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Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564257


Esse trabalho tem como objetivo investigar se o período do dia influencia no desempenho dos indivíduos numa bateria de TAF. A amostra foi composta por dez indivíduos de ambos os sexos (24,10 ± 0,96 anos), que realizaram o TAF nos três períodos do dia: manhã, tarde e noite, em três dias não consecutivos no decorrer de uma semana. O TAF foi composto por cinco testes (teste de preensão manual, teste na barra fixa, teste de flexão abdominal, teste de impulsão horizontal e Shuttle-run) para homens e quatro testes para as mulheres, que não realizaram o teste de força na barra fixa. No primeiro dia da bateria de testes, eles foram submetidos a avaliação antropométrica e de composição corporal com bioimpedância. Em cada dia de avaliação, os participantes tiveram a temperatura corporal aferida antes de iniciar os testes e responderam à percepção subjetiva de esforço (PSE) após cada teste. Para a análise estatística foi utilizado a anova one-way com post-hoc de bonferroni para comparar as diferenças de performance ao longo dos três períodos do dia. Não foram encontradas diferença significativas (P>0,05) no desempenho entre os testes realizados, nem na PSE nas comparações entre os três períodos do dia. A temperatura corporal foi significativamente (P<0,01) menor no período da manhã (36,28 ± 0,08 ºC) quando comparada ao período da tarde (36,54 ± 0,69 ºC) e da noite (36,70 ± 0,10 ºC). Assim, é possível concluir que o período do dia não influência o desempenho de adultos jovens em uma bateria de TAF.

This work aims to investigate whether the time of day influences the performance of individuals in a TAF battery. The sample consisted of ten individuals of both genders (24.10±0.96 years), who performed the FAT in three periods of the day: morning, afternoon and night, on three non-consecutive days over the course of a week. The FAT consisted of five tests (handgrip test, fixed bar test, abdominal flexion test, horizontal impulsion test and Shuttle-run) for men and four tests for women, who did not perform the strength test on the bar. fixed. On the first day of the battery of tests, they underwent an anthropometric and body composition assessment with bioimpedance. On each evaluation day, the participants had their body temperature measured before starting the tests and answered the subjective perception of exertion (RPE) after each test. For the statistical analysis, one-way anova with Bonferroni post-hoc was used to compare performance differences over the three periods of the day. No significant differences (P>0.05) were found in the performance between the tests performed, nor in the PSE in the comparisons between the three periods of the day. Body temperature was significantly (P<0.01) lower in the morning (36.28±0.08 ºC) when compared to the afternoon (36.54±0.69 ºC) and night (36.70 ±0.10 ºC). Thus, it is possible to conclude that the time of day does not influence the performance of young adults in a TAF battery.

Este trabajo tiene como objetivo investigar si la hora del día influye en el rendimiento de los individuos en una batería de pruebas de aptitud física (BAF). La muestra estuvo conformada por diez individuos de ambos sexos (24,10±0,96 años), quienes realizaron el BAF en tres momentos del día: mañana, tarde y noche, en tres días no consecutivos en el transcurso de una semana. La BAF constaba de cinco pruebas (handgrip test, test de barra fija, test de flexión abdominal, test de impulsión horizontal y Shuttle-run) para hombres y cuatro pruebas para mujeres, que no realizaron la prueba de fuerza en barra fija. El primer día de la batería de pruebas se les realizó una valoración antropométrica y de composición corporal con bioimpedancia. En cada día de evaluación, a los participantes se les tomó la temperatura corporal antes de comenzar las pruebas y respondieron la percepción subjetiva de esfuerzo (PSE) después de cada prueba. Para el análisis estadístico, se utilizó Anova unidireccional con Bonferroni post-hoc para comparar las diferencias de rendimiento en los tres períodos del día. No se encontraron diferencias significativas (P>0,05) en el rendimiento entre las pruebas realizadas, ni en el PSE en las comparaciones entre los tres períodos del día. La temperatura corporal fue significativamente (P<0,01) más baja en la mañana (36,28 ± 0,08 ºC) en comparación con la tarde (36,54 ± 0,69 ºC) y la noche (36,70 ± 0,10 ºC). Por lo tanto, es posible concluir que la hora del día no influye en el rendimiento de los adultos jóvenes en una BAF.

Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564258


La percepción de la condición física en estudiantes universitarios se refiere a cómo se ven a sí mismos en términos de su estado físico y salud. En esta etapa, las variables antropométricas pueden verse afectadas por estrés, cambios en hábitos de sueño y alimentación, y menor participación en actividades físicas, impactando el desempeño académico y salud general. El objetivo fue relacionar la percepción de la condición física con medidas antropométricas auto reportadas en estudiantes universitarios Esta Investigación es de tipo descriptivo-correlacional, de diseño observacional y corte transversal. Fueron evaluados 46 estudiantes universitarios de la ciudad de Talca. La condición física se midió por medio del International Fitness Scale (IFIS) y las medidas antropométricas por medio de auto reporte. La condición física general se relacionó de manera inversa con la circunferencia de cintura (r=-0,32; p=0,028), la circunferencia de cintura(r=-0,44; p=0,002) y el ICE (r=-0,43; p=0,003). Se observaron correlaciones inversas entre la condición cardiorrespiratoria con el IMC (p=0,008; r=-0,38), circunferencia de cintura e ICE (p=0,008; r=-0,38). La velocidad/agilidad se correlacionó de forma inversa con el índice de masa corporal (IMC) (p=0,001; r=-0,46), circunferencia de cintura (p=0,019; r=-0,34), cadera (p= 0,004; r= -0,40) y el ICE (p=0,004; r=-0,41). La flexibilidad se correlaciono de forma inversa con el IMC (p=0,041; r=-0,30), circunferencia de cintura (p=0,023; r=-0,33), índice cintura cadera (ICC) (p= 0,001; r=-0,45)). Por último, la fuera muscular no se correlaciono con las variables antropométricas. Se concluye que existe correlación inversa entre la percepción de la condición física y algunos autore portes de las medidas antropométricas.

The physical fitness perception of college students refers to how they see themselves in terms of their physical condition and health. In this stage, anthropometric variables may be affected by stress, changes in sleep and eating habits, and decreased participation in physical activities, impacting academic performance and general health. The objective of this study is to relate the perception of physical condition with self-reported anthropometric measures in university students. This is a descriptive-correlational, observational, cross-sectional research. Forty-six university students from the city of Talca were evaluated. Physical condition was measured by means of the International Fitness Scale (IFIS) and anthropometric measures by means of self-report. General physical condition was inversely related to waist circumference (r=-0.32; p=0.028), waist circumference (r=-0.44; p=0.002) and IFIS (r=-0.43; p=0.003). Inverse correlations were observed between cardiorespiratory fitness with BMI (p=0.008; r=-0.38), waist circumference and ECI (p=0.008; r=-0.38). Speed/agility was inversely correlated with body mass index (BMI) (p=0.001; r=-0.46), waist circumference (p=0.019; r=-0.34), hip (p= 0.004; r= -0.40) and ECI (p=0.004; r=-0.41). Flexibility was inversely correlated with BMI (p=0.041; r=-0.30), waist circumference (p=0.023; r=-0.33), waist hip index (WHI) (p= 0.001; r=-0.45)). Lastly, muscle was not correlated with the anthropometric variables. It is concluded that there is an inverse correlation between the perception of physical condition and some anthropometric measures.

