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Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(5): e202310246, oct. 2024. tab, ilus
Article de Anglais, Espagnol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1571769


La agenesia de la vesícula biliar es una entidad rara en pediatría con una evolución normalmente silente, y representa un desafío diagnóstico para el médico que enfrenta estos casos por primera vez. Algunos pacientes pueden, sin embargo, presentar síntomas que simulan otras patologías del árbol biliar, y muchos de ellos son operados ante esta sospecha. Sin embargo, el diagnóstico oportuno de esta entidad permite llevar a cabo un tratamiento médico que muchas veces es suficiente para resolver el problema del paciente. Si bien es una condición benigna, los pacientes suelen presentar otras malformaciones asociadas que son más graves en naturaleza y que deben investigarse activamente para poder derivarlos a los especialistas de manera oportuna. Presentamos nuestra experiencia en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de estos pacientes, así como una breve revisión de la literatura. Esperamos que sea de utilidad para el médico que encuentre un caso similar.

Gallbladder agenesis is a rare condition in pediatrics that is usually asymptomatic and represents a diagnostic challenge for physicians seeing these cases for the first time. Some patients may, however, present with symptoms that mimic other diseases of the bile ducts, and many of them undergo surgery due to such suspicion. Still, a timely diagnosis of gallbladder agenesis allows for medical treatment that is often sufficient to resolve the patient's problem. Although it is a benign condition, patients often present with other associated, more serious malformations and should be actively studied for a timely referral to other specialists. Here we describe our experience with the diagnosis and treatment of these patients and a brief review of the bibliography. We hope it will be helpful for physicians facing similar cases.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Enfant , Adolescent , Vésicule biliaire/malformations , Malformations
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(3): 441-448, 2024-04-24. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554115


Introducción. El cáncer de vesícula biliar es el más común en el tracto biliopancreático y una importante causa de mortalidad. La metaplasia y la displasia han sido mencionados como probables precursores relacionados con la secuencia metaplasia-displasia-cáncer. El objetivo de este estudio fue establecer las posibles asociaciones entre estas alteraciones histopatológicas y su relación con la edad y el sexo de los pacientes. Métodos. Estudio observacional retrospectivo descriptivo, con un componente analítico de corte transversal. Se incluyeron los informes de patología de pacientes llevados a colecistectomía laparoscópica electiva y ambulatoria, entre enero de 2015 y diciembre de 2020, con colecistitis crónica, colelitiasis o pólipos vesiculares, mayores de 18 años. Se describieron las características demográficas por sexo y edad utilizando medias, desviaciones estándar y porcentajes. Se emplearon la prueba de chi cuadrado y la prueba exacta de Fisher para evaluar la asociación entre las variables cualitativas. Resultados. Se incluyeron 4871 informes de patología. En esta cohorte se encontró asociación estadísticamente significativa entre metaplasia, displasia y cáncer de vesícula (p<0,05), al igual que con el sexo y la edad de los pacientes. Conclusiones. Los resultados sugieren una asociación entre metaplasia, displasia y cáncer de vesícula biliar en la población estudiada. Se recomienda la realización de investigaciones complementarias para definir la posible causalidad entre metaplasia, displasia y cáncer de vesícula biliar en una población más heterogénea.

Introduction. Gallbladder cancer is the most common cancer in the biliopancreatic tract and an important cause of mortality. Metaplasia and dysplasia have been mentioned as probable precursors related to the metaplasia-dysplasia-cancer sequence. The objective of this study was to establish the possible associations between these histopathological alterations and their relationship with the age and sex of the patients. Methods. Descriptive retrospective observational study, with a cross-sectional analytical component. Pathology reports of patients undergoing elective and outpatient laparoscopic cholecystectomy were included between January 2015 and December 2020, with chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, or gallbladder polyps, over 18 years of age. Demographic characteristics by sex and age was performed using means, standard deviations, and percentages. The chi2 test and Fisher's exact test were used to evaluate the association between the qualitative variables. Results. 4871 pathology reports were included. In this cohort, a statistically significant association was found between metaplasia, dysplasia, and gallbladder cancer (p<0.05), as well as with the sex and age of the patients. Conclusions. The results suggest an association between metaplasia, dysplasia and gallbladder cancer in the study population. Additional research is recommended to define the possible causality between metaplasia, dysplasia, and gallbladder cancer in a more heterogeneous population.

