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Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 30: e0187, 2024. tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575989


RESUMO O ensino inclusivo é um desafio para a Educação Básica, até mesmo para a Educação Infantil. O movimento das práticas baseadas em evidências vem ganhando destaque na educação como um caminho para proporcionar educação de qualidade para todos, inclusive para crianças com necessidades educacionais especiais (NEE). Assim sendo, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar, em uma amostra de cinco professoras da Educação Infantil, se suas práticas cotidianas incluem práticas recomendadas pela literatura para promover a inclusão de crianças com NEE. Foram filmadas 14 atividades conduzidas pelas professoras com as cinco turmas, que incluíam nove crianças com NEE. Para cada filmagem, foi feito um registro de ocorrência de uma lista prédefinida de 29 práticas educativas inclusivas, dirigidas para a classe como um todo, ou para as crianças com NEE especificamente. Houve maior percentagem de ocorrências das práticas para a classe como um todo do que para as crianças com NEE, mas essas percentagens foram baixas para ambos os grupos. Para as crianças com NEE, apenas as "Práticas durante as atividades em geral" se destacaram. Verificou-se que as professoras empregam práticas baseadas em evidências, mas têm dificuldades em identificar quando e com quem utilizá-las. São discutidas barreiras para a inclusão e fragilidades na formação do professor para atender crianças com NEE na Educação Infantil.

ABSTRACT Inclusive education is a challenge for Basic Education, even for Early Childhood Education. The movement towards evidence-based practices has been gaining prominence in education as a pathway to providing quality education for all students, including children with special educational needs (SEN). Thus, the aim of this study was to assess, in a sample of five Early Childhood Education teachers, whether their daily practices include recommendations from the literature to promote the inclusion of children with SEN. Fourteen activities conducted by the Early Childhood Education teachers with the five classes, which included nine children with SEN, were filmed. For each recording, an occurrence record was made for a predefined list of 29 inclusive educational practices, directed towards the entire class or specifically for children with SEN. There was a higher percentage of occurrences of practices for the entire class than for children with SEN, but these percentages were low for both groups. For children with SEN, only "Practices during general activities" stood out. It was verified that teachers use evidence-based practices but have difficulties in identifying when and with whom to use them. Barriers to inclusion and weaknesses in teacher training to support children with SEN in Early Childhood Education are discussed.

Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038697


Introduction@#The aim of this study was to determine the role of job stress and job satisfaction in predicting job burnout in teachers of students with special needs in Shiraz, Iran. @*Methods@#The sample included 136 teachers of students with special needs that were selected through convenience sampling. For data collection, the Burnout Inventory, Job Stress Questionnaire, and the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire were used. Data were analysed using Pearson correlation coefficient and simultaneous multiple regression.@*Results@#The results showed that job stress positively and significantly predicted job burnout and job satisfaction negatively and significantly predicted job burnout.@*Conclusion@#According to the findings of this study, it is suggested that organisations related special education field to design and develop appropriate educational and supportive programs (such as holding workshops on stress management in the workplace, providing free counseling and psychological services, identifying individual and environmental factors affecting job satisfaction in teachers of students with special needs, helping to increase their job satisfaction, providing assistants for these teachers, and etc.). This will increase job satisfaction and reduce job stress in teachers of students with special needs. In this way, the burnout of teachers of students with special needs will be reduced.

Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 14(3): 497-508, sept.-dic. 2008.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-509523


O estudo teve como objetivo buscar evidências na literatura acerca da inclusão de crianças com Síndrome de Down na rede regular de ensino. Elaboraram-se revisão da literatura e busca dos artigos nas bases de dados PubMed e PsycINFO, utilizando as palavras-chave Down syndrome, schools, mainstreaming (education), education, infant, newborn, adolescent, child e preschool, no período de 1994 a 2007. Selecionaram-se oito artigos e sua análise permitiu a identificação do tema: experiências e recomendações para a inclusão. Os dados desta revisão, em sua maioria provenientes de relatos de experiências, indicaram que os fatores que colaboraram ou dificultaram o processo de inclusão da criança com síndrome de Down na rede regular de ensino relacionaram-se à escola, aos pais e ao professor. Os resultados deste estudo oferecem possibilidades para melhorar o processo de inclusão, apresentam os desafios e ainda apontam a necessidade do desenvolvimento de novas pesquisas, cujos resultados possam ser aplicados na prática.