A percepção da aptidão física em estudantes universitários refere-se a como eles se veem em termos de sua condição física e saúde. Nessa fase, as variáveis antropométricas podem ser afetadas pelo estresse, por mudanças nos hábitos de sono e alimentação e pela diminuição da participação em atividades físicas, o que afeta o desempenho acadêmico e a saúde em geral. O objetivo foi relacionar a percepção da aptidão física com medidas antropométricas autorreferidas em estudantes universitários. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, correlacional, transversal e observacional. Foram avaliados 46 estudantes universitários da cidade de Talca. A condição física foi medida por meio da Escala Internacional de Aptidão Física (IFIS) e as medidas antropométricas por meio de autorrelato. A aptidão física geral foi inversamente relacionada à circunferência da cintura (r=-0,32; p=0,028), circunferência da cintura (r=-0,44; p=0,002) e IFIS (r=-0,43; p=0,003). Foram observadas correlações inversas entre a aptidão cardiorrespiratória com o IMC (p=0,008; r=-0,38), a circunferência da cintura e o ECI (p=0,008; r=-0,38). A velocidade/agilidade foi inversamente correlacionada com o índice de massa corporal (IMC) (p=0,001; r=-0,46), circunferência da cintura (p=0,019; r=-0,34), quadril (p= 0,004; r= -0,40) e ECI (p=0,004; r=-0,41). A flexibilidade foi inversamente correlacionada com o IMC (p=0,041; r=-0,30), a circunferência da cintura (p=0,023; r=-0,33), o índice cintura-quadril (WHI) (p= 0,001; r=-0,45). Por fim, a musculatura não foi correlacionada com as variáveis antropométricas. Concluise que há uma correlação inversa entre a percepção da condição física e algumas medidas antropométricas.

MHSalud ; 21(1): 186-202, ene.-jun. 2024. tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564769


Abstract Introduction: Upper-body muscular endurance (UBME) and aerobic capacity (AC) are essential components of physical fitness. Low levels of these components are related to cardiovascular disease. Purpose: To assess the association between UBME and AC levels in college students of physical culture. Methodology: Analytical cross-sectional study carried out in 192 students (169 men, 23 women; median age 20 years). Every participant of the study signed written consent. UMBE was the dependent variable assessed by the push-up test, and AC was the main independent variable assessed using the 20 m shuttle run test. To analyze differences by sex, and academic semester, Fischer exact, Student's T, and U Mann-Whitney tests were applied. Descriptive, as well as bivariate and multivariate analysis, were realized using logistic regression models. Results: 82.29 % of participants had healthy levels of UBME. Respecting the academic semester, students had a higher probability of having healthy levels of UBME as semesters increased (OR: 1.23, 95 % CI: 1.06 to 1.44, p = 0.007). Concerning AC, 58.33 % of participants registered healthy levels. After adjusting by sex, age, socioeconomic level, and academic semester, maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max), was associated with healthy levels of UBME (OR: 1.157, CI 95 %: 1.O71 - 1.249, p=<0.001). Conclusions: Students had a higher probability of presenting healthy levels of UBME as semesters of study increased, and those with a higheVO2max were more likely to have healthy levels of UBME.

Resumen Introducción: La fuerza resistencia de miembros superiores (FRMS) y la capacidad aeróbica (CA) son componentes esenciales de la condición física. Bajos niveles de estos componentes están relacionados con la enfermedad cardiovascular. Propósito: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la asociación entre los niveles de FRMS y la CA en estudiantes universitarios de cultura física. Metodología: Estudio transversal analítico realizado en 192 estudiantes (169 hombres, 23 mujeres; mediana de edad, 20 años). Cada participante firmó el consentimiento informado. FRMS fue la variable dependiente y se valoró con la prueba de flexiones de brazo, y la CA fue la variable independiente y se evaluó usando la prueba de ida y vuelta de 20 m. Para analizar las diferencias por sexo y semestre académico, fueron utilizadas las pruebas exacta de Fischer, T de Student y U de Mann-Whitney. Se realizaron análisis descriptivos, bivariados y múltiples, usando modelos de regresión logística. Resultados: El 82.29 % de los participantes registraron niveles saludables de FRMS. Respecto al semestre académico, se evidenció una probabilidad más alta de tener niveles saludables de FRMS al incrementarse los semestres de estudio (OR: 1.23, 95 % CI: 1.06 to 1.44, p = 0.007). En lo concerniente a la CA, el 58.33 % de los participantes registro niveles saludables. Después de realizar ajustes por sexo, edad, nivel socioeconómico y semestre académico, el consumo máximo de oxígeno (VO2máx), estuvo asociado con niveles saludables de FRMS (OR: 1.157, CI 95 % 1.O71 - 1.249, p=<0.001). Conclusiones: Los participantes presentaron una mayor probabilidad de tener niveles saludables de FRMS, a medida que incrementaron los semestres de estudio, y aquellos con niveles de VO2máx más alto, fueron más proclives a tener niveles saludables de FRMS.

Resumo Introdução: A resistência muscular do corpo superior (UBME) e a capacidade aeróbica (AC) são componentes essenciais da aptidão física. Baixos níveis desses componentes estão relacionados a doenças cardiovasculares. Propósito: Avaliar a associação entre os níveis de UBME e AC em estudantes universitários de cultura física. Metodologia: Estudo transversal analítico realizado com 192 estudantes (169 homens, 23 mulheres; idade média 20 anos). Todos os participantes do estudo assinaram consentimento por escrito. UBME foi a variável dependente avaliada pelo teste de flexão de braço, e AC foi a principal variável independente avaliada pelo teste de corrida de vaivém de 20 m. Para analisar diferenças por sexo e semestre acadêmico, foram aplicados testes exatos de Fischer, t de Student e U de MannWhitney. Análises descritivas, bivariadas e multivariadas foram realizadas usando modelos de regressão logística. Resultados: 82,29 % dos participantes apresentaram níveis saudáveis de UBME. Respeitando o semestre acadêmico, os estudantes tiveram uma probabilidade maior de ter níveis saudáveis de UBME conforme os semestres aumentavam (OR: 1,23, IC 95 %: 1,06 a 1,44, p = 0,007). Em relação à AC, 58,33 % dos participantes registraram níveis saudáveis. Após ajuste por sexo, idade, nível socioeconômico e semestre acadêmico, o consumo máximo de oxigênio (VO2max) foi associado a níveis saudáveis de UBME (OR: 1,157, IC 95 %: 1,071 - 1,249, p <0,001). Conclusões: Os estudantes tiveram uma probabilidade maior de apresentar níveis saudáveis de UBME conforme os semestres de estudo aumentaram, e aqueles com um VO2max mais alto tiveram maior probabilidade de ter níveis saudáveis de UBME.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Endurance physique , Santé des Élèves , Épreuve d'effort , Optimisme , Colombie
MHSalud ; 21(1): 82-103, ene.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558387


Resumen Objetivo: El objetivo de la presente revisión sistemática fue determinar los efectos del entrenamiento cluster sobre la hipertrofia muscular. Metodología: Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos electrónicas Pubmed, Scopus y Web of Science, utilizando las siguientes palabras clave: 'cluster training', 'rest Interval', 'rest pause', 'hypertrophy', 'resistance training' y 'cross sectional area'. Se incluyeron ensayos clínicos que utilizaron el entrenamiento cluster como intervención en personas mayores de 18 años de ambos sexos. Resultados: La revisión sistemática obtenida durante la búsqueda de las bases de datos consultadas arrojó un total de 23 artículos, potencialmente elegibles, de los cuales se tomó una muestra de 9, con los que se podían obtener resultados que respondían al objetivo de esta revisión. La cantidad de participantes de los 9 artículos elegibles fue de 172 sujetos. Los entrenamientos cluster permiten aumentar el volumen de entrenamiento y la intensidad sin provocar elevados niveles de fatiga, favoreciendo así el desarrollo de la hipertrofia muscular. Conclusiones: Los resultados de esta revisión sistemática sugieren que los entrenamientos cluster pueden ser una herramienta eficaz para el desarrollo de la hipertrofia muscular.