Humains , Cholécystectomie , Tumeurs de la vésicule biliaire , Évolution de la maladie , Vésicule biliaire , Métaplasie , Tumeurs
Revista Digital de Postgrado ; 13(1): 384, abr. 2024. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1554969


Objetivo: Evaluar la eficacia y seguridad de la técnica americana modificada con un puerto de trabajo (TAMPT) en línea media para colecistectomía laparoscópica. Métodos: Se elaboró estudio prospectivo, comparativo, descriptivo de corte transversal, en pacientes con litiasis vesicular en el servicio de Cirugía General del Hospital Universitario de Caracas, durante enero-agosto 2022. Resultados: se realizaron 79 colecistectomía laparoscópicas, 34 por técnica americana y 45 con TAMPT. La TAMPT (40.26%) se ejecutó con intervalo de 30-60 min. La estancia hospitalaria promedio global fue 1,75 ± 0,87 días. El promedio global de dolor a las 24 horas fue de 4,43 ± 0,68, según escala visual analógica (EVA). Los procedimientos realizados con TAMPT no presentaron complicaciones, con la técnica americana, se reportó dos: bilioma y lesión de víscera hueca, representando 2.54%. Conclusiones: La TAMPT, ha demostrado ser una técnica segura y eficaz como tratamiento quirúrgico de la litiasis vesicular, tanto para procedimientos electivos como de emergencia(AU)

Objective: To determine the efficacy and safety of the modified American technique in a working port (MATWP) for laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Methods: A prospective, comparative, descriptive, cross-sectional, descriptive study was elaborate. In patients with vesicular lithiasis in the General Surgery Service of the Hospital Universitario de Caracas, during January-August 2022.Results: 79 laparoscopic cholecystectomies were performed, 34 by American technique and 45 with modified technique. The modified technique (40.26%) was performed with an interval of 30-60 min. The overall average hospital stay was 1.75 ± 0.87 days.The global average pain at 24 hours was 4.43 ± 0.68, according to visual analog scale (VAS).The procedures performed with MATWP did notpresent complications; the American technique reported two bilioma and hollow viscera lesion, representing an overall rateof 2.54%. Conclusions: MATWP has proven to be a safe and effective technique for surgical treatment of gallbladder stones, both for elective and emergency procedure(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Cholécystectomie laparoscopique , Chirurgie générale
An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 57(1): 50-59, 20240401.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554141


Introducción: El cáncer vesicular es una neoplasia infrecuente mundialmente, exceptuando países donde la mortalidad por su causa es alta como Chile, a pesar de ello es el tumor biliar más común, con una incidencia aproximada de 0,8-1,2% y casi exclusivamente en mujeres. Objetivos: Describir la frecuencia, perfil demográfico, clínica, tratamiento y hallazgos anatomopatológicos del cáncer vesicular en pacientes del Hospital Nacional de Itauguá del 2010 al 2020. Materiales y métodos: Se encontraron 19 casos confirmados por biopsia, pero solo 15 fichas estaban completas. El estudio fue retrospectivo, descriptivo y observacional, muestreo no probabilístico de corte transversal. Resultados: De la muestra final (N=15), 13 pacientes fueron mujeres, la edad promedio fue de 60 años. Del total, 4 pacientes ingresaron para cirugía programada con diagnóstico de colecistopatía crónica litiásica y los otros 11 tenían sospecha de tumor vesicular y/o ictericia o colangitis aguda de origen neoplásico probable, todos fueron operados, el motivo de consulta más frecuente fue dolor en hipocondrio derecho, el 99 % fueron adenocarcinomas por anatomía patológica. Conclusión: La etiología principal del cáncer vesicular fue la colelitiasis, es de baja incidencia a nivel nacional, la mayoría de nuestros pacientes se encontraban en estadios terminales, o con poca oportunidad para la resección R0, por lo cual son de mal pronóstico y hasta hoy en día son de difícil detección en etapa inicial. En algunos casos como en 4 de nuestras pacientes el diagnóstico es fortuito mediante el hallazgo histológico en piezas de colecistectomía que fueron intervenidos en principio por patología benigna.

Introduction: Gallbladder cancer is an infrequent neoplasm worldwide, except for countries where mortality from its cause is high, such as Chile. Despite this, it is the most common biliary tumor, with an approximate incidence of 0.8-1.2% and almost exclusively in women. Objectives: To describe the frequency, demographic profile, clinic, treatment and anatomopathological findings of gallbladder cancer in patients of the Itauguá National Hospital from 2010 to 2020. Materials and methods: 19 biopsy-confirmed cases were found, but only 15 files were complete. The study was retrospective, descriptive and observational, non-probabilistic cross-sectional sampling. Results: Of the final sample (N=15), 13 patients are women; the average age was 60 years. Of the total, 4 patients were admitted for scheduled surgery with a diagnosis of chronic gallstone gallbladder disease and the other 11 had suspected gallbladder tumor and/or jaundice or acute cholangitis of probable neoplastic origin, all were operated on, the most frequent reason for consultation was pain in the hypochondrium right, 99% were adenocarcinomas by pathology. Conclusion: The main etiology of gallbladder cancer was cholelithiasis, it has a low incidence nationwide, most of our patients were in terminal stages, or with little opportunity for R0 resection, for which they have a poor prognosis and up to today they are difficult to detect in the initial stage. In some cases, such as in 4 of our patients, the diagnosis is fortuitous through the histological finding in cholecystectomy specimens that were initially operated on for benign pathology.

