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Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013291


ObjectiveTo observe the therapeutic effect of early postoperative comprehensive rehabilitation on elbow joint dysfunction and ulnar nerve injury in children and adolecents with supracondylar fracture of humerus complicated with ulnar nerve injury. MethodsA total of 49 children with supracondylar fracture of humerus complicated with ulnar nerve injury after operation were selected from January, 2016 to December, 2021 in Wangjing Hospital, which were randomly divided into control group (n = 24) and treatment group (n = 25). The control group accepted wax therapy and acupuncture, and the treatment group accepted medicine fumigation, joint mobilization and electromyographic biofeedback, for twelve weeks. They were assessed with The Hospital for Special Surgery Elbow score (HSS) and Medical Research Neurotrauma Society Report (MCRR) before and after treatment. ResultsAfter treatent, the HSS scores increased in both groups (|t| > 8.345, P < 0.001). The HSS score was significantly higher in the treatment group than in the control group (t = 4.536, P < 0.001). The d-value of HSS scores before and after treatment was significantly higher in the treatment group than in the control group (t = 3.717, P < 0.05). The rate of excellent recovery of ulnar nerve function was significantly higher in the treatment group than in the control group (χ2 = 5.975, P < 0.05). ConclusionEarly postoperative comprehensive rehabilitation could romote the recovery of elbow function and ulnar nerve injury in children and youth with supracondylar fracture of humerus complicated with ulnar nerve injury.

Rev. sanid. mil ; 77(4): e01, oct.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560429


Resumen Objetivo: Analizar los resultados de la técnica quirúrgica de colocación de clavillos Kirschner forma lateral versus cruzada en el manejo de las fracturas supracondíleas de húmero en pacientes pediátricos. Metodología: Se captaron a todos los pacientes con fractura supracondílea humeral en edad pediátrica que requirieron intervención quirúrgica, y posteriormente fueron evaluados a las 24 horas y 6 meses posterior al tratamiento quirúrgico para observar y comparar las diferencias entre cada técnica quirúrgica utilizada, tomando en cuenta las complicaciones agudas y tardías que se presentaron mediante un análisis con la prueba de Mann-Whitney. Resultados: Para el presente estudios se evaluaron 44 pacientes pediátricos de los cuales 70% eran hombres y 30% mujeres, en quienes se presentaron complicaciones nerviosas y angulares sin importancia significativa alguna con el sexo y edades de los pacientes, siendo la afección del nervio cubital la de mayor frecuencia con 33% en la colocación de forma cruzada. Al realizar la comparativa con discriminación de variables se obtiene que la colocación de forma lateral presenta menos complicaciones posquirúrgicas tempranas y tardías y que tales no se deben al azar. Limitaciones o implicaciones: En el presente estudio no se incluyó el tipo de daño mecánico que provoca este tipo de fractura, ni se consideró el ángulo de Baumann. Otra limitación inherente en la población pediátrica es la habilidad del explorador para detectar un déficit neurológico, especialmente en pacientes de edad temprana dado a que los reportes de una exploración física siempre son subjetivos. Además, dada la limitación en cuanto a los detalles del mecanismo específico de daño, se puede subestimar el número de daños provocados por mecanismos de alta energía. Originalidad y valor: Su importancia radica en que ambas técnicas quirúrgicas fueron realizadas por los mismos cirujanos y que se trata de un estudio en población mexicana, siendo un aporte para la literatura de este país. Conclusión: Ambas técnicas quirúrgicas presentan resultados posquirúrgicos con casos de lesión nerviosa, deformidad angular, dolor y edema persistente, pero la que los presenta en menor frecuencia es la técnica de colocación de clavillos Kirschner en forma lateral, además de causar una significancia estadística en cuanto a la disminución de presentar cubito valgo en el seguimiento tardío de los pacientes.

Abstract: Objective: To analyze the results of the surgical technique placement of Kirschner pins lateral versus crossed in the management of supracondylar fractures of the humerus in pediatric patients. Methodology: All pediatric patients with humeral supracondylar fracture who required surgical intervention and were subsequently evaluated 24 hours and 6 months after surgical treatment to observe and compare the differences between each patient. surgical technique used. Taking into account the acute and late complications that occurred, through an analysis with the Mann-Whitney test. Results: For the present studies, 44 pediatric patients were evaluated, of whom 70% were men and 30% women, in whom nerve and angular complications presented without any significant importance with the sex and age of the patients, with ulnar nerve involvement being the most frequent with 33% in cross placement. When carrying out the comparison with discrimination of variables, it is obtained that the placement laterally presents fewer early and late post-surgical complications and that such are not due to chance. Or the present study, it is considered that a placement of Kirschner pins laterally regardless of the member, age, gender or classification; leads to better post-surgical results. Limitations or implications: In the present study, the type of mechanical damage that causes this type of fracture was not included, nor was the Baumann angle considered. Another limitation inherent in the pediatric population is the ability of the examiner to detect a neurological deficit, especially in young patients since reports of a physical examination are always subjective. Furthermore, given the limited details of the specific damage mechanism, the number of damages caused by high-energy mechanisms may be underestimated. Originality or value: Its importance lies in the fact that both surgical techniques were performed by the same surgeons and that it is a study in the mexican population, being a contribution to the literature of this country. Findings or conclusions: Both surgical techniques present post-surgical results with cases of nerve injury, angular deformity, pain and persistent edema, but the one that presents them less frequently in the technique of placement of Kirschner pins laterally, in addition to causing statistical significance in terms of the decrease of presenting cubitus valgus in the late follow-up of the patients.

