BackgroundIn accordance with WHO investigation, most of the mental disorders onset in childhood and 20 percentof children (1 of fi ve) with mental and behavioral disorder currently. In 2005, by assessment of mentalhealth system in Mongolia (WHO-AIMS) it was concluded that special attention needs to be given todevelop professional competence and services in the area of child and adolescents mental health so itis a reason of the this study.AimTo early identify common emotional and behavioral problems among children and identify risk factorsfor itMethodsThe study was randomly selected 3500 child aged between from 4 to 17 years in 5 districts of Ulaanbaatarcity and 46 soums of 11 aimags of Mongolia.A main tool is Strengths and Diffi culties Questionnaire (SDQ) and included the 25-item child andparent versions were used to record each informant’s perception of four problem domains/subscales.SDQ was differently used child ages such as child aged 6-10 years used by parent version child agedbetween11-17 years used by both child and parent versions.ResultsOf 2920 child who participated in the study, 382 (13%) studied in kindergarten, 2423 (82.9%) school. Anaverage age of participants was 10.9±4.ConclusionThe abnormal emotional reaction was dominantly occurred in urban girls aged between from 6 to 10years and the abnormal behavioral reaction was dominantly occurred in urban boys aged between from6 to 15 years. The family relationship was a risk factor for developing emotional and behavioral problemsin child.