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Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(4): 608-635, jul. 2024. tab, ilus, graf, mapas
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538071


Chile has two certified origin olive products: Extra-Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) from Huasco valley and the Azapa variety table olive from the Azapa valley. However, efficient methodologies are needed to determine the varieties and raw materials involved in the end products. In this study, we assessed the size of alleles from ten microsatellites in 20 EVOOs and in leaves and fruits of 16 olive varieties cultivated in Chile to authenticate their origins. The identification of varieties relied on specific allele sizes derived from microsatellites markers UDO99-011 and DCA18-M found in leaves and fruit mesocarp. While most Chilean single-variety EVOOs matched the variety declared on the label, inconsistencies were observed in single-variety EVOOs containing multiple varieties. Our findings confirm that microsatellites serve as a valuable as diagnostic tools for ensuring the quality control of Geographical Indication certification for Azapa olives and EVOO with Designation of Origin from Huasco.

Chile cuenta con dos productos de oliva de origen certificado: El aceite de oliva virgen extra (AOVE) del valle del Huasco y la aceituna de mesa de la variedad Azapa del valle de Azapa. Sin embargo, se necesitan metodologías eficientes para determinar las variedades y materias primas involucradas en los productos finales. En este estudio, evaluamos el tamaño de los alelos de diez microsatélites en 20 AOVEs y en hojas y frutos de 16 variedades de aceituna cultivadas en Chile para autentificar sus orígenes. La identificación de las variedades se basó en los tamaños alélicos específicos derivados de los marcadores microsatélites UDO99-011 y DCA18-M encontrados en las hojas y el mesocarpio de los frutos. Aunque la mayoría de los AOVEs chilenos monovarietales coincidían con la variedad declarada en la etiqueta, se observaron incoherencias en los AOVEs monovarietales que contenían múltiples variedades. Nuestros hallazgos confirman que los microsatélites sirven como valiosas herramientas de diagnóstico para asegurar el control de calidad de la certificación de Indicación Geográfica para aceitunas de Azapa y AOVE con Denominación de Origen de Huasco.

Extraits de plantes/génétique , Répétitions microsatellites , Olea/génétique , Huile d'olive/composition chimique , Géographie , Chili
Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 22(3): 1245-1263, set. 2022.
Article de Anglais, Espagnol , Portugais | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1428740


O presente artigo reúne contribuições psicanalíticas a respeito do fenômeno do racismo, seu lugar na organização da sociedade ocidental e brasileira, e na constituição do sujeito. O intuito é examinar as análises de pessoas negras para além da afirmação de que ser negro e lutar contra o racismo levaria à formação de grupo e inviabilizaria a emergência da singularidade do sujeito. Buscamos, então, as exíguas contribuições psicanalíticas sobre o tema para abordar a questão. Estudamos o conceito de raça e racismo em outros campos do saber a fim de desvelarmos os mecanismos do racismo como construto social, histórico e político. A investigação da literatura psicanalítica nos aproximou dos conceitos de ódio e expulsão e foi possível verificar que tais artifícios estão envolvidos tanto na fundação de um tipo específico de laço social, quanto na fundação do sujeito. Por fim, resgatamos as contribuições feitas por Lélia Gonzalez no que se refere ao racismo e seus efeitos na constituição da subjetividade negra e na sociedade e cultura brasileiras a partir da psicanálise.

This article collects psychoanalytic contributions regarding the phenomenon of racism, its place in the constitution of Western, Brazilian society and in the constitution of the subject. The aim is to examine the analyses of black people far beyond the mere statement that being black and fighting against racism would lead to the formation of a group and would make the emergence of subject's singularity unfeasible. Therefore, we have sought the scarce psychoanalytical contributions on the subject in order to approach the issue of racism. We have studied the concept of race and racism in other fields of knowledge in order to understand the mechanism of racism as a social, historical and political construct. We have approached the concepts of hatred and expulsion in psychoanalysis and realized that such mechanisms are involved both not only in the foundation of a type of social bond but also in the foundation of the subject. Finally, we have rescued the contributions made from the field of psychoanalysis by Lélia Gonzalez regarding the role of racism in the constitution of black subjectivity and in Brazilian society and culture.

