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Indian Heart J ; 2022 Jun; 74(3): 163-169
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220889


Background: Infective endocarditis patients present very rarely with vegetations on the mural endocardium. Only very few studies are available comparing Mural infective endocarditis with commoner valvular or device related infective endocarditis. Aim: To analyse the clinical features, microbiological profile and clinical course of mural endocarditis in comparison to valvular endocarditis. Methods: This was a retrospective analysis of data from a registry of infective endocarditis. Patients enrolled between April 2012 and April 2019 were included. Patients who were reported to have vegetations on the mural endocardial surface were taken as a group and compared with rest of the patients. Clinical profile, laboratory parameters including culture and outcomes were compared between the two groups. Results: Out of 278 patients in the study, 15 (5.38%) had vegetations on the mural endocardium. Of them, only 4 patients had structural heart diseases. All the patients with mural endocarditis were NYHA class II or below at presentation. Ventricles were the commonest sites of vegetations. Inflammatory markers like ESR and CRP were low in mural endocarditis compared to rest. Culture positivity was high in mural endocarditis and Staphylococcus Aureus was the commonest organism. Mural endocarditis patients had similar in hospital mortality to rest of the patients. Cardiac complications were not reported in mural endocarditis, but they had similar incidence of embolic complications including neurological events. Conclusion: Mural endocarditis is a rare clinical entity with similar morbidity and mortality to that of endocarditis with valvular vegetation

Rev. med. vet. (Bogota) ; (42): 41-50, ene.-jun. 2021. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365909


Resumen La endocarditis infecciosa es un proceso patológico de baja incidencia en la clínica diaria; su principal etiología son los agentes bacterianos, los cuales colonizan con mayor prevalencia de válvula mitral y aortica. En este artículo se presenta el estudio de un perro con diagnóstico previo de síndrome vestibular periférico secundario a probable otitis media-interna. Se presenta con un soplo de aparición súbita, claudicaciones intermitentes, inapetencia, depresión y fiebre, por lo cual se hace la valoración ecocardiográfica, donde se evidencia engrosamiento valvular mitral, acompañado de estructuras hiperecoicas en el borde libre que corresponden a lesiones vegetativas. Por medio de los criterios de Duke modificados se obtiene un diagnóstico definitivo de endocarditis infecciosa, para lo cual se realiza manejo médico intrahospitalario, sin evolución favorable. Los hallazgos clínicos y paraclínicos coinciden con lo reportado en la literatura. Los criterios de Duke modificados permiten orientar el diagnóstico y evidenciar signos clínicos de alarma. El manejo médico antimicrobiano deberá realizarse con base en hemocultivos y pruebas de sensibilidad, siempre teniendo en cuenta la prevalencia de patógenos y el origen primario de la infección. Se debe considerar como una patología con un pronóstico malo y un porcentaje de fatalidad alto. Finalmente, se concluye que la principal limitación del caso es la falta de confirmación histopatológica.

Abstract Infectious endocarditis is a pathological process with low incidence in the daily clinical practice. The main etiology are the bacterial agents that colonize with higher prevalence the mitral and aortic valves. This paper reports the case of a dog with a previous diagnosis of peripheral vestibular syndrome secondary to probable otitis media-interna. The dog has a sudden heart murmur, intermittent claudications, lack of appetite, depression and temperatures. It is performed an echocardiographic assessment that shows mitral valve thickening with hyperecoic structures in the free border that indicates vegetations. Using the Modified Duke Criteria, a definitive diagnosis of infectious endocarditis is concluded. The dog is provided a medical treatment at the clinic without success. The clinical and paraclinical findings match the background found in the literature. Modified Duke Criteria allow guiding the diagnosis process and uncovering the alarm clinical signs. Antimicrobial clinical treatment must be administered based on blood cultures and sensitivity tests and considering both the pathogen prevalence and infection primary origin. Doctors must deem this condition as a bad prognosis pathology with a high mortality percentage. Finally, it is concluded that the main limitation in this case is a lack of histopathological confirmation.

