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Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 88(3): 309-315, May-June 2022. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1384183


Abstract Introduction The adenomatoid odontogenic tumor is a relatively uncommon odontogenic neoplasm representing about 4.7% of all odontogenic tumors. Objective The aim of this study was to determine the demographic and clinical profile of the adenomatoid odontogenic tumors in a Sri Lankan population. Methods Data gathered from the cases received for a period of 38 years from the Department of Oral Pathology, Faculty of Dental Sciences, University of Peradeniya. Request forms, biopsy reports and electronic data base of the department were used to obtain relevant information. Demographic data including age, gender and location of the tumor were included in the analysis. Results Out of 116 cases of adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, the mean age was 21.02 ± 11.24. It occurs more fre quently in the second decade of life, more prevalent in females, most often associated with the maxilla, predominantly affecting anterior jaw bones and presenting mostly in the right side of the jaw bone. The results from the present study showed the statistically significant relationship with site of occurrence (maxilla/mandible) and age (p< 0.005). Further, depending on whether it occurs in anterior/mid/posterior site also showed a significant relationship with age (p≤ 0.001). However, side of occurrence, left or right or site of occurrence, showed no statistically significance with age (p> 0.05). Conclusion Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor occurs more frequently in the second decade of life with a significant female predominance and the commonest site is anterior maxilla. This study revealed few differences on demographic and clinical presentations of adenomatoid odontogenic tumor from some regions of the world.

Resumo Introdução O tumor odontogênico adenomatoide é uma neoplasia odontogênica relativamente incomum que representa cerca de 4,7% de todos os tumores odontogênicos. Objetivo Determinar o perfil demográfico e clínico dos tumores odontogênicos adenomatoides em uma população do Sri Lanka. Método Os dados foram obtidos dos casos tratados por 38 anos no Departamento de Patologia Oral da Faculty of Dental Sciences, University of Peradeniya. Formulários de solicitação, relatórios de biópsia e o banco de dados eletrônico do departamento foram usados para obter informações relevantes. Dados demográficos, idade, sexo e localização do tumor foram incluídos na análise. Resultados Dos 116 casos de tumor odontogênico adenomatoide, a média de idade foi de 21,02 ± 11,24. Ocorreu com mais frequência na segunda década de vida, e foi mais prevalente no sexo feminino, mais frequentemente associado à maxila, afetou predominantemente os ossos da mandíbula anterior e apresentou-se principalmente no lado direito dos ossos da mandíbula. Os resultados do presente estudo mostraram uma relação estatisticamente significante com o local da ocorrência (maxila/mandíbula) e idade (p < 0,005). Além disso, de acordo com o local de ocorrência, região anterior/média/posterior, também apresentou relação significante com a idade (p ≤ 0,001). Entretanto, nem o lado acometido, direito ou esquerdo, ou o sítio de ocorrência foi estatisticamente significante em relação à idade (p > 0,05). Conclusão O tumor odontogênico adenomatoide ocorre com mais frequência na segunda década de vida, com predominância feminina significativa, e o local mais comum é a maxila anterior. Este estudo revelou poucas diferenças nas apresentações demográficas e clínicas do tumor odontogênico adenomatoide de algumas regiões do mundo.

Rev. odontopediatr. latinoam ; 12(1): 224267, 2022. ilus
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1426684


