There nearly have 1 year for the medical postgraduate exempted from admission examination to enjoy the postgraduate life,meanwhile to finish the clinicalpractice task as a medical undergraduate.For students,supervisors and the university,analysis of opportunities and difficulties faced by the medical postgraduate exempted from admission examination in this stage can be made,feasible training plan can be developed,in advance to allow students to avoid the psychological confusion,change the way of learning,lay the foundation for scientific research and improve their clinical skills.These measures will contribute to improve the quality of the medical postgraduate exempted fmm admission examination and the education quality.
To enhance the quality project,there are four ways to ensure the quality of the undergraduate thesis and project.The first way is to inaugurate new bases: from school to company.The second is a wide choice of projects.The third way is that the project can be taken ahead of schedule.Finally,two tutors are designated to ensure the quality of thesis.