MedUNAB ; 26(1): 30-39, 20230731.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525363


Introducción. El objetivo del estudio fue describir las características sociodemográficas, tratamiento y complicaciones pre y posquirúrgicas de las fracturas supracondíleas del húmero distal en niños que requirieron manejo quirúrgico en un hospital de Santander, Colombia. Metodología. Se trata de un estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal con 58 pacientes que cumplieron los siguientes criterios de inclusión: edad entre 3 a 14 años, fracturas supracondíleas de manejo quirúrgico; como criterios de exclusión se tomó: antecedente de enfermedad ósea o neurológica previa y fracturas de más de 7 días de evolución. Para las variables continuas se usó medidas de tendencia central y dispersión, las categóricas en porcentajes y frecuencias absolutas. Resultados. La edad media de presentación fue de 6.2 años, el principal mecanismo de trauma fue caídas de altura con un 96.5%. El 65.5% provenía de zonas urbanas. El 13.8% se asoció con fracturas de antebrazo, y el 3.4% de epitróclea. La fijación se realizó en un 75% con técnica cruzada y un 17.2% se asoció con lesión iatrogénica del nervio ulnar. Discusión. En el estudio no se informaron lesiones vasculares; sin embargo, se documentó una alta prevalencia de lesión neurológica con la fijación medial, similar a lo descrito en la literatura (1.4%-17.7%); algunos autores describen técnicas que disminuyen estas lesiones hasta en un 0%. Conclusión. Las características sociodemográficas de nuestra población coinciden con la estadística publicada mundialmente; la principal complicación fue la lesión iatrogénica nervio ulnar, que se puede disminuir con un uso racional del pin medial y con el empleo de técnicas que busquen rechazar directamente el nervio. Palabras clave: Fracturas del Húmero; Fijación Interna de Fracturas; Clavos Ortopédicos; Codo; Niño; Nervio Cubital.

Introduction. The objective of this study was to describe sociodemographic characteristic, treatment, and pre- and post-surgical complications of supracondylar fractures of the distal humerus in children who required surgical management at a hospital in Santander, Colombia. Methodology. This was an observational, descriptive, and cross-sectional study involving 58 patients who met inclusion criteria: age between 3 and 14 years old, supracondylar fractures with surgical management; exclusion criteria include previous bone or neurological illness and fractures with more than 7 days of evolution. Central tendency and dispersion measures were used for continuous variables, and categorical variables in percentages and absolute frequencies. Results. The average age at presentation was 6.2 years old, the main mechanism of trauma was fall from height (96.5%). 65.5% came from urban zones. The 13.8% were associated with forearm fractures, and 3.4% with epitrochlear fractures. Pinning was performed at 75% with crossed technique and 17.2% were associated with iatrogenic ulnar nerve injury. Discussion. Study didn't inform vascular injuries. However, a high prevalence of neurological injury with medial pinning was documented, similar to that describe in the literature (1.4%-17.7%); some author described techniques that reduce these lesions by 0%. Conclusion. The sociodemographic characteristics of our population match with worldwide published statistics; the main complication was iatrogenic ulnar nerve injury, which can be reduced with the rational use of medial pin and with the application of techniques that seek to directly spare the nerve. Keywords: Humeral Fractures; Fracture Fixation, Internal; Bone Nails; Elbow; Child; Ulnar Nerve.

Introdução. O objetivo do estudo foi descrever as características sociodemográficas, o tratamento e as complicações pré e pós-cirúrgicas das fraturas supracondilianas do úmero distal em crianças que precisaram de tratamento cirúrgico em um hospital de Santander, Colômbia. Metodologia. Trata-se de um estudo observacional, descritivo e transversal com 58 pacientes que atenderam aos seguintes critérios de inclusão: idade entre 3 e 14 anos, fraturas supracondilianas tratadas cirurgicamente. Os critérios de exclusão foram: histórico de doença óssea ou neurológica prévia e fraturas com duração superior a 7 dias de evolução. Para variáveis contínuas foram utilizadas medidas de tendência central e dispersão, as categóricas em percentuais e frequências absolutas. Resultados. A média de idade de apresentação foi de 6.2 anos, o principal mecanismo de trauma foi a queda de altura com 96.5%. 65.5% vieram de áreas urbanas. 13.8% estavam associados a fraturas de antebraço e 3.4% a epitróclea. A fixação foi realizada em 75% com técnica cruzada e 17.2% esteve associada à lesão iatrogênica do nervo ulnar. Discussão. Nenhuma lesão vascular foi relatada no estudo. No entanto, foi documentada alta prevalência de lesão neurológica com fixação medial, semelhante à descrita na literatura (1.4%-17.7%). Alguns autores descrevem técnicas que reduzem essas lesões em até 0%. Conclusão. As características sociodemográficas da nossa população coincidem com as estatísticas publicadas mundialmente. A principal complicação foi a lesão iatrogênica do nervo ulnar, que pode ser reduzida com o uso racional do pino medial e com o uso de técnicas que buscam rejeitar diretamente o nervo. Palavras-chave: Fraturas do Úmero; Fixação Interna de Fraturas; Pinos Ortopédicos; Cotovelo; Criança; Nervo Ulnar

Ostéosynthèse interne , Nerf ulnaire , Clous orthopédiques , Enfant , Coude , Fractures de l'humérus
Rev. Bras. Ortop. (Online) ; 58(3): 449-456, May-June 2023. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449834


Abstract Objective The endoscopic release of the ulnar nerve reproduces a simple (in situ) procedure with smaller incisions, less soft tissue damage, and higher preservation of nerve vascularization. Endoscopy allows the clear visualization of the entire path of the nerve and surrounding noble structures. Moreover, it reveals any signs of compression and allows a safe release of 10cm distally or proximally to the medial epicondyle. Methods A retrospective survey revealed that 15 subjects (1 with a bilateral injury) underwent an ulnar nerve compression release at the elbow using the endoscopic technique with Agee (Micro-Aire Sugical Instruments, Charlottesville, VA, EUA) equipment from January 2016 to January 2020. Results Symptoms of ulnar nerve compression improved in all patients; on average, they resumed their work activities in 26.5 days. There was no recurrence or need for another procedure. In addition, there were no severe procedure-related complications, such as infection and nerve or vascular injury. One patient had transient paresthesia of the sensory branches to the forearm, with complete functional recovery in 8 weeks. Conclusion Our study shows that the endoscopic release of the ulnar nerve at the elbow with the Agee equipment is a safe, reliable technique with good outcomes.