El tumor odontogénico adenomatoide (TOA), fue descripto en 1905 por Steensland. En el año 2005, la OMS lo clasificó como una neoplasia benigna constituida por epitelio odontogénico con estroma fibroso sin ectomesénquima odontogénico. El diagnóstico diferencial del TOA debe hacerse con el quiste dentígero, ameloblastoma uniquístico y tumor odontogénico epitelial calcificante. En el presente artículo se presenta el caso de una paciente femenina de 14 años que concurre al servicio de odontología del "H.I.G.A. Presidente Perón de Avellaneda", que al análisis intraoral, se detectó un abombamiento de la tabla ósea vestibular de la zona anterior de la hemi-mandibula derecha a nivel de caninos y premolares, indoloro, de consistencia sólida, bordes definidos, sin crepitación, no identificado por la paciente con ausencia de la pieza 44 y persistencia del 84. Se realizó ortopantomografia de rutina y TAC de macizo cráneo-facial, para la planificación del abordaje quirúrgico y evaluar relación con estructuras nobles. Se decide intervenirla bajo anestesia general para la extirpación quirúrgica de la lesión, obteniendo en el estudio anatomopatología como resultado Tumor Odontogénico Adenomatoide o TOA, por lo que se realizaron controles durante 10 meses, continuando en la actualidad con los mismos. El pronóstico del TOA es bueno, la tasa de recurrencia es de 0,2%. En nuestro caso la decisión fue de una cirugía conservadora sin regeneración ósea debido a la edad de la paciente, y la cercanía del paquete vasculonervioso dentario inferior y su ramal terminal mentoniana, en donde los controles posquirúrgicos demostraron una buena evolución con recuperación de la sensibilidad y la no recidiva de la entidad tumoral.

O tumor odontogênico adenomatóide (TOA) foi descrito em 1905 por Steensland. Em 2005, a OMS classificou-a como uma neoplasia benigna constituída por epitélio odontogênico com estroma fibroso sem ectomesênquima odontogênico. O diagnóstico diferencial da TOA deve ser feito com o cisto dentígero, ameloblastoma unicístico e tumor odontogênico epitelial calcário. Este artigo apresenta o caso de uma paciente de 14 anos, do sexo feminino, que frequenta o serviço odontológico do "HIGA Presidente Perón da Avellaneda", que na análise intraoral detectou abaulamento da mesa óssea vestibular na região anterior do Hemi-mandíbula direita ao nível dos caninos e pré-molares, indolor, de consistência sólida, bordas definidas, sem crepitação, não identificada pelo paciente com ausência de dente 44 e persistência do dente 84. Ortopantomografia de rotina e maciço craniofacial foram realizados para planejamento da abordagem cirúrgica e avaliação da relação com estruturas nobres. Optou-se por intervir sob anestesia geral para a retirada cirúrgica da lesão, obtendo no estudo anatomopatológico como resultado Tumor Odontogênico Adenomatóide ou TOA, para os quais foram realizados controles por 10 meses, continuando com eles atualmente. O prognóstico para TOA é bom, a taxa de recorrência é de 0,2%. Em nosso caso, optou-se por uma cirurgia conservadora sem regeneração óssea devido à idade do paciente, e à proximidade do feixe neurovascular dentário inferior e seu ramo mandibular terminal, onde os controles pós-operatórios apresentaram boa evolução com recuperação da sensibilidade e a não recorrência da entidade tumoral.

The adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (AOT) was described in 1905 by Steensland. In 2005, the WHO classified it as a benign neoplasm consisting of odontogenic epithelium with fibrous stroma without odontogenic ectomesenchyme. The differential diagnosis of AOT should be made with the dentigerous cyst, unicystic ameloblastoma and calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor. This article presents the case of a 14-year-old female patient who attends the dental service of the " HIGA President Perón to Avellaneda", who, upon intraoral analysis, detected a bulging of the vestibular bone table in the anterior area of the Right hemi-mandible at the level of the canines and premolars, painless, of solid consistency, defined edges, without crepitation, not identified by the patient with absence of tooth 44 and persistence of 84. Routine orthopantomography and craniofacial massif were performed to plan the surgical approach and evaluate the relationship with noble structures. It was decided to intervene under general anesthesia for the surgical removal of the lesion, obtaining in the anatomopathology study as a result Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor or TOA, for which controls were carried out for 10 months, continuing with them at present. The prognosis for TOA is good, the recurrence rate is 0.2%. In our case, the decision was for conservative surgery without bone regeneration due to the age of the patient, and the proximity of the inferior dental nerve bundle and its terminal chin branch, where the postoperative controls showed a good evolution with recovery of sensitivity and the non-recurrence of the tumor entity.