An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 57(1): 60-66, 20240401.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554151


Introducción: El cáncer de vesícula biliar (CVB) es la neoplasia más frecuente de las vías biliares, su diagnóstico suele hacerse de forma tardía llevando a una reducción en las opciones terapéuticas y alta mortalidad. La importancia de hacer un diagnóstico oportuno es la mejoría en el pronóstico debido a mayores opciones terapéuticas e incluso curación de la enfermedad, lo que hace muy relevante conocer la prevalencia de CVB en pacientes colecistectomizados. Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia del cáncer de vesícula en la anatomía patológica de pacientes colecistectomizados en el Hospital General de Barrio Obrero en el año de 2021. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo y de corte transversal, con datos colectados de los expedientes clínicos: edad, sexo, motivo de consulta, antecedentes patológicos personales y patologías basales, hallazgo operatorio y resultados de anatomía patológica. Los datos fueron cargados en una planilla Excel y analizados estadísticamente. Resultados: Se diagnosticaron 2 carcinomas mal diferenciados (3,5%) de todas las colecistectomías. El promedio de edad fue de 39a (DS +/- 14;16), sexo femenino (63%). Las comorbilidades más frecuentes fueron obesidad (58,7%), hipertensión arterial (33,8%), diabetes y dislipidemia (12,8% cada). Conclusión: El cáncer de vesícula biliar tiene una alta prevalencia regional, debido a factores de riesgo relacionados al estilo de vida y dieta. El hallazgo más llamativo fue encontrar con una mayor prevalencia en el grupo de edad entre 31-50 años en lugar de mayores a 60 años.

Introduction: Gallbladder cancer (CVB) is the most common neoplasm of the bile ducts; its diagnosis is usually made late, leading to a reduction in therapeutic options and high mortality. The importance of making a timely diagnosis is the improvement in prognosis due to greater therapeutic options and even cure of the disease, which makes it very relevant to know the prevalence of CVB in cholecystectomized patients. Objectives: Determine the prevalence of gallbladder cancer in the pathological anatomy of cholecystectomized patients at the Barrio Obrero General Hospital in the year 2021. Materials and methods: Observational, descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional study, with data collected from clinical records: age, sex, reason for consultation, personal pathological history and baseline pathologies, operative finding and pathological anatomy results. The data were loaded into an Excel spreadsheet and analyzed statistically. Results: 2 poorly differentiated carcinomas were diagnosed (3.5%) of all cholecystectomies. The average age was 39 years (SD +/- 14;16), female (63%). The most frequent comorbidities were obesity (58.7%), high blood pressure (33.8%), diabetes and dyslipidemia (12.8% each). Conclusion: Gallbladder cancer has a high regional prevalence, due to risk factors related to lifestyle and diet. The most striking finding was a higher prevalence in the age group between 31-50 years rather than those over 60 years of age.

Prévalence , Mode de vie
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(2): 254-259, 20240220. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532610


Introducción. El cáncer de vesícula biliar es una de las neoplasias más frecuentes de la vía biliar y la mayoría de los casos se diagnostican de forma incidental o en estadios avanzados. En Colombia existen pocas publicaciones acerca de la prevalencia y características clínicas de pacientes con cáncer insospechado de vesícula biliar. El objetivo de este trabajo fue actualizar la información existente. Métodos. Estudio de tipo transversal basado en registros médicos. Como variable de resultado se definió el hallazgo incidental de patología maligna reportado por un patólogo y el subtipo histológico. Se midieron variables demográficas, clínicas y quirúrgicas. Se calcularon OR con sus respectivos intervalos de confianza (IC95%). Resultados. De los 2630 casos analizados, en cuatro se hizo diagnóstico de cáncer incidental de vesícula, con una prevalencia del 0,15 %. Se encontraron como características asociadas al cáncer incidental de vesícula, la edad, el antecedente de cáncer y la presencia de pólipos. Conclusiones. Esta es una patología poco frecuente en la población evaluada, lo que permite afirmar que no es necesario realizar estudios prequirúrgicos más amplios de forma rutinaria, a menos que el paciente presente alguno de los factores asociados.

Introduction. Gallbladder cancer is one of the most common neoplasms of the bile duct and most cases are diagnosed incidentally or in advanced stages. In Colombia, there are few publications about the prevalence and clinical characteristics of patients with unsuspected gallbladder cancer. The objective of this work was to update the existing information. Methods. Cross-sectional study based on medical records. The incidental finding of malignant pathology reported and the histological subtype were defined as the outcome variable. Demographic, clinical and surgical variables were measured. ORs were calculated with their respective 95% CI. Results. Of the 2630 cases analyzed, four were diagnosed with incidental gallbladder cancer, with a prevalence of 0.15%. Characteristics associated with incidental gallbladder cancer were age, history of cancer and the presence of polyps. Conclusions. This is a rare pathology in the population evaluated, which allows us to recommend that it is not necessary to routinely perform more extensive presurgical studies, unless the patient presents any of the associated factors.