Resumo Objetivo A liberação endoscópica do nervo ulnar permite reproduzir uma liberação simples (in situ), mas através de incisões menores e com menor lesão de partes moles e uma maior preservação da vascularização do nervo. A visualização clara através da endoscopia permite observar todo o trajeto do nervo e das estruturas nobres circundantes, mostrando os sinais de compressão, possibilitando realizar a liberação de forma segura em um trajeto de 10 cm nos sentidos distal e proximal ao epicôndilo medial. Método Foram encontrados, de forma retrospectiva, no período entre janeiro de 2016 e janeiro de 2020, 15 pacientes (sendo 1 com lesão bilateral) submetidos a liberação da compressão do nervo ulnar no cotovelo pela técnica endoscópica com equipamento de Agee (Micro-Aire Sugical Instruments, Charlottesville, VA, EUA). Resultados Todos os pacientes tiveram melhora dos sintomas de compressão do nervo ulnar e o período de retorno ao trabalho foi de em média 26,5 dias. Não houve recidivas e não houve a necessidade de outro procedimento. Também não houve complicações graves decorrentes do procedimento, como infecção, lesão nervosa ou vascular. Em um paciente, houve parestesia transitória dos ramos sensitivos para o antebraço, com retorno completo da função em 8 semanas. Conclusão Os resultados mostram que a liberação endoscópica do nervo ulnar no cotovelo comoequipamentodeAgeeéuma técnica segura, confiável e com bons resultados.

Humains , Paresthésie , Interventions chirurgicales mini-invasives , Syndrome du tunnel ulnaire au coude/thérapie , Coude/chirurgie , Syndromes de compression nerveuse
Int. j. morphol ; 41(1): 9-18, feb. 2023. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430504


El ramo comunicante mediano-ulnar (RCMU) es la conexión que se origina del nervio mediano (NM) o alguno de sus ramos, para unirse al nervio ulnar (NU) en el antebrazo humano. Cuando este RCMU está presente, determina una prevalencia que oscila entre un 8 % y un 32 %, de tal manera los axones del NM se trasladen al NU, modificando la inervación habitual de los músculos de la mano. Nuestro objetivo fue determinar la prevalencia, biometría, topografía y relaciones anatómicas del RCMU. Adicionalmente, se estableció la coexistencia de otras conexiones entre los NM y NU en el antebrazo y la mano. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, cuantitativo, no experimental y transeccional. Disecamos 30 antebrazos humanos de individuos adultos, pertenecientes al programa de donación cadavérica de la Pontificia Universidad Católicade Chile. Las muestras estaban fijadas en formalina y a 4 °C. El RCMU se presentó en 5 casos (17 %). De estos ramos, tres surgieron del nervio interóseo anterior (NIA) (60 %) y dos (40 %) del ramo que el NM aporta a los músculos superficiales del compartimiento anterior del antebrazo. Estos se clasificaron de acuerdo a la literatura, así el tipo Ic se presentó en tres casos (60 %), y el tipo Ia en dos (40 %). La longitud promedio del RCMU fue de 53,9 mm. El origen del RCMU se ubicó en el tercio proximal y la conexión de este con el NU se estableció en el tercio medio del antebrazo. En tres casos (60 %) se observó la coexistencia del RCMU y una conexión entre los ramos digitales palmares comunes. Estos hallazgos confirman que el RCMU mayoritariamente se extiende entre el nervio interóseo anterior y el NU, y su presencia podría modificar la distribución nerviosa de la mano.

SUMMARY: The median-ulnar communicating branch (MUCB) is the communication that originates from the median nerve (MN) or one of its branches, to join the ulnar nerve (UN) in the human forearm. With a prevalence that oscillates between 8% and 32%, when this MUCB is present, it establishes that axons from the MN move to the UN, modifying the normal innervation of the muscles of the hand. Our aim was to determine the prevalence, biometry and topography and anatomical relationships of the MUCB. Additionally, the coexistence of this MUCB with other connections between the MN and UN was established. A descriptive, quantitative, non experimental and transectional study was conducted. Thirty adult human forearms belonging to the cadaveric donation program of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile were dissected. The samples were fixed in formalin and stored at 4 °C. The MUCB appeared in 5 cases (17%). Of these, three originated from the anterior interosseous nerve (60%) and two (40%) arose from the branch that the MN gives it to the superficial muscles of the anterior compartment of the forearm. These were classified according to the literature consulted, obtaining that Group Ic occurred in three cases (60%), and Group Ia in two (40%). The average MUCB length was 53.9 mm. The origin of the MUCB was on average 21% of the length of the forearm from the biepicondylar line. The connection of this MUCB with the UN was located on average at 44% from this line. In three cases (60%) the coexistence of the MUCB and a connection between the common palmar digital nerves was observed. These findings confirm that the RCMU is generally established between the anterior interosseous nerve of forearm and NU, and its presence could modify the nerve distribution of the hand.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Nerf ulnaire/anatomie et histologie , Variation anatomique , Avant-bras/innervation , Nerf médian/anatomie et histologie , Cadavre
Int. j. morphol ; 41(1): 319-323, feb. 2023. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430510


