stress is accepted as a normal part of medical training and can be a motivator for some individuals, not all students find the stress manageable.

Medisan ; 21(4)abr. 2017. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-841687


Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de 236 estudiantes desaprobados en la asignatura Morfofisiología III de primer año de medicina, pertenecientes a la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas No 2 de Santiago de Cuba, desde enero hasta mayo del 2016, con el propósito de determinar algunos aspectos psicosociales asociados al bajo rendimiento académico en dichos alumnos. Se aplicó una encuesta, la escala de estrés de Holmes y Rahe, los inventarios de ansiedad rasgo-estado y depresión de Beck. También se tuvieron en cuenta las notas de las evaluaciones frecuentes y parciales, el examen final integrador teórico y práctico, así como la trayectoria del estudiante en la asignatura. En la serie predominaron los estilos de vida inadecuados, el divorcio, la desmotivación y los altos niveles de estrés

A descriptive and cross-sectional study of 236 students who did not pass the test in the matter Morphophysiolgy III in the first year of Medicine career was carried out. They belonged to the Medical Sciences Faculty 2 in Santiago de Cuba, from January to May, 2016, with the purpose of determining some psychosocial aspects associated with the poor performance of these students. A survey, Holmes and Rahe stress scale, the anxiety feature-state and Beck depression stockchecks were carried out. The frequent and partial evaluation marks, the theoretical and practical integrating final exam as well as the experience of the student in the matter were taken into account. In the series there was a prevalence of inadequate life styles, divorce, lack of motivation and high levels of stress

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Adulte , Stress psychologique/épidémiologie , Étudiant médecine , Sous-performance , Enseignement médical premier cycle , Performance scolaire , Facteurs épidémiologiques , Études transversales , Incapacités d'apprentissage , Événements de vie
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-610394


Objective To compare the effect of anesthesia management between enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocol and traditional protocol on stress level of thyroid surgery.Methods Sixty-two patients receiving thyroid surgery from May 2016 to August 2016, 13 males and 49 females, aged 18-65 years, of ASA physical status Ⅰ or Ⅱ, were randomly divided into group ERAS (n=29) and traditional group (group C, n=33).Each group had its own anesthesia management protocol.Operation method, operation duration, the level of pain during emergence and on the first postoperative day, the occurrence rate of complications and the satisfaction evaluation of pain and nausea and vomiting after the operation day were recorded.C-reactive protein (CRP), serum cortisol, interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-8 (IL-8) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) before and after the operation day were evaluated.Results The visual analogue scale (VAS) pain score in group ERAS was lower than that in group C during emergence [(0.42±0.83) points vs (0.95±1.16) points]and on the first postoperative day [(1.90±1.21) points vs (2.73±1.40) points] (P<0.05).Group ERAS was more satisfied with pain relief at first day after the surgery than that of group C (P<0.05).The level of CRP in group ERAS was lower than that in group C on the operative day and the first postoperative day (P<0.05).In group C, the level of CRP on the operative day and the first postoperative day were much higher than those before the surgery (P<0.05).The occurrence rate of complications between the two groups had no statistical difference.Conclusion The perioperative ERAS anesthesia management of thyroid surgery is safe and effective in pain management, patient satisfaction and accelerated recovery.

China Medical Equipment ; (12): 83-85,86, 2015.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-601142


Objective:To analyze the different of water fasting time on fiberoptic bronchoscopy examination. Methods: Chosen patients in our hospital received fiberoptic bronchoscopy examination as research subjects, randomly divided into control group with 4-6 h preoperative fasting and observation group with 2 h fasting, and compared blood glucose levels, stress levels, depression and anxiety score. Results: 1) observation group patients’ blood glucose values after water fasting were significantly higher than control group patients (t=5.382, t=5.893, t=6.624, t=7.934; P0.05), SAS and SDS scores of observation group patients 1h before the examination and inspection were significantly lower than the control group patients (t=6.382, t=6.562, t=4.958, t=7.632;P<0.05). Conclusion:Two hours before bronchoscopy is more conducive to the maintenance of water fasting blood sugar stable patients, reduce stress levels, relieve negative emotions in patients with positive clinical significance.