Humains , Cholécystectomie , Vésicule biliaire , Tumeurs , Polypes , Prévalence , Résultats fortuits
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025412


Gallbladder carcinoma,a relatively rare malignancy within the biliary tract,presents a grave prognosis primarily due to asymptomatic early stages leading to advanced stage diagnosis and the absence of efficacious treatment options.Research has identified chronic inflammation,predom-inantly caused by gallstones,as a critical etiological factor.While surgical intervention offers potential curative outcomes in early stages,the majority of cases are identified too late for optimal surgical outcomes.Chemotherapy and targeted therapy,despite offering new therapeutic avenues,have not significantly improved overall survival rates.Thus,understanding the pathogenesis of gallbladder cancer,especially its association with key genetic and molecular pathways,is imperative for devising novel therapeutic strategies.This review delineates the epidemiology,pathogenesis,current treat-ment modalities,and research advancements in gallbladder cancer,aiming to provide innovative in-sights for clinical management and guide future research endeavors.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027579


Objective:To compare the clinicopathological features between patients with gallbladder adenosquamous carcinoma and gallbladder adenocarcinoma, and analyze the prognostic factors for overall survival.Methods:The clinical data of 135 patients with gallbladder cancer, confirmed by postoperative pathology, treated in Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery of Ningbo Medical Center Lihuili Hospital within 5 years (from January 2018 to December 2022) were retrospectively analyzed. A total of 122 patients were enrolled in this study, including 55 males and 67 females, aged (68.0±9.8) years. Patients were divided into the adenosquamous carcinoma group ( n=14) and adenocarcinoma group ( n=108). The clinicopathological features (tumor size, differentiation of tumor, tumor TNM stage) and survivals of patients were compared. The survival rates were analyzed using the Kaplan-Meier method and log-rank test. Multivariate Cox regression analysis was performed to identify prognostic factors for overall survival. Results:Compared with the adenocarcinoma group, patients with adenosquamous carcinoma had a larger tumor size, higher incidence of liver invasion, higher proportion of poor differentiation of tumor, higher proportion of TNM stage Ⅲ-Ⅳ (all P<0.05). There was also a statistically significant difference in the extent of liver resection between the two groups ( χ2=9.22, P=0.016). The 1- and 2-year cumulative survival rates after surgery in adenosquamous carcinoma group were 28.6% and 9.5%, respectively, lower than those in adenocarcinoma group (78.7% and 60.5%, respectively; χ2=27.88, P<0.001). For patients with gallbladder adenosquamous carcinoma, the cumulative survival rate of patients who received postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy ( n=11) was significantly better than that of patients without postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy ( n=3) ( χ2=5.82, P=0.016). For patients with gallbladder adenocarcinoma, multivariate Cox regression analysis identified that the N stage (N 1/N 0HR=4.521, 95% CI: 1.399-14.612, P=0.012; N 2/N 0HR=8.644, 95% CI: 2.407-31.039, P=0.001) and M stage (M 1/M 0HR=4.699, 95% CI: 1.540-14.340, P=0.007) were associated with a poor survival. Conclusions:Compared to gallbladder adenocarcinoma, adenosquamous carcinoma had more aggressive features and a worse prognosis. For patients with gallbladder adenosquamous carcinoma, postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy was associated with an improved overall survival. For patients with gallbladder adenocarcinoma, N stage and M stage were independent risk factors for overall survival.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031591


【Objective】 To construct the prediction model of perineural invasion (PNI) in gallbladder carcinoma (GBC) based on preoperative enhanced CT image features and evaluate its prediction efficiency. 【Methods】 The clinical, imaging and pathological data of 180 GBC patients undergoing radical operation were retrospectively analyzed. They were divided into positive and negative groups according to the presence or absence of PNI. Preoperative enhanced CT imaging features (including presence of gallstones, imaging hepatic invasion, vascular invasion, T-stage, and hilar or retroperitoneal lymph node metastases) were evaluated by two radiologists. Independent sample t-test, Mann Whitney U test, and χ2 test were used to compare the correlation between CT signs and PNI. Logistics regression analysis was used to screen independent risk factors and establish the prediction model formula. ROC curve was used to evaluate the prediction efficiency of the prediction model and the corresponding area under the curve (AUC) was calculated. Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness of fit test was used to verify the prediction model. 【Results】 Unifactorial analysis showed that CA199, CA125, imaging hepatic invasion, vascular invasion (hepatic artery or portal vein), T-stage, and hilar or retroperitoneal lymph node metastasis were correlated with nerve invasion (P<0.05). Logistics multi-factor analysis results showed that CA199, imaging vascular invasion (hepatic artery or portal vein), and imaging T stage were independent risk factors for PNI. Based on the above independent risk factors, a prediction model formula was established and ROC curve was drawn, with an AUC of 0.807 (95% CI: 0.734~0.879), sensitivity of 0.792, specificity of 0.697, and the chi-square value of Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness of fit test of 0.594 (P=0.997), indicating that the predicted value of the model was close to the actual value. 【Conclusion】 Combining CA199, imaging vascular invasion, T-stage, and other preoperative clinically-enhanced CT features to establish a prediction model can effectively predict postoperative PNI of GBC.