SUMMARY: The ulnar nerve (UN) is the main nerve responsible for innervation of the intrinsic musculature of the hand. It is of great importance to have a deep anatomical knowledge of the UN. The aim of this study is to enrich the knowledge of the UN anatomy at the wrist and provide useful reference information for clinical and surgical applications. In this descriptive cross-sectional study, 44 upper limbs of fresh cadavers were evaluated. The UN, the superficial branch of the ulnar nerve (SBUN), and the deep branch of the ulnar nerve (DBUN) were evaluated. Morphometric variables were measured using a digital caliper, and samples of nervous tissue were taken to evaluate the histomorphometry. Before entering the Guyon's canal, the UN had a diameter of 3.2 ± 0.4 mm. In 36 samples (82 %) the UN presented a bifurcation pattern and in the remaining 8 samples (18 %) a trifurcation was shown. The diameter of the DBUN was 1.9 ± 0.33 mm and that of the SBUN was 1.29 ± 0.22 mm. In the bifurcation patterns, the SBUN had a trunk of 5.71 ± 1.53 mm before bifurcating into the common digital nerve (fourth and fifth fingers) and an ulnar digital collateral nerve (fifth finger). The DBUN had an area of 2.84 ± 0.7 mm2 and was made up of 8 ± 1.4 fascicles and 3595 ± 465 axons. The SBUN area was 1.31 ± 0.27 mm2, it was made up of 6 ± 1.1 fascicles and 2856 ± 362 axons. The reported findings allow the hand surgeon to improve his understanding of the clinical signs of patients with UN pathologies at the wrist level and thus achieve greater precision while planning and performing surgical approaches and dissections.

El nervio ulnar (NU) es el principal nervio responsable de la inervación de la musculatura intrínseca de la mano. Es de gran importancia tener un profundo conocimiento anatómico del NU. El objetivo de este estudio fue enriquecer el conocimiento de la anatomía del NU en la muñeca y proporcionar información de referencia útil para aplicaciones clínicas y quirúrgicas. En este estudio descriptivo transversal se evaluaron 44 miembros superiores de cadáveres frescos. Se evaluó el NU, el ramo superficial del nervio ulnar (RSNU) y el ramo profundo del nervio ulnar (RPNU). Las variables morfométricas se midieron con un caliper digital y se tomaron muestras del nervio para evaluar la histomorfometría. Antes de ingresar al canal del nervio ulnar (canal Guyon), el ONU tenía un diámetro de 3,2 ± 0,4 mm. En 36 muestras (82 %) el ONU presentó un patrón de bifurcación y en las 8 muestras restantes (18 %) se presentó una trifurcación. El diámetro del RPNU fue de 1,9 ± 0,33 mm y el del RSNU de 1,29 ± 0,22 mm. En los patrones de bifurcación, el RSNU presentó un tronco de 5,71 ± 1,53 mm antes de bifurcarse en el nervio digital común (cuarto y quinto dedo) y un nervio digital colateral ulnar (quinto dedo). El RPNU tenía un área de 2,84 ± 0,7 mm2 y estaba formado por 8 ± 1,4 fascículos y 3595 ± 465 axones. El área del RSNU fue de 1,31 ± 0,27 mm2, estaba formado por 6 ± 1,1 fascículos y 2856 ± 362 axones. Los hallazgos reportados permiten al cirujano de mano mejorar su comprensión de los signos clínicos de los pacientes con patologías del NU a nivel de la muñeca y así lograr una mayor precisión en la planificación y realización de abordajes y disecciones quirúrgicas.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Nerf ulnaire/anatomie et histologie , Poignet/innervation , Cadavre , Études transversales
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981730


OBJECTIVE@#To evaluate the value of high-resolution ultrasound the diagnosis and prognosis of cubital tunnel syndrome.@*METHODS@#From January 2018 to June 2019, 47 patients with cubital tunnel syndrome were treated with ulnar nerve release and anterior subcutaneous transposition. There were 41 males and 6 females, aged from 27 to 73 years old. There were 31 cases on the right, 15 cases on the left, and 1 case on both sides. The diameter of ulnar nerve was measured by high-resolution ultrasound pre-and post-operatively, and measured directly during the operation. The recovery status of the patients was evaluated by the trial standard of ulnar nerve function assessment, and the satisfaction of the patients was assessed.@*RESULTS@#All the 47 cases were followed up for an average of 12 months and the incisions healed well. The diameter of ulnar nerve at the compression level was (0.16±0.04) cm pre-operatively, and the diameter of ulnar nerve was (0.23±0.04) cm post-operatively. The evaluation of ulnar nerve function:excellent in 16 cases, good in 18 cases and fair in 13 cases. Twelve months post-operatively, 28 patients were satisfied, 10 patients were general and 9 patients were dissatisfied.@*CONCLUSION@#The preoperative examination of ulnar nerve by high-resolution ultrasound is consistent with the intuitive measurement during operation, and the result of postoperative examination of ulnar nerve by high-resolution ultrasound is consistent with follow-up results. High-resolution ultrasound is an effective auxiliary method for the diagnosis and treatment of cubital tunnel syndrome.

Mâle , Femelle , Humains , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Syndrome du tunnel ulnaire au coude/chirurgie , Nerf ulnaire/chirurgie , Procédures de neurochirurgie/méthodes , Décompression chirurgicale/méthodes , Pronostic
International Journal of Surgery ; (12): 209-212, 2023.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-989434


Elbow arthrolysis is the most commonly used treatment for elbow stiffness. Ulnar nerve complications are one of the most important evaluation indicators of postoperative health status. However, there is no consensus on the management of ulnar nerve and the control of surgical indications. Combining relevant literature and clinical experience, this review discussed the necessity of ulnar nerve release and the choice of ulnar nerve operations during elbow arthrolysis with or without preoperative ulnar nerve symptoms. It is considered that more attention should be paid to the management of ulnar nerve complications and further research should be performed.