Abstract Objective: The aim of this systematic review was to determine the effects of cluster training on muscle hypertrophy. Methodology: A literature search was performed in the electronic databases Pubmed, Scopus and Web of Science, using the following keywords: 'cluster training', 'rest interval', 'rest pause', 'hypertrophy', 'resistance training' and 'cross sectional area'. We included clinical trials that used cluster training as an intervention in people over 18 years of age of both sexes. Results: The systematic review obtained during the search of the databases consulted yielded a total of 23 potentially eligible articles, of which a sample of 9 was taken from which results could be obtained that responded to the objective of this review. The number of participants from the 9 eligible articles was 172 subjects. Cluster workouts allow for increased training volume and intensity without causing high levels of fatigue, thus favoring the development of muscle hypertrophy. Conclusions: The results of this systematic review suggest that cluster training can be an effective tool for the development of muscle hypertrophy.

Resumo Objetivo: O objetivo desta revisão sistemática foi determinar os efeitos do treinamento em cluster na hipertrofia muscular. Metodologia: Realizou-se uma busca na literatura nas bases de dados eletrônicas Pubmed, Scopus e Web of Science, utilizando as seguintes palavras-chave: 'cluster training', 'rest interval', 'rest pause', 'hypertrophy', 'resistance training' e 'cross sectional area'. Foram incluídos ensaios clínicos que utilizaram o treinamento em cluster como intervenção em pessoas com mais de 18 anos de ambos os sexos. Resultados: A revisão sistemática realizada durante a busca nas bases de dados consultadas resultou em um total de 23 artigos potencialmente elegíveis, dos quais uma amostra de 9 foi selecionada para obter resultados que respondessem ao objetivo desta revisão. O número de participantes nos 9 artigos elegíveis foi de 172 indivíduos. Os treinos em cluster permitem um aumento no volume e na intensidade do treinamento sem causar altos níveis de fadiga, favorecendo assim o desenvolvimento da hipertrofia muscular. Conclusões: Os resultados desta revisão sistemática sugerem que o treinamento em cluster pode ser uma ferramenta eficaz para o desenvolvimento da hipertrofia muscular.

Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 429-436, abr. 2024. ilus, tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558129


SUMMARY: The aim was to analyze the relationship between somatic maturation and physical performance in male youth soccer players belonging to a professional Mexican academy. In 121 male soccer aged 11 to 16 years from a professional academy the peak height velocity (PHV), percentage of adult height (PAS), jump capacity, sprint, intermittent speed and muscle mass were estimated. ANOVA was conducted to compare performance variables among maturity somatic categories and percentiles were calculated based on maturity offset using LMS method. Furthermore, a general linear model was employed to determine the explanatory variables for performance. Post-PHV soccer players demonstrated superior physical performance across several tests compared to Pre-PHV (p<0.001) and Circa-PHV (p<0.001) players. The smoothed percentile values of performance tests, based on somatic maturation, indicated progressive performance enhancement as individuals approached PHV (-2 to 2 years from PHV) (p<0.005). PHV was associated with jump capacity (p<0.001) and intermittent speed (p=0.007) while PAS was associated with time in sprint (p=.0004). In conclusion PHV and PAS explained better performance than chronological age, body composition characteristics, injuries, or training factors.

El objetivo fue analizar la relación entre la maduración somática y el rendimiento físico en futbolistas juveniles masculinos pertenecientes a una academia profesional mexicana. Métodos. En 121 futbolistas masculinos de 11 a 16 años de una academia profesional se estimó la velocidad máxima en altura (VPH), porcentaje de altura adulta (PAS), capacidad de salto, sprint, velocidad intermitente y masa muscular. Se realizó ANOVA para comparar variables de desempeño entre categorías somáticas de madurez y se calcularon percentiles en función de la compensación de madurez utilizando el método LMS. Además, se empleó un modelo lineal general para determinar las variables explicativas del desempeño. Los jugadores de fútbol post-PHV demostraron un rendimiento físico superior en varias pruebas en comparación con los jugadores Pre-PHV (p<0,001) y Circa-PHV (p<0,001). Los valores percentiles suavizados de las pruebas de rendimiento, basados en la maduración somática, indicaron una mejora progresiva del rendimiento a medida que los individuos se acercaban al PHV (-2 a 2 años desde el PHV) (p<0,005). PHV se asoció con la capacidad de salto (p<0,001) y velocidad intermitente (p=0,007) mientras que PAS se asoció con el tiempo en sprint (p=0,0004). En conclusión PHV y PEA explicaron un mejor rendimiento que la edad cronológica, las características de composición corporal, las lesiones o los factores de entrenamiento.

Humains , Mâle , Enfant , Adolescent , Football , Taille , Aptitude physique , Anthropométrie , Études transversales , Analyse de variance
Int. j. morphol ; 42(1): 46-51, feb. 2024. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528827


SUMMARY: Few international studies have analyzed the characteristics of elite wheelchair curlers competing on the international stage. This study aims to investigate the physical fitness parameters of elite Chinese wheelchair curlers and explore the corresponding training enlightenment. Sixteen wheelchair curlers from the Chinese national team, including six male and two female Winter Paralympic gold medalists, were selected as research participants. The following parameters were measured: age, training age, height, weight, body fat percentage, grip strength, absolute bench press strength, and 5-km wheelchair push-timing test. Compared with ordinary curlers of the Chinese wheelchair curling team, elite curlers were older in age and training age; male curlers were shorter, whereas female curlers were taller. However, their weight and body fat percentage were lower, and their grip strength, absolute strength in the bench press, and 5-k wheelchair push-timing test were better. From an athlete development and physical training perspective, wheelchair curlers should increase training years in order to accumulate competition experience. Additionally, these athletes should manage their body weight and fat percentage, and improve their upper limb strength and aerobic capacity.

Pocos estudios internacionales han analizado las características de los curlers en silla de ruedas de élite que compiten en el escenario internacional. Este estudio tiene como objetivo investigar los parámetros de aptitud física de los bigudíes chinos en silla de ruedas de élite y explorar la iluminación del entrenamiento correspondiente. Se seleccionaron como participantes de la investigación dieciséis curlers en silla de ruedas del equipo nacional chino, incluidos seis medallistas de oro masculinos y dos femeninos de los Juegos Paralímpicos de Invierno. Se midieron los siguientes parámetros: edad, edad de entrenamiento, altura, peso, porcentaje de grasa corporal, fuerza de agarre, fuerza absoluta en press de banca y prueba de sincronización de empuje en silla de ruedas de 5 km. En comparación con los curlers ordinarios del equipo chino de curling en silla de ruedas, los curlers de élite eran mayores en edad y tiempo de entrenamiento; Los curlers masculinos eran más bajos, mientras que las mujeres eran más altas. Sin embargo, su peso y porcentaje de grasa corporal fueron menores, y su fuerza de agarre, fuerza absoluta en press de banca y prueba de sincronización de empuje en silla de ruedas de 5-k fueron mejores. Desde la perspectiva del desarrollo del atleta y del entrenamiento físico, los curlers en silla de ruedas deberían aumentar los años de entrenamiento para acumular experiencia en competencia. Además, estos deportistas deben controlar su peso corporal y porcentaje de grasa, y mejorar la fuerza de sus miembros superiores y su capacidad aeróbica.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Sports , Fauteuils roulants , Aptitude physique , Anthropométrie
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019547