Basic & Clinical Medicine ; (12): 265-269, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018607


Gallbladder carcinoma(GBC)is one of the most common malignant tumors in the biliary system,which is difficult to diagnose in the early stage due to its high degree of malignancy,invasiveness and lack of specific clin-ical manifestations.In this paper,we summarize ultrasound,CT and other imaging manifestations in the early stage of GBC,and describe the role of protein markers and microRNA marker as biomarkers in the diagnosis of early GBC.The enhanced understanding of the relevant features might help to improve the accuracy of the diagnosis of early gallbladder carcinoma.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018712


Objective To analyze the correlation between irritable bowel syndrome(IBS)as well as its subtypes and gallbladder stone.Methods Collected the clinical data of 556 patients who were treated in Department of Gastroenterology of the Sixth Medical Center of Chinese PLA General Hospital from January 2019 to March 2023.The patients were divided into IBS group(n=161)and non-IBS group(n=395).The subjects were investigated by questionnaire,physical examination and blood examination,and the data of gender,age,height,weight,blood pressure and blood biochemical indexes were obtained and compared between two groups.The relation between gallbladder stone and IBS were evaluated by logistic regression analysis.Results There were 90 cases of gallbladder stone in the total population,accounting for 16.2%,including 37 cases of gallbladder stone in IBS group(23.0%)and 53 cases in non-IBS group(13.4%).The prevalence rate of gallbladder stone in IBS group was significantly higher than that in non-IBS group(P<0.05).There were 6 cases of gallbladder muddy stones(3.7%)in IBS group and 3 cases(0.8%)in non-IBS group.And the prevalence rate of gallbladder muddy stones in IBS group was also significantly higher than that in non-IBS group(P<0.05).Logistic regression analysis showed that the age,BMI,total bile acids(TBA),total cholesterol(TC)and combined IBS were independently related to the occurrence of gallbladder stone(P<0.05).In the 161 IBS patients,there were 114 cases of diarrhea-predominant IBS(IBS-D group),including 26 cases(22.8%)of gallbladder stone in IBS-diarrhea(IBS-D,n=114)group and 47 cases of constipation-predominant IBS(IBS-C group),including 11 cases(23.4%)of gallbladder stone.And there were 53 cases(13.4%)of gallbladder stone in the non-IBS group(n=395).Further analysis showed that the prevalence rate of gallbladder stone in IBS-D group was significantly higher than that in non-IBS group(P<0.05).There was no significant difference in gallbladder stone prevalence rate between IBS-C group and non-IBS group(P>0.05).Conclusions There is a correlation between IBS and gallbladder stones.In addition,among the two subtypes of IBS,IBS-D patients may have an increased risk of gallbladder stone compared with non-IBS patients.

Journal of Clinical Surgery ; (12): 182-187, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019315


Objective To construct a nomogram to predict the prognosis of patients with gallbladder cancer(GBC).Methods The clinicopathological data of GBC patients were extracted from the SEER database,and the independent prognostic factors of GBC patients were analyzed by Cox regression,and a nomogram was constructed.Finally,the column diagrams in the training queue and validation queue are verified.Results Age,T stage,M stage,histological grade,radiotherapy,surgery and tumor size were independent prognostic factors in GBC patients,and the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).In the training cohort,the C index was 0.735(95%CI=0.721~0.749),and the AUC values at 1,3 and 5 years were 0.821,0.820 and 0.833,respectively.In the verification group,the C index was 0.733(95%CI=0.711~0.755),and the AUC values for 1,3 and 5 years were 0.816,0.807 and 0.827,respectively.The calibration curve shows that the predicted values of the nomogram are in good agreement with the observed values.The decision curve shows that the nomogram model has better prediction ability than TNM staging system.Conclusion The constructed dynamic prognosis nomogram of GBC patients has high accuracy and reliability.