Este artículo tiene como objetivo recoger aportes psicoanalíticos sobre el fenómeno del racismo, su lugar en la constitución de la sociedad occidental brasileña y en la constitución del sujeto, para ayudarnos a pensar en el análisis de los negros más allá de la mera afirmación de que el ser negro, la lucha contra el racismo conduce a la formación de un grupo que hace inviable la singularidad. Luego buscamos las pocas aportaciones psicoanalíticas sobre el tema, para abordar el tema del racismo. Estudiamos el concepto de raza y racismo en otros campos del conocimiento para llegar al mecanismo del racismo como construcción social, histórica y política. La investigación en la literatura psicoanalítica sobre el mecanismo del racismo nos acercó a los conceptos de odio y expulsión en psicoanálisis y nos dimos cuenta de que estos mecanismos están involucrados tanto en lafundación de un tipo de vínculo social como en la fundación del sujeto. Finalmente, recordamos las contribuciones de Lélia González sobre el lugar del racismo en la constitución de la subjetividad negra y en la sociedad y cultura brasileñas basadas en el psicoanálisis.

Psychanalyse , , Racisme ,
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221105


An attempt was made in the present investigation is Aim: Mental health status of Gurukula teachers in Telangana state. Objective:To assess the impact of gender and designation on mental health status of Gurukula teachers. Sample: Sample for the present study consists of 120 teachers working in Gurukula schools of Warangal district of Telangana state. This study was using purposive random sampling method. Conclusions: Male teachers are better mental health status than female teachers and Post graduate teachers are better mental health status than trained graduate teachers.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-939746


Combination products face unique R&D, manufacturing, clinical, and regulatory challenges compared to individual devices, drugs, or biological products. Based on the interpretation of the relevant policies and the latest principles of combination products, this paper expounds the FDA's guidance, application trends, and application strategies for the pre-market pathways of combination products, with a view to providing relevant information for Chinese researchers and manufacturers when they start to entry the United States market.

Commerce , Sécurité des produits de consommation , Publicité s'adressant directement au consommateur , États-Unis , Food and Drug Administration (USA)
Rev. bras. entomol ; 63(2): 149-182, Apr.-June 2019. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1045552


Abstract Rhinoleucophenga pallidaHendel, 1917 (type species of the genus) is redescribed based on its female holotype and a male from a nearby locality, and Rhinoleucophenga obesa (Loew, 1872) on its two syntypes, which are designated as the male lectotype and a female paralectotype. Both are valid species. A proposal is made to establish the genus Pseudophortica Sturtevant, 1918 (type species R. obesa), a junior synonym of Rhinoleucophenga, to subgenus rank and include all species of Rhinoleucophenga described or redescribed from males except R. pallida, which is unique in having a remarkable pedunculate surstylus, among other differences. The North American R. obesa is compared to its closest sibling, the South American species Rhinoleucophenga gigantea (Thomson, 1869). The occurrence of R. obesa in Brazil is also questioned, as suggested long ago by Marshall R. Wheeler. The specimens from Brazil previously identified as such most probably belong to the new species described in the present paper as Rhinoleucophenga (Pseudophortica) cantareira sp. nov. (type locality: Parque Estadual da Cantareira, City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil). Numerous photomicrographs of their habitus and male terminalia taken with a Smartphone's rear camera and digitally stacked to create images with greater depth of focus are provided.

Audiol., Commun. res ; 23: e2006, 2018. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-983909


RESUMO Objetivo Este estudo teve por objetivo a análise e quantificação dos processos de designação e substituição semântica apresentados na prova do vocabulário do Teste de Linguagem Infantil ABFW, padronizado no Brasil e adaptado para Português Europeu (PE), assim como a comparação dos resultados obtidos nos dois países, de forma a analisar a pertinência da sua extensibilidade à população portuguesa. Métodos A prova foi aplicada a 150 crianças de 5 e 6 anos de idade, de desenvolvimento típico, na Região Norte de Portugal. A prova é constituída por nove categorias conceituais e cada categoria formada por diferentes vocábulos, que foram avaliados sempre pela mesma ordem sequencial. Resultados A amostra mostrou desempenho inferior, em relação à norma, apenas nas categorias semânticas vestuário, locais e alimentos. Todas as outras categorias revelaram desempenho superior. As categorias do vocabulário que apresentaram maior percentagem de respostas corretas foram: animais, formas e cores e brinquedos e instrumentos musicais . As categorias que apresentaram percentagem superior de processos de substituição, em relação à norma, foram alimentos e locais. Os processos de substituição mais utilizados foram: substituição por co-hipônimo, vocábulos que designam atributos semânticos, valorização do estímulo visual, hiperônimos e parassinônimos. Conclusão Dada a homogeneidade dos resultados deste estudo com os resultados obtidos em outros estudos no Brasil, esta prova revela potencialidades como instrumento de avaliação do vocabulário em Portugal.

