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Acta fisiátrica ; 30(4): 245-250, dez. 2023.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531082


Gait analysis in a laboratory may be expensive, time-consuming, and restricted to a controlled environment. Validated wearable technology may be an alternative to such analysis. However, wearable technologies should demonstrate reference values of a healthy population. Objective: To establish spatio-temporal gait reference values of an accelerometer (G-Walk) in a healthy Brazilian population. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with 124 healthy subjects evaluated with G-Walk in the 6-minute and 10-meter walk tests (6MWT and 10MWT). Gait parameters of Velocity, Cadence, Distance, and gait symmetry variables were retrieved for analysis. Clinical and demographical characteristics were also collected and tested with simple linear regression as covariables of the gait characteristics. The bootstrapped 5th percentile of the gait parameter established the reference values. If a covariable influence was found, the reference values were established by subgroup analysis according to the covariable. Results: The study analyzed 114 subjects, mostly women (67.74%), aged 39.36 (SD 12.18). Height was a covariable of cadence for the 10MWT and cadence and stride length for the 6MWT. Age and sex combined were covariables of 6MWT velocity, and sex alone was a covariable of 6MWT. All reference values for symmetry were above 89%, velocity at the 10MWT was above 1.0m/s, and distance at the 6MWT was 354m and 359.5 for females and males, respectively. Conclusions: Our study generated reference values for spatio-temporal gait analysis with G-Walk of a population of a major urban area, considering the covariables of age, height, and sex.

Análises da marcha em laboratório tem custo elevado, demandando tempo e ambiente controlado. Wearables são equipamentos portáteis que podem ser alternativas aos laboratórios. Valores de referência podem determinar parâmetros para análises de marcha de pessoas com patologias. Objetivo: Estabelecer valores de referência espaço-temporais de um acelerômetro (G-Walk) em uma população saudável. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal com indivíduos saudáveis avaliados com G-Walk nos testes de caminhada de 6 minutos e de 10 metros (TC6 e TC10). Velocidade, cadência, distância e de simetria da marcha foram analisados. Características clínicas e demográficas também foram testadas com regressão linear simples como covariáveis das características da marcha. Os valores de referência foram estabelecidos pelo quinto percentil dos parâmetros por bootstrap e na presença de covariáveis demográficas, os valores foram estabelecidos por análise de subgrupos, de acordo com a covariável. Resultados: O estudo analisou 114 sujeitos, em sua maioria mulheres (67,74%), com idade de 39,36 (DP 12,18). A altura foi uma covariável da cadência do TC10 e da cadência e comprimento da passada do TC6. Idade e sexo combinados foram covariáveis da velocidade do TC6, e o sexo foi uma covariável do TC6. Todos os valores de referência para simetria foram superiores a 89%, a velocidade no TC10 foi superior a 1,0m/s e a distância no TC6 foi de 354m e 359,5m para mulheres e homens, respectivamente. Conclusões: Nosso estudo gerou valores de referência para análise espaço-temporal da marcha com o equipamento G-Walk em uma população de uma grande área urbana, considerando as covariáveis idade, altura e sexo.

Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 28: 1-11, mar. 2023.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551605


The health impacts of physical activity (PA), sedentary behavior (SB), and sleep are well established; thereby, the identification of instruments to assess and monitor these behaviors at a populational lev-el is relevant. In this context, smartwatches, which are wristwatch-shaped devices equipped with sen-sors, have been identified as alternatives for objectively measuring PA, SB, and sleep. Therefore, this protocol aimed at describing the goals and methods of a scoping review to map the literature on the use of smartwatches to objectively measure PA, SB, and/or sleep across the lifespan (e.g., children, adolescents, adults, and elderly) and in different contexts. Studies will be included if they use smart-watches to objectively measure at least one of the behaviors (PA, SB, and sleep) in children, adoles-cents, adults, and older adults, published after 2013. No language filter will be applied. Searches will be carried out in six databases (Pubmed/Medline, Scopus, Web of Science, LILACS, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Scielo, Health Technology Assessment Database, and Cochrane clinical trials) and two clinical trial repositories. The screening and data extraction will be performed independently by two authors who had previous experience in reviews and technologies. The synthesis of the results will follow the Joanna Briggs Institute framework for extracting the results in scoping reviews. The results can contribute to scientific progress by identifying gaps and research trends, guiding future studies, and informing companies, healthcare professionals, and the general public who use smart-watch as a measurement tool for physical activity, sedentary behavior, and sleep