Journal of Practical Radiology ; (12): 289-292, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020204


Objective To evaluate the safety and efficacy of CT-guided percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder drainage(PTGBD)in treatment of high-risk acute cholecystitis(AC)patients.Methods CT-guided PTGBD was performed in 29 patients with high-risk AC.The therapeutic results were evaluated by comparing the preoperation and postoperation clinical manifestations and laboratory results.Results The implantation of PTGBD catheter was successfully accomplished with single procedure in all patients.Complica-tions occurred in 2 cases,including abdominal pain in 1 case and a small amount of gallbladder bleeding in 1 case,and the incidence of complications was 6.9%.Compared with preoperation,the pain number rating scale(NRS)score,temperature(T),white blood cell count(WBC),C-reactive protein(CRP),total bilirubin(TBIL),alanine aminotransferase(ALT)and aspartate aminotransferase(AST)were significantly decreased 3 days after PTGBD(P<0.001).Except for 1 case of choledocholithiasis with continuous abdominal pain after PTGBD,the postoperation symptoms of the other patients were significantly relieved.Followed up for 3 months,2 cases of calculous AC recurred after PTGBD,and the recurrence rate of cholecystitis was 25.0%.Conclusion For high-risk AC,the CT-guided PTGBD is a safe and effective treatment method,and it can remarkably relieve the clinical symptoms.Patients with calculous AC have higher risk of recurrence and might benefit from definitive cholecystectomy.

Journal of Clinical Hepatology ; (12): 682-687, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016509


Biliary tract carcinoma (BTC) is a type of gastrointestinal tumor with a low incidence rate and a strong invasive ability, mainly including intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC), extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ECC), and gallbladder carcinoma (GC), often accompanied by local progression or distant metastasis. Surgery is often the preferred treatment method for patients with local resectable tumor; however, there is still a high risk of recurrence after radical surgery. Therefore, multiple treatment modalities are often required for BTC patients, including surgical resection, systemic treatment (such as targeted therapy, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy), and/or a combination of local treatment methods. With the development of the field of BTC, it is critical for surgical oncologists to understand and master the latest surgical strategies and the best patient selection and management systems. In view of the complexity of treatment and the continuous development of diagnosis and treatment techniques, Annals of Surgical Oncology, an authoritative American journal of cancer surgery, recently published the practical diagnosis and treatment guidelines for hepatobiliary tumors, including hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), ICC, ECC, and GC, aiming to provide more evidence-based evidence for the clinical management and decision-making of patients with hepatobiliary tumors. Due to the limitations of length and different emphases, this article mainly introduces the recommendations for the evaluation points and clinical treatment of ECC and GC in the guidelines, so as to provide a reference for clinical practice.

Journal of Clinical Hepatology ; (12): 767-772, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016522


ObjectiveTo investigate the clinicopathological features, diagnosis and treatment methods, and prognosis of gallbladder sarcomatoid carcinoma (GBSC). MethodsA retrospective analysis was performed for the clinical data of 16 patients with GBSC who were admitted to The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University from January 2015 to April 2023, including general information, clinical manifestations, imaging features, pathological features, and treatment modality, and follow-up was performed for all patients. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to perform the survival analysis and plot the survival curve, and the Log-rank test was used for comparison between groups. ResultsAmong the 16 patients, there were 6 male patients and 10 female patients, with a mean age of 62.9±8.4 years. The main clinical manifestations were right upper abdominal pain in 13 patients (81.3%), nausea in 5 patients (31.3%), abdominal distension in 4 patients (25.0%), poor appetite in 3 patients (18.8%), weakness in 2 patients (12.5%), fever in 2 patients (12.5%), and jaundice in 1 patient (6.3%), and 3 patients were asymptomatic and were found to have this disease by physical examination. Of all patients, 81.3% (13/16) were in the advanced stage (stage Ⅲ/Ⅳ) at the time of initial diagnosis. Histopathological examination showed that some cancer cells were spindle-shaped under the microscope, with marked nuclear division and noticeable heteromorphism. Immunohistochemistry showed a positive expression rate of 100% (16/16) for Vimentin, AE1/AE3, and CK8/18, and Ki-67 proliferation index was highly expressed in 81.3% (13/16) of the patients (≥50%), with a median of 70% (range 20%‍ ‍—‍ ‍90%). All 16 patients underwent surgical treatment, with radical surgery in 11 patients and palliative surgery in 5 patients, among whom 9 received R0 resection, 2 received R1 resection, and 5 received R2 resection, and 7 patients received adjuvant therapy after surgery. Effective follow-up was achieved for all 16 patients, with a follow-up time of 0.5‍ ‍—‍ ‍26.0 months and a median follow-up time of 11.0 months. By the end of follow-up, 2 patients survived and 14 patients died due to tumor recurrence or metastasis, with a median survival time of 10.0 months, and the 1- and 2-year cumulative survival rates after surgery were 31.3% and 8.3%, respectively. The prognostic analysis showed that TNM stage (χ2=6.727, P=0.009), surgical approach (χ2=7.508, P=0.006), margin condition (χ2=7.934, P=0.005), and adjuvant therapy (χ2=4.608, P=0.032) were associated with the prognosis of patients. ConclusionThe clinical manifestations of GBSC lack specificity, and a confirmed diagnosis relies on immunohistochemical analysis. Most patients are in the advanced disease at the time of initial diagnosis and tend to have a poor prognosis. There are currently no targeted therapies for this disease, and radical surgery with negative margins and adjuvant therapy can improve the survival rate of patients.