Acta ortop. bras ; Acta ortop. bras;31(4): e265467, 2023. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447092


ABSTRACT Objective: This study aims to present lines A1 and A2 in association with Kaplan's cardinal line (LCK), and relate them to the thenar motor branch of the median nerve (RMTNM) and to the deep branch of the ulnar nerve (RPNU). Methods: Ten hands of five adult cadavers were dissected. Results: The RMTNM origin was positioned proximal to the LCK in all limbs. In two, the RMTNM was positioned exactly on the A1 line; in seven, it was on the ulnar side in relation to A1. In one, it was on the radial side relative to the A1. The origin of the RPNU was identified between the pisiform and the LCK in nine limbs; in one, the RPNU was positioned from the ulnar nerve in relation to A2; and in two, the A2 passed exactly at the point of division of the ulnar nerve into superficial branches and deep. We did not identify the positioning of the RPNU on the radial side of the A2 line. Conclusion: The impact of this study was to identify the anatomical trajectory of these nerves by detaching A1 and A2 along with the KCL, avoiding iatrogenic lesions during surgical procedures. Level of Evidence IV, Case Series.

RESUMO Objetivo: Apresentar as linhas A1 e A2 em associação com a linha cardinal de Kaplan (LCK) e relacioná-las ao ramo motor tenar do nervo mediano (RMTNM) e ao ramo profundo do nervo ulnar (RPNU). Métodos: Foram dissecadas dez mãos de 5 cadáveres adultos. Resultados: Em todos os membros, a origem do RMTNM posicionou proximal a LCK. Em dois, o RMTNM foi posicionado exatamente na linha A1, em sete foi no lado ulnar em relação à A1. Em um, foi no lado radial em relação à A1. A origem do RPNU foi identificada entre o pisiforme e o LCK em 9 membros, em um, o RPNU foi posicionado a partir do nervo ulnar em relação à A2, em dois, a A2 passou exatamente no ponto de divisão do nervo ulnar em ramos superficial e profundo. Não identificamos o posicionamento do RPNU no lado radial da linha A2. Conclusão: O impacto deste trabalho é que, ao destacar A1 e A2 juntamente com o LCK, conseguimos identificar a trajetória anatômica desses nervos e, evitar lesões iatrogênicas durante os procedimentos cirúrgicos. Nível de Evidência IV; Série de Casos.

Int. j. morphol ; 40(3): 742-749, jun. 2022. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385659


RESUMEN: Nos motivó esta presentación los hallazgos observados en la sala de disección sobre las relaciones de la rama palmar profunda de la arteria ulnar y el ramo profundo del nervio ulnar, las diferentes disposiciones de esta rama, el cruzamiento, cuando existe, entre ambos elementos y las pocas referencias sobre el tema, todo con miras a favorecer el abordaje profundo de la palma de la mano y contribuir al conocimiento del área en donde se practican las neurotomías del ramo profundo del nervio ulnar y/ o sus ramas.

SUMMARY: We are motivated by the findings observed in the dissection room on the relationship between the deep palmar branch of ulnar artery and the deep branch of ulnar nerve, the different dispositions of this branch, the crossing, when it exists, between both elements and the few references on the subject, all with a view to favoring the deep approach to the palm and contributing to the knowledge of the area where neurotomies of the deep branch of ulnar nerve and/or its branches are performed.

Humains , Nerf ulnaire/anatomie et histologie , Artère ulnaire/anatomie et histologie , Main/anatomie et histologie , Main/innervation , Main/vascularisation
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-962294


@#The coexistence of ulnar nerve subluxation and snapping medial head triceps is an uncommon occurrence. There have been few studies and case reports since it was first described in 1970. In this article, we present a case in which the condition occurred after a push-up. We analysed the pathoanatomy of the condition, and reviewed the literature regarding potential causes, typical presentations of the coexistence of both ulnar nerve subluxation and medial snapping triceps and describe our surgical technique in treatment. Elbow pain is very often under evaluated as many physicians may not be aware that elbow pain could be attributed to the coexistence of both ulnar nerve subluxation and medial snapping triceps. A thorough evaluation with physical examination and imaging are recommended. Early surgery with an appropriate rehabilitation programme may hasten recovery and return to sports in patients who continue to remain symptomatic following a trial of conservative therapy.

Radiol. bras ; Radiol. bras;54(6): 388-397, Nov.-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422502


Abstract In recent decades, high-resolution ultrasound (HRUS) has revolutionized the morphological and structural evaluation of peripheral nerves and muscles, revealing details of the internal structure of the neural fascicles and muscle architecture. Applications range from diagnostics to interventional procedures. The anatomy of the forearm region is complex, with several muscles and an extensive network of vessels and nerves. To guarantee the success of the evaluation by HRUS, knowledge of the normal anatomy of the region is essential. The aim of these two companion articles is to present the normal anatomy of the nerves and compartments of the forearm, as revealed by HRUS, as well as the relationships between the main vessels and nerves of the region. Part 1 aims to review the overall structure of nerves, muscles and tendons, as seen on HRUS, and that of the forearm compartments. We present a practical approach, with general guidelines and tips on how best to perform the study. Part 2 is a pictorial essay about compartment vascularization and cutaneous innervation. Knowledge of the normal anatomy of the forearm improves the technical quality of the examinations, contributing to better diagnoses, as well as improving the performance and safety of interventional procedures.