Objective·To explore the correlation between body compositions and cardiovascular fitness(CRF)in patients with coronary heart disease(CHD).Methods·The CHD patients(CHD group)who underwent elective percutaneous coronary intervention treatment at Renji Hospital,Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine from October 2022 to June 2023 as well as healthy people(control group)were selected.All the participants completed cardiopulmonary exercise testing(CPET)to determine CRF and bioelectrical impedance analysis(BIA)to determine body compositions on the same day.Results·A total of 191 patients with coronary heart disease and 188 healthy individuals were included.There was no statistically significant difference in baseline characteristics between the two groups.Compared with the control group,the CRF indicators of the CHD group were significantly reduced(all P<0.05).In terms of body composition indicators,the trunk muscle mass(TMM)of the CHD group was significantly lower than that of the control group(P<0.01),and the trunk fat mass(TFM)was significantly higher than that of the control group(P<0.01).Correlation analysis showed that TMM(R=0.538),lower limbs muscle mass(LMM)(R=0.754),and lower limbs fat mass(LFM)(R=0.593)were positively correlated with peak oxygen uptake per kilogram of bodyweight(VO2peak/kg)in the CHD group(all P<0.01),while TFM(R=-0.563)was negatively correlated with VO2peak/kg(P<0.01).There was no statistically significant correlation between other body composition indicators and VO2peak/kg.According to VO2peak/kg,the CHD patients were divided into low CRF group,medium CRF group,and high CRF group.The results showed that there were statistically significant differences in LMM,TMM,LFM,and TFM among the three groups of patients(all P<0.05).Multiple linear regression analysis suggested that age,gender,TMM,TFM,LMM,and LFM were related factors of VO2peak/kg in the patients with CHD.The VO2peak/kg of CHD patients increased with the increase of TMM,LMM,and LFM and the decrease of age and TFM;the female patients had lower VO2peak/kg compared to the males.Conclusion·The CRF of CHD patients is significantly lower than that of the healthy population,with higher TFM and lower TMM;in the CHD patients,CRF is negatively correlated with TFM and positively correlated with TMM,LMM,and LFM.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021534


BACKGROUND:Blood flow restriction training has broad application prospects in improving limb muscle strength.It has ideal effects on the upper limbs is ideal,and the specific application scheme has high research value. OBJECTIVE:To explain the influence of blood flow restriction training on the fitness benefits of upper limb muscles and summarize the specific programs of blood flow restriction training for upper limb,attempting to give suggestions on application programs based on existing studies. METHODS:Literature on the application of upper limb blood flow restriction training were searched in CNKI,WanFang,VIP,CBM,PubMed,Embase,EBSCO,Cochrane Library and Web of Science databases.The search terms were"blood flow restriction,blood flow restriction training,pressure training,upper limb,upper arm,forearm,arm,forearm"in Chinese and"blood flow restriction training,blood flow restriction exercise,blood flow restriction therapy,BFR therapy,occlusion training,KAATSU training,BFRT,upper extremity,upper limb,arm,forearm"in English.The relevant articles on the application of blood flow restriction training in the upper limbs included in the database from database inception to December 2022 were selected and screened according to inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:Firstly,blood flow restriction training is mainly applied to healthy people,special athletes and people with upper limb injury.Secondly,the influence of blood flow restriction training on upper limb muscle fitness is mainly reflected in the increase of upper limb circumference,muscle strength,muscle endurance,muscle thickness,muscle cross-sectional area and explosive power of upper limb,followed by the cross migration phenomenon of the upper limbs.Thirdly,blood flow restriction training for the upper limbs mainly uses inflatable blood flow restriction devices:the cuff width was 3-5 cm,the pressure position was 1/3 of the upper arm,the limiting pressure was 40%-60%arterial occlusion pressure or 80-160 mmHg,the training load is 20%-30%1RM,the training volume is four sessions(30-15-15-15 times),the interval time was 30-60 seconds,and the training frequency was 2 or 3 times per week.

Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030860


Background@#Wellness programs can be implemented in a university setting and may include varied elements such as physical activity, occupational balance, and vocal health. However, there is limited information that highlights and synthesizes why and how these programs work. Therefore, this study aimed to understand effective programs on physical activity, occupational balance, and vocal health for university constituents in relation to the implementation contexts, mechanisms, and outcomes (CMO).@*Methodology@#Guided by the Health Belief Model in the context of a realist review design, the researchers conducted an iterative search among seven peer-reviewed electronic databases in the health and education fields using a predetermined set of eligibility criteria. @*Results@#The search identified 6564 records, of which programs from 20 records contributed to data synthesis. Nine CMO statements were created, with physical activity programs accounting for most configurations. Key themes identified were tailored and individualized interventions, medium-term incentivization, lifestyle education programs utilizing information and communications technology, interdisciplinary multi-component programs, use of self-monitoring strategies, social support, and shared experiences among employees and students. Analysis of the mechanisms of these effective university programs revealed processes and structures that were consistent with elements of the Health Belief Model.@*Conclusion@#Effective university-based PA programs result from a health-supporting culture among staff and students, utilizing self-based, technological, and social approaches that target and address individual and organizational behaviors in physical activity, occupational balance, and vocal health. This realist review provides practical information that may guide the development of university-based programs and policies targeting these areas of wellness.

Exercice physique , Équilibre entre travail et vie personnelle
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031065


【Objective】 To explore the effect of physical fitness training on social adaptive behavior of children with global developmental delay (GDD), in order to provide treatment experience for GDD children. 【Methods】 From November 2021 to December 2022, a total of 60 children with GDD diagnosed and treated in the Third Affiliated Hospital of Jiamusi University were enrolled in this study, and were randomly divided into control group (n=30) and test group (n=30).The control group received routine rehabilitation treatment, and the test group received physical fitness training additionally.The intervention lasted for 12 weeks, with the frequency of 3times/week, 30min/time.All subjects were tested for physical fitness and children′s social adaptive behavior before and after training. 【Results】 Before treatment, the difference between the results of physical fitness test and social adaptive behavior scores of the GDD children in two groups was not statistically significant (P>0.05).After 3 months of treatment, the physical fitness test scores, except body mass index (BMI), and social adaptive behavior scores of the GDD children in two groups were significantly different from those before treatment (P<0.05), and the physical fitness test scores (except for height, weight and BMI) and the social adaptive behavior of the test group were better than those of the control group (t=2.363,4.020,3.331,3.338,P<0.05). 【Conclusion】 Physical fitness training can significantly improve the adaptive behavior, independent function, cognitive function and social/self-control ability of GDD children.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024559


Objective:To investigate the level of healthy fitness in preschool children with autism spectrum disorder(ASD),to explore the factors influencing healthy fitness in children with ASD,and to provide reference for their comprehensive rehabilitation treatment and home exercise guidance. Method:Fifty children in the ASD group and 50 children in the normal group were selected to test the health fitness level using seven indexes:body mass index,20m round-trip run,tennis long throw,standing long jump,isometric push-up,one-legged stance,and seated forward bend.The differences in health fitness levels between preschool children with ASD and normal children were analyzed using independent samples t-test,and the effects of gender,BMI,average daily sleep time,average daily sedentary time,average daily TPA time,average daily MVPA time,mother's education level,father's education level,family income,and age of child's primary caregiver on health fitness of preschool children with ASD were analyzed using multiple linear regression models. Result:Comparative analysis between groups showed that the ASD group had a much lower tennis ball toss than the normal group(P<0.05),and significantly lower scores in the 20-meter round-trip run,isometric push-ups and one-leg stand test than the normal group(P<0.001),while the differences in body mass index,stand-ing long jump and seated forward bend scores were not statistically significant(P>0.05).Multiple linear regres-sion model analysis showed that the mean daily sleep,Total Physical Activity(TPA),and Moderate to Vigor-ous Intensity Physical Activity(MVPA)time had a good fit for the 20 m round-trip run(20 m round-trip run=-9.561+1.048 x average daily sleep time+0.076 x average daily TPA time+0.066 × average daily MVPA time);average daily TPA time was well fitted for the isometric push-ups(isometric push-ups=-87.625+0.428x average daily TPA time);average daily TPA and MVPA times were well fitted for the single-leg stand(aver-age duration of single-leg stand=6.627+0.094 x average daily total physical activity time+0.071 x average daily moderate-to-vigorous activity time). Conclusion:The cardiopulmonary fitness,motor fitness and upper limb muscle fitness of preschool children with ASD are lower than those of normal children,and physical fitness training should be included in the comprehensive rehabilitation intervention program.The longer sleep time,the longer TPA time and the longer MVPA time may suggest the better cardiorespiratory fitness and motor fitness of preschool children with ASD,and the effective duration of sleep time and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity of preschool children with ASD should be enhanced.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 253-257, 2024.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012515


