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Gamme d'année
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-210802


The spleen morphology of the African Giant pouch rat from the rainforest vegetative region of Nigeria was investigated to establish is basic biology as there dearth of information on it from available literature. Grossly, the spleen was shaped like an elongated triangle, with the two ventral sides of the triangle forming a hilus at the apex of their both convergence. This hilus served as the site of entry and exist of blood vessels and nerves. Microscopically, the spleen was covered by a capsule of connective tissue. The parenchyma was composed mainly of red pulp and isolated areas of white pulp. The red pulp contained splenic cords, sinusoids and other vessels. The white pulp contained the periarteriolar lymphatic sheath which presented a germinal centre, marginal zone and eccentrically located artery surrounded by small lymphocytes. The microanatomy of the spleen revealed an organ involved in blood storage, blood purification and body immune response. This paper will fill the knowledge gap and serve as baseline data for further investigative research

Neotrop. ichthyol ; 15(1): e160041, 2017. tab, graf, ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-841869


We describe and compare the histology of liver and spleen ofGeophagus brasiliensis (Perciformes), Hypostomus francisci (Siluriformes) and Hoplias aff. malabaricus (Characiformes), tropical freshwater fishes. InG. brasiliensisandH. aff. malabaricusthe hepatocytes were arranged in tubular form whereas in H. franciscithey cord-like. In all species, hepatocytes presented glycogen, but in G. brasiliensis and H. aff. malabaricus they showed strong stained for hemossiderin in the cytoplasm. InG. brasiliensis and H. aff. malabaricus, melanomacrophage centres (MMCs) were associated to hepatic structures and only in G. brasiliensis was observed intrahepatic exocrine pancreas. The spleen, in all species, was characterized by red and white pulp without boundary between the two regions, but only in H. francisci was recorded nodular organization in splenic parenchyma. The G. brasiliensisandH. aff. malabaricuspresented in the white pulp MMCs linked mainly to ellipsoids. Besides, we observed large MMCs in the spleen in relation to liver of G. brasiliensis and H. aff. malabaricus. In liver, highest values of reticular fibers and collagen were observed inG. brasiliensis. In spleen, highest values of reticular fibers and collagen were recorded inH. aff. malabaricusandH. francisci, respectively. Histological differences confirm the hypothesis that the phylogenetic distance is reflected in liver and spleen.(AU)

Nós descrevemos e comparamos a histologia do fígado e do baço de Geophagus brasiliensis (Perciformes), Hypostomus francisci (Siluriformes) e Hoplias aff. malabaricus (Characiformes), peixes neotropicais de água doce. Em G. brasiliensis e H. aff. malabaricus os hepatócitos organizaram-se na forma tubular enquanto que em H. francisci eles apresentaram-se como cordões celulares. Em todas as espécies, os hepatócitos apresentaram glicogênio, mas em G. brasiliensis e H. aff. malabaricus, eles mostraram forte marcação para hemossiderina no citoplasma. Em G. brasiliensis e H. aff. malabaricus, centros melanomacrofágicos (CMMs) foram associados a estruturas hepáticas e somente em G. brasiliensis foi observado pâncreas exócrino intrahepático. O baço, em todas as espécies, foi caracterizado pela polpa vermelha e branca sem limites entre as duas regiões, mas somente em H. francisci foi registrado uma organização nodular no parênquima esplênico. G. brasiliensiseH. aff. malabaricusapresentaram na polpa branca CMMs associados principalmente a elipsoides. Além disso, nós observamos CMMs grandes no baço em relação ao fígado de G. brasiliensis e de H. aff. malabaricus. No fígado, valores altos de fibras reticulares e colágeno foram observado em G. brasiliensis. No baço, valores altos de fibras reticulares e colágeno foram registrados em H. aff. malabaricuseH. francisci, respectivamente. Diferenças histológicas confirmam a hipótese que a distância filogenética está refletida no fígado e no baço.(AU)

Animaux , Poissons/malformations , Poissons/anatomie et histologie , Hépatocytes/cytologie , Foie/anatomie et histologie , Rate/anatomie et histologie
Int. j. morphol ; 31(3): 1012-1019, set. 2013. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-694994


En América Latina la presencia del arsénico en el ambiente y en las fuentes de agua para consumo humano, se debe a factores naturales de origen geológico como a actividades antropogénicas. El arsénico en las aguas naturales se encuentra principalmente como trivalente (arsenito) o pentavalente (arsenato). El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar las alteraciones que provoca el trióxido de arsénico a nivel de la morfología del bazo de ratas (Rattus norvegicus - Sprague-Dawley). Se utilizaron 24 ratas de ambos sexos de 55 días de vida. Las ratas fueron pesadas y divididas en 3 grupos (4 hembras y 4 machos). Los grupos tratados fueron inyectados con 5 mg y 10 mg de As2O3 respectivamente, en dosis única diaria vía intraperitoneal por 15 días. Al grupo control se le aplicó agua destilada sin arsénico. Después del tratamiento los animales fueron sacrificados por eutanasia convencional y se obtuvo el bazo, los cuales fueron lavados, pesados y seccionados en cuatro partes, que fueron fijadas en formol tamponado al 10 por ciento. Mediante técnica histológica se obtuvieron 4 muestras seriadas de cada bazo, de 5 micrones de espesor con una separación de 100 micrones entre si. Posteriormente fueron teñidas con H-E. Se analizaron 30 campos (120 campos por órgano). Los datos obtenidos permiten concluir que ratas tratadas con trióxido de arsénico, presentan alteración a nivel de los compartimentos del bazo, con un aumento del compartimento de la pulpa roja, una depleción en el tamaño y número de folículos linfoides y de la zona marginal. A su vez, se observó pérdida de la celularidad de la vaina linfoide periarteriolar (PALS).