Int. j. morphol ; 39(6): 1516-1520, dic. 2021. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385522


SUMMARY: The objective of this study was to characterize the communication between ulnar and the median nerve in the superficial palmar region from a sample of mestizo-raced population predominant in Latin America. The superficial palmar regions of 53 fresh cadaveric specimens were evaluated, whom of which underwent necropsy procedure at the Institute of Legal Medicine. Dissection was performed by planes until visualizing the presence of the Communicating Branch (CB) between the digital branches of the ulnar nerve (UN) and the median nerve (MN). Qualitative and morphometric evaluation of the CB was carried out. A CB were observed in 82/ 106 (77.4 %) of the cadaveric specimens studied, of which, 38/53 (71.7 %) were bilateral, 15/53 (28.3 %) unilateral; this being a statistically significant difference (p <0.002). Oblique trajectory of the CB between the fourth and third common digital nerve was observed in 70 (85.4 %) specimens, while the CB with transverse trajectory was found in 7 (8.5 %) regions and in a plexiform form in 5 (6.1 %) cases. The length of the CB was 20.2 ± 5.1 mm and the distances from the upper edge of the flexor retinaculum to the proximal and distal points of the CB were 25 ± 6 mm and 37.4 ± 8.3 mm respectively. The anatomical characteristics of the CB patterns, as well as the morphometric CB findings and their points of reference from the carpal flexor retinaculum, make it possible to delimit a safe area of surgical access in the first-fifth proximal of the palmar region, during the surgical approach of carpal tunnel syndrome.

RESUMEN: El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar la comunicación entre los nervios ulnar y mediano en la región palmar superficial a partir de una muestra de población de raza mestiza predominante en América Latina. Se evaluaron las regiones palmares superficiales de 53 especímenes cadavéricos frescos, los cuales fueron sometidos procedimiento de necropsia en el Instituto de Medicina Legal. La disección se realizó por planos hasta visualizar la presencia del ramo comunicante (RC) entre los ramos digitales palmares del nervio ulnar (NU) y del nervio mediano (NM). Se realizó evaluación cualitativa y morfométrica del RC, observándose RC en 82/106 (77,4 %) de los especímenes cadavéricos estudiados, de los cuales 38/53 (71,7 %) eran bilaterales, 15/53 (28,3 %) unilaterales; siendo esta una diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p <0,002). Se observó trayectoria oblicua del RC entre el cuarto y tercer nervio digital palmar común en 70 muestras (85,4 %), mientras que el RC con trayectoria transversal se encontró en 7 casos (8,5 %) y en forma plexiforme en 5 casos (6,1 %). La longitud del RC fue de 20,2 ± 5,1 mm y las distancias desde el margen superior del retináculo flexor hasta los puntos proximal y distal del RC fueron de 25 ± 6 mm y 37,4 ± 8,3 mm, respectivamente. Así, los hallazgos morfométricos del RC y sus puntos de referencia, desde el retináculo flexor, permiten delimitar una zona segura de acceso quirúrgico en el primer-quinto proximal de la región palmar, durante el abordaje quirúrgico del síndrome del túnel carpiano.

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Nerf ulnaire/anatomie et histologie , Main/innervation , Nerf médian/anatomie et histologie , Cadavre , Études transversales
Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);81(3): 318-322, jun. 2021. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346465


Abstract Carpal tunnel syndrome is median nerve symptomatic compression at the level of the wrist, characterized by increased pressure within the carpal tunnel and decreased nerve function at the level. Carpal tunnel release decreases pressure in Guyon's canal, via open techniques, with symptom and two-point discrimination improvement in the ulnar nerve distribution. We hypothesize that endoscopic carpal tunnel release improves two-point discrimination in the ulnar nerve distribution as well. This study includes 143 patients who underwent endoscopic carpal tunnel release between April 2016 to June 2019 in a single, community-based teaching hospital. A comprehensive retrospective chart review was performed on patient demographics, preand post-operative two-point discrimination test results, and complications. The effects of sex, age, and diabetes mellitus in the ulnar and median nerve territories with two-point discrimination tests were analyzed. As well as the differences in two-point discrimination among patient's based on their smoking status. There were significant post operative improvements in both the median (7.7 vs 4.4 mm, p < 0.001) and ulnar (5.7 vs 4.1 mm, p < 0.001) nerve territories. Smoking status, sex, age and diabetes did not significantly affect two-point discrimination outcomes. In conclusion the endoscopic release of the transverse carpal ligament decompresses the carpal tunnel and Guyon's canal, demonstrating improvement in two-point discrimination in both the ulnar and median nerve distributions.

Resumen El síndrome de túnel carpiano es la compresión sintomática del nervio mediano al nivel de la muñeca. Se caracteriza por un aumento de presión dentro del túnel y una disminución de la función del nervio a ese nivel. La liberación del túnel carpiano descomprime el canal de Guyon, con mejoría sintomática y en la prueba de discriminación de dos puntos en la distribución del nervio cubital. Hipotetizamos que la liberación endoscópica mejora de la misma manera en la distribución del nervio cubital. Este trabajo incluye 143 pacientes que tuvieron liberación endoscópica del túnel carpiano entre abril del 2016 y junio del 2019 en un hospital Universitario de la comunidad. Se evaluaron retrospectivamente las historias clínicas para los datos demográficos, los resultados pre y post quirúrgicos en la prueba de discriminación de dos puntos y complicaciones. Se analizaron los efectos del sexo, edad, tabaco y diabetes en los resultados de la prueba de discriminación de dos puntos para los nervios cubital y mediano. Hubo mejoría significativa post quirúrgica en la prueba de discriminación de dos puntos para los nervios mediano (7.7 vs 4.4 mm, p < 0.001) y cubital (5.7 vs 4.1 mm, p < 0.001). Fumadores, sexo, edad, y diabetes no afectaron de forma significativa. Concluimos que la liberación endoscópica del ligamento transverso del carpo descomprime el túnel carpiano y el canal de Guyon con mejoría en la prueba de discriminación de dos puntos para los nervios cubital y mediano.