Humains , Femelle , Adolescent , Tumeurs odontogènes , Mandibule , Prémolaire , Radiographie panoramique , Améloblastome , Kyste dentigère
Rev. cuba. hematol. inmunol. hemoter ; 37(3): e1505, 2021. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1341404


Introducción: Con el protocolo LPM-TOA para el tratamiento de la leucemia promielocítica se obtienen excelentes resultados, se prolonga la sobrevida global y es posible la curación de los enfermos. En la de inducción a la remisión se utilizan dos drogas, una antraciclina y trióxido de arsénico, y en la consolidación los enfermos reciben de nuevo una dosis elevada de arsénico. Objetivo: Evaluar la toxicidad hepática tardía en pacientes con leucemia promielocítica tratados según el protocolo LPM-TOA. Métodos: Se realizó estudio longitudinal prospectivo que incluyó20 pacientes tratados con dicho protocolo, todos con más de dos años de haberlo suspendido. Se revisaron las historias clínicas para evaluar mediante los valores iniciales y evolutivos de las enzimas hepáticas, la función hepática inicial y evolutiva. Se determinó el índice de Ritis para predecir evolución a la cronicidad de existir daño hepático. Resultados: Hombres y mujeres se presentaron con la misma frecuencia y la media para la edad del sexo masculino fue 36,39 y para el femenino 39, con desviación estándar de ±14,02 y ±9,43, respectivamente. La variedad morfológica más frecuente fue la hipergranular, el promedio del índice de Ritis fue de solo 1,006 con desviación estándar de 0,745. Conclusiones: No hubo evidencias clínica ni enzimática de toxicidad hepática tardía en los pacientes estudiados(AU)

Introduction: With the LPM-TOA protocol for the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia, excellent results are obtained, overall survival is prolonged and the patients are cured, in the induction to remission two drugs are used, an anthracycline and arsenic trioxide, and in consolidation the patients again receive a high dose of arsenic. Objective: To assess late liver toxicity in patients with promyelocytic leukemia treated according to the PML-TOA protocol. Methods: A prospective longitudinal study was carried out that included 20 patients treated with this protocol, all with more than two years of having suspended treatment. The clinical histories were reviewed and by means of the initial and evolutionary values of liver enzymes, the initial and evolutionary liver function was evaluated and the Ritis index was determined to predict evolution to chronicity if there is liver damage. Results: Men and women presented with the same frequency and the mean age for males was 36.39 and for females it was 39, with a standard deviation of ± 14.02 and ± 9.43 respectively. The most frequent morphological variety was hypergranular, the average Ritis index was only 1.006 with a standard deviation of 0.745. Conclusions: There was no clinical or enzymatic evidence of late liver toxicity in the patients studied(AU)

Humains , Leucémie aiguë promyélocytaire/traitement médicamenteux , Lésions hépatiques dues aux substances/prévention et contrôle , Trioxyde d'arsenic/toxicité , Analyse de survie , Études prospectives , Études longitudinales
Rev. cuba. hematol. inmunol. hemoter ; 37(1): e1249, ene.-mar. 2021. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1251713


Introducción: Con el protocolo LPM-TOA para tratamiento de la leucemia promielocítica, se han obtenido excelentes resultados, ya que se logra sobrevida global prolongada y posible curación de los enfermos. En la inducción se utilizan dos drogas cardiotóxicas: las antraciclinas y el trióxido de arsénico y en la consolidación los enfermos reciben una dosis elevada de arsénico. Objetivo: Evaluar la toxicidad cardíaca tardía en pacientes con leucemia promielocítica tratados según el protocolo LPM-TOA. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo, prospectivo y longitudinal que incluyó 20 pacientes tratados con protocolo LPM-TOA, seguidos en consulta entre enero y julio 2019. Los pacientes tenían más de dos años de haber recibido las drogas cardiotóxicas. Se revisaron las historias clínicas y se determinó la fracción de eyección ventricular izquierda y la deformidad longitudinal global, mediante ecocardiograma. Resultados: Se presentaron hombres y mujeres con igual frecuencia, edad promedio 41,5 ± 11,0 años. Durante la inducción, en menos de la mitad de los enfermos se suspendió el arsénico por elevación del segmento QT corregido; en la mayoría solo se suspendió por uno o dos días. La mayor parte de los pacientes tuvo la fracción de eyección ventricular izquierda con valores entre 61 y 70 por ciento y la deformidad longitudinal global fue - 24 - 22 por ciento Conclusiones: En los pacientes estudiados, el tiempo de haber recibido el trióxido de arsénico y la dosis recibida, no influyó en la función cardíaca(AU)