In Latin America, the presence of arsenic in the environment and water sources for human consumption is due to natural geological factors and anthropogenic activities. Arsenic in natural waters is mainly found as trivalent (arsenite) or pentavalent (arsenate). The aim of this study was to determine the alterations causing arsenic trioxide-level morphology of the spleen of rats (Rattus norvegicus - Sprague-Dawley). Were used 24 rats of both sexes of 55 days of life. The rats were weighed and divided into 3 groups (4 females and 4 males). The treated groups were injected with 5 mg and 10 mg of As2O3 respectively, intraperitoneally daily dosing for 15 days. The control group was administered arsenic-free distilled water. After treatment the animals were euthanized conventionally, and spleen was removed, which was washed, weighed and sectioned into four parts, which were fixed in 10 percent buffered formalin. Histological technique using four serial samples were obtained from each spleen of 5 microns thick with a spacing of 100 microns between them. Subsequently these were stained with H-E. We analyzed 30 fields (120 fields per organ). The data obtained indicates that rats treated with arsenic trioxide have an altered level of the compartments of the spleen, with an increased red pulp chamber, depletion in the size and number of lymphoid follicles and marginal zone. Furthermore, loss of cellularity of periarteriolar lymphoid sheath (PALS) was observed.

Mâle , Animaux , Femelle , Rats , Composés de l'arsenic/administration et posologie , Rate , Oxydes/administration et posologie , Rat Sprague-Dawley
Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-167456


Context: The spleen is the largest single mass of lymphoid tissue in all vertebrates. Histological changes are evident in advancing age along with functional capability of the human spleen. A cross-sectional, descriptive type of study was done in the Department of Anatomy, Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka, from January to December 2008, to see the age related microscopic changes in the human spleen. Methods: 30 human spleens were collected from the unclaimed dead bodies that were under examination in the Department of Forensic Medicine of Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka. The samples were divided into three age-groups including group A (15-29 years), group B (30-49 years) & group C (50-69 years). Then 5 best prepared histological slides from each group were taken and examined under the light compound microscope to determine the thickness of capsule, diameter, number and percent amount of white pulp in the human spleen. Results: The thickness of the splenic capsule were found 84.60±7.97 ?m, 117.92±4.16 ?m, and 132.17±6.37 ?m in group A, B and C respectively. The diameter of the white pulp were found 0.32±0.01 mm, 0.32±0.01 mm and 0.31±0.01 mm, while the number of white pulp per sq. mm were 2.28±1.04, 2.38±0.93 and 2.04±0.76 in group A, B and C respectively. Moreover, the amounts of the white pulp were determined 23.09±1.38, 24.45±1.84 and 22.54±1.08 in group A, B and C respectively. The difference in thickness of the splenic capsule was statistically significant among the study groups (p<0.001). However, no difference was found in diameter, number and percentage of the white pulp of the spleen among those age groups. Conclusion: The thickness of the capsule of the spleen was found to increase with advancing age in humans. However, no age change was evident in diameter, number or amount of the white pulp.

Korean Journal of Anatomy ; : 435-450, 2001.
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-644269


This experiment was performed to study the morphological responses of the splenic white pulp, the lymphatic tissue of the spleen, of Ehrlich carcinoma cell-implanted mice to three different anticancer drugs (5-fluorouracil, mitomycin C and AG60). Healthy adult ICR mice weighing 20 g each were divided into normal and experimental groups. In the experimental groups, each of mice was inoculated with 1X10(7) Ehrlich carcinoma cells subcutaneously in the inguinal area. From next day, 0.2 ml of saline solution, 5-fluorouracil (30 mg/kg), mitomycin C (400 microgram/kg) or AG60 (30 mg/kg, Taerim Pharm. Co., Seoul, Korea) were injected subcutaneously every other day, and animals were sacrificed at 14th day following the f irst injection. Pieces of the tissues were taken from the spleen, and prefixed with phosphate buffered 2.5% paraformaldehyde-1.5% glutaraldehyde solution (pH 7.3) followed by post-fixation with phosphate buffered 1% osmium tetroxide solution (pH 7.3). Fixed tissue blocks were dehydrated, and embedded in araldite mixture. Ultrathin sections stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate were observed with a JEM 100CX-II electron microscope. In the experimental control group (carcinoma cell-inoculated mouse), splenic white pulp did not show pronounced morphological alterations, but myelin figures were frequently observed in the cytoplasm of some lymphocytes and reticular cells than those of normal control mice. In the AG60 treated group, splenic white pulp did not show specific morphological defect, but nuclear bodies and severe invaginations of the nuclear envelope of the lymphocytes and reticular cells were observed occasionally. In the mitomycin C treated group, myelin figures, severe invaginations of the nuclear envelope, nuclear protrusions, nuclear bodies and interchromatin granules were frequently observed in the lymphocytes and reticular cells of the white pulp. In the 5-f luorouracil treated group, myelin f igures, severe invaginations of the nuclear envelope, nuclear protrusions, nuclear bodies and interchromatin granules were observed more frequently in the lymphocytes and reticular cells of the white pulp, as compared with those of mitomycin C treated mice. From the above results, 5-f luorouracil or mitomycin C may suppress the splenic immune function of cancerinoculated mice, since they suppress the process of differentiation and maturation of splenic lymphocyte and reticular cells, and 5-fluorouracil was more harmful on the spleen than mitomycin C. Whereas AG60 does not affect remarkably the process of differentiation and maturation of lymphocytes and reticular cells in the splenic white pulp.