ABSTRACT Purpose This research study focus on the designation processes and semantic substitutions of each word on the vocabulary sub-task from the language test for children - ABFW, standardized in Brazil and adapted to European Portuguese, as well as the comparison of the results obtained in the two countries, to analyze the relevance of their extensibility to the Portuguese population. Methods The test was applied to 150 children from 5 to 6 years old, of typical development. The test consists of 9 conceptual categories. Each category consists of different words, which were always assessed in the same sequential order. Results The sample of this study showed a lower performance only in clothes, places and food semantic categories. All the other categories have outperformed the standard. The categories of vocabulary with higher percentage in the right designation of the words were colors and shapes, animals and toys and music instruments. The categories with a higher percentage of substitution processes, from the reference results, were: food and locations. The most recurrent substitution processes were the co-hyponym, words that designate semantic attributes, valorization of the visual stimulus, hypernym and parasynonyms Conclusion Given the homogeneity of the results of this study with the results obtained with other studies in Brazil, this test reveal potentiality as an instrument for vocabulary assessment in Portugal.

Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Enfant , Langage de l'enfant , Développement du langage oral , Tests du langage , Portugal , Troubles du langage
Rev. bras. entomol ; 59(3): 210-221, July-Sep. 2015. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-762015


ABSTRACTHere we describe seven new species of Limnophora from Ecuador: Limnophora bifasciatasp. nov. from Napo, Quito; Limnophora equatoriensissp. nov. from Zamora-Chinchipe, Zamora; Limnophora femurosetalissp. nov. from Zamora-Chinchipe, Zamora; Limnophora lamasisp. nov. from Zamora-Chinchipe, Zamora; Limnophora longivittatasp. nov. from Napo, Quito; Limnophora penaisp. nov. from Azuay, Cuenca and Limnophora polletisp. nov. from Napo, Quito. We provide an identification key for the ten recognized species of Limnophora from Ecuador, including L. marginata Stein, 1904, L. pica(Macquart, 1851) and L. saeva (Wiedemann, 1830). We also redescribed Limnophora marginata Stein, 1904, and designated designed lectotype male and paralectotypes males and females of the species.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-458508


BACKGROUND:The aid treatment of aphasia is mainly achieved through computer training system, and the applied software of the market at present is mainly Chinese aphasia training system software. The software for a native Uighur aphasia patient does not apply and no research of Uygur language aphasia training software has been reported. OBJECTIVE:To design a clinic oriented training software for Uighur aphasia, based on training specifications of rehabilitative therapist in the treatment of Uighur aphasia patients. METHODS:The experiment was conducted from January 2013 to December 2013 in South and North areas of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, deeply researching the common and familiar life material of the Uyghur’s and combining the life custom of the Uyghur’s, to screen the relevant materials of the speech rehabilitation training, preliminary build up the living language material database of the Uyghur’s. Basing on this database, we designed the computer-assisted application software which has the Uygur and Chinese double interface. The software is designed by the software research and development personnel in accordance with the requirements of the members of our group, with Uygur and Chinese double interface speech rehabilitation training software. 30 Uygur aphasiac patients after stroke in Xinjiang were screened for clinical trials and evaluation, the software after many corrections, detailed recorded the valuable dates and the problems existing in the experimental stage. And we constantly communicate with the software designers so as to repeatedly revise the wrong in the process of training, and eventualy developing a set of basic mature Uygur language aphasia and training software. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:A set of basic mature Uygur aphasia training software was designed. With the research and development of the Uighur aphasia training software, speech therapists of Xinjiang get a fuly functional, easy operation, flexible extension training tool, which help to reduce the workload of speech therapists and improve the clinical efficiency.

Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal ; (24): 1323-1328, 2013.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-860299


OBJECTIVE: To learn from several developed countries and regions about their experience of orphan drug registration management and to explore appropriate orphan drug registration policy for China. METHODS: The orphan drug registration policies of America, Japan, EU, Australia and Taiwan were analyze and compared, and the history and current situation of the orphan drug registration in China were summarized. RESULTS: It has been a common trend in the world to use "designation of drugs + market approval" pattern for orphan drug registration, which has promoted the development of orphan drugs and increased the accessibility of orphan drugs in the above-mentioned countries and regions. CONCLUSION: Related government departments in China should learn the advanced experience and establish our orphan drug system as soon as possible, at the same time, we should keep improving the orphan drug registration policy in China.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-387497