Objective@#To investigate the effects of after school exercise service (referred to as the "after school ES") on physical health, so as to provide evidence for possible beneficial effect of after school ES.@*Methods@#Students in the fourth grade of primary school were recruited from September 2021 to July 2022 in Changsha City and divided into the control group ( n =220) and the after school ES group ( n =220). The control group only participated in the regular physical education activities of the school. The after school ES group received after school ES for one academic year, 4 times a week, 40-50 minutes per time, for a total of 32 weeks. Body shape indicators such as height, weight and percentage of body fat, as well as physical fitness indicators such as 50 meter running, grip strength and progressive aerobic cardiovascular endurance run (PACER) were measured in September to October 2021 and June to July 2022, respectively. Independent sample t-test, Chi square test and two factors repeated measurement analysis of variance were used for statistical analysis of the data.@*Results@#After one academic year, compared with the control group [(13.52±2.30)kg], muscle mass of primary school students in the after school ES group [(13.76±2.32)kg] significantly increased, while waist to hip ratio [(0.95±0.16)] and percentage of body fat [(20.17±7.43)%] significantly decreased compared to the control group [(1.01±0.21), (22.02±12.34)%]( F=330.70, 6.85, 4.33, P <0.05). The proportion of overweight and obesity in after school ES group decreased significantly from 19.5% to 12.3% ( χ 2=4.35, P <0.05). Compared with the control group, the scores of 50 meter running [(10.00±1.06, 10.21±0.83)s], 1 minute sit up [(33.25±8.24, 30.76±9.34)times], sitting and flexion [(14.53±7.50, 8.59±6.32)cm], 1 minute rope skipping [(125.01±30.50, 115.97±32.09)times], eyes closed and single legged standing [(30.00±34.72, 25.72±23.82)s], selective response time [(635.66±91.72, 652.79±120.42)ms] and VO 2max [(45.31± 1.02 , 43.67±0.85)mL/(kg〖 ·min)] in the after school ES group were significantly improved, with statistical significance ( F= 5.32 , 443.14, 97.23, 814.07, 36.49, 6.11, 396.91, P <0.05).@*Conclusions@#After school ES can improve body shape of primary school students, reduce the risk of overweight and obesity and enhance physical fitness. It is recommended that schools should appropriately increase after school ES to promote physical fitness of students.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007266


Objective@#To systematically evaluate the effect of mini basketball on children s upper limb strength in China, and to provide basis for the development of kindergarten mini basketball and the improvement of children s upper limb strength performance.@*Methods@#CNKI, Wanfang Data, VIP, PubMed, and Web of Science databases were searched from the establishment of the database to July 26, 2023. The PICOST model was used for literature screening, and 13 literature with a total of 20 studies were finally included. The Cochrane System Evaluation Criteria was used for literature quality evaluation. Review Manager 5.4 and Stata 17 were used for statistical analysis and publication bias test.@*Results@#A total of 939 children were included in 20 studies, including 470 in the experimental group and 469 in the control group. Meta analysis showed that mini basketball had an extremely significant effect on the improvement of children s upper limb strength ( SMD=0.83, 95%CI=0.53-1.13, Z=5.40, P < 0.01 ). The results of subgroup analysis showed that there was no significant gender difference in the improvement of children s upper limb strength by mini basketball ( P >0.05), mini basketball exercise with an intervention time of less than or equal to 30 minutes ( SMD=0.49, 95%CI=0.29-0.70, Z=4.70, P <0.01) and an exercise cycle of more than 12 weeks ( SMD=1.25, 95%CI=0.54-1.96, Z= 3.45 , P<0.01) can achieve a better intervention effect on the upper limb strength of children. Meta regression results showed that the exercise intervention time was the main source of heterogeneity ( t=2.71, 95%CI= 1.38-22.93, P <0.05). Egger s test showed that the publication bias of the included studies was not statistically significant ( t=0.78, P >0.05).@*Conclusions@#Mini basketball training can improve the upper limb strength of children, but there is no significant gender difference. The upper limb strength is affected by the restriction of intervention time and exercise cycle. Schools can appropriately add small basketball in physical education classes to improve children s upper limb strength.

Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 30: e2022_0193, 2024. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441311


ABSTRACT Objective: Analyze the effects of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on cardiometabolic parameters, and cardiorespiratory fitness to compile the most used HIIT training types in adults with spinal cord injury (SCI). Methods: This is a systematic review of searches performed in the electronic databases PubMed / Medline, Science Direct, and Google Scholar. Studies included I) needed to apply HIIT training II) adults with SCI to analyze III) cardiometabolic aspects and cardiorespiratory fitness. Two independent reviewers selected the articles for inclusion, extracted their data, and assessed their methodological quality. Results: 654 studies were found. Thus, 12 studies, 11 pre- and post-intervention, and one control group (CG) with 106 participants were analyzed. Pre- and post-HIITT intervention results revealed significant improvement in cardiorespiratory fitness and cardiometabolic aspects (VO2peak, LDH, HDL, insulin resistance). In addition, GC results revealed significant improvement in cardiorespiratory fitness observed in the intervention group (HIIT) compared to the moderate-low intensity (GC) group. Seven studies used the arm ergometer as the primary exercise modality. Two studies described functional electrical stimulation (FES) performed with the arm ergometer plus electrical stimulation in the lower limbs. None reported heart rate dynamics during the study period. Conclusion: High-intensity interval training improves physical fitness and cardiometabolic health in adults with SCI. Evidence level II; Systematic Review of level II studies.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Analizar los efectos del entrenamiento interválico de alta intensidad (HIIT) sobre los parámetros cardiometabólicos, fitness cardiorrespiratorio y recopilar los tipos de HIIT más utilizados en el entrenamiento en adultos con lesión medular (LME). Métodos: Se trata de una revisión sistemática, para lo cual se realizaron búsquedas en bases de datos electrónicas PubMed/Medline, Science Direct y Google Scholar. Se incluyeron estudios que I) necesitaban aplicar entrenamiento HIIT en II) adultos con SCI y analizar III) aspectos cardiometabólicos y aptitud cardiorrespiratoria. Dos revisores independientes seleccionaron los artículos para su inclusión, extrajeron sus datos y evaluaron su calidad metodológica. Resultados: De los 654 estudios encontrados, se analizaron 12 estudios, 11 pre y post intervención y 1 grupo control (GC) con un total de 106 participantes. Los resultados previos y posteriores a la intervención HIIT revelaron una mejora significativa en la aptitud cardiorrespiratoria y los aspectos cardiometabólicos (VO2pico, LDH, HDL, resistencia a la insulina). Los resultados de GC revelaron una mejora significativa en la aptitud cardiorrespiratoria observada del grupo de intervención (HIIT) en comparación con el grupo de intensidad moderada-baja (GC). Siete estudios utilizaron el ergómetro de brazo como la modalidad principal de ejercicio. Dos estudios describieron la estimulación eléctrica funcional (EEF) realizada con el ergómetro de brazo más la estimulación eléctrica en los miembros inferiores. Ninguno informó la dinámica de la frecuencia cardíaca durante el período de estudio. Conclusiones: El entrenamiento intervalos de alta intensidad mejora la condición física y la salud cardiometabólica en adultos con LME. Evidencia de nivel II; Revisión sistemática de estudios de nivel II.

RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar os efeitos do treinamento intervalado de alta intensidade (HIIT) nos parâmetros cardiometabólicos, aptidão cardiorrespiratória e compilar os tipos de HIIT mais utilizados no treinamento em adultos com lesão da medula espinhal (LME). Métodos: Trata-se de revisão sistemática, para a qual foram realizadas pesquisas nas bases de dados eletrônicas PubMed / Medline, Science Direct e Google Scholar. Foram incluídos estudos em que I) o treinamento HIIT era aplicado em II) adultos com LME e analisaram III) os aspectos cardiometabólicos e aptidão cardiorrespiratória. Dois revisores independentes selecionaram os artigos para a inclusão, extraindo seus dados e avaliarando a sua qualidade metodológica. Resultados: 654 estudos foram encontrados. Desses, 12 estudos, 11 pré e pós intervenção e 1 grupo controle (GC) com um total de 106 participantes foram analisados. Resultados pré e pós intervenção de HIIT revelaram significante melhora na aptidão cardiorrespiratória e aspectos cardiometabólicos (VO2pico, LDH, HDL, resistência à insulina). Resultados do GC revelaram uma significativa melhoria na aptidão cardiorrespiratória observada no grupo de intervenção (HIIT) em relação ao grupo de intensidade moderada-baixa (GC). Sete estudos usaram o ergômetro de braço como modalidade de exercício primária. Dois estudos descreveram a estimulação elétrica funcional (EEF) realizada com o ergômetro de braço adicionando estimulação elétrica nos membros inferiores. Nenhum relatou a dinâmica da frequência cardíaca durante o período do estudo. Conclusão: O treinamento intervalado de alta intensidade melhora a aptidão física e a saúde cardiometabólica em adultos com LME. Nível de evidência II; Revisão sistemática de Estudos de Nível II.

Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 30: e2022_0147, 2024. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441316


ABSTRACT Introduction: Talent detection is a dynamic and multifactorial process that must start at school. Objective: Create a mathematical model for evaluating the sporting potential of schoolchildren for athletics in speed, throwing, and endurance events and to test its psychometric properties. Methods: 2871 schoolchildren of both sexes, from 11 to 17 years old, from a military school participated. Between 2015 and 2019, students were submitted to a multidimensional battery of tests containing anthropometric, physical-motor, psychological, socio-environmental, maturational, and performance indicators. In addition, ten teachers evaluated the students regarding the intangibles aspects of their sporting potential and the expectation of future success during this period. Adopting analytical and heuristic procedures, the Gold Score Athletics was created - linear, hybrid (tests + coaches´ eye), and weighted index, according to each indicator's importance, depending on the event type. Results: In the model validation sample (n = 1384), 13.9%, 16.6%, and 11.7% of boys and 10.9%, 10.1%, and 9.1% of girls were classified as high potential (Gold Score ≥ 60) for speed, throwing and endurance events, respectively. Internal consistency (r = 0.76 to 0.82) and diagnostic stability were high (r = 0.72 to 0.81). The Gold Score Athletics for sprinters, throwers, and long-distance runners, both for boys and girls, was higher in students selected for a national competition when compared to those not selected (p < 0.001; d: 0.95 a 1.44) - construct validity - and higher in medalists in an athletics competition, held two years after diagnosis, when compared to non-medalists (p < 0.05; d: 0.62 a 1.87) - predictive validity. Conclusion: The Gold Score Athletics is a valid and reliable scientific model for evaluating the sport's potential of schoolchildren, being useful in the talents detection for Athletics. Level of Evidence II; Diagnostic study.

RESUMEN Introducción: La detección de talentos es un proceso dinámico y multifactorial que debe iniciarse en la escuela. Objetivo: Crear un modelo matemático para evaluar el potencial deportivo de escolares para pruebas de velocidad, lanzamiento y resistencia en atletismo, y probar sus propiedades psicométricas. Métodos: Participaron 2871 escolares de ambos sexos de 11 a 17 años de una escuela militar. Los estudiantes fueron sometidos a una batería de pruebas multidimensionales, que contenían indicadores antropométricos, físico-motores, psicológicos, socioambientales, madurativos y de desempeño. 10 docentes evaluaron a los alumnos sobre los aspectos intangibles del potencial deportivo y la expectativa de éxito futuro. Adoptando procedimientos analíticos y heurísticos, se creó el Gold Score Athletics, índice lineal, híbrido (pruebas + mirada del profesor) y ponderado, según la importancia de cada indicador según el tipo de prueba. Resultados: En la muestra de validación del modelo (n = 1384), el 13,9%, 16,6% y 11,7% de los niños y el 10,9%, 10,1% y 9,1% de las niñas fueron clasificados como de alto potencial (Gold Score ≥ 60) en velocidad, lanzamiento y eventos de resistencia. La consistencia interna (r = 0,76 a 0,82) y la estabilidad diagnóstica fueron altas (r = 0,72 a 0,81). El Gold Score Athletics para velocistas, lanzadores y corredores de fondo, para ambos sexos, fue mayor en los estudiantes seleccionados para una competición nacional en comparación con los no seleccionados (p < 0.001; d: 0,95 a 1,44) - validez del constructo - y mayor en medallistas en una competición de atletismo, realizada dos años después del diagnóstico, en comparación con los no medallistas (p < 0,05; d: 0,62 a 1,87) - validez predictiva. Conclusión: El Gold Score Athletics es un modelo científico válido y fiable para evaluar el potencial deportivo de los escolares, siendo útil en la detección de talentos para el Atletismo. Nivel de Evidencia II; Estudio diagnóstico.

RESUMO Introdução: A detecção de talentos é um processo dinâmico e multifatorial que deve começar pela escola. Objetivo: Criar um modelo matemático de avaliação do potencial esportivo de escolares para as provas de velocidade, lançamentos e resistência no atletismo, e testar as suas propriedades psicométricas. Métodos: Participaram 2871 escolares de ambos os sexos de 11 a 17 anos de um colégio militar. Os alunos foram submetidos a uma bateria de testes multidimensionais, contendo indicadores antropométricos, físico-motores, psicológicos, socioambientais, maturacionais e de desempenho. 10 professores avaliaram os alunos quanto aos aspectos intangíveis do potencial esportivo e a expectativa de sucesso futuro. Adotando procedimentos analíticos e heurísticos, criou-se o Gold Score Athletics - índice linear, híbrido (testes + olho do treinador) e ponderado, de acordo com a importância de cada indicador em função do tipo de prova. Resultados: Na amostra de validação do modelo (n = 1384), 13,9%, 16,6% e 11,7% dos meninos e 10,9%, 10,1% e 9,1% das meninas foram classificados como elevado potencial (Gold Score ≥ 60) para provas de velocidade, lançamentos e resistência respectivamente. A consistência interna (r = 0,76 a 0,82) e estabilidade do diagnóstico foram elevadas (r = 0,72 a 0,81). O Gold Score Athletics para velocistas, lançadores e corredores de longa distância, para ambos os sexos, foi maior nos estudantes selecionados para uma competição nacional quando comparados aos não selecionados (p < 0,001; d: 0,95 a 1,44) - validade de construto - e maior nos medalhistas em uma competição de Atletismo, realizada dois anos após o diagnóstico, quando comparados aos não medalhistas (p < 0,05; d: 0,62 a 1,87) - validade preditiva. Conclusão: O Gold Score Athletics é um modelo científico válido e fidedigno de avaliação do potencial esportivo de escolares, sendo útil na detecção de talentos para o Atletismo. Nível de Evidência II; Estudo diagnóstico.