Article Dans Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-162174


Introduction: Infantile Hepatic hemangioendothelioma is characterized by multifocal benign vascular dilatations involving the liver. The clinical course depends on tumor size, localization and complications. Case Report: 15 days old neonate with stormy postnatal period was referred for intractable congestive cardiac failure. Transthoracic 2D echocardiography showed multiple vegetations on all the four valves, noncompaction of left ventricle with multiple vascular channels in left lobe of liver. Computed tomography angiogram showed 58x29x50 mm markedly enhancing lesion in left lobe of liver suggestive of infantile hepatic hemangioendothelioma. The neonate was treated for bacterial endocarditis. Later 6x6 Amplatzer duct occluder II was parked in hepatic vein, then gel foam and polyvinyl chloride particles were injected into infantile hepatic hemangioendothelioma. Cardiac failure resolved with marked regression of lesion. Discussion: Infantile hepatic hemangioendothelioma is a rare anomaly causing heart failure in neonate causing death in up to 70% of untreated infants without adequate regression of lesion. Therefore aggressive treatment is warranted. For the first time in the world, we report a case of infantile hepatic hemangioendothelioma in a neonate, with pump failure due to noncompaction of left ventricle and vegetations on all four valves, successfully treated by combination of transcatheter deployment of Amplatzer duct occluder II to occlude the venous end and hand injection of gel foam and polyvinly chloride particles from the aortic end to close the feeder artery. Conclusion: The combination of closure of hepatic vein by Amplatzer duct occluder II and injection of gel foam and polyvinyl chloride particles is safe and effective in infantile hepatic hemangioendothelioma in neonate with heart failure.

Cathétérisme cardiaque/instrumentation , Endocardite/étiologie , Défaillance cardiaque/chirurgie , Défaillance cardiaque/thérapie , Hémangioendothéliome/complications , Humains , Nouveau-né , Tumeurs du foie , Mâle , Dispositif d'occlusion septale
Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 57(4): 43-49, jul.-ago. 2014. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-957006


Resumen La endocarditis infecciosa es una patología que requiere un diagnóstico y tratamiento oportuno para prevenir sus graves complicaciones y, ante todo, evitar la muerte del paciente. En el presente artículo, documentamos el abordaje diagnóstico y terapéutico de un caso de endocarditis, en el escenario de una cardiopatía congénita, válvula aórtica bicúspide, atendida en el Instituto Nacional de Cardiología "Ignacio Chávez".

Abstract Infective endocarditis is a condition that requires an early diagnosis and treatment to prevent its severe complications and, above all, avoid death. In this article we document the diagnosis and therapeutics of a case of infective endocarditis in the setting of a congenital heart disease, bicuspid aortic valve, referred to the National Institute of Cardiology "Ignacio Chávez".

Article Dans Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-162142


22 year old woman with no previous heart disease history, presented with progressive worsening of right heart failure symptoms due to severe tricuspid valve regurgitation which had become refractory to medical management. Echocardiogram revealed probable rare case of dysplastic tricuspid valve with large calcified mobile masses attached to leaflets. Calcified masses were thought to be due to healed vegetations from silent infective endocarditis of abnormal tricuspid valve which she had suffered in the past. There were no known acquired causes of tricuspid valve endocarditis. She had successfully undergone tricuspid valve replacement with bio-prosthetic valve along with a right atrial reduction surgery after which her heart failure symptoms improved markedly.

Maladie d'Ebstein/épidémiologie , Maladie d'Ebstein/chirurgie , Endocardite/chirurgie , Femelle , Défaillance cardiaque/chirurgie , Valvulopathies/chirurgie , Prothèse valvulaire cardiaque , Implantation de valve prothétique cardiaque/instrumentation , Implantation de valve prothétique cardiaque/méthodes , Humains , Valve atrioventriculaire droite , Jeune adulte
Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 83(4): 382-392, oct.-dic. 2011.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-615707