Humains , Syndrome du canal carpien/chirurgie , Nerf médian , Nerf ulnaire , Poignet , Études rétrospectives
Arq. bras. neurocir ; 40(2): 152-158, 15/06/2021.
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362205


There are four types of anastomoses between themedian and ulnar nerves in the upper limbs. It consists of crossings of axons that produce changes in the innervation of the upper limbs, mainly in the intrinsic muscles of the hand. The forearm has two anatomical changes ­ Martin-Gruber: branch originating close to the median nerve joining distally to the ulnar nerve; and Marinacci: branch originating close to the ulnar nerve and distally joining the median nerve. The hand also has two types of anastomoses, which are more common, and sometimes considered a normal anatomical pattern ­ Berrettini: Connection between the common digital nerves of the ulnar and median nerves; and Riche-Cannieu: anastomosis between the recurrent branch of the median nerve and the deep branch of the ulnar nerve. Due to these connection patterns, musculoskeletal disorders and neuropathies can be misinterpreted, and nerve injuries during surgery may occur, without the knowledge of these anastomoses. Therefore, knowledge of them is essential for the clinical practice. The purpose of the present review is to provide important information about each type of anastomosis of the median and ulnar nerves in the forearm and hand.

Anastomose artérioveineuse/anatomie et histologie , Nerf ulnaire/anatomie et histologie , Nerf médian/anatomie et histologie , Axones , Articulations de la main/innervation , Avant-bras/innervation
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; Arq. neuropsiquiatr;79(3): 195-200, Mar. 2021. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285346


ABSTRACT Background: Ulnar neuropathy at the elbow (UNE) is the second most common entrapment neuropathy. There is little information about the application of F-wave studies for evaluation of UNE. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic value of minimum F-wave (F-min) latency alterations by comparing this with nerve conduction analyses in UNE-suspected patients. Methods: Ninety-four UNE-suspected patients were admitted to this study. Sensory and motor nerve conduction and F-wave analyses on the median and ulnar nerves were performed on both upper extremities. Results: A total of 188 upper extremities of 94 patients were examined. Their mean age was 41.4±12.9 years, and 69 patients were female (73.4%). The mean ulnar-nerve across-elbow motor conduction velocity (MCV) in the affected arms was significantly slower than the velocity in healthy arms. The mean ulnar-nerve F-min latencies were significantly longer in the affected arms. Fifty-one patients were electrophysiologically diagnosed as presenting UNE (54.2%). Significantly slower mean ulnar-nerve across-elbow MCV, longer mean ulnar-nerve F-min latency and longer distal onset latency were detected in UNE-positive arms. Lastly, patients who were symptomatic but had normal nerve conduction were evaluated separately. Only the mean ulnar F-min latency was significantly longer in this group, compared with the healthy arms. Conclusion: Our study confirmed the utility of F-min latency measurements in the electrodiagnosis of UNE. F-wave latency differences can help in making an early diagnosis to provide better treatment options.

RESUMO Introdução: A neuropatia ulnar do cotovelo (NUC) é a segunda neuropatia por encarceramento mais comum. Existem poucas informações sobre a aplicação dos estudos da onda F para avaliação da NUC. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o valor diagnóstico das alterações mínimas de latência da onda F (F-min), comparando-as com análises de condução nervosa em pacientes com suspeita de NUC. Métodos: Noventa e quatro pacientes com suspeita de NUC foram admitidos neste estudo. A condução nervosa sensitiva e motora e as análises da onda F nos nervos mediano e ulnar foram realizadas em ambas as extremidades superiores. Resultados: Um total de 188 membros superiores de 94 pacientes foi examinado. A média de idade foi 41,4±12,9 anos e 69 pacientes eram do sexo feminino (73,4%). A velocidade de condução motora média do nervo ulnar através do cotovelo (VCM) nos braços afetados foi significativamente mais lenta do que a velocidade em braços saudáveis. As latências médias F-min do nervo ulnar foram significativamente mais longas nos braços afetados. Cinquenta e um pacientes foram diagnosticados eletrofisiologicamente como apresentando NUC (54,2%). Pacientes com presença de NUC tiveram, de forma significativa, detecção de VCM mais lenta no nervo ulnar ao nível do cotovelo, presença de latência mais longa da onda F-mínima no nervo ulnar, bem como latência de início distal mais longa. Por fim, os pacientes sintomáticos, e com condução nervosa normal, foram avaliados separadamente. Apenas a latência da onda F mínima média do nervo ulnar foi significativamente maior neste grupo, em comparação com os braços saudáveis. Conclusão: Nosso estudo confirmou a utilidade das medidas de latência da onda F-mínima no eletrodiagnóstico da NUC. As diferenças de latência da onda F podem ajudar a fazer um diagnóstico precoce para fornecer melhores opções de tratamento.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Neuropathies ulnaires/diagnostic , Coude , Nerf ulnaire , Électrodiagnostic , Adulte d'âge moyen , Conduction nerveuse
Article de Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-887179


Herein, we report a case of a 49-year-old man with a history of bilateral hemiplegia caused by severe traumatic brain injury. During his stay in the convalescent rehabilitation hospital, he developed a flexion deformity of the 4th and 5th fingers of his right hand. Elbow palpation and ultrasonography showed that the ulnar nerve was dislocated from the elbow canal, and a nerve conduction study revealed that the conduction velocity was low in the right elbow. Thus, a diagnosis of cubital tunnel syndrome was made and an ulnar nerve transfer was performed to prevent progression. Prior to onset, an over-table had been used by the patient for daily activities such as sitting, training, and eating. Therefore, it was considered that the repeated use of the over-table plausibly exerted pressure on the dislocated ulnar nerve, leading to the onset of the cubital tunnel syndrome.As over-tables and wheelchair armrests are often used during rehabilitation, it is imperative to pay attention to elbow compression when using them in patients with ulnar nerve dislocation.