Os impactos da atividade física (AF), comportamento sedentário (CS) e sono na saúde são bem estabelecidos, tornando-se relevante identificar instrumentos que permitam avaliar e monitorar esses comportamentos em nível populacional. Nesse contexto, os smartwatches, que são dispositivos em formato de relógio de pulso, com-postos por sensores, tem sido apontado como alternativa para mensurar objetivamente AF, CS e sono. Portanto, o objetivo deste protocolo foi descrever os objetivos e métodos de uma revisão de escopo para mapear a literatura científica sobre o uso de smartwatches para medir objetivamente AF, CS e/ou sono em diferentes populações e contextos. Os estudos serão incluídos se usarem smartwatches para medir objetivamente pelo menos um dos comportamentos (AF, CS e sono) em crianças, adolescentes, adultos e idosos, publicados após 2013. Nenhum filtro de idioma será aplicado. As buscas serão realizadas em sete bases de dados (Pubmed/Medline, Scopus, Web of Science, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Scielo, LILACS, Health Technology Assessment Database e Cochrane Clinical Trials) e dois repositórios de ensaios clínicos. A triagem e extração dos dados serão realizadas de forma independente por dois autores com experiência prévia em revisões e tecnologias. A síntese dos resultados seguirá o framework do Joanna Briggs Institute para extração dos resultados nas revisões de escopo. Os resultados podem contribuir para o progresso científico, identificando lacunas e tendências de pesquisa, orientando futuros estudos, empresas que atuam neste mercado, profissionais de saúde e o público em geral que utilizam smartwatch como um instrumento de medição para atividade física, comportamento sedentário e sono

Sommeil , Dispositifs électroniques portables , Exercice physique , Mode de vie sédentaire
Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 28: 1-10, mar. 2023. tab, fig
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551620


Multicomponent programs to promote physical activity have shown promise to help adolescents to increase physical activity levels. Although evaluation of the intervention implementation process is important, information about this evaluation is rarely reported. This observational study aimed to evaluate the implementation of a 12-week physical activity intervention program for adolescents. The ActTeens program consists of three components: (1) structured physical activity sessions; (2) self-monitoring associated with daily goal setting; (3) healthy lifestyle messages (mHealth). The evaluation of the process was carried out through observations and self-reported information from the students. Fifty-one adolescents (37.5% girls) answered the questionnaire. Overall, the reach was 73.3%, retention rate 96.3%, and satisfaction with the intervention was high (score 5). The structured sessions presented high fidelity, and good acceptability among adolescents, with an average attend-ance rate of 93.7%. Participants rated the sessions as enjoyable and the teacher's role as excellent. Adherence to self-monitoring (goal setting with a pedometer) was moderate and 57.8% of adoles-cents reported using the device daily. In addition, adolescents reported that the use of a pedometer increased their motivation to practice physical activity (72.4%). Satisfaction with the messages was considered low, with only 37.8% agreeing that the messages promoted the adoption of a healthy lifestyle. In conclusion, the structured sessions and the self-monitoring showed good acceptability among adolescents, and these strategies were considered relevant to promote a more physically active lifestyle. However, the component mHealth, when used as a single strategy, did not aid the adoption of healthy behavior