This study aimed to look for evidence in the literature about the inclusion of children with Down syndrome into the regular education system. A review of the literature was undertaken, looking for articles in PubMed and PsycINFO, using the keywords Down syndrome, schools, mainstreaming (education), education, infant, newborn, adolescent, child, and preschool, between 1994 and 2007. Eight articles were selected. The analysis of the articles enabled us to identify the following theme: experiences and recommendations for inclusion. Data from this review, which mostly resulted from experience reports, indicated that the factors that either collaborated with or made the inclusion process of the child with Down syndrome into the regular education network more difficult were related to the school itself, the parents and the teacher. The results of this study offer possibilities for improving the inclusion process, while also presenting the challenges and indicating the need for further research, the results of which have practical applications.

Nouveau-né , Nourrisson , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Enfant , Adolescent , Syndrome de Down , Enseignement spécialisé , Famille , Relations interpersonnelles , Enseignement , 1659
Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 13(3): 399-414, set.-dez. 2007. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-473018


A inclusão de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais (NEE) requer professores capazes de promover sua aprendizagem e participação. No entanto, a maioria dos professores atuantes nos diversos níveis de ensino se encontra despreparada para assumir esta responsabilidade. Visando contribuir para melhorar esta situação, este estudo teve como objetivos: 1) verificar se os professores dos cursos de licenciatura da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL) têm conhecimento suficiente para incluir alunos com NEE em suas atividades acadêmicas; 2) identificar se estes professores percebem a necessidade de participar de um programa de preparação pedagógica para incluir alunos com NEE e de que maneira deveria dar-se esta preparação. Em vista dos objetivos propostos foi realizada uma pesquisa descritiva. Participaram desta pesquisa 178 professores atuantes em 13 cursos de licenciatura da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Os dados foram coletados por meio de um questionário contendo 17 questões objetivas. Os resultados evidenciaram que 84 por cento dos participantes consideraram que não tinham conhecimento suficiente para incluir alunos com NEE. 63 por cento dos participantes se interessaram em participar de um programa de formação para inclusão de alunos com NEE e indicaram os temas a serem abordados, bem como a metodologia de ensino a ser utilizada. Consideramos que os resultados obtidos possibilitaram a organização de diretrizes para o planejamento de um programa de formação pedagógica junto a professores de cursos de licenciatura para inclusão de alunos com NEE.

The inclusion of students with special educational needs requires teachers capable of promoting their learning and participation. However, most active teachers and professors at various teaching levels are not prepared to take that responsibility. Looking for a way to contribute, the present study aimed to: 1) verify whether the professors who teach undergraduates of teacher preparation courses at the State University of Londrina (UEL) have enough knowledge to include students with special educational needs in their academic activities; 2) identify whether these professors recognize the need to participate in a program of pedagogical preparation aiming to include such students and how this preparation should be designed. A descriptive research project was set up, so as to answer the questions at hand. One hundred and seventy eight professors who teach in 13 different teacher preparation programs took part in this research. Data were collected through a questionnaire containing 17 objective questions. The results showed that 84 percent of the participants considered that they didn't have enough knowledge to include students with special educational needs. Sixty-three percent were interested in taking part in a formation program to include students with special needs, and indicated the themes that should be included and methodology to be used. The results enabled us to prepare guidelines for pedagogical formation program for bachelor degree teacher preparation courses for inclusive educational contexts.