Rev. bras. cineantropom. desempenho hum ; 26: e98244, 2024. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559375


Abstract This study aimed to examine the relative age effect on muscle power in a large sample of Brazilian children and adolescents. The sample consisted of 87,766 girls and boys aged 7-16 years, data collected in repeated cross-sectional surveillance carried out since 1999. The participants were grouped into four age subgroups within each chronological age based on birthdates. Upper and lower limbs muscle power were assessed using the 2-Kg medicine ball throw and horizontal jump tests, respectively. The normative distribution of physical fitness components was used for classification. The results showed a significant association between relative age and normative classification of muscle power. Among boys, there was a sequential increase in the frequency of individuals classified as "very good/excellent" as the relative age increased. A similar trend was observed among girls. The findings provided evidence of a relative age effect on muscle power in Brazilian children and adolescents. These findings have implications for the organization of structured physical activities and sports, as early-born individuals may have an advantage in performance. Further research is needed to explore the underlying mechanisms and potential interventions to mitigate the relative age effect and promote equal opportunities for all youth in physical activities and sports.

Resumo Este estudo teve como objetivo examinar o efeito da idade relativa na potência muscular em crianças e adolescentes brasileiros. A amostra foi composta por 87.766 meninas e meninos com idades entre 7 e 16 anos. Os participantes foram agrupados em quatro subgrupos etários dentro de cada idade cronológica tendo como base as datas de nascimento e da coleta dos dados. A potência muscular dos membros superiores e inferiores foi avaliada por meio dos testes de arremesso de medicine ball de 2 kg, e salto horizontal, respectivamente. A distribuição normativa (fraco; razoável; bom; muito bom; excelente) dos dois testes de potência foi utilizada para a classificação. Os resultados mostraram associação significativa entre os subgrupos etários e a classificação normativa da potência muscular. Entre os meninos, houve aumento na frequência de indivíduos classificados como "muito bom/excelente" à medida que a idade relativa aumentava. Uma tendência semelhante foi observada entre as meninas. Os achados forneceram evidências do efeito de idade relativa na potência muscular de crianças e adolescentes brasileiros. Esses resultados têm implicações práticas na organização de atividades físicas estruturadas e esportes em diferentes contextos, pois indivíduos nascidos mais cedo podem ter vantagem no desempenho em tarefas que exijam potência muscular. Mais pesquisas são necessárias para explorar os mecanismos subjacentes e intervenções que possam mitigar o efeito de idade relativa e promover oportunidades iguais para todas as crianças e adolescentes nas atividades físicas e esportes.

Clinics ; 79: 100411, 2024. graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569145


Abstract Introduction: Despite strong evidences supporting the protective role of exercise against stress-induced repercussions, the literature remains inconclusive regarding metabolic aspects. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of Physical Training (PT) by swimming on the metabolic parameters of rats subjected to restraint stress. Methods: Wistar rats (n = 40) were divided into four groups: Control (C), Trained (T), Stressed (S), and Trained/Stressed (TS). The restraint stress protocol involved confining the animals in PVC pipes for 60 minutes/day for 12 weeks. Concurrently, the swimming PT protocol was performed without additional load in entailed sessions of 60 minutes conducted five days a week for the same duration. The following parameters were analyzed: fitness progression assessed by the physical capacity test, body mass, serum level of glucose, triglyceride, cholesterol and corticosterone, as well as glycemic tolerance test, evaluated after glucose administration (2 g/kg, i.p.). Results: Trained groups (T and TS) exhibited enhanced physical capacity (169 ± 21 and 162 ± 22% increase, respectively) compared to untrained groups (C: 9 ± 5 and S: 11 ± 13% increase). Corticosterone levels were significantly higher in the S group (335 ± 9 nmoL/L) compared to C (141 ± 3 nmoL/L), T (174 ± 3 nmoL/L) and TS (231 ± 7 nmoL/L), which did not differ from each other. There were no significant changes in serum glucose, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels among the groups. However, the glycemic curve after glucose loading revealed increased glycemia in the S group (area under curve 913 ± 30 AU) but the TS group exhibited values (673 ± 12 AU) similar to the groups C (644 ± 10 AU) and T (649 ± 9 AU). Conclusion: Swimming-based training attenuated stress-induced corticosterone release and prevented glucose intolerance in rats, reinforcing the importance of exercise as a potential strategy to mitigate the pathophysiologi-cal effects of stress.

Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569855


Introducción: La capacidad de resistencia física es uno de los indicadores del rendimiento profesional en el fútbol, no estando exceptos los profesionales del arbitraje, los cuales requieren entrenamientos especializados en función de sus aptitudes físicas; por lo cual, es útil conocer sus desempeños. Objetivo: determinar los parámetros reales de aptitud cardiorrespiratoria al esfuerzo máximo progresivo, de árbitros de fútbol de Pichincha. Métodos: se estudia a 25 árbitros hombres seleccionados intencionalmente, de la asociación de árbitros de fútbol profesional de Pichincha. Luego de un reconocimiento de salud previo, de realizó una prueba de esfuerzo progresivo sobre una banda sinfín, con un lector de consumo de oxígeno. Los árbitros tienen una experiencia media de 11 años, entrenan 3-4 días a la semana, y arbitran partidos oficiales 1-2 veces por semana. Resultados: el valor medio global de consumo máximo de oxígeno (VO2máx.) relativo de los árbitros evaluados en el presente estudio es: (= 52.00 ml·kg-1·min-1, similar al obtenido en otros estudios internacionales sobre la valoración de la capacidad física en árbitros, que describen unos valores relativos de vo2máx de 46-51 ml·kg-1·min-1 para hombres. Conclusiones: las competencias profesionales del arbitraje ecuatoriano son similares en la capacidad de resistencia que sus homólogos extranjeros. Se sugiere una implementación de contenidos del entrenamiento basados en mejorar la aptitud cardiorrespiratoria en el arbitraje, así como su control sistemático.

Introduction: Physical endurance capacity is one of the indicators of professional performance in soccer, not excepting referee professionals, who require specialized training based on their physical capabilities; Therefore, it is useful to know their performances. Objective: Determine the real parameters of cardiorespiratory fitness at maximum progressive effort, of soccer referees from Pichincha. Methods: 25 male referees intentionally selected from the Pichincha professional soccer referee association are studied. After a previous health examination, a progressive stress test was performed on a treadmill, with an oxygen consumption reader. Referees have an average experience of 11 years, train 3-4 days a week, and referee official matches 1-2 times a week. Results: The overall average value of relative maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) of the referees evaluated in the present study is: (= 52.00 ml·kg-1·min-1, similar to that obtained in other international studies on the capacity physics assessment in referees, who describe relative vo2max values of 46-51 ml·kg-1·min-1 for men. Conclusions: the professional skills of Ecuadorian arbitration are similar in resistance capacity to their foreign counterparts. An implementation of training content based on improving cardiorespiratory fitness in refereeing, as well as its systematic control, is suggested.