Article Dans Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-176307


Environment can be defined collectively as physical, social, economic and psychological forces which affect the society in general and individuals in particular. The lengthiness of adolescence, the myriad changes, the uncertainty about the future, the anxiety over choices and other real life situations bring about stressful conditions to the adolescents. The Influence of Environmental factor (Socio Economic Status) on the Stress of adolescents was analyzed in 600 adolescents in the age group of 15 – 16 years, selected from various colleges of Mysore City. Out of 600 selected subjects 300 were adolescent boys and 300 were adolescent girls who represented equally all the three socio-economic groups namely, upper, middle and lower groups. The Socio Economic Status Scale and the Perceived Stressful Life Events Scale was administered to assess the Socio Economic status and the Environmental Stress of Adolescents. The results revealed that the lower class adolescent boys and girls exhibited comparatively high degree of environmental stress ranging from severe to moderate levels as compared to middle and upper class adolescent boys and girls and adolescent boys have experienced high degree of stress ranging from severe to moderate levels as compared to the adolescent girls. A highly significant difference is noted between the environmental factor and stress of adolescents. Parental care, involvement, guidance and immense support in time of need benefit and ensure adolescents healthy development.

Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-723582


PURPOSE: To estimate the stress level and to evaluate the psychiatric symptoms in mothers of cerebral palsy (CP) children according to the clinical type and severity. METHODS: Sixty two mothers of CP children and 51 mothers of normal children (control) completed the Daily stress inventory, Schedule of recent life experience, Questionnaire on resources and stress-Friedrich and Symptom checklist-90-revision. The data were statistically analyzed. RESULTS: 1) Rather than the mothers of atonic CP, there were no significant differences in the stress level of every day life and events between mothers of CP children and control. 2) Mothers of CP children showed a higher level of stress related to children, and it was Mothers of statistically significant (p<0.05) quadriplegics and/or severe CP children showed the highest stress level. 3) Mothers of quadriplegic and diplegic types with a moderate disability showed the significantly (p<0.05) high scores in the categories of psychiatric symptoms of somatization, obsessive-compulsiveness, depression, anxiety, hostility, phobia and psychoticism, which may need therapeutic intervention. CONCLUSION: It seems to be very important to determine the level of stress and psychiatric symptoms in mothers of CP children for the comprehensive rehabilitation of CP children.

Enfant , Humains , Anxiété , Rendez-vous et plannings , Paralysie cérébrale , Dépression , Hostilité , Événements de vie , Mères , Troubles phobiques , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Réadaptation
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-221882


The number of foreign workers, which has increased since 1989, can be classified into industrial trainees and illegal migratory workers. As of January 1995, the official number of foreign workers reached 49,805 according to the Ministry of Labor. But the real number is estimated to be around 100,000 and industrial trainees are 22,583 among them. The stress induced by the culture shock, 3D (dirty, difficult and dangerous) working conditions, and illegal status of the foreign workers is greater than that of regular Korean workers. By using a psychological well-being index (PWI) measuring stress on 144 foreign workers, it was revealed that 68 people experienced "high risk stress", 76 "latent stress", and the average score was 62.8. The overall stress level was very high. Considering the distribution of high risk stress group and latent stress group by socio-demographic factors, the percentage of high risk stress group was higher among workers whose contract periods are less than 2 years than among workers whose contract periods are longer than 2 years. And the percentage of high risk stress group was higher when the number of workers at factory becoming larger, and also higher among workers who can not communicate well than among workers communicate well. After having a multiple stepwise regression analysis to find the socio-demographic factors which influence the PWI score, we found that the PWI score goes higher when the contract period is becoming shorter and the work hours is becoming longer, and these two factors are able to explain the score to the level 16.3%.

Humains , Choc , Population de passage et migrants
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