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Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 29(2): e20571, abr.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409962


Resumen La cuarentena fue la medida tomada por el estado peruano para enfrentar a la pandemia causada por el COVID- 19. Esta significó un retraso para casi todos los sectores, incluyendo el sector académico. Este estudio analiza las consecuencias de esta medida en el trabajo de los investigadores científicos del Perú durante el 2020, enfocándose en aquellos que trabajan en biodiversidad y conservación. Se realizó una encuesta durante los meses de julio y agosto de 2020 que fue respondida por 111 investigadores. Los resultados de la encuesta muestran que el área más afectada fue la investigación en campo por las evidentes restricciones, y el grupo más afectado fue el de las investigadoras quienes presentaron los porcentajes más altos de insatisfacción, tanto en su vida laboral como en su estado emocional. Esta investigación da a conocer la realidad del Perú, con una inversión históricamente baja en investigación y donde, con la situación económica y laboral provocada por la pandemia, el trabajo de muchos investigadores se vio restringido. Consideramos que la réplica de esta investigación en otros países de Latinoamérica podría ser de ayuda para futuras políticas a favor del trabajo científico en los países y regionalmente.

Abstract The lockdown was the measure taken by the Peruvian state as a response to the pandemic caused by COVID-19. This imposition meant a delay for almost all sectors, including the academic sector. This study analyzes the repercussions of the lockdown through scientific work in Peru in 2020, focusing on subjects of biodiversity and conservation. We conducted a during July and August of 2020, which was answered by 111 researchers. Results of the survey show that the most affected research area was field research due to the restrictions; and that the most affected group were women, which presented the highest percentages of dissatisfaction, both in their work and emotional state. This research reveals the reality of a country with a historically low investment in research, and now the work of many researchers is restricted due to the current economic and employment situation due to the pandemic. Its replication in other Latin American countries could be of help for future policies in favor of academic research.

Rev. latinoam. bioét ; 22(1): 131-148, 2022.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423995


Resumen: El trabajo de campo etnográfico, que implica el encuentro con la otredad, es utilizado por la antropología médica para acercarse a la comprensión de problemáticas sociales relacionadas con la salud, la enfermedad, la atención y la muerte. El objetivo del trabajo fue realizar una reflexión ética de diversas situaciones conflictivas experimentadas por tres antropólogas durante sus investigaciones en México, a través del análisis de sus diarios de campo. Con este fin, se realizó un análisis grupal e interdisciplinario desde una perspectiva ética. Los conflictos encontrados se clasificaron en: 1. Dilemas éticos (como la sinceridad vs. ocultamiento de información); 2. Disonancias éticas (como la justicia en el acceso de los informantes a los servicios médicos, el acceso y la identidad del antropólogo en campo, los límites de la intervención, la reciprocidad y las emociones del investigador); y 3. Otros (conflictos éticos tales como la observación del paternalismo médico y las diferencias disciplinares entre el quehacer antropológico y el médico). Este análisis permitió comprender a través de una alerta ético-metodológica los posicionamientos epistemológicos, metodológicos y, principalmente, éticos de las investigadoras que, de manera subrepticia, guían la construcción del quehacer antropológico. Asimismo, la investigación permitió vislumbrar la responsabilidad de las acciones o inacciones del investigador frente a las personas observadas dentro de un contexto de atención en salud.

Abstract: Ethnographic fieldwork, which implies the encounter with otherness, is used by medical anthropology to approach the understanding of social problems related to health, illness, care and death. The objective of the work was to carry out an ethical reflection on various conflictive situations experienced by three anthropologists during their research in Mexico, by means of the analysis of their field diaries. To this end, a group and interdisciplinar y analysis was carried out from an ethical perspective. The conflicts found were classified as: 1. Ethical dilemmas (such as sincerity vs. concealment of information); 2. Ethical dissonances (such as fairness in informants' access to medical services, access and identity of the anthropologist in the field, limits of the intervention, reciprocity, and the emotions of the researcher); and 3. Others (ethical conflicts such as the observation of medical paternalism and the disciplinary differences between anthropological and medical work). This analysis allowed us to understand, through an ethical-methodological alert, the epistemological, methodological and, mainly, the ethical positions of the researchers who, surreptitiously, guide the construction of the anthropological task. Likewise, the investigation allowed us to glimpse the responsibility of the actions or inactions of the researcher vis a vis of the people observed within a context of health care.