Adulte , Animaux , Humains , Souris , Antinéoplasiques , Acide citrique , Cytoplasme , Fluorouracil , Glutaraldéhyde , Lymphocytes , Tissu lymphoïde , Souris de lignée ICR , Mitomycine , Gaine de myéline , Enveloppe nucléaire , Tétraoxyde d'osmium , Séoul , Chlorure de sodium , Rate
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-26041


This experiment was performed to evaluate the morphological responses of 5-fluorouracil or mitomycin C on the spleen of the mice. 5-fluorouracil (60 mg/kg) or mitomycin C (400 microgram/kg) were injected subcutaneously every other day, and the animals were sacrificed at 1 week and 2 weeks following the first injection. Pieces of the tissue were taken from the spleen, fixed in 10% neutral formalin for light microscopy. The paraffin sections stained with hematoxylin-eosin, Masson-trichrome, Bielschowsky's silver impregnation or aldehydefuchsin. For electron microscopy, the tissues were prefixed with 2.5% glutaraldehyde-1.5% paraformaldehyde followed by post-fixed with 1% osmium tetroxide. The ultrathin sections stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate. The observed results were as follows: 1. On histological study, in the mitomycin C treated group, macrophages which contain pyknotic nuclei were observed more frequently than in those of 5-fluorouracil treated group. 2. In the 5-fluorouracil treated group, positive reactions to Masson-trichrome and Bielschowsky's silver impregnation were observed in the splenic capsule and traculae at the 1 week, and weak postive stains were observed at the 2 weeks. 3. In the mitomycin C and the 5-fluorouracil group, positive staining reaction to aldehyde-fuchsin were observed in splenic capsule, trabeculae and around artery at the 1 week and 2 weeks. 4. On the ultrastructural study, distended cisternae of granular endoplasmic reticula were observed frequently at 1 week. 5. In the mitomycin C treated group, myelin figures in the lymphocytes and reticular cells were observed more frequently than in those of 5-fluorouracil treated group. From the above results, it was concluded that lymphocytes and reticular cells of the spleen were slightly damaged by 5-fluorouracil or mitomycin C, and mitomycin C seems more harmful on the spleen than 5-fluorouracil does.

Animaux , Souris , Artères , Acide citrique , Agents colorants , Fluorouracil , Formaldéhyde , Lymphocytes , Macrophages , Microscopie , Microscopie électronique , Mitomycine , Gaine de myéline , Tétraoxyde d'osmium , Paraffine , Argent , Rate
Korean Journal of Anatomy ; : 199-204, 1997.
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-656365


The partial splenectomy was performed on the basis of the arterial distribution in order to reduce complications. The spleen consists of the various histologic components that have different functions. But we can not find the reports whether the distribution of red pulp, white pulp and trabecula is uniform or not according to the regions of the spleen. We used 15 spleens from Korean[male 8, female 7 and age 17-74]. The volume was measured with the mass cylinder. The 1cm3 blocks were selected in 5 different regions. Whole splenic slices by celloidin embedding were made from two spleens. The point counting method with eyepeice reticule was used for the measurement of the distribution of red pulp, white pulp and trabecula. The results were as follows : 1. The volume of the spleen was ranged 45-158ml and the individual difference was marked. The male spleen was larger than female`s [p<0.05]. 2. The ratio of red pulp, white pulp and trabecula of the paraffin embedding preparations was 83.2, 10.9, and 5.9% respectively. There was no significant difference in the distribution of the histologic components among five regions[upper, hilum, middle, outer, and lower]. 3. The distribution of red and white pulps in whole splenic slices was not uniformity. The ratio of red pulp, white pulp and trabecula in whole splenic slices was 80.1, 13.4 and 6.5% respectively. These results showed no significant difference with those of five regions of the spleen.

Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Collodion , Individualité , Inclusion en paraffine , Rate , Splénectomie