Objective To investigate the recurrence and metastasis patterns of gastric cancer after curative resection and to guide target definition of prophylactic radiotherapy.Methods In the past 8 years,130 gastric cancer patients with treatment failure after radical resection were retrospectively analyzed.The failure sites were confirmed by B ultrasonography, CT or MRI imaging.Ten of 28 patients with ascites were found to have adenocarcinoma cells in the ascites.All superficial node and abdominal wall metastases were diagnosed pathologically by biopsy.And 27 patients with gastric remnant and/or anastomotic recurrence were diagnosed pathologically by biopsy.Results Of 130 patients, 53 were presented with multiple recurrences or metastases, 27 with gastric remnant and/or anastomostic recurrence, 28 with peritoneal metastases, 22 with liver metastases, 9 with pancreatic metastases, 60 with abdominal lymph node (LN) metastases, 8 with abdominal wall metastases, 5 with pelvic implantations, 6 with lung metastases, 5 with brain metastases, 5 with bone metastases, 8 with cervical lymph node metastases, 9 with mediastinal lymph node metastases and 8 with other metastases.Of 60 patients with abdominal LN metastases, 35, 16 and 9 had peri-gastric LNs,peri-pancreatic LNs and para-aortic LNs metastases.Abdominal LN metastases were found in 33 from 77 patients with primary gastric fundus or cardiac carcinoma, 20 from 40 patients with gastric body carcinoma,and 7 from 13 patients with pyloric carcinoma, respectively.Conclusions The failure sites of gastric cancer after radical resection are mainly the gastric stump/stoma, peritoneum, liver and abdominal LN.The perigastric, peri-pancreatic and/or para-aortic LN metastases are the most common failure of LNs.Thus, the peri-gastric, peri-pancreatic and para-aortic LN regions and gastric stump/stoma should be included in postoperative radiotherapy, and current chemotherapy is recommended.

Arq. bras. endocrinol. metab ; 53(9): 1125-1136, dez. 2009. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-537064


OBJETIVO: Identificar questões relacionadas à definição e redesignação sexual e à cirurgia corretiva em pacientes com hiperplasia adrenal congênita (HAC) e compreender a inserção do psicólogo no seu atendimento. MÉTODOS: Selecionaram-se 21 sujeitos: 7 especialistas de cinco instituições do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), 9 familiares e 6 pacientes com HAC, seguindo-se padrões da pesquisa qualitativa. Neste artigo, analisaram-se três das categorias estudadas: "definição e redesignação sexual", "cirurgia e dilatação" e "psicologia". RESULTADOS: A situação de indefinição sexual é a que mais angustia os pais, enquanto a redesignação inquieta mais os médicos. A sensação de isolamento para lidar com a doença e tratamento foi comum nas pacientes; os procedimentos de dilatação foram sua principal queixa. Os médicos acham que a cirurgia deve ser feita com brevidade para evitar traumas posteriores. CONCLUSÕES: Diante de questões psicológicas complexas, chama a atenção o fato de que nem todo serviço de atendimento especializado conta com a presença de um psicólogo. Os exames de dilatação causam traumas nas pacientes. No grupo estudado, constataram-se dificuldades para lidar com as questões relacionadas à sexualidade.

OBJECTIVE: To identify relevant questions related to sex definition and re-designation and reconstructive surgery in patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), and to understand the role of the psychologist in providing care for these patients. METHODS: We selected 21 subjects: 7 pediatric endocrinologists from 5 Brazilian Public Health System institutions, 9 parents and 6 patients with CAH, according to a qualitative research model. In this paper, 3 of the studied categories are analyzed: "sex definition and re-designation", "reconstructive surgery/vaginal dilation", and "psychology". RESULTS: Parents' main anguish relates to the situation of an unnamed sex at birth, whereas sex re-designation was distressful to physicians. A sense of loneliness when dealing with the disease and treatment was a common anguish among patients; dilation procedures were the major complaint. In general, physicians recommend that genital reconstructive surgery be performed early on to avoid future trauma. CONCLUSIONS: In such a complex scenario, it is remarkable that not all the reference service staff have a psychologist on duty. Difficulties to deal with questions involving sexuality were evident and dilation procedures are an additional source of trauma for these patients.

Adolescent , Adulte , Enfant , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Femelle , Humains , Nourrisson , Mâle , Jeune adulte , Hyperplasie congénitale des surrénales/psychologie , Identité de genre , /psychologie , Soutien social , Hyperplasie congénitale des surrénales/chirurgie , Endocrinologie , Psychothérapie , Parents/psychologie , Recherche qualitative , Caractères sexuels , Jeune adulte
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-570435


With transdermal absorption speed constant as index, the percutaneous osmosis experiments were carried out by orthodox design method to study the preparation process of EVA membrane.The results indicate that the best preparation process of EVA membrane is:10% EVA 36,dissolved by chloroform without the addition of plasticizer, expanding the membrane at the thickness of 0 5 ?m, dried at 80℃ for 6 hours. The membrane is with good releasing-control activity under the above condition.