Resumo: O trabalho de campo etnográfico, que implica o encontro com a alteridade, é utilizado pela antropologia médica para abordar a compreensão dos problemas sociais relacionados à saúde, doença, cuidado e morte. O objetivo do trabalho foi realizar uma reflexão ética sobre diversas situações conflituosas vivenciadas por três antropólogos durante suas pesquisas no México, por meio da análise de seus diários de campo. Para tanto, realizou-se uma análise grupal e interdisciplinar a partir de uma perspectiva ética. Os conflitos encontrados foram classificados em: 1. Dilemas éticos (como sinceridade x ocultação de informações); 2. Dissonâncias éticas (como equidade no acesso dos informantes aos serviços médicos, acesso e identidade do antropólogo em campo, limites de intervenção, reciprocidade e emoções do pesquisador); e 3. Outros (conflitos éticos como a observação do paternalismo médico e as diferenças disciplinares entre o trabalho antropológico e o médico). Essa análise permitiu compreender, por meio de um alerta ético-metodológico, as posições epistemológicas, metodológicas e, principalmente, éticas dos pesquisadores que, sub-repticiamente, orientam a construção da tarefa antropológica. Da mesma forma, a investigação permitiu vislumbrar a responsabilidade das ações ou omissões do pesquisador diante das pessoas observadas em um contexto de atenção à saúde.

Interaçao psicol ; 24(2): 200-210, mai.-jul. 2020.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1511770


Este artigo problematiza especificidades da pesquisa científica realizada por mulheres. Em aproximações etnográficas, discutimos a noção de gênero e recolhemos perspectivas metodológicas que denunciam a neutralidade científica como engodo reforçador de uma ciência que privilegia o masculino. Posteriormente, olhamos os desafios de ser pesquisadora em contextos atravessados por discursos masculinos, tais como o contexto prisional, cenário ilustrativo e fomentador de nossos questionamentos, que são colocados em diálogos com a literatura que traz situações em que o desafio da pesquisa ampliou-se ou transformou-se por ser uma pesquisadora em campo e não um pesquisador. Na sequência, no âmbito da produção de conhecimento, colocamos em destaque como questões de gênero podem atravessar relações e processos acadêmicos. Por fim, assumimos como principal consideração deste texto a questão "se não existe uma vida sem gênero, por que deveria haver uma ciência sem gênero?", tornando-se evidente a necessidade de ampliarmos e fortalecermos os fundamentos epistemológicos, metodológicos e acadêmicos que promovam a subversão da ideia de uma pesquisa neutra.

Abstract: This article discusses specificities of scientific research conducted by women. In ethnographic approaches, we discuss the notion of gender and gather methodological perspectives that denounce scientific neutrality as a reinforcing decoy of a science that privileges the masculine. Subsequently, we look at the challenges of being a researcher in contexts crossed by male discourses, such as the prison context, an illustrative scenario and fomenter of our questions, which are placed in dialogues with the literature that brings situations in which the research challenge has expanded or She became a researcher in the field, not a researcher. Next, in the context of knowledge production, we highlight how gender issues can cross academic relationships and processes. Finally, we take as the main consideration of this text the question "If there is no genderless life, why should there be a science without gender?", making evident the need to expand and strengthen the epistemological, methodological and academic foundations that promote the subversion of the idea of neutral research.​​

Medical Education ; : 145-148, 2020.
Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-837445


“Therapeutic self” is the foundation that every healthcare professional should acquire. It is an important theme in professionalism education, which aims to educate learners about the attitudes needed to be a good doctor. It is assumed that as learners gain “resonance (subjective estimation) “ and “objective estimation” , they will be able to improve patient-doctor interactions and achieve a good balance with therapeutic self. In this article, firstly we explain the concepts associate with therapeutic self, then we introduce the strategy aimed at cultivating the therapeutic self in professionalism education: Through fieldwork training in a community, we aim to make the students more aware of the importance of the trust relationship between doctors and patients. We also aim to raise awareness about how healthcare professionals should be. An objective assessment of the therapeutic self was done using conversation analysis.

Medical Education ; : 451-459, 2019.
Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-822121


We reviewed the Community Diagnosis Field Work (CDFW) that we have been working on since 2004 at the local general hospital and examined the possibility of Social determinates of health (SDH) education. A multi-professional group consisting of 6-8 new employees, surveyed the community for several months with the help of support staff, and presented the results. Many of the previous surveys were eventually related to SDH. In the questionnaire after the presentation, many learners cited multidisciplinary learning as their own achievements, and support staff cited many studies on SDH. Among doctors, 70% felt that the experience of this CDFW was "helpful" for their medical care, and specifically mentioned that they learned "multi-professional collaboration" and "the importance of knowing the community" . "Teaching is learning" is also important in SDH education.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 297-299, 2017.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-509409