Journal of Clinical Hepatology ; (12): 794-796, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016526


One patient with gallbladder mass had transient jaundice and was diagnosed with gallbladder carcinoma by abdominal ultrasonography, contrast-enhanced CT, MRCP, and PET-CT. Surgical exploration showed enlarged gallbladder and a mass in the neck of the gallbladder pressing against the hilum of the liver, with no manifestation of tumor invasion, and there were no signs of liver metastasis. Only cholecystectomy was performed for the patient. The pathological diagnosis was tubular adenoma of the gallbladder without carcinogenesis. This case is characterized by a large gallbladder tumor, without marginal infiltration on imaging or malignant transformation based on pathology.

Autops. Case Rep ; 14: e2024481, 2024. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557155


ABSTRACT Biliary atresia (BA) is a fibro-obliterative cholestatic disease of infancy. The presence of cartilage in the resected tissue is an uncommon finding. We documented the presence of both mature and immature hyaline cartilage in the portal plate and the wall of the gallbladder in a 2-month-old girl infant with BA who had undergone Kasai portoenterostomy. The presence of cartilage could be part of a heterotopia or an uncommon connective tissue metaplasia. The presence of immature cartilage with the merging of the perichondrium with the soft tissue highlights a metaplastic etiology in the index case.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);83(6): 998-1002, dic. 2023. graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558427


Resumen El carcinoma renal de células claras (CRCC) es una neoplasia maligna poco común que representa el 3% de todos los tumores malignos en adultos. Este tumor presenta una alta tendencia a desarrollar metástasis sincrónicas o metacrónicas en diferentes sitios anató micos. Aunque la metástasis en la vesícula biliar por CRCC es extremadamente rara, se han reportado casos esporádicos en la literatura médica. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 78 años con antecedentes de carcinoma indiferenciado de cavum, carcinoma basocelular y CRCC en riñón derecho. Se sometió a nefrectomía radical. El análisis histopatológico confirmó el diagnóstico de CRCC sin invasión vascular ni ureteral. Dos años después, du rante el seguimiento, se detectó una lesión nodular en la vesícula biliar mediante tomografía computarizada. A pesar de la ausencia de síntomas, se decidió la resección quirúrgica. Se realizó colecistectomía laparoscópica sin complicaciones. El examen histopatológico confirmó la presencia de metástasis de CRCC en la vesícula biliar. La paciente evolucionó favorablemente encontrándose en seguimiento sin recurrencia. La metástasis vesicular por CRCC es extremadamente rara, pero los cirujanos deben considerarla en pacientes con antecedentes de CRCC. El diagnóstico diferencial prequirúrgico entre el carcinoma primario de vesícula biliar y la metástasis de CRCC puede ser desafiante y, a menudo, se confirma mediante el examen histopatológi co. La resección quirúrgica completa parece ser la mejor opción de tratamiento para lograr una supervivencia libre de enfermedad.

Abstract Clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) is an uncom mon malignant neoplasm that accounts for 3% of all malignant tumors in adults. This tumor exhibits a high tendency to develop synchronous or metachronous me tastases in different anatomical sites. Although gallblad der metastasis from ccRCC is extremely rare, sporadic cases have been reported in the medical literature. We present the case of a 78-year-old woman with a history of undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and ccRCC in the right kidney. She un derwent radical nephrectomy. Histopathological analysis confirmed the diagnosis of ccRCC without vascular or ureteral invasion. Two years later, during follow-up, a nodular lesion was detected in the gallbladder through computed tomography. Despite the absence of symp toms, surgical resection was decided. Laparoscopic cho lecystectomy was performed without complications. Histopathological examination confirmed the presence of ccRCC metastasis in the gallbladder. The patient had a favorable outcome and is currently under follow-up without recurrence. Gallbladder metastasis from ccRCC is extremely rare, but surgeons should consider this possibility in patients with a history of ccRCC. Preoperative differential diagno sis between primary gallbladder carcinoma and ccRCC metastasis can be challenging and is often confirmed through histopathological examination. Complete sur gical resection is the best treatment option to achieve disease-free survival.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 38(3): 474-482, Mayo 8, 2023. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1438425