Objetivo: estudiar las características clínicas, epidemiológicas y microbiológicas, así como el tratamiento médico quirúrgico de los pacientes ingresados con el diagnóstico de endocarditis infecciosa, con el propósito de profundizar en su estudio y contribuir a un mejor tratamiento a estos pacientes. Métodos: se estudiaron 24 pacientes procedentes de todo el país, egresados con el diagnóstico de endocarditis infecciosa. Los datos fueron recogidos de las historias clínicas procedentes del archivo del Hospital William Soler, y de la base de datos del servicio de cirugía del cardiocentro. Se determinó la frecuencia de las diferentes manifestaciones de la endocarditis infecciosa según: grupos etarios, factores de riesgo, y los datos clínicos, de laboratorio y microbiológicos más frecuentes. Además, se determinó la toma valvular predominante, la etiología y su respuesta a los antibióticos. Resultados: el grupo de edad más afectado fue entre 5 y 18 años; la cardiopatía previa fue el factor de riesgo predominante; los síntomas y signos más frecuentes fueron la fiebre, la anorexia y la pérdida de peso. La insuficiencia cardiaca y el embolismo pulmonar fueron complicaciones frecuentes. La mayoría de los pacientes tuvo una eritrosedimentación acelerada, y la cuarta parte de los casos presentaron hemocultivos negativos. Las válvulas aórtica y mitral resultaron las más afectadas, y el curso clínico que predominó fue el subagudo. En casi la mitad de los pacientes la infección tuvo un origen nosocomial. Los antimicrobianos más utilizados fueron la amikacina, la vancomicina y la ceftriaxona. Conclusiones: la endocarditis infecciosa es poco frecuente en nuestra institución, ocurre más a menudo en relación con las cardiopatías congénitas. Los hechos clínicos más constantes fueron la fiebre y el antecedente de cardiopatía previa

Objective: to study the clinical, epidemiological and microbiological characteristics as well as the surgical medical treatment of patients admitted diagnosed with infectious endocarditis to deepen in its study and to contribute to a better treatment for these patients. Methods: twenty four patients from whole country, discharged with the diagnosis of infectious endocarditis. Data were collect from the medical records of the "William Soler" Children Hospital files and from the database of surgery service of heart center. The frequency of different manifestations of infectious endocarditis was determined according to: age groups, risk factors and the more frequent clinical, laboratory and microbiologic data. Also, the predominant valvular take, the etiology and the response to antibiotics were determined. Results: the more involved age group was between 5 and 18 years; the previous heart disease was the more predominant factor; the more frequent symptoms and signs were: fever, anorexia and weight loss. The heart failure and the pulmonary embolism were frequent complications. Most of patients had an accelerated erythrosedimentation and the fourth of cases had negative blood cultures. The aortic and mitral valves were the more involved and the predominant clinical course was the subacute. In almost the half of patients the infection had a nosocomial origin. The more used antimicrobial agents were amikacin, vancomycin and ceftriaxone. Conclusions: the infectious endocarditis is uncommon in our institution occurs more often in relation to congenital heart diseases. The more constant clinical facts were fever and a history of previous heart disease

Cuad. Hosp. Clín ; 52(1): 82-86, 2007. ilus
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-784052


Se trata de un caso de paciente masculino, de 58 años de edad, atendido de emergencia en el Intituto Nacional de Torax por presentar un cuadro clínico inusual de Infarto Agudo de Miocardio asociado contemporáneamente a infarto cerebral como complicación de embolismo séptico procedente de vegetaciones de la válvula mitral en el curso de Endocarditis Infecciosa, no diagnosticada previamente. Es un caso de alto riesgo de mortalidad que evolucionó satisfactoriamente mediante estrategia de tratamiento combinado de Antibioticoterapia parenteral, tratamiento invasivo con cateterismo cardiaco y Angioplastia Coronaria Primaria, y tratamiento quirúrgico con circulación extracorpórea de Cambio Valvular Mitral.

A clinical case of a 58 years old patient is described, the patient wasadmitted as an Emergency to the Instituto Nacional de Tórax, with anunusual presentation of both Acute myocardial Infarction and CerebralEmbolic Stroke as a complication of septic embolism associated withmitral valve vegetations in the course of Infective Endocarditis thatwas not previously diagnosed. This is a high mortality risk clinicalcase, that evolved to full recovery with combined treatment strategyincluding full antibiotic therapy, cardiac catheterization and primarycoronnary angioplasty, and surgical mitral valve replacement.

Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Rhumatisme cardiaque/diagnostic , Échocardiographie transoesophagienne/méthodes , Endocardite , Infarctus cérébral/complications , Infarctus du myocarde/complications , Endocardite/diagnostic , Facteurs de risque
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