Introduction: The PML-ATO protocol for the treatment of promyelocytic leukemia has obtained excellent results, achieving high overall survival rates and the possible healing of patients. Two cardiotoxic drugs are used in the induction process: anthracyclines and arsenic trioxide, whereas during consolidation patients receive a high dose of arsenic. Objective: Evaluate the late cardiotoxicity in patients with promyelocytic leukemia treated by the PML-ATO protocol. Methods: An observational prospective longitudinal descriptive study was conducted of 20 patients treated with the PML-ATO protocol and followed-up in outpatient consultation from January to July 2019. More than two years had elapsed since the patients received the cardiotoxic drugs. A review was carried out of the patients' medical records and echocardiographic determination was made of left ventricular ejection fraction and overall longitudinal deformity. Results: Men and women presented the same frequency; mean age was 41.5 ± 11.0 years. During induction, arsenic was suspended in less than half the patients due to corrected QT elevation. In most it was only suspended for one or two days. Most patients had left ventricular ejection fraction values between 61 percent and 70 percent, whereas overall longitudinal deformity was - 24 percent - 22 percent. Conclusions: In the patients studied, cardiac function was not affected by the time elapsed since arsenic trioxide administration or the dose received(AU)

Humains , Leucémie aiguë promyélocytaire/mortalité , Leucémie aiguë promyélocytaire/thérapie , Anthracyclines , Trioxyde d'arsenic/usage thérapeutique , Dossiers médicaux , Taux de survie , Cardiotoxicité/traitement médicamenteux
Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines (English Ed.) ; (6): 912-916, 2017.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-812041


As the carrier of water-insoluble drugs, microspheres can play a role in increasing solubility and delaying releasing essence. The objective of this study was to improve the solubility and to delay the release of a newly discovered antitumor compound 3β-hydroxyolea-12-en-28-oic acid-3, 5, 6-trimethylpyrazin-2-methyl ester (T-OA). Early-stage preparation discovery concept (EPDC) was employed in the present study. The preparation, physicochemical characterization, and drug release properties of PLGA microspheres were evaluated. T-OA-loaded PLGA microspheres were prepared by an oil-in-water (O/W) emulsification solvent evaporation method. Characterization and release behaviors of the T-OA PLGA microspheres were evaluated by X-ray diffract (XRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The results demonstrated that T-OA-loaded PLGA microspheres could be successfully obtained through solvent evaporation method with appropriate morphologic characteristics and high encapsulation efficiency. The XRD analysis showed that T-OA would be either molecularly dispersed in the polymer or distributed in an amorphous form. The DSC and FTIR analysis proved that there were interactions between T-OA and PLGA polymer. SEM observations displayed the morphology of the microspheres was homogeneous and the majority of the spheres ranged between 50 and 150 μm. The drug release behavior of the microspheres in the phosphate buffered saline medium exhibited a sustained release and the duration of the release lasted for more than 23 days, which was fit with zero-order release pattern with r = 0.9947. In conclusion, TOA-loaded PLGA microspheres might hold great promise for using as a drug-delivery system in biomedical applications.

