This study uses "virtual implant" technology combined with PBL and CBL teaching methods to carry out oral implantology teaching with "restoration as the goal". By instructing students to collect preoperative data and compare actual postoperative data, the continuous cycle verification between problems, objectives, methods, and results is performed. The continuous cycle verification can improve the enthusiasm and initiative of students to learn oral implantology. At the same time, it can allow students to develop the thinking habit of understanding oral implantology with a holistic and whole-process concept and provide strong educational guidance for clinical medical students.
O objetivo deste relato foi analisar uma nova proposta de cirurgia assistida por computador, utilizando o planejamento virtual realizado através de imagens tomográficas computadorizadas e de um dispositivo posicionador de tubos (DPT). Uma paciente de 31 anos de idade apresentou-se com fratura do incisivo central superior esquerdo (21). Após o exame por tomografia computadorizada feixe cônico, no modelo de trabalho foi confeccionado um guia de poliuretano e acoplado um suporte tomográfico com três referências metálicas; em seguida, foi certificada a estabilidade deste guia tomográfico (GT) na arcada do paciente. Através do GT, imagens tomográficas foram captadas em ambiente tridimensional virtual computadorizado. O planejamento foi realizado no programa KEA-tech. Um implante cone-morse e um sistema específico de cirurgia guiada, ProssGuide (Dabi Atlante, Ribeirão Preto/SP, Brasil), foram usados, um biomaterial foi colocado na região vestibular, e a paciente recebeu uma coroa provisória em resina acrílica. Novas imagens tomográficas foram geradas para comparação. A maior diferença observada foi no ângulo mesiodistal (1,91°), e a menor na medida vestibulolingual (0,01 mm). As outras medidas tiveram diferenças menores de 1 mm ou 1º. Considerando-se os limites do caso, os dados demonstraram a acurácia do programa computacional e da técnica. Entretanto, mais ensaios clínicos com amostras maiores devem ratificar os dados obtidos neste caso clínico.
The aim of this report was to analyze a new guided-surgery, computer assisted modality through virtual planning according CBCT images and a tube positioning device (TPD). A 31 years-old was referred with a fracture of the maxillary left central incisor (21) After CBCT examining, a stone dental model was made and a polyurethane guide attached to a tomographic support (GT) with three reference points, being its stability certified into the patient´s jaw. Then, CBCT images were made and captured in a virtual environment. Dental implant planning was made with the KEA-tech program. A cone-morse dental implant was inserted with an specific guided surgery hardware ProssGuide (Dabi Atlante, Ribeirão Preto/SP, Brasil). After, a biomaterial was packed into the defect and the patient received an acrylic, provisional cemented crown. New CBCT images were made for comparison. The highest difference was seen at the mesiodistal angle (1.91°), and the lowest linear at the buccolingual aspect (0.01 mm). The other measurements were lower than 1 mm or 1º. Within the limits of this case, initial data revealed accuracy and safety of this computational software and technique. However, more clinical trials with large sample sizes are necessary to corroborate the findings of this clinical case.