Rev. Nutr. (Online) ; 37: e220250, 2024. tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559143


ABSTRACT Objective This study evaluated the perception of health locus of control, sports engagement, and emotional eating during quarantine of individuals who regularly exercised before the quarantine. Methods Individuals who regularly attended the gym before the quarantine period were enrolled in the study. The questionnaire included the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale-A, Sport Engagement Scale, and Emotional Eating Scale, which was applied online to 513 gym members. Results 74.9% of participants adopted the perception of internal health locus of control. Emotional eating scores were higher in participants who did not exercise during the quarantine when compared to those who did and in those adopting the perception of chance health locus of control compared to participants adopting the perception of internal health locus of control. Participants who adopted the perception of internal health locus of control compared to the those who adopted the perception of chance or powerful others health locus of control had higher sports engagement (p<0.05). Individuals with a high BMI, who did not have a perception of internal health locus of control and who did not exercise during the quarantine were prone to emotional eating. Conclusion In conclusion, in those individuals who regularly went to gym before the quarantine, continuing to exercise during the quarantine may have provided an advantage in preventing emotional eating, and we also showed that sports engagement supported the continuation of exercise during the quarantine period. In addition, we determined that individuals with a high body mass index, who do not have a perception of internal health locus of control and who did not exercise during the quarantine were prone to emotional eating.

RESUMO Objetivo Este estudo avaliou a percepção do locus de controle da saúde, entre o envolvimento em esportes e comer emocional durante a quarentena de indivíduos que se exercitavam regularmente antes do período de isolamento. Métodos Indivíduos que frequentavam regularmente a academia antes do período de quarentena foram incluídos no estudo. O questionário incluiu: a Escala Multidimensional de Locus de Controle da Saúde, Escala de Envolvimento em Esportes e Escala de Comer Emocional. Esse estudo foi aplicado online a 513 membros da academia Resultados 74,9% dos participantes que adotaram a percepção locus de controle da saúde interno. As pontuações do comer emocional foram mais altas em participantes que não se exercitaram durante a quarentena, em comparação com aqueles que fizeram, e aqueles que adotaram a percepção de locus de controle da saúde de chance, em comparação com participantes que adotaram a percepção de locus de controle da saúde interno. Participantes que adotaram a percepção de locus de controle da saúde interno tiveram um maior envolvimento em esportes em comparação com aqueles que adotaram a percepção de locus de controle da saúde de chance ou de poder de outros (p<0,05). Indivíduos com um alto IMC, que não tinham a percepção de locus de controle da saúde interna e que não se exercitaram durante a quarentena estavam mais propensos à comer emocional. Conclusão Em conclusão, naqueles indivíduos que frequentavam regularmente a academia antes da quarentena, continuar se exercitando durante a quarentena pode ter fornecido uma vantagem em termos de prevenção da Escala Comer Emocional, e também mostramos que o engajamento esportivo apoiou a continuação do exercício durante o período de quarentena. Além disso, determinamos que indivíduos com alto índice de massa corporal, que não têm percepção do locus de controle interno da saúde e que não se exercitam durante a quarentena eram propensos a Escala Comer Emocional.

COVID-19/psychologie , Contrôle interne-externe , Turquie/ethnologie , Quarantaine/psychologie , Enquêtes et questionnaires
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528263


Objetivo: Verificar a efetividade do monitoramento remoto da enfermagem associada a um programa multi-profissional de tratamento de obesidade na melhora dos biomarcadores cardiometabólicos e indicadores da aptidão física relacionada à saúde de adultos com obesidade acompanhados durante a pandemia da COVID-19. Métodos: Estudo caracterizado como um Ensaio Clínico Pragmático, realizado em um município do Sul do Brasil, com 22 mulheres, com idade entre 18 e 50 anos, portadores de telefone celular com acesso ao aplicativo WhatsApp® durante 16 semanas. Foram realizadas avaliações pré e pós intervenção por meio de exames labo-ratoriais, capazes de determinar os biomarcadores cardiometabólicos: HDL, triglicerídeos, LDL, colesterol total, glicemia, hemoglobina glicada, insulina, Homa-IR, Homa-β, PCR-us; e de testes capazes de avaliar os níveis da aptidão física relacionada à saúde: composição corporal, aptidão cardiorrespiratória, força muscular e flexibili-dade. Os dados obtidos foram analisados através do teste t para amostras pareadas e correlacionados a partir do valor de delta absoluto de cada variável por meio da correlação de Pearson. Os resultados foram considerados significantes quando o valor de p foi < 0,05. Este estudo possui parecer favorável do Comitê Nacional de Ética em Pesquisas. Resultados: Foram observadas melhoras significativas nos níveis de glicemia, insulina, Homa-IR e HDL, bem como nos indicadores de aptidão cardiorrespiratória e força muscular. Conclusão: O monitoramento remoto da enfermagem associado a um programa multiprofissional de tratamento de obesidade é uma inter-venção efetiva na melhoria dos biomarcadores cardiometabólicos e dos indicadores da AFRS.

Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad del monitoreo remoto de enfermería, en asociación con un programa multiprofesional de tratamiento de la obesidad, para mejorar los biomarcadores cardiometabólicos y los indicadores de aptitud física relacionados con la salud en adultos obesos durante la pandemia de COVID-19.Métodos: Se llevó a cabo un Ensayo Clínico Pragmático en un municipio del sur de Brasil, con la participación de 22 mujeres de edades comprendidas entre los 18 y 50 años, que contaban con teléfonos móviles con acceso a la aplicación WhatsApp® durante un período de 16 semanas. Se realizaron evaluaciones pre y postintervención mediante exámenes de laboratorio, que permitieron determinar los biomarcadores cardiometabólicos: HDL, triglicéridos, LDL, colesterol total, glucemia, hemoglobina glucosilada, insulinemia, Homa-IR, Homa-β, hs-CRP; y pruebas para evaluar los niveles de aptitud física relacionados con la salud: composición corporal, aptitud cardiorrespiratoria, fuerza muscular y flexibilidad. Los datos obtenidos se analizaron utilizando la prueba t para muestras pareadas y se correlacionaron mediante la correlación de Pearson, a partir del valor delta absoluto de cada variable. Se consideraron resultados significativos cuando el valor de p fue < 0,05. Este estudio recibió la aprobación del Comité Nacional de Ética en Investigación.Resultados: Se observaron mejoras significativas en los niveles de glucosa en sangre, insulina, Homa-IR y HDL, así como en los indicadores de aptitud cardiorrespiratoria y fuerza muscular.Conclusión: El monitoreo remoto de enfermería, en asociación con un programa multidisciplinario de tratamiento de la obesidad, resulta en una intervención eficaz para mejorar los biomarcadores cardiometabólicos y los indicadores de aptitud física relacionados con la salud.

Objective: To verify the effectiveness of remote nursing monitoring associated with a multi-professional obesity treatment program to improve cardiometabolic biomarkers and health-related physical fitness indicators in obese adults followed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: The study was characterized as a Pragmatic Clinical Trial, carried out in a municipality in the south of Brazil. It involved 22 women aged between 18 and 50 years, who had cell phones with access to the WhatsApp® application for 16 weeks. Pre- and post-intervention evaluations were carried out through laboratory tests capable of determining cardiometabolic biomarkers: HDL, triglycerides, LDL, total cholesterol, glycemia, glycated hemoglobin, insulinemia, Homa-IR, Homa-β, hs-CRP. As well as tests capable of assessing the levels of physical fitness related to health: body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscle strength and flexibility. The data obtained were analyzed using the t-test for paired samples and correlated from the absolute delta value of each variable using Pearson's correlation. Results were considered significant when the p value was <0.05. This study received a favorable opinion from the National Research Ethics Committee. Results: The study observed significant improvements in blood glucose, insulin, Homa-IR and HDL levels, as well as in indicators of cardiorespiratory fitness and muscle strength. Conclusion: Remote nursing monitoring associated with a multidisciplinary obesity treatment program is an effective intervention for improving cardiometabolic biomarkers and AFRS indicators.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Jeune adulte , Aptitude physique , COVID-19 , Obésité/thérapie , Équipe soignante , Brésil , Marqueurs biologiques , Exercice physique , Indice de masse corporelle , Obésité/soins infirmiers
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