Introducción. En pacientes con diagnóstico de colecistitis aguda tratados con colecistostomía, el tiempo óptimo de duración de la terapia antibiótica es desconocido. El objetivo de este trabajo fue comparar los resultados clínicos en pacientes con diagnóstico de colecistitis aguda manejados inicialmente con colecistostomía y que recibieron cursos cortos de antibióticos (7 días o menos) versus cursos largos (más de 7 días). Métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio de cohorte observacional, retrospectivo, que incluyó pacientes con diagnóstico de colecistitis aguda manejados con colecistostomía, que recibieron tratamiento antibiótico. Se hizo un análisis univariado y de regresión logística para evaluar la asociación de variables clínicas con la duración del tratamiento antibiótico. El desenlace primario por evaluar fue la mortalidad a 30 días. Resultados. Se incluyeron 72 pacientes. El 25 % (n=18) recibieron terapia antibiótica por 7 días o menos y el 75 % (n=54) recibieron más de 7 días. No hubo diferencias significativas en la mortalidad a 30 días entre los dos grupos ni en las demás variables estudiadas. La duración de la antibioticoterapia no influyó en la mortalidad a 30 días (OR 0,956; IC95% 0,797 - 1,146). Conclusión. No hay diferencias significativas en los desenlaces clínicos de los pacientes con colecistitis aguda que son sometidos a colecistostomía y que reciben cursos cortos de antibióticos en comparación con cursos largos

Introduction.In patients with acute cholecystitis who receive treatment with cholecystostomy, the optimal duration of antibiotic therapy is unknown. The objective of this study is to compare short courses of antibiotics (7 days or less) with long courses (more than 7 days) in this population. Methods. We performed a retrospective observational cohort study which included patients diagnosed with acute cholecystitis, who received antibiotic therapy and were taken to cholecystostomy. Univariate analysis and logistic regression were performed to evaluate the association between clinical variables and the duration. The main outcome evaluated was 30-day mortality. Results. Seventy-two patients were included, 25% (n=18) were given 7 or fewer days of antibiotics while 75% (n=54) were given them for more than 7 days. Demographic data between both groups were similar (age, severity of cholecystitis, comorbidities). There were no significant differences in 30-day mortality between both groups. Antibiotic duration did not influence mortality at 30 days (OR 0.956, 95% CI 0.797 - 1.146). Conclusion. There are no significant differences in the clinical outcomes of patients with acute cholecystitis who undergo cholecystostomy and receive short courses of antibiotics compared to long courses

Humains , Cholécystostomie , Cholécystite aigüe , Antibactériens , Lithiase biliaire , Cholécystite alithiasique , Vésicule biliaire
Revista Digital de Postgrado ; 12(1): 354, abr. 2023. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1451863


Objetivo: Caracterizar el tratamiento laparoscópico de pacientes con colecistitis difícil en el Servicio de Cirugía I del Hospital Universitario de Caracas durante el quinquenio2017-2021. Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo, observacional, descriptivo y de corte transversal. Muestra de tipo no probabilístico por conveniencia, seleccionada de la base de datos del Departamento de Historias Médicas del Hospital Universitario de Caracas. El análisis estadístico se realizó con el programa SPSS en su versión 26. Resultados: se recolectaron61 Historias Clínicas con características de colecistectomías laparoscópicas difíciles, el grupo etario más numeroso con67,19%, fue entre 30-59 años; sexo predominante: el femenino con 85,2%; el 42,62% de los pacientes presentaron a su ingreso: litiasis vesicular simple, el cólico vesicular persistente fue la complicación más frecuente con 31,23%. El 65,57% se ubicó en Grado I según Nassar como hallazgo intraoperatorio más frecuente, y según Parkland el 75,40% en grado I, sin individuos afectados con Grado V. Todos los casos fueron tratados quirúrgicamente (colecistectomía laparoscópica total).Conclusión: el total de los pacientes sometidos a tratamiento quirúrgico con hallazgos de colecistectomía laparoscópica difícil, se completó mediante colecistectomía laparoscópica total(AU)

Objective: To characterize the surgical treatment of difficult cholecystectomy in the Chair of Clinical and Surgical therapeutics "A" / Surgery Service I of the University Hospital of Caracas during the five-year period 2017 -2021.Methods: A retrospective, observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study will be carried out. The sample will be of anon-probabilistic type for convenience, selecting from the listof patients in the database of the Department of Medical Records of the Hospital Universitario de Caracas. The statistical analyzes will be carried out with the SPSS program in its version 26. Results: 61 difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomies were observed, the most frequent age group with 67.19%, was between 30-59 years, the female sex with 85.2% was the predominantone. 42.62% of the admission diagnoses were simple gallstones, followed by persistent gallbladder colic as the most frequent complication with 31.23%. 65.57% represent Grade I accordingto Nassar as the most frequent intraoperative finding and according to Parkland 75.40% represented by grade I, leaving Grade V without affected individuals. 100% of the sample were surgically treated by total laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Conclusion: the total number of patients undergoing surgical treatment with difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomy findingswas completed by total laparoscopic cholecystectomy(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Conduits biliaires , Cholécystectomie laparoscopique