Programas multicomponentes para promoção da atividade física têm se mostrado promissores para auxiliar os adolescentes a aumentar seus níveis de atividade física. Embora a avaliação do processo de implementação da intervenção seja importante, informações sobre esta avaliação raramente são relatadas. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a implementação de um programa de intervenção de atividade física de 12 sema-nas para adolescentes. O programa ActTeens consiste de três componentes principais: (1) sessões estruturadas de atividade física; (2) auto-monitoramento associado com estabelecimento de metas diárias; (3) orientações sobre um estilo de vida saudável (mHealth). A avalição do processo foi por meio de observações e informações autorreferidas dos alunos. Cinquenta e um adolescentes (37,5% meninas) responderam o questionário. No geral, o alcance foi de 73,3%, a taxa de retenção 96,3% e satisfação com a intervenção foi alta (escore 5). As sessões estruturadas tiveram alta fidelidade, boa aceitabilidade entre os adolescentes com a frequência média de participação de 93,7% por aula. Os participantes classificaram as sessões como prazerosas e o papel do pro-fessor como excelente. A aderência ao automonitoramento (estabelecimento de metas com pedômetro) foi mode-rada e 57,8% dos adolescentes relataram usar o dispositivo diariamente. Além disso, os adolescentes relataram que o uso do pedômetro aumentou a motivação para a prática de atividade física (72,4%). A satisfação com as mensagens por aplicativo foi considerada baixa, sendo que apenas 37,8% concordaram que as mensagens promoveram a adoção de um estilo de vida saudável. Em conclusão, as sessões estruturadas e o uso do pedô-metro para automonitoramento mostraram boa aceitabilidade entre os adolescentes, e estas estratégias foram consideradas relevantes para promover um estilo de vida fisicamente mais ativo. Entretanto, o componente mHealth, quando usado como uma estratégia única, não auxiliou na adoção de um comportamento saudável

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Adolescent , Science de la mise en oeuvre , Exercice physique , Télémédecine , Dispositifs électroniques portables
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990908


Objective:To evaluate the accuracy and stability of Eye-Monitor, a smart wearable device, in quantifying environmental risks related to myopia.Methods:A diagnostic test study was conducted.Forty-two subjects aged 18-25 years old were recruited from Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in December 2021.Forty-two Eye-Monitors were selected from 80 devices using the simple random sampling method.Static and dynamic tests were carried out to compare environmental risks related to myopia.The static tests included measurements under different working distances, different head tilt angles when sitting, and different light intensities.The dynamic tests included measurements under different near-work time, different outdoor activity time, different time watching computers, and different phone viewing time.Eye-Monitor with the largest sum of absolute values of total relative error was selected, Spearman rank correlation analysis was used to analyze the correlation between the set values and Eye-Monitor measurements, and the accuracy of the objectively measured values was evaluated by Bland-Altman consistency analysis.The stability of the objectively measured values from Eye-Monitor was evaluated by the coefficient of variation.This study adhered to the Declaration of Helsinki.The study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Affiliated Eye Hospital of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (No.HEC-KS-2021005KY). Written informed consent was obtained from each subject.Results:There were significant correlations between the measured values and setting values in the working distance, head tilt angle when sitting, indoor light intensity, total near-work time, average continuous near-work time, outdoor activity time, time watching computers, and time viewing phones ( rs=0.999, 0.998, 0.999, 0.998, 0.976, 0.959, 0.992, 0.997; all at P<0.001), with the 95% limits of agreement (LoA) of-1.23-2.32 cm, -1.49-4.24°, -13.90-26.90 lx, -6.46-0.11 minutes, -4.50-1.20 minutes, -4.01-1.34 minutes, -2.54-1.94 minutes and-2.15-0.45 minutes, respectively.More than 95% of dots were within the clinically acceptable LoA.The coefficients of variation of the measured values ranged from 1.23%-2.99%, 2.39%-8.25%, 0.87%-8.03%, 1.49%-12.52%, 6.63%-13.59%, 0.00%-14.15%, 1.20%-8.33 and 1.49%-12.51%, respectively, showing good stability.Eye-Monitor had good accuracy in measuring outdoor light intensity (95% LoA: -336.50-130.00 lx). Conclusions:The smart wearable device Eye-Monitor can be used to objectively monitor working distance, head tilt angle when sitting, indoor light intensity, total near-work time, average continuous near-work time, outdoor activity time, time watching computers, and time watching phones, which are with good accuracy and stability.