Antinéoplasiques , Chimie , Calorimétrie différentielle à balayage , Chimie pharmaceutique , Préparations à action retardée , Chimie , Vecteurs de médicaments , Chimie , Acide lactique , Chimie , Microscopie électronique à balayage , Microsphères , Acide oléanolique , Chimie , Acide polyglycolique , Chimie , Copolymère d'acide poly(lactique-co-glycolique) , Pyrazines , Chimie , Solubilité , Spectroscopie infrarouge à transformée de Fourier , Diffraction des rayons X
Rev. odontol. mex ; 19(3): 187-191, jul.-sep. 2015. graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-791607


El tumor odontogénico adenomatoide es una neoplasia de tipo benigno hamartomatosa de origen odontogénico, se presenta en pacientes jóvenes, siendo el género femenino y la región maxilar los más afectados, de crecimiento lento, asintomáticos, se relacionan a órganos dentarios no erupcionados principalmente el canino, clínicamente se clasifica como: folicular, extrafolicular y periférico, el tratamiento para esta lesión es la enucleación y curetaje de la zona afectada sin observarse recidiva.

Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor is a hamartomous benign neoplasia of odontogenic origin. It appears mostly in young patients and females, the maxillary region being the most affected. It is a slow-growing, asymptomatic lesion. It is related to non-erupted teeth, mainly canines. Lesions of this type can be clinically classified as a follicular, extra follicular and peripheral lesions. Treatment for these lesions is enucleation and curettage of affected area. No recurrence has been observed.

Korean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology ; : 448-457, 2008.
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-194472


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to measure the serum levels of CA 125, ESR and CRP in patients with tubo-ovarian abscess (TOA) before and after treatment of abscess and to assess the usefulness of CA 125 in the diagnosis, prediction of the outcome of TOA treatment and clinical follow-up of patient's condition. METHODS: This retrospective study included 65 patients with TOA. Serum CA 125, ESR, CRP and WBC counts were measured. The treatment was done conservatively with antibiotics. The patients were divided into two groups: those with successful results into group 1 (29 cases) and those with unsuccessful results into group 2 (36 cases). If treatment was considered to be unsuccessful, surgical intervention was additionally performed. RESULTS: The serum levels of CA 125, ESR and abscess size on admission in group 2 were significantly higher than in group 1. ESR, abscess size and CA 125 in order were valuable predictive factors affecting the success of medical treatment. And the new cutoff value was 36.5 mm/h, 4.2 cm and 68.3 U/ml, respectively. The sensitivity rate of CA 125, ESR levels was significantly higher in group 2 than in group 1. Although CRP was decreased significantly 10 days after treatment, the serum CA 125 was not decreased significantly. And it took 51.5 days for CA 125 to be normalized after the initiation of treatment. CONCLUSIONS: The serum CA125, ESR levels and abscess sizes are predictive factors affecting the success of medical treatment of abscess treatment. And CA 125 and ESR are useful for diagnosing severity of disease. But serum CA 125 level is an inappropriate marker for monitoring short-term efficacy of treatment.

Humains , Abcès , Antibactériens , Études de suivi , Études rétrospectives
Korean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology ; : 1645-1649, 2001.
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-198322


OBJECTIVE: We report six patients with tuboovarian abscess (TOA) drained through sonographically guided transrectal route, in whom percutaneous or transvaginal approach was not accessible due to the risk of pelvic organ. METHOD: This procedure was performed under the guidance of transrectal ultrasound. Six patients with aged 25-42 years (mean 31.6 years), who had appendectomy(1), C/S(2), hyterectomy(1) and no operaion Hx(2). Size of abscess cavity was variable from three to eight centimeter. Catheter was removed when drainage amount was reduced less than 10 cc and the patient becomes afebrile. RESULT: Drainage was successfully done in all patients without any complication to the procedure. Fecal contamination was not occurred after transrectal drainage due to abdominal pressure and gravity ought to empty the abscess cavity. There was no problem in defecation due to the catheter and in its expulsion by defecation. Catheter was removed after 3-8 days (mean 6 days) without recurrent abscess. CONCLUSION: Transrectal drainage of abscess performed with ultrasound guidance is a safe, feasible procedure, which is well tolerated by patient and relatively easy procedure.

Humains , Abcès , Cathéters , Défécation , Drainage , Gravitation , Échographie
Détails de la recherche