Objective:To determine the effect of standardized patients in medical international students' graduation practice assessment.Methods:The students were divided into two groups ofstandardized patient assessment and traditional assessment,the theoretical and professional performance was compared and analyzed after the assessments.All the students were investigated using questionnaire.Result:The students assessed using standardized patients reported higher skill scores than those with traditional assessments,and the difference was statistically significant.However,no difference was observed in theoretical scores.Gorcltusion:The introduction of standardized patient to medical international students' graduation practice assessment alleviates the status that emphasizes theory but ignores practice due to the lack of clinical resources,eliminates the obstacles in the communication between students and patients,and is conducive to the cultivation of humanistic quality and adaptability of the students.It is worthy popularizing in international students' graduation practice assessment.

Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-838123


Este artículo propone una discusión sobre distintas visiones teóricas de la reflexividad en las Ciencias Sociales, para luego proceder a un análisis reflexivo de la propia experiencia en el trabajo de campo. La investigación sobre la que se apoya el artículo consiste en un estudio de caso, centrado en una cooperativa autogestiva de vivienda de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, desde una perspectiva psicosocial comunitaria y crítica. El método empleado es cualitativo y se vale de entrevistas semi-estructuradas y de observaciones participantes, con registro en el diario de campo. A partir del análisis de varios fragmentos de este último, se evalúan las distintas formas en que la presencia del investigador afecta a la comunidad estudiada y cómo ésta también repercute en la propia implicación, lo que a su vez afecta la orientación del conocimiento construido durante el proceso de la investigación.

This paper introduces a discussion about different views on the concept of reflexivity in Social Sciences, in order to proceed to a reflexive analysis of the own experience during the field work. The research that supports this article consists of a case study, focused on a self-managed housing cooperative in Buenos Aires city, from a communitary and critical psychosocial approach. Applied methodology is qualitative, based on semi structured interviews and participative observations, which are recorded on the field diary. Through the analysis of several excerpts from this diary, different ways in which the researcher’s presence has an effect on the studied community are evaluated, as well as how the community affects his or her own implication, which in turn has an impact on the orientation of the knowledge that is built during the research process.

Pesqui. prát. psicossociais ; 9(2): 279-286, dez. 2014.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-791695


A partir de um relato de experiência sobre o trabalho de campo em uma unidade prisional feminina, o presente artigo tem como objetivo discutir o lugar ocupado pela informalidade no processo de pesquisa. O argumento central é que as orientações do método científico - especialmente sobre a neutralidade e a objetividade necessárias à condução de protocolos rígidos de coleta e análise de dados - têm recorrentemente se configurado em obstáculos à consecução da pesquisa social qualitativa. Para além da rigidez das diretrizes metodológicas apontadas como adequadas ao referido método, a informalidade das relações estabelecidas no campo nos convida igualmente ao debate acerca das questões éticas que envolvem a pesquisa com seres humanos. O presente relato ilustrará a forma como a abertura à informalidade e ao imprevisto próprios do campo se configura em ferramenta essencial para a realização de pesquisas sensíveis às realidades concretas dos indivíduos investigados.

From one experience report about the field work in a female prison institution, this article aims at discussing the role played by informality in the research process. The main argument is that the guidelines provided by the scientific method - especially regarding the need for neutrality and objectivity in order to follow rigid protocols for data collection and analysis - have recurrently been configured as obstacles to the conduction of social qualitative research. In addition to the rigidity of methodological guidelines indicated as appropriate to the particular method, the informality of relations established in the field also invites us to debate the ethical issues surrounding the research with human beings. The current report will illustrate the ways in which openness to informality and to unpredictability specific of the field constitutes an essential tool to conduct researches which are sensitive to the concrete realities of the investigated individuals.

Femelle , Prisons , Psychologie sociale , Contrôle social informel
Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 63-65, 2013.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-437215


Objective To investigate the application of field work logs in collection of the disaster information in medical rescue of earthquake.Methods The self-designed work logs were made according to the condition of the wounded in the medical rescue of Lushan earthquake.Through the field work logs,we got first hand information which facilitate statistics,inquiry and subsequent follow-up work.Results By using the field work logs,the rescue workers guaranteed the collection of original data timely and accurately,supplied a number of rich and a-list clinical data and also facilitated the masses in disaster areas looking for their relatives.Conclusions The application of field work logs played a pivotal role in medical rescue of Lushan earthquake.It can be widely extended as a general manner in emergency disaster rescue after further perfection.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 17(3): 627-633, mar. 2012.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-618123