Rev. CEFAC ; 25(1): e10522, 2023. tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431262


ABSTRACT Purpose: to develop a scoping review protocol that seeks to identify which procedures and for what purpose wearables available in the literature are being used on the masseter and temporal muscles. Methods: the approach recommended by The Joanna Briggs Institute and the PRISMA-P guidelines, will follow. Databases to be searched include PubMed, Cochrane Library, LILACS, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase and grey literature. In the first step, two reviewers will independently evaluate the articles by titles and abstracts, then, a full review of the selected articles will be performed according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Any uncertainties or differences of opinion will be discussed for consensus. Articles published without date or language restrictions will be included. All components will be presented in tables and flow charts. In addition, a narrative summary of each component will be included for further details. Final Considerations: this protocol will present the general state of the literature on the use of wearables in masseter and temporal masticatory muscles.

RESUMO Objetivo: desenvolver um protocolo de revisão de escopo que busque identificar quais procedimentos e com que finalidade as tecnologias vestíveis disponíveis na literatura estão sendo usadas nos músculos masseter e temporal. Métodos: seguirá a abordagem recomendada pelo The Joanna Briggs Institute e as diretrizes PRISMA-P. As bases de dados a serem pesquisadas incluem PubMed, Cochrane Library, LILACS, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase e literatura cinzenta. Em uma primeira etapa, dois revisores, de forma independente, avaliarão os artigos pelos títulos e resumos, em seguida, será realizada a revisão na íntegra dos artigos selecionados de acordo com os critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Quaisquer incertezas ou diferenças de opinião serão discutidas para consenso. Serão incluídos artigos publicados sem restrição de data e idioma. Todos os componentes serão apresentados em tabelas e fluxogramas. Além disso, um resumo narrativo de cada componente será incluído para mais detalhes. Considerações finais: este protocolo irá apresentar o estado geral da literatura acerca do uso das tecnologias vestíveis na musculatura mastigatória de masseter e temporal.

Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 28: e28035, 2022. graf
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406056


Este artigo descreve os modos pelos quais usuários de um aplicativo fitness que prescreve exercícios físicos personalizados orientam suas condutas em interação com números gerados por self-tracking. Baseado na Teoria Ator-Rede, foram analisadas as interações derivadas de relações entre usuário, aplicativo e rede a qual ele está integrado. Tendo a autoexperimentação como demarcador, os resultados apontaram duas perspectivas de conduta orientada por dados: aqueles que seguem os insights apontados pela tecnologia, ainda que com ajustes, e aqueles que realizam experimentos mais aprofundados, caracterizados como biohackers. Muitos dos biohackers se tornam também influenciadores digitais e constituem uma espécie de rede de colaboração nas mídias sociais. Conclui-se que os usuários, enquanto sujeitos empreendedores de si, orientam suas condutas através dos números, produzem relatórios que envolvem dados de diversas atividades humanas, por meio de diferentes softwares e realizam autoexperimentação. (AU)

This article describes the ways in which users of a fitness app that prescribes personalized exercise guide their behavior through the numbers generated by self-tracking. Based on the Actor-Network Theory, interactions between user, fitness app and the network to which it is integrated were analyzed. The results suggest self-experimentation as a common behavior and two perspectives of data-driven behavior: those that follow the insights recommended by the technology, albeit with adaptations; and those who perform more consistent experiments, characterized as biohackers. Many of the biohackers also become digital influencers, and form a kind of collaboration network on social media. It is concluded that users, as entrepreneurs of themselves, guide their behavior through numbers, produce reports that involve data from various human activities, through different software and practice self-experimentation. (AU)