China Occupational Medicine ; (6): 417-421, 2021.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-923210


OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of warm needling therapy on the conduction of hand-arm motor nerve and sensory nerve in patients with occupational hand-arm vibration disease(HAVD). METHODS: Male occupational HAVD patients were divided into control group(39 cases) and experimental group(36 cases) by random number table method. The control group received routine therapy, while the experimental group was treated with routine therapy plus warm needling therapy five times a week for four consecutive weeks. The changes on the conduction of motor nerve and sensory nerve in these two groups before and after treatment were compared. RESULTS: Before treatment, the motor nerve conduction velocity(MCV), distal motor latency(DML), compound muscle action potential amplitude(CMAP), sensory nerve conduction velocity(SCV) and sensory nerve action potential amplitude(SNAP) of the median nerve and ulnar nerve in the two groups were compared, and there was no statistically significant difference(all P>0.05). After treatment, the MCV and SCV of median nerve and ulnar nerve in the experimental group were accelerated(all P<0.05), the DML of median nerve and ulnar nerve were shortened(all P<0.01), and the CMAP of median nerve increased compared with the control group(P<0.01). However, there was no significant difference in the CMAP of ulnar nerve and SNAP of median nerve and ulnar nerve(all P>0.05). CONCLUSION: Warm needling therapy can improve the conduction of motor nerve and sensory nerve. Warm needling therapy might be able to promote the repair of injury in axons and myelin sheaths.

Int. j. morphol ; 38(6): 1555-1559, Dec. 2020. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134477


SUMMARY: During routine dissection of a left upper limb of a 68-year-old male human cadaver, an unusual muscle was observed originating from the radius and flexor retinaculum, and continued in the hypothenar region with the muscle belly of the abductor digiti minimi. We checked that it was an accessory abductor digiti minimi (ADM). Its muscular belly was in close relation to the median and ulnar nerves. We review the literature regarding such muscle variations and discuss the potential for compression of the median and ulnar nerves. Although the accessory ADM is usually asymptomatic and only rarely results in nerve compression, it should be taken into account by surgeons when establishing a differential diagnosis in the compression neuropathies of the median and ulnar nerves. An ultrasound scanning can help establish the differential diagnosis.

RESUMEN: Durante la disección de rutina de un miembro superior izquierdo de un cadáver humano masculino de 68 años, se observó un músculo inusual que se originaba en el radio y el retináculo flexor del carpo, y continuuaba en la región hipotenar con el vientre muscular del abductor digiti minimi manus. Verificamos que se trataba del músculo abductor digiti minimi accessorius (ADMA). Su vientre muscular se encontraba en estrecha relación con los nervios mediano y ulnar. Revisamos la literatura sobre variaciones musculares y discutimos la potencial compresión de los nervios mediano y ulnar. Aunque el ADMA suele ser asintomático y rara vez produce compresión nerviosa, los cirujanos deben tenerlo en cuenta al establecer un diagnóstico diferencial en las neuropatías de compresión de los nervios mediano y ulnar. Una ecografía puede ayudar a establecer el diagnóstico diferencial.

Humains , Mâle , Sujet âgé , Muscles squelettiques/malformations , Syndromes de compression nerveuse/étiologie , Nerf ulnaire , Cadavre , Facteurs de risque , Syndromes de compression du nerf ulnaire/étiologie , Neuropathie du nerf médian/étiologie , Nerf médian
Prensa méd. argent ; Prensa méd. argent;106(9): 537-544, 20200000. fig, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1362876


Background : Chronic elbow dislocation is defined as untreated elbow dislocation for longer than 2 weeks. Goal of treatment is stable reduction of elbow joint and facilitation of early elbow motion for optimal end result. Known operative methods is the Kocher posterolateral approach.which can accumulate hematome, and longer time needed to identify Ulnar nerve. Therefore, we would like to introduce the new modified medial elbow joint incision approach. Methodology: This study utilized a cross-sectional review of patients with surgical treatment of simple chronic elbow dislocation. Questionnaires were taken using Oxford Elbow Score, Mayo Elbow Performance Index, and Disability of Arm, Shoulder, and Hand Questionnaire to assess current elbow status Result : Utilizing Oxford elbow score, the analytic group score value ranged from 21-46, while control group's score value were 37-42 (P-value <0.0001). Mayo Elbow Performance Index score, from the analytic group, scored ranges from 45 - 82. the control group, a mean value of 85 were scored (P-value <0.0001), the DASH score revealed total mean value of 8.3 in the analytic group, compared to score 6 in the control group (P-value = 0.0468 ). The range of motion is increased in total flexion and extension from both groups(P-value <0.0001) Conclusion: Modified medial elbow approach provides faster method of identifying ulnar nerve, requires less skin flap for closure and less space for blood accumulation. Modified medial elbow approach provides good functional outcome with no complications related to ulnar nerve reported in this study.

Humains , Nerf ulnaire/chirurgie , Transplantation de peau , Luxations/chirurgie , Articulation du coude/chirurgie , Plaie opératoire , Hématome/prévention et contrôle