Neste artigo desenvolvo um exercício de reflexão em torno das peculiaridades da pesquisa etnográfica contemporânea, assinalando alguns desafios inerentes a este processo. A discussão se centrará, especialmente, nos seguintes aspectos: os limites impostos pela notória abreviação do tempo de imersão no campo; os desafios na aprendizagem do trabalho etnográfico, seja nos processos de observação ou interação no campo, seja na tarefa de produção textual; questões de caráter epistemológico e ético que merecem uma atenção especial no por parte dos praticantes da abordagem etnográfica e da comunidade científica em geral. Considero, especialmente, oportuno promover o debate em torno do método etnográfico, abordando suas peculiaridades, complexidade operacional e potencialidades enquanto ferramenta de produção de conhecimento, na esfera da saúde/ saúde coletiva, tendo em vista o incremento notável desta abordagem neste campo.

In this article I reflect on the peculiarities of contemporary ethnographic research, highlighting some challenges inherent to this process. The discussion focuses in particular on the following aspects: the limits imposed by the clear reduction in immersion time in the field; the challenges in learning about ethnographic work, either in the process of observation or interaction in the field, or in the task of textual production; issues of an epistemological and ethical nature that deserve particular attention on the part of practitioners of the ethnographic approach and the scientific community in general. It is especially appropriate to foster debate around the ethnographic method, addressing its peculiarities, operational complexity and potential as a tool for knowledge production, in the sphere of health/public health, bearing in mind the marked increase of this approach in this field.

Humains , Anthropologie culturelle , Santé publique , Recherche , Anthropologie culturelle
Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 10(1): 264-280, abr. 2010.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: lil-579932


O artigo analisa o estatuto dos discursos dispersos num campo, que geram, inesperadamente, algum tipo de redefinição no direcionamento de uma experiência de pesquisa. Trata-se de uma reflexão acerca do lugar do acontecimento e da regularidade no curso da investigação etnográfica, na qual se aponta a importância da sensibilidade do pesquisador ao registrar não somente as falas esperadas, como também aquelas que se pronunciam de modo imprevisto e incidem diretamente na construção do objeto e no desenvolvimento do estudo. Para isso, os autores descrevem a experiência vivida em um estudo sobre a violência no campo da rede de saúde pública, realizado em um bairro periférico em Aracaju/Sergipe. Partindo da apresentação da experiência de campo, passando pelo debate acerca da pesquisa etnográfica e pela exposição do escopo da pesquisa, o texto procura evidenciar como um dado acontecimento discursivo do campo se torna um acontecimento no âmbito da produção de conhecimento em pesquisa

The article provides an analysis of the dispersive discourses statute in a field which, unexpectedly, produces some type of redefinition in the conducting of a research experience. It is a reflection on the place of the event and on its regularity in the course of the ethnographic investigation, which shows the importance of the researcher’s sensibility while registering not only the expected speeches, but also those which are delivered in an unexpected way and affect directly the construction of the object and the study development. In order to do so, the authors describe the experience lived in a study on violence in the basic health assistance system made on an outskirt of Aracaju / Sergipe. Beginning with the presentation of the field experience, going through debate on the ethnographic research and through the exposition of the research scope, the text tries to put into evidence how a given discursive event turns into an event in the field of knowledge production in research

Humains , Psychologie , Violence , Santé , Anthropologie culturelle
Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research ; (12)2003.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-622850


In this paper graduation field work of students of one grade majoring in preventive medicine is investigated by means of questionnaire and making a diary for practice.The investigation shows that the major difficulty for the practical units to admit trainees is no housing.In spite of this,most of the units welcome the students and devote much attention to guiding practice.Generally,they can arrange for interns to practice in different departments according to the time and the contents of the practice plan.Different units have different practice situations.Each unit has a good evaluation of our school's students,except for the operation skill.The writers hereby have offered concrete suggestions on how to solve the problems.

Medical Education ; : 31-36, 1996.
Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-369516


We conducted an opinion survey of on-site collaborators after three field work sessions during the period from 1990 to 1992. As part of our public health course, these field work sessions were implemented on a small-group basis in various settings, such as schools and local public health centers. Selfadministered questionnaires on student behavior and performance were distributed to the collaborators on the days of the student visits. Completed questionnaires were then collected by mail within a couple of weeks. The total number of respondents for the three years surveyed was 205, reflecting a response rate of 100 percent.<BR>The following results were obtained; 1. Many collaborators admired the good behavior of the students, 2. Several respondents considered student knowledge of public health issues less adequate than they had expected, and 3. Some respondents commented on the passiveness of student involvement in their work.<BR>These survey results provided the faculty with valuable insights on the implementation of the field work sessions.

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