Este artículo describe las formas en que los usuarios de una aplicación de fitness que prescribe ejercicio personalizado orientan sus conductas interactuando con los números generados por self-traking. A partir de la Teoría Actor-Red, se analizaron las interacciones derivadas de las relaciones entre usuario, aplicación de fitness y la red en la que está integrado. Con la autoexperimentación como marcador, los resultados muestran dos perspectivas de conducta orientada por datos: los que siguen aquello que indica la tecnología, aunque con ajustes, y aquellos que realizan experimentos más profundos, caracterizados como biohackers. Muchos de los biohackers también se convierten en influencers digitales y forman una especie de red colaborativa en las redes sociales. Se concluye que los usuarios, como emprendedores de sí mismos, orientan sus conductas a través de los números, producen informes que incluyen datos de diversas actividades humanas, a través de diferentes softwares, y practican la autoexperimentación. (AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Technologie , Exercice physique , Mouvement , Logiciel , Réseautage social , Médias sociaux
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 25(8): 3227-3238, Ago. 2020. graf
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS, ColecionaSUS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1133110


Resumo Esse artigo visou analisar o potencial envolvendo a utilização de tecnologias da Internet das coisas e dos dispositivos vestíveis (wearables) e as intervenções nas atividades físicas, buscando melhorias quanto à inatividade física e às Doenças Crônicas Não Transmissíveis (DCNTs). Por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica, foi constatada grande preocupação com relação à inatividade física e às DCNTs, além do crescente enfoque das pesquisas nestas estratégias tecnológicas. Os dados coletados em tempo real são um dos pontos fortes dos dispositivos, podendo auxiliar em pesquisas longitudinais, intervenções em pacientes e também nas atividades físicas realizadas, revolucionando as relações e intervenções na área.

Abstract The scope of this paper sought to analyze the potential of using Internet technologies of wearable accessories and devices and the possible interventions in physical activities, seeking improvements with respect to physical inactivity and Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (CNCDs). By means of a bibliographical review, it was revealed that there is great concern regarding physical inactivity and CNCDs as well as the increasing research focus on these technological strategies. The amount of data collected in real time is one of the strengths of the devices, which can assist in longitudinal research, interventions in patients and also in physical activities performed, revolutionizing relationships and interventions in the area.

Humains , Exercice physique , Maladie chronique
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 65(11): 1413-1420, Nov. 2019. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1057077


SUMMARY Parkinson's disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease, with an estimated prevalence of 41/100,000 individuals affected aged between 40 and 49 years old and 1,900/100,000 aged 80 and over. Based on the essentiality of ascertaining which wearable devices have clinical literary evidence and with the purpose of analyzing the information revealed by such technologies, we conducted this scientific article of integrative review. It is an integrative review, whose main objective is to carry out a summary of the state of the art of wearable devices used in patients with Parkinson's disease. After the review, we retrieved 8 papers. Of the selected articles, only 3 were not systematic reviews; one was a series of cases and two prospective longitudinal studies. These technologies have a very rich field of application; however, research is still necessary to make such evaluations reliable and crucial to the well-being of these patients.

RESUMO A doença de Parkinson figura como a segunda doença neurodegenerativa mais comum. Sua prevalência é estimada de 41 por 100.000 pessoas entre 40 e 49 anos a 1.900 por 100.000 pessoas com 80 anos ou mais. Baseando-se na essencialidade de averiguar os dispositivos vestíveis que possuem evidências clínicas literárias e com o objetivo de analisar as informações reveladas por tais tecnologias, temos a construção deste artigo científico de revisão integrativa. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa que tem como principal objetivo realizar um sumário do estado da arte de dispositivos vestíveis utilizados em pacientes com doença de Parkinson. Após realizada a revisão, obtiveram-se oito artigos. Pode-se observar que dos artigos selecionados, apenas três não eram revisões sistemáticas, sendo um deles uma série de casos e outros dois, estudos longitudinais prospectivos. A utilização dessas tecnologias possui um campo muito rico para atuar, contudo ainda são necessárias pesquisas para que tais avaliações sejam fidedignas e cruciais para o bem-estar desses pacientes.

Humains , Maladie de Parkinson/physiopathologie , Dispositifs électroniques portables , Surveillance électronique ambulatoire/instrumentation , Monitorage physiologique/instrumentation
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-763703


Digital medicine has the capacity to affect all aspects of medicine, including disease prediction, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and post-treatment management. In the field of thyroidology, researchers are also investigating potential applications of digital technology for the thyroid disease. Recent studies using artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML) have reported reasonable performance for the classification of thyroid nodules based on ultrasonographic (US) images. AI/ML-based methods have also shown good diagnostic accuracy for distinguishing between benign and malignant thyroid lesions based on cytopathologic findings. Assistance from AI/ML methods could overcome the limitations of conventional thyroid US and fine-needle aspiration cytology. A web-based database has been developed for thyroid cancer care. In addition to its role as a nationwide registry of thyroid cancer, it is expected to serve as a clinical platform to facilitate better thyroid cancer care and as a research platform providing comprehensive disease-specific big data. Evidence has been found that biosignal monitoring with wearable devices may predict thyroid dysfunction. This real-world thyroid function monitoring could aid in the management and early detection of thyroid dysfunction. In the thyroidology field, research involving the range of digital medicine technologies and their clinical applications is expected to be even more active in the future.

Intelligence artificielle , Cytoponction , Classification , Diagnostic , Hyperthyroïdie , Hypothyroïdie , Apprentissage , Apprentissage machine , Maladies de la thyroïde , Glande thyroide , Tumeurs de la thyroïde , Nodule thyroïdien
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-764126


In upcoming fourth industrial revolution era, it is inevitable to address smart healthcare as not only scientist but also clinician. We have the task to plan and realize this through human imagination, creativity, and applicability for the clarification of the direction of the development and utilization of this technology. One thing that is clear is that it is important to understand what information is needed, how to interpret it, what will be the outcomes, and how to respond in artificial intelligence and Internet of Things era. Therefore, we would like to briefly discuss the characteristics of smart healthcare, and, suggest one approach that is easily applicable in the current situation.

Humains , Intelligence artificielle , Créativité , Prestations des soins de santé , Imagination , Internet , Miction
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-785625


OBJECTIVE: Smart glasses can provide sonographers with real-time ultrasound images. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate the utility of smart-glasses for ultrasound-guided peripheral venous access.METHODS: In this randomized, crossover-design, simulation study, 12 participants were recruited from the emergency department residents at a university hospital. Each participant attempted ultrasound-guided peripheral venous access on a pediatric phantom at intervals of 5 days with (glasses group) or without (non-glasses group) the use of smart glasses. In the glasses group, participants confirmed the ultrasound image through the lens of the smart glasses. In the non-glasses group, participants confirmed the ultrasound image through the display viewer located next to the phantom. Procedure time was regarded as the primary outcome, while secondary outcomes included the number of head movements for the participant, number of skin punctures, number of needle redirections, and subjective difficulty.RESULTS: No significant differences in procedural time were observed between the groups (non-glasses group: median time, 15.5 seconds; interquartile range [IQR], 10.3 to 27.3 seconds; glasses group: median time, 19.0 seconds; IQR, 14.3 to 39.3 seconds; P=0.58). The number of head movements was lower in the glasses group than in the non-glasses group (glasses group: median, 0; IQR, 0 to 0; non-glasses group: median, 4; IQR, 3 to 5; P<0.01). No significant differences in the number of skin punctures or needle restrictions were observed between the groups.CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that smart-glasses may aid in ensuring ultrasound-guided peripheral venous access by reducing head movements.

Service hospitalier d'urgences , Lunettes correctrices , Verre , Mouvements de la tête , Aiguilles , Projets pilotes , Ponctions , Peau , Échographie , Technologie sans fil
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